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took awhile for me to realize just how long books can be and how short movies actually are


This happened to me with the hobbit. They are three long movies but still miss some of the events in the book. And the parts that are the same are made differently because they look better


To be fair the Hobbit movies do add a shit ton of plot points that were never in the book


Add is a strong word. I’d say “bastardize with”


They added the thing Gandalf only vaguely mentions with "The Necromancer", but it *was* probably worse than Tolkien would have made it lol


As with any "book to movie" change you have to make adjustments. Like there isn't a barrow-down fight in Fellowship movie, and there isn't any Tom Bombadil. And I can see why they made those changes because they don't want *two* undead fights back to back and you don't want a deus ex machina+Chekov's gun combo showing up just to confuse people. There are some decisions I don't agree with, like the Witch-King's stupidly huge flail, but those are far and few between. But with the Hobbit movies it's like every other decision they made I had to keep asking "Why? Why would they do that? Why is this how it's happening?" and unlike in (most) of the LOTR changes I can understand, in the Hobbit films I cannot. It's just a mess of a trilogy that didn't need to exist.


The Hobbit is definitely very frustrating. Because you have stuff like Tauriel- elf warrior-maiden fighting alongside Legolas in the Battle of 5 Armies? Hell yeah, sign me up. That's something Tolkien might plausibly have written. The characters are in the right location at the right time. There's no reason it couldn't happen. But then they take it a step further and decide to undermine the greatest friendship in Lord of the Rings with a half-baked love triangle no one asked for.


>That's something Tolkien might plausibly have written Tolkien was incredibly sparse when it came to fighting. Even if it's plausible those characters were there, no chance there would ever by a single word spared for their exploits.


That part with the necromancer is pretty accurate as they were able to reference the appendixes of Lord of the rings, which they had rights to. Tolkien wrote about it in the timeline of middle earth.


Did not expect a bangbro here


They turned a fantastic short book into a 3 movie slog. They changed iconic scenes like that off the 3 trolls and the meeting with smaug for the worse and added so much stuff that wasnt in the book that it might aswell could have had a different name. They could have comfortably put the whole book in one movie without much trouble, yet they failed to do so with 3 times the screentime. As a very deer fan of the book, those movies were an utter disappointment.




Dude outed himself as a fucking cloven-hooved grass-eating quadruped.


Thank you for this comment 😃


For movies I get it. For TV Shows....for fucks sake follow the goddamn books. You have the time!


And then we have the hobbit "trilogy" that decided to turn a single book that would probably be better as a tv show as a movie trilogy


Honestly, most books would be better as tv shows


I listen to a lot of audiobooks now that adulting doesn’t allow a lot of time for reading. The Dune audiobook is 21 hours long. Both of Villeneuve’s Dune movies together are a smidge under 5.5 hours.


In defence of movies, describing a scene takes a millisecond in a movie and a page in a book.


This is a good point. I'd also like to point out that it's also much harder to portray what characters are thinking in a movie without it dragging on. Dune especially had a lot of dialogue just in characters' heads that you can't really pull off in a movie format. The mediums are just fundamentally different and can't be compared.


Fantastic Mr. Fox:


I still remember all the 50 shades fans complaining that the movie wasn’t as good as the book.


Wasn't the book shit too? I remember someone quoting something like "her cheeks turned red like the communist manifesto" when making fun of it


I mean....it did start out as Twilight Fanfiction...


Which she wrote on her BlackBerry…..


No way


Had to look this up. > I feel the color in my cheeks rising again. I must be the color of The Communist Manifesto. Top quality writing.


My personal favorite is still: "I’m a sadist, Ana. I like to whip little brown-haired girls like you because you all look like the crack whore – my birth mother." - Christian Grey


Jesus Christ, the lines from this book all suck so much.


The movie is actually much, *much* better than the books, and the movie sucks.


I mean, it's porn. It's literally literary pornography. Porn isn't known for great dialogue. Do you remember any particularly deep and profound dialogue from Johnny Sins dressed as a plumber? Because it's the same shit lol You would be surprised by the amount of absolute fucking garbage erotic books women consume and how horribly written they are and it's in no way different, at least in my mind, to the usual brazzers video of some 19 years old blonde girl getting stuck in the dishwasher and getting railed in the ass for 20 minutes by her mid 30's black "step brother". It's always bad lol. Google Lola Glass books if you're interested in further research about the depth of idiocy the fair sex likes to partake in when consuming pornography.


Don’t know ,never read it


Well educated and well read hetero women told me the books were hot af when they were big. Doesn’t mean they were good literature obviously. But they did the job of literary porn.


Yes, with such profound quotes like "I don't make love. I fuck... hard!"


Smut books have a whole different definition of “good”. Smut movies don’t work because half the benefit of smut is using the readers imagination.


I'll take that dirty birdy


At least the book was hilarious. The movie was just awkward, not even rewatchable like Twilight's hilarity.


An actual 50 shades movie would have to be literal pornography to achieve 1:1 anime adaptation.


this is true


Not always: The moment I saw No Country for Old Men I felt it was pretty much EXACTLY the book, even dialing-up a couple of the themes. Some of the scenes were literally as I pictured them while reading the book a couple of years before the movie.


That’s a weird case in that McCarthy originally wrote it as a screenplay and then retooled it as a novel when the film didn’t get picked up, so it was pretty uniquely well suited to be adapted into a film.


Sin City is freaking dead on : D


The new Dune movies cut away maybe 25%, changed some plot, but not too badly.


they cut more than 25% and I love them as a fan


Yes they cut quite a bit, and I am 100% on board with it. I actually thought that they cut a lot of stuff that I wouldn’t have cut… and that because of that fact it’s a good that they were the ones making it because their adaptation was *way* better than what I would have done. The significant cuts really bring the focus onto the core of the story and make it a far more impactful film than a more “complete” adaptation would have been. I personally consider it to be a new textbook example of a stellar fucking adaptation, in that it captures the heart of the original story but also justifies its own existence as a separate but complementary work to the original.


But i wanted to see a fully conscious fetus stab dat fuckin baron.


I think Dune (like LoTR or even OP) is a great representation of how good adaptation should look like. There are changes, there are some forgotten/dropped plots (like mentats, GOD DAMNED BANQUET, more Gurney's songs, more of Fremens lore and their polygamy etc.) and while I have some concerns about some changes (like >!Chani "fuck this shit I'm out" at the end of second movie!<) I can see that creators not only knows what they are doing, but why and how it resonate in its world and books story. It's almost like if you actually have respect for the source material and know it by heart you actually have a chance for a good adaptation?? Shocking.


They kept the major themes in, which is what really matters. I worried they were going to make Paul more plainly heroic and not as morally gray and politically calculating, but they didn't.


It’s what made the new sequel I think so strong. I love seeing the morally grey character frontlining in the show


Heck the stuff they did change was for the better in my opinion. Keeping Alia as a sentient fetus instead of a creepy toddler was a stroke of genius.




It is actually the least true in Manga. Many Anime Series try to be as faithful to the source Material as possible, even going as far as animating the pages panel by panel. (This it ofc not always true, and not always possible, but way more accurate than other book adaptations)


One piece is a perfect example of this


Yep. It’s rare to get a Promised Neverland situation where the anime studio seemed to just say ‘f it’ half way in.


Wait I liked that show, never read the manga, if you could and are so kind as to be willing, break it down for me on what they messed up?


Past around episode 40 they rushed through major parts of the plot. Basically condensed about 10 volumes into a few episodes. Ending wasn’t the same. I recommend reading the manga.


So you’re saying I should wait for Promised Neverland: Brotherhood to finish the story properly?


The story is finished they literally cut down around at least a season's worth of material and put it all in a short slideshow with no commentary.


Thank you so much. I will have to try and hunt that down.


They compressed like 5-6 arcs into 12 episodes compared to the first season which is 12 episodes to one arc. They didn't even introduce some of the best characters and completely skipped the second best arc.


Yeah I loved the manga but wondered why they hated the anime. Now I know


From what I heard it was only the second season that was bad adapted, as it had little to nothing related to the source material


Manga usually gets pretty good adaptations. LNs however? Absolutely ruined beyond belief. LN adaptations are almost always either bad or season 1 is great... then season 2 happens and the director goes off the rails completely.


Clannad remains goated though


Clannad is a visual novel though, not a light novel. But yes.


That’s because fans tend to complain when things are different (and unambitious adaptations are cheaper to make) even though an anime adaptation that makes inspired creative decisions can elevate it above its source material.


Yes, but there's a pretty big difference between making creative decisions and making the best use of the medium versus completely changing events. It's the difference between Frieren beyond journeys end or demon Slayer vs the promised Neverland season 2


Nowadays mangas are so lacking they're putting extras in the anime


Most anime adapt manga almost fully 1 to 1


ngl, this was my first reaction watching dune


Being an avid Witcher book fan… Yeeeeep.


Makes me so, so angry. They literally did the opposite of every bit of character development in the books. Something More, in particular, just inflamed me. I get adapting to the medium. I can even accept adding and focusing on a journey for Yen. But outright changing the protagonist’s story is a fucking travesty.


They seem to actively resent the source material. 


Only one person didn't, really.


Here’s hoping the 40k show rocks your cock off. 


Poor Henry :(


Yep, Henry hated all the changes/deviations from the book and I'm right there with them.


Well, I could see it a mile away even before as soon as the series was announced. The first season was kind of good(?) but I stopped there, it had already ruined the set up to even properly follow the structure of the story


That show was the reason I finally cancelled my netflix account. Utter abomination.


Yeah but when there is 14 books of material to draw upon cough wheel of time cough why do they feel the need to completely rewrite the story.




Ah man, the entire thing was a mess. Robert Jordans books were never sleazy. Rand and Egwene were considered to be a couple of teenagers that may marry one day. TV show: Rand banging Egwene doggy style in the first episode.. Yep, great.. let's just spit on that dudes work so it seems like game of thrones a bit more. Those writers are scum.


> Rand banging Egwene doggy style in the first episode.. Uhh, what? That didn't happen in the show, there's an implication they have sex in one scene but that's about it. There's enough reasons to critique the show that you don't have to make something up.


Cause if you pitch your original story, no one will give a flying fuck (most if the time), but if you pitch your original story, but named after a beloved franchise, people will watch it, even if it's a hate watching.


If TV writers were actually capable of improving the source material, we'd be adapting their stories, not the other way around. It's so annoying how some random nameless writer thinks they're better than a world famous author.


I see you are also watching the new Halo TV series.


RIP Turok showdown.


Mothers milk in a cup! The show is a bloody abomination. I am seriously disappointed. They disrespected the original books, authors and fans. Even Brandon Sanderson (for the unaware, original author Robert Jordan sadly passed away before finishing) thought it was garbage. They never tried to use his input. They asked him to read the script and that’s it. He is the most popular fantasy author in the world right now. His input would have made it reach higher than Game of Thrones in my opinion. George RR Martin got the idea for game of thrones from the game of houses in the Wheel of time. Lookhowtheymassacredmyboy.gif Like Elaida, the Dark One would be ashamed to be associated with this trash.


How to Train Your Dragon books are absolutely nothing like the movies plot wise. Toothless is probably the size of a melon, Astrid doesn’t exist though there is a similar character named Kamikazi who obviously needed a name change, fish legs is Hiccup’s cousin and so is Snotlout and every Viking has two dragons, a riding dragon and a hunting dragon. Yeah, there was already ‘peace’ between dragons and humans, Hiccup had to train a particularly stubborn dragon so that’s where the book got its name. The movies and the books share the same spirit however, and that might be why they are both beloved by fans of both.


I didn't even know it has books or anything... I'll read something thx


Twelve books, easy reads but enjoyable all the same. Only the last 4 can be considered large.


I had no idea they were books either, seems like a fun thing to read so I'll be checking them out!


The books (especially the last four) are absolutely incredible. Literally everything ties together by the end in such a jaw dropping way.


bro i went CRAZY when >!snotlout sacrificed himself such good character development man!<


Camicazi is spelled with a 'C'.


As a kid when I read the books going back to the movies pissed me off. Toothless being a prized and awesome dragon in the movies makes no sense when the point of the books was that Toothless was some worthless lil guy (initially).


Maybe the story was different but the movies are still really good, and so are the books


*cries in Witcher*


Cries in world war z..


They got the name right!


I heard that the author of the book went to see the movie, and he said it was all right if he turned his brain off and pretended they had adapted an entirely different book.


the martian is still my favorite adaptation, they had to cut a lot for times sake but otherwise it’s pretty much perfect


It helps that Andy Weir writes in a screenplay style. So it makes the adaptation a bit easier. Hopefully Project Hail Mary turns out equally as well.


I had no idea the movie was already in the works, with Ryan Gosling no less. Feels like he's going to nail it. Can't wait.


ok I am very excited, my favourite book in "Hard" Scifi getting an adaptation with good people signed on and no need to adapt the worse of the three, Artamis


The absence of the potato math made sense, but it would have been worth starting the movie with the same line as the book. It was one of the best openers I've ever read: After Mark Watney wakes up stranded on Mars, he's sitting there thinking one thing, which is the first line: "I’m pretty much fucked. That’s my considered opinion. Fucked." It would have been worth blowing the two fucks right then and keeping the PG-13 rating.


In my country it’s rated M, don’t know why. I absolutely would love to see him saying that at the start of his video monologue, but at the same time, I use “science the shit outta this” on a near daily basis, so pros and cons. The only thing I don’t understand was the choice to make Lewis EVA out to rescue him. It was already tense enough with Beck trying to grab him in the book, why up the stakes unnecessarily?


I remember the movie I Robot, which is the OPPOSITE of the books!


Do you believe that makes the iRobot movie bad? Or is it just unfortunate that it shares the same name?


iRobot is a bad movie. But kinda in a good way. A good Asimov movie about robots is Bicentennial Man.


The Dune films did a reasonably good job


The Dune films are AMAZING. It's a completely different experience than the books though - which is fine. The failures of the other adaptations were trying to get the entire book onto screen. The books are fucking weird, and I love them for that. But no one is trying to spend 40 minutes on screen listening to desert reclamation strategies.


Legit. There was a dinner party sort of scene early on in the books that was completely cut from the movie, which is perfectly fine. The scene spent so many pages explaining in extensive detail how each character was putting on a facade trying to subtly gain more knowledge about each other, and that just wouldn’t have worked in a movie. But the movies never seemed to have missed anything super important even with so much missing or changed


Compared to other adaptations? Absolutely. Based on its own merits? Eh


The bar for adaptations is low tbf


Tis so. Not to say that the Dune movies are bad; they’re an amazing cinematic experience. But they left out the things out I loved the most about the book, so what can I do. I did not leave the cinema too satisfied.


I'm kinda thinking about doing my own cut with both the books and the movies: for exemple read the book until page 52, then watch the movie between 1:03 and 15:31, then restart reading from page 130 to page 195, etc. No idea if it would be good though


You'd become crazy in Dune 2 though... >! Where are the mentats? Where is the guild? Why is the melange so important? Where is the two years time skip? Why is Chani always angry? !<


The only criticism I agree with is that there should have been more explanation as to why spice is important. Everything else they removed was because it made a more coherent film. Also they make it pretty clear why Chani is always angry; her film character makes complete sense to me. Giving her agency is one of the best changes from the books.


As someone who watched the Ready Player One movie and read the book, The movie was kinda shit. Like i understand a lot of the really cool stuff in the book couldn't be included because no shit (ex the multiple hours long intense arcade playing sessions wade does as part of the story) but the movie still was not as good. One of the most annoying things was with the extra fucking life, in the book wade had to play a PERFECT game of pacman, in the movie he made a bet and was given it basically for free.


I really don't think you can put Ready Player One on screen without making significant changes. I don't necessarily like the changes they did make (the easter eggs were WAY too easy) but the movie would have to be 6 hours long or spend absolutely no time touching on each subject if you wanted to be "true" to the book.


Also, the fucking race. Not one hardcore gamer tried driving backwards? Nobody hit reverse instead of forward on accident? Nobody was goofing around and went backwards? No child stole their parents headset and was slapping random buttons and threw it into reverse? Bullshit


yeah the movie changed so much, it just felt a lot less fun, none of it makes any sense if you look at it logically


It felt so much like they just wanted an excuse to put as many recognizable icons on it, they def spent a massive amount of money on getting rights to use those characters


The Artemis Fowl movie diagnosed me with depression, it wasn't even remotely close to the book Super disappointing, I was so looking forward to that book series becoming a movie They changed the Story of the first book so much that the second book couldn't even happen by the time the first movie was over, No Artic Incident here


Oh, I could rant for an embarrassingly long time on my problems with that one.


I mean, yeah? Not saying there's anything wrong with it, but visual mediums do tend to bastardize source material.


It doesn't need to, though. I would pay a lot of money to see an exact copy of a good book to video.


Sometimes it needs to. Inner monologue can be *rough* on screen. And exposition gets really clunky in movies. Then you get started on super length books and you run into entirely separate issues. Getting lost in a book that takes hours and hours and hours to read through sometimes uneventful stretches is fun and can be almost spiritual. You simply can't make an 11 hour movie - and really there aren't any movies that are fun to spend 5 days watching. Some books have reveals that would be ruined immediately if presented in a visual medium. Books with spiritual or drug induced episodes are incredibly difficult to convey on screen. Some books have long detours into the emotional impact or a description of a split second decision that takes multiple pages. Those are very difficult to get right and sometimes can't be.


The first season of Game of Thrones followed the first book almost exactly. It was so great.


That sounds great until you think about how you would try to explain the story visually in an engaging way. Most stories cannot be adapted from book to screen in such a literal manner. What works best on the page doesn’t work as well on the screen, and what excels on the screen doesn’t work so well as a book. A good adaptation recognizes the different media, adapts what can be adapted, and changes what must be changed to work better on film. The Lord of the Rings is probably the best example of this: The Council of Elrond would be death on film if adapted literally, but in Fellowship it worked perfectly in the condensed form.


Witcher fans been hurting hard


I was so repulsed by the second episode of season 2, that I stopped watching there and I never went back to the show.


Is this from Logan?


Nah son , it’s from Batman beyond


Eragon Like, I know the books aren't *that* amazing, but they hold a special place in my heart for getting me into fantasy and reading in general. But *holy shit* did the movie utterly massacre the first book, it was beyond atrocious And Saphira! That movie's version of her is the one that comes up most often if you look up images of her, *so much* of the fanart uses the God awful movie depiction that's nothing like how the book describes her.


I have to admit, I hated the Ready Player One movie, the book was so good, really took me back to my childhood. The movie was more of an updated version to apply to now, there was no real sense of the nostalgia that the book had, its was so disappointing for me personally


As well the book rewarded the characters for direct efforts whilst the movie just felt random. The first challenge was completed by him only just hearing a piece of dialogue that he’d somehow never heard before. And the IOI infiltration felt like it had much higher stakes


The fact that the author reduced almost 30 years of video game history to one line about World of Warcraft hit me the wrong way, and then the plot would have fallen apart immediately if the author had actually been paying attention to those three decades, because half of the puzzles wouldn't have been challenging. Going backwards from the starting line? Really?


That movie was just obnoxiously insulting to gamer culture. If they took even 5 minutes of research, they would have known that someone would have tried going backwards within the first 5 minutes of the challenge being posted.


It was nostalgic about such a specific and narrow range of video game history that no actual game designer fixates on.


Wade dropping Love after a few days in the movie where as in the book its measured in months always irked me. Book Wade has his own issues though.


it was just so different, and not in better ways


The book was very basic. A classic hero's journey structure on several levels. So very easy to adapt to a movie as a result. It would have been hard to accurately portray the serious 80s pop-culture obsession the author had.


Wheel of Time...ravaged.


Sometimes they improve it. Not always the case though. I love Stephen King’s reaction to the movie The Mist. He was upset at how much better the movie ending was than his book.


Book people on anime "all of it happened but why is there more!!??"


People who read The Hobbit watching the movies: >:(


Percy Jackson movies that don't exist and the show that is just bad


Sometimes, things are better being kept for books


No way, the show is so much better than I expected! It's Rick's love letter to his series, he had full control of the writing and direction, and any changes were what he would have done in the books if he could go back in time (his words, not mine). Go reread the first book, then watch season 1. You'll realize they kept it as close to the original (save for Rick's additions and changes to the plot line) as possible. EDIT : words and stuff. Also, they fixed a lot of the plot holes (like the St Louis scene, which was apparently written before he ever stepped foot in the city, and didn't realize how far the arch was from the water)


No offense to Rick, but if those are the things he would change if he could go back in time, I hope we never invent time travel


Like what, specifically? (asking as someone who had no problem with the changes, as they closed some plotholes and are clearly setting up future seasons for a more nuanced plotline) Edit: words are difficult for me, apparently


Let’s talk plot holes at the Arch: I worked at the Arch for 30 years and never once saw a fire-breathing dragon on the observation deck.


Yeah idk what OP is saying. The show has some changes of course but its definitely a lot more faithful to the books than the movies ever were. Very excited for S2 myself


True, I complained a lot about the Infinity Gauntlet series that appeared in movies (which completely disregarded the books)


Age of Ultron was also insanely different in the comics. Due to character licensing though, it would have been impossible to do the original at the time.


"Best I can do is a few key events" HP and the goblet of fire said calmly




Does anyone know which show or movie the meme is taken from? 


Logan, and that's the actual line.


I always find it so weird when there are comics about a movie's subject matter *IN THE MOVIE*. I love Spider-Verse to death but they kill me with that shit.


Marvel: Civil War. The books were far more nuanced, the movie had Steve objectively in the wrong for protecting bucky and arguably wrong for opposing the accords. Civil war 2 was a shitshow though. I dont think anyone would argue in favour of captain marvel.


So true


Any religious figure looking at what their followers believe




World War Z


Max Brooks *did* only sell the rights to the name. We need a Ken Burns-style miniseries based on the actual book.


Literally most adaptations, just look at Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender, even with similar run-time


I couldn't make it past the third episode:(


No Country for Old Men: Am I a joke to you?


Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs' film adaption is in a different genre compared to the original book.


Deadass ready player one




Phoenix Saga still hurts...


So far Shogun is doing great at cutting out the faff and keeping everything important


That's because books can spend hours dwelling over all this extra stuff that, might be interesting if you made it into 3x 4 hours long movies but in a single, watchable movie? Generally not


This is why I made it a point to wait until after I see the movie/show before reading the book, ever since The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. I got sick of watching movies and not being able to enjoy them because all I could focus on were the things that were changed or cut out compared to the book.


I do this too! Definitely has made watching the movies more enjoyable. And if I've already read the book in the past, I purposely dont re-read it before the movie because I want the book details to remain fuzzy in my head.


The first Harry Potter was kinda spot on


Starship Troopers. I don’t give a shit if Paul Verhoeven was making a satire on fascism, I want my power armor!


A Song of Ice and Fire moment


The book I am legend was way better than the movie imo, I wish they'd stuck with vampires, there were loads of clever reasons why they feared garlic, mirrors etc and the ending was cool he actually said 'I am legend'


“The source material was better” Just let me enjoy my damn show ffs


Silence of the Lambs is a near perfect adaptation


American psycho adapted like 15% of the story and just slapped there the original ending that is little similar to the book ending. Also to warn people, American psycho is scarier then any horror movie I watched or any game I played. It's just disturbing on the next level, but I enjoyed it. 20/10


I was looking for The Boys or I am a legend...


Altered Carbon is a rare counter-example. I read all the books a few times. Season 1 of AC is sooooo much better than the books.


Me every few minutes during Dune 2.


Fight club fuckin nailed it though. They only left out a few scenes and the movie was better without them.


Triggered. The book is a best seller, so let's make it into a series/movie with none of the content that made it a great book.


I waited over twenty years for a Wheel of Time show. I got burned harder than Lews Therin when he overdrew on the One Power.


How I feel about most Superhero adaptations.


Still waiting for Eragon movie! 👍


Meanwhile Fans of “the boys” Comics watching the adaptation: This is so much better than what happened in the comics.


That's why I don't read books. I want to enjoy the movie completely


History buff watching historical movies get the same pain, if not more.