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Ne makes me feel like I have ADHD when I try to analyze my past behaviors




Hi guys :/


Hi :/


True A lot of people think they have ADHD while they are just ENFPs lol


Having Ne and having ADHD are not mutually exclusive though. One could even argue that they are the same thing just with different names depending on whether you’re talking about personality type or psychiatry


The thing is ADHD makes a big deal with not being able to focus at all being an ENFP you can focus but you are so moody that's it. Some people connect being moody to having an ADHD . while you can have ADHD in one case which you really cannot focus in any circumstances


Can confirm. I don’t have ADHD, but I thought I did.


i weirdly really like it tho


I have ADHD and Ne. My life is a whirlwind of forgetfulness and disorganization 😂


Try be a Ne dom, trying to control Ne. It is the ultimate agnostic function. In your good days it will give you insights that propel you forward at warp speed. In the worst of days it'll cripple you with overwhelming overthinking and anxiety. It however, cares for neither and leaves you to deal with the consequences, whether glorious or tragic.


Unbelievably accurate. Except swap the anxiety with hopelessness. Idk why but it seems for me (maybe it’s an Ne w Fi thing) that the overthinking pushes me right off a cliff into my worst nightmares and bringing them into a possible (and eventually probable) reality by making certain variables true “by inference” that aren’t necessarily true. Worse is when you have no idea that you’re doing it and so you think it’s real insights.


That’s not “Ne” though. It’s definitely an auxiliary I-feeling *with* Ne thing, trust me! My intuition is solid, and very reliable, and consistent! Ne has no “feelings” on its own, it’s an “observation function” b/c it’s extroverted. That’s also why “looping” with Tert-Te is seen as such “a bad thing” b/c it makes making unethical decisions “easy” b/c we know what we *require* for a shortcut to our “desired outcome” Cuz of where it lands in the “stack“ in relation to our Primary, that makes it “unhealthy.” It’s “introverted feeling” which *can be* responsible for doubt, anxiety, paranoia etc……. Ne doesn’t really have “feelings” like emotions. It’s more akin to *Instincts.*


Ne can be very annoying, wanting to experience everything at once. For example, like right now, I can't decide what one thing to have for dinner because I want Thai, Mexican, sandwich, steak, and KFC all at once


Lmao!That's A real struggle man! 😂🤣


Having it secondary to Fi doesn’t help either. It’s sort of like trying to grab a garden hose shooting water at light speed.


I don’t have that problem with my “Ne.” She works like a charm! It’s My auxiliary “Fi” that gets me into trouble, most often! She *Loves* to try to cloud my judgment, and impair my primary “Ne.” Pretty much every bad decision I have ever made can boil down to giving my Aux Fi “Too much power.” That B*tch “Fi” is so insufferable, that I had to fully develop my #7 “Ti,” and pull it up to function #2 to keep “Fi” on a leash. I don’t like to “over-use Te” because I have no wish to loop, and become a domineering and egocentric bully. So, I had to become an ENFP/ ENxP split/ jumper to keep my brain Nice, and tidy! “Fi” is fine when it stays “balanced,” but I am a very traumatized person, so stress tends to *exacerbate* the negative qualities associated with “Fi.”


You forgot the paranoia and seeing a million negative possibilities that spiral until you come back to reality again


I mostly have difficult time with Fe and Te users but voted Fi. It's sometimes so exhausting deal with it.


As as fi user it's sometimes exhausting for me to deal with fi as well. 🧍


I can deal mildly well with Fi when the person is reasonable about it, but Fe is absolutely suffocating for me when it's dom or aux. It's like there's a complete psychological disconnect between me and the other person.








Yeah, I know


I completely understand how you feel. I know there are great ones out there, but every Fe dom I've known has either terrified me or made me want to die. I live with two Fi doms and it's worlds better than when I lived with one Fe dom.


Honestly. I'm sure they're great people on their own but they aren't for me. It's almost like some of them aren't authentic, and I don't feel emotionally secure with them.


Yeah my roomie is INTJ, and we are quite opposite when it comes to this 😂. We are good friends and get along well though.


Haha yeah, one of my close friends is INFJ. He's the only person, amongst some others, who understands me without having to know me for very long. This is great because I hate expressing my feelings outwardly so it's good he automatically knows. But arguments get nasty, and I can't deal well with Fe mindgames.


Sorry you’re dealing with that. Yes, I think it helps that I know when she’s struggling because she never wants to tell me. But we don’t really argue. We’ve had differences when it comes to how we handle things. It’s actually helpful because I can tell her it’s normal and okay to feel what she’s feeling, and she speaks logic into the moments I put my feelings aside to be what the people around me want or need. And we both listen to each other, but we have both also been through childhood trauma and had bad roomies in the past. So we both want harmony. :)


I’m not really sure if I play mind games…I hope not. I am personally working on healing from my past, so I can recognize when a reaction or response is my own issue vs. trying to get her to not do something when she’s not doing anything wrong.


Honestly it all boils down to self-awareness. I don't think my friend notices he's playing mindgames either, maybe it just comes naturally when you're extremely stressed. Like how I tend to get really mean when someone continuously annoys me with lack of logic, I get into that harsh Te mindset of "Do something about it or STFU"


Oh yes I see that. Lol. I just know she’s stressed when that happens, and I usually try to help her feel better by getting her chocolate and a note 😂. But yeah. I can see how it could just happen in stress, especially because I’m still working on knowing when to set good boundaries when I need to put myself first.


What do you mean by disconnect?


"What can we do about this, have you got any solutions?" "I don't know. [continues saying how their life sucks]" "???" I feel like I have an obligation to provide emotional support. However, my brain is just not wired that way. I can't help but give solutions, and (I suppose) to a Te blind IxFJ, this looks like I'm dismissing their problem.


Ahhh I get what you mean. I know exactly what you are talking about since I have an INTJ girlfriend. I observe this every time I'm kind of down XD


Jesus. Exactly! Sometimes they get so passive aggressive or they'll word things in a (what I personally think) dumb way. Or try to hint at things instead of getting to the point. "Can you grab me something?" Yes, what is it? "Can you grab me some eggs?" Yes, but how many? Etc etc. Or even, as an INFP, no comforting or solution giving can solve their bitching and moaning. Sorry. Great people, but I get annoyed.


"it's just my opinion" AHHHHHHHBHB


Hahaha, yeah that is painful and I hope that I'm not like that 💀..


I love My Fi so much I can't even explain. Because it sort of takes me a level above other. I can tell other people about what's ethical and what is wrong if they do not realise it. Fi makes me special because I need to feel deeply so that when I express it, it's valuable. and my Fi is the reason why I always respect myself so much. And others also respect me because of it. But honestly being Infp is really not magical in this universe. Because man I have a hard time getting through everything. I wonder if others feel the same way.


I'm happy you feel so good about you being Fi-dom, I just wanted to say that Fe types can also have their own moral code and respect for themselves. I think that Fe, when healthy, isn't all about fitting into society and being one of the group, rather about being yourself while also maintaining harmony within people who surround you and caring about others needs. Healthy Fe can be individualistic in a sense, just like healthy Fi isn't egoistic.




Same, can’t stand Fe doms lol.


What?! I like them. Especially ESFJs with strong Ne, they are on fleek


Maybe because a lot of Fe doms I know are just the unhealthy ones 😂 personal experience, don’t take it by heart.


Same. They have the potential to be very manipulative, and oftentimes Fi users perceive them as fake.


Indeed my comerade


Same 😅






The unhealthy ones, that’s true. Out of all unhealthy functions, unhealthy Fe is the worst. I used to have a friend, an unhealthy ENFJ. Bruh, the passive-aggressiveness and the need to get recognized is crazy. Like a faux façade. It’s just disturbing.


Agree. Fe users behave like this sometimes. It’s a second nature at this point, like an instinctive response. I’ve noticed that this behavior usually visible in group settings, but not in one-on-one situations.




Yep, there’s no actual social pressing, no expectations to be met. Fe user may seem like an entirely different person when you spend time with them with nobody else around. I can see see why Fi users see Fe as fake or superficial, but it’s not entirely correct. We’re just very attuned to an emotional atmosphere of the setting.




I think if there’s no actual damage done and if a person understands that they’re at fault, then it’s okay :) we’re people, we’re not infallible


Unhealthy Fe users play abusive games with people. One of my own anecdotes consist of an ISFJ who even sent false accusations to our mutual boss because I wouldn’t give her sex, because apparently I owed her favors since she recommended me as an employee from our uni class. That’s just *one* of the things she tried to pull, but it’s one of the easiest points to explain.




Thanks. I’m not going to fake bravado here - it was easily among the worst experiences of my life really. I was just 18 at the time, and I’ve had around ten years to come to terms, but I still have the occasional bitter memory. I sometimes feel stupid for not seeing any red flags, but there really weren’t any until I was already hired by the company, and I had to shred my contract and drop out of uni to get rid of this lunatic. It went from 0 to 100 within one day. I’m going to rant if I start offering more details (things got really weird), so I’ll spare you details you haven’t asked for and stop here.


Yeah, unhealthy Fe likes this kind of mind games. Especially Fe doms, they’re the best at it.


Interesting, I feel like the xNFJ's would be the best at the mind games (should one choose to partake in mind games). Ni is like, looking at patterns and could predict behaviors, using that to their advantage.


They could be. INFJs are usually less invested because their Fe and Ti can be equally developed, so the attention is directed elsewhere. ENFJ, though, is your typical cult leader figure. Insanely charismatic, have a vision, reads everyone to a T. Extremely dangerous and scary if unhealthy. ESFJs, I’ve noticed, are better at these games in a more of a…standard and habitual setting? Where an N type will go overboard and may be a bit lost, an S type will thrive.




My bad sorry


Te: I can naturally deal with another high Te user easily but it can cause a clash somewhat if I’m dealing with an over-exerting Te-Dom. That being said if we’re on the same page, they’re one of the few people who can have a completely openly honest and critical conversation with and won’t take it personally as they understand it’s just an observation and not meant as a personal attack. Ne: I like high Ne-users and credit where credit is due, they actually do have some pretty good ideas but they just need help making them a reality. The people I can spitball ideas to and they won’t chide you with a “that’s not practical” as they understand you’re just brainstorming and aren’t serious. Fi: Fi is fine as long as it isn’t overly self-indulgent, self-deprecating to a neurotic degree, and willing to die on hills of their own moral truth regardless of evidence to the contrary. The ones I do know tend to be pretty damn self-aware, they understand themselves well and relate to others through it. Ni: I think true Ni-doms(not intending to gatekeep or invoke the no true Scotsman fallacy) know they aren’t special and don’t feel the need to shove their Ni in everyone’s faces and that it doesn’t make them better than anyone else. That being said the internet ones suck ass, it’s like the mature ones need to check the immature/mistyped ones who think they know everything and perpetuate the stereotype that inxj’s are insufferable assholes.


I really appreciate what you said about Ni. I have seen plenty of these immature examples you spoke about, with bragging rights and all, not just by Ni doms but even when Ni was merely the tertiary function. Wanna hear one of the more absurd comments? "Ni = master class tier". lol For a lot of people the mbti is an excuse for their shortcomings and a compensation for their lack of achievements.


Truer words have never been said. Same for the ones who brag about their iq, wasting time figuring out how smart they are instead of doing something with said “intelligence”. Not trying to gatekeep again but it’s pretty easy for me to sus out INTJ larpers, as to me they show very poor Te usage such as not being able to properly formulate a conter-argument, lack of citations and source collecting, incoherent structure of writing, and taking things too personally as ideally Te should check Fi in being able to put aside personal feelings in the name of objectivity. But then again they could be looping or immature but their Te sucks too much to be in the 2nd nature position of the aux. As I’ve said, because of the nature of Ni, irl inxj’s know they’re not special as on the grander scale we’re all so inconsequential. I haven’t seen many isxp’s flexing their Ni at people but I could be wrong. Tert Ni would likely flex how well they can read in-between the lines or be attracted to mysticism? I’ve spoken with an istp once, and he said that’s what he wishes he were better at while I conversely wished my Se was better. I do have an esfp friend(we’re weirdly supplementary, it’s like viewing the exterior of your interior, I don’t think the tert/inf necessarily means bad at but what’s hidden below once a persons fully unsheathed) and a lot of his actions show a disdain for his inf Ni yet he claims he can “soul-read” people. It’s like objective typing on YouTube said about fronting your demons. Like how some inxj’s will try to appear opulent/athletic/ or overly practical to mask their inf Se. Or how ixxp’s will do stupid shit to impress people because of inf De(Fe, Te). Wanting to be popular for inf Fe, and wanting to appear on top of things for inf Te. Also ixfj’s trying to flex their Ti because they may feel insecure about their own intelligence( lower Ti insecurity), even moreso for the exfj’s.


Trust me, Ni-dominated spaces aren’t the only ones that are plagued with insufferable stereotypes.


My Te is inferior so I find it the most annoying.


Fe when it is dominant and the person want you to follow all sorts of manners.


Unhealthy Fi is the worst to yourself and to the people around you


Among other things, good and bad, Fi is a tremendous asset. With dominant Fi, things you experience are assigned emotions without even trying. From what it felt like shortly before your first breakup, to that feeling you had right before you made a decision to make a career change. Emotions can offer insight, clue you in to things that might yet happen, or let you know something isn’t quite right. You shouldn’t put all your eggs in that basket, further evaluation is needed to make a decision, but it does set off an alarm to let you know what to pay some attention to. In short, even unhealthy Fi really helps an individual.


> With dominant Fi, things you experience are assigned emotions without even trying. is that what that was???


I have an INFP friend and she is really good at analysing art and literature. She can instantly develop a theory about what the artist felt and wanted to say, whereas I'm mostly clueless. Appling emotional characteristics to objects really seem to help understanding other people's feeling.


Ne: the most annoying for the user (Imagine costantly having in your mind so many possibilities that you can't see them anymore) Fi: the most annoying for close friends (sometimes the direction Fi is headed can be destructive for relationships) Ni: the most annoying for other's images (Ni just runs automatically and collecting information to get an intuition that could also be totally wrong) Te: the most annoying for strangers/not close friends (sometimes it can look rude)


I think Fi is more annoying in group settings. Fi tends to be much more comfortable when 1-on-1. Michael Scott is a good example. He tends to come off as rude/insensitive in group settings, but then when he's talking to someone personally he's much nicer and more relatable (unless you are Toby)


Why is Toby the way that he is?


But Toby is an asshole anyway




I mean I did too...considering about 3 of our functions are there as choices... it's feels like an attack for some reason lmao.😵‍💫😂


I can't comprehend how anyone thinks Ne is annoying. Ne is what creates big ideas. Ne is why you're having your iPhone, your electric cars, the dream of going to Mars. Ne is where deep conversations are held, where the abstract is born. Ne is amazing.


I agree that Ne is amazing. But sometimes it’s just suffocating. Ne personally makes my overthinking worse, I can’t lay down without thinking about 10000 things at the same time. It’s sometimes exhausting and I wish I could shut down my brain for an hour.


Lmao for real. I love my NE but it’s annoying can’t deny it


We all have adhd 😔


you shouldn't say this even as a joke 😐😐


Amazingly and surprisingly anoying to explain others your viewpoints


To me Ne feels annoying in a way because it’s a never ending “what ifs” kind of thing. It’s hard sometimes for Ne users to focus on one thing and stay on a topic. It clashes a bit with my Ni. But don’t get me wrong, many of the best friends I have are ENFP.


Yeah sometimes its just like “PICK SOMETHING!”


Ne is my favourite


Ne is not annoying. I love all of your ideas and I wish I had the capacity to do them all.


RIGHT? I love my Ne even if sometimes it’s way too much but 😫 i respect it




Ne rocks and I’d love to try it - but if the Ne user is an immature dickhead then they’ll use it in a shitty way. By that I mean, e.g: seeing things that aren’t even there (seeing someone act a certain way and being CONVINCED that the person has these and those “bad intentions”, completely misinterpreting the behaviour and giving something meaningless another meaning) or putting words into others’ mouths. On the flip side, that can be really beautiful in storytelling and art.


Ah yes, the classic Fi hate based on pure ignorance. I already knew the answer before I even voted.


In my experience, high Ni users can be a little detached from reality and think they are correct about things despite clear Se evidence. They may keep their notions of people unchanging, when people realistically change over time. It leads to a type of conceptual stubbornness that is hard to deal with. High Fi is similar and I find these people the most difficult to be around due to often feeling like I’m walking on eggshells, particularly if I don’t know them well.


Why do you guys find Fi annoying?


Sometimes Fi can't refuse to stop seeking validation when it's not needed


Isn’t that Fe instead?


Fi seeks validation and Fe provides it


I think you got it twisted man


How does Fi provide validation?


Fi would be this assuming it's about most annoying in myself. Ti annoys me mostly in others.


As Fi dom- it is Fi 💀


270 votes for Fi. Let's go, robots!


Did you save your blueprints for how to transfer a human brain into a robot body? Being a robot would be nice.


Imma start with you.


Cool beans


It’s relative. I really like my Te but some people use it in a shitty way (can be said about all functions). Ne is pretty awesome aswell, however some people use it to rationalize their own bad behaviour by seeing things that aren’t even there - totally making up crazy bullshit about other peoples’ “intentions” (what?). I really don’t think there’s a “most annoying function”, just annoying people in general.


FE 😂




Ni is the "I think I know what you're thinking/doing and will never believe you if you tell me otherwise" function. That's why. Te is way more annoying but you're welcome.


That’s exactly why I voted for Ni


See, this is just wrong. Ni users often tend to trust their intuitions strongly. So strongly that even when presented with evidence to the contrary they still want to beleive their instinct. It's not just "minding your own buissiness" it's "refusing to mind anyone else's buissiness". So when, say, my infj friend decided his other friend lost his wallet at my place therefore the logical conclusion was that I stole it. Then I help them look for it and suggest that they may have left it at home. His reaction is that I must be trying to "cover my tracks". Because in his head, he already decided Im guilty. This isn't just a him problem, I've had similar issues with many infj's. It's very annoying when someone refuses to actually apply logic because they "just know people" while actually being terrible judges of character. Oh, btw. His friend found it cleaning his room a month later after starting a bunch of shit.




>Anyways, I'd like to clear up that we're not wary of people's intentions on purpose, we just don't like taking the risk of being sorry than safe. Those are the same thing. You are just trying to reframe it in a way you agree with that you see as less negative. Which is my point. Everyone has their own thoughts and ideas. For some reason INFJs think theirs are more objective or better and so they disregard others. Also it was extremely annoying to me to be repetitively accused of theift by my own friends in my own home. Don't put words in my mouth and redefine what I'm saying. I say what I mean.


Someone with Underdeveloped Te is a bitch to work with


i wouldn't say it's necessairily annoying but i do tend to have trouble with Ne doms sometimes, especially when working with them on projects and stuff, they get on my nerves a little. in informal scenarios it's usually fine.


Fi for me as an ENFP generally keeps me feeling emotionally empty and dead inside. I can't feel my feelings or my desire to connect to others unless I'm around others.


Ni is the most annoying when you get kind of stuck in your own thoughts and feel lost seriously my most of the time passes just by overthinking randomly and studying and doing nothing. You don't know where to begin and what to begin.




How is Fi the worst in many peoples' opinions? I think it's very nice to be in touch with how I feel. I think I definitely use more Te than other INFPs and Te can be a bitch. Sometimes I just need to listen to myself and my feelings and Te will come in with logic.


unhealthy Fi hits different


Well… the online mbti community is comprised of mainly Ti, Te, Ni, and Ne, types. So Fi will naturally be the most hated on these threads. But Reddit isn’t real life and everywhere I’ve gone, Fi is not nearly as bad as people on here make it out to be lol. It’s just on Reddit, you have communities that circle jerk each other in their own echo chambers, and the mbti community is no different.


As a whole I'd say Ti. But if it's the lead function, I'd say Te


Is Ti bad for non Ti doms?


Sometimes depending on the situation. Can just be really stubborn at times and then self righteous about said stubbornness but in a way that no one else can really engage with. Hard to explain but I imagined this: You walk into someone’s labyrinth of a bunker, and try tell them about a place in the bunker that you found that they haven’t seen. They say, “no it doesn’t exist.” You try to take them to the place. But then they say “this is my bunker, I’m not wasting time going to someplace imaginary.” You tell them about the subtle wind coming from the very direction you discussed. They say “you’re just like the other dumb asses” in their mind if they’re feeling kind that day. It dawns of you that the only way to show him the area you saw to is to prove it exists on his well drawn map and now he doesn’t even trust or care for your perspective enough for you to look at it. You leave the bunker questioning if you even saw the place you saw.


Sounds like you had the blunt end of an ISTP's ire and didn't bother starting out with the facts. If you really want to catch a Ti dom's/ISTP's attention be sure to get to the point with the bare bones undeniable facts as fast as possible without any unnecessary extra talking about the lead up to them. It really helps to quell the dragon of rebellion and doubt, at least for an intellectually combative ISTP. I know this because I have personally been like this and it usually has to do with me getting really fucking impatient and annoyed at the long ass diatribe that leads as a pretext to the presentation of the facts. By the time they are presented my ears are already off and I could give a fuck less if anybody is right or wrong. So yeah, quick tip: skip the monologuing and present the truth in a quick, concise & provable format, then wait for feedback. Only then can you have a dialogue about it, because that's how Ti works. Verity checked premise first, conclusion next. "If x is true, y is result. So Z must be true. Factual premise, conclusion, acceptance.


Whoa. That's Ti? I thought that was just the people I know.


Well, to be fair, almost all the introverted functions work like that in their respective “data set”. Ti just does it with thinking. I could write something similar with Fi but change “it doesn’t exist” with “it doesn’t matter”. Ni and Si are a little weirder bc they don’t make ‘judgements’ on reality. But they are stubborn in the sense that they keep tying their reality back to their original interpretation. These are massive generalizations and extroverts are just as stubborn just a more hysterical kind.


Oh of course. You just described the ESTP and ISTP I know perfectly and I had never considered that being a function. I had thought that was just them, not a personality function. Interesting 🤔


Lol that's extremely different from my way of using Ti i can understand many perspectives and see the matter from thier eye and from outside it's very rare that i dismiss an idea unless it's i have a good argument against it that results in a lot of overthinking but it's good for conscience


Yeah definitely not saying this example is representing all use of Ti. That example was more a example when ive seen it used in a frustrating way. I’ve seen this happen particularly in cases where decisions need to be made quickly and are outside of the context of experience of said Ti user. I imagine when they don’t have time to think about a topic, they ground themselves into their Ti to ride the waves of uncertainty. When things are relatively calm and clear, they can be as openminded and exploratory as they want to be. If you’re willing, can you explain that last sentence again? What’s good for conscience? And what would you be overthinking about in such arguments?


I mean your view of the world will be pretty open minded when you explore all the factors you can reach, it takes hours of wondering and thinking about things not necessarily affecting daily life but definitely fun to understand


I can assure you not a single intp woukd be like this.


Yeah, and I tend to clash with ESTPs a lot. Though I can get along well with xNTPs as long as we don't debate anything


I don't think IxTPs would bother debating unless they're asked about thier opinion, they're too lazy to chase people around because they're *wrong*


Look, I understand that Te/Fi is annoying but how can anyone say Fi is more annoying than Te? Fi doesn't fail to grasp basic abstract concepts. It doesn't ask me to do the impossible because it doesn't understand the details.




I work with a lot of ENTJs, I'm an engineer in a corporate environment. And actually, ESTJs are much better at the details (because of Si - which we share). But basically. If an ENTJ wants something to happen, and you tell them, no, it can't because x y z. They don't get what x y z means. And they'll say "just make it happen". I just told you why it can't but it wasn't a graph so you don't understand it. They are very broad strokes thinkers.




I don't know I typed them correctly, but I recognise Te anywhere. I'm a Ti dom. I'm sure you recognise the opposite Thinking function too. If I say to one of these sales/manager types "we can't use a single instance of the interface to manage multiple tenancies because the messaging protocol doesn't allow for that", I get glazed eyes and then, "just make it happen". I'm not pulling this out of my ass.


So by abstract concepts, I mean - anything that is not concrete. I'm buried in code. I'm managed by people who can't read the code. Imagine being told to write something in English that breaks all the rules of English, because someone who doesn't understand English, thinks you are a magician who can just do whatever with it.




What are you talking about?


Fe because the ones I know are always worried about what people might think rather than what works for them. Sometimes they just need to tell society to go jump. Also Ne doms because they will take me on this whole conversational trip that makes me think they're the smartest human ever and then boom it was all just nonsense they made up.


I might have voted Fe if it was in the poll haha


Voted Fi because it’s the most annoying function in my stack for me personally, but if I could vote for any I’d have to say Fe. Definitely biased bc it’s my blind spot but there’s just a fundamental disconnect. One of my best friends is Fe dom (ENFJ), and though we’re close and I like her as a person I just do not understand her thought process half the time. I hate arguing with her as well because while I get blunt/abrasive and snappy, she gets SO manipulative. My dad is an aux Fe user and he does the same sort of stuff whenever we argue as well. I don’t like not feeling like I can trust those around me even if what they have to say is hurtful and I wish people would just say what they mean. If people sugar coat things or play mind games when we’re arguing or have had a disagreement I feel lied to. I’m a very heavy Ni user as well but I also have quite bad anxiety. sometimes I have a hard time differentiating my insights from paranoia and anxiety. Ni also gives me tunnel vision a lot of the time, if what I envisioned doesn’t work out or my plans fail I sometimes end up spiraling pretty rapidly.


Fi shaming cause of the stereotype, appreciated…


Also Te, a bit odd to include both functions of the Fi/Te Axis but neither of the functions of the Fe/Ti axis.






okay so i have experience mostly with thinking si types, si doms and auxes. I'm a judging type too (enfj) but i really dont like how strict they are in terms of their schedule and plans. They literally have no elastic bones in them, like my friend - if some time ago we planned something and now everything has changed and i wanna change the plan too, he is gonna probably argue really hard and eventually resent me for changes. He's kinda unhealthy and really stuck in the past too, we r totally not compatible cause I'm always thinking more about what's now and whats gonna be in the future. Also, open-mindedness is really important to me and the Si-doms/auxes I know barely have any. They dont like any new situations and are really hard to argue with if their mindset is set on something already. I think that exact situations I wrote relate the most to the Te-Si combination. I see the same kind of patterns with Si-Fe combo, but it's a lot softer. i met really cool ISFJ and I appreciate them, I just dont find myself compatible with Si-doms.


I'm flexible but I do find a pattern of last minute changes or cancellations to be irritating. I personally adjust my expectations though once I identify that someone does not consistently follow through with plans. It's unreasonable for them to resent you for things outside of your control, and ultimately they'll be a lot happier if they learn to go with the flow more. I guess I'm older and have slightly more developed Ne, idk. I do get kind of unreasonably inwardly pissy when things don't go according to plan, but mainly if I was the planner 👀 But I get over it...I only know one ENFJ, that I know of, and we have great conversations but are not that close so idk


Fi is freaking exhausting. Few great positives with lots of annoying drawbacks, least in my experience


I hate my Fe sometimes.


as an intp I'd say ne because high se users can't stand me and i love them so i hate my ne (it's actually so cool but yeah)


Si I actually like Ne, i dont see the problem with it. I’ve gotten a lot done thanks to it in my life. It’s just a matter of applying Ne into real life action. Si however, I get it’s meant to ground you and whatnot but when i wanna do something I’m working against it. I’m all fearful of the unknown and loathe stepping outside of my routine. I get extremely stressed over an ever changing environment. Getting a new job is extremely fuckin difficult because i have no idea what im getting myself into. I hate it. Fe is also useless to my goals. I really would rather do the things i like without giving a second thought about what others think. i do not want people in my life who dont like who I truly am. Those who dont like my weirdness, they should fuck off. Yet I constantly second guess my actions for fear of what other people think.


Polr time


Fi is either my absolute favorite function to be around or the one I hate the most, with little in between. My domestic partners are both ISFP and INFP so I'm surrounded by it 24/7.


Fe gets my blood boiling.




Why isn’t Fe on this list?


Fi above any — being Fi dom is annoying both to US and to OTHERS.


Se inferior is very frustrating bc I love planning but hate doing


For me Ne is o2 Ti is H2O and Fe is food Si , I am not sure about


I'm sorry but I got a mental picture of this person happily sitting at a table with a glass of water and a plate of food. Such a nice, pretty picture and then you realize there's this thing in the corner, it's dark and you can't quite see it but you know something is there. The person is trying to pretend like the happy scene is all there is even though they're aware of the unknown thing in the corner. Lol which reminds me of Lord Voldemort.


I and The quiet kid in our class laughed so hard at this comment that his 9mm fell from his bag


Ne is terrible when your life needs you




I guess mostly the unhealthy ones are there. 😂


i can see that fi brings the most suffering, but annoying ne. i cannot shut up about my stupid humor and i recognize when i‘m annoying but my dom ne just wants to proceed. it‘s the perfect invite to be provocative once again


Well in MY OPINION--nah, just kidding, I get it ಥ╭╮ಥ


Fi users are always being shat on


Fi is the best


These are the good ones. To me, Fe drives me nuts. So much so that I even start to have reservations with types that have Fe even as tertiary or inferior functions.


In others or oneself? In others, I would say Ni because all Ni-users I have met so far were unbearably arrogant (sorry, not hating on the types, just my personal experience!) and just assumed they're right with whatever they come up with. INFJs dumping personal advice on you like it's the ultimate wisdom and INTJs acting like they have the right solution for everything. In ENxJs, it's not as strong and therefore not as in-the-face. In myself, I partially agree with the Fi - Ne is certainly my least annoying function, I am so happy whenever it shows as it is also my "happy place" and my source of energy. Fi, especially in someone unhealthy gets excruciating at times. Never being able to think about how you feel until you finally feel like you're truly messed up... I was even offended when I read the results of the poll and saw Fi at the top - as if people told me to my face they didn't like me. The lack of rationality sometimes!


Fuck Fi. Si and Fe is where it’s at.


I’m fully convinced Fe is the most annoying


Don't know why fe isn't there


Unpopular opinion I'm sure but Fe. If I said I don't want help I don't want help. if I fail well let me, idc.


Infps main function


As an Fi dom, I had to vote for it lmao. Not all of the stereotypes are true, but a lot of them are accurate.


I personally understand Fe better than Fi because it's my dominant function, I think it's scary with Fi because there's no logic, only personal bias, and I'm a Ti user 😂


Fi uses logic... that's like me saying you have no emotions. I personally make most decisions evenly but more with my head. Lots of logic there.


Your logic is revolving around your personal bias. Not objective logic. That's at least how it looks like to Fe or Ti doms in my opinion.


Well it can be like that but it isn't always. I can make very logical decisions and completely remove myself and my point of view (and others pov) from the situation, to make an objective decision. It's not what I prefer to do, but I can and will


It's Ne. I am sorta self-aware


For me Fe


Fe and Si


Glad to see my main functions aren't on this list Anyways I'm going with Fi I can't stand the constant bitchiness. Second would be Te cause I hate being told what to do


Fi is annoying because it's often a dominant and highly visible source of inauthenticity among Fi users.


... What?


Dom Fi is just something else..