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Reports: >6: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability > >3: It's sexual or suggestive content involving minors > >2: This is misinformation > >1: It's rude, vulgar or offensive Dang, apparently my AXAB woman ass has silenced 12 REAL women who are super mad about it.


Also they literally use terf to describe themselves


Yes, it was them that made the word in the first place.


Until the word became derogatory due to its association with them.


Its not derogatory. Are you a TERF? If so get out of here. To the people commenting, They invented the term themselves. It's not derogatory. End of.


1 Transphobes call themselves TERFs and pretend to be feminists protecting women. 2 Ater a few months people have noticed that TERFs never talk about wage parity or reproductive rights. They just spread transphobic lies. 3 People who support the trans community consider TERF derogatory because of the transphobes who adopted the word. 4 TERFs play the victim saying people are using a slur to describe them. It became a slur because of their own behavior.


It's not a derogatory term. And their facists not feminists. End of. Anyone correcting my spelling, yeah it's a typo but I'm going to leave it because trying to take away from someone's point by correcting their spelling is rooted in racism, classism, and ablism. Don't be that person.


It is derogatory. That’s the point, they *should* be scared of being labeled a TERF. Let’s not pretend it’s some clinical term with zero baggage tied to it.


“I’m so silenced,” she says on the most watched channel on cable to millions of concurrent viewers.




JK Rowling as I recall the BBC had her on and she said some unhinged shit but I don't know for sure I have her blocked these days for my own mental health edit: a word




Same I loved those books and movies as a kid and Hermione was who I wanted to be whether I wanted to admit it or not but now I refuse to touch anything she's getting paid for


Is reddit much better?


Might be sleep but I can’t read the text Can u please explain?


TERFs explaining how TERF is a way* to silence women even though they never shut the fuck up They just missed a word so hopefully that clarifies it


Ah cheers World of difference for my sleep deprived ass (a levels physics hits hard man :(. )


That’s fair, good luck on your A-levels!




But that still doesn’t make sense, why would a TERF argue that TERFs are silencing women? What am I missing?


It’s like saying the word “racist” is a slur. The people complaining about being called racist all the time are the ones being racist all the time. I’ve seen someone complain about being called “a TERF”, acting victimized by the description, but they weren’t showing an ounce of care toward letting people pee in peace in the bathrooms.


The *term* TERF.




A terf is a “trans exclusionary radical feminist”. A person who claims to be a feminist but is transphobic because they don’t see trans women as women


Plus a lot of them dont even avtually care about cis women it's just about transphobia




Yeah, easily. Feminists aren't just women or anything either. The TransExclusionaryRadicalFeminists adopted their group name while not embodying it but anybody can be a TERF, it's an ideology not a slur, although following it is to align yourself against humanity.


I forgot to put the word "slur" in cause i was tired on my break at work


Oh ok that’s cool Thanks mate


Which is funny because TERFs literally use their ideology to silence women.


pocket vase squealing bag saw reach worm bike wide unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lmao the terf reported you for hate.


Lmao indeed


Good mod


Good mod This makes me want to hug you (idk why)


Cant you see who reports people?


we can't, no. it's part of reddit's sitewide rules to allow reports to be anonymous. however, we can guess. unfortunately this means we've been dealing with a month+ long slew of report brigades, where people come in and report posts or comments and clog up our modmail. it's usually to call us groomers, in a way that has absolutely no chance of getting them banned, because reddit's Anti Evil Operations never action report abuse. it's very fun this is a cool and functional webbed sight.


If someone is making a male socialization argument, then all that means is that they are admitting gender IS something enforced through socialization, and that means someone can be re-socialized and integrate.


What does re socialized mean in this context do I want to know


"fe/male socialized" has always been a red flag I've seen. It's like sure you're non-binary BUT you are a man because you're AMAB. Sure you're non-binary BUT we support you as feminists because you're a woman. I've seen a trans-man complain about how all these women treat him differently like yeah you're one of us but a "man", and how they completely invalidated him saying it was socialization related. He said he wasn't socialized as a woman, grew up learning traditionally male stuff, didn't associate at all with being a woman. It goes both ways. It's just a way to invalidate trans people of any gender and reduce them down to their genitalia. It even comes down to showing positivity towards someone because you think they're like you when they say they're not. You are still trying to pull them into a gender they don't identify as and it still makes them feel shitty.


Also I’m an AFAB butch women and was presumably socialized that way but don’t connect with femininity at all. TERFs use us as a argument to fuck over trans people but then promptly forget we exist when the trans person leaves the room and are like scram NLOG. TLDR TERFs can go to hell and need to touch grass or smoke it.




And you are a brainwashed bigot


Ah yes, the conservative christian strategy


"We're actually the most oppressed religion, tHe biBLe sAiD sO"


12 years of private Catholic school contributed to driving me as far away from that shit as I could go. Fuckin' entire ideology based around "you won't let me step on \[minority group\]'s neck? You're infringing upon my rights!"


Talking Excessively about Reactionary Feminism


TERF is a slur used to silence you? Wow, I wish it worked! Shut the fuck up!


“TERF is a slur meant to silence you? I wish it worked, shut the fuck up!” - Sonic Hedgehog


Is a what? Is a WHAT?




Please don't call them TERFs, that implies they they're actuality feminists. FARTs, Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobes, is more accurate.


No. We don't do that. TERF means Trans exclusionary reactive facist. Keep the term they invended, but redefine it.


Nice, I like that a lot.






I really wished it fucking worked


"IM BEING SILENCED" *goes on national television*




Because memes are made through child labor


I made this on break at work yesterday and forgot to type the word "slur." It's not the first time this has happened














In the words of Justine Tableau from "The Hunger | ContraPoints" "You know who's really being silenced? People who are silent".


TERF's are a danger to cis women, not only because there space policing has caused multiple cis gnc women, butch lesbians, alt women and tomboys to be harrased, abused and assaulted, but they work with and fund groups that also attack bodily autonomy rights for women like abortion. The cry trans women erode women's rights and safty whilst actively eroding women rights and safty themselves. And thats ignoring lily cade, a TERF cis lesbian that called for trans people to be lynched and has admitted to sexualy assaulting multiple women over decades, ironically some in toilets.


What’s terf ? I’m not aware of what it is


Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists


Oh gotcha, thanks for helping me out


Trans exclusionary reactive facist is what I call them. But yeah that's the orginal.


Terrifically Enthusiastic Rod Followers


Feminist Appropriating Radical Transphobes


I'd like to throw this in here, which I heard from someone else. Feminist Appropriating *Reactionary Transphobes I think the word reactionary is much more accurate.




Hehe fart


TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) is a bad label. I personally think we should start calling them Feminist-Appropriating Reactionary Transphobes (FARTs)


No its important to recognize that they are feminists and feminism has plenty of problematic history rooted in segregation, eugenics, homophobia, and transphobia and the only way to improve the moment is to confront those issues head-on (taking your own mental health into consideration ofc) because those are people who probably agree with other feminists on 95% of issues and can be flipped on this issue once they see trans acceptance and trans bodily autonomy are good for all women and marginalized genders.


The problem as I see it is a significant proportion of these TERFs aren't actually feminists, they just use feminist language to validate their bigotry.


The individuals don't really matter as much as the fact that feminist language is effective in promoting bigotry under the guise of equality. TERFs wont care if you say they're not feminists but trans people absolutely see everyone willing to put aside the actual rights TERFs want to strip from us to debate the no-true-scottsman fallacy because they care more about the good name of feminism. I get its a defencive response to the constant birage of misogyny that make legitimate criticisms of the movement hard to hear but I'm willing to let TERFs have feminism if its not doing anything for trans people but declairing its impossible for feminists to be transphobic.


Oh I'm not saying it's impossible - I said a significant proportion aren't feminists. That said, I did kind of allude to a vague problem which isn't actually a problem. It just is a fact of the matter.


I don't buy it. Give r/gendercynical and r/terfisafetish both a read sometime and tell me that feminism is anything more than a convenient shield (or a convenient lie, astroterfing is a big thing) for those people.


It's not feminism and never was. But I still agree to keep the name. They're reactionary facists though. Just because white supremacy has tried to take root in feminism doesn't mean that their feminists.




No. We do not do that. We used the name they gave themselves. But we can change the words, Trans Exclusionary Reactive Facist would be better.


Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/Jeffari_Hungus. Happy pride! Please make sure you have read the rules before posting or commenting, *especially* if you are new here. We have zero tolerance for discrimination, and we are not here for debates. This is a place for us to chill and post memes. Shitpost or quitpost, bud. Please remember to report any comments or submissions which break our rules, and don't engage with the trolls. We hope you have a very gay day. Love u x *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s a term they use. Because only TERF’s call themselves feminists. Everyone else knows that you can’t really be a transphobic feminist. Feminist Appropriating Radical Transphobes is a more apt description.


Hehe farts


i fucking wish TERF was to silent them


They always somehow manage to still interrupt women.


Man terfs suck


God I WISH it shut them up. It’d be a dream come true


Think you forgot a word there bud




a to


I was at work on break and forgot to say "slur" and it's not the 1st time it has happened


They'll go out of their way to circumvent reason and go on and on being crude to trans people who literally are trying to just quietly live their lives and not call attention to themselves.


I prefer the acronym FART, or Feminist Appropriating Radical Transphobe


I just had to go look up what TERF means. You made me learn something. That’s awesome. In a funny way kinda just reminded me of my favorite thing my first boyfriend ever said. Somebody asked him “what are your favorite kind of boobs?” He answered “The kind with nipples”. Must suck to be caught in the middle of an eternal game of red rover. I’d def rather have them use the women’s locker room than send them to the mens, and that says enough right there without even getting into anything complicated. It’s just having a heart and being inclusive regardless of whatever different opinions about semantics people might bat around. What ever happened to the more the merrier? I guess it will all even out eventually. Everyone in the world has been patient about a lot of things one way or another for a long time, and we all still are. Ugh patience- sounds easy enough….i reckon that at least sometimes the slower something changes or grows, the more lasting it is. Love is like that. Ay


What is terf


Trans exclusionary radical feminist.


I see so feminist who don’t include trans as females?






Alright Einstein, you're arguing against solar panels in your other comments so I'm gonna assume that your skull is full of cobwebs and mold. How does gender dysphoria, a legitimate condition under the APA's DSM-5, cause woman hating? Gender affirming care is scientifically backed medical care for gender dysphoria. Is the APA, the organization that first declared that homosexuality did not constitute as a mental disorder, making all of this up to "kill women?" Of course not, because the second you start using your frontal lobe, you understand just how truly ludicrous that idea is. But if using the term "TERF," is harmful to you, I'll gladly replace it with something more fitting. My current pitch is: Alleged feminist who actually loves the patriarchy, or AFWALP, but that just doesn't roll of the tongue, does it?


You'll find them unable to answer, so it doesn't much matter what you call them.


“A lot of the trans worldview is wrapped up in woman hating and violence towards women.” What is this statement based on? Sounds like transphobe speech, honestly. Also, where are the demands for hate and violence?


You might want to go to the doctor, this concussion word salad is confusing




I had to google the absolute goldmine that is "trans lobby" and y'all I guess we're supposed to be silencing Adele? because that's the only thing that came up lmao stfu




First of all, they weren't. They didn't come to prominence until Germaine Greer wrote the dumbest academic essay ever in The Female Eunuch. Second of all, even if they were the original feminists, why would that be good? Greeks were the first "democracies", but they also only allowed slave-owning men to participate. The first modern psychologist ,Sigmund Freud, and his theories are impossible to test with the scientific method and he prescribed cocaine like candy. Being 'first' doesn't make you more correct, especially if being first means holding hateful and nonscientific views about gender.


The hate is because their ideology actively harms people.




I don't understand due to grammar. What does > TERF is a to silence women mean?


I meat to say "slur" but forgot


What's TERF?


Trans exclusionary radical feminist. They genuinely believe that feminism is making society hate trans people even more than it already does


They sound like lovely people /s


Me when TERF is a to silence