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My girlfriend's sister is writing a book with only queer people in it. This is the way.


Is it the bible? Bc everyone is gay in the bible: r/QueerBible




What is the premise and can she include a bank that uses small dragons to protect the richties into the book?


We need info The whole sub wants to know


What I don't like is how queer people in popular media are shown as part of their relationships. Like, can't queer people just be normalised, being just a part of a normal plot, rather than having a separate romantic/sexual plot dedicated to them? It almost reduces queer people to just their orientation, as if they don't have lives outside of it.


In the Cowboy Bebop live action there was a trans character. And they didn’t mention their trans-ness or show anything romantic/sexual with them at all. They came in, played their role, and that was it. I kinda loved how they did it, cause in the anime the character had a tragic backstory where they were experimented on and given drugs which changed their body and mind; in the live action they were just able to exist in their happy life working at a club.


Sexuality isn't a visible thing, so often the easiest way to make it clear that a character is gay beyond a doubt, is to give them a love interest.


Yeah but that's just bad writing. Ms. Frizzle on the Magic Schoolbus was obviously a lesbian and she wasn't shown in any relationships. That I know of, anyway. I'm not like...a Magic Schoolbus expert or anything.


Wait, she's lesbian? Huh, didn't know that. I need to rewatch it now.


Well, her voice actor is a lesbian






They never technically say she is but...it's pretty clear that she is. At least to me.


Guess I never picked up on the signs back then. Though, it has been years since I watched it, so not only did I not know back then, but I also don't remember anything.


Honestly I see it


The really bad 3rd season of Scream had a gay dude outside of a relationship. SPOILERS cus after he dies there’s a scene where this jock talks to the guy’s best friend about how they hooked up.


High Fidelity is decent with this, only half through the show though


That’s why I loved night in the woods so damn much… having the main focus ship be gay and only bring up them being gay ONE time other then the typical relationship cute flirting (which they treat like straight people flirting) and it’s so normalised when the game came out people kept mistaking a character as female sometimes cause they were so confused about it


"Of course not! You can have one or two characters who have no on screen romantic interests or expression of sexuality and then the creator can just claim they're straight later without lifting a finger! That's representation, right?"


I'll be happy when queer characters are depicted in the same way and at the same proportion as cishet characters.


same proportion would throw things off balance once again as queer people and by extension queer characters are the minority




Hihihi :^>


You know what? I'm going to start gaying them even harder


Am I the only queer who doesn’t actually want all the characters in a story to be queer? Also nice meme. It’s one of my favorite templates.


You're not alone, i think diversity is important


i'm gonna make EVERY character a nonbinary lesbian and nobody can stop me. the biggest, beefiest character you can name? nby lesbian fight me /hj i already have a very long list of characters i've done this too


The cat doesn't talk


Heterosexual people suck irl they’re gonna suck in books too


DAE Our Flag Means Death?


Holy fuck I love that show so much


Homophobic? Make em' gay. Doesn't know it? Make em' questioning. JUST MAKE THEM QUEER IN SOME WAY


When stories can have entirely queer casts and nobody bats an eye, then it will be enough


As a cishet person, not having any cishet characters would be kind of a bummer, but i find that having human rights would be consoling.


Can I interest you in the Owl House?


Oh ofcourse... because that's how equality works...






The number of queer characters doesn’t bother me, but I hate when they shoehorn in a badly written queer character just for the sake of diversity.


Damn, you'd hate my friends, then.


Oh no, those two women are *kissing!* On the tv! The horror! 🙄 Obviously if they’re just shoehorned in, that’s a problem, but there’s nothing wrong with characters being gay just because they are.


everyone is gay


not a single one of my OC's are straight this is the way


y e s.


That would be pretty gay


Me slipping the main relationship to be incredibly gay in my stories… Also me making and paying little attention to the one story without any gay ships…


Yes exactly. How else would we spread the Gay Agenda ™


A show where every character is queer? Why does the Golden Girls keep coming up in conversations on reddit?


Why not make all characters poly-gendered beasts with that touch of lovecraftian queerness that makes one mad when trying to understand a sex scene? I mean regular queerness is so 2010s