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Yeah, but I still think that Commander Data is better.


But can he keep the doctor away though?


Unless this hypothetical doctor is also an Android, I'm pretty sure he can. I mean... he could handle the borg ;-) ![gif](giphy|lye1edo6wTNDAV1RQM)


If you're starving on a deserted planet, the apple is more useful than Data.


Idk might get more calories eating a phone.


i think theres more calories in a commander


True enough.


An apple will only last you a couple of hours, but Data will help you hunt and gather food, dig for water with you, and protect you while you're sleeping because he doesn't need to rest.


Not least of all because Water is the only thing that matters for a very long time ( most people can easily live without food for 1 month) and Data can carry you. So even if you can no longer walk, Data can carry you to a source of water.




Better, but as good as commander keen? I wouldn't think so!


That litte dude could fight anything and everything, even anthropomorphic vegetables. ![gif](giphy|3rgXBFMTflsgezjagw)


Android clearly is superior ![gif](giphy|wSMEXWdc2EjNS)


She‘s a cyborg…


I know but apparently in the English dub they're called androids and satan is named hercule


She is a cyborg, but not all of the 'Androids' are cyborgs.


It's absolutely not! If someone asks me if a I want an android robot or an apple, you can bet your left butt, I would pick the robot!


Quite literally


The best answer possible


was expecting a lot of apple logo fan bois and rich ppl in the comments but ig people are learning about what they are buying


For some reason this subreddit is full of apple haters, like yes the price, locking repairs, and lack of options is trash but I can't even say 1 or 2 good things without getting downvoted, even when mentioning I still hate apple


I hate the mac ecosystem and the predatory pricing for upgrades, but the apple mobile ecosystem is still one of the most seamless and smooth out there. Integration of the phone, tablet, watch, headphones is pretty good


Mac ecosystem is good until you realize it is not compatible with anything else. Can’t even use usb drives without running into issues ffs.


I like to tinker with my computers (have built several gaming desktops and a couple of NAS servers) so the only logical step for me was to order a framework laptop. It blows my mind that people willingly give apple $200 for an extra 8gb of ram when i bought 64gb of ddr5 memory for my desktop for that amount of money I will never recommend someone buy a macbook in my life, there are so many options that aren’t even framework that are better value propositions for the amount of computing horsepower and (albeit limited) modularity compared to macbooks or mac desktops


I mean their other tier is $200 more for 200gb of extra SSD storage lmao. It's literally the same computer but with 512gb instead of 256gb and it's $200 more. Meanwhile a 1TB m.2 drive is like $40 lmao


I’m pretty sure both of my 2tb ssds cost less than apple charges for 2tb of storage. My server with two 8TB hard drives running in raid 1 cost around the same but only because i shelled out for seagate ironwolf drives


For me it came down to display quality, raw performance of Apple Silicon, and battery efficiency. But I’m a freelance photographer, I won’t say it’s a must per se, but it actually does make life a lot easier. Likewise, I was gifted an iPhone (hand-me-down from a friend) - the camera is a step above any Android phone I’ve ever been able to afford, and I would argue the output is overall more natural looking anyways. And of course the integration with my Mac and native apps, “it just works”. Most limitations I’ve either circumvented, or just straight up ignore, really. It’s made me more minimalistic in my phone use, tbh, and I count that as a win. I understand the frustration at the anti-consumer behaviour. The products are fantastic, here’s hoping new regulations help smoothen the experience with the rest (I’m in the EU).


Yeah the 8GB for $200 is insane. But what else is insane is the efficiency and performance of Apple SoCs. Being able to run demanding programs such as for 4K video editing, at full performance, while not being plugged into mains power and the battery still lasts for 8-10 hours... whereas comparable PC laptops with top end CPUs and 40XX series mobile GPUs can only achieve similar performance when they're plugged into mains power, unplugging them lowers the available wattage so the entire performance gets throttled and the battery only lasts 2-4 hours on demanding tasks anyway. At that point you've lost pretty much all the benefits of having a laptop so you might as well just spend the money on a kick-ass desktop PC.


The price Argument is actually pretty dumb, i use my iPhones for 6+ years (iPhone 5s, then iPhone 8 now and still no need to upgrade) and get new iOS updates for years and it runs like on the first day. For a long time you wouldn’t get android phones with support for more than two years. And even though that changed a bit lately, various flagship Android phones are not cheaper, heck even more expensive than iPhones of the same generation. Since I started using smartphones i payed over the last 15 years or so around ~80€ a year for my iPhones. That’s ridiculously cheap imho


you say rich ppl some android phones are the same price as iPhones and have way more abilities some are even more expensive like foldables


Actual rich people don't chase apple products, their kids might, but they don't. Apple has been trash since iPhone 6, that's when innovation stopped


Don’t need to be rich to have an iPhone. Mac, yeah you need some money. But I’ve also seen people shell out a few grand for a gaming PC. Personally, not a Mac fan boy, just use an iPhone because of convenience. Their iOS, like it or not, is what developers make the most well defined apps for. The barriers to entry are much lower for android, some will say that’s better, some will say that’s worse. To me, it is well polished for what I need. I’d rather run a PC than a Mac. There are much better options and easier ways to find compatibility for a PC.


I'm an apple user and you are correct. if all of my information wasn't already synced up with Apple I would go back to android. There's a way to convert the information back over but I'm not super tech savvy and I don't care that much


well u don't have to be an tech genius for that, mobile manufacturers knows this well, nowadays there are apps owned by manufacturers such as samsung who helps you switch your data from old device to new, so its like you're not starting as new but continuing to a new device same as you upgrade from an iphone to an iphone.Just buy an galaxy they'll guide you through the process. if not there's a ton lot of videos on YouTube


I put a lot of effort to save as much from my wifes iphone to i think it was samsung. Iphone purposfuly prevents that. For example i spend hours in whatsup forum to save her whats app data. Was at the time not possible because apple did not allow it for obvious reason. Long story short she was almost back to an empty phone. Between android phones no problem at all.


>Was at the time not possible because apple did not allow it for obvious reason that's a bunch of crap. Meta is a private company and can do whatever they want. all other chat apps, allow transfer of info from iphone to android - just because meta employees decide to not implement, or couldn't implement because of their architectural choices - doesn't mean it's apple's fault


Samsung smart switch


Apple user here aswell, but you can export your contacts, your SMS are all stored on the sim and all the messaging apps have their own backups. The only thing you would really lose is the ability to properly convert your photo's if t hey are in HEIC format and messenger messages, but who uses messenger


Bro got locked in the applesphere :(


you fell for the trap as it seems. Its worth it to waste 1 or maybe 2 days of your life, and be able to buy massively cheaper phones for the rest of your life, than to stick with apple, when you dont super like it anyway


I dont know how the switch to Android is these days, but about 10+ years ago you had to go into your phone's settings to turn off imessage thats connected to your number. Otherwise your Android will think you're trying to use imessage & your texts and calls will never go through. (And possibly going into your Apple account to deactivate your email connected to the phone number). Hopefully the process is easier these days because no one got my texts back in the day. They would receive 1 text a day from me if my phone was lucky enough (if i was textning an iphone user)


I would say if it ain't broke don't fix it


good that you realised android is better then apple


Apple, "to sell the same phone every year"


But this year we added a 15 year old android feature and increased the price by $200.


usb -c is that old?


Almost, it's 10 year's


I'm not sure either, maybe it is that old but it wasn't that popular back in those days I guess


And the dumbest thing about it is that apple had a huge role in developing usbc lmao


B-bUt TiTaNiUm...


What’s the difference between S23 and S24?


Well, you see, one is called "24" whilst the other is called "23". Surprised you didn't notice that


Holy shit thanks I barely passed maths so I’m glad you gave some insight


Barely passed maths, eh? Maybe I can interest you in our financing program? If you sign right now you pay 20% interest - it's one of the highest you can get!


The s24 has slightly better camera sensors, but the dedicated 10x camera lens is now 5x, because people tend to use 5x more often, making the 10x kinda useless. It also has the latest snapdragon processor and the design changed considerably on the s24 ultra, now it's more *R E C T A N G L E* shaped. It hasn't improved a lot, but the improvements are mostly on software, with the new ai stuff, and even though the s23 line also got these updates with ai, the s24 was made to run it out of the box, so it's supposed to run more smoothly and flawlessly. Definitely not a reason for an upgrade from the s23, you're not supposed to upgrade your flagship phone every year anyways.




Sshhh, don't ruin their fantasy


Yeah, I think you only really see a noticeable difference every five years.


thats the case with samsung phones aswell nowadays. i have a s23 and my friend has a s24 and if they were the same colour with the same case we would have a hard time noticing which is which


i’m assuming you meant iOS, but both are great operating systems


I tend to simply say it depends. iOS is clean, user friendly runs great and is very well optimized. A very good OS for the majority of users. Android gives more freedom on the other hand. You can do things with an Android, for which you'd need to jailbreak an iPhone. You can run apps on Android which could never work on a stock iPhone. Lucky Patcher for example, which is one of the reasons I love my android. But not everyone has the tech know-how or even the need for such applications, which are also illegal in many countries. So for the average user, iOS is perfect but too restrictive for anyone with more specific demands in what their phone should be able to do. And this is before the fact that iOS essentially forces you to buy other proprietary hard- and software if you want to use it to it's full extent. Android is compatible with pretty much every common PC-OS.


Not only iOS, but iphones as a whole. Have you ever tried to use a repaired iPhone, or even repair one? Replacing the screen to an *original one, from another iphone* makes you lose face id and auto brightness, like wtf, it's not only apple making you use their devices, but when you try to do so, they spit in your face and ask for more money. And that's not recent, i have an iphone 6 plus with a replaced screen, and the touch id doesn't work because of that, now tell me, what the hell does the screen have to do with the touch id sensor? And even if the touch id was also replaced, what makes it unusable? Apple. That's why i thank god everyday for not using an iPhone, these people suffer in apple's hands and just ignore it because it's normal for them, even though the solution has been around for decades


No, Not only the OS, its : ( Samsung, Google, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Motorola, Nokia, Nothing, Sony ) vs Apple


Android is an OS. This post is comparing an OS to a technology brand.


Yup except many, many of these Android OS phone distributors absolutely shit the bed with their personalized Android OS deployment coughsamsungcough


Apple is a fruit. You are onto something I believe.


You’re correct. My mistake, my lord.


“iPhone users are obsessed with hating on android”-this guy probably


"-this guy probably" -this guy probably


"""iPhone users are obsessed with hating on android"-this guy probably" -this guy probably"-this guy probably


Some iPhone users do be like that tho...not a lot, but a *very* vocal minority


I’ve seen a lot more android users not minding their own businesses than IPhone users.


I’m a former Android user who was convinced after over a decade of arguing with a friend of mine that works high up in IT to finally switch to IPhone. I have my reasons. I don’t give a fuck what phone someone else uses. It’s a tool not a status symbol and I chose the one that meets my needs the best.


IT person here, would absolutely not recommend an android to any non-tech-savvy user.


tbh, just get whatever you prefer and stop fighting over huge brands. Yeah I use Samsung, so what? I won't care whether or not you use apple.


bUT tHE bUBLe iS gReEN


No, war


The only right answer


But class war


Who don’t care if IPhone or Android is better ? ✋🏻




Naah.. I'm using toaster..


Smart fridge


Smoke signals


We are at that point where we need a Windows Phone...


this is always such a childish debate. "noooo don't buy something that I deem an inferior product!!! you can't!!!" soyface.jpg no one gives a shit. I use what I'm familiar with and am not doing anything with my phone that needs top specs. my phones last for ~5 years. everything is "outdated" and has worse specs when you go that far back. don't care. I'm not "loyal" to some multi billion dollar company, that's ridiculous, they don't even know i exist. if my first smartphone was with "the other side" I'd still be using that today simply because I'd know how to do everything on it already.




phone wars past 2020 is wild ngl




*Insert buzz lightyear shelf meme


It still amazes me that there aren't more operating systems on phones, it's a shame that only 2 are popular.


Android is an OS and Apple is a company.


I feel like apple does a better job of being user friendly to people who aren’t tech savvy. My grandma has learned how to use her IPhone way better than she ever did with an android


I used to think that was the case, but not so much anymore... Have you ever tried explaining how to go 'back' to an apple user...? Have the time you have to go back to the home screen.


I found that the Android interface is way easier than the Apple one It's jarring how "user friendly" it is because it stops me from doing things quickly and just make my overall experience clunky and slow


I think that would make you a power user in comparison to this dude's grandma


it's objectional. no one can change your mind


Your comparison is pointless. You are trying to compare endless companies product vs one company product. Android is an operating system while apple products are whole. If it comes to electronics it is usually better to manufacture a product along with its software. You usually get better compatibility. What’s worth noticing is that android based phones engineers are using more apple solutions now. (Like build in memory for phone, making software environments etc.)


Problem is people desperately want to compare "Android vs Apple phones" when it's actually comparing iOS vs Android operating systems. Comparing phone hardware nowadays is essentially pointless as they leap frog each other every 6 months. Hell, you could compare Pixel phones to etc Android phones and Pixel (in my opinion) makes all other Android OS systems look like a joke


> it is usually better to manufacture a product along with its software Technically, yes. Economically, no. No competition means higher prices. So if you want to use iOS software (bacause you're in the environment, you're used to it, you want that blue text, etc), you have to pay whatever prices Apple decides its hardware is worth too... It's also not like manufacturers don't work with Google to "personalize" the android experience (for example, Samsung and all its bloatware)


It's your money, buy what you want.


bUT tHE bUBLe iS gReEN


I love Android because as a programmer I love things like APDE, Termux that provide you the ability to write code, deploy servers on your phone


no i will not


No. No I won't


I have been an iPhone user all my life and android is treating me better than ios did


After using iPhones from the iPhone 3 till later year and switching to a onePlus11 I don't think I'll ever go back.


Well at the very least Android keeps you away from the type of girl that thinks having an Android means you're poor.


As an apple user, I agree. I miss my Android


I'm using both currently. I like both but I find android more easier to use


I would put a generalized "easy to use" wholly into the iOS bucket but this is obviously highly dependent on use-case


More easier is not the easiest way to write easier




I still remember when seeing apple ad feature face recognition on YouTube and i was laughing like "lol,my oppo reno 2 which came 4-5 years ago already have it."


My iPhone is dogshit it has a battery capacity of 50% and drains battery like a fucking nasa computer. Yes, I am going to buy an android.


Use an apple device to understand why Android is best


I will not change your mind... because u are right


AS AN APPLE USER MYSELF I CAN PROUDLY SAY THAT you are absolutely correct 100%. Apple sucks-


I hate apple


I'm not going to debate because it is a waste of time. But I'm here to flex that my Android phone can fold (camera quality is shit though, but I barely use my camera anyway)


I don't know if it's technically better but I do prefer Android over Apple. Probably because I don't own any Apple products.


That’s the most cold take on planet earth


I had an iPhone for 15 years, the only thing that kept me on it is how fast the menu and the system were working, the scrolling always lagged after a while of use on Android. But when I saw the Snapdragon Gen 2 on the S23 and saw it can emulate ps2 full speed I was mesmerized! Also the system worked really fast and smooth so that's what sold me into moving to Android. I have it for a year now and it's been amazing. Can do what I want with my phone and not be tethered to Apple's rules on emulation and custom packages.


From a mobile gaming standpoint, Android is instantly the better choice. (Iykyk)


Me with a Android phone and a Ipad But for real, I see it as different applications and personal preference Apple does have quite a few downsides, but so do some brands that use android I honestly dont care what others use aslong as I get to have my phone of choice


Who cares it’s a fucking smartphone. They’re all mid af these days


At some point I stopped caring, all my family members have iPhone purely for convinience but I'm becoming more of a tech nerd, so android supports my hobbies more


I prefer carrier pigeon.


I have a company phone - it's an iphone 12. It's pretty good. But I would never buy one myself because I think it's way overpriced. My personal phone is a OnePlus Nord, and before that I had a OnePlus 1. Extremely satisfied with both.


I don't care at all what people want to use. I care what some idiot is gonna assume about me because I use Android. So some of you, stop being idiots about the stupid green bubble shit or apparently androids are for the poors or something. But it really isn't that big of a deal or that common outside of internet comments, like most things. It's usually the Apple users who use Apple because they are not tech savvy at all that try to shit on Android users the most. Which is extra annoying because it's like they're bragging about being incompetent with tech, but they still think they're insulting you


I dont think any rational being would disagree


I tried Apple for a year. Most things work just as well, some thing slightly better, I found that force closing apps and clearing cache data was never necessary for example. The deal breaker for me was that family sharing just didn't work. In order to get apps on my kids devices I had to disable parental controls and reenable them after. I would guess that the push notification for me to approve their apps worked about 1 in 5 times. Apps that clearly supported family sharing just did not work that way, each device had to pay for the app. Also when I tried to cancel the Apple One service there was no way for me to do it. It took 3 calls to support which had to be escalated and finally they had me request a refund for the prior month because that was the "only way" to cancel the service since everything else they tried failed. Making it hard to cancel services is a good way to make sure I'll never be back.


200$ cheap ass phone that was paid for in seperate payments here. I have had it for years now and it still works great. I don't understand the point of paying so much for a phone. 🤷‍♂️


i actually quite dispise people who try to start brand wars again. Just stop, let people by or do what they want. It's not hurting you so why would you care?


Serious answer: Air Drop. If you take and share a lot of pictures and videos, it can't be beat. There are a couple of other similar walled-garden perks, Facetime the next biggest. And for some reason, a handful of popular apps are much better on iPhone than Android. There is also the image that Apple has crafted for itself as a design company, which many people enjoy.


Yeah the reason for better apps is the small amount of phones and thus optimization is much easier


Android, as a class of phones, is far superior to Apple: - significantly more choice of handsets - caters to a much wider range of buyers (both in terms of price and feature sets) - the high end Android phones sport better raw hardware than the high end Apple - significantly more compatible - more innovative - more competitive - more customisable - more powerful as a extended device (eg onboard storage, desktop uses etc) Yet, despite all of that, for what I use my phone for 98% of the time (text, call, websites, music, carplay) my Apple phones have always performed smoother for longer than my Android phones.


It depends on who you are but yes android is better


The point of android users is that anything can be changed.


Everyone has different priorities and made different experiences with the various selection of phones. I personally was an avid Android/Samsung consumer up until my S7 Edge got that pink line display defect after just 1 year. No warranty anymore either. The fact that even flagship phones become obsolete after at most two years also didn't help me stay. No firmware updates after just two years? That‘s genuinely crazy but what else they gonna do? Stop flooding the market with 100 different phones a year to focus on optimized os environments for their strongest products? Not on their watch… I have been using my iPhone X for well over 5 years now. It still goes strong and this was the first year where I didn't get the new iOS version (which is absolutely fine after 5 years) I also got an iPad for my studies because Android operating tablets couldn't compare either, but that's a different topic


I've been many times in arguments about Android vs. Apple and what's the most funny thing about it is that people will tell you how iPhone Ultra Pro Max Premium is the best phone, that would smash your Samsung S-phone to pieces and if you ask them "And do you have that phone?" it's always "Nah, I have my iPhone 7/8/SE" xDDD That's the moment I say "Ah, ok" and leave them alone.


I don't necessarily think android is better, I just think a budget android does everything I need it to do so I don't need those Apple prices.


I don't care about changing anyone's mind. If someone is so insecure to have to have their phone validated the problem lies elsewhere. And we all know the truth, Nokias were the best.


I regret buying my Apple phone so damn much.


Revanced alone is worth having an android. My fairphone is fully repairable at home, parts available for 10 years. Can run whatever apps I want. Can even install custom rooms if I wanted. Why the hell would I want a locked down system.


It is


I can't change your mind if it's a fact and not an opinion


As someone who has used both, I can say they both have their own strengths and weaknesses. It’s mostly a matter of taste and what you’re familiar with. Personally I won’t go back to Android until either Google lets me disable all of their stuff without root or GrapheneOS gets tap-to-pay capabilities (I ***Really*** like Apple Pay).


As a iPhone user I can confirm this


yeah. I have a headphone jack, can install any APK i want, have USB c (ignoring the iPhone 15), fingerprint scanner, back button, repairable parts and my phone was only $200aud


I have my gripes with android, like basically needed to jailbreak it to uninstall the preinstalled bloatware. But It really is a simple as If can't install a my own micro sd card in it, I don't want it. A decent 1TB is really affordable having my entire music library locally without needing network connection is more valuable to me than anything apple could ever offer.


People who spend more than $500 on a phone and upgrade every year are financially stupid.


Android is for people who know how to actually use the tech they buy. Apple is for people who just want a phone and don't care about the details.


As a lifetime Apple user…. Yes absolutely don’t buy this garbage


Been using iphone and ipad for 2 years(and been using Android before). You're totally right


Apple has more fruit than android, and my doctor said fruit is good for you. Checkmate.


An apple a day keep the doctors away


So if you consume apple devices you don't have medical assurance? @.@


With a surgery, I can. (I am not a doctor.)


no need my guy, im on your side.




An OS is better than a company?


Its just like the console wars, use what you prefer, rather play halo or like the controllers better buy an xbox, if you want to play god of war or like those controllers better buy a playstation. Stop fighting over brands its all preference and at the end of the day no one cares


Nah. Why argue with the truth.


If your talking about a Granny Smith then NO Android is definitely not better.


I’ll tell you what? Both are shit! 😂 WINDOWS PHONE IS BEST 😂😂😂


As a hardware engineer (that’s not the correct term, but the one people can understand) I can assure you there is not a single phone quite like iphone when it comes to performance; you just can’t compete with a company that designs everything from the bottom to the application. That being said we are just human, and as human being let’s be real we can’t even notice most of the difference in performance… The price simply isn’t worth it. But I still rest my case, you didn’t define exactly how to convince you it’s better so it’s up to me to decide.


The thing is that outside of game emulation (that is atm in its infancy on iPhones, while people started emulating GTA V on Android), I can't imagine a use case where some insane performance is required. Social media, browsing, listening to music, watching videos, texting and phone calls is primary use case for smartphones and that can be done adequately on a phone that costs 200$, without any issues.


Exactly, and so many iphone users buy the version with the best cameras that costs double for some reason when the regular one already has a camera stronger than they’ll ever need.


Ig folks think that zooming in a bit requires a phone that costs twice as much.....


If it comes to basic functionality and security, Apple is better, but if it comes to customization, additional features and app development i have to agree


App Development on Apple is a Nightmare.




Least obvious karmabait


No need to change


Yes it is but also no




yeah i just want windows phone back (lumia gang)


I would switch if I didn’t get bullied for using an android lol. Also all my data is in iCloud and I have zero trust in google


You cannot it an android.


Isnt this format for controversial opinions?


I'm startng to dislike both ngl


why should i change your mind its your choice


Why would I change your mind? Live and let live :)


As long as your apps are appy and your selfies are snappy, you do you, Android aficionado


It gets the job done. Take your meme back to 2012




I don't think I will


Android ftw. Having worked in telecommunications for 15+ years you'll never change my mind.


Nah I am good, thanks though


Hi, I am Apple Fanboy and informatics nerd. I really don’t think android or apple are the best. You can do anything you want with both of these phones. Maybe you have a little specific feature more on every OS, but do you really need that? Both are the same, but looks different haha


Tbh i dont see the appeal in choosing whats better its like the console wars all over again they both do the same thing just differently (change my mind)


Can we just stop with this? Use whatever you want and don’t push it into everybode else’s face.


After so many years with Android, i feel Android is a good Phone OS, but nowhere as good as (never tried it,.never owned an iPhone) iOS. iOS scares me from trying it, because it feels too much limited in basic OS capabilities. Android still feels it's lacking something. A raw product that still needs to be complemented with 3rd party first class software (eg: Samsung flagship stuff), which never feels natural to me.


Wow, such an original meme