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So what's the karma threshold? You've got a mod with 19 karma so I'm guessing it's low


Automod can be (and often is) set to ignore mod posts/comments for each rule. Could also be because some mods use their alt account if they have personal info associated with their main account.


Look I’m all for posting weird floridan shit. But also wanna say that this is the very first post from the sub I’ve seen on my feed since the one going private last week, and I reddit a lot. Would have been nice to vote!


Right? I post on here...probably too much, but I don't use discord because I'm not 12. Bit weird to decide the fate of one community by asking another.


I did not see anything of the sort either. Think there's a bit of mayo in this post. I didn't like moderating either - that's why I gave it up to someone that does and didnt become OP


> but I don't use discord because I'm not 12 I mean I wouldn't say discord is for kids / 12 year olds lol, but definitely its not the same as a forum. Reddit is a community surrounding a topic and conversations take place around a piece of content. Discord is a community surrounding a theme and conversations take place around people. I couldn't give 2 shits about specific users on reddit. Very different ways to use social media - different reasons too, no one is posting content on discord. But that doesn't make discord for kids.


I know it's not accurate, the cynical part of me just assumes discord is just for people who are too young to remember IRC. I *do* have a problem with the broader trend of information moving away from permanent published locations like wikis and into discord channels which are less accessible and the way that feels like another setback to the "free as in speech" internet we had in the wild days before the walled gardens of social media...but that's a tangent.


Discord is only useful for ephemeral discussion, it’s useless for going back and looking to see if your question has already been answered. It’s like IRC, but without IRC’s advantage of just being able to jump on. I dislike the way the web is moving towards massive proprietary platforms like Facebook, Reddit, YouTube and Twitter. The old web with forums dedicated to specific topics and communities, and where people controlled the content on their own personal pages, was far better. Even early social networks like Friendster and MySpace gave users a lot more control over how their content was presented.


Where was the poll? The subreddit went dark and all of a sudden there was a unanimous vote? What a load of horse shit... Way to destroy a community watch it just become a graveyard for C tier memes and shit posting now


Talk about neckbeard kings throwing a hissy fit.


Or we could post about... Melbourne Australia


This is stupid.


Right? I read this post and was just like...wtf, grow up.


They're acting like they have to be mods.. as if they can't quit the voluntary position... can't let go of their perceived power I guess


It's a cringe dummy spit. Reminds me of an anti-drugs ad in the nineties where the kid was mood-swings cause of the bongs, then he quit his job at the supermarket by having a tantrum throwing 2 minute noodles at his boss.


It’s the actual definition of chronically online.


Can I ask where you asked what we’d like the sub to be about? On the discord?


The mods thought we would all read this and clap. If you don't want to mod the sub properly anymore, then don't. Hand over the reins. You look like a bunch of idiots.


No way they're giving up the only power they have.


I'm a bit confused as to how this is sticking it to the admins when the sub will still be active? Just can't see how this is a protest lol


And it really just sticks it to the people who use the Melbourne, Australia sub and not anyone in reddit leadership who couldn't give a fuck what we do.


Also given that it actually is a place in Florida it's... Confusing?


I think a lot of subs are doing similar things (like the r/ pics sub reddit only posting pictures of John Oliver) but Reddit (Spez and such) probably doesn't give a shit since most subs aren't doing it and its actually bringing news/traction to the site like whats happened with the John Oliver thing.


Importantly, r/pics actually held a poll and let 40,000 people have their say! https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/14b2a6q/poll_decide_on_the_future_of_rpics/


Also /r/pics isn't used to ask serious questions. People come here for help with things like lost pets and stuff.


The point is to make the subreddit useless for its intended purpose, thereby killing traffic (since no-one cares about Melbourne, Florida.)


They will simply be replaced either by force or a competitor subreddit will arise. Nothing of value will be lost.


Neither of those options is good for Reddit corporate, is the point. Subreddits build communities over time and attract user engagement from community-generated content, which is fed to the user in a constant flow to keep them visiting the subreddit. Splintering a subreddit into multiple smaller competitors disperses the community, which inevitably results in less focused content, lower engagement, and fewer total users generating ad revenue. Replacing moderators by force requires that Reddit either pay for moderators (which they don't want to) or else get shitty moderators who don't care about the community and are only doing it for the power trip (which makes the subreddit worse, driving away users and ad revenue).


There are over 600,000 people subscribed here, there will be others that want to take on moderator duties. The current mods are power tripping so it doesn’t change anything if a new one does as well. When /r/Melbourne2 is started and this subreddit continues to spam garbage the new sub will take off. The community won’t be the same but that doesn’t matter, from little things, big things grow. If there are multiple competing subreddits one of them will win out similar to the AusFinance/AusHENRY situation.


Where was the poll? I didn’t see any post about a poll. I support the idea of letting the community decide what to do about the situation, but a genuine poll done in good faith would have been nice.


There is no poll on the sub at all. They are just having a tantrum because things havent gone their way


Scared of losing their only bit of power in their life time so this is their idea of holding on to it.


This sub’s community was on the better side of reddit. There have been countless great posts, from requests for help to a place for discussion on recent news. It is a shame the mods are wanting to kill the sub.


I can’t imagine that this weird pseudo-protest will work. The mods aren’t really opening up the sub, so I’d imagine that reddit will still replace them in time. At least have the guts to run a real poll, mods.


Mods when threatened with losing their precious modding abilities - wah way wah wah


Imagine having the audacity of these mods. Gatekeeping a city subreddit that for the most part is more or less a public noticeboard for a city of 6M people. How entitled are these mods. Reddit should replace them


Idk how many times I went to search something only to realise the sub was gone and all of the valuable info went with it




Nothing more cringe than reddit mods




The community never voted on this. It's just moderator bullshit once again


These guys are huge dorks


If the job of moderating reddit without using API calls anymore is too hard then quit instead of taking your ball home... Someone will take the place of modding, life will either go on or reddit will become to difficult too mod and a new site will naturally take its place. Mods are in a wierd place, they dont add much to a sub, no one would be intrested in a subreddit for 8 mods. They play an important role but seemingly replaceable. In anycase /melbourne is made up of its subs, not its mods.


This, and the whole thing is reddit confirmed API use in relation to mods is unaffected. This has gone from silly, to dumb, on to juvenile and pathetic. Will just come back in a while to see if grown ups are back in charge.


This whole thing is becoming ridiculous. The mods are destroying their own communities like petulant children. Hand the sub to the community if you don’t like the changes? This sub is more than just the moderators. Most of us don’t even use third party apps. If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the fucking kitchen?


What's really sad is the time and effort that go into these stupid memes and posts These guys have no semblance of reality


I guess the aim could be to tank the community specifically by making it useless so users then unsubscribe, but surely the attack wouldn’t be on the users instead of reddit, no?


And then a new community will start. This whole thing is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Absolutely ridiculous.


No one voted, the fkn asshole mods doing what they want again


Totally agree with you. This is just stupid!!


yeah its a little rediculous if you ask me. Like is the move an asshole move to change the API? Yeah, is the 3rd party shutdown stupid? Yeah. But the *vast* majority of reddit don't use 3rd parties. The mods are angry, but how is ruining the good parts going to help? its not.




>Is the mod team in Melbourne that oppressed The oppression by Reddit and its CEO towards the mods is clearly real and this is why the neckbeards civil rights movement is moving at full speed.


That's one way to be regarded I guess. Oh well. It's been fun.


Very democratic to ask what people thought should be done to protest Reddit on the broader sub and not just on the place a small proportion of the sub who support the protest went. Oh wait.




Yep. Destroying a community of 600k plus users for something most don't care about. I mean r/Brisbane and r/Sydney both put polls out for their members. Guess the results. It'd be the same here. Edit: seems Brisbane and Sydney have since actually taken things further based on their votes. At least users got to vote.


What are they doing?


Brisbane is now back it seems but Sydney remains on restricted mode until 1 July. Edit: according to a post on Brisbane they are doing rolling blackouts on weekends.


Will Reddit put new mods in


Hopefully they give us the power to vote mods out soon.


I hope so. Mods everywhere have let the power get to their heads with this one


Ironic isn't it, they're protesting against being called "landed gentry" and majority are legitimately acting like dictators, destroying a lot of communities which at the end of the day is going to accomplish nothing. I'm also salty because I've been trying to figure out a problem with the heating in my house and every single search result is on reddit and the fucking r/homeimprovement and r/homeautomation subs are private.


Just used cached results


Now we see the violence inherent in the system


The mods think they are Dennis. They're King Arthur. And we didn't vote for them to be King!


Supreme executive power derives from a mandate of the masses, not some farcical circle jerk ceremony.


Wait.... I thought executive power was given by a strange woman distributing swords in a pond?


That was power in the 15th Century. It's circle jerks in the 21st.


Dennis is a station on the hurstbridge line


Apparently that sort of talk isn't allowed here anymore.


he's 37!


Considering they kept the sub open, doing a soft blackout, while the majority of subs were doing a proper blackout, then announcing they were blacking out the sub when the majority of subs opened back up, now this. The whole thing is a shitshow.


What a self gratifying wankfest. Imagine acting like being a moderator on Reddit is some honourable, dedicated activity that we should all be on our knees giving thanks for. Get over yourselves.


You got me offside by restricting things without notice, and I've had time to stew a bit. There's a snowballs chance I'll join discord. Vulnerable people rely on information on the big social media networks to find out how to improve their lot. Reddit in particular is important for searchability. Moving to Discord of all places, leaving the subreddit unavailable for Google traffic, made it absolutely clear you don't have a solid grasp of what you're doing, as you have no regard for the community you're in with the rest of Reddit protesters i.e. the open web. I'm all for migrating a community, but killing it in favour of a clubhouse? Maybe for a fandom, but not a city subreddit. I'm not doing the work around here so I'm not going to tell you what to do besides giving you my two cents that I think you should take a long hard look at yourselves. If in the end you're just squatters and think lurkers can get fucked then this community deserves to wither in a walled garden.


I raised that point in the discord about ppl using it as an information platform and got completely dogged piled for it. Mods and others don’t care, they just wanna feel like there doing something about something that won’t change.


>So we asked the community what would you like the sub to be about Where? There is no post on the sub about this? Is this just mods power tripping because things havent gone theor way?


#can we vote the mods out?


I don't want the mods out, it's a thankless job and I'd never be a mod anywhere again. I just want to talk about the city I live in, and Reddit is usually the best place to do that


Wow this is very... dumb




> landed gentry OMG the wank power is overflowing


Shit decision mates


The admins threatened to remove mods who wouldn’t comply, and you neckbeards immediately re-open the sub because you couldn’t bare to lose the one thing in your lives that makes you feel like you have power. At least you saved all those third party apps tho!


Totally disrespectful to the community. Grow up mods.


I do not even understand what you are talking about.


Hand over the moderation to someone else if you don't like it. No one is forcing you to be a mod. Let the community enjoy this place rather than destroying it.


Most rational and non-power tripping reddit mods. Get the sticks outta your arses, and either moderate normally or rescind control of the subreddit. Don't throw a tantrum coup What a pack of chunts


Do I have enough subreddit karma? Edit…. It would appear so.


Do I? Edit: it would appear so!


Ooooh let me try Edit: Official Florida man right here apparently.


What about me? Edit: yep


This is dumb. I’m just going to find other places on Reddit to waste time.


Stupidest shit I have seen on reddit. Get over yourselves, open the sub as normal so people can interact. You all sound like basement dwelling neckbeards.


This is one of the dumbest things to come out of the “protests”.


Soo where is the poll? I’m also in r/TheExpanse and, like many other subs, they posted after the initial blackout to ask the community to vote on what to do next. Not that hard…


Stupid as fuck. Will achieve nothing.




Me either


Me either


Me either, what the hell is this


Oh literally fuck off with this bullshit. I quite literally don't care about your pointless mod problems. You guys are replaceable and are not even personalities worth caring about, nor have anything worthy that lets us kiss your dirty boots. I use this sub everyday as a spot for finding out the news and events happening around my city without having to use paid news sites or poorly accessible facebook news sites. But yet you dumbfuck mods choose to do something annoying as well restricting the access to information, especially for those who can't reliably get it. Isn't that ironic that by doing these changes, force Reddit to replace you? If you care so much about the sub that you wield power over, then you wouldn't had done this sort of bullshittery but done a blackout instead.


Thanks for ruining the subreddit mods. I guess someone should go make a subreddit called MelbourneAustralia or something in the meantime


This has gone from an API complaint to some weird labour strike. How is turning it into a Florida subreddit going to help? This just seems like nonsense now.


Reddit mods have always been wankers but Jesus, the mods here are on a different level. You don't have any power because you're Reddit mods and you're going against the subs wishes. Grow up.


So you did a vote on Discord for what should happen to the sub going forward, despite the fact that very few users of this sub would have even joined the Discord? I am all for doing some form of protest similar to what /r/pics is doing, but a vote for the future of this sub should have been performed on this sub.


Let the users vote on these kind of things.


it could’ve been something funny like only posts of steve irwin or only posts about a certain landmark. this isn’t funny or creative it’s stupid.


You really showed everyone that mods aren't the stereotypical petty losers completely detached from reality with this one... Maybe stick to your little discord group and leave this site to people who want to use it properly?


Ok so I'll give you til the weekend then I may just unsub. Which would be sad as this is one of my main hangs. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to vote /s


r/im14andthisisdeep 🙄


Now we watch people get arbitrarily banned because they dared to disagree with the people who supposedly are responsible adults *cough cough* and who will spit their collective dummies when the rest of us with functioning brains say yeah no thanks. I came to reddit to get away from this kind of bullshit and instead I find more of it here. So, I may as well go out in a blaze of glory. To the mods of this subreddit, quit acting like you’ve been given the keys to the kingdom, grow the fuck up and try to act like actual functioning, responsible adults. To say that your behaviour is pathetic and childish is a huge understatement and I am ashamed that any of you actually come from the same state as the rest of us. Y’all may as well move to Melbourne, Florida and sign yourselves up to run DeSantis or Trump fan clubs, because it seems like you’re about on the same level of intelligence. Peace out 🖕


This is the dumbest shit. Go back to normal


Touch grass




> I get the protest, but it's just irritating people. Said anyone who's tried to get a Bourke Street tram on a Saturday any time over the past 3 years


This reddit protest has taught me a lot about reddit mods and the kind of people who would want to become one. Very very odd behaviour happening across the board, and for what?


They want to be paid for volunteering to run an internet forum. People with healthy, normal lives do not behave like this.


For those of us who aren’t chronically online and come here to share our interest for our amazing city with others it’s incredibly disheartening to see a subreddit that represents such a vibrant, inclusive city being run in to the ground by such a small minority that do not represent the values of the majority of us and certainly not the values of this amazing city. If moderating is so hard and you hate being here so much just go away…




This is stupid , keep it the way it was


Wow fkn mods .. mate just go back to normal... geez


What the fuck is happening?


Rubbish. What poll? This is stupid. You’re not going to win any hearts for this protest with this toddler tantrum. All this does is piss off Melburnians, how is it going to sway the admins?


This doesn't make any sense as a form of protest. Why should reddit actually give a shit about what users are doing so long as they're using the platform and not posting illegal content?






This sucks. Stop your tantrum


It was nice knowing all of ya down under.


If a blackout didn't work, how is malicious compliance going to? You've just dug a massive grave for yourselves because now you're going to be over-moderating to make sure all posts are complying with the new stringent rules. It's only a matter of time before you burn yourself out protesting like this.


Can someone just hurry up and make a new Melbourne subreddit for us all to use


Anyone can, but building up the community? Good luck...


Ooof. This is awkward. I didn’t think the cliche about reddit mods would really hold up, but here we are. (Charlie / Moistcritikal’s latest video on this whole debacle is rather apt it seems)


No. Just no. Fuck off with this crap.


Also, just to summarise. You have re opened the sub with new obscure rules, with one of your arguments being thr visually. I won't speak for that community but reopening the sub an instituting new rules might make their experience harder. Also very glad there was a poll that absolutely nobody knows about. Should've kept the sub dark, I would respect your stance more. Self important losers. Ban me if you want to prove my point.


If anyone ever needed proof of how delusional mods are...


neckbeard mods being neckbeard mods


The virginity is strong


Sounds like bollocks. Where was the poll?


$50 says they did one amongst themselves and then decided that “everyone” agreed with it. At least some of us know when someone is taking the piss, as it were but seriously, arbitrary much? Makes me glad that once I finish all the commissions I’ve had from people on reddit, I’m moving on to better pastures so to speak and saying byebye to reddit


Can we get mods in that won’t take reddit so serious? (No hate but I was really annoyed not being able to use this when it was private)


I’m irritated by the karma limits. It doesn’t affect me. But it prevents too many people from participating in the sub. People with genuine questions, and people who can help answer them.




Mods must be from Florida, because this is stupid. Insulting that we're expected to roleplay a fascist state.


I’mma try. *ehem* We gotta ban them books and defund those schools amiright?




Honestly mods if you are reading this, and I hope you are - this is a fail. You can’t weirdly gatekeep a whole sub. You aren’t unpaid, you volunteer. There is a difference. If you don’t want to mod anymore, or can’t do it without reading the room and understanding people want the sub without this weird Florida shit, it’s time to go.


The neckbeard is strong with this one.


[First result](https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2023/02/09/police-108-child-pornography-related-charges-for-melbourne-man/69889313007/) of a google search for "Melbourne Florida man" damn






Thanks for ruining the sub dickheads


Seriously. Just go. You’ve ruined this sub. How dare you.


I swear there were comments in here linking a new sub that have now been removed?


it'a bit rough, and i think they're dobbing in any new ones as unmoderated and they get closed-banned pretty quickly.


I went away for a week and everything is different. Would anyone be willing to explain what happened and why?


Reddit is killing third party apps by charging insane fees for use of the API Some Reddit communities decided to go private in protest, this one did not for an unknown reason. Then it did. Now it's back because Reddit is going to remove non-compliant moderators. So now they're continuing the protest by restricting what can be posted and using a false poll to justify it as democratic. To what end? Who knows. Reddit is ok with this outcome (as seen by absence of escalation when other subreddits did this 2 days ago). So Reddit wins, the mods win and the community suffers. We have people who use this subreddit for genuine needs. Ranging from news to serious issues like homelessness and no power situations. The mods here aren't able to grasp the importance of the community they have, instead they just want to retain power regardless of who suffers.


Mods... Do your job or GTFO. Have you heard of community service? Or all those joints you have been smoking cloud your judgement? I bet you don't even live in Melbourne and you're just on a power trip and w4nk over every post you delete.


Either go back to business as usual or close the sub.


This is so fucking stupid.


How about you ask the users of this sub want they want from the sub, not fucking discord for fuck sake. I’m all for protesting Reddit for their shit antics through all this, but the r/Melbourne mods need to not be dickheads either for any of this to actually matter.


So when is a Melbourne subreddit being made without cringe turbo-virgin mods?


This should be a sticky because some ppl are getting confused/annoyed by the Melb, FL posts.


Agreed… apart from the fact that Melbourne Florida is named after Melbourne Australia there is nothing in common between these subreddits. I am sorry, but this is a stupid idea, really stupid idea. They should be separate.


Imagine how many lost dogs and cats died without finding their owners in the last week? Imagine how much bad parking went unphotographed? How many sunsets unnapreciated? I haven't thought about road rules in over a week!


what evs this sub is set up on a free site, no one gets charged for anything , it's your choice if you buy an app setting up your own website is costly and time consuming, requires skill and servers and it's hard to get members unless you are a special interest community reddit is convenient just admit what reddit is and if you don't like it set up your own


I don’t get it


So you can report an issue with the subreddit directly to Reddit. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001103212 Feel free to take inspiration from what I wrote. Dear Reddit Admins, I am writing to bring to your attention several concerns regarding rule violations, lack of transparency, and unrepresentative decision-making in the subreddit r/Melbourne, which is dedicated to the city of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It has come to my attention that the subreddit's moderators have recently implemented a new rule that restricts posting and commenting based on an undisclosed amount of Reddit karma. Furthermore, they have claimed that the decision to limit posts exclusively to Melbourne, Florida was made by the community members through a poll held on Discord, a separate platform that represents only a small fraction of the subreddit's membership. I believe these actions undermine fairness, transparency, inclusivity, and the fundamental purpose of the r/Melbourne community. First and foremost, the requirement of a minimum karma threshold to participate in posting and commenting, without specifying the specific karma amount needed, creates an opaque barrier for genuine community members. While reasonable restrictions can help prevent spam or misuse, the lack of transparency regarding the karma threshold hinders community members' ability to understand and engage in meaningful discussions. It is essential to establish clear guidelines that ensure fairness and equal participation for all community members, regardless of their current karma level. Furthermore, the claim that the decision to exclusively focus on Melbourne, Florida was made by community members through a poll on Discord raises concerns about the representativeness and legitimacy of the decision-making process. Discord, being a separate platform, only captures a small portion of the r/Melbourne subreddit's membership. Decisions made through such a limited sample may not accurately reflect the broader community's opinions, interests, and diversity. It is vital to consider the perspectives and contributions of all community members when making significant decisions that impact the subreddit's focus and content. In light of these concerns, I kindly request that you investigate the implementation of the minimum karma requirement and the decision-making process in r/Melbourne. Please consider the following aspects during your evaluation: 1. Transparency and Clarity: Assess the need for clear and explicit guidelines regarding the minimum karma threshold, ensuring that all community members have a fair opportunity to participate in discussions. 2. Inclusivity and Representation: Examine the representativeness and inclusivity of the decision-making process, taking into account the limitations of conducting a poll solely on Discord and its potential impact on the subreddit's diversity of opinions and interests. 3. Adherence to Community Guidelines: Evaluate whether the new rule and decision to focus solely on Melbourne, Florida align with Reddit's Community Guidelines, particularly in terms of fostering an inclusive, respectful, and engaging environment. I urge you to address these concerns and take appropriate action to ensure that the rules and decision-making processes in r/Melbourne are in accordance with Reddit's content policy and uphold the values of fairness, transparency, inclusivity, and open dialogue. By doing so, we can help maintain a vibrant and thriving community that accurately represents the spirit and purpose of the r/Melbourne subreddit. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I greatly appreciate your dedication to maintaining the integrity and principles of the Reddit platform. Sincerely, [Your Reddit Username]


Any admin here, I'll be your scab and these mods can go


how about only posts about Montague street bridge 1 it's semi Melbourne related 2 can keep up with demanded as a new truck or bus will find the same old bridge or we could jest go back to normal p.s We should make the Sub NSFW as Reddit doesn't put ads on those subs


As someone who didn't even know 3rd party apps existed until this big hoo-ha, I find it pretty depressing how whole communities are being shut-down and derailed like this. I was okay with mass blackouts for like a week but at this point my Reddit experience is being negatively impacted far more by the by mods and power-users than any API changes from the company.


This would be like R/pics mods back flipping 3 times and then saying all posts going forward have to be in the text form of a Haiku. Do a mod AMA? Respond to users questions? You hide behind and auto mod post. Ridiculous. Kangaroo court type of poll run on discord, which Hilariously has to have the least user friendly mobile app.


protest in a different way, spontaneously delete all posts during a 24hr period for example >That’s not how we operate. Pressuring people is not our goal. We’re communicating expectations and how things work. What a pathetic rules lawyer.


I just made r/melbournepage, stuff these guys.


Why do you keep putting florida in brackets


Stunning and brave


Why not put it in restricted mode? If Modding is so taxing, why are you giving yourself all this extra work?


>Melbournians You (a mod of r/Melbourne) have got to be fucking kidding me. It's Melburnian, mate.




Just go back to private


Well this is stupid. (The fact that it is an attempt at satire does not make it less stupid.)


Admins/Spez/whatever will not give half a shit which Melbourne we are talking about. I hardly think this sub is on their radar in the slightest. If the sub is going to be open anyway, can we not just go back to how things were rather than ‘protesting’ in the cringiest and least effective way imaginable?


I look forward to what the new reddit will be like once all the subs become r/maliciouscompliance No doubt it'll be shit and what come out of the other side is likely to be a shadow of what reddit was before all of this, but at least it's going to be a mildly interesting ride on the way down


Once reddit realises the mods are making reddit unusable for the average person, they'll ban the mods and take over the subs. I have no idea why the mods think this is a good move. Pathetic


I’m so confused


Such a beatiful day. Buggered if I know why I'm cold and wet.


It’s probably safe to assume all the loud bangs will be coming from Disney Land from now on.