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People in my neighbourhood in Sydney usually pretend they didn't see their off lead dog shit, and just leave it on the nature strip our outside my gate. When you do see them, they pick it up, then 2 min later when nobody is watching they just drop the bag of shit on the footpath. Putting it in my empty bin would be a luxury.


This annoys me as well, I don't care if it's chip packets or something, but dog shit bags that stick to the bottom of the bin and then get popped by heavy things that get dropped in? Just take your poo to your own bin.


track them down and leave it on their door step.


Grow up baby


I bought a $5 bin with a lid from Kmart. I put a bin liner in it and the poo bags go in there. Once it’s full or it’s bin night, I tie the liner off and put it in my main waste bin. My red bin doesn’t smell any more and I don’t need to hose it out.


Cry more. I could be leaving it on the footpath for you to step in. Pick your battles dickhead.


Nah bins on the street are fair game for incidental rubbish


If they're left out for a days, yes. If it's bin morning, no.


Anyone is welcome to put their dog shit in my bin at anytime. The real dickheads are the ones who leave it on the nature strip.


As a bin owner I literally don't give a fuck if you do this. I'm not really in the business of sniffing my bin during the week so it doesn't bother me at all.


Lol this back fired on OP


I'll just tell my dog to schedule his poops. "Remember Max no pooping on Saturdays after 7am"


How about carrying your shit back to your bin? Its not like dog walks are interstate length anyway. The basic premise of owning a dog in urban environment is that your dog is entirely your problem. If something comes out of your dog - I don't want that. I have my own dog for this. You wouldn't go to random people house to take a dump in their toilet, despite toilets actually designed to deal with crap as opposed to garbage bins?


It's a bin. Get over it.


Agreed! if people want to have a dog that's fine. But you deal with your dog poo and no one else should have to.


I stepped on shit which was sitting on the pavement on my way home just now. It's disgusting how these people are with their dogs. I think you need to take your bin in immediately after it gete emptied.


Sometimes I feel like people can’t win. “People don’t pick up their dog poo”. “People have to pick up their dog poo but they can only put it in my full bin”. Damed if you do, damed if you don’t.


Carry your own animal's shit home or to a public bin. Not a huge ask. 


is the dog poo in a closed bag?


Go tell em yourself instead of bitching on reddit


All goes to the same place. Peeps feel free to use my bin 😘


I feel like you might wanna bitch to your local council to install some public bins in your area. :3


That's tomorrow's post!


Don't post, just do it, nobody really cares 😅


This is a classic case of people getting angry at each other instead of the real issue - councils need public bins in areas where there are a lot of dogs. If there's a park area where there are likely to be kids (rubbish generators) and dogs, put some bloody bins in.


Pet owners being entitled… what a surprise. Carry your shit home with you.


I think you mean dog owners. Any cat owner that lets their cat roam needs a throat punch.


Yeah I was gonna say dog owners but cats roaming around is so common I went broad!


At least they are cleaning up after their dogs. This morning in my 15 minute walk to the tram stop i noticed multiple piles of dog turds on the footpaths and nature strips that dog walkers had failed to collect.


Yes! I just stepped it in 5 minutes ago.. What is wrong with these owners.


Yeah honestly the amount of dog shit I see blatantly on footpaths nowadays, I’d much rather someone put a tied up bag in my bin than leaving it fucking everywhere (or chucking a plastic bag into streams/waterways, which I also see)


Some cunt has let their dog leave behind 4 large balls of shit right in the middle of my driveway just beside the path, a few days ago. Still there now, slightly squashed from some cunt who uses my driveway to turn his fucking enormous 4wd around (probably same cunt owns the dog, which he regularly allows off-leash out the front of our house, so he wouldn't even know it's his dog's shit). I've left it there and hopefully he feels shame every time he walks past it. If he even suspects it's his own dog, I guess. Dog owners are shit people.


Chuckled at 4 large balls of shit.


My bin gets emptied every 2 weeks now for even more poop stink.


WTF. My bin usually doesn’t last a week - I have to “save” trash or find empty bins morning of pick up. How the hell do you deal with fortnightly collection?!!


We’re allowed to put food scraps in the green bin and that gets collected weekly. Can just barely get by


We switched to kitty litter that's compostable (rice hulls) that we put in compostable bags. Not saying this will fix your problem but it did for us.


Our green bins have clearly stated no dog or cat ooo and no litter :(


Oh. Maybe ours have too. Though do I remove all the poop...


That’s crazy. Our green bin (and attached kitchen caddy) is only picked up fortnightly - like our recycling. I even enquired from council about getting a bigger bin! (Computer says no)


For my council at least there were special circumstances to have a second general waste bin, like having kids in nappies or whatever


I have 2 toddlers in nappies & that was not considered a good enough reason. Every fortnight I play trash Tetris & nearly break my neck trying to stomp it down.


File under: dickheads who pick up after the dog, then leave that poo-filled plastic bag beside the walking path where it sits for months because it's fucking plastic, and does not decompose (regardless of claims otherwise).


The ones made of cornstarch do decompose. It’s just that it takes over 12 months under ideal conditions (i.e. not buried under 50 tonnes of other rubbish). That’s the reason why dog poo in 100% conpostable bags aren’t allowed in Green bins that accept things like food or natural waste. Council’s expectant turnaround for composting is something like 4-6 months, not >12 months.


Yeah fair enough, so "eventually" decompose, as long as it's those ones (although many still seem to use the black plastic ones). I live regional and am in the forest every day, and I've seen those bags sit there for months, when the poo itself would have been gone in \~48 hours had they just tossed it into the bushes. I mean I would pick it up and bin it myself, but there's something about picking up someone else's dog's poo..


Black poo bags can be compostable, too. For example, the ones produced by Login are black. Most poo bags are green, compostable or not.


Even so, I've seen the same ones sit there for months on end. The broken mentality of "oh I must pick up after my dog... and place it here for all to enjoy for time indeterminate" is just.. unfathomable.


At the dog park near me, they pick it up and leave the poo bags right under the no littering sign next to the entrance Disgusting behaviour


It’s better to just not even bother picking it up at that point. The shit itself will decompose after a while.


It’s literally better to just not pick it up at all than do that. I never understood it


The respect for community comes from not just leaving shit on your nature strip. As long as the bag is tied, I don't really see the issue. What you put in your bins a few nights later is just as bad if not worse. I draw the line at people walking down the short driveway to put it in a bin they can see. But if it's on the nature strip. It's fine.


>The respect for community comes from not just leaving shit on your nature strip. As long as the bag is tied Yeah, I don't think it's unreasonable to put shit in a bin and while people can act high and mighty about it, do you think someone will be shamed into carrying it home or just decide to leave it on the pathway or grass. I can see it going either way.


Agreed 1st world problems, but your defo💯% right


It's a bin dude. Chill out, would you prefer they have the dog shit on your lawn instead? At least they are picking up after themselves.


They could carry the bag back to their home and put it in their bin? 🤷‍♂️


Or just put it in the bin that's been left on a public street. I see no issue with that.


How about a 3rd option? Take your shit home with you?


Great if those are the two options, and there definitely isn't an option for the shitbag to carry their shitbag home and into their own bin.


If your bins empty, you could bring it in


I brought mine in at 7.30am - less than half an hour after they'd been emptied. This isn't a case of the bin being left out for days on end.


Managing expections is a fulltime job. 


It’s a bin ffs.


Can't believe that there are people on here arguing that your bin space should be theirs to put poo in! Disgusting!


Ffs get a life. It’s a fucking bin…


Oh sorry I’ll leave it on your lawn or doorstep instead.


I ordered a brand new shiny bin from the council (the upgraded size) and I’ve been meticulously using bin liners to keep it pristine. And yep - feel your pain, within 2 weeks, someone had dropped in their dog doo haha. Nowadays I have to race outside every morning to bring it in before the dog walkers get to it haha. One time some bloke dropped something in as I was bringing in my green bin literally in front of me and was doing it in that shifty way like they didn’t want to get caught - I’m like dude, you’re standing in front of my bins… kinda obvious haha


It's not like I'm emptying the bin myself, I just wheel it out as per the schedule. If the bins are there for one little dog poop bag to be disposed off properly, go for your life. I'm not wasting energy getting caught up whose waste it is.


Honestly, go for it, my bins are kept outside under the carport and I only ever get a whiff of something smelling in there if I open it to add more rubbish, so if it helps someone to dispose of their dogs poop, their welcome to use my bin.


Ewwww, call me a clean freak, but I wouldn't fuck anybody who has just touched a dog poo bag or a rubbish bin.


On a scale of annoying/smelly stuff that's been chucked in my bin on collection day, a tied off dog bag is pretty low.


" but if my bin was emptied an hour ago don't put your shit in the bottom of my bin to sit there for an entire week. have some respect for your community you cunts." Ill admit, i literally never once considered this. I always just thought "better in your bin than on your shoe". But youre right, its gross. Thankfully i dont have a dog, but if i ever get one ill keep this in mind


I'd rather that than step in someone else's dog shit instead seems like a decent compromise to me.


Or maybe the selfish cunts could just pick it up and dispose of it properly?


There was recently an article saying younger people are less likely than boomers to pick up dog poo. They interviewed a few people in their 20s/30s who said "if someone even remotely attractive is walking toward me, there is no way I'm going to let them see me pick up or carry poo".


If you just started a 40 minute walk and your dog takes a shit, are you gonna carry that shit for the rest of the walk? If there’s no public bins, which there never are because people mistreat them and council don’t empty them often enough, what other choice is there? Don’t be dense.


🤣 it's so annoying when my dog does that. Like we get a few houses away and then they shit. But honestly I do run back and chuck it in my own bin if we're close enough. Otherwise carry it until the park - about 20 mins.


I mean, if you just started your walk, use your own bin.


Pretty good comeback ngl


5 mins from home is an extra 10 mins on a 40 min walk, not that good


You could adjust your route.


When I take mine for a walk I must pass at least 15 bins not including people’s own bins


Nah they should take their dog's shit home.


Take your dog shit home, champ


Enjoy the shit in your bin champ :)


> what other choice is there? Carry it home to your own bin? You know, take responsibility for your choice to own a dog.


> are you gonna carry that shit for the rest of the walk? Seriously, this chap's acting like you expect them to hold a warm turd with their bare hand for the entire walk. It's in a freaking bag ffs. You'll either find a public bin to put it in, or you put it in your own bin when you get home. Big deal.


There are so many precious people in this sub about their bins lol. Won't people PLEASE think of the bins!!!


The same as you do you do on the other 6 days of the week? 


What’s really being said is I’m never satisfied no matter what.


Your dog? …your shit. Deal with it appropriately.


Agreed. It's a bin dude. Unless OP fills his bin with fresh floral bouquets, it probably smells like garbage anyway. And practically speaking, this is a small price to pay to encourage dog owners to pick up their dogs shit.


Thank you. There's a dude near where I live that I see throw bags out of his bin on the concrete. And it's stayed there. It's in a bin, fucking grow up.


Great if those are the two options, and there definitely isn't an option for the shitbag to carry their shitbag home and into their own bin.


Or even just to the nearest bus stop with a bin on it.


Your bus stops have bins?!


Fuckin fancy pants bus stops over here with bins attached




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So bin owner cops it rather than you? Yeah, that's a decent compromise right there.


"bin owners" lol


“Cops it” lol 99% of people wouldn’t even notice.


I dunno bout you but I don't spend much time around my bin.


It'll smell bad but like... It's a bin. Bins smell bad.


Any time. We can have our preferences. We can prefer they carry a bag of shit as they wander around a suburb. We can prefer they know when the bins are collected in the suburb they're wandering around in. We can prefer they kept to their own suburbs where it then becomes much more likely they'll use their own bin. But in reality we know that the two options really are the floor or some stranger's bin, even the day after bin night.


Holy! Karen power is over 9000 on this one lol.


OP is totally right, putting a poo bag in someone else's bin at any time is a dick move.


For the record I don’t stick poo bags in empty bins but I will post this for the downvotes that I am sure will come… Doesn’t the council own the bins - we simply pay rates to have waste collected to their schedule?


Eh.. whatever man. I don't care if anyone puts anything in my bin as they're walking past if the alternative is chucking it on the ground. Chucking a fit about people keeping the streets clean sounds more to me like disrespect for the community.


Geez, more people need to realise the alternative is taking it home with you. Tokyo is still clean with rarely any public bins in sight because they do this.


Exactly my thoughts.


I have no issue when it’s put in the right bin and it’s before the bins are collected.  Putting it in a bin after collection is a dick move. I shouldn’t have to smell someone’s festering excrement for a week because they were too lazy to look after their own shit.  Putting it in the recycling bin is the worst. Fuck that. 


How often do you sniff your bin pal? And even without dog shit in it, surely it smells pretty bad.


Yeah only reason I can see it being that annoying is if your bin is right next to your front door or your front yard where you hang out. I've never had a bin in an area where the smell has bothered me.


Pretty sure people picking up dog shit should commended or at the very least not disparaged


1. It's not "your" bin, the council's bin. 2. If it's on the nature strip, that council bin is sitting on council property. So your post is actually complaining about people putting dog poo in council bins that are located on council property... Which is probably better than stepping in it on your way to retrieve those council bins once they've been emptied.


It's a council owned bin designated for residential waste of the property not public waste. You can't just run along after the garbage truck filling up bins with your own rubbish. 


While it is the council's bin it is for all intents and purposes "mine". It lives on my property, it contains (ideally) my waste. I'm not claiming ownership over the bin so that I may profit from it or otherwise benefit. But it's ridiculous to try and argue the point is without merit because, if you check the fine print, the bin is *actually* owned by the council. If I'm at the shops and somebody snatches my bank card out of my hand and runs away, is the police officer going to say "*Actually* if you look at the fine print you never actually own the card - the bank does - so really you haven't had anything stolen from you."


Tbh, I'd take that over cunts not picking up, or throwing it in the bushes. It's a fucking bin, idgaf, it's gonna smell, I wash mine out, so I really don't care tbh


This post has some weird energy.


It's pretty stock-standard rage. Nothing weird about it.


You're getting upset about people using a bin to discard waste. Just let it go brother.


And if their bag ruptures and I've got the stench of dog shit emanating from my bin for the next week(s)? People like this should be feathered and tarred.


Throw some bicarb soda on it. Like I get your frustration, but is this something worth getting so upset about? It's a bin.


Sure, today it's my bin - tomorrow these morlocks are taking over our government and there's mandatory poo bags in all of our bins. It's a slippery slope!


Technically not your bin.


OK that was pretty funny


In most councils it’s not even your bin, it’s just allocated to your house to use but they’re all normally owned by the council. I really don’t get your rage.




Truly the end of society as we know it.


Not your bin tbh, property of the council.


do you keep your bin in your living room? chill out mate, it's not even your bin.


Do you, by chance, also drive a Ford Ranger?


Is the poo in a bag? Or they’re just dumping the shit into your bin?


Oh I have a dog. Two in fact. And I know my neighbour, just like me, wouldn't want to have their shit sitting in the bottom of their bin - so I carry it with me to the closest public bin or back home.


So you allow it to be in a public bin for a week for everyone else to deal with when they go into the public space. Nice.


Edited my comment as I wasn’t sure if the poo is in a bag or just raw in your bin? Dude if it’s in a bag, I’d rather my street puts their shit bag in the bin on a morning where the bin has been taken, than me looking at it on the nature strip when I have to mow the lawn. Sounds like you don’t have kids because once you do, it won’t make a difference with all of those damn shit nappies From your kids lol Where is your anger coming from?




I have dogs and can tell you that two week old dog shit in summer is nek level.


Nek minit (lol)


It's not even their bin - it's the councils. Fucking NIMBY wankers don't know the first thing about community.


I know you’d like to think your bin don’t stink but lean a little bit closer, see?


Come on, dog shit is next level, especially because this scenario would see the week's rubbish being lumped onto it. 


2 weeks for some councils who don't collect red bins weekly


Yeah but I want it to be my stink


Yep. If I don't make the effort to bring my bin, dog doo gets put in it. Bigger things to get upset about than that.


You mean like that thing that's happening down the road?


Like, I mean the bin stays outside and it's winter. It will be okay 


Well see here's the thing. Mine doesn't. I have this thing where I store it outside my back door and prefer a zero amount of stench every time I go past. Crazy right?


You ain't going to smell a shit tied up in a plastic bag anyway


Those plastic bags aren't unbreakable, especially if they are at the bottom of the bin.


Yeah, they do. Even more after 5 or 6 days.


Along with all your other rubbish...


Obviously haven't handled a dog poo bag before. They aren't airtight, no matter how much you may try.


I think the dog owner brigade are going around downvoting everything you say. Easier than being responsible for their own filthy animal, I guess.


> Easier than being responsible for their own filthy animal, I guess. Throwing something in the bin that needs to be in the bin is irresponsible? I don't have a dog btw so don't try and lump me into your fictitious bridage




I dont have a dog, but its a bin? Why does it matter. Its better than peolle just dropping it or leaving their dog poop on thr footpath


Oh no your bin smells bad. You poor thing


lol nah


Who cares.


As a dog owner I have absolutely no problem putting their full poo bags in someone else’s bin, that’s what a bin is for, where I draw the line is if I have to venture onto someone’s property to access the bin. If it’s reachable from the street it’s fair game. My first preference though is any available skips from the endless houses under construction everywhere. My bins are close to the street and even though people have to take a few steps into my garden to reach them, I’m fine with it when I see numerous random poo bags in there each week. It’s a bin, even if it’s full of your rubbish exclusively it will smell and you won’t be hanging out near it anyway that’s why they’re generally kept away from the house. Amusing how people get so anal about things


I'm a cat owner and my cat's poop is my problem alone. They are exclusively inside animals. So dog shit on the paths, nature strip and in my bin are off piste.


I had someone do this recently. In the recycle bin.


THIS is the true crime.


I don’t care if someone puts it in my bin while it’s out, as long as it’s the right bloody bin. I opened up my green waste bin to drop something in the other day, and right on top? Plastic dog poop bag. I mean, come on!


These people have no respect for society.


Theres one of these cunts on my street too


Who stands around smelling their bin?


Worse are people who let their dogs bark all fucking hours of the night. I've literally just submitted a complaint to council over the noise control. Anyone reported dog noise complaint to the council and what was the resolution?


Especially if it's my fucking recycling bin.


Anytime for that matter. I don't want your dog shit in my bin. Find a public receptacle or take it tf home with you. 


That would be an interesting way to stop them.


You sound very precious over a bin.