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Well i mean... That's just normal. It's a matter of what people are used to. A Mexican would freeze to death in Britain. Edit: it buffles me how serious people take comments below of memes. I just picked the example Mexico, because it was the first hot country which came to my mind, because a study collegue of mine is from Mexico (I'm from Germany). and he really isn't used to our weather, which is not by a lot different than british. And i know, i know, there can be massive differences in weather within 1 country. And tbh it just strengstens my point: ask a guy from south france if he likes the weather in north france. He won't, it's to cold for him. TLDR: People react different to temperatures, it's a matter of what they are used to.


Mexicans come up to work the ski lifts in winter where I live. Those guys and gals are frankly just tough as fuck.


They adapt. Same as everyone else. When Texas had snowmaggedon (2021?) everyone was bitching about the cold.


Probably because the heating was failing and people died...


My parents house in Scotland doesn’t have AC either. Heaters yes, but if it goes past 90 it’s everything open and pray for wind. And that’s really common. Those places aren’t designed around the idea of needing to be cold.


No its not, the humidity here means u r sweat doesnt evaporate so u feel hotter.


The entire American Southeast is tropical swamps.


True, to be fair though, as a lifelong American desert rat, I can't handle the southeast AT ALL. I hear you get used to it, but I've never stayed long enough to do it.


When I was living in Australia, it felt really cold in winter at 15 degrees c after the summer, in Britain I've got my shorts and t-shirt on at 15.


Mexican here, no we wouldn't, from where I'm from (north of Mexico) we have both extremes of the temperature range: 40ºC+ during summer and up to -5ºC or colder during winter, and wild variances in humidity too, we're pretty well adapted to most types of weather.


Note:  -5ºC isn't an extreme


I said -5ºC or colder, 0 to -5 is the average during winter, some cities often get -15 to -20 (not so much in the last few years, because climate change), but we used to have'em pretty often.


Sorry we don't speak imperial


Yeah. 90 degree heat is almost the boiling point of water. I’m pretty sure no-one is enjoying that heat. Can we convert to scientific units please, not your hogwarts shit.




Wrong. Scientific it would be 305,37222 K


You got me


It would be 305 k


32.2222 + 273.15 is 305.37 K


That's insanely hot. 20° is about the highest you should want in your room.


Here in denmark, i cant get my room to anything lower than 28 🫠


Keep your blinds shut during the day and windows closed, only open them when it gets colder than inside


I live in Germany, my flat is on the attic level of the building, only 2 out of 7 windows in my flat are not rooftop windows. I put on reflective anti heat blinds on rooftop windows and keep my blinds closed, the temperature inside gets to 40°. I try to open the windows in the evening but I work long shifts, there is no effective air flow in the flat unless I open every window and the front door but then again I have cats inside and I don't want to play hide and seek with them with everything open, considering I only have around 30 minutes between comming home and going to sleep for the next shift the next day


Tf, i would freeze


Okay now compare 32c at 50% humidity with 32c at 75% humidity.


I mean usually st 90+ humidity here with those temps so like


maryland this past week has been pushing into the 100s (F) a lot lately. and very humid


That would be approximately 305.4


Than you my friend. Can I buy you a pint of beer for your troubles? A 500ml bottle of cola instead, if you don’t drink.


I see you haven't been to sauna.


>I’m pretty sure no-one is enjoying that heat. #🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮


Brits use celcius


Yeah. Proper British scientific units!


Technically, it's Swedish


Celsius is the most logical way to measure temperature.


Didn't you guys invent it?


Imperial is literally shorthand for British Imperial System.


*"I am the imperial!!"*


The audacity of a monarchy not using imperial lol


Mfers make a unit of temperature and forget how to use it. Basically all imperial units came from Britain


Answer me two questions, please :) 1. What measurements do you use for speed of vehicles? 2. What measurements do you use for consumer liquids? Thanks


Lol wrong. Weight in stones, height in feet and inches, and distance in miles - ring any bells?


Okay let me put it to you in simple terms 32.2222222


Neither does the US. Will you geniuses ever learn that fact?


im from the UK so i can actually give information about why its so bloody sweltering, rather than mindlessly listening to what people with AC think is hot 90% of the year its either cold, freezing, or cool (if you're lucky) so that 10% of heat hits us like a TRUCK, simply because we have no chance to climatise also, because its cold out most of the time, houses are built specifically to trap heat in. this becomes a major issue when you want the heat OUT, its like how cars heat up after being parked for a while except you have to live in there. its very smart design most of the time but completely fucks us in the summer another thing with houses is that there is no air conditioning whatsoever, this is again because its cold most of the time so we won't need it enough to justify installing it (real ones can tell its summer when its time to bust the fan out of the loft) and the final but most important thing, humidity. the air has a really high humidity compared to most places which makes the heat feel 10x worse. theres people who are used to 30-40⁰C+ heat that come to the UK expecting to be fine but get taken out by a measly 25⁰C, all because of how humid it is im sure anyone from the UK will remember 2022 when satan himself decided to give us a taste of what hell feels like and m̶a̶d̶e̶ r̶i̶s̶h̶i̶ s̶u̶n̶a̶k̶ p̶r̶i̶m̶e̶ m̶i̶n̶i̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ rose the temperature into the 40s. nintendo literally warned people not to turn on their switch because it might MELT in conclusion, they better not ban hosepipes this year and long live paddington bear!!


A friend of mine is Nigerian (came over just last year) and won't stop complaining about the heat.


It's similar with winter in Australia. There are Brits complaining that the houses are freezing, and Aussies are just like 'it's not even minus, you should be used to worse from your country, toughen up' ignoring the fact that our houses are leaky af and they get colder than houses in the UK even when it's in the minuses there.


As an Aussie currently in the UK, this is completely true. Summer is so much more comfortable in Australia but in England the heat just won't leave the buildings and makes it impossible to sleep. While the winter in the UK is completely fine because every building holds heat and has heaters.


Ironically I know someone exactly like that... Their name wouldn't happen to start with a K?


>so that 10% of heat hits us like a TRUCK, For real! I live in the Netherlands and from Sunday to Monday it went from like 20°C to 30°C. It's even too hot to cycle sometimes 😭


Same, i am currently melting in germany here


I work with someone from Ghana, and the other day he was absolutely roasting and it was 25°C/77°F... (My preferred temp is 27°C/80°F) Which honestly surprised me given that it regularly gets to 30+ in Ghana. Which is a testament to how the humidity fucks us over here when a Ghanian from a rainforest equator country was complaining about the humidity.


90% of the year its raining and cloudy AF here in England


Instead of banning hosepipes they'll probably just start pumping the sewage straight into them instead and passing it as a goodthing due to no ban.


In addition, as a French, we just jumped from 15 to 30 in TWO DAYS, so yea, we aren't Used to that heat anymore


I get what you’re saying. I’ve withstood 50 Celsius heat before just fine, but completely died in 100% humidity 30 Celsius weather. 


See wet bulb temperature. High levels of humidity can turn bearable temperatures into life threatening conditions.


Yeah. Im in germany and yesterday we had around 30°C and pretty high humidity. You weren't safe anywhere outside. Not even shade could get you at least some relief. It felt like you were engulfed in a warm layer of thick air.


It's also high humidity when it's cold too. Means you feel it in your bones. It's like being wet and cold.


This is so true! I grew up in Greenland where the humidity is very low, and even very low temps were fine as long as you dressed appropriately and put some serious moisturizer on your face before going out. But here! It does exactly what you say, just crawls into you bones and takes a ridiculous amount of padding to be tolerable.




UK in 30°C range today.


Yeesh, humid too?


Always humid - which is the issue


The crazy humidity makes the summers hard to breath in and the winters freeze your skin off


idk about you but if my blood is 10 degress from starting to boil i d also not feel that great


We have to deal with crappy "hahah britain is dying of heat stroke" memes ever summer now?


Yes. That and “they raided the entire world for spices and still don’t know how to cook with them” memes.


Jesus christ, the amount of people who copy that and yet somehow think it's original


they also weren't the only ones..


I grew up in the northern US (MI/IN/NH) and am now in Texas. When we got our murderous freeze a few years back, it was great insight into not talking mess about how other climates handle adverse weather. Did our state government fail us? 1000%. But we have never had the infrastructure to handle long-term freezing weather, and it's not people's fault they don't.


Whats with peoples obessions with going "THATS NOOT BAAD im sooo much more of a VICTIM, what about MEE" whenever someone complains about weather?


It's the favorite thing to do for many Americans. Especially if they live in an extreme environment or god forbid they're military and were stationed in an extreme environment, they'll never shut up about it. It's interesting to hear about sometimes, but when it's more of a "you have no idea how tough I am," I can't handle it, lol.


now lets twist that. Americans when there is a little cold: we lost texas i repeat we lost texas, 2000 people die in a minute. we need help!


I dont even know what happens in Texas when it isn't blistering hot. I don't think their brains are built for it


well last time tons of people died and it wasnt even that cold


Exactly, it gets a little chilly and everything goes wild. Also, only a few people died in car crashes because they aren't really taught how to deal with ice on the road since it never happens


You know, I was wondering why no one had a long sleeve shirt and a jacket. When you live in a toasty place, you accumulate to the heat though. So the cold does hit you harder


Alaskans: "Pathetic"


Alaskans when the sun finally comes out for 30 minutes: Time to shovel snow!


This is why the elite Americans are the ones living in the high deserts. Places where it can go from negative to over a hundred in the same year.


Cries in New Mexico 😂


It also get way colder in most of the US though. Where I live gets colder than probably anywhere in Europe and it’s not Alaska. Now that I think of it, it also probably gets hotter where I live than anywhere in Europe as well.






That's because Texas HaS its OwN pOwEr GrId, so of course it failed big time. A lot of the US is perfectly fine with cold weather. Haha.


Having recently immigrated from Phoenix, AZ to England, I can say with certainty that 80° F here is completely different than 80° F back in the desert, I’m fucking sweltering like a popsicle rn


Humidity exists


amen, it was 28C (82F) and 81% humidity yesterday, Eh iTS hOt


Yea its usually more humid in the US in places that are hot. Florida is a nightmare Chicago is a swamp we built a city on. Really the only places in America that get hot and not humid are like Arizona


Well average American room temperature is kinda cold because AC


Yup, there is a plenty of post of Americans complaining 70 is to hot for them and they wanna kilka their wife/coworker WHO is cold at that temp. :D


Average american bait


At the same time people from the USA in Europe complain about not having AC in a city which barely goes twice per year over 30 °C.


I'm German and I'm in the right picture. Everything above 21°C (70 fahrenheit) is pure agony.


Thank you. Nice knowing I'm not alone with that.


70 sounds like a lot, I have no idea how many bald eagles it is here outside of America but it sounds less


Fahrenheit right?




70 (21*C) IS warm when you’ve spent almost the entire winter in sub zero temperatures. What Americans don’t understand is that the climate doesn’t ease into summer, either. we literally go from single figures to up to 30•c in a week. Not only this but the general infrastructure here is shockingly shit. In winter, roads crack, heat escapes most houses- especially mine, it’s 50 years old. In the summer, most houses are like greenhouses and are really hard to cool down, since most don’t have aircon, and roads melt. It’s a stupid comparison honestly.


Ik everyone has said this, doesn't make it any less true: British homes are built to keep heat in, we have double glazed windows, insulted walls and rooves, no AC. Our weather changes wildly, we don't get time to acclimatise either. I doubt any sensible American would be outdoors in 30+ C for the fun of it, no they just stay indoors with AC and homes so fragile that you can punch through a wall (it'll still be the price of a couple organs anyway).


South Italian (Sicily): We normally have 40° during afternoon and stay without water since we constantly have drought warning from may to October. Others: Fahrenheit, right? :) Me: ... Others: Fahrenheit... Right...? :O (Conversion: 40° Celsius is 104° Fahrenheit)


ever heard of something called humidity🤓☝️


Is there a TechnicallyNotTrue subreddit, because this is way off.


Anyone would be dead at 70 degrees


New Englander here: I know it's not normal but I think anything over 75 is hot. Not all of America is the burning hellscape that is Florida.


32,2 degrees celsius. OP be doing fahrenheit like this is an alien movie where only the US exists... Also if you grew up in a country where 30 degrees celsius is the maximum temperature during summer you'd also consider anything above too hot... and same goes vice-versa where if you live in like Mauritania and then went to Norway you'd also see people walking in shorts while there is 7 degrees celsius outside and you'd have like 3 jackets on and still freezing...


Tbh 26° and above is hot.


tbf 70°C is really fucking warm




I lived in the gulf countries for 20 years, it reaches 55°C on any normal day, and 39°C at night. Now I'm living in UK and when it reaches 29/30 °C, its as close as 50°C


are we pretending the country that cant live without air conditioning to the point of destroying its own grid can take heat better than brits? who exist in moisture most of their life? or is it a joke on conversion?


70°C kinda hot, I wonder how the chezborger people live in 90°C


That's because they use Celsius and 70°C is really hot.


That's what you get when you mix Fahrenheit with Celcius


I was once in Spain (near Madrid), it was >35°C. The Spanish people were walking around in (long) jeans and jerseys/turtle necks, because “it was cold”, i was walking around in Bermuda shorts and sleeveless shirts, and I was sweating like a pig, even when I didn’t do anyhting. I do have to say, the heat in Spain was a dry heat, and not a humid heat like we normally have in the Netherlands, so the heat in Spain wasn’t as bad as the heat at home, but still way too hot for me.




Their houses are built to hold the heat inside so they dont freeze in winter. This backfires in unusual heats


Its almost as if different people are used to different temperatures because different places in the world normally didn't used to have temperatures like this on average! Shocking, I know.


Remember when Texas had some snow and the entire state collapsed?


Do we have bring up Texas when they experienced a cold front. It's a question of acclimating.


Spoken like an American that has never been in a British heatwave. My girlfriend moved to the UK from America last year and is just now experiencing first hand how horrible “70 degrees” can truly be.


Come to the UK and experience our ravishing Gulf Stream humidity heat


90° is the direction I go when I see an American in front of me


No AC in the UK and our buildings are built to trap heat in due to cold winters. It does suck, it's not a competition


Oh boy do I love this time of year. When the yanks come out their holes to say 'ThaTs a CoLd DaY iN FlORida'


90°F? That's 32 in Celsius... that's ridiculously hot.


I dont know what 70 or 90 degrees means but anything over 25°C and I will stay at home


God stops pissing on England and Scotland long enough for the sun to create high temperatures?


Kinda. He tags Satan in, who farts the heat of Hell's air on us


Europeans who use degrees of Celsius:


Europeand in general do not survive 70 degrees. No human can survive 70 degrees celsius for more than a few minutes


Finns would like to disagree


It is in wet climates then the feel temperature is way higher than in dry climates like in most of the U.S.


Bc our houses are not built for it and we were not taught tactics for living in it like yous were. My house has very little ventilation and what there is is just natural airflow, no ac.


US has AC everywhere


this but its aussies vs america.


I can confirm. Romania 38 degrees. Feels hot but not too bad.. pretty good. I go back to UK where my real home is and there are 24 degrees. Literal death....


1: Americans in 90 degrees heat in america 2: Americans in 90 degrees heat in europe


Bull shit. Nowhere, anywhere has the measured 99 degrees.


American room temperature? They all use AC


Tbf 70°C is pretty hot


For anyone in europe 70 degrees is deadly


Pretty sure the only people who are really confortable with 90 degrees are the Finns🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮


And then you have Brits walking in shorts and tshirts outside at 15c. Americans would be wearing winter coats.


Our houses aren’t made for hot weather so we melt


Lets see how you guys would do in 90f with high humidity and NO AIR CONDITIONER. In houses that are designed to keep the heat in for the cold season.


American \*room\* temperature? You mean, a room with an air condition that cools it down below freezing? Yeah, it's more like ![gif](giphy|KaW6fNYZf6eSk|downsized)


This is a country where it rarely goes above 20°C (68°F). Our houses have no AC, instead we have central heating (turned off during the summer of course) and on top of that our houses are made from insulated brick. We're built to survive winter rather than summer. So when it gets to 28°C (82°F) we fuckin dieee


Me knowing right angles can’t be hot or cold


Ever heard of different types of heat? 90 degrees in my country are unbearable, went to arizona it was around 100 and i was chilling, barely felt any warm. was there for baseball trainings so i also stood under the sun whole day Its also a matter of humidity


That’s OK if you put a Brit in one of our American swimming pools, they would think that you’re trying to boil them alive in a lobster bisque


Louisiana summer so far has been, 80-85 degrees before 8 am, then 90-95 for most of the day until the sun starts setting, then high humidity makes it feel like your swimming in a hot pool just walking outside


British heat is different, high humidity, brick houses, shit ventilation, no ac, and people used to cold temperatures makes for a horrible time. I've been to countries where the temp was in the high 30, low 40s and I've been wearing a jumper and did not feel hot or uncomfortable in the slightest because it was bone dry and the houses where built for hot temperatures. In Britian, I feel disgustingly hot in my house, the air feels thick at times, and fans do nothing to help. Hell, it unironically feels so much nicer outside than it does inside the house, and I'm a dipshit who wears a full alpaca long coat outside in all weather's, including summer. Now places like Florida in America, if yall wanna make a lil joke that's fine cuz yall usually get an even worse version of what Britain gets, but still understand yall have houses built for this shit.


I'd like to remind you that most of the world isn't as obsessed with air-conditioning and cars as the Americans are, Like sure in Texas, as an example, you leave your nice air condition house, get in your nice air conditioned car, drive to your nice air conditioned job, and on your way back stop at a nice air conditioned store before returning to heir nice air conditioned house, sure it's hot out but you don't really get to feel the heat all that much, Whereas in a lot of other places houses, especially older ones, are built to trap heat inside so that you wouldn't freeze during the winter, and there's a lot less air conditioning, so you can imagine how different the experiance can be depending on where you live, I don't think that anyone thinks that 70 is actually hot other than an escimo, but I've seen Americans melt in weather that they'd normally consider pleasant just from not having access to air conditioning, the heat is a lot more annoying when there's no escaping it


It’s not the temp, it’s that summers in the uk are ONLY* muggy and sticky and humid. Never that pleasant dry kind of heat, so even if it’s 25°c (idk what the Fahrenheit is) it’s pretty nasty, especially if you have to work and wear clothes like a uniform which you have no choice about Edit: we also don’t have the infrastructure for heat. No AC, it’s pretty rare, and the houses are built to trap in heat, the old ones at least


It's the humidity! I'm currently visiting family in Romania and its 32 Celsius out at 2 pm, and it feels the same as 25 in UK. I've only lived in UK for 7 years mind you, not born there.


Americans really be acting like we don't live in heat boxes tho. Our walls are thick concrete heat goes in but it doesn't go out. Plus most buildings that I've been in in the UK don't have air conditioning either


90°C is almost Water boiling temp - man you American people really are built different.


I've lived in Australia and England, and I've definitely suffered more in the British "heat" than I ever did in Sydney. The houses and infrastructure are just not set up for warm, humid weather. Add in the fact that you never get a chance to get used to weather because it barely happens more than twice a year, so it sucks til fucks off and the normal weather resumes.


At least use fucking metric system if you going to roast europeans.


You don't understand. It's genuinely so much worse here when it's warm. There was a Spanish guy screaming on the bus about how warm it was once.


Try dealing with it when you've got a ton of rain and permeable ground that absorbs all of ot giving you a stupidly high humidity


I have no clue what temperature you speak of but it depends on what you're used to I guess. I can't survive any temperature above 30C, I always said 20C is my limit of enjoyable weather. However, during winter I can literally walk around in a Sweater or T-Shirt and feel a slight "chill" It depends on person to person. I like many people am just not well adapted to warm temperatures and sun is my worst enemy, even now summer is starting and I'm as pale as a vampire because I avoid it at every step. Thanks be to whoever started home office so I can go out and touch the grass once a week when going shopping.


I work at an international university in London. During orientation I ask students who are typically from very hot climates how they're finding the heat in London. Students from Hawaii, Chile, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, all of them say that it's just too hot at 25°c, and that the humidity makes it hard to enjoy a day out. London has a heat island affect too, so it's typically hotter here than a lot of other places in the UK, but when you're not built for the summer heatwaves, it's just a humid, sweaty, swamp like mess especially on the underground


People really dont understand that when its muggy in a country 35 degrees celcius is not much but when its not you feel like on a desert


Guess I’m British then


Something that I think people just don’t understand is that the UK is *not built for heat*. Yes the actual temperature itself isn’t that high in the grand scheme of things. But houses are built to *trap in heat*, and we have *no air conditioning*. We are being cooked alive in our homes. Also even outdoors, it’s not a nice dry ‘beaming’ heat. It’s a heavy, ‘wet’, humid, planty sort of heat.


I went to california years ago and that fucking dry heat was fucking AMAZING! It was over 90 degrees and not even sweating!


The heat in the UK is also quite Humid too lol ![gif](giphy|s7nnJRH2HBlMqOPyeE)


Damn 90 degrees!! It's almost boiling water temp.


Temp is one thing, it's the humidity that can be unbearable. In So Cal humidity is 40%+ so 90 is really hot. I was in Vegas lest weekend temps over 100 but was not bad with only 10% humidity.


We're too busy having our kids coming home without being shot by a nutter with an AR15 to care.


Damn imperialism




It's really simple. Having spent time in a swelteringly hot and humid florida, I would take it any day over heatwave Britain. Inside (where you spend most of your time), it's nice and cool for the most part due to AC and ceiling fans. In Britain - There. Is. No. Escape. When it goes close to 30° your home will just start broiling you, and there is nothing you can do about it. The shade is little relief due to the humidity. Cold shower pretty much your only option to cool off and remove stickiness. Florida summer was far more comfortable.


We have No idea How hot 70 is in your silly system But you Seem to be unable to understand your houses are made out of cardboard while Ours are made to stay warm in frost weather


pond, pool…….pond is good for you…..


Er Dunno, given how prevalent and obnoxious Americans use air conditioning I always felt Americans can't stand temperatures above 12°c


Americans thinking 90 degrees is normal in a country with 90% homes having air conditioning.


Y’all don’t understand we don’t have AC, every building is built to hold warmth AND we get suchhhhh humid heat!!!


This meme is made by an american


Brits dont complain about 21C .. we had 29C and on the sun its not that fun


Isn't like half of USA's electricity demands just heating or cooling? If anything, y'all are the sensitive ones.


Americans always say this shit and then come to Britain in the summer and pass out once they take three steps out the airport British heat is different to heat in many other places in the world due to a combination of humidity and zero planning/infrastructure for insanely warm weather. Our buildings are meant to store heat and keep out the cold, and few places here have air conditioning. Then the humidity just makes the heat unbearable, I remember when I went to Spain I was worried I’d pass out due to the 35°c heat but then it felt like nothing because it was a much drier heat. I’d never understood how heat could possibly feel different until then and it was amazing. I was walking around in a jacket in heat I’d be melting in in Britain


Man i'm more tired of the fact that people are saying 'Americans' when half of y'all are probably from New York and never once been in Texas during the summer


Take away the AC then let’s talk about how hot it is.


I would prefer 90 degree weather with AC versus 75 with no AC


They don't really have A/C though, right? I was born and raised in Texas triple digits, but there's no fucking way I'd be outside any longer than I had to.


We, the rest of the world, don't use Fahrenheit. Yeah, 70°C is extremely hot, like demonic.


Everyone in America has their house cooled with AC down to a normal room temperature


Ah yes, the yearly meme from the idiot brigade.


you say it like all americans have the same avg temprature, it has multiple biomes


I think yall just like to fight


Ignoring facts like different humidity, AC in office spaces and businesses only (unless you pay out of your own pocket for AC) and houses that are built to keep the heat in as we only get temperature like this for like 3 weeks out of the year.


The average temperature in the UK is around 10 Celsius (around 50 Fahrenheit). Does that make sense to you now? We are more used to cold weather. Get it into your smooth American brains, fuck me.


Americans can survive in 194 f!?


Where I'm from, 30° is concidered a heat wave.


Oh wait, 70 fahrenheit.


I would like to point out that the Americans heading to the olympics are bringing their own AC units bc apparently being in 79° weather with no AC is unbearable….but here we are laughing at them for not being able to handle a normal American temperature