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Well, it’s for this very reason I stopped using my Nero for writing. I don’t like having to alter the way I write due to the pencil I’m using. If you write at an angle, and/or are heavy handed (I’m both of these things), it’s just not a good pencil to write with in my opinion. I’ve abandoned it.


When you say alter way do you mean perpendicular to the paper?


That’s what I had to do.


I will try it even though it is not my preferred position to hold a pencil


Yes, basically perpendicular to the paper. And that just isn’t the natural way I write...which sucks cause out of every other pencil I’ve ever held, the Orenz Nero has the felt the absolute best to me, in my hand. It just seems so natural to hold, like it was made for me...but the writing experience just doesn’t work for me. One thing that seems to help as far as scratching goes, is to conscientiously rotate the pencil every few words or sentences. I’ve found this helps to minimize the lead wearing down too much on one side and the prevents the pipe from making contact with the paper. It’s just annoying to have to do that on purpose tho.


I couldn't agree more, i started to extend the lead out of the sleeve, since i am not really heavy handed the leads does not break a lot. But i wish i could use it qs it was intended.


Yea don’t ever extend the lead. I tried that too, and it just ended up breaking. You’ll just have to rotate the pencil every so often like I do


Extended lead works great for me since i am not really heavy handed.


Ive been using bristol board with the pp502. Nothing to report, smooth as it gets. But Im afraid Ive never tested the nero


The 502 is much smoother than the nero, the spring in the tip wastes everything.


This might be a long shot but youve mentioned you own both. Did you check if the tip is interchangeable...? If it is, does it work...?


Yes i checked and sadly they are not interchangeable 😔 the nero is not a bad pen but i expected more.


Just click a couple of times past the pipe and use it like a normal pencil. Since it’s 0.2 you’ll need to write with a light touch to prevent breakage.


Thanks, I started using it that way, but it is really a shame that the automatic mechanism is not up to its promises.


The automatic system works perfectly for what it was designed for, which is writing Japanese Kanji. If you had a more vertical grip, then you wouldn’t be having the problem. Unfortunately most people don’t write like that, so the problem is the user, rather than the tool itself, as the tool is doing what it is intended to do. That’s why there are so many complaints about the Orenz Nero (clutch slippage and jamming aside), it’s popular and hyped up, so people get excited about it. When they find it doesn’t act the way they want it to, they say it doesn’t work and give it negative reviews.


I guess you are right, i will try changing my grip. I don't think it is a bad pencil overall I think it is an amazing pencil, the weight distribution, the grip are perfect just not being able to do variations with line weight and not able to hold it the western ways. I guess that is why they never got it outside the japan market officially.


Or just use it without the Auto feature like a regular mechanical pencil. Personally I write naturally with an almost 90 degree angle, so the Orenz Nero is great for me, however the Pilot Automac seems scratchy to me even with my vertical grip. It isn’t the pencil, it just isn’t as smooth as the Orenz Nero. So with the Automac, since I love that pencil and refuse to give it up, I use it like a regular pencil.


I agree i used it like a recular mechanical pencil and it is really good but i really wish that the spring was not as powerful as it is in the nero because i didn't have any of those problems with the normal orenz.


Yeah, you’re right... the regular Orenz pipe just floats so even the slightest pressure and it is out of your way. Maybe people who love the Orenz think upgrading to the Orenz Nero will only be that much better, but it’s a completely different experience. Less forgiving


I agree the regular krenz is forgiving but the nero needs more attention, I guess after you get comfortable with the nero it will get better than the regular orenz and finally we could start to appreciate it more. At least i hope it will turn out this way.


This review confirms your findings: [https://www.reddit.com/r/mechanicalpencils/comments/7zi75t/pentel\_orenz\_nero\_03mm\_first\_impressions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mechanicalpencils/comments/7zi75t/pentel_orenz_nero_03mm_first_impressions/) : " The sleeve digs into the paper, which feels and sounds scratchy, and creates a straight path of least resistance for the stroke, which makes it feel like you have to apply extra force to curve your line. It feels awkward and seems to require extra effort to write with the Nero. " And one of the comments to that review by [/u/KovarD](https://www.reddit.com/r/mechanicalpencils/comments/7zi75t/pentel_orenz_nero_03mm_first_impressions/dupbdzk?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) states: " Scratchy (it's the weakest point of the OrenznerO. It's not perfect like the smoothness of the regular Orenz's tip guide: there is no full contact of the lead with the paper, unfortunately. I hope they update in a next version). " I haven't tried the Nero, but I have the 0.2mm rubber grip Orenz (PP602), and I write with it at about 50-degrees from vertical. It's a bit scratchy on paper that has some texture--like sugarcane printer paper--but it's more because of the sharp 0.2mm lead. The sleeve adds a small amount of additional drag, but not unpleasant. I was very curious about Nero for a while, but decided I didn't need the automatic extension. Mostly because it usually wants one to write at near-vertical angle to work well. Although my Kuru-Toga Advance works okay for automatic extension, but it's tiring to keep having to press down on the lead.


Thanks, after using the nero a couple hours i started to not really mind the tip scratchyness but with vertical strokes because of the springy tip it has difficulties. The looks and the ergonomics of the pencil are really good but it is really a shame that it has problems with the tip.


It's not because the Nero but 0.2 leads. Try with a softer one, b or 2b


I am using a 2b lead in the nero but the tip scratches the paper when i am not using a lot of pressure. And the problem is that with the pp502 even though when i use hb leads i don't have this problem. I started using the nero by the push mechanism rather than the automatic extension but quite honestly it feels like it was not worth it. Is the nero an amazing pencil ergonomically and by weight distribution absolutely. And the looks it is really good. But its downside is that the tip scratches the paper when you are not using a lot of force and in vertical lines. Thanks for the recommendation though.


Give it time and it’ll smoothen out a little as the tip wears in.


I hope too.




I will try it thanks for the advice. I didn't knew that worked on mechanical pencils.


How long have you used your Nero for?


I used it for around 10 to 15 hours.


What grade lead are you using? It will change your experience greatly if you use 2B (assuming you aren't already). For me, it was the graphite grade in my 0.3, the tip didn't seem to be the problem.


I use 2b in my nero and b in my normal orenz.


Odd. My 0.3 has been my smoothest writing pencil to date.


How are you holding your pencil? Perpendicular to the paper or at an angle? Mine works really good and it is not scratchy when i hold it perpendicular but when i hold it at an angle and when i draw it is there that i start having problems. Now i started using it like a normal mechanical pen. But it is a shame that the automatic mechanism didn't work out for me.


I've also heard that the 0.2 models are scratchier due to the smaller lead sleeve.


I was just about to ask you the same thing! Maybe about 7-10 degrees from the pencil being vertical?


That is probably why you don't have problems, i am glad that you can enjoy your pencil the way it is supposed to.


Yeah, now that I think about it, it makes sense. Sorry that yours didn't work as expected.


It's okay, i still enjoy it a lot and i like the pencil quite a lot but my hopes were higher. Thanks for the recommendation though.


I'm not sure if you still have it, but a good trick for removing the scratchy feeling of it is to use very high grit sand paper, no less than 3000 grit. Smooth it out by writing with it how you normally would, and make sure to rotate as you go.


Thanks! I still have it, i have a 3000 grit wet stone do you think it is enough or higher is better for less risk.


It would probably be high enough, but if you wanna be safe, I'd go higher. I'm not sure if 3000 grit whet stone is the same as sandpaper, but looking at some research it looks like a polishing stone. If you could buy some higher grit sandpaper, that would be safest. You could probably do it with the stone though, just make sure you retract the lead and use very light pressure 😁


Thanks! I think i will buy some higher grit sandpaper just to be safe.


Sorry for the necro, did that ever fix it? I'm having the same issue right now in 2024.