• By -


There were several reasons to scrub the launch that day but they sent it anyway


>**Engineers:** Don't launch, it's too cold. O-Rings have shrunk and the rocket will explode. >**Managers:** Are you crazy? We have a lot of money riding on this. We're launching and that's final. >**Rocket:** \*explodes\* >**Managers:** \*surprised pikachu face\* I think of the Challenger every time my managers ask me to do something stupid that I've advised against, even though there's a lot less on the line.


I work in aerospace. When I tell my boss not to ship something, he usually listens. When I tell him to recall something, he asks why I'm standing in his office looking for a signature instead of down at customer service on the line with the end user myself. It's nice to have management listen to their engineers


Must not work at Boeing


I worked in Aerospace and the amount of crap we shoveled through knowing it would fail just to meet deadlines was insane. 


Yeah I'm about one bad day away from quitting engineering because of this horse shit


Considering that all Managers I've seen so far are fucking stupid I can't help but think that they all get lobotomized on their first day


If you refuse the lobotomy they make you in charge of schedules


Oof this hit home for me lil


So you're saying a non-lobotomized individual is in charge of schedules? So what's their excuse then?


It’s really fucking hard. Source: am only chemically-lobotomized human who schedules.


Honestly. I work in construction and even peple who got promoted into Project Lead management from being workers completely forget what the job was like immediately. I assume they just get hypnotized by all the spreadsheets.




I believe that if everyone did as they were told, the world would end tomorrow.


I believe that if everyone stopped doing as they are told and started doing what is right, everyone at the same time, the new world would start today.


Iirc more of that would have been covered up (or not discovered) if Richard Feynman wasn't on the investigation panel He gave us the demonstration of the o-ring in ice water as one of his final acts while he was dying from cancer


Bro really said "What are you gonna do? Send a hitman after me?"


Boeing would have.


Feynman was dying of cancer at the time. Of course Feynman also had enough prestige to get away with basically anything. And a willingness to not tolerate idiots. It was actually another person on the investigation panel who found out the o-ring thing first. Well, the engineers knew too, and told the other guy on the panel. He then discretely pointed Feynman in the right direction, because it would have been career suicide if he had gone public with it himself.


ULA Sniper


"snipin's a good job mate"


It's not much but it's honest work


Oh boy! Here I go killing again!


While I am a Feynman simp through and through, the conclusion of the investigation and Feynman’s live demo stunt never happen without Sally Ride and Kutyna. Feynman was the Nobel laureate, physics expert, and personality to get the massage across.


Well, the engineers already knew IIRC in the first place. Feynman was the one who could rock the boat without committing career suicide, so Kutyna pointed Feynman in the right direction IIRC.


Yep. Sally Ride gives Kutyna a nasa document detailing temps and o ring resilency. Ride and Kutyna know sharing that doc is career suicide. According to Kutyna, he invites Feynman over for dinner to talk about his car he is working on and running into difficulties with oil seals and low temps. Planting the thought speed for Feynman to look at the orings


And Feynman came through perfectly, did exactly what was needed. And wrote other stuff, like managers underestimating the probability of a failed launch. You said you were "a Feynman simp, but...", but Feynman surely gets full credits here? I can't think of anything Feynman could have done better.


Indeed he came through perfectly. It doesn’t play out as well with anyone else doing (or attempting) what he did. And he does get full credit. I think that is in error. Sally Ride and Kutyna deserve much more credit than they received. That was what I was trying to convey. Apologies for not being more clear.


I'm one of his books he says as much that he was used and pointed in the right direction


> Sally Ride and Kutyna deserve much more credit than they received. Well, that was precisely what they wanted. The deliberately set Feynman up to take the credit, because it would have been career suicide for them to get the credit themselves.


They literally had an engineer screaming at them that the O rings made it extremely high risk for failure and they were like "Nah dawg, Reagan is here and waiting, we're going to go with our iced over equipment for the coldest launch in history anyways."


Hype was real man, can't cancel the hype like that




Don't forget the AIDS epidemic when nobody really knew anything about it. In the UK everyone got sent a leaflet with a big black tombstone on it.


> When they were cooked on a stove top by a guy who failed sophomore biology. Um, do you mean chemistry?


they're one of the people that failed chemistry so hard they forgot what it's called


It was crazy, I had a Physics teacher in high school who had a NASA video from the 90s showing the same heat tile issue that brought down the Columbia Shuttle.


"Fuck it we ball" -- NASA


“No more delays! We want RESULTS!”


So true.. my teacher at the time went to university and was friends with the teacher that died in the shuttle explosion.. the teacher said they had to leave the room and then the vice principal came in and taught us for the rest of the day. The teacher got a week off, we got substitutes and extra homework. And to be clear.. we all watched those astronauts die in the shuttle explosion in real time in class.


No time for feelings. Just shape up. Do work. Fucking sucked. I remember.


And now gen Alpha is getting fed nothing but feelings on tictoc so they can be good consumers incapable of focusing on anything 


We already are the good little consumers incapable of focusing on anything. Have you seen cooperate profits? Gen alpha is the only one to GET to share feelings, probably because of social medias takeover.


Gen Z and Gen Alpha seem more politically active compared to preceding generations (by age; they're less active overall, but more active at their age than we were). The notion that they are numb sheep and we are not is misinformation.


That’s what you think. Millennials here, I taught that our generation would change things It just got worse, because people are stupid and don’t vote Hey, your generation is talking about not voting in November, guess what will happen? We did the exact same thing in 2016, guess what happened…


That's not what I think, in the US they literally voted more than their parents did at the same age, statistically speaking, and across the board protest movements are more common and more populous than they were in recent decades.


My brother in High School recounted that, as it was NH, the faculty had been hyping the launch with “OnE oF oUr OwN!” for the preceding two weeks. One of his classmates loudly declared “I HOPE IT BLOWS UP” a couple days prior. I don’t think he ever lived that down. I was in Gym class in middle school, our goofy-ass gym teacher busts in to the locker room “IT BLEW UP!” and we’re all “wow what a weird prank to try and pull, especially when we’re all half naked” and then reality set in…


In Australia most of us watched it in the morning before heading to school. That was a fucked up way to start the day.


God you've unlocked my memories of 9/11, me being a kid confused about why the morning cartoon shows had been replaced with footage from New York. At least at my primary school the teachers were both smart and empathetic enough to realise the magnitude of what had happened, and they discussed it with us kids.


And number 1 just before bed !


Don't forget 9/11 And a plague And bank failures And columbine and subsequent school shootings And hard drugs


And for everyone living in the DMV, we had the DC sniper and anthrax right on the heels of 9/11.


My fifth grade teacher was a friend of hers too. There's a museum named after her not far from where I am though I haven't visited since back then.


Had a president that said we would be the first generation not to have it better than our parents. Had what was considered the black plague of the 1990s constantly talked about as we were kids. And DARE. What a joke.


“Remember kids, don’t do drugs! And just to make sure you never do them, here’s what every drug does and where to get it.”


The first time I saw a spoon as a device for druggin' was on a DARE poster board. Thank God I learned how heroin was prepared at the ripe age of 10.


And also thank God that they taught abstinence only sex education. The lack of awareness of birth control leading to a massive spike in unwanted teen pregnancies in the 80’s was and continues to be a huge boon to our society!


I won second place in my state's DARE essay contest around 1991. Then I went on to be a huge drug addict and dealer for many, many years. The 90s was a helluva thing to experience.


The only kids I knew who wore DARE shirts smoked weed in elementary school and sold their adderall scrips in middle school / high school.


Teacher: Marijuana gives you a “euphoric” feeling. People use it to escape from reality. Me: Look, you had me at mari…just shut up and take my money.


Say "Will you Mari me?" When you puff puff pass next time.


It is incredible that in your mind you think that providing more information about drugs will end in more consumers.


Provide bad information about drugs will absolutely lead to more consumers.


Huh, all that stuff they told me about weed was a lie, how bad could heroin really be?


Heroin is great at first. Then it's really bad.


Man, they hyped it up like it was so good you'd get addicted after one try. I had to try it. Tried it a few times and never really liked it. A lot of my friends did. I never understood its appeal. Probably a good thing.


This was me with pretty much everything. Didn't care for weed, don't like getting drunk, nothing else I took was ever all that much fun. Except the one time I had ecstasy they was laced with meth. I was undiagnosed ADHD, and having the meth effectively turn it off for six hours was absolute bliss. When we figured out there was meth in it, I knew exactly what I could never touch again. 


Oh man, about a year ago I tried some 2fma I'd gotten from a friend, and boy oh boy, I don't think I've ever felt so... Human? For once I was able to sit down and just.. do stuff and keep my focus on them. Looking back at that it's honestly a small miracle I managed to worm my way through the education system and not just get a job but actually managed to keep it. Also reminds me that I seriously need to make an assignment with a psychologist or something.


They shoulda been 100% honest imo. Like go into how great drugs make you feel, but also go into how drugs destroy you. No one really cares about the functional junkie whose maintaining their habit so they don't die, they care about the unhinged one who drugged themselves homeless and is now an eyesore to them. Like they should be caring that a fellow human has destroyed their lives, but the type of person that gets mad about the homeless probably lacks the capability to empathize.


\*SpontaniousH wants to know your location\*


the problem was they'd send what felt like actors to schools who would describe drugs and alcohol as the worst thing on earth and it ruined their lives even though they're on stage right now. On top of that once you had your first beer and everything didn't collapse around you, you started thinking the stories were all bullshit


The only time the DARE guest was convincing was the guy with a stoma from smoking too many cigarettes. Tobacco became the main drug I avoided like the plague because I actually believed that one. The others, well... Let's just say I enjoy the Pacific Northwest very much.


I had a friend in school with parents who worked important full-time jobs with lots of responsibilities. They'd grown and smoked their own weed for decades without it negatively affecting their lives at all. That caused a lot of side-eyeing from us during DARE presentations.


They sent a cop to a class I was in to talk about the perils of LSD. A friend of his and his wife did acid while she was pregnant and the baby was born without a head. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Cops lie.


Dare was a massive failure that led to a marked rise in youth drug use. not in someone's mind, in reality.


Yes but not because they provided information on drugs. It's because they _lied_ about drugs. They sensationalize the dangers of almost all drugs, especially weed, and tell you that one joint will ruin your entire life. So naturally when teenagers inevitably try weed and it's fine, the next thought is "what else were they lying about?" The other issue is the absurd focus on peer pressure and the backwards way they portray it. They tell you all the cool kids _will_ be doing drugs, and that they'll pressure you to, and the only way to fit in will be to also do drugs. How do you resist the temptation? Just say no! Easy. Obviously peer pressure exists, but not to the absurd extent that DARE says, and even then DARE makes it worse by agreeing with the pressure, just telling you to make yourself lame and not fit in by staying clean. They should give strategies to avoid peer pressure, and emphasize that pressuring your friends is not cool. Accurate info would allow teenagers to make more informed choices, which generally leads to less drug usage. But that's not what DARE does


they lied was the problem. everyone I thought was cool, movie stars musicians, artists, all of them gltalked about how great it was. then Phelps was doing bongs, and the saying about only loser do drugs failed so even before I smoked weed, people I didn't trust were not telling me the right stuff. I wi eer how cocaine is? or lsd


Telling what it does and why not to use it is good. Telling where to get it and how to avoid getting caught is kinda stupid.


"And where to find them".


Studies found out that in several areas drug use actually went *up* after DARE was implemented.


It's not just in their mind. Multiple studies, including several by the NIH have corroborated that children exposed to DARE are more likely to use drugs later in life.


Abstainance only education leads to more teen pregnancies, not a stretch to think Just Say No would lead to more drug addiction. This was education that said if you take toke on a friend's joint it was just a matter of time until you were a homeless addict.


Do 10 seconds of research about DAREs success and why it failed


I'm 17 and I had dare in 6th grade


Dare is the reason my brother found cocaine lmao and he learned that drugs aren’t bad. Dirty drugs are bad, clean drugs are great


> clean drugs are great Until they're not. Be careful out there!


Whats DARE


It was a police program to help keep kids off of drugs.


never once did anyone ever offer me free drugs! fucking bullshit


I've been offered free drugs *lots*...I think the secret is to just not really be into drugs.


Ahh ok


I have an interesting DARE story. When I was in middle school, my DARE assigned police officer was arrested for trafficking narcotics. I remember finding out in the gym because I had to ask my wrestling coach what kind of drugs were narcotics. He said he wasn't really sure, but he said we could go ahead and get out the mats for practice. He left soon after and we didn't see him again because he was arrested a few hours later for selling drugs to minors. He knew they were looking for him and he still showed up to open the gym so that we wouldn't be stuck out in the rain. Good dude.


I skipped my DARE graduation to smoke weed lol Why is your DARE story so much more exciting?


Specifically, it was "only bad people who want to hurt you do drugs,  and every drug can kill you and will make you hate yourself and want to kill your parents". It worked on you when you were 6, then when you were 13 or 14 and you learned that a nice kid you know smoked weed and didn't turn into a homicidal thief, you had to face the question of what exactly they were lying to you about, leading to you being even MORE interested in drugs than you would have been otherwise. 


Drugs Are Really Exciting


I guess that was their 9/11. *stares blankly in millennial*


Literally what happened to us millenials not over there. They hyped up the first plane then the second came then tomorrow was just another day until they were tolf by the country to mourn.


I can't believe people turned ON the TV in schools just to watch it. I was in Preschool, so I don't really remember if we watched it, but shit sounded wild up in the K-through-2, fam. My 1st grade teacher took us to our schools 9/11 memorial and I remember feeling like I was learning about something that happened a while ago, like Pearl Harbor, which this psychopath also taught us about. She really wanted kids to learn that Americans bleed lmao.




We watched it at school when I was in kindergarten I remember asking if any of the people in planes were okay to my momma later and she cried.


Gen X: We watched 8 people die! Millennials who were alive for 9/11: Wow... I could not even imagine...


"We watched a large explosion and knew that the people died." I remember the shock as the reporters, the teachers, and all of us 11 year olds realized those were bodies falling, not debris.


Literally. We watched terror.


I'm a zillenial and recently had a conversation with my Gen X dad where he mentioned he watched the footage of people jumping out of windows and asked if I'd seen it before. "Yeah dad, we had to watch the footage in school every year on 9/11" He was shocked and appalled and could not believe they showed us that footage in Elementary school.


tbf, I wouldn't expect an elementary school to show people dying A


How could we not? It was on TV every year, it was like fucking Home Alone! Still, nothing like the Holocaust footage we were shown in school. That shit was *cold*.


Us Okies had the Murrah bombing, I was in fifth grade.


I remember watching both.


Which is a weird comparison if you think about it. Seven people died in an accident VS a terrorist attack that plunged the US into a 20 year war that cost $8 trillion dollars and resulted in 900,000 casualties.


Exactly, I saw it live on tv at lunch break and had classes after that. Just got an update at the end of the day. Didn't think about an excuse to skip school. If i had said something the answer would be " at least you have a school to attend, those kids don't ".


And we were promised flying cars by the time we graduated high school.. LIARS! 😂


There are photos of Elon Musk in bathing shorts, that has to be good enough!


We were promised less than that and didn't even get that. Remember, "Work hard in school to get into a good college and have a good job for life."?


The #1 thing I’ve learned over the past decade: Efficiency and Competency are always punished with more work.


I still don't understand one thing about this. We were all promised flying cars, yes, but what's the point of a flying car? We have helicopters.


I think it was more of the Jetsons/Back to the Future 2 idea of small, personal flying vehicles. Helis are quite big, comparatively. Only possible way for that to even work though would be Ai doing the flying. Most people are idiots, lol


They wheeled that tv cart into the classroom so we could watch it... This was after it happened.


I'm obsessed with the idea of a boomer teacher watching the Challenger disaster in the teachers' lounge and being like "holy shit, I have to show this to children ASAP"


We were at lunch when it happened. One of the fourth grade teachers came in and made a big announcement. We were all rushed back to the one classroom in our grade that had a TV installed and all three classes watched the news coverage in silence for the rest of the afternoon.


I was big into the space program at the time and working with my teachers to get into space camp. So on that day my mother let me stay home to watch it and make a day out of it. Then it blew up. I remember I had a posted of the crew I had bought when they first released the crew photos and I would lay there at night before bed and say a prayer for all of them even though I wasn't remotely religious.


I saw people jumping from towers to their certain death because it was too hot in those rooms.


Disney+ has an excellent 9/11 documentary on its National Geographic channel. But either the first or second episode shows the first people jumping. And they show footage from inside the building as the firefighters are strategizing and you hear this loud thud. Then another. And then someone on the radio says people are jumping and the firemen all realize what those loud thuds were. The documentary had so much information that I had never seen or forgot. Highly recommend it.


I met a first responder years ago, he said he was there on 9/11 and when he saw the plane hit, his partners and him flipped the lights and did a U-turn. He said as they got out of the rig to go inside the first of the bodies of people that jumped landed like 10ft in front of him, he was splatted with fire, and he said he still remembers hearing the person screaming right before the hit the ground. He had to leave NYC and move to LA to get away from it because of the PTSD


As a gen-x when I saw that it gave me back memories of yuppies jumping from windows in the last wallstreet crash


Our generation and our parents were taught to hide under our desks during a nuclear bomb, like that would really save us.


I was taught in my history class that it was to reduce fear and panic, not to protect the public


Yup, they said if you heard a *BOOM* to put your head against the nearest wall and basically curl into a ball if you were outside Like TF that is going to do? You're already set on fire burning to death


What would you prefer to hear? You're all going to die so just give up, or false hope to comfort you in your last moments?


What would you prefer to *say*?


It probably gives a slightly better chance for your remains to be identified or something similarly morbid that they don't tell us


You do realize there were survivors in both Nagasaki and Hiroshima? That's with people getting suprised by it, first time even learning about it's existence. Now, if you can notice that there's a nuclear explosion going on, and you can react to it by doing the survival measures they taught you, then there's rather good likelihood that you're far away enough for those measures to increase your survival chances by a considerable degree. Imagine being the sucker that dies from window glass during the nuclear attack.


>Imagine being the sucker that dies from window glass during the nuclear attack. Might be a better death than radiation poisoning if the glass gets into the brain.


Duck and cover and kiss your ass goodbye


A cartoon turtle wouldn't lie


Tbh if you have enough time to see the bomb and act upon it. It’s only a shockwave and a heatwave that’s coming in a couple of seconds. You might live? Maybe?


The heatwave comes at the speed of light so if you're still alive to see the mushroom, you'll probably live


The "heatwave" isn't a real term. The closest real term would be blast wave, shock wave, compression wave, or the "thermal pulse". Which probably isn't what you're talking about, because none of these can move at the speed of light. The only thing that could is a form of electromagnetic radiation, whice in this case are the gamma rays. Which could in high intensities feel like "burning", but the radius that it could kill you is significantly shorter than the radius of everything else in the explosion that kills you.


it's the flash, if you are within the flash zone you burst into fire\* you can be in it, and behind just about anything and be protected from the flash, now, there's still the rest of the bomb to deal with.


If you see it, then most likely, your eyes are already burned off.


Depending on the distance to the explosion it would make a survival more likely, in the close proximity of the bomb it would be a joke that is correct, but further away it could protect from glas shards or other objects that would be flying around.


It may or may not save you, but if everyone does it more people will survive than had they not. Exercises like this are to increase the percentage of people that survive while knowing full well not everyone will. Its essentially just a very big explosion. Only those close to it are going to die regardless of what they do, but a lot of people are not going to be so close to it and being under a table might be enough to save them when the roof caves in.


Kids today casually memeing about genocide in the Middle East ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


Are you really a US president if you do not involve the nation with some Middle Eastern conflict?


"You're not a real President, if you never orchestrated a foreign conflict!"


I’m a what?!?! ![gif](giphy|Io4FqkTWHlAt091rye|downsized)


As a Millennial, I still remember watching the towers get hit and people falling to their deaths.. live. In elementary school. And then there was the space shuttle Colombia. And more.


99.9% of kids have been through stuff way more traumatic than this. What an absolute joke. "No counseling, hugs or reassurances" LMAO! What world is this lady living in?  Most kids get their asses beat ffs.  And many experience serious abuse, neglect, parents with mental issues, etc. 


Seriously. My dad is Gen X and he ABSOLUTELY continued the cycle of abuse with me. Did I have a kid and treat them like a burden/possession just to get some karmic revenge? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Gen X is as selfish and lacking of self-awareness as the boomers are, which is what my mom is. They're a great pair /s


I was sick from school that day.


Fun fact(s). Big Bird was originally supposed to be on board. It wound up being a specific classes' actual teacher.


Christa McAuliff. She was a teacher in NH and they taught us about her in grade school. I live near her memorial school/ science center now. 


And then aids happened, and then Chernobyl happened


\*laughs in 9/11\*


as a millennial it's really more like laughs AT


Yes. I was alive for Challenger and my school had an assembly to watch it. Every generation has traumatic events. Why are we playing generational “who’s got the bigger trauma penis?” 🤨


Gen X: The original "no pain, no gain" generation!




Millennials watched a space shuttle disintegrate on TV… and that was *after* 9/11…


Boohoo, millennials grew up with LiveLeak. I watched a dude behead himself by accident and then had to go school and take a Spanish test


I'm assuming the head went to take the test?


Fucked me up for life. When I'm falling asleep I still see some of the awful horrific shit I saw online. I'll never forget the Russian brick video, multiple beheading videos, people on fire, people holding their insides in disbelief, it just goes on. Don't be stupid like me, you can't desensitize yourself, it eventually all comes back to haunt you.


You can definitely desensitize yourself, homie. Maybe not everyone, but it's totally possible. Watchpeopledie may have been banned here, but they have their own whole website with over 2 million users!


I don't feel traumatized by being gen x. Shit happens. We are the way we are because we grew up free range. That's all. It's not damage. In fact I consider it an advantage to be a cynic in the philosophical sense. We don't reflexively join, and don't reflexively trust either the Man or the true believer. Show us what you got, we'll decide. 


Yes, no other generation has gone through traumatic world events without extensive therapy and coddling.


It was never a specific single big event that botherd me being in school for the 90's it was the constant stream of "we have 20 years of gas left" " we put a hole in the ozone layer" "cities are going to be under water by 2050". A constant stream of information about all the things we where not going to be able to maintian, with only the very ocassional sucess at dealing with them. The big dramatic events where less the tramua and more the reason that it was never going to be dealt with. Like being hungry, and your parents say they are going to make food, but then something breaks, and now you know its going to be at least another hour while they deal with that.


Gen Z: Entire part of their lives uprooted due to Covid after being told it would just be two weeks off of school and now life and society as a whole are forever changed. I say this as a millennial and we watched 9/11 happen live then war broke out almost immediately after and we’ve been shit on our whole lives for simply existing. Obviously it was a tragedy. But compared to some of the shit kids have dealt with since is far more significant and life altering. We never got hugs our counseling. We got told the world sucks cause you guys now get back to it.


God I'm sick of Gen-Whatever bitching about GenWhateverElse. Y'all acting like Gen-Toddlers. Grow the hell up FFS.


That's right! What we really need in a meme sub is a detailed analysis on the interdisciplinary exploration of quantum entanglement dynamics in non-Euclidean topological manifolds. That will DEFINITELY drive up engagement. Trust me bro I'm a scientist.


A few years earlier, we watched Reagan get shot on TV.


My dad is gen x and he demanded an apology from me for being an annoying teenager and thus "focing" him to be violent with me I dont theink the american race to space affected an entire generation world wide is what im saying, maybe some of y'all were just always fucked up


**Bullshit**, there was PLENTY OF Counseling, hugs and reassurances paid for, your school board only had to accept it.


also for the americans lead poisoning


Hey, kids you love playing with those Transformers toys? Here's a theatrically released movie about them where we systematically kill off every major character in front of your ten-year-old eyes. Enjoy the new toy pine up!


Everyone’s fucked in their own way, you should probably stop creating excuses to not better yourself as a person.


I watched two buildings fall down and then went to math class


I watched planes slam into buildings with no hugs or counseling. Get 1 up'd Xers. /s


I went to school everyday with the knowledge that I might not come home. There was a school shooter in my highschool at one point, and so many bombing and shooting threats to count. They're so common that they don't shut down the school and I would find out days later that someone was apprehended trying to or planning to mass-murder kids in my school. I get that life may not have been easy for gen-xers when they were young, but we're not even in the same ballpark.


No counselling, no reassurance 🤣🤣 get a grip you pleb.


Oh no, the last generation to widely benefit from the capitalist model before the trickle up began exponentially widening wealth inequality are a little sad. Millenials and gen z have known nothing but recession after recession and are all far less likely than their parents to own their own house but lets stop and give gen x a hug because they saw a rocket explode decades ago.


Apparently, they also don't know the difference between sample and example


What the fuck? How does that even compare to 9 / 11 more people died. There was two wars. And yeah no counseling. That's just a small sample. Weaker poser generation. Only was taught how to complain.


why would you get counseling for a rocket blowing up that had nothing to do with you


Gen x is a generation of enforcers for boomerisms. Gen x had nirvana, now it's get off my lawn.


Boohoo we watched 911 every year like it was cool


This isn't anything tbh, you watched a messed up video, that's not traumatic Edit: I just wanted to say this isn't even exclusive to genx, I saw a guy get decapitated by the cartel and a jar both be and break somewhere it never should be and I barely think about those things.


They told my kids that if they got too close to anyone they loved it could give them COVID and kill them. Seems like every generation has something that'll fuck them up.


I saw plane fly into the second tower and my teacher gave us extra math homework because "we probably won't have school tomorrow because of this".


Your teacher really said "oh no! Anyways...". Tbh pretty messed up


Yea, I remember all the counseling and hugs we got after JFK, RFK ,& MLK were killed in the 60’s . Good times.


I remember sitting in class and watching it live… macabre little shits we were, we immediately started talking about which teacher we’d have sent.


I'm so tired of these generational trauma Olympics you see on tiktok everyday....


And we gave folks permission to cling to trauma for their whole lives and use it in place of a personality or meaningful existence. Space exploration is badass ass. Humans do badass shit. Sometimes we explode trying to be more badass. Don’t forget to film it.


I had bronchitis and strep throat when that launch failed. I came back to school and the first interaction I had with another student was him asking me what NASA stands for. I said I didn’t know. His reply: Need Another Seven Astronauts


It’s cute watching older generations complain about media trauma like millennials didn’t watch live suicides on 9/11 and gen z/alpha aren’t doing active shooter drills and getting gunned down. I’m never going to die in a space shuttle crash. I could actually be gunned down just going to the store.


Wow, well thank you for your service, Gen-X. You are truly an inspiration for all generations who came before your generation and those who will come after. 🫡


dont forget duck n cover drills for the global thermo nuclear war threats during the cold war with the ruskies. fun stuff. hey kids you can all be vaporized in an instant at any moment, make sure you get your homework done early


This doesn't sound as difficult as you think, why tf would everyone get counseling for that.


Counseling because the space shuttle blew up would be pretty stupid.


We didn't have counseling when Columbia burned up wither, which, would have also been kind of stupid. On the other hand we millennials didn't even have counseling for 9/11 even though we were all children watching thousands die live.