• By -


Bought cookies with smiley on them and ate them one by one while they were looking at me.


Well you did buy them..






Why "Awwww"? Are you attracted to evil?


Idk It sounded cute the way it was told šŸ„ŗšŸ¤§ sorryšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


No it was evil so you're attracted to evil. šŸ˜


šŸ™„šŸ˜¶šŸ˜ * sigh *


It was totally cute yes


šŸ™„šŸ˜¶šŸ˜ * another sigh *


This is actually adorable


No it's not the cookies had to be smiling because who wasn't smiling was next so they all smiled because the only option they had to chose was uncertainty. However the last one that left had hope I'm gonna spare him.. but was wrong. At least they all died smiling....


They died ā€œhappyā€ šŸ˜”āœŠ


Ok if you say so. Infp...


INFP, I cried so hard I gave someone a headache


Why does that exactly sound like the meanest thing an infp would ever do?


Dont underestimate them tears, its a mass destruction weapon


I think it's a infp joke lol.


but still INFPs are the most hated


Nooooooo I love infps, couldn't do it without them! One of my fave types :)) (Any infps wanna chat, my DMS are always open for u guys šŸ˜Œ)


why? :o


no, i got it wrong. the most generally hated type is ESTJ the complete opposite to them but the most hate votes probably go for INFPs voted by INFPs themselves


Haha lol that's funny


damn, you truly are a grim kale


I was meant to be


no it wasn't, I want you to become a happy kale. You deserve it just as much as anyone else


But hereā€™s my secret; I am grim AND happy. Me edgy boo-hoo


Alright, good for you then. Just be careful and don't cut yourself on that edge :)


INFP I put [this](https://youtu.be/O8E8aDhTgZE) video on repeat on my mom's TV and hid the remote.


That's not mean, that's evil.




this is a certified hood classic


INFJ. In middle school I took off my boot and beat the shit out of a kid on the bleachers with it because he sat behind my friend and started bullying her.


Took Snapshots of my boyfriend's browser history and his sexts with an underage girl. Sent them to everyone in his phone, all of his Facebook friends and his entire family before calling the cops. He went to prison. It's been 9 years and he's still homeless because no one will hire a pedophile.


100% justice


ENFP, I hate being mean, but probably yelling at someone while crying and using my intuitive skills to say a comment that I know will hurt them, then regret it later


ISFJ. i blew up at my ESFJ friend because she kissed and started dating the guy that i liked, knowing i liked him, and bc i was jealous and didn't support it, she accused me of not caring about her happiness. at this, i completely exploded (i had been bottling up anger towards her for a long while, and it built up into a lot of resentment). i called her selfish, said that he was just using her and that their relationship would be a disaster bc he never knew what he wanted ( even though these things are true, they were still mean to say). i said a whole bunch of other mean things that day, but it was such a blind anger that i can barely remember. i think i was angry because she was pretending like she would've cared about my happiness and supported me if i made her same decision, yet whenever he did pay attention to me she talked to me about how jealous she was - and in situations like this in the past, she always said she "was happy for her friend" - but really, she'd sneer when she'd see a pic of the couple together. so the fact that she had the NERVE to say that i didn't care about her happiness really set me off and still does. i refused to buy into her fake positivity, and i'd had enough. we're still friends now and she broke up with him bc surprise surprise he ended up being an actual narcissist and used her. but i still regret everything i said that day, because in the moment, i said some REALLY meanspirited things.. i would NEVER say those things to someone again in a stable state of mind, no matter how much they hurt me.


Doesnt sound mean to me if it was true. I would have actually have said the same things to a friend as a warning. Saves for the trouble and hurt in the future if she listens and also objectively addressing character flaws that could get her in trouble. really you were just looking out for her while being brave enough for her to offend her.


yeah i honestly was trying to look out for her despite my feelings, i was just a bit harsh. she just ignored me for a month after so ig it felt like i had committed a crime in the moment


well how else could that situation could be phrased? it was a pretty ugly situation anyways. good thing she saw through it and is your friend again, but i hope her emotions don't blind her to your goodwill in the future again.


Yo this is so informative thank you


Being too blunt and honest.


Too mean to put on here


Pretty please? You canā€™t tease us like that


I've had a few. I courted a girl whose boyfriend lived with her. Her name was on the lease. She kicked him out to date me. I fucked her and then left her and that's not even the meanest thing I've done.


Wow, ok. Man you werenā€™t joking. May I ask why you did this? Did you just feel like it? Couldnā€™t find a reason not to. Iā€™m not judging, I legitimately just want to understand. Geez, reminder that the mbti stereotypes are just stereotypes.


It wasn't planned. I didn't enjoy the sex.


Eh, fair enough. Appreciate your answer and your honesty, dude.


to be honest the meanest thing iā€™ve ever done is probably remembered on whoever experienced the side effects but i donā€™t remember shit


same šŸ—æ




1999 this one guy caught me on **the wrong day** I'd just lost my paternal uncle and maternal grandfather. I had also been taken off a medication I'd been on for seizures, that medication almost acted as a tranquelizer. Having 10x more energy and these two losses in my family had me on edge already, I was sensitive and I didn't want to deal with him. He'd been harassing me since 1996 and was constantantly calling me retarded, throwing things at me, etc. all because I was quiet. I actually blacked out, I don't remember doing this, but this is what my fraid said happened... apparently I grabbed him by his throat and pinned him against the wall and his feet were off thr ground. I said a whole lotta stuff and said if he came near me again, I'd kill him. (Doesn't help this happened right after Columbine) My friend said that I saw a teacher, snapped out of it, dropped him and started walking away like nothing even happened before the teacher could even look at us.


INTJ. Everything.


ESTJ Uploaded rickroll to my TV and put the remote under the couch so when my siblings entered they just watched a repeated rickroll for 20 minutes straight until I actually took the remote again and changed it.


If I were there, I would just enjoy the music


Intp. Low fe=some bretty shitty stuff


Same I donā€™t wanna say them


Nice try. But no, thank you.


Tormented a 7-8 year old for most of the summer after he messed with my brother after asking him not to.




May I ask why and how? Iā€™m not judging, Iā€™m just curious and would love to know more


probably murdered them in cold blood or some shit i dunno




You piece of flying shit.


wait so now shit after coming outta my ass can fly itself back into your mou- sorry


Come on man, teach me your ways.


Infp - two of my closet friends randomly started hating each other and then when they were drunk, on separate occasions, revealed to me (while again, drunk) that the other was ā€œin love with meā€ and wouldnā€™t shut up about. They both told me this multiple times. Now that they each put the thought in my head about the other it seems insanely obvious. Itā€™s been a 6 months now and Iā€™m terrified Iā€™m leading them on. I know the feeling is still there for them because theyā€™ve both tried to kiss me when drunk and they glare at each other when i get close with one (never for long enough for it to be acknowledged). Iā€™m scared Iā€™ll have to cut one of them off if it keeps going. The bad thing Iā€™ve done is harboured this, probably hurting them (neither of whom i have attraction to) as well as allowing it to hurt me because Iā€™m too scared to do anything about it and also am a little worried itā€™s all in my head. -infp Edit - i really spiralled on this one haha


probably manipulating someone into feeling bad/guilty for me when I need comfortingā€¦.not proud of it :/


ENTJ, reviewed a classmates paper and told them ā€œThis is great! But instead of wasting my time and writing a page full of nonsense you could actually do something useful for onceā€ and ripped it in half, I feel semi bad but thatā€™s in the past doesnā€™t matter


INFJ- Tried lighting my mom on fire when I was a child


The "mean" things i do is not mean ,they just make less problems..., Like **ghosting or blocking**, i really hate shallow people and i ghost them to avoid conversation to avoid their shallow opinions & ideas so i won't get stressed & dont give them chance to be stupid on longer periods. Then they say im cold hearted and mean bruh


That's not even mean.. that's just petty..


i think you have to block and ghost people for your mental health. too many people are participating in too much crap nowadays. we wouldn't let those people in our house so why let them in through our phones?


Thanks, that's really...something i didn't think of in that way, i appreciate it really ,simple but strong tho loved it.


Male INFJ here. I was eating some sort of dessert in the senior lounge of my high school and a girl asked me if she could have a bite. I said ā€œno I donā€™t want to get AIDSā€ and then she walked away dejectedly. Iā€™m not usually one to say mean things so my friend who was with me at the time was like ā€œgoddamn dudeā€. I have no idea what was going though my head at the time, I must have been in a shitty mood. I wanted to apologize to her but never ended up doing so. I think the girl was an ENFP.


Oh.. i bullied my ex friend from school becouse he was rude when i asked him if he wants to hang out again that i was in town.. he told me to go where i came from..(we were pretty good friends in middleschool but i moved to another country, he was a bit kinda.. idk dumb.. everyone knew he was a bit dumb almost retard like dumb.. like 2 iq points down and he is considered retarded) i kinda bullied him, was annoying, pranked his mom, dad over the phone that he was dealing drugs, also there are payable prank calls to call and say he got a girl pregnant.. his parents are also retard like.. i feel sorry now.. in the moment i just couldnt stop.. i also knew a girl he was in becouse she told me... Told him how she liked him a lot.. so i could get him sold on the fact she is into him, to later take a picture with her and telling him i told her a bunch of lies about him and she is with me now.. than proceeded to ask him where should we go on the first date.. i felt such pleasure trolling him becouse he made me mad kinda, but now when i look at the big picture i see i did some pretty hard emotional damage and feel sorry but he blocked me everywhere.. when he did i messaged him on his ps4 account that my friend gave me.. and trolled him on there a bit untill i got blocked on every possible contact..( when he didnt block me i also knew he got a speeding ticket becouse my friends saw him getting pulled over.. he has always been the dumb kid everyone laughs at in town.. so i told him i worked for the police thats how i knew he got pulled over..and im gonna tell my boss that he is dealing drugs to make a raid to his house and take him in.. also that i planted some drugs in his house and told them where they were) damn fuck me


Yo thatā€™s evil af and CREATIVE


Bro he was borderline retarded.. im not proud of it.. but it was fun


Obviously not something to be proud of but you were kids. The amount of creativity is just crazy XD (no offense)


Hahaha i never saw myself as a creative person so its a compliment hahaha.. im 22 and that was like 6-8 months ago.. lets say we are still kids so i dont look as bad


INFJ I door slammed my best friend at the time after we hung out almost everyday for 5 years. It's a long story but I don't regret it honestly.


When I was young (8-9 years old) People in school used to bully me a lot as I was the weird kid kind of type and didn't really get along with most of the class. I don't remember ever being too bothered by it as long as they weren't physically aggressive or generally invaded my personal space. I often just found it entertaining and as an opportunity to come up with a funny response. So it appeared to be an accepted behaviour as when people did it everyone laughed and nearly never did anyone try to stop it. So I thought it would be funny to try and kind of roast another student, because I want to try the funny too. So I said like a really bad word play regarding a physical feature she had due to a disease. And she stormed out crying. I felt so bad and so ashamed and I don't even remember if I ever apologized properly, even though it got my parents involved. I'm pretty sure I felt so ashamed that when I went and explained the situation to my parents I portrayed it more as a misunderstanding, because I didn't want my parents to think I'm capable of saying such a mean thing as I didn't mean to hurt her. I still feel guilty about it to this day xD


INTJ. Used to go down to the estuary, find two crabs (one big, one small): and make them fight each other. The winner, got an all expenses trip paid to the middle of a busy highway. If it survived, it was free. TBF, I didn't act alone: I worked with an ESFJ best friend.


istj - i got fed up w this kid in 8th grade bc he kept talking while the teacher was talking and it was the second to last class of the day so i was tired asf and just wanted to get the lecture over (this was in history) so i turned around and told him that his loud mouth is probably what made his mom give him away (hes a foster kid) i felt so bad and i apologized the next time i saw him, which unfortunately wasnt until the next day, but thankfully he accepted my apology and we were friends for a while until he moved. our friendship was pretty much just roasting the shit out of each other's trauma (what i did before we were friends wasnt ok and i felt so bad i never even brushed around him being in the system after hed told me i could make jokes abt it) and making ur mom jokes - those were pretty much on his end tho šŸ’€


I laughed at a kid falling when their grandpa pulled on their scooter too hard


Told a girl who wanted to hang out with us in the break that we don't wanna hang out with her.


ghosted someone who needed my friendship and advice, because they were draining me and my mental health was suffering. i feel really bad because they didnā€™t have many friends but the things they were telling me were really draining me and i couldnā€™t take it any longer. i gave them advice for a long time, but i was literally crying myself to sleep thinking about the things this person was going through. i ghosted them and i felt so bad for doing it. i hope she found someone else to confide in. being an infp and an empath, i really naturally want to help people, but feeling their emotions as my own really takes a huge toll on me. feeling obligated to respond to people who need me also makes me feel awful for some reason. i really do care, itā€™s just really hard for me. i want to help people, but sometimes it becomes too much for me. it feels good to get this off my chest, but i still feel really bad for doing this :/


too lazy to make a throwaway but trust me its bad


Someone during math class was being amnoying and asking tons of useless question. They were like: "But why blah blah blah." And I said: "But why do you exist?" Tbh it was a meam thing to say even though I told them it was a joke but damn it was perfect timing


INTP. When I was younger I got mad at my step brother who was in high school because he locked me out of his room while playing video games. I got thumb tacks and I placed them outside his room on the carpet. I can't believe that I did something like that lmao, luckily he ended up stepping out with shoes on so no harm came of it


entj i'm a russian living in poland, and because of my nationality, i was kind of bullied at school. i heard mean comments all the time but once one of the girls wished me death. teachers knew about it but no one did anything to help me. they told me that it had to be my fault and probably i did something to upset that girl so i should apologize to her. at that time i was 10 and it affected me so much that i changed school. i made friends and everything was fine until high school. that girl ended up in the same class as me. she was really bad at russian, she literally didn't have a single positive grade. i'm a native speaker so i took this as my chance for revenge. i taught her a few sentences which didn't make any sense but she never used them so i had to come up with something else to embarrass her. the next week, she was supposed to write an essay for her russian classes and she asked me to do it for her. i found some gay sex story, copied it and gave it to her. i thought she would find out something was wrong, but she didn't even read it, she just gave it to the teacher. she almost got kicked out of school and nobody believed her that she didn't do it on purpose.


ISTP(I think) During high school, I talked the annoying kid into snorting black pepper.


ENFP, of course Iā€™m not telling you. Fi can be nasty and Iā€™m not proud, thatā€™s all you need to know.


I was living with a friend, she kicked me out and accused me of abusing her dogs (I didn't, I would never hurt an animal, animal abusers are gross), so, after I left I told her that she was a washed out mess of a person, and the reason her teen son was suicidal was because she was a terrible mother, and used her ptsd as an excuse to treat everyone like dirt. Everything I said was true, I know she was the reason for her kids suicide attempts, he told me when he was really sad once, and she *did* use ptsd as an excuse to treat people like shit. But I didnt *need* to highlight those problems and make her feel bad about herself, but she was a jerk.


I teased someone repeatedly for their name but I fully regret it and it was before I had all my social problems :( nevertheless I am still very sorry about it


Intp- (For a little bit of background knowledge, I had a disorder known as DMDD during the time that I did this, it is a condition that occurs in young children after experiencing trauma, it causes extreme aggression, frequent and often violent outbursts, and it can lead to anxiety and depression. The disorder is usually outgrown by the age of 10. This isn't an excuse, but it did play a large factor) (This takes place from 3-10 my brother and I are twins) So when I was younger my brother and I would fight *A LOT* we had the normal sibling fights, and then we had the ones where I'd get so mad that I'd tackle him, and we'd be beating the shit out of eachother to the point of bruising and sometimes bleeding. However one time I got so mad at him (probably arguing over who was factually accurate on some random thing) that I took his favorite stuffed animal, and started stomping it and punching it over and over again until he cried. (Keep in mind that my brother was practically joined at the hip with this stuffed animal, he had very few friends and this stuffed animal was kind of like his best friend at the time, and unfortunately kids made fun of him for always carrying it around) once my parents found out they immediately punished me (I don't remember how exactly) so I got mad again, and when he wasn't looking, I took the stuffed animal and hid it in my closet. Once I calmed down I forgot all about the toy, and I went to apologize to my brother, who was frantically searching for it. I had completely forgotten that I hid the toy, and eventually my parents got him to stop and wait to continue searching tomorrow. It took us, three. Fucking. Years. To find that damn toy, and the thing is he never forgot about it, we were about 7 when I hid it, and 10 once we found it. Back then I never really realized just how mean I was to him, but now that I do, I do my best to be better towards him, and thankfully our relationship has improved, but yeah, moral of the story is, young me was an Impulsive bitch.


i hate the 7 year old you with a burning hatred, but I accept that you were a bitch, and that you now are deep in cosmic debt to your brother. Okay but Iā€™m glad he forgave you (also my bff is Intp so I know the mindste lol) Now that I too have forgiven you, have a nice day lol


Yeah I don't blame you for hating her, if I could drop kick some sense into her I would, but what happened happened, and all I can do now is apologize and do better


yes now u can be a good person with all that anger out lmao


Lmao yes, my parents are some patient motherfuckers


About 14 years ago I stole someoneā€™s boyfriend at camp. They annoyed me so much i strategically and legally stole her boyfriend under her nose, even if I didnā€™t really want to date him, and announced it to her. Unfortunately she was mentally ill. Too. I use to bully people with mental disabilities. Another time, I wouldnā€™t let this guy sit at the table where me and my friends were sitting none of us wanted him to sit there. He had a meltdown and had a tantrum and wanted to sit at our table. So I went around the table following him and sitting in every chair there and declaring see that seat is taken too. He didnā€™t realize that the one next to me I just vacated was empty. But it prevented him from sitting down I would go around the table and tell him every chair that was empty was taken by sitting in it. Yes I know world class jerk.


someone on the internet fucked with me for no reason so for a reason I took my revenge by publishing her nude pictures on every porn website I found, I even wrote the name and all and then I found her home address and telephone number and shared them on these porn websites too :DDD




what the fuck


Damn u highkey giving us a bad name.






Imo, there should be a rule to never take nude pictures ever, unless you want them published anywhere on the internet. Some people will do it and not bat an eyelash.


considering what she did multiple times (I've lost count throughout so many years) me stealing her nudes and publishing on porn website is not what most people would do because most people would kill her LOL (she is so annoying a lot of people did beat her a lot enough to almost kill her LOL). otherwise I don't take such huge revenge TBH. what she did was toooo much. in a way I even showed her so much mercy by not physically harming her because she deserves a life time very painful torture. let's just say she attacks you for fun when you are already wounded a lot and she believes you hurt her when in fact she fucks you up psychologically


ENTJ, I didn't help an old person over the street when I was busy breaking up with my ex.


INTJ I apologized for yelling at them and when they wanted to pick back up like normal I blocked them on everything ā€¦and their friends


I gave two opponents concussions in the championship football game in 6th grade because we were getting beat. Also hit a kid in the head with a pitch during baseball because they kept getting hits off me. Iā€™ve learned to keep my emotions in check for the most part.


intj- it was red nose day. a girl was screaming for some reason nth serious she was just being obnoxious. i took the red ball that was on my nose and shoved it in her mouth so she can shut up.


When I was 11, I hit my best friend at the time in the stomach, the only time I've ever hit anybody that wasn't my sibling or cousin. It was more an impulsive thing than anything else, but I still feel really bad about it. I apologized later at recess and she forgave me but I still can't help wondering what the fuck was the matter with me?


ENFP, break up w a girl after a week when I was 17


INTJ Indirectly rejected a girl, never went to tell her, while she kept acting all depressed in front of me; I was intentionally not acknowledging her suffering,although that was her goal..


One time I exposed a friend of mine in front of the whole class because the teacher gave us different grades. I asked my teacher how can it be that she gets to have a better grade than me even though I do a lot more than her. Sheā€™s always had this privilege of her mom being a teacher, so this is why she (sometimes) effortlessly used to get the better grades.


Locked her in the school's PE field by herself


INTP, when my best friend was talking to the girl he liked, i cam up to him and asked if he vomited yet


ENTP and I don't know


INTP I bullied people and then wondered why they were sad šŸ¤” i really didn't know what people would feel if i say right away anything that comes to my mind. I kinda started realizing my mistakes and tried to change after growing up, but I'm still losing friends for accidentally making fun of them, but i don't even enjoy it wtf


ENTP Told my younger cousin to put his tooth under the pillow for the tooth fairy, just to tell him the next day that the tooth fairy doesnā€™t exist right after he got excited about the money i put under his pillow. Of course i took my money back lol. I was about 12 years old at that time.


You're about to make a double century


Hit my little brother with a book, for science ( i was 6yo)


Real mean thing here without trying to act like a hero. When I was a kid, I said in front of all my relatives and my mom that I preferred my aunt over my mom. Now that I'm an adult, I deeply regret it and I feel so bad for my mom, it makes me teary everytime I think about how I hurt her.


ENTP, Once me and the bois were playing cricket in PE period. A really dick kid who usually played football after getting his scrawny ass kicked from the school's official cricket team. Tried to be a leader and literally verbally bullied even to the point of pushing my INFP freind. I observed him for quiet a period and then spoke against him, he and I got into a quarrel and I said this ' why not you get your fat-ass to the football ground, oh I am sorry half of the time your fat-ass is on the ground when you can't even run for 2 minutes before wanting to relax', their are many things which I have said to people after loosing it, but this one is my favorite because my PE teacher was also laughing from distance


ISTP I almost ripped my INFP friend a new one (and wouldā€™ve said things that are 100% accurate) and probably wouldā€™ve lost him as a friend if I didnā€™t stop. The alternative here could be that I reported someone to the ATF for having illegal weapons


Bullied a girl in my class together with my ENTJ ex-bff in middle school. I think I did it because I was extremely insecure at the time (middle school me thought building a we-and-them mentality would secure the friendships I had). In the end, it just left me with a lot of guilt and friendships that didnā€™t last long, plus a lack of friendships in general.


ENTP - Idk if it's mean lol but once I changed my parents' alarm to go off at 3am with my screams it was hella funny ngl


Entp. Told my dad to never speak to me again after a bad debate


INTJ, Iā€™m actually not too sure. Maybe the times when Iā€™ve glared at people on purpose just so they can get the fuck away from me. I mean, I tend to do that a lot on accident. Just my death stare kicking in.


ENTJ. I'd gather info on my bullies' lives and when the bullying got too much I used the info to blackmail them. 2: there was a girl that could swear a guy didn't want me. I knew she was lying to get to me. She was in love with my best but friend at the time and I'd be cuddled by him when she was around just to see her cry.


INFP. Idk, I broke my brotherā€™s DS because he kept beating me up. That or like, when I blew up at a friend bc my antidepressants were messing with my temper


Lied about the funeral of my late great uncle (who'd already passed away 11 years ago, probably when I was 6) to get out of hosting the sports day event for my high school at the last minute. The entire thing was planned by my INTJ mom cuz I didn't really want to host it. (Btw, I was forced by my teachers in hosting the event and they wouldn't take no for an answer). So she helped me stage the whole incident with my ESTJ grandmother who called the school reception to deliver the sudden bad news to me, while I was in the middle of rehearsal, to say that my great uncle had passed away and shockingly enough the funeral was on the day the sports event was being held. To make the whole facade believable I even had to force shed some tears.


INFJ. I once told an ex as we were breaking up that I wished she had succeeded in her first suicide attempt. šŸ˜


ESTJ I found out from the older sister who I was currently dating that I was sleeping with her and her younger sister at the same time and I asked for a menage.


Attempted murder -INTP Or even worse said a 6 yo kid that santa doesn't exist and laugh while he is crying and while my friends were running at him to comfort him


Be me


ISTP - I asked my high school bullyā€™s boyfriend to be my homecoming date and he said yes