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I play a trading card game where they literally introduced a Hygiene section into their rules recently. It's a massive deal as a lot of people stink.


Which trading card game? Oh this applies to all of them 😆


Was added to Yugioh but 100% every card store stinks of BO


Took my kids to play and can 100% agree the BO is... exotic.


yeah, just knew it was gunna be yugioh players :/


Pax got told off for handing out deodorant one year lol


Halfway through PAX on Sat I commented to my husband that the nerdy funk was really starting to permeate the place lol.


Yeah I stopped going to pax long ago but Star Trek cons are also guilty of it


I can imagine! I went to PAX last weekend, and good god, some people smelled like they hadn't bathed in weeks


Bus drivers will agree. Some people have to be told


Thank you driver!


Bye bye driver




“DONT WAIT TO BE TOLD! You NEED PALMOLIVE GOLD!” (Over 50d get it... old tv ad)


Man, they were some crappy ads back then. Anyway have a Winfield.


They were hard to escape. Especially at the cricket with that rich tobacco of Peter Stuyvesant.


Agree. Some people even need to be told to own a belt so you don't get a view of a plumbers crack. And that is not unique to plumbing industry at all


fun fact: someone actually made an art exhibition of that, it was called "fifteen views of asscrack" as a parody of "36 views of mount fuji" and he got banned from an event. https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Fifteen\_views\_of\_Asscrack


This is great


I had this convo with someone this week. Not the first person I have had to tell either. Some people are ignorant to it, some are just yucky people.


Reading the material attached to the article and it doesn’t seem that bad? Maybe it’s because I come from hospitality but everywhere I’ve ever worked has explicitly spelled out in the employee handbook that you need to shower and wear deodorant every day. I remember when I was much much much younger a staff member was experimenting with “natural” deodorants and we felt so bad for the manager who had to tell her that the natural deodorant was absolutely useless and she needed to sort it out asap. It’s a humiliating conversation to have to have with someone.




I worked somewhere once where an employee had to be let go due to poor hygiene. Everyone felt horrible for the guy because he was nice and was good at his job. But the office was extremely small and it got too much for everyone, a few people had started resigning because they couldn't ignore it anymore (it was the rotting bacteria smell, not just stale sweat kind of BO). Apparently as he was let go he admitted it wasn't the first place he had been sacked from for that reason.


That’s awful for you. I also feel bad for the person struggling with hygiene but that can’t be an easy thing to manage tactfully. I also wonder how long they’ve gone without washing. An ex of mine loved long camping trips and even after 4 or 5 days without showering they didn’t stink. It wasn’t a fresh smell but they weren’t offensive to the nose you know?


My brother was in the army and had been on a training bit where they basically live in mud and hike for two weeks. I have truly never smelt a person who smelt that bad. It lingered for several hours after he left. His clothes were so caked in dirt, his pants stood up off the floor by themselves.


Did you have to smell them during your 1 to 1's?


Yep, worked with a guy who just came in smelling terrible one day, wasn't sure if he hadn't washed his work shirt or what. Manager noticed but said if it's just one day he'll avoid the awkward conversation. Happened two more times that week. Manager had to sit him down and ask if he was using soap/shampoo/washing his shirt with detergent/changing his shirt for each shift? Happened one more time after that then it was fixed. Still no idea what was causing it.


If it was just that week he probably left his shirt in the washer too long and didn't re-wash it


One day at woolies there was a young shelf stacker that reeked of stale sweat on his shirt (at least a day old). In my old persons voice I conveyed the wisdom of the ages onto him that his bosses and girls will think of him less if he reeks and it is in his interest to keep clean.


It's not that bad, the article title is written to get your clicks and views


In the metro, too many people stink. I understand why it may sound offensive, but if you don't want to generate rejection good hygiene is important ;)


Sorry, I forget to wipe 😭


Sorry, my nurse didn't wipe me properly 😭


;p if you work from home and never go out, you can be as disgusting as your heart desires


I don't need to wipe. It usually comes out in one nice solid snake, with a good tapering on both sides. Almost zero strain, although I've taught myself to just relax and let my body do the work. I usually put my feet up in the squat position with the help of one of those little bathroom stools. Don't need to sit for an hour on the loo, maybe 30 seconds tops. I still shower afterwards regardless, just one of the great benefits of a high fiber/high protein diet. Actually the residual smell isn't too terrible either. It's definetly not something you want to catch a whiff of, but it's not that horrible dry retching smell you get sometimes when you've been just vacuuming down crap in fugue state of self-hatred and loathing. Ok probably TMI, but honestly I really feel great taking a shit in the morning. Like it's a very satisfying process and I know this sounds trite, but I'm grateful my vagus nerve is in good shape, because I always feel excellent after a good dump. Man shitting is *just fucking great*.


If it had to be added in there then it's likely multiple incidents of hygiene issues were reported. Just seems strange we've come to this.


I work with people with disabilities and the disadvantaged, and educating them about hygiene is extremely important - reality is some people have never had any education on this and generally are receptive to it. It’s extremely important for day to day functioning


Some people do need to be told as it’s not always customary to bathe every day for everyone. A coworker used to be a TAFE teacher and they used to get everyone in for a hygiene chat on Day 1. Some people haven’t been taught basic life skills either. Lots of people slip through the cracks in life.


And these days, half of the cracks are by design. There is no excuse for the corruption through the development and real estate industries that leads to too many people sharing a moldy house, for example.


I’m with a job provider, and have been for a while, people who aren’t on the system need to stop whitewashing the system, some people do not have “normal” social skills and do need to be told they need to be hygienic.




Whitewashing as in to make it look better than it is. Eg. “the text book whitewashed slavery by downplaying its horrors on the black community.”


I'm actually fucking stupid. Sorry about that.


its ok! the beauty of the internet is learning new things!


All of the courses job seeking agencies make people do are a sham, I can't believe no one in these comments can see the bigger picture here. The agencies scoop up hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money to essentially sit there and criticise people on social security, of which many are disabled and have been shunted off actual disability support payments, for not getting jobs that either don't exist or that they can't afford to take or that they're not even qualified for or are well over qualified for. Now who here would be happy to spend their poverty level dole payment on finding a way to access this course (public transport fare or taxi, or maybe lucky enough to have a car but gotta fork out for fuel) and attend it for the day because if you don't attend it for the day then your payments are immediately cut? They also do courses on 'resilience' i.e. essentially telling people in poverty and/or with disabilities to essentially put a smile on their dial and "be positive" as though that is the reason they can't get a job with a living wage.


are the courses compulsory? I've never had to do anything like that, I just applied for jobs using their computers. very hands off.


It'll depend on your agency, but yes generally they are and so if you don't attend then you're seen as not making an effort to gain employment.


And they schedule them on days where people who have casual employment have to jump through hoops to opt out. The system is a massive rort.


that's so weird. they always treated me like they knew I was employable as I was and we just had to play the waiting game. so strange how different they treat you.


Kinda agree though, ever been to something like PAX or Comic-con? Should be in bold highlighted text on the tickets.


Worked in an employment service in the past and can confirm that some people need to be told to shower and bathe and this is a legitimate barrier to retaining employment if they do not. This is often due to mental illness, cultural reasons or bluntly a customer not knowing they have significant BO. In my time in that industry a customer lost their job over this.


Condescending to the unemployed? Maybe. Still best to include it.


It’s sad that some people need to be told or reminded to properly wash and bathe, but some people don’t do it and it’s vile.


I'm not terribly opposed to telling people they need to practise good hygiene. When I went through the job seeker programs, it was shocking how many people just stank and clearly weren't doing even the minimum to keep clean. However the barrier questionnaire is in poor taste. Those who are motivated to work are already struggling enough with all the hoops to jump through and the demoralising busy work coupled with rejection. And those who are lazy or unmotivated aren't going to answer honestly anyway.


The older I get, the more I feel that lazy and unmotivated people don't actually exist, and that we believe they do is an artefact of productivity culture and propaganda to keep us from realising how horrifically our welfare systems treat poor and disabled people. A lot of disabled people want to work, it's just that getting employers to give you a chance is a fucking nightmare, because why bother when you can get an "easier" employee? Sure it's illegal, but I've been rejected for jobs because of my chronic illness and there's no way I could fight that shit without destroying my health and livelihood.


Oh I completely understand. My heath issues also hinder me from being able to find and hold on to work. It's incredibly frustrating and demotivating, and you're helpless in the face of it because you don't have a magical healing wand to suddenly fix what is wrong. So you have to trudge through the system, put yourself into unhealthy and dangerous situations just to show "hey, I *am* trying", only for it to keep repeating. That being said I have absolutely known people who fit the stereotypical dole bludger description. People who were absolutely fine taking other people's money, mooching off the government and refusing to work because "it's slavery" and spending most of their fraudulently maintained centrelink on booze and drugs. Thankfully those people are in the minority in reality. Shame their attitude ruins social support for everyone else though.


I've seen plenty of lazy fuck workers. I'm sure there are lazy non-workers too.


We had to tell two people at my job, the manager took one I took the other. The manager explained it nicely and calmly and the girl broke down in tears got upset, ran out of the office to the bathrooms. I told the other “mate ya fucking stink you gotta use deodorant” and he chuckled and said oh sorry and fixed it the next day.


It is extremely hard to tell women, my least favourite thing to do from when I ran bars/restaurants years ago. Such a landmine.


Yeah society sorta forces them to keep up appearances. I feel I could’ve done a better job than the manager because I wasn’t one and the general dislike of managers being a minor factor also. Just the parallel on the day, my manager felt awful while I was laughing because I knew the deal we had was favourable.


Why? After covid that is great advise.


Don't wait to be told You need Palmolive Gold


But "don't smell bad" is great advice for people who are trying to become employed. Unemployed, particularly chronically unemployed, face so many barriers to entering the workplace, advising on how to remove some of those barriers can only be good


I don't think tax dollars need to be spent on paying JSAs for training courses for their clients in how to maintain basic hygiene. Sure some people need better personal hygiene but I feel this is another way for JSAs to scoop up a bunch of money for almost no effort or result.


Yeah, it's not a course on basic hygeine. It's a course where it's mentioned.


Honestly, it's not unreasonable. Employment companies should be doing everything they can to remove barriers to employment. Not everyone grew up in a situation where basic hygiene, nutrition, or even literacy were understood and valued.


Job agencies are a scam perpetuated largely by the LNP on the unemployed. Consider that; 1) The Unemployed are an economic device to keep the wages down. 2) The 'agencies' tend to be private scam organisations (like Sarina's) and/or religious 'non-for profites'. 3) The courses they run are all chargable. So if they run a 'retail training', they get $x from Government. Having said all that, telling people to wash is not the greatest sin by any means. I know of an (alleged) Australian Army vet who was 'teaching' unemployed, who was BRAGGING to the class about being a sniper in 'stan. Including two young Afhanis girls who were literally frozen with terror. His teaching credentials seemed to have been mainly fucking the manager of the jobagency clownshow.


Have a couple of links :D [https://michaelwest.com.au/jobactive-report-who-profited-from-it/](https://michaelwest.com.au/jobactive-report-who-profited-from-it/) https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary\_Business/Committees/Senate/Education\_and\_Employment/JobActive2018/Report


Yeah, unless it's hours and hours on the subject, bringing it up isn't a bad idea. It can be done tactfully if they put a tiny bit of thought into it.


A friend of mine worked at one of employment places and she told me that many jobseekers would have awful hygiene so employers wouldn’t hire them. I can’t imagine how shit your life must be that you’d rather wallow in filth than get a job.


There's no outrage, this is all clickbait. If someone used this service and were offended then they just have a chip on their shoulder. If I read this while applying for jobs I'd be like yep duh makes sense but I'm good, not, HOW FKN DARE THEY SAY THAT!!


I'm very much aware that washing or wearing clean clothes is something the mentally ill struggle with, and not just because of money. It's a just hard to do any self care. But pretending it's not going to have an impact on your job prospects is helping nobody.


Cannot believe all the people supporting this on here. The only way I can understand it is that in order to gain social acceptance it is a common social device to deplore others hygiene, thereby announcing that one is oneself in the good camp of non-dirty people. Its not a very admirable social device, however. There are many kind, intelligent and serious people who are compelled to attend sessions with these organizations because they are temporarily unemployed, and it is very wrong to humiliate them like this. I have seen it happen. I was very angry about it, devastated really. The unemployed have done nothing wrong. Its not a crime. They do not have the right to make such statements which are far below the common respect that is expected from all.


Some people do not wash their hair, face, body and/or clothes on the regular and we can all smell it. These same people also seem to view deodorant as optional. Also, dry shampoo does not remove the “unwashed hair” stank….


This should be mandatory. No ifs or but(t)s


Ever been to a computer swap meet or Centrelink?


If people are struggling to afford food, hygiene isn’t the most pressing issue. Especially if they don’t have a job.


This has been around a long time


Even in pathology people need to be told to wash their hands and stop shitting in the toilet seat. PLEASE STOP SHITTING ON THE TOILET SEAT YOURE 43 AND HAVE A DEGREE


This sounds wildly specific and something your HR needs to hear


What are they going to do? Put up signs saying stop pooping on the seat? People with biology degrees should know that already


It's perfectly sensible advice, usual case of someone looking for attention, or as Bill Maher described modern society - it's full of snitches and bitches


Hmmm I wonder which group of people needs this info the most 🤔


It’s a self assessment tool checklist. No one is telling anyone anything. In the current climate they’re all relevant questions. If they don’t apply to you, why be offended ? If you are offended then perhaps they apply to you ?


We’ve all worked with people who could benefit though.


Not diverse enough


Wise Employment is the best of the bunch IME Got treated like a person, and not just a number.


Did they find you a job?