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When I lived in NYC I was told a few times to not stand near the tracks while waiting for the train in case some crazy person pushes you into an oncoming train. It does happen sometimes. Be careful out there. This reply is not meant to blame you whatsoever. Just some information I received years ago that I found useful and has served me well since then, and passing along


The lead up to it was either severe mental health issues or a meth binge…maybe both I am sorry you had such an experience, constant vigilance


Thank you for your comment! Yes, we suspect something along the lines of that. We were only just speaking about how “on guard” females in particular have to be, when out and about in public! Scary that these things happen in broad daylight! Then I read about the poor person pushed on to the tracks by a random yesterday/day before??? What is the world coming to 😔


Didn't thousands of us end up with delayed trains and full platforms we couldn't even get to due to some dude pushing someone onto the train tracks near Richmond station yesterday? It seems it's Meth season.


My partner was there - Tuesday evening, Richmond station. She also had some work colleagues spat on for no apparent reason while walking down Swanston. The city is an utter shithole, and there's all these surprised faces when nobody wants to go in.


I've been attacked twice in that part of the city, once almost attacked on Elizabeth St further north. Please report the details of the assault to police because they can't do anything about it unless it is reported to them.


These loud, aggressive homeless cunts that get in people's faces need a belting, not sympathy. Cops don't do shit to them, they don't ever face any consequences for their actions


Has been reported- not that we expect anything to happen, but more for a record to be kept. It could help other people somewhere down the line… or maybe that’s wishful thinking


Well I mean they are homeless, that's a pretty major consequence.


A guy pushed a girl over at the Swanston/Lonsdale crossing a few years back, and then threatened to kill me. Reported it to cops (with a clear photo of the guy I still have in my possession) but 🫠


What the hell?! That’s terrible 😞


I'm sorry you and your friend went through that. 2 days ago my friend (f) was palmed really hard in the face by a random likely drug affected man near the NGV. I keep hearing more and more about these random assaults in the CBD.


That’s terrible! So scary for your friend!! So many drug affected people wandering around- I can empathize they are in a terrible/addicted state, but it really becomes bad when other people are being hurt because of their actions


This is a regular occurrence now, iv had it happened to me or seen it happen to others daily. These idiots are just allowed to roam the streets.


Oh gosh that’s awful! I feel like there isn’t a lot anyone can/will do about it, at present


My tactic now is to act aggressively back. They usually back off because they expect the other person to be scared. They also are solely focused on their addiction and next hit so if there’s potential for someone to disrupt that, they’ll back down. It’s an automatic reaction from their brain Another tactic is to tell them you are calling the police. Again, same automatic reaction in their brain “if the cops come and I get arrested I won’t get my hit so I better back down”


It’s possible it was the same dickhead that pushed a woman onto the tracks at Richmond station…


Definitely a possibility