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I’m late 20s and plan to find housing at the senior living facility next to campus👴🏽


This is a stupid fucking question 


I’m asking what people think based on the issue I mentioned


Why do you think the two are interrelated? Plenty of women have children during med school. It will make your life more difficult, especially without a support network, but your age has little to do with it.


25 is not old. Plenty of schools have kids ranging from 21-30+  As for your medical diagnosis, you’ll have to plan when you’re going to have kids accordingly  but if you’re dead set on only trying for kids after you’re an attending, as a woman I would avoid long residencies such as surgery or IM fellowships but that’s just my personal take


I wasn’t planning on doing any specialties with long residencies but how feasible do you think having a kid during residency would be


The answer is it depends. How’s your finances, your support system, your husband. It can be done yes. It’ll be work but it’s possible. 


Depends on specialty, but my partner’s a psych resident and like 6 people in his program have kids (with 3 of them being women) 


You're sweating it way too much. My classmate was 30 when she started as an MS-1. Got married during her first year in residency and had her first baby in her mid-30s.


One of my med school professors was a 50yo PhD when he decided to go back for his medical degree. Isn’t the average age at matriculation in the mid-20s now?


My pharmacology professor got his medical degree when he was like 58 years old (he was a pharma PhD beforehand).


There’s an average of two posts identical to this per week on this sub. If people are being unhelpful it’s because we’re tired of answering the same question over and over. It’s not too late, kids can be managed with adequate personal and institutional support, diagnoses that might affect fertility should be consulted with, you can do it if you truly want to and have had enough meaningful exposure to the day to day realities of a physician instead of jumping on the bandwagon etc etc. There’s literally hundreds of answers on other posts. Please undergo the inconvenience of scrolling or using ctrl+F or even the search bar or even Google search.