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Great, now I'll have to stop eating random pieces of meat from the ground


I had chips today from the local, they were good but they had a burger ready for someone else and it smelt amazing. There’s also a ribs and burgers that on Saturday turns the fans on so the area smells yum. Anyway just two options while meat on the ground is off the table so to speak :p


nah, fuck that, I'm eating the roadkill Possum.


You probably shouldn't... But y'know I'm not a doctor


I live in WHittlesea and there is no good takeaway here, the fact that we have 3 pizza places and they are all abysmal is insane.


Yeah they shut early near me too, after 8:30 it’s maccas or drive thru red rooster/kfc/hungry jacks. I miss the old options of reservoir.


come to dande


What are you? A snail?


I'm so glad I'm not the only one.


I’m not stopping


On the opposite side of the coin, when you don’t have a dog you never notice just how much street chicken is strewn around. Like, really, you just had to leave your half eaten roastierre chicken in the bushes?! Fucking terrible when you have a carrion dog!


My Jack Russell and I have had mant a tug of war over chucken bones. He has made skills for finding them. Of course he is allergic to chicken. Just adds to the fun.


Our staffy is also allergic to chicken, while chicken also happens to be the second most desirable thing to him. Second only to pizza, which he can't eat because wheat gives him bad reflux. Dogs!


I walked the neighbours dog for them and first thing she did was find a kfc chunk that I had to wrestle out of her mouth. Better than the used condom my pup found.


This did my head in until I learnt that it’s birds and rats that get the chicken out of bins and dump it on the street. I couldn’t understand the amount of chicken bones my dog would find on his walk but I never saw people walking around just eating and flinging chicken wings onto the ground.


I am truly aching for a narrative to explain this action.


The fact is it probably is a dog, but in the area I’ve seen two men shitting in the park. There was also a shit on my letter box once and it’s not low enough for a dog to just mount it no worries so someone must’ve done it.


Move to regional Vic.


I assume you mean to get away from this, but this being reddit I feel it’s “nah mate you haven’t seen someone shit on your letter box til you get to the country”


In the country, no letterbox to be shat on.


Apparently someone took a shit down the Main Street on the foot path outside businesses (probably unrelated) in a regional town in Vic.


Where do you live that you don't have a letterbox? I grew up in remote QLD. We had a letterbox. Postie came once a week


South Gippsland. No postal service provided so we pick up mail from the post office. Because there is not a postal service to our address we don't have to pay for a PO BOX, just get it over the counter from the Postmistress.


Nah we get em here in the country, I was driving out of a petrol station a few weeks back and caught a dude taking a shit in the truck parking under one of the trucks. Like there are public toilets and a trucker shower, all that shit and the dirty fuck thought the open air was the best place to do it




I've worked all over the country and the most backward, dumb-arse, physco red-necks were from Whittlesea. One of my workmates used to brag about shooting koalas.


That’s a paddling.


That’s a huge shit!


Sounds like he cares quite a bit.


He gives a shit.


Hopefully he uses the dog safe snail bait!


Could be a woman dog baiter to be fair.


> Could be a woman dog baiter to be fair. Why would they only target female dogs?


Could even be the prime minister!


The town or the LGA?


The lga. https://www.whittlesea.vic.gov.au/media/ehgd0nbm/freedom-of-information-city-of-whittlesea-part-ii-statement.pdf


Pretty sure that's actually dog poop, not meat, champ. Geez I'm glad he's not my butcher.




Why go to the hassle of walking your dog around the street until it takes a dump when you can take it to that fenced area with play equipment in it let it off the lead for 45 minutes while you ignore while you piss about on your phone? Like me for instance.


Probably leave your trolley in the adjacent car spot too


Yeah that's how you Win Big in the Great Race Of Life - by avoiding any action that won't directly mess things up for someone else. Oops - I just let slip my Secret To Success.


How could u sympathise with a genuine psycho. If you’re willing to poison someone’s dog you’re fucked in the head. They’re punishing someone for someone else’s fuckup. Pick up your dog’s shit EVERY TIME. But also kys if you poison a dog


They probably aren't poisoning anything. They're clearly sick of walking in dog shit.


I used to live in Whittlesea council. Multiple people have poisoned things and left them at parks for dogs to eat. When I was growing up my friends neighbour shot their dog because it kept going across the road and near his fence. People can be downright evil when they want to be and there are some fucked 'people' in the area already. If it'd never happened around there before I'd be more sympathetic to U thinking it was an empty threat. I would like to believe this person is faking too.


This is all getting derailed. I said I have sympathy for why they are angry. Not that I was condoning poisoning anything. I even provided an alternative I think should be implemented.


Did u read the note?


Heard of bluffing?


Heard of people actually doing that though? I have


Regardless I said I had sympathy for them i.e. getting upset at constant dog shit Not that their actions are justified.


I get upset with people not picking up dog shit too. I call them out if I see it. I stepped on some the other day and was pissed. Poisoning dogs still isn’t all good


It's like you just want to talk and not even read what you're replying to.




This area should have a warning like smokes do.


It's a shitty thing to do lets be real. But poor pet management is the issue at the tail end of all this. At the end of the day the anus is on the owners to pick up, no crap.


Hehehehe. I think you mean onus? But owners who do this are some kind of anus.


I filled this comment with puns so no i definitely meant to type anus for onus haha


Hahahahahahah. Take my upvote!!!


What about the dogs whose owners do pick it up? Fuck whoever put this up.


None of the dogs deserve to suffer at the Hands of bad owners.


Imagine being so angry about poo on grass that you'd be willing to condemn an animal to an agonizingly painful death. People that don't pick up after their dogs deserve to step in poo every day for the remainder of their lives, but enacting violence upon an animal because their owners are lazy makes you a worse person than all of them combined.


Imagine how steady your life must be if you're willing to threaten to kill dogs over a little poop on some grass. I'll trade my shit for this persons shit any day.


If your willing to trade, I got 3 spare white dog shits, 1 diarrhoea. After an after grog bog, and a constipation.


I've been trying get rid of about 19 after grog bogs myself. As for the others, well I'm not really interested in the common ones. Do you have a "Ate 3 healthy meals a day for a fortnight"? I've been really meaning to add that one to my collection.


Nah the one guy that gets lite and easy delivered doesn’t have a dog. There’s a lot of “was busy got a Woolieschicken and a pack of rolls”. 1 green lol


ive got a constipation but im not quite ready to let it go just yet


No worries. I been watching the prices fluctuate on eBay. Big business. My collections a mess at the moment ba dum tish.


Good luck I'm vegan see you again tomorrow




You know how airports treat everyone like a terrorist since 911, well someone is doing that to dog owners over poo.


I swear I see plastic bags containing shit more often than just plain shit. I wonder what goes through the mind of person who goes to the trouble of bagging it, only to litter by dropping the bag....and also preserving the shit.


You should see how tragic the can recycle program is. All you have to do is take a container down wash it and put it in and get 10 cents. But people are making pina collada out of the can and putting them in full with straws and shit and then sit there wondering why it’s breaking. Plus every unit now has trash out front always because the council is a piss weak organisation only interested in getting money. Whittlsea council for example have allowed dog attacks to continue and won’t do anything to protect people just because they can get extra money each month from dangerous dog fees. They can do all sorts of things with rates, but they don’t. They literally write “don’t even bother calling us we aren’t going to help” on the form and I called because things are fucked and they honoured that….they didn’t fucking help at all. Racv commit fraud, I’m about to make a fake passport using this guys details and take advantage rather then just sit back be a victim.


PNP session U into


I’m having flashbacks to when I lived in Whittlesea through lockdown and all that was left at IGA was those shitty budget cut steaks.


I just want to congratulate you for the foresight to leave.


Right, so someone got pissed at dog poop everywhere, the person with the dog wouldn't correct the behaviour, the aggrieved tossed out meat with snail pellets, but the dog owner caught on and is now adding sign posts to state why the poop has been placed where it is. Sound about right? If so, both are f-tards.


Yeah there’s 3 sides here, innocent dogs, good owners and shit owners. The shit owners can go fuck themselves for causing this, the bat shit insane person that put this sign up can deal with the cops.


Well at least he gave warning


I know it's cruel. But what about a small bit of laxative.


You want dogs that aren’t picked up after taking more shits?


Shits at home was the plan


I feel it would be a mix of both but most might not get home before it kicks in.


Am I missing the part that tells us this was a man who put that there?


No. I made a generalised statement based on my knowledge of the area.


God… the questions. I mean firstly… is it poo?? Or is it meat? Or some sort of brownie? But then also… is it a crazy guy experiencing paranoia who has put this sign on just a regular dog poo? Or is it some sort of ruse to have you pick up a piece of poo to work out if it’s meat or not?


It's a sign saying they're going to put out a piece of baited meat for every dog shit they find because they're sick of finding dog shit. This is dog shit.


Oh, yep. Makes sense now. Jesus Christ.


No not Jesus Christ, dog shit


How you misinterpreted this as that is beyond me. Let me explain. Dog shitting on man’s lawn constantly. Man angry and has left note threatening to bait said dog with rat poison to stop it from shitting on lawn.


Didn't interpret it as an equal, saw them as double underline. So I read it as EVERY ONE OF THESE!? A SNAIL BAITED PIECE OF MEAT!! Friday afternoon brain fart.


Yeah is dog shit, someone picked it up on the walk back.


lol wtf


The rea said this area was going to have a new train station and some other stuff developed over the time. What they didn’t say was 2 suicides, several dicks and a pair of tits all within 5 years in the park next door. 50% of the area voted no to same sex marriage, I didn’t even bother looking at the no vote.


I'm around Lalor/Thomastown and this makes me nervous. There's always groups of bread scattered around Edgar's creek (probably for the ducks). My dogs recall is really good with everything except when she sees food on the ground. She'll straight up pretend she doesn't hear me until she's gulped down a few mouthfuls and I always think what if a crazy dog hater put that there.


Use a leash then


I definitely do, sometimes she's quick though and sees something before I do. I'll definitely be more aware of it now anyway


Yeah stay safe. posted to a council thing, and in about 40 mins it was gone from the location. I hope your dog doesn’t get the wrong food.


I remember when people stepped around dog shit until it went white and decomposed within days. Now entitled fwits insist on placing massive environmental footprint (ie. Plastic bags of dog shit being transported by truck to landfill) on threat of slow painful death of beloved pet 🤷‍♂️


These turds are probably better than my cooking anyways.