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That depends - is your mother sweet or salty 😎


She’s spicy🥴🌶


not sure about his mother, but your is quite salty


What about sweet AND salty?


real life doesn't care about the flexibility of your taste buds


Many south and south east Asian cuisines employ both salt and sugar in a single dish.


There’s also sour patch kids


I am a snack.


But like….a sweet or salty one?😳


I wonder how much of "feeler->sweet" is a cultural thing


me too! i'm thinking it also may be due to the dopamine rush sweets and candy gives us. dopamine > big emotions, and feelers tend to prioritize emotions maybe a little bit more than thinkers. hence why feelers may prefer sweets, and thinkers may tend to like salty snacks better, because the sickly sweet taste might not be worth the happy emotions that come w/ a sugar rush.


I'm picking neither so that I can see the results can you next time put a "Not an Intuitive" option?


i have one for sensors/ that's what the neither option js for!


I thought neither meant neither Sweet nor Salty 😅




i have a restricting ed but i have a special spot in my heart for sugar.


what kind of question is this ...


lol i wanted to see if there's any correlation! so far, feelers like sweets more and thinkers like salty snacks more. intuitives prefer salty snacks but more sensors preferred spicy ones (the sensor votes i did get, anyways) my hypothesis was that feelers would like sweets bc sweets mean dopamine and dopamine is the happy chemical, and feelers mainly prioritize emotion


so... you hypothesize cognitive personality variation relates to taste preference? have at it i guess


yes! it's for fun :)


I doubt there’s much correlation, but it would make sense for high Si users to prefer sweet food as their taste buds are more sensitive and prefer a select set of flavours. Low Si and Se users are better able to handle stronger tastes and may prefer spicy


i know, i just did this for fun :)


Actually I think he was making his own hypothesis, and that first sentence was related to it


cant decide i usually fix flavors


Sweet. Definitely.


depending on my mood


Sweet, but I am interested in all snax. Gimme snax plssss 🍽😁


NT. Spicy and sweet. Hard pick between the two 🤣


Some kind of potato chips.


Enough xNTPs playing league so the salty snack one checks out.


NF and I like sweet and salty snacks


It depends but I'm not really a snacker, I'm a big meal kinda girl


I love sugar, I'll probably catch diabetes like the rest if my family became I can't just get it out of my life


Not sweet or salty, just sweaty (mix between the two).


Chocolate covered pretzels tho


I love sweet but in small portions, otherwise, it... Pues empalaga xd That doesn't happen with salty stuff tho, you can eat salty stuff without getting tired of it.


I thought this said salty sacks


Both. If I buy chocolate and take a bite I curse that I should have bought chips instead and vice versa. Also I love spicy food but not as a snack.

