• By -


ESTJ and ESFP for E INTP and INFP for I


Definitely infp


ESTP - what? they just have a thought? definitely ENTP!!!! Waiit... They just said something witty? NO WAY - ENTP!... wait.... did they just have a philosophy discussion? ENTP!!! ESTP not interested in that, they only do!!!


Same with ISFP or even just sensor types in general. It's like they forget they have Ni in their stack even if it's lower... šŸ™„ God forbid I have an abstract thought lmfao


Fr fr!!!šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


This may not be the same thing as being most stereotyped, but people seem to attach hateful labels to very superficial understandings to either of the ESXJ types.


All of them, once they are seen/portrayed as character tropes


Honestly this. I feel like sensors have a particularly bad rep though tbh


Probably us and ENFJ and both are awful stereotypes. šŸ’€šŸ’” Edit:i forgot to add ENTPs


Isfp, weā€™re not a dumb ass!


Does anyone think that? I mean, unless you didnā€™t intend for your post to contain subject-verb disagreement as a joke, Iā€™ve never seen anything hint at that. And grammar mistakes donā€™t mean ā€œdumb assā€ much of the time. It often means just a momentary lapse in observational skills or focus or ADHDā€”both are true in my case when I make errors in writing. Now that weā€™ve gotten that out of the way. I see (and I thought this was the consensus) ISFPā€™s as creative, artistic, and deep people who can build/make a lot of cool shi* with their hands. They also have keen aesthetics and make things beautiful. Theyā€™re gentle, make space for others, have a calming presence, try to get everyone to get along, and stick to their guns. Having a strong sense of integrity is of more value to me than just being a sheep that goes along with whatever to maintain harmony.


Yo, thank you for saying that but iā€™m just not a native speaker..


Yeah, you guys rule. And good on you for learning a new language and being able communicate with itā€”we all have jumblesā€”I do in my MY OWN language lol, and I only know oneā€”so no judgement from me!


I think they all tend to be heavily stereotyped, but I think if I had to say, the most heavily stereotyped ones are probably INTP, INFP, INTJ, INFJ, ENTP and ENFP. As these tend to be the types that are given most of the focus in the MBTI community, their stereotypes tend to be a lot more talked about than those of most other types. These are the types that are most often portrayed as the "weirdos" based on stereotypes. ENTJ and ENFJ are stereotyped too but their stereotypes tend to present them as a lot more well adjusted to the real world than the stereotypes of other intuitives. And then most of the Sensors are mainly stereotyped as being "normal", even if they do have some other stereotypes associated with each one.


Yeah, NOT ALL INTP'S ARE EINSTIEN, (THIS IS PATRICK) Aso yes, patrick star is an INTP :)


Yeah, Patrick's actually one of my favorite examples of an INTP that defies quite a few INTP stereotypes.


He always gave me ā€œsavantā€ vibes


Yeah Tru, Patrick could be an INTP with brain damage


Could totally see that


The stereotypes had me questioning about my MBTI a lot ā€¦. But that was before I read cognitive functions. Now Iā€™m certain I know what my type is


i believe patrick star to be an isfp šŸ¤


Why did they downvote you for this? Are you supposed to not share your opinions anymore?


no clue šŸ˜ž


I didn't down vote you, you get an up vote from me tho


I might have one, they did not like that your views did not align theirs (or what anyone else says regardless of how the character or the type is supposed to be like) so they got annoyed and down voted you for something as mundane as suggesting a character from a fixiomtal cartoon about talking sea life is a different type than the consensus(that's IS wrong, Patrick is NOT an intp, he is much closer aligned in functions with an ISFP than an INTP imho)




But he's just a really stupid INTP


perhaps, but I find the "tubby" scene the biggest piece of evidence he is not a Ti user/hj


All of them equally. It could depend on if the stereotype is positive or negative, in which case the answer is still the same.


Yeah, Valid point there, fellow INTP


INFPs like me got stereotyped alot


Yeah, feelers don't mean crybaby's, they mean they have a big emotional capacity, and alot of empathy and sympathy! Honestly, I feel like some thinking types are more prone to crying due to not having a strong sense of FI or FE


Definitely ESFP or ISFP


I think the whole introverted / extroverted spectrum. I say Iā€™m an ESFP who likes to stay in and I get replies about being mistyped as if that doesnā€™t change me from a [Ni inferior to a Te inferior.](https://practicaltyping.com/2019/09/17/the-inferior-functions-an-overview/) Thatā€™s a radically different thing and only makes sense if you rely on on the four letter system + stereotypes.








Intp and infp. Every into and infp is pretty obviously and shared stereotypes a lot. The overthinking, the awkward, the bunny ear lawyer. They are super smart and fun if they aint stuck in life. If they has bed life phases, they can sound super whiney. INFJ on the other hand...i never met one who called themselves INFJ acts like stereotypes INFJ. Either i worship the concept of INFJ too much or people mistyped themselves. My circle of ten friends, 7 friends would typed themselves as Infj ....which is sus. I know one INTJ that is very intj as well.


ESFPā€”the Neanderthals, vapid Valley girls and moronic, shallow Kens of MBTI. And we all play sports. I willl say the whole partying thing is valid. But we can also be very intelligent, kind and empathetic, compassionate and supportive of others, very enthusiastic and filled with awe and wonder for life and the little things, deep and insightful, talented in the arts, music, dance, theater, and they say sports (for me personally that does not applyā€”Iā€™m a very coordinated dancer, which was a huge part of my life in the last, but throw a ball at me and watch what happensā€¦), connected to nature and animals, and able to read people and ā€œvibesā€ super accurately.


Isn't Luffy one? He is pretty cool


Who now?


Idk, some pirate dude


ESFPs are amazing.


YOU are AMAZING! Weā€™re all fu*king amazing! Even the TJā€™s! Love and protect nature and our Mother Earth! Pet an animal today! Save an abandoned baby squirrel! Give a tree a hug! Carpe diem and life is short, so might as well have a good time! Down with the corporations and big business! The War on Drugs is BS! Just be Fā€™ing niceā€”itā€™s not that hard, to thine own self be true, stand up for whatā€™s right, and rock the boat. Art and music and poetry are LIFE! Ride a horse as fast as you can across the glittering desert sands of Mexico! Sex, drugs, and ROCK ā€˜N ROLL! Thanks, Iā€™ve really been needing an audience for that.


Do you think stereotype means most hated for the same reasons? Or do you mean actually stereotyped in that, understanding of them is grossly misunderstood with widespread incorrect attribute simply spread and popularized by word of mouth?


From what I've seen, ESTJ and INFP


Everybodyā€™s going to say their type


Yeah, it's what they have the most experience and insight on tbf. Oh well lol


**\*THIS IS A LIST OF ALL STEREOTYPES I'VE SEEN FOR MBTI JUST TO HELP WITH YOUR ANSWER\*** INTP- Sleep-deprived geniuses who have no social life ENTP-Self-centered people who love starting arguments ENTJ-Bossy people who will infinitely judge you and correct you INTJ- Old man who plays too much chess ENFP-Psychopaths who are obsessed with people INFP-Crybaby's ENFJ-The main character who is obsessed with bothering people INFJ-Dumbledore ESTP-Drunks who are stupid and have no sense of control ISTP-Murderers ESFP-Same as ESTP ISFP-Artsy people who don't do anything but draw ESTJ-Same as ENTJ ISTJ-Nerds/Know-It-All's who are math teachers ESFJ-Baker's who look like they are about to invite you to a barbecue ISFJ-Doctor/Nurse who's sole purpose is to be there


Good question. I feel like they all are to some degree, but "the most"...? Maybe EXTJs & sensors, in general.




Considered to have no brains. Used as an insult on PDB voting. Used to take down important issues or people. It's just all round fucked up. Even though both Se and Fi are quite advanced and sophisticated functions and require a great deal of intuitive and logistical intelligence to perform.


I feel like every type experiences this problem acutely. In my experience it is ENTP but I haven't seen as many stereotypes for the other types.