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Bro if I made a billion dollars I'm probably not going to shut up about it.


I know a guy with way less but still lots of money who decided to ignore social media and go into real politics instead. Its still a long way for him, but he needed something after he sold his company and he is locally quite direct about corruption and idiocy in government and governance of things. And he doesn't give a f because he doesn't need donors.


As Joe Rogan calls it "fuck you" money.


This isn’t aimed at you personally Prometheus…. But everyone says that. Joe Rogan can fuck off, he repeated that line just like everything else in his career is a mediocre combination of shit other people came up with but he dumbed down to get more views or listens. I swear to god I;m not actually angry it just sounds that way.


Show us on the doll where the JRE hurt you


Right in the butthole


The irony of this comment. She wrote books. She shared her thoughts and made millions. Sharing her thoughts is what made her money asswipe.


Who else though has recently come into a shit ton of money and constantly expresses his opinion despite what others may say about him? Very few people can claim these circumstances.


Uhh *looks at youtube* You know what, forget it.


Joe rogan didnt coin fuck you money, just like joe rogan didn’t interview dagoth ur. Stop disassociating


I never said he did.


Dagoth ur is right about the argonians tho, cancel me all you want you cant hide the truth!


When does Khajit get its podcast with night talks and sweet meats?!?


>quite direct about corruption and idiocy in government I too am passionate about my support for more corruption and idiocy in government, this guy sounds like he has a platform I can get behind


I just pray he doesn't get killed. Power and goodwill rarely come together these days.


poor guy gonna spend all his money and achieve nothing


You known what the problem is with guys like that? They’re a goddamned unicorn in a field of jackasses. I hope his burn-out from being involved is staved off for as long as possible.


And (with that much money) nobody could tell me anything. Because [this](https://youtu.be/oTZETtLCZZ0) would be my response to pretty much everything.


I think they actually call that “Fuck You” money. Where you can do and say just about anything within the law, and a couple of things that aren’t. 🤷🏽‍♂️


If I had a billion dollars at a bunch of kids started throwing rocks at me I probably would go nuts also I mean it's not like you don't have the time


If you made a billion dollars, you wouldn't care if other people liked what you said or not.


There are a lot of people who don’t care if other people like what they say or not without billions of dollars.


I don't care now, and I don't have a billion dollars (or equivalent). I'm just old enough to know that it's almost all bollocks and doesn't matter :)


A lot of people who make this much money think they are god.


And your any better?






Hand me a billion dollars and we'll find out shall we


I don’t think that’s true


And yet it’s all she talks about. Even made a podcast about it.


The problem is rowling has always *very clearly* cared. Perhaps a little too much tbh. She's in her terf troll days but even then, it's still the constant seeking of validation from within her inner circle and clearly being enraged by how she's lampooned by her former fans She cares *a lot*


Lol no you wouldn’t. Because now you would have fuck you money.


Right? He hasn't made a billion dollars and he hasn't shut the fuck up. As far as I know making a billion dollars doesn't manifest "well I better be quiet now" personalities


I can talk shit without money but I could talk even more shit with fuck you money.


I would absolutely only act from behind smokescreens if I became that obscenely rich. This is clearly about Rowling, a woman who has freaked out she got doxxed and was in physical danger because people tweeted about her castle that's widely public knowledge and a landmark. That's way too much emotional investment in Twitter beef when you could be buying bots and other people to make posts while you chillax. I'm not saying I would necessarily fuck off to a private island and never be heard from again, but nah I wouldn't have my hot takes associated with me as a person. There would be several degrees of separation between me and my spicy takes so my ego wasn't constantly getting twisted into knots with every other op-ed. I've made the comparison before: it's similar to musk. Why are you out here shit posting and signing your very public name to it? I'm not even saying you can't have those opinions or make sure those opinions get put out into public space, but it's all baggage with no real payoff. I'd be way more strategic about how I maintained my branding if only for the peace of mind and me being fairly risk averse.


If I had a billion dollars I'd probably say anything I wanted whenever I wanted and wouldn't give a crap who liked it


I would protect my brand and pay plebians/bots to post my spicy takes for me


What good is a billion dollars if you're not able to do whatever the f*** you want!


Seven books. Seven.


Glad someone else was bothered by that haha


Sean you lying, you broke and won't shut up,more money Mo'problems


This feels very "shut up and dribble" which everyone seemed to have a huge problem with.


Straight facts. Also something tells me that Sean isn’t the type that would keep quiet if you gave him f*** you money…


Hey but those players were saying things I agreed with!


well, that's one of the perks of having 'limitless money' you can say whatever you want without giving a fuck.


100% me too. But on the other side of that if you make a billion dollars no one can tell you to what to do it truly is fuck you money.


Translation: someone rich said something I don't agree with, HOW DARE THEY!?


Obviously this is about JK rollings anti trans remarks.


I know what this is about, and it still applies. Especially since SHE DID NOT MAKE ANTI-TRANS REMARKS. Till this day nobody could quote a single thing from her that's against transgender people in general.


Read her essay. It states that trans women are a danger for cis women. It states that the trans community confuses young girls Into transitioning. She lied about regret rates and rapid onset gender dysphoria. She also lied about a very transphobic woman, spreading the rumor that she was fired for saying women exist. While the womans contract was simlply not renewed after she had a legal battle trying to sue for the right **deadname** her coworker whom had transitioned. She is also donating to groups that try to take aware hormone therapy and trans Healthcare.


I'm not sure if we're reading the same essay, because I didn't see any of those things in it. She goes to great lengths to explicitly say the opposite of what you claimed in your first point: >I believe the majority of trans-identified people not only pose zero threat to others, but are vulnerable for all the reasons I’ve outlined. Trans people need and deserve protection. Like women, they’re most likely to be killed by sexual partners. Trans women who work in the sex industry, particularly trans women of colour, are at particular risk. Like every other domestic abuse and sexual assault survivor I know, I feel nothing but empathy and solidarity with trans women who’ve been abused by men. >So I want trans women to be safe. At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe. When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman – and, as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones – then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth. She's pretty explicit about the fact that she doesn't think that trans people are a threat. Her point is that normalising self-identification makes it easier for people who are a threat to access women's spaces, trans or otherwise. She's up front about her biases from being a victim of abuse herself. On your second point, she argues that confused young girls may mistakenly believe that they are trans, but stops far short of accusing the trans community of grooming: >The writings of young trans men reveal a group of notably sensitive and clever people.  The more of their accounts of gender dysphoria I’ve read, with their insightful descriptions of anxiety, dissociation, eating disorders, self-harm and self-hatred, the more I’ve wondered whether, if I’d been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition. The allure of escaping womanhood would have been huge. I struggled with severe OCD as a teenager. If I’d found community and sympathy online that I couldn’t find in my immediate environment, I believe I could have been persuaded to turn myself into the son my father had openly said he’d have preferred. > >As I didn’t have a realistic possibility of becoming a man back in the 1980s, it had to be books and music that got me through both my mental health issues and the sexualised scrutiny and judgement that sets so many girls to war against their bodies in their teens. Fortunately for me, I found my own sense of otherness, and my ambivalence about being a woman, reflected in the work of female writers and musicians who reassured me that, in spite of everything a sexist world tries to throw at the female-bodied, it’s fine not to feel pink, frilly and compliant inside your own head; it’s OK to feel confused, dark, both sexual and non-sexual, unsure of what or who you are. She isn't saying that all young trans people are mistaken about their identity. She is just saying that some might be, especially since all teenagers naturally struggle with their identity, so we probably shouldn't be encouraging them to make permanent, life-altering decisions. Overall, the essay is incredibly reasonable, and sets out the concerns that pretty much everybody is thinking about. It must have taken quite a few passes through the Internet hyperbole machine to twist it into "JKR hates trans people".


Heard all this shit about what she was saying, and to see it actually spelled out it’s legitimately funny that people have a problem with any of it.


Its not..... Sure, some people may be confused, but trans groups actively try to help get rid of that Confusion. Trans activism makes those people more aware of their feelings, so they can make the correct decision. So rallying against it is absolutely insane. It's like rallying again sex education because it would Make children sexual. Also, "trans identifying people" is an absolute terf dog whistle. I have never ever ever identified as transgender. I identify as a woman, which in turn **makes** me trans. She is also pushing the idea of "men will pretend to be women of we allow trans women an easier transition and life" Guess what: toilets have no magical parrier that would keep out those creeps. Does not matter what they identify as. (btw I only know of a single case of someone using their Trans status to cause sexual issues. Karen white in fact. Whom didn't rape anyone in prison, she touched and hugged people afaik which is sexual assault. Although she did admit to raping a woman long before prison, without her trans status playing into it) Let me ask you this: how would someone decide if someone else is trans? Even here in Germany where it's quite regressive, the therapist doesn't decide whether you are trans. They only decide whether you show symptoms in their eyes. If you give me some time I can read through it again and pick out more examples.


I don’t really have a stake in this, and have only just begun to dive into things a bit more with the hogwarts game controversy. I haven’t seen anything that I think is remotely transphobia or such l. Just neglecting to listen to what is being said about how women might actually feel. (might be I’ve missed it, but I doubt it after looking through Reddit and YouTube for a couple of hours. I’d like to see something clear if it exists). I’m not going to claim to be an expert in the subject and say what is exactly right or wrong, but I do think it’s hugely problematic how it is being approached with so much hate towards JK Rowling. Like there should be no room in society to voice a different opinion or concern, to have an actual proper dialogue with respect to understand each other. This last part is not directly targeted towards you, but just in general, but I think it’s a huge sickness and problem in society, not only portrayed in the JK Rowling case, it’s just a clear example. Difficult to take someone serious with that kind of mindset.


>Its not..... Sure, some people may be confused, but trans groups actively try to help get rid of that Confusion. Trans activism makes those people more aware of their feelings, so they can make the correct decision. So rallying against it is absolutely insane. > >It's like rallying again sex education because it would Make children sexual. Like anything in life, some trans groups do, and some trans groups don't. There are lots of stories about great trans groups that help people to truly understand themselves, and show people how to access the care that they need. There are also lots of stories about trans groups that have, for example, offered hormones illegally, without a prescription, against the recommendations of medical professionals. Surely its not unreasonable to want more of the former and less of the latter? There are also a significant number of groups with no particular direction at all, which is what JK discussed in the essay. If a large group of friends all decide that they are trans at the same time, it could just be a massive coincidence, but it could also be a group identity that individuals in the group want to affect. When I was a teenager, I remember convincing myself that I really liked emo music because all of my friends liked it. With the benefit of hindsight, I know that I didn't actually like it (and I'm pretty sure my friends didn't either), but we just developed a shared identity because we wanted to fit in and be a part of something. Imagine if I had been allowed, or even encouraged, to make a permanent life decision based on that, like getting a tattoo? Saying that some people liked emo music because it was a trend doesn't invalidate or erase the people who actually liked it for real. >Guess what: toilets have no magical parrier that would keep out those creeps. Does not matter what they identify as. Toilets don't, but people do. If the social convention is that women's spaces are for people who "look like women" (based on a whole bunch of visual, auditory, and olfactory cues) then identifying threats is really easy, and everyone in the space automatically knows to challenge people who don't belong. It's not a perfect filter, but it's better than nothing. If the social convention is that women's spaces are for anyone who believes that they are a woman, then that ability to identify threats is lost. There's also the fact that *being threatened* and *feeling threatened* are very different things, and in this case, I think that most people are talking about the latter, rather than the former. Sometimes, if I'm walking somewhere late at night, I notice that women cross the street to avoid me, and this seems to be a pretty universal male experience. I'm not actually a threat, but they still feel threatened because they can't read my mind and know that. Does that mean that all women who cross the street are man-hating misandrists? I don't think so. Now imagine that instead of a street, I walked into a bathroom where they are physically vulnerable, or maybe a rape shelter where they are emotionally vulnerable. That threat that they felt on the street is magnified even further. >Let me ask you this: how would someone decide if someone else is trans? Legally and medically, I have absolutely no idea. Let the boffins figure that out. For the purposes of social convention, I'd say that the litmus test is "would a four-year-old who is completely ignorant of the gender debate say that this is a man or a woman" - children tend to ignore preconceptions and biases and just say it how it is. If a four-year-old would see someone as a certain gender, then chances are that they will make people of the opposite gender uncomfortable in their bathroom.


Ahh so you are not saying that men shouldn't be in women's toilets, but that only passing trans women should be allowed to use women's spaces? I mean you base it solely on visual cues. Also, the "trans groups will trans my lesbian daughter" is fear mongering beyond insanity. Sure it happens.... In absolutely horrendous fringe cases that happen one in a billion. Pushing people into surgery and hormones is not supported by any bigger transgender community. If you try to do it, they will boot your fucking ass. So why is she mentioning this, whole also **not ** mentioning that trans groups and activists actively try to reduce the occurrence of regret? And considering you compare liking emo music to transitioning and being trans I doubt this conversation will ever go anywhere.


Stop moving the discussion in a direction that's absent from the actual point. You twisted JK Rowlings words and therefore comitted propaganda. Rowlings thoughts are valid and can be discussed properly. Twisting her words and treating her inhumanely is just despicable. Instead, answering more like your message here is the better way. But this thread is not about trans matters themselves, it's about wether rowling is transphobic. And from what I've seen, I have no reason to believe so at all.


My mother, who is male to female trans (so my biological father technically), read her essay and agrees with it.


And my mother's ex husband agreed with qanon and the nazi German Party. Your point? Ps im a trans woman and absolutely disagree with her essay. The problems she states like manipulating young girls into transitioning are nil. So is rapid onset dysphoria. It doesn't exist in the way it's described. Kids during puberty don't just suddenly decide to transition. The instability of gender identity is over far before puberty ever begins according to our literature. Ask the medical professionals.


My point is that you’re full of shit. Teens and even preteens go from simple childhood to exposure to extreme hormones from pub erty almost over night. For lack of a better term, they’re emotionally and physically malleable. For the same reason that teens under 18 years old legally cannot consent to sex with an adult (tbh legal adulthood should be increased to 21 but that’s another argument for another day), they are not in a mindset to make a sudden and drastic decision to irrevocably change their gender. Should feelings of gender dysphoria be dismissed as teens simply going through hormones? No, of course not. But they absolutely should not be allowed to take meds and undergo surgeries that are irreversible. For the same reason they’re not allowed to get permanent tattoos, actually. This is from the experience of a woman who has felt that they were female their entire life, despite being born physically male; You say kids don’t just decide to transition during puberty? Absolutely false, there are plenty of kids and young adults that decide they’re non-binary one day, make the next, then back to female the day after. People should be required to go through counseling before they even begin the steps to transitioning BECAUSE there is no going back. Being trans is NOT something that someone should be one day, and then change their mind about it the next as if it’s a fad. Quite frankly that mindset is very insulting and demeaning.


How high is the actual detransition rate amongst young adults? I think the last study I checked said something like 0.3 percent, of which 2/3rds only detransition due to outside influence. If you want to make the claim about young people taking hormones and surgery overnight left and right, which goes against every single statistic I have ever seen, then you have to fucking prove it. So go ahead. Show me the statistics. I dare you. If you can't find anything within the next 20 minutes I'll just assume you couldn't find anything and know you are full of horse shit. Now, fuck of and search for research to support your point.


>It states that trans women are a danger for cis women. It does not. She talks about the dangers of self identification. Where it must be accepted that someone is trans because they say they are trans. Guess what? Several women got raped exactly because of that. Rowling didn't say "ban transition" or "trans women don't belong in female spaces". She said a through examination has to be done prior, because BAD PEOPLE WILL TAKE ADVENTAGE. She's already been proven. >It states that the trans community confuses young girls Into transitioning. Visit just one online lesbian community. The moment a girl or woman shows ANY sign of gender nonconformity, several others jump on her trying to convince her to transition. As speaking against transitioning is considered transphobia, very few dares to question when it happens. >She lied about regret rates and rapid onset gender dysphoria. Let's see, who should I trust? The woman who already got proven several times, or her criticists, who lied about several things? Hm... (Trans media lies: Pakistan is progressive, because it supports transitioning. Truth: they force transition gays, and they still have gay people in jail for no other crime than being gay. Trans media: Alan Turing was trans. Truth: Turing was gay, and choose chemical castration over imprisonment. Trans media: the Stonewall movement was started by a black trans woman. Truth: Marsha P Johnson did not start Stonewall, and HE stated several times that HE wasn't a trans woman, but a gay man in drag.) >While the womans contract was simlply not renewed after she had a legal battle trying to sue for the right deadname her coworker whom had transitioned. Not only that's not what happened, she filed a lawsuit against the employer, and won, they had no right to terminate her contract over what she said. >She is also donating to groups that try to take aware hormone therapy and trans Healthcare. Any proof of that?


I am part of several transgender communities, and every time someone with doubts about being trans pops up, the comments flood them with advice about self exploration and seeking therapy. They do not throw them into hormones. I mixed things up. The woman I was talking about was Maya forstater. Whom..... Lost her lawsuit and then won in a second attempt. Although she did say Trans women aren't real and will always be men. Also, rapid onset gender dysphoria is a term created by an anti trans group and has no actual scientific backing. Studies show that amongst children whose gender non comformin feelings persist until age 8 or so (I don't remember the actual number) the likely hood of those feelings disappearing is tremendously small. They however twisted that finding and claimed that most children who present gender non conforming grow out of it. Technically that is the truth. But that happens before ANY medical steps are ever taken. And if those symptoms persist until puberty, they are almost certainly Trans.


>I am part of several transgender communities, and every time someone with doubts about being trans pops up, the comments flood them with advice about self exploration and seeking therapy. And I'm part of several lesbian community. Anytime someone asks a question that's remotely similar to something non-conforming, several women floods them with transitioning advice. Last time a girl asked whether her girlfriend was trans. The reason? She cannot feel sexual satisfaction without wearing the strapon. That's it. She isn't particularly masculine, never expressed discontent with her gender, just this only one thing. Several recommendation was there about therapy, one went as far as stating that she's almost certainly a trans man. >Whom..... Lost her lawsuit and then won in a second attempt. So? She won the appeal. Court is a "whomever wins last, won" kind of thing, not "I won first, you won second, we're even" kind of one. >Although she did say Trans women aren't real and will always be men. She said biological sex cannot be changed. That's it. >Also, rapid onset gender dysphoria is a term created by an anti trans group and has no actual scientific backing. Yeah, sure. Because kids and teenagers are toootally not known to peer pressure each other into things. >Studies show that amongst children whose gender non comformin feelings persist until age 8 or so (I don't remember the actual number) the likely hood of those feelings disappearing is tremendously small. Bullshit. Eight-year-olds have little to no concept about gender. Plus you confuse gender nonconformity with gender dysphoria. The two are not the fucking same. Tomboys are gendernonconforming. Boys who play dolls are gendernonconforming. That doesn't necessarily (as a matter of fact the vast majority of times not at all) mean they are transgender. >They however twisted that finding and claimed that most children who present gender non conforming grow out of it. Technically that is the truth. But that happens before ANY medical steps are ever taken. And if those symptoms persist until puberty, they are almost certainly Trans. So they are twisted it, although they were 100% correct. Sure.


Give me some of those lesbian communities, I wanna do a social experiment. The communities I know are transgender Trsnsgendergermany Transde Transadorable Mtf Diyhrt And others. Gimme some of your lesbian circles where the evil trannies push transition propaganda. Also, 8 year old fucking do have a concept of gender........ Hell I had a concept of gender much earlier.


>Give me some of those lesbian communities, I wanna do a social experiment. Actuallesbians to name the main culprit >Also, 8 year old fucking do have a concept of gender Yes, sure. "Boys play with cars, girls play with dolls". That's about the concept 8-year-olds have. If you say an 8-year-old tomboy she cannot play with cars, because only boys play cars, she'll say she's a boy then. Oh, and where's your source about JKR founding anti-transitioning groups? Or what's about bringing an actual proof of her anti-trans views? Not anti-selfidentification, any source where she said ANYTHING against trans people in general.


Will do the experiment later. Also, it's fucking General medical consensus that a child forms an identity of self and gender by age 4...... You don't need an in depth understanding of biological processes to develop an identity. You probably also believe children have no sense of self until they turn 18. Fun fact : sense of self and gender identity are intertwined. As for her transphobic stuff. She wrote a book with angry tweets about a guy that dresses as a woman to murder women, and the main character is harassed for telling the truth. All under the pen name of the inventor of conversion therapy. She actively promoted a shop that sells anti transgender merchandise. She is also vehemently fighting against the transgender reform bill, which allows trans people to change their legal gender a bit less dehumanizingly. Even though it has nothing to do with their ability to use women's spaces or go to women's prison. The gender marker is not what decides which prison you go to. So she is fighting a bill for trans self expression, even though it has no dangers attached to it. The bill can also not be used to lie about your identity to use women's spaces. Not only do you have to live 3 months as that gender before applying, you also have to go through 3 months of reflection period living as that gender. And if it's found out you lied and aren't actually trans, that is counted as a criminal offense. So the likelyhood of people abusing it is absolutely nil. The Bill does **nothing** other than making the already existing process of getting a new birth certificate less humiliating.


Still waiting for those quotes idk what you thought you did here


Here is one (specifically using rhetoric to exclude trans people) https://mobile.twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1269382518362509313?lang=en And here's another (in response to a woman getting fire for expressing transphobic views): https://mobile.twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1207646162813100033?lang=en


Hardly an anti trans comment though is it. It would be like calling someone sexist for saying men are stronger than women.


More like saying someone is sexist for supporting a lawyer who is actively working to get women's rights revoked and got fired from their jobs because of it.


Nah you are completely wrong. Can't justify everything under the disguise of "rights". "I want to compete in woman sports as a 300lbs 6'6 biological born male" is not a right, in fact you are taking away the rights of woman athletes. "I want to get sentenced to woman prison even though when I committeed rape I was a biological man" (Happened in UK where rowling is from) - this is not a right. Justify everything you want as a right & it becomes easy to call everyone else a bigot.


What was the woman in questioned fired for saying / doing?


She said biological sex cannot be changed. She sued her former employer for firing her, and she won that lawsuit.


Yeah, the infamous "people who menstruate" thing... Funny thing, this is exactly from that "people who menstruate" article: "Investment is urgently needed, as a recent report estimates that over 500 million women worldwide do not have what they need to manage their menstruation." Isn't it funny, how the author of the article COULD use the word "woman" in the article, just not in the title? It's also important to point out, the main focus of the article is countries of deep poverty. Countries where the ratio of people who menstruate but aren't women is 0.00%. Even in the US (the country with by far the most trans people/100k citizen) the ratio of transgender people is 0.4%. Trying to rename the 99.6% to pander a 0.4% minority is downright idiotic. The other doesn't count either. One, Maya Forstater didn't express transphobic views. She said biological sex cannot be changed. That's not transphobic, that's just a fact. Two, she won the lawsuit for unlwaful job termination against the employer who fired her: [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-62061929](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-62061929)


What's transphobic about that let me guess you call woman "people who menstruate" fucking clown world we live in!


Trans men can menstruate, but aren't women.


Its not , she has been talking shit for years now and the trans stuff is pretty recent , this tweet as well is years old


That was 2019 man, that's 4 years ago.


So youre saying the tweet is 4 years old or the trnas remarksa are 4 years old? Because if its the second one why is everything blowing off now? When shes been making movies and shot for years


The controversy about JK Rowling is 4 years old. And it hasn't blown over. This year a new HP game was beyond boycotted by trans people.


Controversy where I don't see it I just see valid arguments?


He can disagree and wonder about the priorities of the rich just like you can lick the boot and do whatever uninteresting thing you do for a living. Look at that…we’re all happy now


Lol please. If you made a billion dollars you’d say the most controversial thoughts you have, because you know whatever consequences, you’d still have a billion dollars. And that’s true freedom. That’s the part people don’t seem to understand with the billionaire hate/praise.


Sometimes it can have consequences though, example Kanye.


Sure, but even Kanye just signed a new deal with Adidas to get rid of some inventory which is selling like hotcakes.


Agree with the post but is there a secret, eighth HP book nobody told me about? ^^not ^^that ^^I ^^would ^^read ^^it ^^but...


Tbf The Cursed Child is about wizards


True I forgot this book existed


She wrote 8 HP films


She didn't write that.


7th year was split into 2 books.


The 7th year is one book, which was split into two movies. The person has either made same mistake as yours or counts the script for The Cursed Child play, which was released as a book, as an 8th book but there are only 7 main books, one for each year


I doubt it, since you haven’t even accomplished that and you still think your opinion in needed.


Dude said this on Twitter. I bet he couldn't shut the fuck up if his life depended on it.


Idk if they are referring to the 7 Harry Potter books and then 1 of the several other little books, or if they think the 8 HP movies are based off 8 books.


But you didn't, and yet you're here with your mouth still open.


My shutting the fuck up would begin at 4 mn dollars


How about you just shut the fuck up now?


Sean eats dick for lunch and he doesnt talk about it


She will be remembered as one of the few women brave enough to speak up for other women having sex-based legal protections and equal access to sports and healthcare. I stand with J.K. Rowling.


Yeah, exactly. She's poured a shit load of money into helping women. More than this nerd can say for himself.


Ya, George R. R. Martin already did something like that. He's never finishing what he started.


If i had a billion dollars you wouldn't be able to shut me up. You would have to listen to my annoying fucking opinions forever.


There is no shortage of billionaires who keep in the shadows and mind their own business. Most of them do. Back when the books were still being released, and a fair few years after that, Rowling was generally considered amazing for spending quite a lot of money and effort on providing resources for abused women, funding rape centers, crisis hotlines, and what have you. She donated some 16% of her net worth at one point. Nobody really knows how much money she has donated to charity. Rowling became a billionaire in 2004, she has been hovering around that level of net worth since then. Considering the absurd amount of money Harry Potter, and the fact that her net worth hasn't gone up in twenty years, that ought to give everyone a hint about how much charity work she funds.


Nah u wouldn't. But the Twitter shitposts you make would sure be seen by alot more people


If I already had $1B in the bank I would tell you my opinion whenever I damn well felt like it.


Hogwarts legacy will forever be known for the useless boycot that backfired. Congratulations, you played yourself


LOL.... I doubt that vary much.


You also wouldn't really care about the opinion of one of the unwashed masses that somehow found a phone and thinks the world needs to hear what it said. Actually, considering you felt the need to provide the world with your opinion as someone with no power, influence or resources.....imagine what you'd do if you had those things.


Dudes got a beach worth of sand in his vagina


Everyone's entitled to their own opinion 🤷




This dude cant shut up and hes fuckin broke. Wait until hes got money and people want to hear from him. Dude is cancelled in 5 minutes


If I had a billion dollars I’d try to piss as many people off as I could bc it’s funny and I’m rich so it’s be even funnier to watch them bitch and moan


Why should she shut up? If she thinks women need protection from men, it's up to her. If you don't like her opinion, just don´t listen to her an debate her. In a democracy, we all can share our believes.


I guess the high school girl that was raped in the high school bathroom by the male student identifying as female should shut the fuck up too. Listen to this man. This man knows better than she does how she should feel.


Celebrity culture insists that the famous comment on everything. The problem occurs when their opinions differ from whatever dogma is currently fashionable.


Ooo the jealousy. It urks them. The words omg the words!! Im offended what am I going to do?!? Someone must pay for these words!!!


Yeah if I made a billion by expressing ideas and donated 300+ million with my money I would just shut the fuck up….said a guy on twitter who probably helped no one. Hopefully she keeps stacking cash and helping people with the money made. Lmao what a terrible time to be alive, women making billions on stories of wizards helping out society. How will we survive such dark dark times my friends?


Yeah if i made a billion dollars on wizard books I’d do whatever the fuck I want and laugh at all my adult fans who haven’t found something else to care about yet


It’s funny how butthurt her success makes people


I would probably open up a free theme park in a life sized Hogwarts and give away tickets through some kind of raffle involving owls and jelly beans like some kind of magical willy wonka


the dream. to be an introvert with money. i'd come out to go for a walk and see the the few people i like. maybe fuck off to a beach somewhere far away. online presence? anonymous as fuck. except for the few people i like.


Actually might makes right in our world and money buys might so why should a billionaire care what you think?


That's why no one will remember your name.


Dream big! Too busy bitching on the internet to pay your bills my guy.


I’d do it Enya style. Buy a fucking castle and hang out with my cats all day.


Nah if I had a billion dollars I wouldn’t shut up about it I’d be at the class reunion telling everyone to suck my dick


Lol, so mad


Yep, but you didn't, and that's why you're here complaining


I don't have a billion dollars and I still never shut up.


No, no you fucking wouldnt


If you wrote 8 books and sold millions of copies, chances are you have a lot on your mind you want to share. And now you have a platform


Personally I’d buy a nuclear warhead but each to his own


hasn't done anything and cant shut the fuck up so i doubt him.


Why have fuck you money if you don't say fuck you.


He would not in fact shut the fuck up about it, if he thinks his opinion is important enough to share now that he's a nobody, imagine what he thinks of himself and his opinion with a billion dollars.


Right! 8 mediocre books with a boring story arc.


That absolutely would not happen.


If I made a billion dollars I'm gonna say whatever dumb shit crosses my mind


Who’s Sean O’connor?


If I wrote a book about wizards and made a billion dollars, I’d pay as much as needed for history to say I wrote seven!


You can’t even shut the fuck up for free


I think the lesson is to not be.on twitter


i mean... doesn't really matter. if she has a billion, she's most likely never losing it, or going to be poor ever again. it's exactly why she can be such a dumb cunt. the franchise is worth too much money. and she probably is always entitled to some cut. now whether like... the new HP game actually pays her out a lot of money, or was just some fixed amt she sold gaming rights for that she's long since cashed that check, who the fuck knows. but anything HP is most likely still kicking money back to that asshole. The more surreal thing is like... someone who might be somewhat wealthy but not at mega rich yet. Like that dumbass who got fired from Mandalorian. Like... you were an ok, misc female action star, in a hit disney property with talk of spin offs. And you cashed that in just to spout some bullshit anti-vax whiny white people cxl culture bullshit. and now you're making shitty Ben Schapiro movies.... that's where you fucked up. you went on some shitty podcast and fucked yourself out of potential millions.


If I wrote books and got rich, I might develop the wild delusion that things I had to say were considered important. I don't know.


All these comments talking about "fuck you money" miss the point. The point of the tweet from the meme is, that most people see money as a way of having LESS bullshit to worry about. Sure, you CAN do what she does. You can also keep working a 9 to 5 job at burger king if you want to. If I had a billion I would probably buy an island and fuck off. Not insert me into pointless social politics and drama that has nothing to do with me for no reason lmao.


Rowling have never said anything THAT bad, that's why the whole thing has blown up so much when they tried to cancel a billionaire and got reality oriented by how people with fuck you money can afford to react.




Well, from her perspective she's doing the right thing. Its not like she's sitting in her mansion thinking of ways to be as evil as possible. In her mind, she's helping people. Whether or not you agree with her is irrelevant. If you can't convince her she's wrong, she will go on thinking she's right.


Get that rich and famous and you're likely to get a big head.




Just like she recently posted her recent game would but have done half as well without all the cancel media about it. So your having the opposite effect than your intentions with her


That wasn't a real tweet. It was a joke someone made. Wouldn't put it past her to say that though.


Long term this is questionable, the player count is already dropping, you need to have substance to survive in that meta. If they want to run this for years like "WoW" or similar online service, they have to deliver more then just fading hype.


Ahem, HL is a single player game, not even life service, and WOW is MMO. You can't compare them.


They want to add DLC and multiplayer games like "Quidditch". Its not a one off for them, they want to cut a big piece of the franchise. This will not work with just hype.


There’s no plans for a DLC. They want to add Quidditch to the next game.


People already paid for it it makes no difference in the royalties if customers play it for 15 years or 15 minutes.


And if I had a very successful fried chicken restaurant I’d do the same.


Good for you. Once I hit 1 billion I’m not going to ever shut up… “Welcome to Wendy’s can I take your order?” “I hate trans, also ill have the #1”


I wish all celebrities would stfu.


Tbf it's the masses fault for paying too much attention to people that don't really matter, like Keanu tires not to be a big outspoken celebrity, but some people still worship him.


If I had a billion dollars, you would never hear from me again. I'd be on my megayacht living in international waters.


she has a cause and doesn't give a shit about being cancelled


Yup. But some people can't take a hint.


Oh my god we get it. Witch lady bad


If you don’t like Harry Potter don’t support it.


Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, and they usually stink.


Do people actually care about what she says? I figured she was as relevant as the Kardasians...or Kayne.


She wrote 7 books, smh. People don't know anything yet posting shit never fails to amuze me.


She actually wrote like 27 books or something. Only about 17 are about wizards though. People don't know anything yet commenting shit never fails to amuze me.


She wrote like 5 more books after Deathly Hallows. They just weren't nearly as good.


you'd like to think this but it seems to either corrupt people or just remove whatever filter that kept their _controversial_ opinions at bay. that level of success must engorge their ego to the point where they feel they have Something To Say (tm) on every topic to their own demise watching notch make a billion dollars and then turn to twitter out of boredom makes me wonder if i really want that kind of "fuck you" money. one John McAfee was enough


Not y'all defending that bitch 😂


Nothing like someone becoming living proof that you can have a billion dollars and still be insecure about the "value" of your genatalia...


Yep. She could have kept quiet, enjoyed her money, and not gotten involved in things that don't affect her.


Money and fame ruins people. They think their success now validates their thoughts and opinions and hence they have to let the people know about them. I mean people buy their shit so they must be right! Just look at Musk.


Or his ex


It’s not called fuck you money for nothing. You can be broke and still shut up. In fact it’s even more likely people don’t care about your opinions because your broke.


If I ever finished my life's work and it was highly successful, I would just walk away from it. Sounds silly.


Seriously I can't find transphobic tweets or anything else transphobic from JK Rowling. Given, my efforts are pretty much limited to three google searches but all I get are low quality click bait shit news sites. What did she say that's so bad??


She shouldnt have to shut up. I dont agree with her thoughts but she has the right to voice them. Just like the LBGT community has the right to voice their opinion.


Honestly what did she even do, I’ve seen some of her tweets and she doesn’t say she hates trans people, she just has a more middle ground view that seems to enrage extreme leftists


It's not JKs fault that a bunch of people unhealthily latched on to her work & then tried to force it away from her.


At least somebody have balls to call things they are.


The fact that you are angry about a woman saying men in dresses are not women is probably a good sign you should forget about the money and just shut up because look stupid.


I would offend one group so they could promote my upcoming game


The problem is that when millions of people publicly revere you as a brilliant visionary, you start to believe it yourself.


There are a lot of people that need to STFU. But I think we forget how powerful the human ego is. Watch any Man on the street segment. People want to get in front of the camera to voice their thoughts even if they don't actually have any.






...8 books?