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Anyone else just bought for the signas or was that just me


Not only you, I bought it for the signas too


I bought the pack because I thought it’d be cool for fashion - both the signas and colour palettes. The skins are just extra nice to have


I bought only for profile logo XD


Oh my, that is a loss I spot in here? The profile logo... It's... It's just so ugly. But to each their own.


Really wanted only the signa, but couldn't justify $90 USD for that RIP T.T


Signals are awesome but I bought it for rockhard icy Frosts abs


I bought it too just for the sighas


The skins are really pretty but I also really wanted to get the signas. Glad I was out of money back then because they only really work on heirlooms, put it on any other fashion and it looks worse.


Me, who bought the pack twice :yes I will miss it


Give me the extra :)


What's the point of buying it twice?


Oh it was before steam change his prices in Argentina so its was cheap, if I remember well around 11 dollars so buy it was more economic to get royal aya


I'm glad they drastically decreased the prices, made the heirloom skins purchasable with plat, and have made it permanent, BUT it sucks that they won't be doing it for the previous Mag and Frost heirlooms. I guess they're gonna be super rare now.


I really think that they should just do it and settle for anyone that sues over the price difference. (hell, just offer a reimbursement for it)


Its breaking laws bro


I'll just leave this here and recommend that we agree to disagree on this as this is something I won't budge on. Legality is secondary to morality, in all cases, at all times, and yes, I do hold myself to this. Any further discussion is likely to go nowhere so let's leave it at this and save us both the trouble.


Permanent? Lezgoooooooooo


Still upset how they decided to run that first set. Would've bought that mag in a heartbeat but oh well


Hell, i havent touched frost since i fed him to the wall but id buy his skin too with the his rework and cold rework. Ive been thinking of actually picking him up


Kinda sucks but I'm glad that they listened to community feedback about it. I know a lot of companies that wouldn't do that.


As a owner of those heirlooms i actually was disappointed when i heard that DE doesn't want to make them comeback for the other players. No sense at all and i hope they change their minds. I suffered enough missing Excalibur Prime, i don't want others to feel the same.


Especially considering a lot of returning players return after 6+ months, myself included. I returned just after it went bye...


They can’t because it was advertised as limited time only I’m pretty sure. They can’t bring it back unless they want legal troubles


I’m not entirely sure it works that way because even if it comes back it was still a limited time sale at the time.


Sorry I didn’t phrase it right but they outright said it’s never coming back so if it did it could be grounds for false advertising


if somebody sues DE for giving the community something we all desperately want I'm going to send the stalker after them


Damn don’t shoot the messenger yall I’d love if it came back cause I want the mag heirloom so badly it hurts


I know lol, I'm not aiming at you with that comment


Then we kill them with hammers


Then let it be false advertising


I really want them, but They can't make them come back even if they wanted to, because they advertised it as it never coming back and re-releasing it can be false advertising and get them sued


Just because something is not legal doesn't mean it's impossible They should just fuck it and do it anyway


I have mained frost for as long as I remember 5+ years took a couple breaks along the way and I miss out on one of the coolest skins I’ve seen and not only that but they locked it under real money purchase only which felt straight evil. I used to tell everyone warframe is just so much better then destiny just for having no fomo I’m just sad I can’t anymore.


I believe after the backlash they got for this move future heirlooms won't be as expensive as the frost and mag ones


I think they should EVENTUALLY bring them back. Once. Just once. And they should make it absolutely known so that people can’t complain that they didn’t know they were/are coming back. Like they should have an announcement for it at least 2 months before and make posts talking about it every week or so. They don’t gotta make it a permanent package, just give it one more chance to be bought.


Doesn’t want to? They legally can’t


This is me but with the Fibonacci event Signa. Amidst the chaos of my college studies, I forgor to log into Warframe when the community reached the goal.


I have good news for you! That signa is returning with the Jade event on the 18th


Man, how long is the event? I've got my exam week then


Unluckiest mf lmao


At least I got the Soulframe Preludes invite, so I'm playing the hell out of it once I'm done with my exams


Probably longer than a week


I don't. Fk that fomo bs👀 I'm happy the about the way the Heilroom system finally turned out. Massive W from DE. Will support the future ones.


Harka frost is better than his heirloom anyway. Mags is pretty dope though.


Mag was my starter, is my second most played frame and I really like the skin. But I also have self respect.


Thanks now I know I don't have self respect ;-;


I think they're saying that they miss that they're never coming back, and that DE didn't sell them in the same way ember heirloom and future heirlooms will be sold. Definitely agree that the way they've said they'll do heirlooms moving forwards is much better.


I only wanted the Meg Heirloom Helmet. Didn't care about any of the rest, but that helmet would have been perfect for my fashion. Wasn't worth the cost.


I wish they would let people who bought them vote if they should come back, I'd absolutely vote yes


The issue they would have to work around is the price, as soon as they announced them at Tennocon last year, ppl immediately went to buy. These new skins are cheaper, but if they released the old ones at a lower price, some ppl who bought them at the regular price would feel some way and rightfully so.


The plat given was around 800-2100 depending how you bought them. The worst they could do is give the people who bought the lowest pack the extra plat. The real issue is that they promised it would be time exclusive.


Yeah this skins are really good but way too expensive, if Nidus gets one I’ll buy it.


Nidus main? Hell yeah, brother.




I should’ve goddamnit


What are they? 😅idk


Heirloom Skins. They were only available until 31/12/2023. They won't be re-released.


Literally inconsolable right now Fr tho I want that mag skin


As a switch player, not having that skin sucks. There is 1 mag tennogen skin and im getting tired of it :(


it ended up being liker the primes, excalibur was the first prime, he is unobtainable, but everyone after him is obtainable, they are that special though since you dont celebrate a 10 year anniversary every day


Excalibur Umbra was a very appreciated consolation prize and cooler imo


Yeah but if you could have had Excalibur Umbra Prime.


One of my friends started playing a couple months ago and they wish they were able to pick up the mag skin since mag is quickly becoming one of their favorite frames


These where so cool but I decided not to grab them, now if/when the put one out for wisp, hoooooooboy that'll be it for me.


I was on the side of the argument that was telling people how shitty a deal that original Heirloom crap was only for me to give in on New Year's Eve when I was a lil bit drunk and decided not to refund in hopes DE learns from the people who rightfully complained. Now that the new Heirloom deal is so much better than I could ever have anticipated I wanna buy the Ember pack for money *that* I want to support with money. I still hope they find a way to bring Mag and Frost back and will celebrate if they do even if it sounds impossible at the moment. #FUCK EXCLUSIVITY


I have them :3


We enjoy what we've gathered, and pay respects to those who did not, blessed be thy void


I was gonna get them... but when I remembered, it was the 2nd of January...


Yes I will miss them... I did buy them I just never use mag or frost.


I wonder how DE determines which warframe to give the skin to.


I started to reply with something about usage stats, was going to mention some anecdotal mess, then decided to actually look it up. Now I have no idea either lol.


Depending on ASSets and rule of cool maybe. I can totally imagine DE going "Let's just do that one because it looks cool!" in a meeting.


God missing this as a cross save refugee hurts. I love Frost he is still my most used fram from the old days of excavation farming and he's honestly still fun as a weapons Platform 


Man its funny that DE dont want another excal prime situation but then release this disastrous of a 10 years anniversary bundle


It's a little weird how the future ones won't leave the store but these two (seemingly) will never come back, considering how they knew they made a mistake and fixed it, it's weird to make these two the equivalent of a shitty, overpriced founder's pack and not bring them back ever. That being said, I hope they DO bring them back, it would make sense since they're making Heirlooms nearly half the price now.


They'd have to find some way to make up for people who spent as much as they did on the initial skins is the issue. I imagine they don't want that hassle


Then just release at the same price permanently.


How would that be good for the ppl who probably spent $89.99? Short of D.E refunding a portion of that money there isn't a solution that would make everyone happy. So unfortunately the ppl who didn't buy gotta miss out.


Give them Excalibur prime.


Then you piss off the founders


Give them Bopp Bipp Prime


I'm gonna miss the color palette


I love them specially the mag but I refuse to buy them because how anticonsumer that pack was.. fuck fomo.. fuck overpriced... Fuck having to buy shit you don't want to get shit you want


I missed them, I'd honestly buy them if I could


So much for no FOMO....


I've said this somewhere else, but there needs to be a Voting Kiosk in the Orbiter that limits interaction to certain people based on things they did. This way, DE can ask specifically the people that Bought the pack if the pack should get a re-release. They can't say they're "betraying the original purchasers" if the majority of the original purchasers all say; "no let everyone buy it please."


Having cosmetics that are only available for a certain time is such BS. I missed getting the spinnernet ephemera because of an internet outage in my area, and I'm still pissed off about it.


/uj is anyone gonna complain if DE releases a hairloom 2.0 for these frames with just slight changes?


I don't, imagine paying the price of 3/4 indie games or a AAA game for 2 skins


But this guy is right LOL




This only applies to Heirlooms after Ember's, they stated that on the Devstream.


Idk if I'd trust Brozimes words the guy can barely do functioning builds


Sadly the Frost and Mag ones won't return, even though they should lol. They should just bring them back and give compensation to those that bought them at the time, restricting them is such a terrible decision and it's entirely their fault that things turned out how it did.


This frost main was too late to the party 😭😭😭😭