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Im on Hope St and moved in last year, i replanted the whole garden with Australian natives and slowly one by 1 they have all been stolen. Looks like i'll just have to have a garden of dirt and grass. I bet its the same person


I think you are correct. This is between hope and Victoria st. What a PIA person.


I'll never not think of poor Gillian whenever I hear that street name. šŸ˜¢


I know right? Jill Meager was the first thing i thought too. More than a decade passed and we still remember her and Hope Street.


Goes to show how safe Melbourne is really.


Had an elderly neighbour who was having a similar problem years back. Ā He went to the police who told him that there wasnā€™t much they could do. Ā They also told him that he should absolutely not wrap the stems of his plants in barbed wire. Only one more plant was ever pulled from his garden.


Superb idea, I will definitely not try that police recommendation


You cannot legally booby trap your own property... A dumb kid <16 hurts himself trying to steal your plants and suddenly its a much bigger deal than replacement. Plant bougainvillea's, the older variety with thorns and train it onto a wall of trellis. That's what i did at a south African clients house all along the fenceline... Way more effective than barbed wire and legal.


It's not a booby trap, it's to keep the birds away..


Who woulda thought me trying to defend my plants from animals would harm a thief!


If a dumb kid was going to nick something, I doubt it would be the newly planted Correa.


Lightly bury some carpet smooth-edge, my dad used to do it to stop the neighbours cat digging in our garden.


Time to start replanting. I suggest Gympie Gympie and some stinging nettle. That will teach the thieves.


Joggers going by getting the urge to poop when they see these leaves think... Ooh good, something to wipe my ass with. Yes I will answer nature's call... šŸ˜šŸ’€


Dagger Hakea, Crown of Thorns Euphorbia, and Rhus trees too...


"Dagger Hakea is for people who feel resentment and bitterness and hold grudges against those with whom they have been very close e.g. family members and old lovers. This resentment is often not openly displayed. The plant gets its name from the needle-like barb that grows on its leaves". (https://ausflowers.com.au/products/dagger-hakea) What a fantastic suggestion!


I agree, put some nasty stuff in the way


Setup a camera maybe?


And if you print off the face if the person stealing the plants and posted them all over the neighbourhood with an explanation of what they've done that would be a shame so don't do it.


I once caught a women in Surry Hills Sydney pulling plants out that had been put in a public garden by the council just a few days before. Just why. Definition of selfish.


I work for a council in Sydney.. the amount of plant theft is infuriating! We work so hard to make an area look nice and some bastard steals the plants.. then we get complaints that an area looks shit.


What happened when you confronted her?




Exactly. This person along with myself are just trying to beautify the area. Plants soften the hard concrete surfaces of these constantly increasing highrise apartments.


Living in a grungy old 60's unit block in East Brunswick, I had a neighbour a couple years ago who would nick all sorts of plants. Mostly proplifting, but definitely a few seedlings found their way into her improvised pots. Undiagnosed unmedicated schizophrenic. Lovely person. Hope she's doing alright, last I heard a younger family member stepped in to help care for her.


I suspect the same person poisons the plants they canā€™t steal.Ā 


That hasn't happened to me yet. Totally shocking and upsetting.


Preston and my front yard plants have been stolen constantly


My mother had orchids in huge terracotta pots swiped off her front porch behind a high fence in Brunswick a few years ago. Someone would have had to take them away in a ute, using a dolly or an accomplice. The cops at Brunswick police station just shrugged and refused to take a report.


Plant an asparagus fern, they have barbed branches and stems that point downwards so when pulled they fill your hand with mini splinters


Would Bunnings have these?


Not it's invasive and restricted.


Well shit!


You can always try some perfectly legal agaves


Just had ours stolen in St Kilda. We are right on the street and we just want it to look nice. It was only lavender.


Didn't realize it was Melbourne wide. What's up with people? Is it going to get to the point where we cannot have nice things?


In the North as well (Donnybrook)! Just this Sunday morning around 4.20am, they stole 7 topiary plants that my parents lovingly planted for their dream home.Ā 


That's shocking. What are people doing with all these plants?


Unfortunately thereā€™s not Mulch you can do


These plant crooks really need to turn over a new leaf


Loving the bad dad jokes!


Good ā€¦.. lol


Most people are willing to give you a cutting if you ask nicely, thereā€™s no reason to be a dick head


Plant bamboo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Put something nice out with an air tag in it.


Time to plant poisonous and toxic plants..


Why do people do this? To plant in their own gardens or are they just vandals?


You can kill a plant without removing it, they must be repotting and selling them or something.


Happens near my building quite frequently. Someone even dug up a tree from a council planter box!


How nice of them to leave the sign


I know exactly where that sign is.


This has also happened to me, itā€™s so upsetting, spend hours and hours over months and years tending to the garden and loving it, to have some selfish AH just steal it.Ā  Gardening is some peopleā€™s therapy. People can just be the worst.Ā 


Most likely they have no idea how to care for the stolen plants as well. That's the hardest thing knowing they will most likely wither and die.


Hide a little gps tracker tag in a nice new plant. The smaller ones are only short range though so you'd need to follow them once you get a notification that it's moving. But it would be so satisfying calling the cops on them once you know their location if they are the culprit for all the stolen plants


Could it be a possum or another animal eating it?


entire plants and the roots overnight with nothing left behind, not even possum shit? thatā€™d be a fucking huge possum and a damned miracle




Sometimes you get birds n rabbits n shit pull up the plant and eat the roots but they generally leave their evidence.


Is this on the nature strip or in a public place where there's a chance council is "weeding"? The alternative is that we live in a world with brazen, selfish thieves and vandals. That can't be right.


It's in a side garden of a block of flats. No chance the council does any work on private land.


Salty neighbours?


Only if the neighbors enjoy looking at cement and bare earth out their windows.


Calm down everyone - itā€™s only Brunswick ffs


If it's in public garden patch it's free to take.


Public means - for everyone - not for one selfish arsehole.


I think we have a plant stealer in the thread.


It is NOT free to take.


Can I take rosemary from a bush? Can I take lemons from a tree? Can I take herbs from a public garden? Can I take a succulent cutting to propagate from a public garden patch? Where is the line drawn?


It depends is the serious answer. It might be ok to take a lemon from a tree overhanging the footpath. But theft of plants from a public garden or a private garden is a criminal offence. Get your own lawyer if you want to know more because you are really just trolling.


Pretty big difference between a private garden and a public one. If it's a public one where anyone is free to plant whatever there's no law for pulling out plants to plant other stuff.


Again, no. You really are persistent, but you are wrong. You may not take plants from a public garden. I donā€™t know about these public gardens where anyone is free to plant anything. If you are referring to community gardens (which are quite a different thing) then there will be community rules about take and use. Maybe consult them. End of corro.


Ah true, I was mixing up community garden and public garden.


Taking the train home with me because itā€™s ā€œpublicā€ transport. Clown.