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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/MahouShoujoDysphoria. HAPPY PRIDE! BE LOUD. KISS THE HOMIES. EAT THE POLICE. Read the [rules](https://reddit.com/r/me_irlgbt/about/rules) before participating or you'll be put in a tube and sent to the titanic. HAPPY PRIDE! If you are willing and able, please donate to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund who are providing vital aid in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. The first pride was a riot, let's remember our roots and fight for everyone's right to safety <3 https://www.pcrf.net/ If you donate to the PCRF, send us proof and we'll give you a special flair! SHITPOST OR QUITPOST *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Putting aside the actual meme for a moment, i hate how the attitude some people have where they believe that holidays are handed down from on high based on who's most important. Nobody "gets a month" or "gets a day." These are just months and days when people choose to celebrate things, not claimed territory.


counterpoint: we licked june so now it's ours.


I love that I genuinely can not tell if you are using the word "lick" as a synonym for steal, or if you are implying that putting your tongue on a calendar month means that you own it.




I see.




Their goals are beyond our understanding.


Nice, I haven't been able to see since the incident




Just in case you are unfamilliar licking things to claim them as your own is a bit of a meme but it references a real life thing usually when growing up, if say you and a sibling were arguing over a leftover piece of food you could literally lick it to put them off it so you could have it.


Im well aware of that. I just didn't realize such rules extended to chronology.


have you heard of analogy


This seems to have gotten out of hand


its 2024 we lick ass now grandpa


and now that ass is mine! I like how this works.


What? Youve never tasted time?


Tastes tingly, like a 9 volt battery


its cool, it was a meme a lil while back to just apply it to anything. Want to say it started on tumblr, maybe?


Can't argue with that




hehe we also licked the rainbow so now the phobes don't want it anymore and it's ours


We were supposed to lick it?


Juneteenth was there first technically so took someone else’s month maybe? The whole I own the month thing is silly


right? like no one is stopping people from honoring veterans for a month… why are they getting mad at people celebrating instead of fighting to make it a thing? lmao


My towns got a month for something almost every month. February is Black History March is women's history April is spring cleaning/Earth/sustainability month. May is veterans month. June is pride. July is America. September is labor history October is Halloween November/December is mostly just months long holiday stuff. January/August the only ones left out.




Fine by me, we'll give August to the spaghetti monster then




There is no firm proof that our lord and savoir is not gluten free though.


Gluten free pasta definitely exists. And while I am not an expert in Pastafarian theology, I believe the FSM would approve of gluten free pasta so that more people can be touched by his noodly appendages.


> My towns got a month for something almost every month. ... > May is veterans month. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Military_Appreciation_Month


That's the funniest thing, every year when june rolls around, the conservatives start whining about there not being a veterans month, and you have to inform them that there in fact is one and they've just missed it. Shows how much they don't actually care about their veterans


There’s actually two, I believe it’s Military Family Appreciation Month in November as well EDIT: [NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2023 as National Veterans and Military Families Month. I call upon the people of the United States to honor veterans and military families with appropriate ceremonies and activities.](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/10/31/a-proclamation-on-national-veterans-and-military-families-month-2023/)


Honey child this is not a your town thing… this is national


I've never lived anywhere that celebrated July 4th for a whole month lmao. They do a lot of the same things yes, but everything that's not normally a whole is extended the whole month.


Because it's not actually about an abundance of love for the military. It's about using the generally positive attitude toward the military as a weapon against LGBT+ people, who they want to be hated.


Like the phrase: "won't anyone think of the kids?" They don't think about kids, at least in a good way.


they only think about the kids before they're born


I remember when conservatives boo'd a gay soldier who was actively serving in a war zone for asking a question about Don't Ask Don't Tell during a presidential debate they hate gay people even more than they love the military


Pretty sure vets have a month (just checked: National Military Appreciation month in the US is May).


Also, and I’m not saying veterans don’t deserve things, but many get a lot of stuff year round. Like military discounts. And, typically a whole month isn’t given to people who actually have power under the current regime in the U.S.. Black history month, women’s history month, pride month… these are examples of groups that have been hurt by the patriarchy which includes the military industrial complex. If you’re part of any (or all) of these groups, the implication is that it is NOT your time the rest of the year. That’s why we have to have special recognition.


Right. Also worth pointing out that Veterans Day and Memorial Day (I know Memorial Day is for honoring the fallen but still) are recognized holidays and most places will close down and give you paid time off. There’s no LGBT holiday that is officially recognized in the same capacity. Chase Bank will hand out rainbow pens during Pride but won’t give their employees PTO to celebrate


That's not quite true. Veteran's day is a federally recognized holiday, and Bill Clinton declared June to be Pride Month in 1999. Like you say, the celebrations themselves weren't "handed down from on high", but the meme is apparently critiquing what those "on high" recognize and legitimize, which can be a fair critique depending on context. Of course in this case, the original meme wasn't presenting a fair critique. Veteran's day is codified through law, by a bill that was passed through congress and signed by Eisenhower in 1954 with foundations going back to WWI. Clinton's proclamation, on the other hand, was a ceremonial form of executive order which is among the weakest forms of executive action. Not nothing, but not nearly as substantial as an actual law. A fairer comparison as others have mentioned already is to Military Appreciation Month in May. But even that has a stronger federal recognition than Pride Month, because a unanimous congressional resolution carries more weight than a presidential proclamation. Basically, the original meme is straight up propaganda any way you slice it. Not that anybody here needed to be told that, but there's some background for ya.


And that's looking past the fact that May is National Military Appreciation Month. And November is Military Family Month. And they have several other days that people don't think of


They're gonna be really pissed when they find out May was Military Appreciation month. JK they won't give a fuck, because as always this sort of outrage is performative and not real. Oh, and then there's November, National Veterans and Military Families month, which they also don't know about because they don't actually fucking care.


Additionally, National Military Appreciation Month is the one immediately before Pride, every year. This entire meme of "gays getting a month, veterans get a day" is entirely bullshit to begin with in the sense they try to portray.


Yes please stop this shit its getting annoying also stop pitting two groups against eachother, the 2 party system in Guns of Murica is fucking over its people so hard..


For Memorial Day though it is literally handed down though because it's a full blown federal holiday. The whole of May is also Veterans Appreciation Month too.


Also, the entire month of May is military appreciation month


Also if they are so pro military they should know may is military appreciation month, fucking morons


Plus, the Military gets enough days for a month throughout the year


Yeh there are multiple certifications/awareness days/weeks/months at the same time


Kissing the lads >>> war




Navy boys in shambles


someone tell them that they can be gay on land


We should fight wars with gay make out fights, not guns


Gonna pissed when you find out about May…I can’t speak for other queer veterans but I also fucking hate the military


May: military appreciation month and also mental health awareness. Double the fun, double the rage.


The mother of all oxymorons


Not really, lots of vets have trouble with mental health. They may not have a monopoly on ptsd, but it isn't for lack of effort


I was thinking more along the Lines of the huge detriment the military is on mental health, I just thought it was an oxymoron to have *”military”* *appreciation* day (referring to troops in reality I know) and mental health right next to each other


I guess I a what you're trying to say, it isn't an oxymoron though. You can appreciate the need for the armed forces and the need for visibility for mental health at the same time. Lots of necessary things are bad for mental health.




"Your depression is not service related"


Mental health is more important than the military though. I vote we remove the military and focus on mental health.


literally opposites of each other


And the 30 other individuals date dedicated to military vets and their families


TBF we get a bunch of random days too. But I don’t really think visibility weeks/days and Remembrance Days count all that much 🫤


Notably, the one we all remember is the one with the theme of memory


>I can’t speak for other queer veterans but I also fucking hate the military Same :) Best part about being a queer veteran is you get two whole months dedicated to you!






As a cishet white-passing bald headed male combat veteran, the amount of racists and homophobes and transphobes and whatnot who think I am on "their side" is astounding. The look on their face when they hear about my NB partner and trans son is 😙👌 priceless.






Also November for Military/Veteran Families Month


You telling me they get two months and we only get one?! Shame! /s


April is the month of the military child as well, which isn’t for the military itself but for some of the people impacted by military life


As a veteran, I approve. The military is just one gaslight after another.


Queer vet who hates the military is redundant (signed, a queer vet who hates the military)


Hell, a veteran who hates the military is redundant for quite a lot. I only did it because I needed some stability and the means to go back to university after nearly 10 years


I hate fucking the military, athletic hardbody boys to be sure, but so selfish sometimes


Ngl I fucked my squadmate. Army gay hits different.


>Army gay hits different. Like different parts of your body or different Parts of the drywall?




Bitch, I almost spit cum out of my nose.


It’s illegal to waste cum in June baby.


ah I see that it is international men's day all over again


know a good amount of military people that feel that way about the military tbh


Speaking as a straight veteran I too hate the military and the entire corrupt fucking system that supports it.


always remember, if someone uses the line about the month vs day, share how Military Appreciation Month was May and they didnt actually care.


Yeah “tell me your patriotism is performative and you don’t actually give a shit about veterans without actually telling me”


Don’t forget November. National veteran and military families month.


They're just butthurt about not having the same enthusiasm when they celebrate may


I hate the military but respect veterans a ton


I like the GI bill and hate the military


If only there were a way for wealthy countries to just pay for their people to go to college and have healthcare. What? Oh... Just Us you say? Damn.


Actually it's required that if you get free college you need permanent knee and lumbar damage. Every European has it already


LGBT+ folks don't get 10% off at IHOP, so I'd call it a wash.


No federal holiday either!


Independence Day, Veterans Day, and Memorial Day


"May is Military Appreciation Month, a special time for those in and out of the military. It is a time designated to honor and recognize the contributions, sacrifices, and service of the members of the armed forces, past and present." Thing is that people that keep crying that veterans dont have a month dont care about veterans and just want something to show that they are oh so treated bad waaaah


As a gay vet I get 2 months and a day. I'm mad drunk with power! Mwahaha! 🤠


My best friend gets those two months, a day, juneteenth, and also Black History Month She's always joking when any of them start like DONT TALK TO ME, ITS THE FIRST OF JUNE / MARCH or whatever 😂


The whole month of November was officially proclaimed military veterans and families month by…Joe Biden. I like to share that little tidbit with every family member who posts one of these


the only boots I like are worn by dykes in leather 😤


the only boots i *lick* are worn by dykes in leather mmndshsjdgfbhfh 🥺




As a combat vet, we don't want a month of celebration... We want unfettered healthcare. Obviously for all, but if we can't even start with the vets... Who are we gonna start with?


Cheaper to worship your veterans than to take care of them.


"thoughts and prayers"


Don't forget "thank you for your service"


Veterans should be taken care of for life. Life for life. Housing, healthcare and a stipend


Best we can do is occasionally but basically never


Best who can do?!?


The powers that be? 


"You don't need healthcare, you've had worse"


I hate the military and war in general, but i have a lot of compassion for veterans. Even with drafts aside, to this day poverty pushes a lot of people to sign up who wouldn't have in a world of equal opportunities. They're told they'll get all sorts of benefits, yet they come home traumatized, possibly disabled, and often unable to hold down a job or maintain relationships. I've lived in homeless shelters before and the amount of veterans who end up there is disheartening.


While there definitely are veterans who fit this description, let's not pretend there's not a significant portion who completely buy into the propaganda and enter the military with malice. The swell in recruitment after 9/11, for example, was *absolutely not* just poor people looking for a way to pay for college. And in any case, being desperate doesn't override being an occupier in a foreign land.




66% of the soldiers in Vietnam volunteered.


…because it would allow them more choice in their position, ergo less chance of dying in a jungle, than if they got drafted. 66% did not join because they wanted to kill some vietnamese


May is military appreciation month, November is veterans and military family appreciation month. If bigots actually cared about the military they would know. Their ignorance reveals that they just want to use the military and the people it hurts for their own stupid mindless bigotry.


It's so unfair! Queer people get to board airplanes first, stores give gay discounts, strangers stop drag queens on the street and thank them for their service, we salute the Pride flag and sing "YMCA" before every damn sporting event in the country, and now there's a Pride Month too?!?! When will the gay privilege end??


What is the red-shorts comrade in the lower right foreground wearing around their legs? Is that just tape or is it a fashion thing I’m a billion years behind on?


Uh no, the military gets recognized all the time. I've lost count how many times I've heard "thank you for your service" when someone sees a service member. They get discounts in many places if they show their id. The military is always put on a pedestal in this country. They get year round recognition.


me going into a blind monkey rage when i see a military recruitment ad at a movie theater:


Military Appreciation Month, Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, Medal of Honor Day, Armistice Day, and more.




Yeah. It’s the month before pride month. But these absolute chuckle fucks don’t even know that. Shows how much the sUpPoRt ThE tRoOpS


It's about time Home Depot give LGBTQ+ that 10% discount.


Military worship is shoved down our throats everywhere all year long. You go to any major sporting event and they always bring out some veteran for everyone to clap for.


A queer (trans/pan) veteran here... it's very lonely, veterans hate me, and the queer community hates me, no support from anyone. No veteran support groups to help me with PTSD or veteran issues, no queer groups want me around because of a mistake (enlisting) I made trying to pull myself out of a bad situation, and neither group willing to offer any empathy.


I honestly can't help but see most military folks as victims of the system. They deserve a month for what they sacrificed, but it shouldn't be framed as super patriotism, about what they worked to achieve despite what they lost. Many people join the military because they have no other choice in the matter, be it poverty or something else. I don't think the military should be admonished, but the government who utilized them for horrible acts and needless wars definitely should be.


No, they don‘t deserve a month for what they sacrificed. They deserve to be properly cared for. Both mentally and physically.








I'm so fucking tired of people saying we get a full month Yes it's pride month and it's the full month but most cities just take one Saturday and celebrate pride that way and then it's mostly flags and a few companies with pride logos, When people say shit like there is a whole month for us they act like people go in parades every fucking day in the streets. Can't we just have a month to celebrate in different parts of the world without people crying, saying it's unfair. Can't people just go on like the rest of us


TBF some veterans are not a big fan of the industrial military complex, and should stop seeing veterans like wwII front line soldiers. Most modern veterans do not see battle or fight in the front lines.


Yeah the US military has a ratio of like 9 or 10 to 1 for support personnel vs combat personnel iirc.


“They fight for our freedoms!” Honey-baby-sweetie-sugarpie, they fight for someone else’s money and power.


Nope. Military people get more than that all over the world if I recall. I think its unironically around 90 in some places.




Don’t be ridiculous, making line go up for ghoulish shareholders at Lockheed Martin and co is totally a valid reason for massively fucking over various countries and committing loads of war crimes /j


As a veteran, I would rather have a month of pride than one dedicated to veterans. Even with the crappy way our government disposes of veterans who didn’t serve at least 20 years, I feel veterans are way better supported than LGBTQ people. And veteran’s day is so dry and boring. I don’t want that for a whole month.


It more than just a month https://www.militaryfood.org/military-holidays-and-observances


I hate the military, but not veterans.   Also wait until they discover May.   Really to make it fair we should have a day specifically for retired LGBT.


I’m confused though veterans day isn’t about the military. It’s about veterans…


It's crazy how many Russian bots don't realize May exists


As someone in the military, fuck yeah. I love this


As a vet, you can have that day too, it's honestly more annoying than appreciated.




In the US, the military is constantly being felated. The US lives to lick boots at every opportunity


Make love, not war.


I know Veterans month is a dumb right-wing grift, but they neef to put som respect on Veterans. A paid holiday off (for government employees) and veterans get to eat free at certain restaurants. An appreciation month is cool and all, but I would selfishly trade that in for a paid holiday AND free food (tho it would have to be somewhere better than Applebee's and Denny's)


The military does have value but its budget is way too much in America and it uses its power and influence overseas way too much. It should protect our land and use its resources to innovate when not actively doing just that. We start too many wars and bully other countries for no good reason. Its actions are just from greed and politics. I simply think it has overreached with its influence on the world for way too long. All countries need some sort of military but the one we have now sucks. We have a lot of other social services that are breaking down because of their budgets and even a fraction of the militaries budget could fix a lot of them.


What gets me is military appreciation month is in May. So they do get a whole month, too. People just want us to go back to being a family secret that no one talks about.


People who are hired mercenaries for the state, who go abroad and just mass murder (let's face it, usually brown) people shouldn't even get a day. I'm not saying every veteran is a war criminal, but every Americsn veteran should at least be tried as one. "But they fought in WWII" yeah those vets are all dead.






Doesn’t matter who is in the military. It’s predatory as fucks and preys on kids to sell their life to them.


smas untalented?!! alright, time for more sans fights


Lets not pretend like veterans are not treated as special Americans for the entire year.








That 10% discount at Home Depot tho.......that shit 🔥


https://www.militaryfood.org/military-holidays-and-observances A really long list of days/months for remembrance.


I also the sans


2 months. They literally get twice what LGBT people do.


Ah great all the gay military people get a month and a day!


Just today I posted something similar in another sub and I got to hate speech strike by Reddit.


excuse me for being forced to waste 1 year of my life in the army in my country :(