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The Staedtler Organizer Pen nd Pencil isn’t new. I first got hold of a silver ballpoint around 2015 when ai was looking for a matching pen for my Staedtler Triplus Micro 774. The Organizer pen in all-aluminum with a rounded triangular profile seemed ideal… and it was. It was only later that I found out a pencil model existed, in 0.5 and 0.7mm. But the distributors never brought them to Singapore, and European stores charged 25 EUR a piece. Much later I got hold of an orange pen and also two Staedtler TRX models, which looked like slightly beefier versions of the Organizer Pen. That made me want to obtain the Pencil model even more, but it was seemingly out of stock everywhere. Oh well, I thought. Until I popped into the local Kinokuniya recently and spotted the Organizer Pencil. In yellow! But it wasn’t ’for sale’. Rather, it would be given away with a purchase of an Avante-grade multipen. Rather than let this chance slip through, I bought the unwanted Avant-grade and secured the pencil at long last. Some nice surprises: The Organizer Pencil uses a dedicated brass clutch mechanism, unlike the TRX with came with a Schmidt DSM cartridge. And, the eraser even included a cleaning pin. I guess this was truly OLD STOCK that was being cleared out. Anyway, that’s my story. If you can find one for sale, it’s a nice one for keeps.