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I'm sure A Current Affair would love to do a story on them




I gotta upvote this link up.


Yep, it sounds like he has a history of being a monster. ACA loooove investigating these people, especially people frauding NDIS and exploiting disabled people.


Wouldn't be the first time he's been in ACA's crosshairs.


[https://9now.nine.com.au/a-current-affair/truck-driver-dispute-over-unpaid-invoice/66d020d1-3e54-403c-81e8-2f7ce8292096](https://9now.nine.com.au/a-current-affair/truck-driver-dispute-over-unpaid-invoice/66d020d1-3e54-403c-81e8-2f7ce8292096) Already has




The Geelong sub is full of stories about the owner of this business. He’s got a reputation for being an absolute monster. Give ‘em hell.




He has a warehouse in North Geelong where he upsells the junk he gets for a ridiculous profit. Would be a real shame if 26 mattresses ended up against the warehouse doors.




Nah, he’d make the disabled workers deal with it. Best to find his home address and give them directly back to him


If this is how he responds to someone querying a bill I wouldn't want to try dumping stuff at his house, you might end up in hospital.


That's less likely because he won't want a conviction. But returning his property means he can't complain to the cops.


Maybe, but it’s on now. If he dumped that at my house, it’s escalating quickly.


You win the Internet tough guy award for today


$26 ASIC extract should do the trick


He has a house that is like a compound with tall fences. It's almost like he knows people will be upset with him....


It's well known a certain motorcycle club already got to him. Daddy had to drive over and transfer some money so he didn't lose an ear.


Sounds like someone needs to teach him what society thinks of leeches


On fire




Isn’t it illegal to dump waste like this ?


Having dealt with my council (Darebin) and the Victorian EPA; none of them are interested with a dumping event. In my case I identified the responsible party and dumped it back on them. It is disgusting that no one wants to help victims of this.


My mind is literally blown. I mean we live near a school and families throw stuff out their car all the time which I clean up but a company dumping mattresses is just way above bad


Completely agree. But obviously they are profitable because no one is enforcing the laws we have. I guarantee if this dumping happened with someone of high social standing, say a politician, something would occur.


Did he threaten you? Why are the videos gone?


So, except for the 4 (that I can see) that have the extra topper on them, they're all incredibly easy to work with. I know this is a hassle but, 1. Good gloves cos gross. 2. Stanley knife. Run the knife around the edge, rip off the outsides and you'll just have a single piece steel frame/springs. You've got about 2 green bins worth of rubbish, and a trailer full of "clean" scrap metal, take it to a metal recycler and you'll get maybe $20. There are a couple of bed bases there too. Bugger all metal, but sometimes some surprisingly decent wood in those, strip the outside with your knife, stick the base up on gumtree for free pick up - some people like wood. The 4 with the toppers are just fucked though. I'd give em back *Sorry I forgot: old clothes and a mask. The "dust" that can come out of those is a bit gnarly.


Why the hell would this be their responsibility to clean up? That’s a ridiculous amount of work, call the cops, the end


I do this relatively often. Firstly you're looking at least 10 minutes per mattress. There's way more than two bins worth of rubbish. Out layers, foam etc. Lastly, less metal recyclers are taking the springs now. And you're not getting any money for them if they do take it


Someone get Tracey Grimshaw on the blower


I think we should collect all of the mattress in Victoria and dump them onto his house


Hear hear


I heard that he has more than 100 companies registered to him.


OK, this fucking sucks. But seriously, get up on that garage roof and jump!


That's how you get aids.


or more realistically, bedbugs




Man I miss him


[Fort Adventure ](https://youtu.be/qK-GJfiJJxs?si=_R5ZU9x4KEeFbl_n)


In the 90s, we definitely would be up on that roof


It’s wild that someone can do this and there’s essentially no recourse


Imagine if we organised a whole bunch of people to dump rubbish at their place of business


This would be fantastic. Say you sign up, you're given a number in the queue and then a date to dump. Nobody else is privy to your date so if the owner joins to find out, he only knows when he is scheduled to dump. Randomly everyone is given the same date for a monster dump.


I run a garden maintenance business, got plenty I can donate to the cause 😎


Yeh that seems kinda inspiring. What else can we get away with?


That’s the spirit


It's no doubt criminal and they would be civilly liable as well. There's recourse. There's just no instant justice.


Or easy, or cheap.


Report them. The council (it’s a public health problem), and EPA for good measure, also the Police (it’s not a civil matter, dumping rubbish is a criminal offence. So is criminal damage and vandalism. So is making threats.). Then consider talking to your insurer, this is damage by an intruder after-all (if you’re paying for a low excess policy, use it). And then VCAT, to start an application for their unfair terms, and “poor quality service”.


EPA just posted about a guy getting done for dumping a broken pool table at a charity shop so I'd say you should give em a go.  https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/about-epa/news-media-and-updates/media-releases-and-news/fine-for-charity-shop-dumper


Or achievable. If you don’t have security cameras on your driveway they’re just going to say they didn’t do it.


It’s still trespass and nuisance. It’s not like two wrongs make a right here. OP should be able to take him to small claims court and have the mattresses removed and compensated for the inconvience


Actually it's illegal dumping, once they take the rubbish, it's their property, so if they bring it back, even it it was yours, it becomes illegal dumping and depending trespassing


The company you used also seems to have a lot of fake positive reviews. The genuine ones stand out very clearly


Their Term & Conditions are quite funny. They seem to contradict themselves about when to pay the jokers. Under payment policy, it states that payment is required once the job is done. Then under point 3 in their T&Cs, it then states payment is required prior to the job commencing. Further down they also mention they’re not liable for any property damage or injury/death of the client even if they’re responsible. Yeah okay lets see how that’d hold up in court if that were to happen. The icing on the cake is the disclaimer at the bottom where they basically say they hold no accountability for any of the information provided on their website to be accurate. Seriously so many red flags straight away with this mob 😂


There’s also the line whereby they require people to agree to a caveat being put over their property… > By signing our dockets for works completed you agree that in the event a payment for works completed is not received you agree to allowing a Caveat to be placed over the property to protect the payment for the works completed.


I wonder how that would work if the customer was a renter 😂


Homicide detectives HATE this one trick!


I loved that last part - say what now ??


All his reviews are filtered by a program and the good ones are created in house by his it guy! I know this for a fact 




I just found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Geelong/comments/1940qy2/recycle_warehouse_furner_avenue/). He's the same guy. That first comment ... wow.


Yeah a quick google of his name will be headed with his personal instagram


OP contact Combined Waste Services on 1300 365 295 and they will sort this out for you. I work with them and briefed them on what happened. They’re a reputable waste management company servicing Geelong and Melbourne.


Real OG


Wow that’s a kind thing to do. Hope u/notonyourlifeok takes you up on this offer.


Report them to the epa.




They send out a fine to the person. They won’t clean the mess. I am petty as fuck (but also have access to a truck) I would be dumping that shit in the business driveway. Perhaps contact your council and say that a business dumped their rubbish on your property.


I dunno, I kind of think the rubbish company has the advantage when it comes to a dumpoff.


Exactly, don’t bring a Ute load to a truck fight.


No advantage when I have a welder and a generator. Their truck will never tip again.


You could but wouldnt they just dump it back? Mattress ping pong


You could try snap , send , solve !! Also if your area has a local fb group , you could try reaching out to the councillor,they’re usually prompt and helpful !!


Good, now call the cops, they will do nothing too.


Drag them onto the road. Make it a council problem. Better yet, drop it off at the council offices.


exactly what id be doing. Make a sign attatched saying dumped here by "the details of the company"


I don't know how these things work, have you sort a lawyer?


Report them to the police.


The more police do nothing, the more likely it is that the average citizen will commence committing crimes.


Pretty sure this qualifies as illegal harassment and intimidation. It can also be argued that they've created an egress obstruction on your private property creating a fire hazard. Consumer affairs should be able to assist?


This is how their keep their mattress disposal prices low. They’re subsidised by people who refuse to pay them when they’ve underquoted.


I've seen a house in point Cook with a bigger stack of mattresses and couldn't make sense of it. I feel like they might be having the same issue as you




You're a good person




The OP claims she knows the guys address. If there's a few ute and van owners on here...we should coordinate a mass-pickup and return of mattresses to this guys place. ;)




I'm just floating the idea...nobody has committed to anything atm! ;)


I was wondering what I was gonna do with the 20ish litres of engine oil and coolant I've been meaning to take to the recyclers


I’ve got a tonne of sawdust to contribute too


I’m sure my boss would be stoked with the extra room in our skip if I took the dust bag off the CNC. The top doesn’t close at all, so it might “accidentally” tip mdf dust all over their driveway too… I also have a ute…


Just concerned citizens returning his property.


Uhhh while I love the idea of this, I wouldn't, well I wouldn't without legal advice telling me it's ok. I'd just have a removal company remove it all, pay them and then take the shit one to court for the fees.


https://www.mcv.vic.gov.au/intervention-orders/personal-safety-intervention-orders/applying-intervention-order-psio He's calling, threatening, and has dumped this at your address. Both you and husband have enough for an order. If you go down to the magistrates court early enough and highlight the phone calls, the threats, etc, you'd have a good chance of it being granted on the spot. I'd also go back to the police and report trespass. This is an actual crime and NOT a civil thing they can throw their hands up about. Go to the police station and report that they trespassed on your property, and illegally dumped hazardous waste. Demand they take your statement. Again, it's not some civil dispute. Trespass only has limited defences and not one of them is being pissed off over an invoice query. If they refuse to take your statement to investigate trespass the ,agitate words are "take ,y statement or I will be making an ethical complaint". Demand to speak to the station commander.


Oh wow they followed-through with that?! I'd be calling the police immediately


Wouldn’t take that shit lying down if I were you..


Yeah, how do you even bounce back from this?


After all this drama, OP needs a soft place to fall…


He or she will spring back in the end.


Might have to sleep on it before making spontaneous decisions.


I'd decide pretty quickly if they wanna put this issue to bed.


Definitely an issue you'd want to lay to rest.


I bet OP has been lying awake at night about this issue.


I don't think I'd advise sleeping on this particular case. You don't know where they've been. 


Do what good wogs do (my old man), cut them up into small pieces with bolt cutters and a Stanley knife then slowly put them in you bins each cycle over 3 months


You're still talking about mattresses, right?


Instructions unclear, now have police at my door.


Do what good wogs do (my old man), cut them up into small pieces with bolt cutters and a Stanley knife then slowly put them in you bins each cycle over 3 months


To shreds you say?


What mattresses?


Only if you [don't own a Piggery](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xUynRdzzsM)


OP, sorry this happened. Please give VCAT a call and hired a small claims lawyer. He’ll probably come right back and clear all this. Hopefully this be a cautionary story for anyone wanting to do business with them. Hoping for the best of outcomes for you.


Should be a fairly easy VCAT win. Although a lawyer probably wouldn't be worth it at easily over something like $2k for just the initial look at the case vs the cost of just paying a mattress collection company at ~$70/mattress.


Richard Furnari. Absolute gronk of a human being. Takes absolute advantage of disabled people. He's a cunt. **EDIT:** [Looks like it's hit the news already](https://au.news.yahoo.com/bitter-feud-erupts-after-26-mattresses-were-dumped-on-aussie-couples-driveway-021134313.html)


This article is at least 10x better than the one I just saw on news.com.au which doesn’t mention any names - so doesn’t include the company or owners name - and ends with a totally unrelated spiel about how people are unhappy about the changes the government brought in to standardise waste collection within local councils.. 🤨


[news.com.au](http://news.com.au) always force a *hOw cAn* *~~DAN~~* *Jacinta dO tHiS* into a story




It is making me think of when homer makes homerland out of a bunch of mattresses.


no it doesn't


It smells funny in there


Soiled mattress land


Please don’t bring home any more old crutches!


You should also upload to Instagram reels and tag Jacqui Felgate. She loves these stories and has a LOT of reach. I went there once and was appalled by how much they charge for literal junk. These shenanigans must be their financial bottom line.


What other threats did he make? Since he went through with his threat to dump rubbish in your driveway, you might be able to get the police to take any other threats (violence?) more seriously now.


Assume bed bugs and move them away from your house asap.


I've gone down a rabbit hole about the owner, he's a massive fuckwit


That's 17 cum and piss stained mattresses. What'd you query?


"Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your rubbish back!"


I saw a private rubbish collection truck (operated by Wanless) dump the rubbish and the recycling in the same dump truck with my own eyes


They all do it. Most of the recycling industry is a scam.


Apartment I was living in had 3 rubbish and 3 recycle bins. All would go into 1 truck.


Maybe sometimes violence is the answer.


https://www.mcv.vic.gov.au/intervention-orders/personal-safety-intervention-orders/applying-intervention-order-psio He's calling, threatening, and has dumped this at your address. Both you and husband have enough for an order. If you go down to the magistrates court early enough and highlight the phone calls, the threats, etc, you'd have a good chance of it being granted on the spot. I'd also go back to the police and report trespass. This is an actual crime and NOT a civil thing they can throw their hands up about. Go to the police station and report that they trespassed on your property, and illegally dumped hazardous waste. Demand they take your statement. Again, it's not some civil dispute. Trespass only has limited defences and not one of them is being pissed off over an invoice query. If they refuse to take your statement to investigate trespass the magic words are "take my statement or I will be making an ethical complaint". Demand to speak to the station commander.


Report to police: illegal dumping.


Sue the cunt


The most sinister part of this isn’t how annoying it is, but imagine if you’ve got kids and are faced with a medical emergency and need to get the car out quickly??


Don’t really have anything to say that could help you out here OP, but I do wish you the absolute best in this shitty situation. Keep us updated.


This is on trustpilot reviews for this particular company. We’ve found out that this company is breaching our terms of use with the way they’re displaying Trustpilot content.Read less This includes displaying the Trustpilot brand in a misleading way: like our name or logo, TrustScore, star rating, widgets, reviews, and other brand content. We take the integrity of our platform very seriously. When we uncover misuse, we take action and alert our community


Can everyone call the business with stupid questions and strange quotes?


Soiled mattress land


Weird mod closing the update - it wasn’t a duplicate as this post now has old info. Please keep us updated, and stay safe! Crooks like this don’t deserve to be in business.




Tell A Current Affair . What grubs


They dump them on streets anyway, we caught a bloke dumping them in our street and he lives couple houses down said his just taking them out for the night as his job is rubbish removals 😂 epa and 20k fine mentioned and they went back in


You should make this go viral. It will help


Make a dumped rubbish complaint to your local Council. If they try to say it's a civil matter, tell them it is illegal dumping and you will go to the Ombudsman if they don't investigate. You have video evidence- he can be fined 10k on the spot, and more if he refuses to remove the rubbish.


I’m fully engaged with this story. Are the mattresses still there or have you moved them? I must have worked with this guy in the past because we are LinkedIn friends (we probably provided health services to his workers in the past) and I can see he gloats a lot on his public instagram about his fancy cars and private boats.


When mum says we have Bounce at home


When ACA?


Half of ACA got the sack today, so I doubt they have the staff to cover a story that would require doorstopping someone in Geelong






I just watched your videos on TikTok this morning ! Crazy! Please keep us updated !


Way back in London in the 90s, our local rubbish truck had "double your rubbish back if not satisfied" sign written on it.


How much did it cost, out of interest? My elderly father got strong armed into paying over $5000 for a rubbish removal a couple of years ago, well beyond what was quoted.


Be nice to find the owner of this junked place, dump the mattresses at their place!


Please report this to the appropriate authorities and everyone you possibly can. It looks like people have been dealing with this shonky business for ages, and it would be really nice if they actually suffered consequences for their illegal actions. It’s not even just about OP, it’s everyone who has to deal with them in the future.


Watermark your picture OP, news.com.au loves this type of rubbish news


Probably not a bad thing if they picked it up. Might actually get an outcome for OP.


TBF this story being picked up by newscom might be their best shot at a "win". The enemy of your enemy, in this case, may be a friend.


They can pay for the removal if they cover the story


Good. The more people reporting on this company the better.


Holy fuck they actually did it, what madlads. I saw your first post and went 'yeah thats just an empty threat'. Best of luck from here.




Not everyone has tik tok.




Your getting Cleanaway in the city. Everything they touch turns to shit.


Were they all your mattresses?


No they weren’t theirs.


Hope this got reported some way. What a dogshit act.


I hope so to. Apparently they have done this to many other people.


Burn down their plant.


Put the photo on their reviews.


What wankers. I hate spiteful people and unethical companies.


Destroy them on Google reviews.


I'm coming over to jump off that roof


It really concerns me that they serve NDIS participants


There’s a company called Soft Landing Mattress Recycling, they usually charge a fee to take these but explain the situation and they may waive it. Mattress companies pay for the old ones to be taken away when they deliver new mattresses- so he’s screwing them over too.


Ok, be careful. Some waste management companies may have ties to org crime. It is that or I’m watching too much Sopranos.


Gumtree, $10 a pop.


Is this item still available?


Is there a link anywhere in the comments for the full story?


“It smells funny!” “No, it doesn’t!”


Is that not illegal dumping? Report that asshole to the local council


Actually Mattresses are one of the things that are recycled in this country. Maybe chat to your council.


Time to go to the mattresses


Seen how people are driving these days? Fkn great idea to protect your house!!