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Dont trust Humans because humans commit 100% of the crimes


Nuh uh, I've seen plenty of pigeons steal stuff from stores and people.


Birds are drones created by humans


I've heard this from a flat earther


Yes, all of the flat earthers around the world 😂


>around the world *Flatness intensifies!*


I guarantee at one point a flat earther has suggested you breath air.


He also denied gravity was real. He tried to explain it to me but I just ignored him.


Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day; sometimes those flat-earth folks just get lucky


me too true story


If it flies it spies


You’re joking right


Pigeon: “fucking narc”


Fucking. Seagulls


Are there laws against pigeons stealing something? If not, it's not a crime.


But they don't have rights. So they are not citizens and can't physically commit any crimes.




You my friend have never had a run in with the Racoon mafia. Let me tell those guys are real bastards. I woke up one day and saw this Racoon holding a baseball bat little bastard broke my knee caps while his bros proceeded to raid my pantry. No everyone pays them protection cheezits.


Misanthropy as Fairness.


As a misanthrope, I agree.


Only women have committed space crime though.


Right? My anti-social ass is over here like, let's all just avoid everything about each other! There'd be no problems if we just 100% stayed out of other people's business, lol.


This is why I want to move to Mars 100% crime free


And soon under the control of god emperor Musk.


Feel free to do so, but you'll still won't excape from yourself.


Damn, simple but deep. Loved it. ![gif](giphy|gjAZnZCjfteMD7ZuCG|downsized)


Here before 🔒award


Here before \[\[removed\]\] award


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Chat is this real


No, Yes.


Not yet


Yea yes






Whatch it fet removed by mods for "polarisation"


I can't wait to see the first person commenting saying that actually their prejudice *is* justified because men do most of the crime. Totally missing that while most crime *is* committed my men, most *men* never commit any crime. It would be like saying "most terrorism is committed by men, therefore I'm worried every man is a terrorist"


"All whores are women. Therefore All women are whores" This is kinda logic I get


Well, I mean, not all whores are women. I saw a compelling documentary about the subject about a guy named Deuce


Right most women are whores got it


The same about rapists. There are numerous Women who rape. But general image of a rapist is a Man. I am not saying I believe these things. My comment was about the absurdity of the logic


Are you saying "not all women"? That's a trigger word or micro aggression or dog whistle or some other bs I can use to insinuate you're a bad person! Shame on you!


Most of them aren't because they don't ask for money.


People need basic competency in set theory and statistics. The world would be a better place.


bro you beat me to it i was actually about to make a post asking if people would rather see a black man or a bear goddammit i was gonna call everyone racist it was gonna be awesome


Your prejudice against prejudice people is quite striking


"There are two things I can't stand...intolerance of other cultures, and the Dutch!"


I think it’s good to be concerned about these problems so we take necessary steps to ensure that it’s getting better. Like people in ghettos being more criminal so the ones responsible should try to help them out of that devils circle


I'd say, it's not about prejudice rather than biological facts here. Regardless of good or bad intentions, men are on a large average stronger and faster than women. If I was a woman and I was alone with a stranger man, yeah I'd be at least less comfortable than if it was another woman, regardless of "race", since those hardly make a difference in this regard.


The primary difference in my mind is that there's a lot of historic racism one needs to be careful of on the topic of black people (for example) whereas no such consideration is warranted when it comes to men as a whole. Don't mistake that as me saying one kind of prejudice is more justifiable than the other, I'm very much not, but I am saying that one is a lot less problematic on a societal level than the other. Put another way, and I know this is unpopular on Reddit, a dominant demographic is in a position where their prejudice can do far more damage than the same prejudice in a weak demographic.


A person i know said that black people are "forced to do crimes because of the patriarchy". Don't really know what it means and don't really care


it's bullshit lol


That's just word salad from a well meaning child who doesn't know what they're talking about about. There's real complaints about patriarchal social norms, but it's not the root cause of crime statistics for black men or even men 😂


It means that they're insane


they are forced to do crimes because of capitalism, but like not as a group. People that are at a disadvantage in any country are often forced to do crimes because poverty breeds crime. I could see how the person couldve perhaps meant it, but only really really really indirectly. ( why "cuz capitalism"? because its the current norm and has to do with wealth distribution ig)


Semi unrelated but I know for a fact in my area if you show any signs of serious social issues when getting your first flat they lump you in with the problem people (typically the first flat you get is rented to you by the government where I live) Kids as young as 10 breaking into shops after closing and trying to sell you coke/ket kinda places I wish I was making that last part up but I'm not and it's fucking depressing explaining to a kid I'm not buying his shitty ket.




likewise dont be afraid of women to press false rape/harassment charges.


Exactly! Most people are normal good people. Social media and the news just have incentives to make everybody fear everybody.


Took me ages to realize that complementing a girl wouldn't get me arrested for sexual harassment just because I was conditioned to do believe that by the Internet


I think the point was more that as soon as it becomes a he said she said, she wins. Not that women are more dangerous than bears as a group. It’s a commentary of our legal system.


there was a game about this i forgot about the name of it but yeah if you arent facing against a pysopath the other person is probably as normal as you its just statistics most people are just normal thats why the term anormal exist another reason this happens is ppl focus on one rapist or murderer etc they saw while ignoring the thousands of normal people they see daily bc those arent as memorable and they dont care about them so no there is a much lower chance than most ppl think that somebody will pop outta nowhere with a shotgun and blast/rape them


Fun fact: IIRC, the rate of confirmed false allegations of rape is similar to the rate of false allegations for other crimes


But the reputation fall in this one is much major


Well false allegations that get found to be false. False allegations where the accuser is never caught are harder to quantify. (I'm not saying rape accusations have a higher or lower rate, I'm just saying we don't know if they do.)


So black men have double prejudice 😔


That makes me wonder, who would the most prejudiced person in the world be?


Me. I took all the prejudice to spare you from it. Now go and spread my word.


Changes all the time. Right now I'm pretty confident, at least in the western world, it's white men. You can basically say any prejudice about white men in public, on TV, on social media all over the place.


Probably not *the* most prejudiced group out there, but most likely the group against which you could show your prejudice and even hate, and not suffer any consequences because of it.


But about which group is talked more in terms of prejudices right now? Maybe Jewish but surely white is up there


Lol definitely not white men dude, they get some prejudices but they’re definitely not the most prejudiced people even in the western world


Then who?


Jews probably


Welcome to intersectionality


I’m way ahead of yall, I fear everyone.


Likewise, we all fear you


Most women don't behave IRL like they do on Reddit. So just ignore it. It's full of overly dramatic people and people who act one way online and totally different in person.


I wish I had had your experience My experience has not been the same. And I am a woman. I am a woman in the charity sector though, where I think the problem is particularly severe.


I'm in field sales and meet complete strangers every day and I find most people pleasant. There are the outliers for sure, but I just discard them from memory.


Why do you think the problem is more severe in the charity sector?


Guilty, im talking shit here for the sake of killing time, while i enjoy roleplay, sometime i feel some redditor really take it personal


The old double standard


Fun fact: despite being a small percentage of the population, criminals commit 100% of the crimes.


If you’re gonna fear someone because of crime stats you should do it because of the area/part of the city and when you do it’s prudent to fear everyone that lives in that part of the city. Ghettos aren’t restricted to just one race. Odds are that no one in a really nice neighborhood is gonna assault you but everyone in a bad neighborhood could.


When you don’t understand the psychology behind stats…


OP its not all men, but almost *all* women have a story of a Man acting creepy towards them. Seriously, ask your mother.


A month or so ago I was lurking on an app where a woman posted something in the line of "I always assume that a man isn't trustworthy and woman is, and then both of them have to work to change my perspective". I asked her that while I understand where she is coming from, does she at least acknowledge that what she's saying is basically the textbook definition of sexism. I didn't use the word misandry, just sexism. She told me that men commit way more crimes against women than women do against women or men and so it's only logical that she assumes the way she does. I just said alright and stopped the convo. I personally think it's odd to start with assuming either trustworthy or not to start with, just start neutral and see the colours as they show, but that's not really my pet peeve. My issue is that she didn't acknowledge that she is being sexist. It's the hypocrisy that hurts. Anyway, I was feeling pretty down that night and just posted about that conversation on some subreddit saying it kinda makes me sad if I've to always start off as a predator in a woman's view. The commenters called me an incel and said my post was male tears. Kinda realised that this topic is not really worth discussing for me.


unfortunately its always the worst people in a group that set that groups reputation for everyone outside the group not enough people keep that in mind and just judge a whole group based on the reputation, as if it were representative of the *average* person in that group


There are two things I hate. Prejudice against other peoples cultures… and the Dutch.


Gamers are truly the most oppressed group


Actually gamers are the most powerful group, because they can say the N word


Immigrants! That's how they do you know. Just drive around listening to raps and shooting all the jobs.


Yeaaahh no if a purple person kept attacking me everytime I went outside I'm going to be weary of purple people. Call it whatever you want, if the next purple person got upset that I thought he might attack me because of my prior experience I would give zero fks. Stay offended. It's basic survival mechanisms, if you get offended by something like that you are a snowflake and that's some first world bullshet. There's a kid in Palestine that's had his family blown to pieces and is starving right now while you cry about why you are a statistic of a stereotype, or a prejudice assumption.


OP its not all men, but almost *all* women have a story of a Man acting creepy towards them. Seriously, ask your mother.


How is this a meme and not just a political statement? Don't turn this into r/dankmeme


How is this a meme and not just a political statement? Don't turn this into r/dankmeme


If all lives matter was a meme


Black people aren’t inherently stronger than other Races. Men are inherently stronger than women.


Oh shit, I didn't realize this sub and everyone in it is trash.


I love how half the comments here are people trying to justify their prejudice with statistics anyway.




It's not like fear is rational to begin with. It's just a survival mechanism. Resisting it is the thing that requires the use of reason.


Statistically, white people in the USA commit crime at higher rates than black people…but that is not represented in “crime” statistics which only use conviction rate to determine criminality. I pointed this out to a (white) high school friend insisting that black people commit more crimes because they are over represented in prison. He blocked me when I asked how much prison time he received for getting caught selling some pot to an undercover cop one day (spoiler: basically none, he got probation and some hours of community service)


What is per capita? If you don't understand that, that's a *you* problem. 🤷‍♂️


Apt name, lies a lot.


Fuckers acting like they've never heard of the expression, "treat every snake you don't know as if it was venomous"


Imagine saying the same thing about black people If it's prejudiced to say that about black people, it is prejudiced to say that about men.


redditors when something from India🤬🤬 same thing but japan/SK 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Fear all men because they are humans and, as such, are self-centered and dangerous and unpredictable.


then you shuld fear everyone not just men. and to be frank fering everything is not a helthy way to live


I'd say it's more that I don't trust anyone. You only have to be afraid if you can't control the environment. I know this sounds paranoid and sad but everyone looks out for their own interests and it's when you forget that is when life reminds you.


I dont trust shit, and always assume  people are going to do the most selfish option first. 


call me an optemist but i beleve the majorety of people ar basicaly good people. not that bad people don't exsist, they definatly do. but i do have a sertain levle of societal trust for people not to be dangerus.


And I've been burnt too many times. Always taking the high road, turning the other cheek, or killing em with kindness is exhausting and degrading after a while.


wer all shaped by personal eksperiance i sepose


That's 2024 humanity for you!


100% of murder is caused by people & crows.


the fact that insurance companies can do this legally is mind-boggling


Here before the 🔒


Well I look at people around me and the are I am in. If I see some things I see as redflags I will use prejudice to not get robbed or killed. If I am in london and there is group of 10 black teenagers, men in their twenties with backlavas holding their crotch, I am not going near them. If you guys do so... well you do you. If you dont, then you have prejudice aswell but it can save your live. Women should be ton more prejudiced than men as their defensive capabilities are even lower and they are even more likely to be victims. If someone is not using knowledge of statistics to their advantages for the sake of not being "rasist" or any other pejorative, its you way, good for you. Enjoy being scammed, robbed etc.


Im ok with all forms of prejudice


Reddit and treating Statistics like scripture, name a better duo.


Here before the lock


I just went through your comment history OP and you are just straight up Myrna from Fallout 4


Every women acts like your advocate when....


But it’s still ok to be prejudicial against Pitt bulls right? They were bred to eat babies after all.


Thisnis a memes chanel


Respond to intuition of danger and if you have prejudices check rather they are tracking to observable reasons for fear, there’s a big difference from being scared of black men and being intimidated by a group of black men congregating in a threatening manner in area where there’s a higher probability of being made a victim of crime, knowing that potential prejudice might be exacerbated by street fashions that glamorous criminal adjacent garbs or hobbies ie balaclavas and e bikes around areas for theft etc, so unfortunately these biases can be refracted by groups prejudiced in relation to street fashion, but if you don’t extend that to white or Asian people in the same scenario know that you have prejudices to be challenged and checked, all whilst knowing that some point you will make confessions of risk, as even if there’s alarm bells for group x y z you’re statistically more likely to come to harm from friend or family member. Snap probabilistic danger assessment are primal and hard to be ignored and of course societal and cultural information will negatively impact these biases in a way hard to engage with as the rational agent model of cognition increasingly is looking shoddy so concessions for fallibility and adaption should be made, same reason you shouldn’t view your nan using outmoded language with utter disgust if they do show some willingness to change and adapt. Stay jolly y’all and try and not be a dick.


I worked at a store for years. Less than 5% of people are rude over dramatic septic spuwers of those. 90% of them made a scene because they got caught stealing. The funny thing is you get a sixth sense for noticing who's going to be a problem they all have subtle tells. Having someone yell in your face leaves a lasting effect on ya. Edit: The average American doesn't know the definition of a lot of words.


Don't fear cartoonists because of propaganda. (just ask them about the "cime stats")


Didn't anybody teach you to be careful of all guns in case they're loaded?


Black people steal… but so does everyone else 👨🏾


There's a reason the American conservatives are behaving the way that they do. Unfortunately some have confused the fight for equality with marginalizing what they perceive to be the dominant group or oppressor. Some don't want just equality but revenge or they believe that returning the same energy of being marginalized will make things better. I seriously wish humanity worked that way but it doesn't. It just digs the divide between groups even deeper and makes harmony and equality even more difficult to achieve. The story is the same every single time. To actually close the divide, connect as human beings, and move forward collectively in a positive direction we all need to learn compassion and forgiveness.


It's not about race, it's about class. Black people have always played with a huge disadvantage and have been set up to fail, socially and economically by an evil system, still to this day. If you live in a poorer area and belong to a poorer class you're more likely to turn crime. Black people have been historically less well off that white people. People like you just never ask themselves why that is. (spoiler it's because racism has been and still is rampant in more subtle ways in that society) The "prejudice" against men is about gender, and it's something only women can understand. Obviously being generally hateful towards men is antisocial behaviour, but there's a reason women distrust men as much as they do. You'll have to deal with a lot of shit from men from a young age if you're a woman, so being generally distrusting is understandable, as long as society doesn't solve that issue. Just like with black people, it's a life experience you can't fully understand if you're outside that group, and you have to make an effort to do so. Your dogwhistling meme completely ignores all of that and comes across as victim mentality. I don't pretend to speak on behalf of those groups, but there's this whole baggage you have to consider even if you will never be able to grasp its extent.


Hot take. OP doesn't realize how much bs and creeps women have to deal with on a daily basis. Women are required to hold up their guard around men as a principle to avoid the unlikely/likely chance of getting assaulted (depending on the area - like egypt, india, etc.. effing rip if you're born as a woman in those countries) Edit: I seem to have made a fatal, fundamental mistake. Getting into a reddit argument. The horror.


I mean I'd say by that logic sure its valid to be afraid of men due to personal experiences as opposed to statistics as this meme shows. Would you agree then it would also be valid to be afraid of other groups due to personal experiences?


So you're saying we're to be feared?


OP most likely does realise how much bs and creeps women have to deal with on a daily basis but she still understands that that does not justify prejudice,, feeling scared of men is ok for the most part as you cant really control your emotions or at the very least it's really hard to do it, but fully believing that men are worse than women or something is different


I am a woman I have been sexually assaulted multiple times. Men are about twice as likely to be murdered by strangers as women Imagine applying the same logic towards black people.


To be fair, I do think it is different in different countries. I have spent a year of my life in India and it has been where the majority of my sexual assaults have taken place.


That wasn't the point of the post. The point of the post was why is it tolerated to negatively generalize some topic and others not


Oh my fucking god, I'm so tired about the bear question. Ok, alright. The bear question communicated what it wanted to say very poorly. First of all, it's a loaded question already it's not "your average Joe or a bear" it's "a man or a bear", that said this is barely the big issue with it. The question is in essence: "are you afraid of meeting a man in the woods alone", and now it's a lot clearer, most men don't harass women, but a lot of men in positions of power do (and men by far are still overrepresented in positions of power), they reach very far and a large portion of women (up to a third of all respondents in certain studies) have reported being harassed or assaulted in some way, this, I think, is probably enough to get most answers on the bear side, but couple that with the internet spreading fear and perhaps rightfully angry, defensive responses from men for being compared to a monster on four legs, and we got fucking ratioed by bears. Now, a clash of perceptions, feelings and identity, is hardly a black and white matter, it can have two sides both wrong and right in a messy horrifying amalgamation of human cognition, so it's important to understand eachother and get through poor communication... So next time instead of being on the defensive, try to understand each other. This question had a lot of potential in communicating the fear a lot of women have to go through, in certain places in the very day-to-day of their lives. Edit1: And now to the accusations of prejudice, of course there are misandrists, and of course they were there alongside other women answering bear becuase they, differently form the other women on the polls, just think all men are inherently dangerous rather than the feeling of fear caused by collective trauma, you see, their previous fear made them easy targets to be radicalized and turned to hate, but they are massively overrepresented in our perception because in the internet, whatever is most outrageous is what gets the most clicks and attention span, and what gets the most clicks is what gets promoted, so reporting on them does better in the various algorithms of the Web2.0, in real life these people barely exist, mostly being represented by the terf movement which is another whole can of worms i won't get into, remember this fear caused by collective trauma is justified, what isn't is hate.


Now the next part, this is very different from the issues black people go through, until 2015 we were still uncovering redlining (and maybe we still could be), you see, there is a long history of racially targeted solid law against black people, which means black people are disproportionately represented in poor populations, which because of socioeconomic factors are often pushed into crime, oft for their very survival. Because the system in countries like the US is rigged against poor people in an outrageous manner, where it's more expensive to live if you don't have enough money to care for yourself because there are no social safety nets and the lack of regulations means you can wind up receiving wildly insufficient pay. So there is no benefit of trying to understand the racists which still make this classist system very much racially targeted.


I mean I see a few people who are actually doing that




Inherently yes. It's the worst form of math and far from useful as facts. I could generate statistics to make any group of people look terrible.


Here before the archive


I never got race based prejudice. If you see a black man wearing proper clothes, seemingly well educated and/or well behaved, with no obvious signs of meaning to do any harm, you won't feel "prejudiced". If you see someone dressed like a criminal, with the education of a potato and the behaviour of a rabbid rat, obviously in the process of committing a crime, you will be justified in your prejudice, be they white or black or any colour.




Your socioeconomic background doesn't equate to you propensity for crime, I've seen poor people who are kind, well mannered and even willing to help people. I have also seen people who use their background as an excuse to vandalise, steal, harm, loiter and overall bother people and lower the quality of life for everyone. You don't have to drink or do hard drugs if you are poor yet people do, you don't have to steal anything that isn't bolted down if you are poor, you don't have to damage other people's property if you are poor, you don't have to disregards public morals if you are poor, you don't have to chop down ancient protected trees if you are poor, you don't have to make children fear being outside if you are poor, you don't have to be vulgar if you are poor... People in general are just prone to committing crimes, and the real criminals prefer when people blame others based on sterotypes rather than actual real evidence because it takes the attention away from them. These blame games we've had going on for the last couple of years are just destroying society without actually dealing the crime on a case by case or even causal basis.


Did someone misunderstood the bear hypothetical again.


Well you see the statics don't actual show that black men are more likely to commit crime than white men, but the statistics do show that men do in-fact commit a lot of violence towards women. Also no one is saying you should fear men. Hell even the man vs bear thing is just a joke meant to highlight how dangerous is can be for a woman.


>Well you see the statics don't actual show that black men are more likely to commit crime than white men This contradicts western europe statistics.




That is clearly not what I said.


The stronger correlation is that poor people commit the most violent crime and there is a secondary correlation that black people are more likely to be poor. Never mind how the statistics are skewed by the legacy of racist policing practices. Such nuance doesn't exist for crimes committed between the sexes.


There really isn't that much nuance for crimes committed by men towards women. Poverty isn't as big a factor as you think in things like rape and abuse, poor people are just more likely to be convicted.


No I meant poverty is more correlative with assault or theft


My prejudice against any group of people is justified.


Most prejudices are indeed wrong, including those you listed. Still I would advocate for some of them - when I see a pitbull, I refuse to let my guard down. Nope. There have been way too many cases of them going berserk.


Being cacious about everyone isn't bad, it's very natural being paranoid about it is extremely unhealthy


You should check out the ask feminist sub reddit. Every single person in there is so full of delusion. It is sad and scary.


Think that's bad? Get on any gaming, generic meme, or Joe Rogan-like comedy podcast sub and see what full grown adult men are like...






Fearing men is something only told to women, which makes sense, because men can easily overpower women and are just more dangerous than other women. A black guy is just a guy but black. Being wary of a man because its a man is justified, only fearing black men is not.


Should all men fear men as well? Men are almost twice as likely to be killed by a strange man as women are.


I know I do. I can easily get overpowered by most other dudes if a conflict starts


Yeah sure? If you're scared of guys you can be scared of guys man idk what to say. I love men so I dont care


It's sad how men are also greatly hated against but most of the people around me say "you can't be exist to a guy."


Woman have to watch out for their drinks so they don't get cinderela man. The crime rates from black people is generally because of police targeting black community. There's not an actual reason for a white person to be afraid of black people because they are black, but woman need to be cautious around man, so they don't get assaulted. One in every two women have a story about being sexually assaulted, that is not the same thing for black people.