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I was like tell me that's kilometers per hour because that's nuts. Then, I did the conversion. It's still nuts.


What are the freedom units?


Around 200 mph




Yeah those chassis are not built for that road speed, Plaid or not. The amount of fighting against that steering wheel that guy is doing must be insane. That thing has barely any downforce, any movement of the steering wheel probably can’t recover the car if it starts to drift. Is it fine on a drag strip? Yeah. But that’s an extremely sticky prepped surface where you don’t need to turn. A road with bumps, cracks, turns, etc… it’s not meant for it at 200+MPH.


There was a moment at 325 where it looked like the car was starting to squirrel around on him cause he adjusted the wheel, and I thought that was going to be the end


I clenched my teeth when he started pointing at the screen at 300km/h..


My booty hole puckered...then again I'm on the toilet, sooo....


Some say he's still wiping.


Many years ago Top Gear tested the Koenigsegg on their test track. It was one of the rare times and perhaps the only time the Stig lost control of the car. They said it would probably be a lot better with a spoiler. So Koenigsegg takes it back to Sweden, throws a spoiler on it and the car went back to Top Gear and iirc it demolished everything on the leaderboard. The handling system Koenigsegg has on their cars nowadays is absolutely nuts. You can jerk the wheel violently at high speed and the computer is still able to keep the car going straight. Probably one of the few hypercars that anybody could jump into and take it to a very high speed.




Yeah I was gonna say it sounds a bit far fetched that after one test run with the Stig they were like ‘d’oh we forgot to put a spoiler on it, all those hours in the wind tunnel and we forgot the spoiler! Silly us!’.


One of the few supercars where I think the price is somewhat justified. Their 3-cylinder twin turbo hybrid "daily driver" Gemera 4 door supercar produces 1700hp, and that's the low horsepower model. The V8 version makes 2300hp. YT has some great mini docs about the factory and engineering


christian (founder & ceo) is a proper car guy and it shows.


I wish he'd respond to my adoption requests


Him still having and driving an mx5 confirms this fact


Reasonable. In Japan, Mazda simply called it the Roadster. They knew when they'd achieved perfection.


Don't they have some manner of "infinite" gear on the One:1? Like it has one continuous power band like a CVT even tho it's not a CVT? Christian is nuts. Everything Elon wishes he could be. Dude does things I do not even comprehend and I fucking know cars, man


Not the One:1, the Regera doesn’t shift. From what I recall, it uses the electric motor as a torque converter. It’s pretty wild.


Yea, I think a simple description of it would be a variable torque converter. The CC850's transmission is amazing piece of design as well. Hydraulic clutch activated 6-speed manual, as well as a 9-speed automatic. About half the size of a DCT, has 7 clutches, yet handles 1400hp without shredding itself


Which is probably why those speeds are locked out of the normal model. This one had to be modified and ''unlocked'' to reach those speeds.


That’s bonkers to me. I understand why people would buy the plaid, it’s fast on a drag strip and from a stop and it’s fun. It really can’t be that fun questioning whether you’re going to die or not when it’s fully unlocked and you have no grip.


Bugatti has a speed key. A whole other key to unlock the extra performance in some models.


even for a billionaire, those tires are too expensive to have your kid out there fucking them up lol edit : /s /s /s like no fucking shit $35k tires aren't too expensive for a billionaire.


Wonder what the tires are rated for? Everyone always forgets that but it's maybe the most important part of the car at that speed. Most tires have an upper limit where the forces start to tear the layers apart, and only specially engineered ones go up over 200mph. Even really high end sport tires usually are only rated for 150-160mph or so.


Didn't Bugatti have to engineer a new kind of tire for the Veyron because nothing could take the top speed without basically disintegrating?


Not to be a giant bummer, but it's still haunting me: My mom just embalmed/prepped a kid whose hatchback was t-boned by a Tesla going nearly 200 mph. The parents wanted an open casket and we had to pretty much beg them to reconsider because he barely looked human, even with my mom's world-class skill at reconstructing.


I got a previous car to 138 on an empty north Dakota road and it was terrifying, and that car was at least ostensibly built for speed


200 bald eagles per hamburger






203 freedom units per hour


About 2 and a half git ‘er dones


Which is approximately 1.5 full sends


About 200 yellow school buses running on a football field


454 Moochies Per Mile


205mph. That's crazy


A football field per second.


isnt that around the speed of a commercial air plane taking off?


Yeah, that's about right, give or take based on aircraft type and loading. 140-170 knots is about 200mph. *Edit: I included a range of speeds to demonstrate that commercial aircraft will take off at different speeds, but 200 mph works out to ~170 knots. My wording could have been better.*


You can drop the 140 from that comparison. 200mph is approx 174 knots (173.7....)


I gave a range of speeds because smaller, lighter aircraft don't have to do 173.7 knots to get airborne.


Yeah, I can't do km/h-mph conversions, but I do know what some speeds are. 140km/h is about 90-odd mph, 300k is 186mph, stuff like that. As soon as I saw it get into the 280s I was like, "yeah, nah, bro's fucking booking it."


60mph is about 100kmh.


Even on the Autobahn, driven by an experienced driver, that's crazy. Safer to do it in a runway or track or something.


Jup, the people on the right lane will think: Oh, left lane is empty, just a car some 100 m away. Let's change the lane. And then you crash into them. On the Autobahn you expect fast cars on the left lane, like 200 km/h. But you don't expect 320 and therefore its very dangerous to drive at this speed. Beside that driving at this speed on a small lane is dangerous at itself.


Have lived in Germany and can confirm. There were many times on the autobahn that I looked in my rear view mirror and saw nothing, only to get passed a couple seconds later. I’ve also come up on accident scenes that were basically just debris fields.


This. I remember rolling along the autobahn in a rental car at 160 kph. All by my lonesome. Then, out of nowhere, a Porsche 911 gt3 rocketed right past me as if I were standing still. It was shockingly quick. The sight and sound of it I will never forget.


That's one of the "rules". No matter how fast you're going, there's always someone faster than you.


Insert sr-71 story, aspen 20


Can't remember how many times I listened to or read that story, but still am not tired of it.


I remember the 5+ lanes leading into Frankfurt...stay right bro unless you're literally doing 250k plus. I drove a 750i 5.7l at 250k regular, but only on the bahns (and lanes) made for that speed. Did ride with a buddy in his Porsche Targa on the A6 to Saarbrucken; we got up to this speed plus. Felt like I was in the old Hot Rod Lincoln song.


Kinda crazy to think about. I understand not trying to slow the fast lane down, but no max speed limit? how about 150 kph? 200? or 250? Calculate it based on the average speed of the right lane, because accident happen when people change lane. It's just totally insane to me.


As a German, I've always been for a limit, but not at 120-140 [75-85mph] as most other pro-limit people propose, instead I'd prefer it around the 180-200 [110-125mph] mark. That way you can still go fast as fuck, faster than in most (if not all) other countries, but you can't go 300+ [185mph], or 400+ [250mph] as [that one Bugatti driver](https://youtu.be/7pg1hhW5qhM). Because that's just insane, that has an extreme risk of fatal crashes even if you're surrounded by only cautious drivers (which you aren't). But I also have to add, when you go that fast you'll most likely get a major share of the fault/guilt when an accident occurs, similar to speeding in other countries. The difference here is just that you won't get punished as long as you don't have an accident.


I am an American who was once living in Canada, visiting my girlfriend in Denmark, and we were driving to the Netherlands through Germany. I hit the autobahn and thought “haha I’m going 200 kph I should be in the left lane” only to have someone in a Porsche ride my ass 2 meters back at 200 kph. It’s kinda crazy that someone who’s not trained to drive on the autobahn can show up and rent an Audi and hop on an unlimited speed highway. Edit: my whole point was that I learned very quickly that I should only be in the left lane to pass someone. You can stop telling me not to sit in the left lane; I learned my lesson.


Should never be in the left lane unless you are currently overtaking someone. You have to get into the furthest right lane by law.


I've heard from some Americans that it's not like that at all in the US/Canada, and that you can even over take people in the right lane. Kind of scary.


Those people are terrible drivers because the left lane is for passing. You’re supposed to get back right soon after you pass. And while not against the law you should never pass on the right because people don’t expect it. It’s taught in all driving classes. In the U.S.


Yes but so many people sit in the left lane. We really needed stricter enforcement of passing lanes. That's the only reason anyone ever passes in the right is cause idiots are in the left.


You are not supposed to pass people while in the right lane. However, you are also not supposed to coast in the left lane, and that is why people overtake on the right. Everyone drives like an asshole.




You don't stay in it for as long as no-one is coming up behind you. You stay in it the least amount of time necessary to complete whatever maneuver you are doing safely. The Right lane is where you should always be, and you need a reason to go into the left lane.


> It’s kinda crazy that someone who’s not trained to drive on the autobahn can show up and rent an Audi and hop on an unlimited speed highway. They rely on people having at least a slight sense of responsibility for anyone other than themselves.


Have you met people?


At those speeds, it is likely that your estate gets a major share of the fault. I recall in Canada the speed law was something like "posted limit or speed appropriate to the driving conditions". And the presence of other vehicles (and going half his speed) would mean that 320 kmh was not appropriate.


At 150+ you automatically get partial blame.


I’m a German who used to drive a lot on the autobahn because of work and let me tell you: I think it’s really crazy too but it just works somehow. I nearly died a couple times going 200+ in the left lane but whatever


That's why you're actually taught to at least take two looks before switching lanes. Do get a feeling of how fast the other vehicles on the left lane are when you see how far they've traveled within a second or two


I don’t think that logic works. The Tesla seems to have reached a speed of 328km/hr. Say you are going 150 km/hr in the right lane. Say you want to past the car in front of you. You check the left lane. Your left side view mirror, as per regulations, can see 60 m behind you. You look again. Still nothing. You go to the left lane. Crash. At a speed difference of 178km/hr, the faster car is closing in at 50m/s. The faster car is “invisible” at 60m. If they are paying attention and see the lane changer, it takes about 0.75s to start applying the brake. That’s 37.5m. I think that is a Tesla Cybertruck. It takes around 3s for it to slow down by 80km/hr. Doing some napkin math with interpolation, the Tesla will hit the car in front of it at about 320km/hr.


Your calculations are not wrong, but the assuption: >can see 60 m behind you Is wrong. It's a highway, meaning no sharp turns so the visibility in the mirror is the same as normal view (endless unless obstracted). You can see on a clear day a car 1km away, the problem is that it's only a little speck and with speed that speck will grow larger very fast.


Right argument wrong car. This is an Model S Plaid with Carbon/Ceramic Brakes (after this upgrade from an Tesla service center the software is unlocked to allow the car to drive it's max Speed ->320kmh)


What the fuck kind of side mirror can see only 60m? You can see headlights for at least a kilometer on a straight road. Even with no lights, it's still at least 10 times that. Also that's not a cybertruck, lol.


Not a Cybertruck. Probably Model S, maybe X.


We knew a couple from Germany and being able to judge speed in a mirror is something that they have a much higher aptitude for than us at least in North America. It’s not really a skill we’ve had to learn. This is still insane and terribly dangerous.


320 km/h... The feeling of what it must be for those who did so on the Wangan. The closest I get to that feeling is a stretch of curving highway in my city where you can drive 80 mph constantly with high-grip tires feeling high G forces around the curves. The one time I did I met a Porsche driving that highway and followed at a distance at the same pace.


This dude is a fucking moron. I still remember when he just stopped right on the autobahn so he could do a start from 0 in his videos. I have no clue why he still has his drivers license.


Yeah, drove a Model X Plaid one German Autobahn a couple of times but never pass someone with more then 220kmh for sure not on a two lanes Autobahn


I hate it if need to travel to germany and someone else is driving. More often than not the inexperienced driver thinks he must ride at the top speed of the rental POS at all times.


I was once late for my flight and I had to order a taxi service that would take me to the airport in Frankfurt. I asked the lady at my hotel reception for help and she said she knows just the guy who can pick me up. I paid 200 euros which was a lot for a cab ride, even in Germany, and a middle age dude showed up in a Audi RSQ8. I jumped in and he went on the autobahn. I was in the back but I could felt the SUV shaking quite a bit, which was unusual because the Q8 is a big ass luxury vehicle. I peeked at the speedometer and we were going just under 300 kph. Occasionally he had to slow down because there a slower vehicle in front of him going only 250kph. My trip, which was supposed to take 2 hours, ended up being less than 45 mins.


We had a similar experience though I think it was closer to 200kph. I was not ready for that bs at 5am.


Thats basically cruise speed in germany. Up to 220 a lot of autobahn experienced drivers will fiddle with radio stations or even roll cigarettes while driving.


Isn't that really bad for gas mileage lol


Maybe that's why I paid 200 euros for some middle age man to drive his tuned SUV like a maniac.


200 euro sounds like an absolute steal then!


average travel bus experience in indonesia fast and furius


> tuned rsq8 will do 300 stock, it needs to be "unlocked" though, it's limited to 250 from the factory.


So it wasn’t upgraded, it was tuned…


“UHHH ACTUALLY IT CAN DO IT ON STOCK IF YOU MODIFY THE STOCK” is one of the redditiest comments ever commented. truly /r/redditmoment


IIRC optimized speed for gas mileage is around 50-55 mph. Engine is working optimally at that point. Going faster adds more wind resistance than the efficiency gains of traveling at speed. The faster you go the worse the efficiency. But it's been a long time since I actually looked into it, and I have no idea what it means for an electric car but I would assume the same principle holds for the energy it takes to go that fast.


cars are more efficient now, usually it’s more like 40mph or even less for small engines and 20mph for electric cars. But the hit is not very noticeable until 60mph+


Where were you coming from? Must have been a time with very little traffic as you usually can’t go this fast around here at daytime.


Raq8 is a dam fine suv. Dam fast too. 500+ hp.


“Haha, that’s sick” *turns slightly too far to the right and disintegrates*


I didn’t know I could hold my breath that long!


Right? That’s how I knew this was the sub. I kept waiting and thinking, “There’s no way…”


I was thinking this was VR or a very high end sim because of some of the graphics there…


Which car?


Tesla Model S Plaid.


[I just realized that's a Spaceballs reference.](https://youtu.be/mk7VWcuVOf0?si=2W8zqdzIPLmjxY5P)


Yep, it even plays the animation in [Plaid Mode ](https://youtu.be/i9Mq9GMi0QA?si=8XzWLazC-QbclTIX)


Nice. I wanna see a list of all references used by Tesla. The HAL 9000 and Portal Turret for Sentry Mode are my favorites so far.


They use a ton of little references here and there, but two that are relevant here is that the fastest version of the old Model S was the Ludicrous and they're supposedly about to bring out a Ludicrous Model 3. The first Cybertrucks going to customers are called the Foundation Series after Asimov's books.


In a Tesla, the volume goes up to 11.


The Space-X landing barges use space ship names from The Culture books written by Iain M Banks.


smoke if ya got em


plaid has yoke though, innit?


Tesla offers the yoke as an option now. Regular steering wheel is standard.


ah thanks didnt know


This one also must have the track package to get to get the 200 MPH speed. That is an additional 15k to 20k additional to the purchase price


He will get overtaken in that by some German upper/middle manager in a top end S class. Doesn’t matter who you are on the autobahn, Franz is up your ass in a four door saloon flashing his lights


Nah It will be some work van that will flash his high beams


I was like, you made your point, slow down already.


No gotta risk my life, and other peoples lives, to make a video people will forget about in 24 hours.


I don't mind people risking their own life, but yeah, risking other people's lives makes this guy an absolute cunt.


Man if you crash at that speed. No amount of protection is gonna help you from becoming a pancake. The guy has wayyy too much trust in that car. Like even a small rock or something on the road hitting the tire would act like a bullet at that speed. This is just crazy risky and irresponsible to do on public roads.


>Man if you crash at that speed. No amount of protection is gonna help you from becoming a pancake. At that speed you're more likely to become a fine red mist than a pancake tbh


If you crash half that speed you'd be in need of a fair bit of luck to walk away. Even in a car with good safety standards 150km/h is a lot of force to handle.


I don’t think luck will be saving you at 320kmph/200mph… nothing will be left. Maybe some of the trunk


I’ve never driven faster than 220km/h myself and just watching this makes my knees feel weak.


my buddy hit 210 km/h in his beater stock honda going down a hill. The whole frame was rattling and it felt like the car would fall apart any second. i saw my life flash and looked over, he was just laughing like a maniac.


most cars dont go that fast anyway


328 km/hr is about 203 mph


what in tarnation, that doesn’t seem right or rational omg 😭 i would literally piss myself lol


Seems like a good way to discover the physics involved in striking a piece of tire shred at high speeds.


I was just waiting for some german dude who passes him in his old mercedes or bmw 🤣🤣


This fucker will kill himself one day. On that day, I pray no one else gets hurt.


But he's an eXpErIeNcEd dRiVeR


Worst part is he will still cost us money, insurance premiums go up because of people like this... not to mention the cost for the ambulance, cleanup of the wreckage, any damage he does to the road, etc. We also have money for the police to do the paper work, coroner, storage of the body, transportation of the wreck to a nearby holding facility, lot fees, final disposal fee. That one accident could cost people in the area tens of thousands of dollars. All because one jerk wanted to show off.


What if Bambi jumps out?


I don't mind you killing yourself. (Although emergency services surely don't enjoy the 10.000 pieces human body puzzle) But this is just putting others in danger. This is irresponsible af und unacceptable in my opinion.


As a German I hate these assholes that are using the Autobahn like a fucking race track. And I hate our government for doing nothing to stop this crazy behavior. I've seen so many accidents here that were caused by reckless drivers thinking they can take their race car for a spin here. I have no idea what's going on in their head. There are other people driving there and you fucking risk their live and your own live if you're going faster than 180-200 here. We have so many trucks on our roads that are overtaking other trucks at around 90 kmh on the middle lane. So all the cars driving 100-120 on the middle lane switch to the left lane. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that it's probably a bad idea to go 200+ if other people will regularly pull into your lane with 120. Plus we have so many old people on our roads that never signal a lane switch or look in the back-mirror. I've had plenty of dangerous situations going 150-160 and people pulling to the left lane in front of me because the truck drivers are blocking the other two lanes. It's fucking idiotic!


As a German you surely know, that this guy even has his caravan attached


I worked weekdays in Germany for a while, and the amount and severity of crashes on the free-speed autobahn parts never ceased to baffle me. I was told by a german coworker that suggesting an absolute speedlimit on the Autobahn was the german equivilent of proposing gun restrictions in the USA. Most people were for it, but the very vocal minority had the power to turn the election for any politician bold enough to suggest it.


203 MPH for all you imperialist out there


This is why we can't have nice things. There's always some idiot: "...this knife is sooo sharp. It's just crazy how it pierces my eye when I place the point against it and run toward the wall".


I couldn’t imagine a car flying by me at 204 MPH on the highway. That autobahn is wild.


…and it’s also extremely rare you will see somebody going that fast on the autobahn….because only stupid fucks that don’t care for their own safety or the safety of other drive that fast on the autobahn. Probably to compensate for their small dicks. Go to a fucking race track if you want to do that. Doing that on a public street with other cars around is just irresponsible. I hate these people.


Over 300km/h is rare, because most people don't own Sports cars, but going 230 - 250km/h is a daily occurrence.


328kmh. Please use units of normal human beings




1000 meters, which is 1000x 1 meter, which is 100cm, which is 100x 1cm, which is 10mm and so on, quite the useful system 😭🤣


Even if I had a car that can go that fast I would never do it. Was a co-driver twice with people who went past 300km/h and I hated every second of it. Too much can go wrong.


I love German autobhans


Fastest I’ve done on the Autobahn was 230 kph, around 143 mph, and that was on a nearly empty autobahn that was completely straight, allowing me to see far ahead. I did that twice, on two different occasions and on different stretches of the Autobahn. First time I accelerated, then decelerated. The second time, the stretch was longer, and I kept going at 230 kph for two or three minutes before decelerating again. I have rarely been that tense in my life. I am very comfortable driving between 120-180 kph (~75-113 mph), depending on road, weather and traffic conditions. Anything above that is beyond my zone of comfort. I can’t imagine going 100 kph faster than that, it’s insane, and it’s not safe. Not on a public road.


Wat een malloot


The following submission statement was provided by u/Cold_Zero_: --- >!Will this Tesla Model S Plaid maintain control at over 200 mph (328 kmh) or will it run off the Autobahn and be reduced to dust?!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have owned many Sportstars in my life (Aston DB9, Ferrari 599, E46 M3, you name it). Recently a family friend got a Model S and I got to drive it. It feels like it’s made by people that don’t understand what makes driving fun. It’s cool on a straight line, but the moment you start turning the wheel you realize that almost no thought went into the drive. It feels like driving in a Videogame and it’s scary and unpredictable. You can even see it in this video. The car seems to slide once he goes over 200 km/h. Why? That’s like a good German autobahn speed and totally common even in a VW Passat oder Skoda Superb. It’s so unbelievably shitty and I can’t understand how anyone that likes to drive would buy something like that.


OK, I'm speeding now: Good luck everyone else!


Are those the guys from AutoTopNL?


I was holding my breath almost the entire time holy.


This guy is Dutch as fuck


Is that a fucking tesla??? Holy crap


This looks like a computer game… damn…


I once drove 212 km/h 10 years ago and I still haven't released my grip on the steering wheel


The slightest hiccup and this guy is dead. That's worse than stupid to do that on a public highway. Autobhan or not.


I guess the other people in the road are just decoration to him


Made my hands and feet sweat.


What a fucking asshole. You can kill yourself without risking other people's lives too buddy


When I saw his right thumb hooked in, I winced. I was in a wreck two years ago in a Nissan Frontier. Airbag deployed, and it broke a bone where the thumb meets the wrist. Half a bone, an anchor screw, and a $16,000 surgery later, I don't recommend hooking your thumb under your steering wheel.




Going 328 km/h in a plastic piece of crap like the Tesla is crazy. I went 260 before in a 2.5 tonnes Mercedes C43 (passenger) and I felt unsafe. This is just madness


Model S are surprisingly stable. No frame twist, very low center of gravity. Not justifying this person doing this on a public road, he should be in a track, but the car has no issues with speed. Source: done drag races and EV track days in 2018 and 2023 plaid ludicrous S. I'm no professional driver, but the cars were hilariously easy to get around the track with quickness. Was grinning for days.


What car is this?


tesla model s plaid


I can't imagine going that fast. I hit 224 kmh and even then I was sweating it.


What car is this?


Was that the Stig?


I was just chuckling to myself as I imagined looking over to the side, and Golden Boy is out-pedaling it on his bike


That's craaaazy! 🫣


That's fucking terrifying and I've driven at peak autobahn speeds.


Isn't that fkn porn on the screen.


Puts up a don’t try this cuz I’m super awesome driver text - yet is willing to endanger every other person on the road. It’s not impressive, just irresponsible.


There are a lot of people not realizing this is on the autobahn...


Never pass another vehicle at +20. Fucking dangerous at any speed.


someone once drove me in a car at like 95mph (without my consent lol) on a decently busy american highway, and it was terrifying. you hit someone at 320kph and both they and you will literally explode.


The world always needs organ donors. Hopefully, this jackass doesn’t turn the innocent drivers around him into organ donors too.


Words fail. The irresponsible action here. What if he screwed the pooch near one of those cars? He is TA.


I mean, kill yourself however you like it but don't put other people in danger just to earn internet points




Imagine how it is boring for him to drive 100km


"If I crash, I want to make sure I die."


I read an article once embracing the spiderman aphorism, "with great power comes great responsibility." If I remember right, the author was reminiscent of the challenge it used to be to find joy in rowing your own gears, building RPMs, and being able to throw a car into a turn. He was lamenting over the consumers' ability to purchase a car with tremendous horsepower, paired with an automatic transmission and no respect for what that car can really do. And then there's this video.


i didn't know car could go that fast no meme


Funny how when he stops his experiment, he goes from 328km/h back to what seems to be to him a normal speed as before starting... But he's still at170ish km/h 😅


maybe look cool or maybe kill a family


This is so reckless and careless of life. Ridiculous


nah that’s just plain stupid and dangerous, do that on a track not on public roads (i know it’s the autobahn but that’s still way over the line)


Don’t care what road he’s driving on. People like this are reckless idiots that have no regard for anyone else’s safety. Go risk your stupid life on a track and leave me out of it.


That’s reckless driving coulda killed someone


328kmh = 203 mph


That’s 204 mph for the Neanderthals.


How to die tutorial


Anybody know the type of car he's driving?


Tesla model S plaid


Germans: *scratching head in confusion* "What's the big deal here?"


No respect for other's life. A total jerk


Call me a boring asshole, but outside of racing, what’s the reason a car needs to go that fast? It’s just putting people’s lives in danger. I’m just imagining him slamming into someone who has their children in the back seat. When I’m driving, I like to minimize my life depending on some stranger’s bad judgement.


Those guys are often the reason for deadly accidents. I am German and I can only say: fuck off