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dad was day trader. mom was fashion designer. all explained in the book.


There is a book!?


Bro hasn't read the Home Alone manga smh






I could feel the rickroll in my bones as I tapped the link 😂


I was hoping for something MJ related…


I know an alternate link when I see one. Please link the normal link next time so that I can listen to the full song


Right?? Song is a banger, all memes aside


I fell for it 😞


I knew it beforehand and did it anyway ... 🤷


Everybody needs a little roll now and then.


Yesterday, I saw a legit clip of some anime where folks were watching an animated Home Alone on TV. I wish I had saved the name of the show in my brain.




My inner self: Don't touch that link- Me: I'm gonna touch it My inner self: don't you fucking dare Me: Rick astley is Daddy. *Never Gonna Give You Up intensifies* Me: *Rick Astley dancing impersonation* My inner self: you motherfucker.


You win


That was actually a good anime, ty


I fucking knew it. I knew it when I saw the link. I was confirmed by reading the comments and I still hit the link. At this point its an addition


Wahahaha you got me. Good job


You accidentally linked to a music video, here is the correct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drwOMi0jBJE


You sum bitch


see I was expecting the "Whistle" video


Here have an angry but also amused upvote


Fuck you. First time I got Rick rolled in like 5 months. My guard finally slipped because I haven’t seen any rickroll attempts in a while. :( Now I gotta reset the board for the number of work days without a rickrolling incident :(


Best anime ever. :D


Oh you 🙃


Boku no Home Alone


I loved the games


There is a game!?


Two, in fact.


Three in fact


Multiple in fact. The best ones on SEGA Genesis.


I spit out my coffee. We should be friends


Also, they clearly come from an affluent family. Peter's brother Rob owns the home in Paris the family visits in the first movie, and the NYC brownstone Kevin uses in the second.


Yeah there’s plenty of hints it’s just old money


Dad founded r/wallstreetbets


In todays world, dad would be a Crypto bro and mom an Only fans content creator.


Covered in tattoos with small kids in expensive brand clothes


And they would be living at home


Sounds like a win win


I mean he was also working for tony soprano so he was connected to the mob at some point….


This is the answer. He was a corrupt police officer who took mob money.


He was a degenerate gambler with a badge


Is this canon?


I thought Dad was South American drug baron and mom was a hooker.


The Book?


It's a handheld device made out of paper with essentially a long blogpost written on it.


Oh i dislike those things, they have no back light, so if you want read it in the dark you need an external light. You can't copypaste into a search engine to look up words you don't know the definition off. And worst of all you need a physical item to save a page. Upside it never runs out of power


But that's not important right now.


Google suggests he “was probably a high level sales executive at Walgreens corporate headquarters in the 80s and 90s”. All those overpriced prescriptions pay off!


Even in the 80s a nice upper class suburb like this wasn’t that cheap back then. I think it’s implied his dad has some important business job. That’s why his dads brother leeches off of him when he pays for the trips.


This is in winnetka, illinois. I live in the area and yes this is and has always been where Chicago’s wealthy live.




My dad used to be a police officer for winnetka and worked the set when they were filming. They only used the outside of the house when filming and did inside stuff at another location. I’m not sure who exactly lived there but my dad said they were a nice family.




Been pulled over by Winnetka police plenty of times- always let me go. Good folks that just want ppl safe. Shout out your dad


Nice humblebrag ;)


Plus it's meant to be a super nice house. It needs to be for the plot to make sense. That's why The Wet Bandits were obsessed with it. If it was an average house they wouldn't have focused on it.


Home Alone is harlem would be a very different movie.


Home alone but on the south side of Chicago instead. That’s a way shorter movie.


The Silver Tuna!


"Even in the 80s a nice upper class suburb like this wasn't cheap.." That may be the single most hilarious comment I will read today. Wait, are you saying life was not super easy back then and all you had to do was work 9-5 and get a huge house? Thanks for the clarification.


Not sure what you’re talking about. I remember the 80s. We all had mansions.


I was born in 1990 so I JUST missed the mansion cut off. Ain't that just the way.


smh have you tried being born earlier??


Well this is why Bush was a one term president. He lost all of our mansions. Was never the same again. Why do you think the 80’s music is all so excited and peppy and the 90s stuff is all so depressed? Because we all had to give up our mansions.


ngl I remember my parents rented this apartment in the late 80's, it had 2 stories, 3 bedrooms, huge living room, kitchen etc... 200$ a month.


Dunno if sarcasm or not, but many redditors absolutely believe that's how things were for Boomers.


It was absolutely easier than the boomers. No redditor thinks that a McDonalds 9-5 in the 80s would buy this house. The point has always been it would buy a house (just some house, any house), whereas today a 9-5 getting paid $25/hr will net you no house.


>McDonalds 9-5 in the 80s ... would buy a house ​ Where are you getting this shit? I grew up in the 80s, and for about 5 years we (barely) subsisted off mny mother's 9-5 at (you guessed it) McDonalds. We BARELY scraped by. Many days the only meal my mother could eat was stuff she took off the line at McD's, our family dinners were often barely enough for the kids. My dad would eat big lunch at work (they had a very cheap cafeteria). For much of one of those years we had the landlor coming by weekly for rent. We kids knew to hide and be quiet to pretend nobody was home (wen it wasnt the rare time my mom/dad had $20 to spare to buy us another week or so). He started eviction proceedings on us but dad found work in time to start making some payments and stop that. I started attending a new school and would get beat up because the only shoes I had were worn out hand-me-downs that went from older sis to middle bro to me. By the time I got them the pink had faded luckily, but the worn our heels and the detached soles make them sound like flip-flops when I walked. Thanksfully after a few weeks someone left a box of shoes in my size on the hood of the station wagon at school pickup (mom always suspected my teacher). We weren't homeless, but we were about as close as you could be. And the only reason we didn;t end up in worse situation was because my parents made a lot of sacrifices and were very frugal with their money. And some loving neighbors/community members who helped out. YEs, the financial situation, especially with respect to home ownership, is a lot differnet now than back then. But no, having a 9-5 fast food job was NOT enough to buy a home, not even in a medium cost-of-living area (keep in mind, mortgage rates back then were in the **10-20% range**... nearly 2-3x what they are now).


dude, they literally said “no redditor thinks that a mcdonald’s 9-5 in the 80’s would net you a house”


My white trash boomers owned a three bedroom house with a two car garage and finished basement in a nice little suburb on a single high-school educated income, before they literally went and fucked it all up because they're crazy and racist.


If he has a house like that and makes that much, he can afford to help family members pay for a vacation that they’re trying to have as a family


They were both highly paid professionals living in a wealthy, rail-served burb of Chicago. His brother Rob in Paris was the wealthy one, who paid for all the family's tickets to spend Christmas together and to escort his kids back to him. Rob was temporarily working in Paris and he also owned that Manhattan brownstone that was the setting for Kevin’s clash with Harry and Marv in the second movie.


It’s really all Robs fault, if you think about it.


I hate Rob so much for what he did to poor Kevin


He couldn’t even teach his daughter Heather to do a proper head count.


There’s a theory that Uncle Rob worked as an executive for one of the big airlines (probably American, since it’s featured so much in the movies), which would explain why he could afford such an expensive trip for the whole family. And why he was transferred to Paris, while his kids remained in school in the US.


Thank you. I feel like I repeat myself every year saying that Kevin's dad brother is the one paying for the trip and no one listens. He literally says that in the movie.


“No, my husband’s brother transferred to Paris last summer and both of his kids are still going to school here and I guess he missed the whole family. He’s giving us all this trip to Paris for the holidays so we can be together.”


Thank you. I see *so many people* say that Peter paid for the trip to Paris. They clearly say in the beginning of the film that Rob moved to work in Paris and was feeling homesick and flew the family out to see them. Peter and Kate obviously are loaded, but they didn’t pay for the trip.


It was in the 80s, so he probably was a part time minimum wage worker. The house was purchased for 27 cents and a six pack of bud light.


Boomers when they had to settle, poor guy probably had no college degree


What he lacked in post graduate degrees and crippling student debt, he made up for with a strong handshake, looking the boss in the eye, and asking for a job. Seriously though, when my dad started in his line of work in the early 90s, most of the people doing the job were just high school grads. Now you can't even get your foot in the door without an MBA. Education inflation.


The Army is doing that, too. When I served, the sergeant majors were badass combat-tested Vietnam veterans. Now, I hear, to achieve that rank, you have to get degrees.


When my dad joined our country's navy in the late 70s, there was a temporary program hiring operational officers with high school diplomas. If he ever wanted to go beyond the rank of Commander he would need a degree, but that was the last thing on his mind at 18 years old.


I *think* this is still possible if you’re in a competitive field, called LDOs I think. (limited duty officers) Source: I worked with one in 2013, he was a comms guy (N6) jetted from E5 to Officer corp, was O3 when I worked with him. He was talking classes like a mofo trying to finish a bachelors so he could sit for an O4 slot.


It's not required, but it definitely makes it easier. Especially in times when they lower promotion rates. Simply has you stand out amongst your peers.


When I was in high school you could become a physician assistant with an associate's degree. Bachelors degrees were entering the scene, but otherwise it was an AAS. A few years later it was a combined BS/MS program. Now they are starting to create doctoral programs for Physician Assistants. The entire profession was created to have a place for former military medics to practice since there was no civilian equivalent to put their skills to work. Now, I know of three former Army medics who work as civilian paramedics who cannot get into PA school. But they'll admit the daughter of a dermatologist who shadowed Daddy at work for the summers during undergrad. Degree inflation and severe shifts in the scope of roles and who they are meant to employ are terrible for us as a society. And behind most of it are lobbyists employed by higher education institutions who push degree requirement legislation at the state level. CPA used to be bachelors only. Now it's Masters required. And the lobbyists have been fighting for years to eliminate associates degree and diploma programs for R.N.'s. Nursing shortages have kept many of those alive despite the best efforts of some fuck face lobbyist representing a school that feels you need to walk into an R.N. job with two more years of bullshit "liberal arts" requirements and a six figure debt load.


I started my job about 8 years ago. They already wouldn’t hire me today based on my credentials. Pretty wild


This may be a joke, but there are actually people who believe this. My dad worked in a factory for 32 years. He raised me and my brother until he died when I was 16 in 1990. We lived in a 60s model trailer that was 10’x50’ and it had more holes than walls. I make considerably more than he did and I live in a slightly better trailer. It’s all relative.


Did he eat a lot of avocado toast and drink a lot of starbucks coffe by any chance?


It is very relative to the class at which one is born into. It is nearly impossible to start from nothing and end up with everything. It used to be that one could work their way up one class if they really tried. But that was when class disparity was a much broader spectrum. One could go from upper lower class to lower middle class, and then maybe their children might make it to plain ol middle class, and the next generation might make it to upper middle class. Now we basically have very high, or very low, with only a sliver of middle left.


What do you mean only a sliver of middle left? There's tons of middle class people out there. Almost everyone I know is middle class.


I may have been a bit hyperbolic. But wealth inequality has gotten pretty bad in the US. What used to be the average annual income for a “middle- middle” family (inflation adjusted) is now just a few paychecks away from homelessness.


How much of that "middle" class is held up by astronomical levels of debt?


Living paycheck to paycheck, "middle class". The Hallmark of middle class is that they can take two to five months to look for another job and live off of credit or savings and not end up homeless. If you cannot do this, by definition you're not middle class.


The paycheck to paycheck thing is a very overblown statistic. If you follow it, even many high class people are living paycheck to paycheck. It doesn't account for people who simply can't control their spending or live paycheck to paycheck because they can afford to while dumping savings into the stock market.


>The Hallmark of middle class is that they can take two to five months to look for another job and live off of credit or savings and not end up homeless. That's true for me and most people I know. I could probably last a bit longer than that too, tbh.


Yeah but an insular anecdotal example of "middle class" (everyone I know) does not generalize to the majority. The majority of people are living paycheck to paycheck, so the prior statement "sliver of middle class" still holds true.


On the flip side, my grandfather also worked in a factory. He supported 5 kids and a housewife in a pretty big house and had all the time in the world for family, but he was never more than a guy on the line.


Oh no, he got to drink two of the buds. Shit wasn’t THAT expensive.


Isn’t Bud considered to be an Import these days?


Don't forget the firm handshake


Kevin’s dad walked into the bank, met the president gave him a firm handshake and said he wanted a job and was instantly hired and made Senior VP of Communications. That was all it took back then to make $500k a year.


That's 15 billion dollars a year if you adjust for inflation.


It sold for $875k in 1989. That is over $2 million in today’s dollars adjusted for inflation. That would be about $16k a month in todays dollars for a 30 year mortgage in 1989. https://www.redfin.com/IL/Winnetka/671-Lincoln-Ave-60093/home/13788887 https://www.mortgagecalculator.org/?q=cyPJK-cKV


So completely affordable for an ice cream seller in the 80s.


Great comment. Thanks for sharing. $16K a month in 1989...crazy money.


I'm so sick of seeing this. Who ever made it originally clearly hasn't even seen it or they'd know he didn't pay for the trip


That’s true. But who’s paying this electric bill. 🤣🤣


Lol, that's probably why his Brother had to pay for the trip


I’ll drink to that.


And back then, LED wasn’t common. My dad would have gone crazy with all of those lights being left on.


exactly , its not mentioned in the movie, who pays


It is mentioned in the movie that the dads brother paid for them to go to Paris. It’s in the beginning when the pizza delivery guy and the robber disguised as a cop are in the foyer of the home. I only know this because I just watched it the other day lol


The dad's brother is the one who paid for the trip.


What does his dad’s brother do? Also, how did his dad afford the house and those 3 spoiled brats?


His brother paid for the trip to Paris.


He was an accountant for the mob


Keep the change ya filthy animals! AHAHAHAHAHAH Gunfire ensues


He was a dirty cop paid off by the *Sopranos*. Obviously.


I was thinking more of Marty Byrde from Ozark


I got ya, it's just that John Heard, the actor who played the dad in Home Alone, played a corrupt cop in the Sopranos.


Woosh. Oh yeah, I forgot


Sure but he had a crippling gambling addiction.


He was into narcotics, everybody knew that. Those burglars were looking for meth lab.


Coke dealer.


Dad was a successful businessman and mother was a fashion designer, that’s why they had all the mannequins. It explains this in the novelization of the movie


Next on HGTV. He works part-time as a Walmart greeter. She volunteers at a pet shelter. Their budget is $7.5M.


The mortgage on that house back then was probably less than what rent on a studio apartment is today.


Interest rates were 8-12% in the 1980ies!


But that also depends on the cost of the house, if it’s 12% on $100,000 vs 6% on $300,000 big difference


This house was in the millions easily when this movie filmed.


Ok so say it was $3m that house right now would probably go for $10m+ the same rule applies


It's very hard to compare the cost of a 100k house in 1980 with a 300k house in 2023. Simply because of inflation.


That is in Winnetka, IL, probably the most expensive suburb of Chicago and that was likely a $500k house in 1990. I dated a girl about that time when I was in college and her grandparents owned a cool house in Lake Forest north of there and I know it was worth close to that.


It sold for $875k in 1989. That is over $2 million in today’s dollars adjusted for inflation. That would be about $16k a month for a 30 year mortgage in 1989. https://www.redfin.com/IL/Winnetka/671-Lincoln-Ave-60093/home/13788887 https://www.mortgagecalculator.org/?q=cyPJK-cKV


Obviously studio apartments in the suburbs cost $2 million today.


I believe the mom was on a soap opera and dad owned a chain of video stores


That was before their ventures into fruit wine and chain motels.


I just like to think mobster for fun. Imagine these two bit thugs raiding a mobsters house only to get the living crap beaten out of them by the mobster’s son!


The house sold for $875k in 1989 - adjusted for inflation that’s about $2.1M. https://www.redfin.com/IL/Winnetka/671-Lincoln-Ave-60093/home/13788887


theres a theory floating around of how he wants to make money off the insurance so he intentionally got his house robbed by hiring the robbers


Gotta love theories that have no support in the text or subtext of a film.


Turns out the whole family were actors, which is a pretty good gig.


Rich people usualy don't need to work, they got money working for them instead




As the joke goes: bank or politics?


This makes sense. Kevin is actually the criminal mastermind. The family was off on a job for their “Christmas bonus”. The goons that tried going after the kid botched the hit. Roll credits.


He was working as a detective or something for Tony Soprano.


Before they even hit 40


Simple answer: insurance. He gave the hint to the burglars himself




Easy solution; spend less time on reddit.


His brother was paying


He was pablos American contact.


Dad is a chemist, and the best damn meth cook in the area. He knew however never to bite off more than he could chew and stayed under the radar.


Movie was set in 1990, Kevin was born in 82. So his parents probably bought the house with their part time retail jobs during college in the 70s.


Things like this is part of what's wrong with America - Hollywood writers feed us this "aspirational" garbage over and over again until people start to think it's normal and wonder why they don't have it


The actual real house here was $845,000 in 1988 and $1.9M now. Really not that wild.


And be upset with a 900$ hotel bill ?


It says in the movie that his brother paid for them to fly to Paris.


It’s the 80s… dad probably worked at McDonalds or was a steelworker.


Lots of people ----->lots of organs Lots of organs-----> lots of money


It’s a movie


Come on, people, watch the fucking movie… he didn’t pay for the Paris trip, his brother who moved to Paris did.


The brother bought the tickets to Paris.




In the movie the mom or dad told the cop that his brother was flying them all down to Paris to be with him for the holidays


I was watching this last night and something else that stood out was how the mom floats the idea of getting a private jet home like nbd when she can’t find a seat. Only doesn’t do it because the attendant says it isn’t an option.


It was 1990. That house probably didn't even cost 100k


Ugh. The rich uncle from Paris paid for the trip. So tired of saying this.


The secret ingredient is crime


This is why I hate 80s and 90s American films and sitcoms. Their lifestyle they were portraying is so false and far removed from the reality of poverty.


He had a very profitable deal with Tony Soprano.


He sold drugs, that’s why they came to rob the place


It was the 90's. So the Dad probably had an Average job.


He was born at the right time in the right place.


He also lived in the good old days where a house did not Cost a soul


Wasn’t there some mention of the Dads brother living in Paris too? That whole family is killing it.


He went into witness protection after turning in the accounts books.




It was late 90s, and he got his job in about 70s, so he probably was a janitor or something.


Sinaloa cartel. It was the perfect front.


It was the early 90’s so the house cost $25,000 and the dad worked at K-Mart.


Easy. It was 1997. No one is affording that today


Drugs, man....


It was the 80’s


In the 80’s? Union electrician.


I read that they had to use that McMansion as it had to be big enough for all the shenanigans Kevin was going to be doing


That’s not a McMansion…that’s a straight up Mansion.


He was an actor


Check Simpsons. He can afford a house 2 cars and 3 children with factory minimum wage...


Homer works as a safety inspector in a nuclear power plant. He most likely made 100k in the 80s.


I wondered that when I was a kid and saw it.