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I walked pass a person who kinda gave me queer vibes and i said knly a hi to them then they said hi back and then we looked at eachoether like wait...are you? And then i walked away😅


Noticing other trans people when you’re trans and trying to telepathically signal them.


It's the worst honestly because saying anything would basically be admitting that you're clocking them, but all I want is another tran fren 😭


I wear trans flag plugs a lot hoping another trans person notices and we becomes best friends 💀


If someone else notices your plug I think you’re probably already a bit more than best friends. /hj






Yep. Every time


queer-to-queer communication 🧠⚡🧠 queer-to-queer conversation


What is subtle queer apparel? I wanna learn so I can use it too! Ik that folded jeans are bi but that's all.


Like an ace ring or something like a pride bracelet or pin. Stuff like that :) or even a little rainbow pin.


Saw this dude once who was levitating across the room, would that count?


only if hes yelling “im queer”. stay vigilant !


He might’ve been saying that, but it was tough to tell because he was speaking in reverse. EDIT: I talked to another guy in the room at the time (who could hear in reverse of course) and although he didn't catch anything in regards to the queerness of the levitating man, he *did* catch the words "I drive my car, play guitar, it's hot outside, meth meth". I'll never forget that day.


You should say something. "Nice bracelet" goes a long ways for both parties. Give it a try if you're up to it!


does a green carnation embroidered onto my jacket count


to me it’s doc martens


I think it's generally things like that, wearing the colour pallette if a certain flag, or a very small but literal flag(like a pin or a bracelet)


>folded jeans Now, where did this come from? That's, like, way outta left field and specific, AfaIk.


Almost said, "I love your flag!" to some rando walking down the street the other day, but realized at the last second that would be psychotic, as I was driving, and that would have been terrifying for them.


The other day a coworker of mine was gushing on about his boyfriend (so not subtle at all lol) and I wanted to be like, "Hey, I'm gay too!" But then I got awkward and just told him that him and his boyfriend should mentally prepare if they're going to watch Graveyard of the Fireflies (super dark Studio Ghibli film). Now I want to be friends with him because I need more queer friends. But I'm so awkward :,(


yesss, should be focusing on driving i thinkk


lol we were at a 4 way stop, but still! 😂


This is yet to happen to me but I hope the “down-nod” should get the idea across


That's why I bought a bi bracelet and a trans symbol necklace, I want other queer people to notice me.


Just point at something queer you're wearing (or do the wrist thing) and finger-gun as you both walk away


Bold of you to assume I'm not incredibly awkward lmao. I get too excited and then I don't know what to do...


I was working and complimented a customer on their pan pride flag mask and you could see in their eyes they were losing their shit inside


I saw someone on the plane with a they/them pin on their backpack, but there was no good time to say anything. And even if there was, I am too awkward. T.T


i pass as cishet because i can't be fucked with a hypermasc tall AMAB body that screams masculinity everywhere i go, to do anything, dress up queer or cute,, bc misgendering and harassment D; and then i see someone visibly queer (has happened quite a few times) and i just look so cishet that uhm,,, rip


Me at work. For real. I think the 2 people giving me enby dysphoria are just gender nonconforming cis women...but it did lead to me getting a binder. I'm gonna wear a trans pin to work tomorrow for the first time and I hope people notice. It will be next to my pronoun pin. And I'm very nervous lol.


The guy working the register at Michaels was wearing a Bi flag mask and I wished I was wearing my Pan badge for solidarity but I didn't feel it was appropriate to go "Oh, hello fellow member of the guild! I see you also like penis!" In front of my dad lol.


I accidentally called someone out for their black ring. His face went from "hey thanks" to "oh no, she knows" in less then a second and I felt so bad


What does the black ring represent?


It's an ace ring.


Being Ace


I had to stop wearing my ace ring for work :( because my hands are frequently tangled in sticky vinyl when I'm weeding decals after plotting them. I still wear it in my free time though and no complaints because my job gives me very little stress and pays well and I like my coworkers. But I do miss wearing my ace ring all the time.


Yeah I bet. Sounds like a fun, if infuriating job.


I’m not awkward but I do get mindful about not outing someone. You never know when they’re gonna be ok with being more blunt /outspoken or if that subtle apparel was it for their comfort zone 😅


I'm gonna wear something out of my comfort zone tomorrow 😳 and I'm a tiny bit scared. But I know I have queer coworkers so that's why I feel safe.


Oooh! Good luck! 😁


I finally made a friendly acquaintance based on their bracelet(s) the other day! But prior to that, the gay awkwardness was pretty tense haha


Tbh. I would be considered “DL” or “straight acting”, and I always tend to run into guys that make my gaydar go off slightly. I don’t want to say anything for obvious reasons, but i die a little inside when I see a guy and think “is he?” And never find out 😂😂


No one fucking cares!!


This former user cares so little they had to comment **three separate times** to let everyone know how much they don't care! We can all admire their dedication to apathy, if not anything else about them. Edit: This former user cares so little that they also had to take the coward's path and remove the pretty orange flair the mod team granted them. Truly an inspiration to all of us in the not-caring industry.


Omg TYSM 🥰🥰❤️❤️ means so much that you care enough to comment repeatedly.


I don't even do it subtly, I stay walking around with a shirt that says "gay in the streets and gay in the sheets"


Yeah I thought my coworker was maybe queer and I was also queer and I wanted to know for ✨ friendship✨ reasons but I couldn’t just ask.


I wear a bi flag bracelet for this very reason but no one has approached me yet 😔


Omg this reminds me of when I saw a girl at kings island holding a rainbow flag. I'd was so thrilled about it but I couldn't compliment her on it because I was with my family.


I wanna get me some aroace rings but I gotta figure out if I’m not just a late bloomer first


Lol yesterday I was at a concert (Dodie for anyone interested) and everyone there was hella queer, and there were these very cute people )possibly girls) in front of me with the most awesome clothes and hair and vibes but I was too scared to say anything even somewhere LITERALLY EVERYONE WAS QUEER AF lol