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Just like a multitude of epic anime happenings take place in Japan and particularly Tokyo. Home turf bias is nothing unnatural when it comes to fiction.


There is also Astérix and Obélix who live in France's territory and who heroically resist the Roman empire


Or the amount of crazy stuff that goes down in Kdramas primarily in South Korea.


This phenomenon must be explained.


“Write what you know.”


I think it’s because much of the world screens US movies. With manga and anime becoming more popular we may see people get prissy about Japan too.


I think the difference is that Japanese dont really believe they save the world from Kaijus 😅 While (_some_) Americans believe they actually spread freedom and not steal natural resources and/or monetize war 😅


It’s not even real. It was filmed in Canada, for god’s sake. Canada!!!


Are you telling me that the documentary about Bruce Willis saving us from that asteroid didnt actually happen?


Armageddon was the dramatisation, Deep impact was the documentary.


That's what they want you to think


What are you going to say next? That the biopic about a kid being orphaned and using his parents'wealth to train himself and fight crime in his city as a bat-themed superhero is fake? Pfft, I'm not buying it


No one has saved the world


Vasili Arkhipov


Id say he prevented more than saved


Prevented the world from ending yeah


same as saving to me


I’d argue not so much save when you nearly cause end of the world due to a computer error


So that means he saved the world from that specific thing


I don't know the guy, but when somebody fires a bullet at you, I stop the bullet. I prevented the bullet hitting you, and doing so saved your life. (Is things analogy applicable?)


The analogy is more like Vasil refused to fire, when the other officers wanted to thinking the enemy was attacking when they weren’t.


I'd love to hear your difference for those words. Because to me they seem pretty interchangable


Dr Alexander Fleming


The fertilizer guy


He is also the father of chemical warfare


Say that to your vegetables And many scientists don't like how their research are used


They are just fixing the problems they indirectly created




Yk theres such thing as swinging too far in the other direction... america has done countless amazing things, namely the incredible production of the covid vaccine, utilising globalism and american prosperity to deliver a life and economy saving vaccine around the world. America does good, america does bad, and the denial of either is idiotic


The first covid vaccine was in the UK, are you referring to manufacturing it in large numbers?


Yes I am as well as the subsequent boosters and I think its undebatable that the globalism and powerful ties between germany, the uk and america is what got us that vaccine. Id happily commend any other country involved and Id also say biden had an incredibly effective role out of the vaccine very early into his presidency


Fair enough


Wow, a lot of bots here.


Yeah. Post got all those russian trolls pulled in to glaze the USSR.


I’m happy the majority of ppl in these comments aren’t dumb enough to agree with this just bcz we like to joke “haha America dumb”.


I mean America did literally foot the bill for the reconstruction and feeding of Europe after WW2, Ukraine was devastated and America was the other bread basket to provide food during reconstruction. This is to go beyond the fact the US provides 30% of global aid, maritime protection nearly globally allowing safe trade, despite the shitty Healthcare the US has by leaps and bonds the best pharmaceuticals and r&d. America isn't perfect, but they're directly linkable to alot of major good things se couldn't go without, hell the US dollar and treasury allows a stable base for nations to put their money into allowing financial stability before anything before.


America is also the primary reason why Ukraine hasn't fallen to Russia, and a large reason why the allies won WWI. Our support of Korea both during the war, and after, keeps South Korea from being North Korea, and our stance in NATO, having the largest military in the world, acts as a deterrent from other nations from invading. We certainly don't do everything, and there are other factors at play, but let's not pretend we do nothing


And America is the primary reason the Soviets didn't fall to the Nazis, if you don't Believe me look up how much of the fuel and munitions the society used were from the US lend lease program


But but America bad!!!




Western Europe isnt the world unfortunately


What does has to do anything with what Op said?


The Marshall plan basically only sent aid to a few countries in Western Europe, which is what OP's first point was referencing. There was also a strong motif of ensuring that they stayed in American influence rather than Soviet, so it wasn't even just to help people. Stalin called it economic imperialism.


Regardless of other motivating factors you can confidently say that western nations did better than eastern bloc nations ever did, yes ofcourse America didn't want soviet influence spreading further but it ultimately saved lives


It’s true. Poor Japan is still devastated to this day. Very sad 😔




Instead of communist imperialism where they took over the governments of the nations they took back from the Nazis and then put a wall up covered with mines, guard posts, machine gun nests and razor wire to make sure no one leaves the eastern bloc and the uptoia of the Soviet Union.


I never called the Eastern bloc a utopia, that would be absurd.


Some people in these comments think it was sadly.


That the US only protects Western interests.


Who should the US protect? I didn't read that in my immigration class


Because all of the Jews and Bolsheviks were in Western Europe!!! Right! 😅 some of you need to go back to class.


What's the alternative then? Who did more?




Well hard to reconstruct Eastern Europe when it’s under the control of a hostile power


Weather you like it or not international shipping is protected by the US when shipping boats started getting attacked in the Red Sea by the Houthis America showed up to protect them and it wasn’t the first time the protected international shipping in the area when Iraq was fucking with shipping we stepped in and when Iran and probably numerous others


I mean they literally asked if the Eastern European countries wanted in on the Marshall Plan but Papa Stalin said no.


I love these memes… let’s see how all the other countries do if/when the US stops sending aid, weapons, and carrier fleets.


Oh they'll get back to getting along. You know, how it was historically before the US.


So you’re completely ignoring all of history then


I was being sarcastic.




So peace existed throughout history up until 400 years ago?


I'm on your side dipshit


My bad, reading is fundamental… I’ll erase my reply :)


Ah yes, people also forget that the US is the country that has more nobel prizes than the next 5 countries combined.


Vietnam I mean you guys literally burned villages there, us troops commited massacres of Vietnamese civilians. Cambodia and laos were also bombed, with bombing being mostly done with no thought about avoiding civilian targets. Laos has the largest number of undetonated explosives. It is also the country which has had the most explosives dropped on it, in all of history. Most of these are American bombs dropped on laos, which the us was not even at war with. Pakistan: support of Pakistani through the isi of islamist radicalists with us funded weapons, including isis, the caliban, isis k, mujahideen groups that would become members of alquaeda among others The us also supported the Pakistani genocide in Bangladesh, where following the murder of over 95 percent of all educated Bangladesh’s, with us funded weapons. The us minister for foreign affairs who supported the genocide, and congratulated Pakistani on how well they handled the situation in bengal. Iraq: where a relatively stable country was made into a mess of a war-zone for the past 20 years, and where us actions have caused over 6 million civilian deaths according to studies done jointly be harvard and brown. Libya The us helped overthrow a relatively stable government under which libya was Africa’s most developed nation with a population over 5 million according to un development agency’s hdi rankings. Into a war zone for 15 years.


I'm always surprised at how unknown the atrocities US soldiers did to Filipino natives at the start of the 20th century. Look up the Moro Crater Massacre, just bear in mind the Wikipedia article has NSFL mass grave picture. I'm not gonna link photos because it's genuinely fucked up but they are of US soldiers posing in front of hundreds of dead women and children (with some of the bodies' breasts and throats slit off) It's just so crazy how US is associated with fighting for freedom against imperialists only to do the exact fucking thing to their own territory.


You either die a young new idealistic nation or grow up to be like every nation that ever existed in Europe and Asia.


This meme is a massive generalisation (and a poor one) but the world could function if the USA collapsed, yes it would take years for the political and economic situation but after a while the world would recover.


Off course the world could function, some other major player would step in. Every place the US steps out of, China moves in for instance. Whenever there is a power vacuum something fills it.


Exactly, yea the US helps a lot of people, but it's not important to the point the entire world collapses


Non American nations usually: lol, stupid, silly, arrogant Americans. Always pretending they're our saviors. Non American nations when something happens: AMERICA, HEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!


The US is what makes modern trade across the seas possible. Just saying.


Lotta people don't know very much history and it shows 🤣


America may have not saved the entire world, but they did prevent what could’ve been a massive invasion of multiple countries beyond Europe. Aka the N@zi invasion


Half of your posts are about America. Cope harder chud


I didn’t realize we were deleting history now


But countries keep asking for money and help when they get invaded from the US. It sure as hell is not the UN that's going to help.


No one has saved the world, but the US definitely saved and helped rebuild Europe with the marshal plan. And before anyone says that it was the soviets single handily won WW2. Remember the lend lease and the amount of money and resources the US sunk into keeping the USSR alive.


If America wasn’t in Western Europe its also highly likely the USSR would have turned of all Germany and France into soviet puppet states


Stalin even said they would have lost without lend lease.


In actuality, we are generally unaware of the circumstances and arrive late every time.


That gun in the soviet union made a decision that if not for him nuclear war would’ve happen, i forgot his name but prolly Vasily or sum


That story cracks me up. He saved everyone by not believing his own country’s equipment. A Russian “saved” the world from Russia.


As a Canadian I never understood how our neighboring country joined only for the last year of WW2. While we and the Brits were at the front lines the entire length of the war.


As an American I would like to suggest for you to go back and check your information. There was something you may not have heard of called, hmmm, “PEARL HARBOR”, in which afterwards all Axis powers declared war on the US. Oh yeah and I forgot about the countless weapons and equipment sent to the Russians, oh yeah and the aid shipments sent to Great Britain, which, let me check, technically means Canada had access to said shipments being as you were and still are under the British Crown.


Firstly, American involvement in the war began in the 1930s. American lives were lost in cargo boats long before official involvement began. Secondly I think you may be misinformed about history. The United States offically entered the war in december 1941. The war ended in 1945. The United States had to gear up for a two front war stretching 3 continents and more than 10,000 miles. Japan(Asia), North Africa and Europe. Japan was first priority(1942), then North Africa(1942) and into Italy(1943). Then D-day into Northern France(1944). Each time the American troops came in, it gave the allies the numbers, food and equipment needed to win.


Me when american movies made in a america by americans are about america


It’s because we’re the ones that make the movies. If you want your country to save the world, start making movies


You're welcome world


I’d be lying if I said this is your most braindead “dur hur America bad” meme


America when oil is discovered in a country's geography - "we need to save their freedom from their democracy"


That’s low hanging fruit, this country is so vast and has plenty Uranium,coal,Natural gas,minerals,oil, That the current Political Zeitgeist isn’t concerned with natural resources as much as the lowly general public likes to conspire about. That’s a few generations down the line still…heavy industry hasn’t even began to make a dent in this country to the degree armchair politicians describe. You think the rest of the world hasn’t been pillaging resources?


Can't believe you people actually believe that the United States actually exist lmao. It's such a comically bad villain. No way it's actually real. Y'all Europeans really be angry over fucking fiction lmao


So real like I don’t even exist


I'm tired of us TRYING. Keep our soldiers AND our $ at home - let them work it out for themselves.


Apparently history is non existent


What specific parts?


Probably lend lease, Berlin airlift, the marshal plan. Massive donations to world hunger and charities.


Ok, so by similar metric, Canada also saved the world. Lend lease, berlin airlift, feeding the world, etc.


They contributed. But donating and supplying a fraction of what the US did doesn’t put them at the same level. Yeah you donating $100 to charity helps. But not as much as a benefactor donating a few million.


Nothing compared to Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq, Itan, Afghanistan.


WW2, post war famines and reconstruction, cold war, countless innovation and freedom of the seas that saved billions. The USA is by far the best thing that ever happened to humanity.


Ngl, but I think the discovery of fire was a bit better


Lol yeh. I might add in history.


People don’t understand the relativized notion of history, like Nationalism, Autocratic states, religious states. A lot of people think we are the suppliers of this hatred towards us and that isn’t true. We are the recourse from these situations, like it or not, imperial or not.


You forgot the "/s"


Good to see you wished nations bombed to oblivion starved and where left poor. Like what the soviets tried in Berlin until the US proformed the greatest act of logistics in the world and kept the entire city feed via air with the soviets actively trying to starve the population.


Well he’s not being sarcastic


I really hope he was.


What is there like a Russian bullshit machine pumping these things out daily? It's either that or we live rent free in worlds head.


I'm guessing you're not familiar with this little known conflict commonly referred to as world war 2 and the US involvement in it.


The US probably saved Europe and USSR, sure, but even then it’s debatable if Britain + USSR on their own could take on Germany. What most people get wrong is that the USA saved China from Japan in ww2. Yes, the war in the pacific against japan was 90% USA doing the heavy lifting, and I don’t deny that China could never have beaten Japan without US ‘help’, but USA did NOT save China. Because even though the USA took over japan in a military administration, the Japanese war criminals not only were NOT brought to justice, they were even pardoned and allowed to live in comfort in the USA. And that doesn’t sound like saving. The US got involved in WW2 not to save others, but for its own interests.


One of the main reasons that the majority of Japanese war criminals where let off with a warning was mostly due to how radicalised Japan still was, the US gov wanted to hang the emperor. But marshal and other US officials knew if they attempted a Japanese war crime trial case it would most likely end up with mass revolts in the Japanese population and plunge the US into a furious anti guerrilla warfare campaign which would be on higher if not worse levels of Vietnam. The USSR did also contribute perhaps the most to the war, straining Germanys reasorces and destroying most of their offensive capabilities. However they were only able to push back the Nazis thanks to US support. You can find great articles on the absurd amount of supplies the US have to the USSR which helped them stay in the war until their production capacity could be built back up.


Leadership of squad 731 was evacuated in USA. Its like if Gebbels or Mengele were evacuated from Germany to prevent judgement


Maybe not Saved the World but helped Liberate a Handful a countries, or prevent them from being over run.


France, Britain, several countries in northern Africa, Italy, Japan, Australia, the Netherlands. Are those names that the United States liberated or prevented from being overrun and that was only in WW2. After WW2 the United States helped found the Nation of Isreal which probably saved hundreds of thousands of Jewish lives by giving them a place to go. Korea( to some extent) was saved from American efforts. There are also countless acts of diplomacy that helped keep peace. The foundation of the United Nations also would have been impossible without American involvement. Now we can also say that the United States provides most of the world aid and also provides valuable alliances that keep other countries from being invaded. The threat of American intervention usually deters most countries from entering wars.


Yeah. So maybe not saving the world but been a decently positive force within it. I know people like to clown on the US but we have done a lot of good in the world


I mean except for that one time in Germany, but after it went a little downhill


Once in Germany? There were TWO world wars.


Instead it’s just financial and militarily.


"Merica, fuck yeah! Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!"


The only real part is when US causes the apocalipse but at really slow motion or the movies asume the US goverment is capeble of make a particle accelerator with the size of Texas to create a black hole when in reallity they can't even make a particle accelerator inside Texas


My favourite is in Independence Day. When they figure out how to defeat the aliens and send messages all over the world and everyone’s like, oh thank god, about time the Americans saved us, lol.


in reality you do the exact opposite 🥴


Guess that's why your country is practically begging us to protect you from losing your regional power to Iran. We can produce enough oil to satisfy our needs. Maybe we should let Iran, Russia, and China have a turn. Maybe Iran should pillage your country and use your women to pleasure themselves. I think that sounds much better than sending our money and men to protect some sorry sack of shit like you.


The way you’re talking a out “your country” and “beggin us” makes me wonder how you view yourself


I view myself as someone who is tired of paying for another country's protection while those same countries mock the US for not having the same perceived quality of life or claiming that we apparently ruined the world. Is the US perfect? No. Have we generally tried not to be evil? Yes. We could have dominated the world for real after WW2 but chose to try to bring it up with us (if you chose us and not the soviets). Maybe if we went back to how things were pre WW2, the average American would have a better life. Of course for this to work, each country would need to be responsible for their own defences and welfare. If you can't do this then you just wouldn't exist.


I wonder who put the current iranian government in power 🤔


Iran doing a revolution


That's an ignorant take. The Iranian revolution took our guy OUT of power. You should do a little digging into what life for Iranian women was like before and now. If you want an example to make the US look bad, try South Korea after that war. Iran ain't it.


The Iranian Revolution.


Really wishing America would just pull entirely out of Europe so that Putler can teach these folks a lesson. Why are we defending lands that are literally this ungrateful while millions suffer back at home? Europe is in it’s entirety is paid for by America. Food, gas, oil, trade, and military. Win two world wars for them and they forget about it in less than a century. Pathetic.


why? because russia has been the USA's mortal enemy for the last 70 years. The US is why the russians have nukes. the rivalry between the soviets and the USA led to Korea, Vietnam, Soviets in Afghanistan, the Coalition in Afghanistan, and immeasurable fuckery in every corner of the globe. millions dead and trillions of dollars wasted. The US leads NATO, a treaty signed before you and I were born that promises military assistance in the face of soviet/russian aggression. whether you like it or not, the USA is at least partly responsible for the entire cold war. your NATO allies are expecting the treaty to be honoured, as the cold war lead to the buildup of weapons that are being used now. you guys kicked the hornets nest all those years ago (and rightly so). now that there's an opportunity to absolutely cripple Putin's ability to wage war for a long fucking time, you're all worried about the cost? do you really believe that the military will happily take budget cuts? it's time to clean up your mess, America. if you leave Europe in the lurch over this, I can see your superpower status slipping away. any treaty or agreement signed in the past could become forfeit, and you'll never be trusted again. btw, the USA never 'won two world wars' for anybody. you didn't even show up to ww1 until it was almost over, and then almost had your arses handed to you.


lol Saved what again?


It is actually just the opposite


Well I guess there was WW2……


The Western capitalist hegemony *is* the whole world to America.


America cannot even save themselves or their poverty ridden society. They just have Wet dreams about themselves and good CGI to visualise their wet dream


Kid named Lend-Lease and Marshall Plan Kid named footing the bill for NATO (especially during the cold war) Kid named largest donor of food Kid named global health initiative


Saved Europe in WW2, saved South Korea in the Korean War, gave military aid to Israel which it would have lost the 1948 war without, and is giving military aid to Ukraine which it would have already lost to Russia without


Americans have a warped view of reality where they actually believe they are the good guys. It’s a sickness.


Right right, so religious extremists, Communist, and fascists, are the good guys. The only person with a warped reality is you buddy.


I don’t know I would probably living under some Fascist or Communist dictatorship right now if it weren’t for them. So they’re the good guys in my eyes.


You mean, like China? That miraculously successful country?


The one that takes your rights away, and literally killed their own protesters while simultaneously denying it happened?


The one with thousands of human rights violations and is actively committing genocide against a ethic group. Or the one that has a social credit system right out of 1984 where if you protest against the government you become a 2nd class citizen if not arrested.


I would love it if the USSR would have taken over the world tbh


Mate you’d be among the first they would have sent to the gulag.


One global super power probably isnt a good idea, leaves very little resistance for rebellion, and rebellions are important for the inevitable corruption of powerful people


I didn't mean that the whole world should be led by one person, I meant that then maybe we wouldn't live under capitalism but in a communist world


Oh im for it but it would need to have a fail safe


What do you mean?


Well if it doesn't work there needs to be a way to revert to a more stable society




Right. Because ww2 was a minor skirmish. And more recently, not like the US didn't create the covid vaccine




2 of them


Europoors and other cringe non American nations coping so hard right now


They have to while they can lol, all of their "utopian" nations like china and Russia will fail, and for the europoors they know they are fucked without the US. And would've been fucked without the US historically.


Ah yes the tiny portion of history that the USA existed.


There’s a reason these new Russian and Bolshevik generations are so resentful, because of the lies they were told for decades, fake biology, fake science, fake religion, fake politics, the most pseudo religious state thats ever existed.


Never forget that America tried to "invade" Venezuela and the former green berets were arrested before they even got to the shore.


Private citizens acting without any clearance isn't the same as the USA.


If not USA most of europe would speak in german language


If anything... it would be Russian. Not that i like them, but truth is that it was Russians who defeated VAST majority of germans during WW2. Most of their soldiers were in eastern front, not in west.


Lend lease , and russian also started it with germany (pact ribentrop molotov)


I am from Poland... i know who started it... That doesnt change a fact that Russians ended it. We suffered for it for very long time even after war ended...


They sure did in WW2


Pretty accurate.


Should I post more memes related to USA?


I mean, who cares lmao OP.


Good ones, yes, overused and boring ones, nah.


The comment section is pretty enjoyable, so yea


Man, judging by your post history, the US lives rent free in your head. It's pretty funny to be honest and quite comical. Keep posting those US bad memes! I'm sure eventually one of them will be funny.


Wow you are so obsessed with a country you’re not even from. Very strange and obsessive lol you even have cutesy Putin memes🤢


If they're gonna be shitting on America, no.


WW2 movies?