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Like meat from the store vs meat from a local butcher. The difference is insane. Edit: I meant a local butcher that gets stock from a nearby ranch.


In US? What is the difference?


Generally high quality and often better flavor because it’s freshly butchered instead of sitting in a store fridge for a week


Ah, I thought they are adding some preservatives to the meat or something.


Supermarket meats are typically packaged in carbon monoxide to avoid the meat turning brown, while still being really old.


Is that where the "fridge ice" taste comes from?


You probably need to change the filter on your compressor and clean up inside if your fridge/freezer are imparting flavor onto your food


Wait.... theres a changeable filter....!?


There’s also one in the bottom of your dishwasher that should be cleaned at regular intervals


I learned about that a few years ago when my mom was trying to figure out why it wasnt cleaning anymore. When she opened it up all i could say was "jesus christ" It looked and smelled like a roadkill that was so old that it had turned into a jelly like slime. Hadnt been cleaned since we got it probably 5-10 years ago


Theres probably a red light somewhere on youre fridge with faded text under it that reads "change filter" There's also a good chance that light has been on for a long as you can remember.


Generally that's for the water line isn't it. My fridge has no icemachine/water dispenser and there is no filter


Wow, I felt this. I'm well into adulthood. I have grown kids. Now I need to look up how to change a filter in my refrigerator. I have never once done such a thing. Damn it.


Every fridge is different, it should give detailed instructions how to change it in the manual. Filters start for ~$20 at home Depot, Lowes or Amazon. It won't take you more than an hour I'd say.


All of the cold produce at my local shoprite tastes like this. On top of the fact that they leave so much rotten & moldy produce on the shelf, it's a shock to me that they haven't been shut down.


What really worked for me was a fresh batch of dead hookers in my fridge. The old ones were turning stale and rather... Yeasty.


That comes from it being frozen and thawed and frozen again. Usually it's a sign that it was stored or shipped improperly. That's another reason supermarket meat isn't as good as fresh. It's shipped and reshipped so many times from the slaughterhouse to the shelf that you don't know how many times its cold chain was potentially broken. It's one of the reasons it needs to be gassed and preserved in the first place.


That's why frozen meat is often better; it has to *stay* frozen. That said, my supermarket butchers on-site with big picture windows into the cutting room, so freeze/thaw cycles aren't really an issue with the fresh. I assume. I only cook the stuff, I don't eat it myself.


The effect is more pronounced at home, larger freezers/fridges are more temperature stable, less likely to cycle. Even the open fridges at super markets are better because they don't have rapidly changing humidity levels. But your home fridge? If it's a vertical fridge it's going to need to deal with both fresh hot air, and removing the moisture in that air without having a good place for it to vent to, and that's before you consider the regular defrost cycles needed to prevent ice build up on internal components (the largest cause of freezer burn ime) 3 days in a home fridge is worse than a week sitting at a grocery store. Not for "spoilage" per-say, but in terms of the change in taste/texture. Chest-style freezers/fridges are better than vertical ones for this as there is less air exchanged when you open them. But they take up more room, to the point they might not make sense in most smaller homes/kitchens so it's a trade-off to consider.


Oh yeah if you get ground meat it often has things added to keep it a nice red color. And some do add preservatives or saline to cuts of meat to help them stay more moist in cooking (but you could just get a butcher to get you a fattier cut so it stays more tender instead of drying out. Fat on a steak isn’t bad at all.)


That's not true the cuts you buy from a butcher have all wet aged for around a month. If you buy dry aged its even more extreme.


I'm starting to realize believing anything anyone says online is gullible.


The turnover rate at our towns butcher is pretty fast, Anuthing he gets in store is usually out the door in a week at most, Helps that soldiers from the nearby base always want steaks on the weekend. And dry aged meat is a complete different beast.


>freshly butchered instead of sitting in a store fridge for a week Freezing meat is part of making sure it's safe to eat. Frozen meat is not bad for you. There is no relation between freezing meat and the post.


Well it’s not in a freezer it’s in a fridge.


Ive had store bought steaks and fresh butchered steaks. Fresh is interesting cause its hard to explain. Its kind of like more, venison in a way, almost like its spicy but it doesnt burn, it just tastes different is all.


Sheer quality. A butcher is almost guaranteed to be fresh. The store has undoubtedly been soaked and covered in chemicals to make them look fresher than they really are.


What “chemicals” exactly ?


I don't know what small time farms/slaughterhouses/butchers do, but commercial slaughterhouses spray the carcasses with some combination of lactic acid and/or peracetic acid. Mostly for disinfection.


what kind of chemicals


What others have already said + chlorination which has proven to be unhygienic hence why the EU and UK do not import American or Canadian meat. ***Edit:*** in reply to the other person,no it’s not a false statement.A huge amount of American meat is not able to sold into UK and EU markets because of our food standards.This has even been a huge sticking factor when it comes to UK trade deals.I’m not saying American meat can not be sold,but ***most mass produced meat*** is categorically not sold into UK markets and is banned.(IE most meat).And the UK is apart of Europe,just not the European Union🗿


This is a false statement. I’ve been to numerous expensive steak houses in Europe, and was shocked to find that USDA prime beef was always at the top of the menu, just under Kobe & wagyu. Was actually quite unhappy to encounter this. Any time I asked about local steak, I was told it was more tough. I ordered the euro-beef a few riems, and found it WAS more tough than steak in the US. That’s not to say some steak isn’t pumped with chemicals in the US, but around the world, USDA prime is known for some of the best steak cuts. I was shocked also.


They are obviously talking about cheap chlorinated chicken, not USDA prime beef


Don't group us Canadians with those Americans. Our meat is of better quality and we don't use chlorine.


Yeah as an European when I first learned that their Fanta was bright orange I was baffled coz in EU it's yellow like a lemonade


What? American Fanta is orange?? I thought it was yellow everywhere


Dude you've got to Google this it looks like surface cleaner


In Spain is Orange


Fanta comes in multiple colors/flavors around the world. Not always the same color/flavor combos though. Was very sad when the purple one I had in east Africa was not grape, but some kind of fruit medley with honey flavor.


The meat from the store is from a butcher dude, every store has a butcher in the back, you can even ask them to reprocess your meat (like turn a steak into hamburger for steak burgers)


More like meat from an industrial supplier vs. grass fed & venison.


This is one of those things that is so insane to me and how most people just dont care


Honestly, I think it's more that people don't know any better. The FDA isn't doing their part in educating and in restricting some of the unhealthy ingredients, and we're supposed to trust them. Edit: Now that there are some comments here, I'll admit that I'm wrong. Apathy is definitely a factor...


No no no you don’t understand, the free market dictates all, you just have to vote with you wallet because every consumer is knowledgeable on everything that goes into products, and can tell when products are being deceiving…s/


I mean, if the government actually did the one thing we put them there to do then maybe we wouldn't have to worry about it


And whenever someone in the government tries suddenly they're "over reaching" and abusing their power.


The FDA is prescriptive, whereas EFSA is preventative. The difference in attitudes is pretty clear in something like BPA, Europeans will say more than 20ng/kg in an adult daily is basically poisoning and Americans are like "eh, 50ug/kg didn't effect this rat, so who cares?". Both organizations are functioning as intended.


The disparity is even more severe than that. You got the FDA number of 50μg/kg right, but EFSA says .04ng/kg per day. This is insane to me. This is a factor of 100000. So the real question on BPA’s is, are they actually as bad for you as Europe thinks, or are they being paranoid? The former wouldn’t surprise me. The FDA ignoring things that are awful for our health is pretty much par for the course.


Yeah they need to put limitations on sugar.


Corn syrup, to be specific




Because corn syrup is cheap, easy to make, and it makes stuff taste good. So it gets poured into EVERYTHING to make food as addictive as possible. Legit cane sugar would be bad for you too if you consumed it in the quantities that people consume corn syrup in, but that wouldn’t be such a problem because cane sugar is much more expensive and it would be less profitable to fill every single food with cane sugar


Plus corn syrup tastes like ass to me lol that's why don't drink soda everyday


Corn syrup also does not quench hunger at all in the same portions that cane sugar would


*[citation needed]*


Corn syrup is only cheaper because the US government subsidizes it. It is more expensive and less healthy than pure cane sugar in the same amounts..


Sugar? No. Literal poison? Yes. A lot of ingredients common in American food are illegal in much of Europe, Oceania, Asia and parts of Africa


And a lot of ingredients they have are illegal here, or just go by a different name over there. Saying “well something is illegal there so it should be illegal here” is…kinda dumb


Important thing is who has the burden of proof. In the USA it's roughly you can use it unless it's proven to be dangerous. In Europe it's roughly you can't use it until it's proven to be safe. The later is much harder to prove. Instead we have chemistry companies who's major decision in food additives is does the food taste better, or last longer? Health doesn't weigh very heavily in the deciding.


Okay, let's add this: They are illegal because they are potential carcinogens or are basically false advertisement (and other, no less important, reasons)? Better?


Usually, they are carcinogens and proven unhealthy. The FDA has its hands tied in what it can pull off the shelves because the FDA by being one of the first food authorities is ironically pretty archaic.


When we are talking about harmful compounds, it is only logical. Dumb would be “if women are forbidden from holding man’s arms in afghanistan, we should ban it in our country too“


Such as what? Sugar is causing 1000 times more harm than any answer you will give me


> Sugar? No. Literal poison? Yes. Most things turn into "poison" at high enough quantities, so its an arbitrary distinction.


In lots of EU countries they've made GMOs illegal for no scientific reason at all. Just vibes.


Friendly reminder that 20 years ago, the FDA genuinely believed opiates weren’t addictive, fats caused cancer, microplastics were harmless, cholesterol caused heart attacks and the most important food group was starch. I get that our system is the Wild West but I don’t think a benevolent FDA making the choices would be much better


The FDA are at the will of American voters have been tricked into relaxing laws that make food safe




Is this a bot? Directly copied a comment from a lower thread.


Account made in 2022, only two comments ever made and comment copied from another commenter. Seems like a bot alright.


What is the best report method for a bot?


Spam -> Harmful bots


I generally go for report > spam > harmful bots when reporting. Whether that is the most efficient way to ensure the bot gets removed, I don't know.




The ones that don't care are their own thing. Life is hard... more immediate things to worry about and all that. It's the corporate lickspittles that actively want to defund the FDA and deregulate everything who blow my mind.


Typical reddit downvoting the explanation that says "deregulation caused this" and upvoting "why don't individuals just make better choices" lol


Why Lorem ipsum? I actually wanted to read that.


I didn't mean for anyone to try to read it for real. I did it as like a long, drawn out, rambling argument from the companies.






I kinda like it because there isn’t actually a valid reason (other than saving money), so they default to filler text


Agree fuck shitting in people’s food for profit


I translated it to my native language using google lens


I have heard from numerous people in US that their food is considerably less healthy than in EU. Why though? Why do food in US have so much fckin fat and sugar??


My best bet is that it's a combination of the manufacturers doing it for taste purposes, and also because they can.


Are there no food related regulations? Like rules for how much fat or sugar you can add for particular types of food?


There are, but they're weak and have major gaps in them. There is a large portion of the US that fears the government so much that they actively vote to prevent any form of regulations and regularly repeal them when given the opportunity. They'd rather be poisoned by a corporation than allow the government to have "too much power." It's propaganda at its finest.


Ah yes, freedom at it's finest I see




Doesn't help that the corpos almost definitely try to stop any regulations from existing/being a concern


Sort of. Food alarmism trends from time to time…but what always inevitably happens is food conglomerates just invest in the moment and greenwash/healthwash their products for 18 months or so while offering the alarmists a 2 season tv show.  They always co-opt the message. Always. And then the moment fades. 


There are rules like that but they are extremely weak and bribing legislators to keep it that way is legal


Not just taste purposes. Sugar is also highly addictive to a large number of humans. Honestly it's fucking predatory. A lot of Americans are technically addicted to sugar but we don't even think about it because it's in everything anyways.


“Taste purposes” aka consumer preference. Easier to blame corporations than to look in the mirror


A story my animal nutrition professor told me in college: He worked for a dog food company at one point and tweaked the formula cause he noticed it had an unnecessary amount of iron in it. They came to him pissed asking why he changed it. Turns out without the extra iron the kibble turns out red, like the meat used to make it, and people won't buy bright red dog food cause they think it has dye in it. So they add the extra iron to keep it brown and costumers don't complain.


as a corporation, which do you prefer, the expensive spices and flavor enhancers, or the cheap corn syrup?


Corn! It's ALL corn! Bwahahahhaa. Even the "expensive" flavor enhancers. Everything in Ameriica is corn. There's corn starch on the toilet paper. Air freshener is made out of corn (looking at you Febreze). Corn!


Even the corn is made from corn


What's worse is the potatoes are made from corn. The apples are made from corn. The people are made from corn. It's all corny.


even wheat in US is made from corn


Part of the issue may be that people think fat and sugar in their food is the problem.


One of Many


It doesn't have to be, but *everything* is available--the good, the bad, and the ugly. You have to seek out the things that you want, and that's often a lot to do for people busy with the rest of their lives. My diet has very little added fat and sugar because I buy good, carefully selected ingredients and cook from scratch. I have the time to do that, now. Many people don't.


Don’t worry, it’s coming to Europe. Already all over the uk.


No offense, mate, but it's completely irrelevant what happens in the UK as long as all the other countries are in the EU. Tough luck for you guys, I guess.


You guys aren't in Europe anymore. Edit: To all the people who didn't get it was a joke, we're on a meme sub. Relax.


At least not in their union


I mean yes, it's coming to you guys now because EU regulations aren't in place anymore... you know


It really depends on what you're eating. A lot of the fast prepackaged stuff is packed with sugar. I doubt that's very different in Europe. The groceries' eggs and fish and lettuce and beans and rice are all the same. Unless you think GM food is poison or think preservatives are US only. The US and Europe both like to use bad and positive tropes about their counterpart to self criticize their own country. Americans on the left have a lot of fantasies about Western Europe because they need them to criticize the US.


The eggs are definitely differently treated in US vs Europe: https://www.thespruceeats.com/why-are-eggs-refrigerated-in-the-us-but-not-in-europe-7376907.


Differently, but one isn't better than the other. In Europe they vaccinate chickens against salmonella in the US they just wash the eggs which removes the bloom. If I wash the eggs my chickens lay I have to refrigerate them afterwards too. Just comes down to preference.


Much fewer regulations to keep bad stuff out of the food (because companies essentially bribe politicians and regulators to keep it that way)


Lorem ipsum


dolor sit amet




adipiscing, elit


Sed do


"No, you don't understand! The poison is necessary because \*they pay some senator to make asking to remove the poison illegal, claiming it threatens "free market"\*"


Socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor. Or, we socialize losses but corporatize profits.


thanks Big Corn


That was my nickname in high school.


The actual reason though? Americans were hating fat in the 1950s, manufacturers replaced it with sugar, overproduction of food by farmers led to corporations making overprocessed food, then some Americans wanted no sugar so actual sugar was substituted by more artificial poison. So why is this still like that now? LOBBYING. Some American food ingredients are outright banned in Europe and even in Canada


> Americans were hating fat in the 1950s, manufacturers replaced it with sugar, Other way around. The sugar industry demonized fat. They're the source of the cultural shift. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/13/well/eat/how-the-sugar-industry-shifted-blame-to-fat.html https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/09/13/493739074/50-years-ago-sugar-industry-quietly-paid-scientists-to-point-blame-at-fat TBF not everyone finds the way they selectively funded research to be a conclusive "smoking gun". https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/news/researchers-challenge-claims-sugar-industry-shifted-blame-fat


Sorry, I forgot to add that


I just got a burger king ad below this 💀


Europe is better at forcing features into iPhones too






As an American, I feel consumer protection in regards to food is necessary. Like, it isn't anti-free trade to tell companies not to put chemicals and junk in their food. It is anti-asshole.


It really isn't much better, the US ranks [3rd](https://impact.economist.com/sustainability/project/food-security-index/) in food quality and safety, only beat by Canada and Denmark, the EU also allows E123, a food dye that is suspected to be carcinogenic and banned in multiple countries, including some in Europe There are things that certain European countries do much better than the US, only [92%](https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-281.html#:~:text=Highlights,91.7%20percent%20or%20300.9%20million) of Americans have access to affordable healthcare, whereas it's 100% in countries with universal healthcare


That index you linked is based on food security i.e. accessibility and safety. Which is super important, as food borne illnesses and starvation are both awful. This thread is more about culinary quality of individual ingredients. And I have to agree: the produce in Europe is top tier.


It ranks them by categories, and one of those categories is "food quality and safety". And this thread is not about culinary quality, it's about "poison", which I would imagine refers exactly to "food quality and safety".


You have to specifically sort the countries by food quality and safety, the US is 3rd


That's why our cancer rates are going up here lol. I watch a streamer and he is in Japan right now. He had McDonald's and he said that McDonald's there is an actual burger with real toppings and it actually tastes fresh and good. It's crazy to me honestly. So much processed crap in our body's not to mention all the micro plastic we have in our body's. We apparently poop or piss out a credit card worth of plastic a week. It's so fucking crazy and it's only going to get worse over time.


I'm pretty sure the microplastic issue is worldwide, not just in the U.S.


Yeah it's always interesting to hear about how americans complain about how Mcdonalds is shit over in the US.. Over here (germany) it's actually pretty good


I had McDonald’s in Germany and it wasn’t that good. McDonald’s in Slovakia was the worst though. The burger had like no taste. It was so weird. Austria was bad too


America is quite literally ranked 3rd in the world for quality and safety in food, with only one European country beating us. What the hell are you on about? Do you seriously believe cancer rates are going up due to our food being unsafe? That's just pure delusion.


I am pretty sure that that's because the quality and safe foods aren't being eaten as much


That's a good argunent senator why don't you back It up with a source?




Europe? My poor ignorant friend, most of the world is better in this regard.


not china nor India and considering the population in those countries, they are kinda most of the world




there is a significant problem of adulterated products in china. Things like adding a slightly toxic additive at the canning factory but not declaring it on the label of ingredients. so called fake food industry https://wisermarket.com/food-fraud-chinas-fake-food-industry/#:~:text=Fake%20food%20in%20China,-When%20we%20say&text=It%20can%20also%20be%20food,improve%20food%20safety%20in%20China. India also has problems regulatory control, specially with hygiene standards: https://www.google.com/amp/s/blog.aibinternational.com/is-india-on-the-verge-of-a-major-food-safety-shift%3fhs_amp=true So while the USDA and FDA let companies get away with putting some shit in their products in the US, in India and China companies get away with putting much, much worse shit in


Not true the US ranks [3rd](https://impact.economist.com/sustainability/project/food-security-index/) in food quality and safety


It really isn’t lol Europe is getting to be as fat as the US, and MANY countries equal or even go beyond US obesity rates  


tell me you are ignorant without telling me...


Lived in the UK a few years before coming back to the US. Even their unhealthy junk food isn’t as bad as ours. We (US) even put sugar in ranch. The FDA is even deciding on letting dairy producers put sugar in milk without listing it as an ingredient or additive. Like why???? Oh yeah. It’s because my age for SS keeps going up, and the average American lifespan keeps going down- meaning if I die early the gov gets to keep all the rest.


How the hell is the U.S FDA allowing things to not be mentioned on a products nutrition labels?


The FDA cares more about the corporations making money than people's health.


Yeah cause the FDA is being spoon fed copious amounts of money by these corporations. The 1% have run this nation for decades now, and its really a shame. I cannot wait to leave America


Yep, it's the nation of greed now. I wish I could leave, but it's not so easy to immigrate to a European country unless you have a skill they need.


where do you see that the FDA is deciding allowing added sugar in milk without listing?


Yeah it’s a sad fact, and we need to fix this shit instead of deflecting. I’m American who hates the “America is a shithole bla bla bla” stuff but we do have an obesity epidemic like a lot of first world countries.


We still shouldn't blow it out of proportion and pretend the US is unique in issues and countries in the EU are utopias that so much better than the US, the EU allows food additives that the US bans as well, I'm all for addressing our actual issues such as our lack of worker's rights, 8% of Americans not having health insurance and therefore being unable to afford healthcare, and of course the obesity epidemic


Bleaching flour, as for as I know, was originally done to make it less appealing to pests. By taking all the nutrients out, the bugs are less likely to eat it. However, in the modern supply chain where secure packaging and refrigeration are commonplace, is this old practice of bleaching flour really necessary?


Poison for profit


The U.S. uses probability where if the risk is low enough, they'll allow it. In the EU they look at possibility, where if something bad can happen then it's not allowed under any circumstances


Not quite, the opposite in some cases in fact, EU allows suspected carcinogens like E123 and E133, which the US bans


There’s many things in which Europe has over the states: universal healthcare, better education system, healthier work/life balance, gun control…….


Also McDonald and Burgerking burgers


>better education system there is not just one education system in the states though. I would rather go to school in masachussets than most places in Europe. And work/life balance is heavily dependent on your job.


Having laws on processed foods, sugar amounts etc. is an integral part of the public healthcare system: you can have "free" healthcare only if you also have policies to prevent people from needing hospitalisation in the very first place.


Could someone translate the long text


It's lorem ipsum. It doesn't have a meaning.


Lorem Ipsum is nonsensical latin used as a place holder text to simulate what real text might look like at a glance.


I saw the big chunky text, then i read lorem ipsum


Yup 100% we know we are dying bc of the quality of our foods




They do it cuz it's cheaper and they can maximize their profit which shows growth at the end of their fiscal year 🙃. Ya know, you must always have more growth than the year before


We can also just not buy it there are alternatives


The UK left the EU so we could eat poison food


Europe is better at almost anything.


I went to Germany on vacation, ate like a hog, and LOST weight. Sure I was walking more...but I'm normally engaging in a lot of athletic activity anyway. It's the food, plain and simple.


Corporations have to much power in the US, especially the food corporations. Go against US foods in the US then good luck to your restaurant getting the basics everyone asks for. The US prompted dictators in central america so Americans can pay less for bananas and US corporations could have a monopoly. They put sugar in everything to get everyone addicted, to the point some American bread has to be classified as cake in Europe. If we try to prevent people from doing unhealthy things like smoking, why should that not apply to food? Tax the shit out of junk food, healthier people, better looking people, happier people. It should be law everywhere


we eat shit and feel shit. then it bleeds through and we treat others like shit. it’s shit all the way down. that’s why i became a plant, i try to photosynthesis most of my nutrients


Bros on another level. This is some big brain shit


If you dont like it then leave libtard /s


We are pushing you to our friends at the health insurance, stop being difficult, pretty please.


I traveled to europe end of 2022 for the first time ever. Granted, I was walking around for hours a day usually but I would eat whole pizzas and gelato among other things on a daily basis... for a month. I never felt the kind of hazy/lethargic feeling of being full like here in the US. I'd feel full for like a half hour or something after I ate but after that just felt fine. I even lost weight, like almost 20lbs during that month. Definitely noticed a difference once I came back home to the midwest.


Half of the shit they sell in the US isnt even legal here in europe ( and thank fuck for that)


Europe is better in nearly every regard lol


it would be fucking fantastic if we could ban high fructose corn syrup. I get that the famers would have to grow something else. Boo fucking ho. I'm from Ohio and I drive through corn fields everyday. This is not acceptable.


There is no poison, you are a fat fuck because you overeat like crazy. What's up with Americans and always blaming everyone but themselves for their problems?


What do you consider poison?


Maybe you should vote with your wallet? It’s not like cola or pepsi grows your fruits. Stop eating junk, cook for yourself, dine at decent restaurants if you like to eat outside.


![gif](giphy|6XA99Q0nPSXyU) Didn’t write a full paragraph on why it’s needed


Can you just… not… Just because they’re called “chemicals” doesn’t mean they’re bad for you, also a long and scientific name doesn’t mean that it’s bad either. Table salt and sugar are fucking chemicals. Get your chemophobic ass out of here


ask your lawmakers to penalize them


I mean, water has chemicals too... it's weird


Lower text translation: It makes it more addictive and it's cheaper to mass produce. Most of you don't care enough to actually avoid our products, and we own the FDA and every other regulatory body that could work on your behalf to stop us.


I work at McDonald’s and the shit we use to clean the deep fryers every day is this white powder used to scrub it clean, it says it has arsenic, lead and glass beads in it. Arsenic itself causes cancer


But... Money...


Same with Australia; the quality of the food is better. I think of the developed countries the US has some of the worst food quality standards.


Not true, the US ranks [3rd](https://impact.economist.com/sustainability/project/food-security-index/) in food quality and safety only beat by Denmark and Canada, Australia ranks 13th


Maybe just stop buying poisonous food?? nah keep buying it but cry about it, obviously that’s the solution