• By -


Imaginative, firm about their feelings quiet and reserved IRL , overall get close enough to them and witness their extovert and crazy yet cute side.


Crazy for sure


Yeah made the comment last night at somewhat 11:45 pm, And I already have 162 upvotes that shows how many INFP disconnected from social world exists on reddit


All of us... šŸ˜†


... ayo you know that.. timezones exist right. INFP isn't a regional thing, it's worldwide šŸ˜‚


Exactly, I think this user is just some dumbass.


Theyā€™re also cute


Thank you, yes we are






theyā€™re hit or miss, you canā€™t really pin them down since some of them can be absolute emotional messes with broken self esteems and some can be powerful speakers with a ton of emotional intelligence.


Some of us walk a *fine line*


Same lmao I think I was definitively the second at one point, trying to get back to it but traumas a fun little sworD in mY abdomen gOddamN


Por quƩ no los dos


ah si los dos, el ser mĆ”s poderoso de los INFPā€™s


šŸŒ TraumašŸŒ 


āœØEmotional DamageāœØ


I love your Snoo(I think that's what they're called lol)


Theyā€™re really insightful if you have a chat with them. I have 2 close infp friends and they definitely donā€™t fall into the crybaby stereotype. Their Fi and Ne combo is really fun too. One of my favourite personality types. (Im an INTP btw)


Uh, I like INTPs. I feel like I have INTP friends but Idk which ones are intp lol


I love intx intelligent awkwardness ā™„ļø


The INTPs I've met irl are everything but awkward. Nerdy yes, but in a cool kinda way.


Until you flirt with them šŸ˜‰


I couldn't know, I've never met a female INTP and I don't really get into my friends' love lives enough to know how awkward they are.


Lol personally Iā€™m super socially awkward irl even around close people my brain malfunctions xD


What is Fe and Ne combo.(Sorry, new to MBTI)


Theyā€™re the cognitive functions that determine the mbti types and play specific roles in the personality. There are 8 different cognitive functions: Fi (introverted feeling), Fe(extroverted feeling), Ti(introverted Thinking), Te(extroverted thinking), Ni (introverted intuition), Ne(extroverted intuition), Si(introverted sensing), Se(extroverted sensing). INFPā€™s stack contains: Fi,Ne,Si,Te. Hence the Fi and Ne combo. You can read about cognitive functions on google if you are interested.


Lol. I'm a crybaby inside which i don't show to people usually. I'm shy when it comes to girls. I'm cold around most people. But i do be crybaby when it's a relationship with myself, Not cause' i am INFP though but at the same time, i feel like it's maybe cause' i am an INFP. I don't know, I'm just weird. Thanks man.


Itā€™s okay to be a crybaby as long as youā€™re being your true self. I like that about Fi users that theyā€™re very in touch with their emotions and thatā€™s very healthy in my opinion. And I know my INFP friends also hide their emotional side from the world but are also like this when alone with their thoughts. Try not overthink it though itā€™s just you being yourself and thatā€™s cool.


Thanks man! :)


INFPs are undeserving of the stereotype they've been given. All of my interactions with them prove they are the most nonjudgmental and assuming of the types. To their credit they are the most creative and genuine people you'll encounter.


100% agree with this.


100% agree. I can extend this to Fi doms in general, very non judgemental (honestly the least judgemental people I know), and far from being crybabies. They do not get offended over anything, contrary to popular belief. If anything, from my experience it's usually the Fe users that always get offended and are crybabies (no seriously, a high Fe user can come to me crying and im not even friends with them)


It's not really getting offended that makes them the stereotyped crybaby, infp's are always trying to see things from other people's perspectives and to understand them... The reason they then get upset is because they over empathise and if someone is upset with them they feel super guilty or if they're mean to them they feel it's warranted and there is something wrong with them or what they did.


That's actually true wtf


they do be people doe


no thats just a stereotype


Yeah, Iā€™m not people


I'm not a whole people, I'm a tiny part


Hard fax






As an INFP, I think other infps are chill. I like having intellectually stimulating conversations with other infp's. When I talk to other infp's, I feel like I can talk to them without feeling like I'm being judged. I have another infp friend in art class and we usually do projects together. Brainstorming ideas is the most enjoyable part of the project because we can come up with hundreds of ideas and we both come up with scenarios and then a hundred more ideas. (Besides being lazy and procrastinating here and there) When we both incorporate our own work and ideas together, we make a fricking masterpiece. We infps are pretty damn cool.


We are amateur philosophers šŸ˜„


Cool people who'll tell you that they've loved you their entire life before the first date. (not speaking from experience)


Pffft we don't romanticize everything in life /s


Merit people who is't'll bid thee yond they've did love thee their entire life ere the first date. (not speaking from experience) *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Is't'll is now in my vocabulary


i like how the last sentence gave up on being overly shakespeare


They're either super chill or extremely chaotic, no middle ground


They're either super chill 'r extremely chaotic, nay middle did grind *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


You suck


bots have feelings too ;-;


visual representation of infp vs intp


No they donā€™t and also that bot is the worst


Don't listen to them, good bot.


At their best: Creative, empathetic, individualistic, takes a while to open up but when comfortable, can generate great discussion. Idea people who love writing. Usually very chill and quiet, will hang out in the same room with you while yā€™all do separate things. At their worst: messily emotional and pretentious


my favourite šŸ’•


INTJs are cool as well


thank you!! šŸ„²


Awww, INTJ are also my fav. I feel the connection is just instant with them. People say I canā€™t base compatibility on mbti but it just itā€™s been so accurate all this time!




Must be protected


Keep it secret Keep it safe


My precious šŸ˜Œ


*They stoles it from us!!!*


I want one.


Buy me šŸŒ¹šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


They can be interesting to have conversations with! But the ones I know are also kind of lazyā€¦


We're either lazy or bouncing off the walls. There's no in between


\^ This, if we're comfortable.


I vs E


XNFPs are weird in terms of actual Extroversion and Introversion, it depends on many factors (place, people, moment)


They're funky little guys


I am quite frankly scared to read the responses šŸ˜‚


Me too lmao, youā€™re not alone


I want to wrap them in a blanket and protect them from all the hate they get on this subreddit


Ngl, a blanket sounds kinda good in this chilly weather


,,,,I volunteer as tribute! šŸ˜‚


Same! They are the best. šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


Lol maybe I don't get on here enough. The only stereotypes I see are suicidal or crying, which is both so crazy inaccurate that they don't bother me.


How nice, thank you <3


I like them Isfps and infps are my favs


As an INFP I really like interacting with other INFPs. It feels easy and they're fun to be creative with. Also for me as an INFP, I can admit that there's a slippery slope to becoming a bit self-absorbed. I'm afraid of being judgmental and think it is important to be open-minded. So although I'm constantly feeling/working to understand others, before I judge someone else I try to compare to myself. I'm definitely far from perfect, so there are times where I know that logic doesn't work and just turns into me stressing about myself. (I'm working on that tho lol)


i seem drawn to them, have three friends who test as infp, we can find a lot of common ground but are notably different in other ways, they help me make sense of my emotional reactions to things and i can help ground them in a more logical sense. usually: kind of intense, able to see the good in other people, artistically talented, ideals are important to them, loathes conflict/wants harmony, appreciates animals/nature, feels like a misfit of some sort. my only real complaint is that they can be so attached to their own feelings that itā€™s almost like they want to be sad/mad/etc and you cannot budge them from it.


INFP 4w5 here, my reality is determined by my mind. I can change my mood unintentionally by thinking too much, which isn't hard to do, considering that I'm always stuck in my head.


I have an INFP friend. He is on and off, he is driven to get stuff done. I worked hard to get this INFP friend, have told him recently. A few weeks later went out for nosh and his heart was on his sleeve and said some kind and lovely things, such I was a loyal friend despite his lack of attention. He is hard work, and up and down, and moody - but I treasure him as someone who will be there for me if needed, and he treasures me as someone to be there for him.


That's so sweet.


worst type, zero stars


I was mildly offended til I looked at your type, and now Iā€™m conflicted on being amused or offended on your behalf šŸ˜‚


Lol. INFPs are my favourite. But OF COURSE I'd say that, I'm INTJ:)


Until they combine to form a more perfect union. Excellent companions for the dense of heart. They teach how to feel feelings instead of just physically sensing them. They show when/how their partner is being abused. They take on the qualities of their companions. My wife is INFP - she's amazing when motivated and she is protective of my limited feelings & our traditions.


The best obviously






"Your" INFP? šŸ¤Ø


They deal in slavery


i have a best friend trio, one is INFP and the other is an ISTJ.


I love them as a INFJ, we can share a hopeful outlook on life and show the emotional side of ourselves with each other. I also love that we can have deep conversation without it turning into a debate or making the other feel uncomfortable or out of touch somehow.


Totally fine! No major issues, or complaints. The only thing that I donā€™t like is that *some* tend to get caught up in sh*tty, or abusive relationships, sometimes. But even then, I am not mad *at* them, so much as mad *for* them!!! Outside of that, they tend to be creative, quirky, and relatively chill, in my experience.


Theyā€™re FiNe SiTes šŸ™ƒ


Oohhh this guy/girl/whatever gets it Well it's late here, I'm gonna go to sleep. NiTe!


Okay I love that


Honestly, the coolest people on the planet. INFPs are my favorite. I just love talking to them so much. They're funny, cool, they just don't give a shit and contrary to popular belief they don't care enough to get offended over anything. Most importantly, they're just super insightful. They have really respectable values and philosophy, interesting perspectives, and they value add to conversations I have with them a lot. Tbh though I feel similarly about INTJs. INFPs and INTJs are literally my favorite people on the planet. I just get along really well with almost every one of them I meet. But on top of that also, my INFP friends have honestly impacted my life the greatest of everyone I know (I have INFP, INTJ, ENTP, ENFP, INTP, ENTJ, INFJ friends, but my closest friends are INFP, INTJ and one ENFP). Honestly no other type has impacted my life as much as my INFP friends. I can learn so much about myself and everything else just from having a casual conversation with them. If you're an INFP and you're reading this, I wanna let you know that you're worth way more than you think and you shouldn't underestimate the amount of positive impact you've made on other people's lives. The MBTI community might think of you as the most useless type, the type that earns the least income statistically, blahblah but I disagree. I think INFPs have so much value and wisdom in them, and I'm really speaking mainly from personal experience from having INFPs in my life (amongst people of other types). INFPs really have changed my life a lot and I love you all so much!! ā™„


šŸ„° thank you for the battery recharge


I like them


We are fragile and sensitive, but also angry as shit, probably from being picked on so much growing up. Edit: bit changed to but.


Mixed. A good friend of mine is Infp, and sometimes he is just fun, smart, and I really enjoy our talks. But other times he is just blinded by his morals, his conviction and looks stupid because as smart as he is he should be way beyond those simple thoughts that he recites. Like he is manually creating this part of himself where he stoped thinking just to fit in a mold of self-righteousnessā€¦ This annoys me and I have this gut feeling that itā€™s not really him when I face this side of his personality.


they exist


stop spreading lies




One of my closest friends is an INFP. I really like the he always seems interested in learning about whoever he is talking to in a really genuine way. Heā€™s also willing to get super weird and off the wall with me, which brings out a side of myself I enjoy a lot. I feel like I can be myself around him completely. Not sure if this is all INFP stuff, but at least in my experience I enjoy them.


My son is an INFP so I'm biased, but he's been a joy to raise. He's kind, considerate, funny, smart, hardworking, hardly any drama. Sometimes we have a disagreement and we're both a little unreasonable, but then within an hour usually, he will come to me and apologize and we make up. He's just a good kid (in college now). I wouldn't want him any different.


They make great friends as they are extremely emotionally intelligent, it's almost like they can read my mind. They have rlly unique personalities and aren't afriad to go against the norms, very courageous -from an INTP


quiet until you become besties and they become crackheadsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I admire their ability to put their needs first instead of putting social pleasantries first


Joke's on you. I don't care about social pleasantries OR my own needs.


Social pleasantries are optional to us


Agreed, I admire that about my fellow Fi doms.


They can be babies also they can be your guardian angles. I've three infp friends. Sometimes they act so cute, sometimes immature ( of course when they are in stress), sometimes act like I've never expected! They motivates me many ways. They are Creative and have a rich inner world I want to drive deep in their world. My favourite artist is an infp and her songs are free therapy! Love you infps- InfjšŸ’š


Who's the artists?


Aurora aksnes


I feel like my mama is one so I like them


I only have 1 INFP friend, but since we have the same MBTI, I feel like I can rely on her whenever I need to


never met one tho they are sure human


Overly sensitive, self-critical, creative and imaginative. I ofc dont mean all INFPs, But do I still love them? Yes I do


Well, they are nice people if you know them well, un general I like them by: intp 5w4


I have only met one INFP in my life. And based on what little knowledge I have, I can safely say that INFP's are hot, amazing and wonderful. The one INFP I've ever met is your mom. (Okay but actually the one INFP I know is my partner.)


They're amazing people as long as you can stand their fantasies and irrationalities otherwise horror šŸ˜


Be fortunate we share them. For every 1 we share there are 20 we dont


No you lie, it's more than 20


Way more


I do not know why I can not put myself in their category and really write the same definition for them, I can say without counting myself among them to say that they are cool people and also creative and sensitive and very unique


A couple months ago I've joined a group via a friend to play dungeons and dragons together. One of the guys that i've met was an infp (he said his type himself afterwards). He is so passionate and enthusiastic about the things he likes and such a creative person, his energy feels inspiring for some reason. At first i thought he was an enfp but he said he isn't like that outside of his friend group and kinda socially anxious, also now i get that his Fi is really high. It is so fun to spend time with him in general.


Get rid of the victim mentality and we're cool


they are noice


I see INFPā€™s as chameleons laying on an artistā€™s palette while they create a masterpiece on canvas. We are interwoven among society and come in so many different shapes and sizes. Quiet? Shy? Hmm, yes, maybe. Youā€™d be surprised as soon as you find out that we, tender and kind hearted INFP, can also adapt and evolve. Whether it be paralyzing loss or just a deep burning desire to prove others wrong, we, INFP are an enigma. A term I often use is INFP-Evolved. Now this can be relevant for most types, but the result you get from an INFP who has developed their inferior functions tends to be something quite powerful, dare I say intimidating? As an adolescent Iā€™d constantly fight with my inner self to overcome my cowardly thoughts. IF I could only control my brain then I could do anything. I can read and understand people well. I FEEL everything. How does one override everything inside to control whatā€™s outside? People who fall on the scale of sociopaths are basically able to do this. Con artists, Ponzi schemes. These individuals can manipulate and control others. Itā€™s beautiful (in a case study). Once you understand this and begin to develop yourself, you learn that you can be anything and anyone you desire. I am nearing ā€œold.ā€ 31 years old and working in a field that Iā€™d never have originally chosen. Itā€™s not an INFP friendly field but Iā€™ve grown and learned to fit in. 6-figure salary and still un-married, no children. I hope one day to fulfill those things, but Iā€™ll continue to adapt as life takes me on this cruel journey. I will finish my degrees and probably retire and become a life coach/professor, or a career life and planning counselor. To all my fellow INFP. NOTHING is impossible. Follow your heart. Follow your dreams. You are special.


They seem really sweet and caring at first but when you get to know them they are really self important and feel the world revolves around them and are quite selfish. Not saying all are like this but in my persona experience this is the case more often then not in the long run.


They're lowkey my favourite type. I love them šŸ’•āœØ


They give me emotional pain.




love them


theyā€™re cool honestly a lot of negative stigma around them because of stereotypes but my dad whoā€™s quite literally somebody who iā€™m terrified of is an infp (not in a bad way heā€™s just intimidating) but overall i really like them!


The ones I've met irl are some of the most understanding and kind, reserved, warm individuals I've met. Some of the ones here make me fear them.


Kinkee but sub af


Often artistic as well as talented, kind, but a bit touchy and self-absorbed.


Arenā€™t we all self absorbed? Let me ask you this: does this world always give you what you want? Has it always let you get up after you have been knocked down? There is nothing wrong with being self absorbed because even if humans are social animals and are meant to thrive together, there will always only be you who supports yourself at times.


>Aren't we all self absorbed? Absolutely not. You should hang out with more ESxx people. >There's nothing wrong with being self absorbed Agreed.


Whatā€™s with the sudden surge of INFP posts? Did I do something wrong?


sometimes the best, sometimes the worst, much like most personality types. i find at their best they are super imaginative and kind. At their worst they can really negatively impact me by often ignoring my advice or outright trying to hurt me for caring.


As an INFP who have met other INFP, that they (we) are nothing like the stereotypes. Some are really cool and chill, some are rational as well, some can be assertive, some are strong, not all of them are spiritual and although they tend to have a creative side not all of them are artists. In my experience there are only two characteristics I have seen commonly: introversion and their ability to make other people talk about their whole life. Another issue is that we all are assuming a lot of INFPs have some sort of emotional instability, that a lot of them suffer from mental illnesses. Well, let me tell you something: everyone without exception has their own fucked up story. Everyone can suffer from mental illnesses independently of their type. I guess that's what happens with the whole mbti - those are just general guidelines which are not set on stone. Honestly trying to classify the millions of humans on this planet into only 16 types seems irrational to me, it makes more sense to think those are common characteristics certain people can have regarding personality, interpersonal connections and views of life.




Wdym by too sensitive? We all have different levels of sensitivity for different things. For me specifically, I feel that yes we hate criticisms cuz we like to take things personally. But if you explain it with something positive about us, itā€™s much easier for us to listen and be receptive


iā€™m infp and i hate me, but INFPs are nice people if theyā€™re healthy, Fi can be awesome as well!


Too many of us have mental health issues, like a weirdly large amount, pretty sure itā€™s a majority, I donā€™t really know. Iā€™m the only INFP that I know irl so I canā€™t say much.


Theyā€™re cool people. Never met one I didnā€™t like.


FiNe ass fellas


My mom and I are both ESFJs married to INFPs. My ex was also an INFP - night and day difference with my current. From my experience, they are super private, disinterested in most people and really have time for a very few in their lives. I feel very lucky to have their attention because I give everyone mine as an ESFJ. Everyone is special to me but rarely are most people ever to them.


8/10 times lovely people very imaginative and have great ideas I love to have discussions with them sometimes i feel bad for them because they are always chalked up to being the un payed therapist i want them to know that their feelings are valid and it is okay to not always be there for everyone else and take time for yourself


Theyā€™re my faveeeeee


Iā€™ve been good friends with an INFP for a few years now, but weā€™ve known each other since kindergarten. I was terrified of her, actually, because she was that one kid thatā€™s ā€œtroubleā€ She was infamous for throwing tantrums and yelling. Once, she managed to break a PENCIL in half at five years old. I actually ran away from her when I saw that. I was a scaredy cat šŸ˜… I didnā€™t think much of her until we were classmates first year of highschool, and we eventually bonded over a love of books. I was very surprised to see that she was actually very nice. I was really curious why she was ā€œproblematicā€ for the teachers in kindergarten, but I didnā€™t know how to ask. She wasnā€™t upset when I did though, and she said that she doesnā€™t know for sure, but she remembers that when she was younger, she thought that everyone around her understood her and her actions. For example, if she were to take someoneā€™s pencil, she assumed that the person already knew that she was going to borrow it. But of course, our teachers didnā€™t know, so they ended up scolding her for doing it, which made her irritated because she didnā€™t understand what was so wrong about borrowing a pencil. I thought it was really cool to hear her side of the story, especially since I was so scared of her at the time. Sheā€™s the funniest and most fearless person I know, and she always speaks out whenever she thinks something isnā€™t right. There was this one girl who kind of bullied us back then, and she would always stand up to her, even when I was scared. We went to the mall once, and she had accidentally worn her pants upside down. Her little brother laughed at her for it a little, but she seemed indifferent towards it, and just wanted to have fun. I just think itā€™s really upsetting how most of our classmates still think of her as the girl with a short temper. I remember that one time, in math class, our teacher saw that she got the answer wrong or something, and scolded her for being careless. Iā€™m not so sure why, but I know our teacher was angry with her. My friend started fidgeting and shaking a little, because our math teacher was known to be one of the strictest in the school, and the teacher got even more angry that she was shaking, so she announced to the entire class that my friend had a bad attitude and could not accept criticism. Despite the fact that she is one of the smartest kids in our class, people automatically assume that sheā€™s a bad kid with bad grades and a bad personality. The world has been so unfair to her, and Iā€™m just seething at it all. I donā€™t blame them for making assumptions, but I just wish that they could try to get to know her like I do. This was pretty long, but I just want to encourage anyone who sees this to try reaching out to a kid at your school thatā€™s been labeled ā€œbadā€ or ā€œweirdā€, because eating glue sticks and boogers does not mean theyā€™re horrible people. Thanks?


Sometimes I really donā€™t like them and sometimes I really do like them.


Most of the time self absorbed? (Once u really get to know them)




Idealistic, philosophical dreamers. Sometimes intense. Sometimes not intense.


I was so afraid to read these comments but a lot of them were really nice to read ā˜ŗļø


chill, empathetic & extremely in tune with their emotions, spontaneous, genuine, and idealistic


gay crybaby


Yes, the perfect excuse to see what do people think of me without asking by myself


They are interesting but not good at resolving conflicts.


Theyā€™re really in touch with their inner selves and know what they want, which I envy a little hahah. They tend to have strong values and morals. They can be both confident and insecure, just in different aspects. Theyā€™re really smart, wise, open minded and imaginative. Theyā€™re awesome. Sometimes I am a little scared of making a wrong move around them, because they have such strong values and wants, which always makes things awkward.


Must protect soft jellybean


2 outta 10, would not recommend


Love them honestly, two of my best friends are INFPs I always get along with them- an infj


I have the best conversations with infp. -enfp


I want them to get hugged but by me (hug in a much more abstract sense)


The ones I know are pretty emotional which in turn makes them really understanding of others emotions. Their moral values are good too (if that makes sense).


Do they even exist? I've never seen one. I think they're a lie by Big Jung to divert attention away from the ISFP deepstate.


I think I'm the last one left in the wild. I've never met another one.


Same maybe there's like one per country and a bunch of famous ones


My boyfriend is an infp - Iā€™m an entp. Weā€˜re together for five years and itā€™s really difficult, because he is a feeler Dom. For me feelings are nonsense, so Iā€™m a very unsensitive gf. But heā€™s cute Theyā€™re always cute Iā€˜m sorry my darling, but youā€™re a golden retriever šŸ’”šŸ„°




They are people -infp


Look at my comment history from 12-15 days back for very awesome explanation of my partner infp who is most awesome person iā€™ve ever met


Very cool, chill and non-judgmental people when healthy.


Based on experiences with people fitting that type, they appear to be fine individuals.


Cute, crazy, more clingy than id be and i consider myself to be kinda a good amount of


warm, quieter in group settings but still friendly, imaginative, emotional


i am and i have a friend (i call her my daughter) who is, we're both really cheesy with each other and with people we like, but the main difference between us probably is because i am not only older (so i had more life experiences than her), but i am more preoccupied with defending my beliefs than her, basically i like watching conflict and fighting the people i dislike while she's really chill and sweet to the point she wouldn't hurt a fly. we're both introverts, but I'm way more social (my main temperament is sanguine). overall, her ne is pretty visible and she kind of hides a lot of her fi, but i think it's because of her age.


Terrible horrible people /j look at my flair


Idk, my sister is INFP but she isnā€™t the same person as other INFPs, therefore it is hard for me to give a general opinion on INFPs or any other type because each person is unique


personally, i love them.


I like them. They are literally the raddest type, and being one means you are in an exclusive club where you daydream all day. Oh and they're all just super awesome, attractive, and very intelligent. Wizards, in face.


hello fellow variants ā¤ļø


Theyā€™re really sweet but itā€™s VERY hard for them to actually open up even to your loved ones, which honestly upsets me because itā€™s not a sane mindset have and theyā€™re actually good people