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Without bias, ENTP 8w7..


Yh they’re not to bad actually but why


8w7 is the dyson sphere ENTP idea generator that actually puts their ideas to use.


Can confirm. We get thing done, but we are not as OCD as an ENTJ. And we are pretty good human beings, to be frank. I hate bullying, I hate people going after the more weaker ones. I will be the first to step up, I don't care who you are, and I might not even like the other person, but if it's unrightful, I will call you out. Even if it's social kamikaze.


Yeah I think we like to see ourselves as more egotistical as we really are. But sometimes I do become an asshole. The thing is. I will tell you beforehand that I will be an asshole in certain situations so you know what to expect.


I can be an extreme asshole, but only if you are condescending, a bully or you want to assert dominance on me. I don't want to be dominant, but I don't want to be dominated as well.


Yup. I'm extremely happy with myself tbh. I'm a 7w8, but my 8 wing is practically as big as my 7 wing, I share half of both qualities but my basic motivations and fears are of 7. ENTP 8w7 is basically the idea generator that can actually put these ideas to use. 7w8s are stronger idea generators that never put dem ideas to use.


Ayo same here.


Me being an INTP 8w7 like 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol same


Brother 🤝




No way, 8w7 ENTPs are assholes. Speaking from experience.


I'm sorry but what's wrong with assholes? They are a very important part of the human body.


Came here to say this. ENTP 7w8/8w7s are among my fav co-conspirators of chaos. Love, an ENFP 739 tritype


That’s my tritype too!


Mate move over I have Si. -INTP 8w7


entps cant be e8


INTP 5w4




that's me (and i have to say, i wouldn't pick this personally)


Why wouldn’t you ?


I am ISTP 5w4 and I hate myself and my enneagram. Like my strengths are NOT USEFUL irl


That sounds cool until you have to leave your house.




Because the ones I’ve known are the perfect mix of intelligent and logical, but also have a balance of being creative and artistic Obviously prob not the case for everyone But I think it’s a cool mix🤷🏻


Eyy thats me!


ISFJ 9w1, personally.


I agree, such a sweetheart combination.


I'm INTJ 9w1




intjs cant be 9s


god I wish I could meet atleast one of them in real life




They seem to be the nicest and sweetest people to be around, in my opinion.


I know an INFP 9w1. Sweetest person ever, most understanding, utterly humble and creative af. She surprises me every time.


my best friend is an infj 4w5 and she's really cool


I’m also an INFJ 4w5. Can confirm = pretty cool.


Yay I am too! We're almost a little *too* cool


What she like iv only ever met one INFJ




Estp 9 - badass and chill




I just think its a good combo, Se doms can sometimes be too much (esp if they're 7s), ESTP 8 is a nice combo but could be intimidating and as I said, ESTPs are stereotyped as "badass" and 9s are stereotyped as chill, idk what else to say lol - i think charlie harper is estp 9


Istp 9w1? enfj 2w3?


istps 9s are really cool


Why those two


I dont know I love them.


Intp 5w4 (this is biased as I am an INTP 5w4) I feel like the 4 wing is what really makes us a good combination, we have a good balance between logic and emotion.


If there was one thing about you, you want others to know as an INTP 5w4, or something that describes you as an individual, what would it be?


Balanced between logic and emotion. For one thing it combines a core head type with a heart wing, also we are known to be extremely philosophical, philosophy is a delicate, and complicated art that requires balance between emotion and logic.


Please stop this is harmful it’s really not about a contest. No one is better than anyone and this is not the point of typology.


Meanwhile Big 5, the "scientific" piece, literally has five scores you can fail on. Not Extroverted, Agreeable, Conscientous, Open? Neurotic? Hah, five fails! Work on your dumb self.


It’s not about failing anything on big five. Learn to grow up and learn a thing or to and have some respect for theoretical personality psychology. It’s about diversity and understanding.


Where would an Introverted, not agreeable, not open, not conscientous, neurotic person be accepted and good for?


How is it harmful


Because that is not the point of typology. There’s enough of that in this sub the superiority of some types and tons of hate and division of other types. This is not socially good.


PragmaticGuardian613 tries not to say "that's not the point of typology" challenge (impossible) Can we not enjoy our typological Mengele-esque discussions about who's better than who at what? Because whether you like it or not; generalised assumptions about enneagrams and MBTI regarding which types are better suited for the scenario in hand, do actually exist.


Yh lol plus it’s not my problem if people feel sub par because of their type lol if you don’t like it no one is forcing you to comment lol plus your type is not your life if you don’t like the way you are there are several ways you can improve yourself


Well if you're perpetuating the narrative that their type is inferior then it is most definitely your fault.


I’m not saying that , every type has a gift to offer of course , it’s just not my problem if YOU feel that your type is inferior obviously no other type is better than any other type.


It’s easy for you to say it. Your tag says INTP, a glorified type in the MBT community. Try again.


Maybe I should change the title from my post to best to good


I agree with both sides tbh This is not the point of typology and in some cases it can be harmful but in other cases (such as this one) it's just harmless fun and there's nothing wrong with that


Sure they exist but is it good or is it beneficial in existence is it logical and accurate, what do they contribute to typology?


Its logical accuracy depends on how people use it so that's essentially void They don't contribute anything to typology. But I don't see why that matters.


It’s accuracy depends on the body of theory but the people make a fool out of it. And having typed about 300 people now have heard complaints how such things on the internet did not help them. It’s not behaving yourself.


Yeah that's true. Theory itself>Treatment You "typed" 300 people yet you can't type yourself. This has always confused me.


Fi is demon and being objective about self is more difficult and I am always about theory and less about me. I was actually able to in a sense I switched over to ti but someone helped me a little fi is demon for me. Really logical people that can figure out others and puzzles can’t always solve themselves.


Well tbf no one is reallytrashing any types tbh people are are stating what they think a good enneagram and mbti combo looks like to them not stating the worst type.


But this leads to favoritism and some types are better then others when there is no right or wrong type. So please stop misusing typology. It’s more which vat of poison do you want.


Behind better, there is a worst. Tittle literally says “better combo”.


that's some surface thinking coming from an intp


No, he's just curious what people think. He knows he's gonna get a lot of different answers, so he wants to see why. Look at the entire comment section, he's always more curious why they're better in the person's opinion rather than the fact itself.


Well you sure as hell aren't an ISTP.


We are talking about the horoscope of psychology. There is not wrong with admiring a certain type, even if it is your own. I think that most people are aware that there is no best. Your favorite combo only mirrors your own desires, aspirations, or shame. So in that way It could be considered as shadow work, and helpful for self-growth. If your open for it, of course. If you're not, you're stuck anyway.


Lmao no one ducking cares


Oh my god




French fry 10wnuggets




ENTP 6w7, I only say this because Mutahar is one and he's one of the only YouTubers I still like also INTJ 5wX, I'm always on the same level with them


What about INTP 5


INTP 5s are great too, love the intellectual conversation and their sarcastic/witty sense of humour.


e6 is introverted cognitively entps cant be e6


Infj 8w7 without bias or anything


Those guys exist ?


yeah... we do. I dont know what to tell you for you to believe it. And yes we absoulately make no sense.


How does you being an 8 interact with being an INFJ


its weird. people often tell me I appear serious and intimidating but once they get to know me they say how Im more caring and laid-back than I look. Also, I tend to not sugarcoat things. My least favorite thing to do is not being direct and also misleading people. I can become very defensive when someone refuses to agree with me. also, infjs may be known as more of co-leaders but I definitely think Im a leader, as in, a leader who considers my groupmates opinions and never ignores them. Yes I can be agressive just like a regular 8, but its usually unconsious and I quickly get myself together or when its consious its definitely to someone who actually deserves that treatment. I hope I was able to answer, but sorry If I couldnt because I have a hard time expressing myself and I had a hard time writing this


Nah it’s cool


infjs cant be e8


Not sure if it exists but if you're INTP 3w2 I hope you had a really cool day.


Oh and also the tritype would be 317


INTP Type 9, they are gems great people. Me saying this as a type 5 INTP


I agree but type 4


I know an intp 9 celeb, completely agreed! -Another intp 5


I have a intp friend whose 6 and 9 are almost the same highest. He's so endearing.


intps cant be 9


Is this question? if so yes. If you think I didn’t know I clearly know


Wait you said INTP’s can’t be type 9s, bruh you are an idiot


ESTP counterphobic 6


Ooh good one


se doms cant be 6 silly😂😂😜


They can’t? How come? I’ve seen a lot of characters typed as ESFP sexual 6, why is that?


ENTJ 8w7, followed by ESTP


I’m going to disagree with ISTP 8w7 tbh


I tend to favor ENTJ for obvious reasons hence why I put it first lol. There’s a bit of a bias. We have the Te ambition combined with the Ni vision which is a killer combo for getting shit done and advancing oneself in the world. The only type to be able to solidly put an ESTJ in their place. ISTPs are badass in a few ways. They balance intelligence and analytics with activity and realism but that’s really the extent of it the more I think about it as I try to find reasons for why they are. Another one is the ability to balance action with vision, similarly to ENTJs. Mid-stack Se-Ni is why. While they have the cool, badass mystique going it can be a double-edged sword. A major pitfall is their inferior Fe. In fact, Imma change the second option to ESTP. They’re ISTPs but louder and more likely to be popular and have better social skills, thus showing more versatility. Objectively speaking, they’re not perfect but better than ISTPs in this regard. Sorry not sorry ISTPs.


Yh tbh I know an ISTP 8 in real life and I don’t think it’s a good combo lol being a Ti dom and being 8 is going to make it tough for you to listen to people and since Ti Dom’s and 8 push their emotions back they are more likely to be prone to anger outbursts and Ni tertiary with ne blindspot would make them prone to being close minded it’s just very easy for this type combination to make life tough for themselves.


Not necessarily, perhaps if they're immature. It depends on the wing. 8w7 is more open than 8w9 who is more stern and fortified. An ISTP 8, especially an 8w7 is going to have stronger Se than your typical ISTP, who are generally 5s, 6s and 9s. They closely resemble ESTPs despite cognitive differences. Don't forget that Se is adaptable. Even if they are more closed to theoretical possibilities they are more open-minded in an immediate, real-world sense. Ne doesn't have a monopoly on open-mindedness. It really simply depends on the open-mindedness in question. It's also worth noting that this stronger Se might dampen the Ti a bit, giving them a more realistic and pragmatic edge. They are more likely to see things for how they are in reality and may in turn see the value in listening to other people a bit more. Still doesn't mean they won't be opinionated as fuck. Contrast this with your typical Si-dom on the other hand. They have Se nemesis and Ne blindspot. They are not adaptable and not generally open to new ideas. They are too focused on their creature comforts and stability. This is especially true of ISTJs. They are obstinate as fuck and wary of visions and new ideas. They make life suck for themselves by settling for mediocrity even if said mediocrity is comfortable to them and its something that they are used to. ISFJs are more open-minded but ultimately wind up falling into this trap and selling themselves short too.


Ok I stand corrected you have a good point


intp 5w6, entp 7w6 >>>


Why those two


entp 7w6 because that's me and intp 5w6 because i really like and get along with intps and type 5s in general


Never met an annoying ISTP 6w7 and I doubt that I ever will


ISTP 6’s are pretty cool


Entj 3




I just watched Beastars and Louis is such a good entj 3. I feel like ENTJ 3s are maybe nicer than ENTJ 8s, idk i can love and hate both haha


If this is asking which type is best all around, you will only get very subjective answers. I will say though, for a “jack of all trades” type, I’d choose first Te dominant+Ni and second Ti dominant+Se. When either of those two thinking dominants is highly intelligent/genius, imo their psyche is just on a different level. And for some odd reason, you know it too.


Estj 1w9




Hard working, lots of integrity, loyal, fun side with child Ne, tells it like it is, will stand up for what they believe in.


INTJ enneagram 8. If the world ends, they will take over everything. Close second is INTP 5 and ENTP 8w7 tied because INTP 5 is the ultimate intellectual and with enough motivation can outshine anyone else but they never get that motivation and ENTP 8w7 because they're basically a knock off INTJ 8 but more fun to be around so maybe a better depending on the circumstances. Honorable mention: ENFJ 7 because they try so hard to be helpful and are possibly the most giving type of all. The literal worst is INFP enneagram 8 lol because they are evil and manipulative. In conclusion, my favorite is INTP 5 but the best is INTJ 8.


ENTJ 8-3-5


estj 1w2




they tend to be spirited but solid enough that interacting with them comes easy. i don’t have to try and piece together their stances on things because they do it themselves.


I vote XXXX firstwing w secondwing


nothing is "best" standalone-wise. you gotta state which is supposed to be best in X


entj/estj 8w9


xxFJ 9w1 or 2w1


ENTJ 8w7. Ideas generator, make the idea come to life.


I prefer ENTJ 8w9’s tbh




Well ENTJ 8w7’s are more likely to be more impulsive and are more likely to loop than 8w9 plus 8w9 ENTJ have better use of their Ni and are more likely to go into their integration to 2 making them work on introverted feeling


entj 8w7 I am an entj 8w7, any questions?


How are you different from other ENTJ or 8w7?


i find that my 7 wing would make me more eccentric and perhaps more disorganized than other entj, but only slightly. I also have relatively strong Se, because of the 8. im also sp/sx for instinctual variant, which makes me more possessive, and less caring compared to other 8s or entjs


Do you feel often misunderstood?


to an extent, i suppose. i'm not gonna go crying about how Im not like the other girls, but sometimes i cant help but to feel a bit detached


ISTP 5w6


Why and how do you feel about INTP 5w6


Basically combined the coolest of the MBTIs and the coolest enneagram and bam. INTP 5w6 is pretty nerdy but that’s not a bad thing.


ISTP 9w8




cuz they're baddass and chill i mean duhh


I don't know what's best but mad respect for the Entj 8w9s. I think all my favorite types of characters in fiction has always been xntj 8w9 and 1w9


mine. just kidding. intj 1


Well I’m an INFJ & my two best friends are an INFP & INTJ. We’re a pretty unstoppable team who does have a habit of sometimes going down the rabbit hole, lol. My INFP friend and I are known as “The Chaotic Duo” amongst our friends. People tend to ship my INTJ friend and I & I think that’s because I don’t easily annoy him and we’re intellectuals who nerd out together a lot.


Whatever your mom's enneagram and mbti is my favorite combo.


As long as it isn’t INFJ 6w5 If you encounter one, make sure to be *very supportive* of their artwork, lie if you have to Maybe sneak some turkey sausage into their salad


Hey, I know this is mine but INFP 6w7, I feel like I be more tune to people instead of an INFP 4w5, no offence.


I’m INFJ 8w9, as weird and contradictory as that sounds. Just thought it was interesting, the 8w9 part.


How do people describe you


I’ve been described as reserved and kind by people I don’t know well: most who are close to me would describe me as “intense”, in a good way - passionate about what I believe


Probably ISTP 6w5 or INFJ 6w5


I think istp 6’s are awesome but iv only known one INFJ




I dunno intp 5w6




Cuz i am one of them


Do we have a simp here?


esfp 9w1




relaxed asf, funny but not the annoying esfp stereotype. sauce: my friend is an esfp 9w1


ESTP 8w7 or 7w8 ISTP 8w7 or 7w8 ENTP 8w7 or 7w8 It's my opinion don't dislike


Why those three


Cause all of these three characters are boldest and they will be bolder when you add 8w7 or 7w8 to them and you can make them a great warrior


Me an INTP 8w7.


I'm an ambivert that's kinda cause my E and I are super near and that becomes Xstp and my enneagram is 8w7 or 7w8 one of this


Bruh same I'm like dead center E vs I.


Mine was once I 47, E 53 , once E 55 , 45 I and once 51 E ,49 I but in all of them STP didn't change


I got 58% E and 42% I once.


Yeah, if one of them is on 50 you count as an ambivert or an omnivert


Let me say it... ENTJ 5w6 🥺 rare but love them sm




Bc they use their Te to gain knowledge and i love it. Plus 5 makes them more introverted then rest of ENTJ's so they're my type


entp 7w8 cuz it's mine


There's no such thing as a "best mbti enneagram combo" all of them are equally great, shit varies from person to person so what makes a good combination isn't the combination itself, but the way the person chooses to use their abilities and fight their weaknesses.


I know it's long a bit, but I really like these types: ENFP 2w1 ESTP 3w2 ENTP 3w2 INFJ 4w3 INTP 5w6 ISTP 6w5 INTP 6w7 ENTP 7w6 ENTP 7w8 ENTP 8w7 ISTP 8w9 INFJ 9w1 INFP 9w1 ISFP 9w8


idk but im cool af for some reason, INTP 4w5


I am ISTP 5w4 and I hate myself and my enneagram. Like my strengths are NOT USEFUL irl. Example I am a nurse in a hospital where I constantly need to prove myself to keep being respected by higher ups and not end up a bimbo for everybody, which I hate. For me, it'd be way easier to work with 9w8 or 6w7. But no 5w4...the only times I find my strengths are finding information for Group Projects, having all sorts of unusual facts about life, medicine. I started teaching first aid lessons recently with my (exmarine) colleague, who has a whole driving school as a side hustle, I kinda feel that I am good in this, as I find simple answers and lessons to the most outrageous questions.


INFP 9w1


My sister is an INFP 9w1 and that seems like a pretty perfect combination


Why is she a perfect combination


Basically impossible to judge, the answer varies greatly based on what your life goal is What i can say is that i believe my type (ENFP 827 So with a 2 fix) is the perfect combination for what i want to do in life and i couldn't be happier with it


ISTP 8w7, coming from an ISTJ 5w6


Enfp 2w3


INTJ 8w7. They exist. Tried and tested repeatedly. Same outcome. Would love join to another such one.


ENTP 8w7 but INTJ 8w7 too


ENTJ 1w2 or ESTP 5w6. I'm an INTP 8w7 btw. Alright ladies, one at a time.


ESTP 5w6’s exist


Was that a question or a statement?


Question? And what are they like