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Lol or you base the personality of the side characters off your friends and you get praised for making the most toxic and unlikable characters


Base the family dynamics on your own, then be praised for depicting the consequences when toxic people aren't cut off




It do be like that..


Case in point




Yeah, I know! Im getting goosebumps!




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Alexa, play Darude - Sandstorm


I killed off one of the side characters in my autobiography and the readers got really upset. Something about how unethical it was for the main character to kill their grandma for inheritance




Snowflakes these days just don't understand,smh my head /s


lol sometimes when i read books i wonder if thats the reason some of the characters are so annoying maybe the author has annoying friends irl or something








Lol something similar happened to me. I do morning announcements for my school and I play two characters by myself. It’s not meant to be philosophical or anything, just goofy. I had a girl come up to me while I was handing out candy on Halloween and say something along the lines of “it’s really cool how open you are about your split personality disorder”


She knows too much. Now she must pay the price.


No, she just knows more than they do... when is the last time they blacked out and can't recall what happened?


That’s because TikTok has (or hopefully ***had***) a trend of teens faking MPD for likes. It lead to waaaaaay too many teens thinking MPD was super common. In reality, an MPD presentation where the 2 personalities interact openly like that is literally 1 in 7.5 billion or so. As in, it might have happened once ever in human history. Just one more way social media is a cancer. And yes, Reddit is social media. If you don’t think it’s a cancer, feel free to check my comment history.


Minor correction, but at those odds it'd be a lot closer to 5 times in all of human history.


In college?


Atleast they didn't call the main character an unlikable assclown lol


and it isn't an illusion of someone not being an unlikable assclown either (looking at you, wimpy kid)




Who needs a diagnosis when you’ve got the New York Times book reviewers


LOL, everyone who read New York times thinks they are better than everyone else LMAO




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Its a repost bot copying comments from elsewhere in the thread so it appears to be a real person when they start farming karma




Don't worry, I do


And you're clever. Idk man try creating more with it and see where it goes


NYT : "Dang it really looks like a ***New York Times Best Seller*** !"


The key word is "can".




And he has to get them before the voices do


Not before writing the sequel


Yaay, they can seek help to *checks notes* get fired immediately by every therapist that they find.


If help worked, there'd be no more mental illness


My readers say my MC is too suicidal and mentally fucked up; he might be beyond professional help. I based him on myself.


Sounds about right to me




Don’t get me wrong I don’t mean you sound suicidal I mean that in this day and age it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. What you think is probably what millions of others are. Don’t lose hope and stay strong!


Oh no you misunderstand I AM a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny bit suicidal, so the readers are right lmao. Thank you for the kind words though.


Well, let’s hope they stay tiny. If you ever feel like they’re too much, talk to someone. Heck, I wouldn’t mind.


What I have is what I like to call casual suicidalism; I wouldn't actively try to kill myself, but if a truck was coming at me and my chances of getting out of the way were not great, I wouldn't worry about it and just let it happen. After all, whatever happens afterwards, I wouldn't be around to care.


Well, I’m glad you aren’t trying to do anything to hurt yourself. But I don’t think it’s suicidalism as much as it is simply accepting death. I think suicide implies a certain level of desire, as opposed to accepting your fate. And as long as that desire is there, people do have a right to be concerned for you.


People can't be concerned about me if they don't know that I have that desire, right hehe? Like I said, I have a tiny bit of desire, because frankly, I really do not see the worth of doing so much to live. But also like I said, I do not plan to end things anytime soon.


I’m glad you don’t want to end things soon. But I hope you reconsider your desire. Sure, time is short for everyone but there is so much to live for! There’s a time for everything and you have to understand that until that time comes, there are still good things in life to bide time.


I based a Main Character on myself. Braver, willing to make the decisions I wish I was brave enough to make, but still me. Editor told me the problem with the book was that the main character had NO redeeming qualities and was a shit person who gave the reader no reason to root for them


Well. That's quite a review.


It’s been 15 years and I STILL haven’t recovered from that review. Lots of introspection since then. I spent the next year diving deeper into that character trying to see what the editor meant, but all I saw was the best possible version of myself, the person I wished I could be. Eventually I had to accept, although I try very hard to be a good person, that deep down, on the inside, I might just be a shitty human being


It’s not a situation that can’t change. Sure, you might have less than ideal qualities now, but it’s never too late to be better. Stay strong!


beyond professional help feels like a dangerous thing to say even as a joke or exaggeration, the mere existence of it feels like something reserved only for people who do very illegal shit all the time


Well, it is what it is.


eh, you're currently alive. keep that up, or something. book characters are meant to be exaggerated anyway, and i trust you know how to handle yourself and when you need to ask for help by now, right? cheers.


My character is trillions of years old and has been through 150 million+ lives, so yea, it makes sense for him to be so mentally fucked up. I'm definitely fine though. Killing myself is the last thing I'd ever do, so don't worry.




*task failed successfully*


Finally, a fucking good meme


Evening, Chef Ramsay.


Opposite issue. The ‘MC’ in my next book is an aging veteran who is a pit of a prick, romantically attached to two separate women (no drama involved). I am an aging veteran, a bit of a prick, and am romantically attached to two different women (no drama involved). I *promise* he is not based on me. I’ve been wanting to write this book ~15 years, before I was in the military, or met either of the aforementioned women. It’s literally just a coincidence. I am terrified no one will believe me, but my sample readers have been polite enough to not point it out yet.


Ngl, I sort of understand how that feels. I’m no aging veteran but sometimes I end up in the similar situations to the characters. Maybe it’s a sign you were meant to write this


I love kismet as an answer! It feels so much less narcissistic than our alternatives 🍻


Ain’t that the truth. Good luck on your novel!


My favorite author is Brandon Sanderson. He is amazing. He has like 5 or 6 different series with different gods and stores that are individually mind blowing, BUT THEN they are all in the same universe!!! God's and characters will just.. pop up and its fucking amazing. You don't need to have read them all, but it helps some and it's really cool when people pop up. I can't put into words how much I love his writing. I recommend reading his series in order: Mistborn > Warbreaker > Stormlight Archive > Elantris


Life before death, Radiant


I've been meaning to read him - thanks for the reminder and sharing the ideal order!


I’m not the original commenter (but I’m also a huge Sanderson fan) My recommendation for my friends that want to read him, is to start with Emperor’s Soul. It’s a “short” story that does a pretty great job encapsulating who Brandon is as a writer At this point, his catalogue is massive and it can seem daunting for a new reader. Lots of people don’t enjoy his prose or writing style (and that’s totally fine), so I always recommend Emperor’s Soul as a sort of test run to see if you will enjoy his stuff.


Thanks for the tip! I love the fantasy genre so it's really long overdue lol


Sanderson is the best world builder in fantasy imo. His worlds are so immersive and his magic systems are so damn creative His biggest “knock” is generally his prose. If you’re looking for very wordy, high prose like some of the stuff that Rothfuss or GRRM can write, Sanderson will feel a little more dull by comparison. Personally, prose isn’t something I stress over in fantasy settings, but it’s a big deal for some people and that’s totally understandable


You're looking into starting a war with Robert Jordan fans ? Even pratchett fans would like a word with you, now that I think about it.


I said “in my opinion”. I love RJ and TP. The Wheel of Time is what got me hooked on fantasy. But from a world building and magic system perspective, I think Surgebinding + Stormlight + High Storms is a cooler setting than Channeling and the One Power.


You silence on it proves that the Power of the Word wielded by Pratchett reigns supreme !


Fully agree with the Emperor’s Soul recommendation. I think it’s one of his best works overall.


I’ve been meaning to try him, but these days, I’m monitoring my input, and haven’t had the right place to ask: Are the stakes low enough to remain *reasonably* light? Said another way, do major characters die senselessly while the author chortles about it, or is there some comforting plot armor?


Tough question. I would say that I can’t remember a single death I’d call senseless. Main characters do have some plot armor, but there *is* death. I would say that every death is generally earned and usually after a character has finished their arc. Every death is meaningful and not done for shock value Sanderson isn’t super gruesome and gory like something like GoT or even Joe Abercrombie. Brandon does feel “lighter” in that regard, but I wouldn’t say the stakes themselves are lower. That being said, there are quite a few of his works where there aren’t any major deaths (that I can recall). Start with Emperor’s Soul and then maybe try Elantris or WarBreaker before jumping into Mistborn or Stormlight


I just finished the 3rd mistborn. Wow. Should i continue the series or should I move on?


Move on. Era 2 is NOTHING like Era 1. So if you're looking for something more light-hearted and adventurous, you'll love Era 2. If you're looking for more political drama, read Stormlight or Warbreaker.


Read Mistborn: Secret History before continuing on to the 2nd era, imo


Don't do that. IIRC, it's intended to be read later, and contains spoilers for the second era.


I guess it depends what you would consider a spoiler; it’s not really a spoiler if the book is revealing information to the reader that doesn’t have any impact on or come up in the story for the most part. It’s not revealing any new information but it can give some context to the world which I thought was helpful. Maybe they read the first few books of era 2, then read secret history. They’ll have to read it before the last book anyway. I read it before era 2 and it didn’t spoil anything IMO.


Hm. Well, it's been a while since I read it, so I'll take your word that you didn't feel spoiled. My default is to read books in publication order unless there's a very good reason not to, but it doesn't have to be everybody's.


Yeah the rest of mistborn (after book 3) is not at all the same. I would recommend you read Warbreaker BEFORE stormlight. There are at least 3 hopping characters from warbreaker in stormlight. SPOILERS IF YOU READ FURTHER IN THIS COMMENT. PROCEED WITH CAUTION. I'm the sequel Sazed is God, fully formed from Preservation and Ruin into the shard known as Harmony. It's the story of his city hundreds of years into the future. The power system is different, Sazed basically nerfed it. Mistborns and keepers don't exist, the strongest you can be is ONE keeper power (i.e. store knowledge OR strength OR speed etc) and ONE misting power like copper or tin etc. It's kinda slow imo. Not my favorite.


Saving your comment because I've seen this authors name brought up for like th 4th time now from different subs.


I’m not the original commenter (but I’m also a huge Sanderson fan) My recommendation for my friends that want to read him, is to start with Emperor’s Soul. It’s a “short” story that does a pretty great job encapsulating who Brandon is as a writer At this point, his catalogue is massive and it can seem daunting for a new reader. Lots of people don’t enjoy his prose or writing style (and that’s totally fine), so I always recommend Emperor’s Soul as a sort of test run to see if you will enjoy his stuff.


It's hard to go wrong! The other comment is a good starting point too! I just usually reccomend to start with mistborn because A) none of the other shards (gods) are really mentioned/impact the world aside from the local shards B) mistborn has world-hopping characters that appear from after the events of the story C) it gives you a good taste of Sandersons really unique flavor of magic. Alomancy is insanely creative and it has a hell of a story hook. That being said, the other is a good starting point too! It's just personal preference. Hard to go wrong with any of his books, I just wouldn't reccomend starting with the stormlight archive. It has a LOT of hopping characters and inter-dimensional shenanigans that might be harder to follow if you haven't read the others. I also think the stormlight archive is one of his absolute best works for the same reasons, and it has a new book coming out soon!!!!!


Fuck. I read Mistborn multiple times and I'll look into the others now thanks man


:) glad to help! (Tiny spoiler to give you motivation: one of the main characters of mistborn appears in other books! Happy reading!)


Journey before destination, Life before death


I love Joe Abercrombie for this reason, he is by far my favorite author for his character writing and I love how different books will have characters from the others show up in some way or another!


Glokta has genuinely the most interesting perspective of any character I've ever read. I absolutely adore that crazy bastard.


I'll check him out, thanks for the recommendation!


BS best author And his non-cosmere books are amazing as well, you should read Reckoners


Omfg literally me. My old therapist would ask me about my book all the time to sneak into my mind and see what was going on. I hated that she did it but I was so excited to talk about my story and my beloved characters 😭


Well, I hope you’re doing better now. I know how much it sucks to have someone prying but she’s just trying to help you. And I hope that she succeeded.


Actually she made me far, far worse. That was a couple years ago and I’m only now just coming back around to the idea of asking for help. Thank God for Spider-Man 💕


I’m sorry that happened to you. And I’m sorry I misjudged your situation. I do sincerely hope you get the help you need, no, the help that you deserve. Everyone has the right to be the happiest they can be and I’m glad you’re on the way to achieving that. Also, I love Spider-Man as much as the next guy but how does he fit in here?


I think they got inspired by Spider-Man to ask for help when they need it


This is legitimately how I got 100% in 10th grade English


Parents when they tell you the things you’ve experienced with adhd are totally normal and not related to that




I get critiqued for the character having no agency in her life… 🥲


Ayooo figured out another way to do therapy while not doing therapy




First gif comment I’ve ever seen Thank you for this


cuts too deep man




Not me splitting my personality into different characters ![gif](giphy|fE1FOjxKiRSZjcsEDK|downsized)


may i have the name of book please


Er, it’s not a real book. If it helps, I’m writing one now but I really don’t want it to become the subject of this meme.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Paul_Schreber I mean it’s basically what this guy did.


Random question mate. I've been also attempting to write some few pages, not sure if I would call it a book. Got any advice to spare?


Oh man, thanks, I really laughed out loud at this. Never laughed so hard for years.


Glad to hear it! Keep on laughing and living a happy life


that's one way to suggest someone to get therapy.


Yeah for me I think I’m in a similar situation as Steven universe


It happens.


Yes, of course. Having a gem belly button happens sometimes ;)


I was told I wrote a realistic depiction of a sociopath. It changed nothing.


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) I-


Don’t do this to me man I just got a decent book idea 😭




John Green is that you??




I was going to do this and this just motivates me


Basically happened with Diary of a Wimpy kid. The Author based it on himself but was appalled when people suggested the main character is a sociopath


Well you know, how sometimes you drive a car and think of just turning right and crashing it. This is the very same example. =D


average writer


I have such a hard time writing anything because I don't want my writing to be a reflection of myself. But innately, that's what writing is to a degree.


Perhaps that’s not such a bad thing. Even someone like Tolkien couldn’t escape this fact and wrote himself in in the form of Beren. Embrace what’s special about you.


Art speedrun: let your life spiral out of control. Document the results.


Try writing a story about the abuse you endured as a kid and then after years of working on it you are not sure anymore if the main character is based on you or on the introject of the guy who abused you.


Thank you for not making an America bad meme


I have too little time to bash countries


Hideaki Anno when he made Shinji Ikari lol


I was in a writing workshop where I based the character's panic attack on my own panic attacks. One of the critiquers says, "A character wouldn't act like that without having gone through some kind of devastating trauma, so you have to explain that more." Me: ....... (I have not been through some kind of devastating trauma, I just get panic attacks sometimes!)


Yikes. I hope you’re doing better now. No one is perfect, not even critiquers. If your own experience disagrees with them, you know who’s wrong.




Velma? except that's a show


That looks like being paid to go to therapy


Woah boi


I'm going to do this Difference tho? I know I'm unstable, and I'm proof of a LOT of concepts that don't work


that's a yikes


I am literally in the process of writing a novel with a narrator that is based on myself. And yes, he has every single one of my symptoms.


Hope it turns out well for you!


I am working on a villain who has a similar personality to me, only evil and when I look at him he seems like a psychopath.


… alright then


Basically here is his summery: He is sometimes emotionless and remorseless when he does stuff and is very prideful. Often he doesn't like holding very long conversations when doesn't want to and gives subtle hints like this one: Person: You don't seem well, you should smile more Kira: Like this (creepy smile) Person: That seems more like you want to rip me apart Kira: Good, cause that is what I'll do if you don't leave me be!


Actually, I like him! As a character, I mean. God forbid he moves into my neighbourhood.


Oh, that's sad cause I wanted him to be this badass type of character. Kira is this kinda sympathetic and tragic figure who thinks he is in the right all the time. He's a half-human and half-zombie and cause of it his mother was killed which caused him to hate all humans. He was also treated like an animal violated and tortured further fueling his hatred.


I assumed that you wanted him to be like an asshole on the outside but deep down, he was traumatised by a core wound. Your character can be sympathetic if that core wound is deep enough, but sympathetic doesn’t necessarily equal likability. Now, I do know his motivation, I understand why he does things the way he does. But he still stays off my lawn.


Sounds like something I would do lol.


Im gonna write one just to have a indirect way for r/amitheasshole




You ....


I'm trying to write a book, and while I didn't base the main character off of myself, I still only have my own life experience to go off of. I don't really know how to write emotional parts better, since I generally just don't show emotion or don't feel that much emotion, even during really stressful/chaotic times. So it's really hard to write a death scene or a hyped-up victory without making the dialog and inner thoughts really cheesy.


I completely get what you mean. Unfortunately, I guess the only way to get better is by reading how other writers do it and practising. You might not get it the first time, but after seeing what you like and don’t like about your samples, plus lots of feedback, you can do it!


Yeah, that's definitely a way to improve. Plus, it gives me an excuse to read more books. Thanks!


Anytime, brother! You just keep writing, yeah?


I did this once... Apparently I wrote a very accurate sociopath.


I’m actually writing a book where the MC is literally me. It’s based on a game I used to play and I think it literally damaged my psyche because I used to be a normal good person, now I’m a borderline self-diagnosed sociopath with incredibly violent thoughts. And yeah. I’m scared of that.


Evangelion moment




I can confirm


Whats the name :)


Sorry man, not a real book. I’m writing one though!


Just you


To ve fair everything's a diagnostic nowadays. U can be the most "normal" person and you'd still be considered something


And chronic insomnia?


Reading books is on my list


Goethe had a book like that.




Ah yes my favorite book! Existence!






*Patrick Bateman stare*


I can relate

