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Maybe because I’m just over 50 and grew up in the world where we communicated by snail mail…I do t get butt hurt over no responses (exception if it’s my wife and I’m ordering food). If it’s important, call. Texting….meh. It’s freestyle. Whenever.


Dealers choice!


Exactly. I like the option of having sporadic occasional conversations with friends spread out all over. Texting or messenging aps allows me to occasionally contact people that I would not get around to calling in my day to day life. It also let's you ask a question when you think about it and your friend can respond when they get a chance.


Exactly. If it is important and you need an answer right away then call.


But you text before calling, right? Right?




Depending on how urgent it is. If you have something important just call cause I don't immediately check my texts.


Oh, man. Unless it's one of my parents .. if I'm not expecting a call, I'll just stare at the phone until it goes to voicemail. lol.


Well, I have call display so know who is calling, and if it is friends or family it is probably important if they are calling...


Maybe this is why I can't build friendships solely online, I feel like if I don't respond within minutes they'll ne upset and then I stress myself out until I can't respond at all and I just... give up. I'd be fine with normal calls or video chats planned ahead of time, that way we can talk and have a proper conversation instead of the constant "how are you" texts because what else are we supposed to say when we can't keep any conversation going.


Texts are like leaving a note. I'll read your note, maybe even today. If you need me now CALL, and if I know who you are I'll probably answer. (CALL offer not valid if I'm on the pot.)


Lol if you need me NOW call twice back to back so i know it s serious. One ring will do if were talking money. Because im answering that shit


I never thought of it that way but I like it!


i agree with it being like leaving a note but also under no circumstances call me ever


Toilet is the best time to take a call. Perfect excuse to hang up.


This is how I think of it too, but unfortunately not many people I know like to call so even if it’s something important, it’ll still be a text. They also do not consider calls to be important so won’t pick up a call most of the time, even if they would text back straight away


It's not your job to conform to the phone junkies. It's your mission to teach them correct behavior. When they complain that you didn't answer their important text, explain that there ARE no important texts, and next time they should phone. If they are comfortable sending you texts after that you can assume they are not time critical. People can manage their communications any way they like. Only I am in charge of when or even IF I'll respond to their call or text. Choose to be the master of your communications, not the slave.


Because there were no cell phones and 24/7 connectivity prior to like 1980. For the masses anyway. So when you were out camping, vacation or a weekend getaway. You were literally unavailable.


It only started being somewhat normal for a regular person to have a cell phone in the late 90s. Before that it was usually like businessmen and doctors and stuff like that who would have a cell phone. We thought it would just be an added convenience, but what happened is now people *expect* you to be reachable anywhere anytime.


Ok, thanks for the update. I was a little behind entering the workforce in 1985.


I find this funny too because by far the people in my life that get annoyed I don't respond are mostly boomers I'm millennial. A text is like an email to me ill respond when I get to it.


I have always felt that way. It is like a post it note but, in virtual form. If it is urgent you need to tell me. Otherwise it gets answered when I have the time.


When I have my kids for the weekend or when we go on vacation, I will not answer any texts or class except from certain people like my family or my kids mom. Other than that you can wait til I am back or if I feel like it, when my kids are asleep.


My father drove tractor trailer when I was growing up. He was gone on average 6-8 days at a time and more if he did a really long route to make some extra cash. I remember the day he got a beeper/pager, it was a game changer. See prior to that he would stop every evening and call home from a pay phone to talk to us kids (well not every day, some days were too exhausting, but he did his best to call). But when he got a pager we could page him if we needed him for something. It was still a wait though since he would have to find a place to pull over, that had truck parking, and a pay phone. This could have been 30 minutes if on the open road on the east coast. Just gotta wait for the next rest stop or truck stop. But if he was doing deliveries in NYC or something it could very well be by the end of the day that we don't hear from him since abandoning your truck in Queens to go find a payphone is frowned upon by local law enforcement. Of course if you paged him and it wasn't important... hoo boy you best be prepared for an ear full. It ain't free to receive that page, find a place to stop, and then pop enough quarters in to make a long distance call (or call collect if he didn't have quarters). I actually got really good at estimating his location based on hours since he left so I knew not to page him while in a hard to reach spot (like the previously mentioned NYC). Because say you paged him for something you thought was important, but the 8 hours it took him to respond you had been able to deal with it yourself, ohhhhhhhhhh.... the anger flowed strong those days! The fact he's been rushing his ass off to get to a phone for the past 8 hours resulted in a shit storm coming down on you. Sure cellphones existed by this point, but we didn't have that kind of money. It wasn't until Nextel became a thing that we could afford cellphones. Actually Nextel's early name of FleetCall sort of conveys their original purpose. You see Nextel had this feature where you had a 2-way like radio on the cellphone... it used the cellular network rather than 2-way radio, but by holding down the button you could talk to someone anywhere in the Nextel network. Think like a walky-talky, but on a cellular network. My dad loved it because it reminded him of before he got into long haul, back when he did landscaping... back then we had 2-way radios in all our vehicles and could just call up each other on a whim as long as you were in town. So now we could do it across the country. Coolest thing in the world. But yeah, when I got old enough to start running in the trucks (talking teenage years), my job was navigator before I started driving. I could estimate within 2 hours when we'd be on the other side of the country. To this day when Comcast gives you some stupid 4 hour window to drive across town to look at your cable and is STILL late I'd just shake my head. They'd bark about how it's hard to estimate and I'd just look at em' all "I could pick your Mercedes up in Miami and tell you what time Friday I'll be on Long Island to drop it off and be no more than 1 hour off. And that's with a queue of 10 different vehicles on my trailer!" And you had to be that good... because before the cellphone what we had to do was stop in Jersey early in the morning and call each client one by one and schedule out the day before heading out on the island. If you didn't get there THE DAY you said your clients may be busy... which is a problem. You think its expensive to drive a car across all them toll bridges???? Well, they charge by the axle my friend!!! You don't want to have to split a delivery across 2 days.


What an interesting story. Thanks for sharing!


I mean, why do people think they have a right that I always need to be available for them? I answer when I can. I am not a person that Ghost people but I sometimes need 2-3 days to come Back to somebody when I forgot about it because I was busy or simply not in the mood


You used to have to call places. Now you call people. And I never consented to this.


Normalize not responding immediately


Pretty much the only people I try to respond to immediately are my wife and kids


“normalize ignoring people who want to talk to you”


Normalise not being available 24/7


I'm sorry that people don't drop what they're doing to talk to you whenever you feel like it :(


Then those people who want to talk should call not send messages.


Please don't call unannounced lmao, I will die.


I'm already dead just thinking about it


Fuck calling. Its like texting but worse.


Interesting take.


Normalize stopping the use of the word normalize. I read this shit 4000 times a day. Anyway, I expect my partner, who will 99% see my message immediately to respond promptly if it’s something that requires a reply, not a day later. Stupid stuff like funny links won’t matter of course.


I’m glad you’re hearing it as often as you are. The movement of normalization is important to break down what has wholly and wrongly been considered to be social normals for over a century. Normalize normalization, normalize breaking current social norms.


Let me guess, American? :-)


Nope, not even sure what that means? Do Americans specifically not want to respond immediately?


Having 0.3% German DNA does not count, though. Just kidding, don’t take it bad. I meant that this “normalize” stuff comes from the US.


I feel like the increased demand to communicate is a huge part of why so many people are breaking fown


Instant messaging gives me anxiety. I won't reply until I'm ready


Them: "Tried to call but the line was busy." Me: "Yeah I had it off the hook."


Same reasons I don’t answer the door every time someone shows up unannounced


When I was a kid we got a phone with voicemail for the first time. Before then you just had to call at a time when you figured someone would be home - because everyone only had a landline - and if they weren’t, you’d have to try later or just be out of luck.


I remember when we got caller ID in the mid 90s and how much of a game changer this was. You could actually see that someone tried to call you when you had been out.


I don’t pick up calls from unknown numbers. Ever. Sometimes even known ones. If it’s that important, they’ll text/WA, or knock on my door.


I'm going to go against the grain here and say the slow responses are not something I love. Not replying within minutes/hours? That's fine. But if it takes you three to four days to respond about weekend plans, then it's pretty annoying, I've got better things to do than chase you for a response. If you're regularly taking days to reply to people it can be inferred by whomever you're replying to that they are just not a priority for you in spite of your actual intentions. If that makes no difference, then fine, but don't be surprised if the person you're trying to speak with suddenly starts taking longer and longer to respond back if at all.


Well there is nuance. I think everyone can agree that if you were making actual plans and the person stopped responding, then yeah that's annoying and shows lack of interest if they don't get back to you. If you were just chit chatting then maybe they just forgot to reply, no biggie.


Yeah, the excuse is often "I'm busy" Well, I'm also busy yet I still find the time to reply for 10 seconds... 


Every time I see a post like this, I just have to laugh because I wish it was only days for people to respond to me. Usually it's weeks or even months. I once tried to make plans with someone and they responded four months later. I must know the busiest people in the world lol.


I'm not a dog. I don't come when you call.


I miss the days we could just be "gone for the day".


Depends on the context. If you don't have time for a text conversation it's fine, but for questions like "Where did you put *thing*?", in most situations you can just quickly respond


As someone born in the 2000s, I do it because being unavailable at will should be an unspoken right. Just because I read something doesn't mean I was ready to reply the moment I read it. It's why I have "read" turned off because then I can't be pestered about "being left on read." And then there are times where I just don't look at my phone from hours to days because I'm either taking a break or am busy. I could go on, but there are a myriad of reasons that in the end all point to this: Being 100% available all the time for everyone is not only impossible but trying to be is STRESSFUL. People need to calm down if they don't get an instant reply. Whoever you're texting has a life too and them not replying to you *DOES NOT* mean they don't care about you or that you aren't a priority. That they reply and chat with you AT ALL means they care. Let people have their time, if it's not urgent then be patient. AND IF IT'S URGENT THEN *CALL*. Nobody I know calls me in an average day. Ever. So I know for a fact that when they do it's important.


i’m 23, so i grew up in the age of smartphones and text messaging—i guess i don’t have that excuse. but man… i hate answering that question. people take it so personally. i just don’t want to be engaged in a conversation with you, with *anyone* sometimes. it disrupts my attention and/or my inner monologue when i’m trying to concentrate, and then sometimes i just want to be alone with my thoughts. now if you have an emergency, a question that needs to be answered immediately, or you need advice *right now*, yeah, i’ll answer right away. but if it can wait, it’ll wait. i prioritize my work, studies, hobbies and time to recharge most of the time—because over time i’ve learned that when i sort my priorities differently the house of cards comes down and i’m not risking that—and i will never resent someone for doing the same.


Nah, I'm just lazy


One of the reasons my ex gave for breaking up with me is that I didn't respond to a text in like 7 hours. I had texted her that morning, fell back asleep, went to work, then texted her after a couple hours. Not a fun experience


Constant communication is both stressful and exhausting you know.


I probably don’t want to respond to you at that point. Nobody likes a leg humper.


Yeah, there's only two people in my life I feel I need to reply to right away: my girlfriend and my mom lol


If you don't respond I don't text. I am not gonna spend my time talking to a brick wall


Let's say you message me and I'm in the middle of doing something, or before responding I need to reach out to someone else, check a calendar, check the weather, etc. But I don't have time to do all that right this second. So I put it off until later that day, or even the next day depending on how busy I am


I always tell people that if they want an immediate response they should call. Otherwise I will get back to them when I can.


This post is so ancient rewards were still a thing


Yeah, but they left me on READ!


Absolutely agreed. I wish people would just fuck off sometimes.


I have an uncle who says this, I think it’s spot on. “My cell phone is for my convenience, not yours”.


I just don't feel like it.


I have ADHD and just forget to respond 9 times out of 10


Believe it or not some people are busy and don’t have the energy to talk to other people till days after the text …


I'm just tired of everyone thinking they can impose favors on me whenever they need something. As if I don't work full time and have my own responsibilities to take care of.


My phone is always on DND due to this ...


This is the way


You can't imagine how much willpower it takes to me to answer, I just can't father myself to do so instantly.


This. Like everyone expects you to just drop whatever you’re doing and reply to their texts immediately. If it’s so important, why not call? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don't let the machine dictates.


you can turn off read receipts in messenger now! do it


I call it "Techspectations" and I think it's bullshit


I am the one who knocks


I know this isn’t the point of the post, but the comment is an hour ahead of the post.


Because I was doing a thing, got interrupted and said to myself that I’d respond later, then forgot until a few days later when I was catching back up.


If you didn’t call me, you don’t really need an immediate response.


Days later is key. If someone is waiting days to get back to you, you aren't that important to them, and you should realize that. Taking time to respond is fine, but days too much. And you can bet your ass, the same people that say they need space have people in their lives they respond almost immediately to.


I’m only 39 and I literally can’t stand the fact that people feel entitled to a speedy response to the inane bullshit they text me. I long for my youth when you stuck $.50 in your sock and that was your only line of communication.


You just have to send me a registered mail if it's important.


I get the whole "respond on my own time" aspect of it, but if you see a text from someone and then just ignore it for hours, you're an asshole. Even more so if they always respond to yours.


its unfair to expect anyone to be ready for a conversation at all times. conversing takes social energy that sometimes people just don't have. people take it too personally and its far too normalised.


I don't expect anyone to be ready for conversation at any time. I expect friends and family to respond to a simple question the same day I ask it.


I'm sure everyone going against this doesn't admit to being on social media while not answering


I'm old I don't care what U have to say. You'll contact me another way if it's urgent




>After reading some comments, my question to others is why do you give your number to people you don’t want to contact you? Your mom/grandma or whoever isn't exactly going to respond well to "no" if they ask for you new number. But you still don't want to answer EVERY time they text/call. Or any other person who would want/demand your number like work.


Sometimes it takes me up to a year to reply to someone in WhatsApp or text. I get messages from various platforms all the time and it’s overwhelming. I miss the pace of life when we were not so readily connected.


It's awful that people just lay claim on your private time like that, just because my phone is near me at all times, that doesn't mean i want YOU near me at all times


That's definitely true! Our modern society is full of distractions, they're constantly overwhelming.


I'm autistic and get anxious, agonize over a message, lose concentration, then forget to reply.


This repost is so old it still has awards.


They think they’re better than to reply to you. Fuck them


Or they have shit going on in their life that they can't reply to you immediately like you know. Work? School? College? Just general life ...


You sound insecure


So, people have to stop whatever they're doing just to give you attention, because you're more important than what they're doing?


Some times friends send me memes and I'll reply instantly, or 8 hours later It really depends on how I feel They can never really understand why I am like that, but I just answer people when I feel like it We talk daily in person anyways, and play games over disc basically daily, but I get shit if I dont respond to a meme for a day... I dont get it I like just being completely disconnected from everything online some times


You're going to make some special person VERY unhappy one day




Thank you. I'd prefer that you blocked me than feeling like I owed you a response in a time frame you deem acceptable.


That sounds slightly clingly ngl


You sound toxic asf


lol fair enough!

