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Thank you for submitting to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 2 - NO MEMES ABOUT POLARIZING/POLITICAL TOPICS, VULNERABLE GROUPS, VIOLENCE, ETC. [SEE LIST] - No violation of Reddit Content Policy/TOS - No memes involving race, ethnicity, color, nationality, gender, sexual orientation/identity, religion, disability, etc. (can have a character, but that part cannot be integral) - No mention of gore, porn, murder, suicide, death, terrorism, shootings, war, tragedies, sexual harassment/assault, pedo (even implied), incest, etc. - No politics/political topics/agendas; absurd memes featuring politicians are allowed if said status is merely incidental --- Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied.


But how am I supposed to not mention the droid attack on the wookies?


However, how can you be on the council and not a master?!


Take a seat, Young Skywalker.


Cause you ain't actin masteful in 'tude, just style and power. Now sit down, be humble.


If only you could edit Reddit posts, I would suggest you do so to yours, switching to "be humble, sit down" Edit: hey, so you can, so my suggestion standsšŸ˜


Don't bring up the "droid attack on the wookies" guy, discussion of him is a minefield right now


Oh dude I know. Poor guy got taken from us by disneyā€™s nonsense




Some lore changing nonsense that is too ridiculous to explain but I can try my best if you want to know


Is it just that they changed the lore of that one guy, cause that's an insane thing for all the rage I've seen about it


His motherfuckin name was Ki-Adi-Mundi, show some respect. Also I don't really know what's going on, I haven't seen the show at all yet and only picked up pieces off Reddit. I don't even know if it's actually Ki-Adi-Mundi that was retconned.


I didn't even notice him and I watched the show


I also don't understand the outrage over a small inconsequential change to the birth of a minor character with like 4 or 5 lines in the entire main film series (yes I know he is featured more in the Clone Wars but come on let's not pretend he is a major character). Like what harm is actually done by that change?


But how can you discuss Dune without discussing the relationship between the Harkonens and Atreides?


It got real weird when the Baron was revealed as a sith and wielded Glamdring. Using that power to implement Managed Democracy.


Fuckin spoiler alert dude. Smh.


Ba ba ba baaaaa


Yeah but the Baron's quest for the Elder Wand seemed like filler.


Took them all the way to Mordor






Wait, he wielded Glamdring? The sword of Godric Gryffindor? What did Skeletor have to say about that?


I mean dune was originally written as an allegory for all of the oil wars.


And it did so wonderfully. Afaik, the books didnā€™t side with one faction over the other or paint a specific party as the absolute villains. Unlike other stories where the writers impose their views onto the viewer.


There was an interview of Frank herbert, the author, where he tells point blank that he wanted to write a hero who is a horrible leader and does questionable stuff.


Dune is an apolitical maho-shonen-harem-isekai, silly.


Yea I loved how it didnā€™t discuss how colonialism and exploiting the resources of a land without paying attention to its inhabitants could result in extremist views


Nope, just a coming of age adventure with one young boy and all his girlfriends, and his mom-girlfriend.


Art is often political. Across all genres and mediums. Always has been.


Iā€™d argue that all art is political because all art is, in some way, a result of the current social, historic, and economic conditions. This doesnā€™t mean we have to think about the politics of every single piece of art, but it is definitely possible to reasonably analyze every piece of art through a political framework.


Iā€™d argue that not ALL art is political, but artist draw inspiration from their current environment, which is heavily driven by the current political environment. Night of the Living Dead, as an example, is derived, by the creator themselves, as an allegory for consumerism. We plant that into our current political situation, which make the film, and therefore, concept, timeless.


Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m saying though. Perhaps the author didnā€™t intend it to be political, but it is impossible for a person to completely separate themselves from the political. The fact that they draw inspiration from their current environment makes the art political.


It's almost like everything is political because politics touches every aspect of everyone's lives. Hell, the idea of a nuclear family (parents+kids only in a home) is political.




A person cannot separate themselves from their political reality. What the artist likes or finds inspiration in is a result, in part, of their political reality.


yes, but why does that mean we have to reduce pieces of art to that. Not every piece is about politics. Alot of art is explaining the human condition, or how an artist views the world (this doesn't always have to be about politics). it's exhausting always having to debate about politics, why do you wanna ruin pieces of art by associating it with things you hate


ā€œThat doesnā€™t mean that we have to think about the politics of every single piece of artā€ I literally said that in the original comment. The human condition and our view of the world is political. Politics is, in part, a study of these two things. Youā€™re lying to yourself if you think any art is completely apolitical. I just think you have a very narrow view of politics. Also, how does talking about the politics of a piece of art ā€œruin itā€?


Your life, regardless of how you interpret it, is significantly impacted by current politics. Artists, at least some, create based on those aspects. If you study art, a good deal of interpretation of the piece is understanding the climate of the time the piece was created. That allows the viewer to appreciate the art a little more.


Donā€™t let Possum reviews see this


90% of movies are political


I wonder what the political view of The Naked Gun is




Bagel vs Lavash stands for the israel-arab conflict.


Bro watched that movie and the only thing that got through to him were the dick jokes


Exactly, its a perfect metaphor for Arab/Israeli conflict.


its a criticism of blind faith and religion and ends with a sexual revolution once people have finally shattered their delusional belief in the "great beyond"


Iā€™m pretty sure the comment was sarcastic >.< If anyone can watch that movie and not understand that itā€™s a scathing mockery of religion and certain geopolitical divides, then, I donā€™t know.


It could go even deeper than that. Modern food is the product of thousands of years of human intervention. The protagonist hot dog and love interest bun ultimately find new meaning in each other, but people explicitly created both in combination. Whether or not they even avoid being eaten, theyā€™ll just rot to death anyway. So is it the most logical positive outcome for them to accept their artificial design? No, of course not. You donā€™t owe compliance to a creator that would only take advantage of you. Invent a different purpose for yourself and steal fleeting meaning from an apathetic cosmos.


>Sausage Party literally there is a bagel vs lavash in the film that is literally jewish vs arab lmaoooo


Is the plot about politics or uses political concepts and ideas to improve overall quality and world building?


doesn't mean we have to inject our personal political beliefs into literally every debate we have. Things don't have to be debased to tribalism. things can just be fun, without political bullshit weighing discussions down


I for one really wasn't expecting a movie called Civil War to be part of the 10%


wow guys this is such a funny meme


ā€œha haā€


this is r/memes. Funny memes are for r/funnymemes


Thats where the unfunny bigoted memes go


Sorry folks, but the media you consume on a daily basis has and always will be political in some capacity.


Me when the movie turns political because everything has been politicized. Thanks, Karl Marx


Stop watching interesting movies. Stick to movies at your intellectual level.


Seriously, I absolutely love horror movies and almost all horror movies are either: inherently political, or a reflection of the political policies at the time they were made.


For anyone thinking this is a reach, look into why in so many of the slightly older horror movies(as in from the 80s to the 2010s or so) had the promiscuous teens having sex die early on or in especially gruesome ways. There's probably more, but this is the most noticeable one.


True, but they also sometimes went to great lengths to portray the promiscuity ironically promoting the thing they were trying to dissuade.


Sex = death. Stay virgins kids or you DIE! BTW there is AIDS floating around this time.


Also, we make zombie movies while we have republican presidents, and vampire movies when we have democrat presidents. Zombies = mindless consumers hellbent on conversion or destruction. Vampires = ancient monsters, often foreign, destroying or taking our young people.


My mom acts like a boomer (sheā€™s in her 50ā€™s) and watches all kind of made for boomer cop, doctor, and lawyer shows And the people in there are usually just caricature or almost a parody of whatever political ideology is popular at the time, and I donā€™t think the writers understand many of the political views that they show If that is what OP is talking about, I understand his opinion, if itā€™s not, then yeah, theyā€™re maybe not the smartest


Spoiler alert: existence is political. Getting mad about the game doesn't get you out of playing.


Als Getting political = bad just means I support the status quo which is itself a political position


I wish more people understood this. Refusing to take a position is a position in and of itself.


That's a very smooth brained take.


Then keep the politics out of the movie! ( i have no idea what heā€™s even referencing, but it seem like the most happiest comeback)


Itā€™s also an accurate comeback. Movies are and always have been chock full of political ideology put in by the writers and directors. Hell, the first cartoons Walt Disney created were for WW2 propaganda. Donald Duck is a Navy veteran.


To go with one where the Fandom is always crying about politics being inserted into it, according to George Lucas Star Wars is about the Vietnam War and the rebels represent the Vietcong while Empire represents the USA. That will always be hilarious to me because of how the Star Wars Fandom is.


It's almost like stories that people write are inspired by things they experience and come to believe in in real life.


There is difference in implementation and probably other things I don't remember right now.


Instead of discussing real, boring, and dumb politics, we should be discussing fictional politics, which are cooler


Why the hell are you "debating" movies lol, can't you enjoy and discuss shit without turning it into an argument that you must "win"


Please do not talk about stuff that obses me. Please only talk about supervisial observation. In star wars, a movie that came out shortly after the vietnam war, rebells fighting an evil empire completely apolitical. Its completely unnecessary to look at spirited away as a critic of childlabor. Why would anyone be interested in a conversation about politics in game of thrones? Does anyone care what breaking bad has to say about the war on drugs. I think not and will not listen to people with other opinions because that might be political!!!! /s


but but breaking bad is just funny meth show :( /s


Alright, funny example, but Happy Feet. How can you watch that without discussing religious/political exile based on breaking tradition? It's blatantly criticizing/challenging hierarchy. Pretty deep for a movie about about tap dancing penguins and banger music.


Almost every movie is political, almost everything we do and say is politicial as politics is life. Grow up.


Everything went political (in every direction possible) when everyone got on social media and was exposed to the real world. And people are glued and addicted to it. Thereā€™s a reason the ā€œtrendingā€ page on twitter is always political figures.


*watches movie about political topics* *complains that the fans talk about politics when discussing the movie*


I swear to this day, the demon in the first Insidious is the representation of communism and how it will tear people down, and the old lady ghost is the representation of capitalism and how her greed for life tears people down. /s


Mf pretty much everything you consume is political. The kids cartoons teaching kids ā€œsharing is caringā€ is fucking politicalā€¦.. You just hate that it goes against YOUR politics


Everything is political. Political encompasses the decisions we make to structure our lives and enforce our values and sense of morality. Any story involves certain perspectives that can be seen reflected in politics.




Media is nearly always political in nature in what it says, keep your media illiteracy out of movie debate


Ah yes, no movie has ever been political.


Star Wars has ALWAYS been about the taxation of trade routes, itā€™s not my fault you canā€™t see that!!!


Ah yes Vague and Inflammatory statements well known to be used by the worst sorts of people I surely hope that OP is talking about some of Hollywood's deals to make their movies more supportive of certain things in exchange for privileges such as discounts or free use of props rather then using the term political to describe the presence of a. Minority actor.


Yeah, you probably weren't going to add much of substance anyway


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ItABoye: *Yeah, you probably* *Weren't going to add much* *Of substance anyway* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


f you! I hate you


Truly a 12 year old opinion.


Politics exist in everything, to avoid them is to ignore the whole of history and art


Politics spark the most discourse tho. Like it or not, movies nowadays will find ways to incorporate them because it benefits their films to be a talking point or the new flavor of the week or month. Hell, Barbenheimmer had political themes and discourse, and they're basically the main plot of their films.


Some movies are about politics straight up. Like The Platform. A movie that you wouldnā€™t think itā€™s about capitalism straight away, but when you actually take a more thorough look it literally is about how greedy people become when they go upwards but when they go down they seek sympathy and blame the people upwards, except when you as well start losing your empathy to anybody and become part of it all. I like capitalism btw. Every system has its flaws and capitalism has had the least and worked the best for humanity so far. But it can also easily be the reason humanity ceases to exist if unregulated and leads too many people to greediness and corruption, but tbh so does communism, except in communism the matter of who gets to go up the ladder is not democratized at all. In capitalism pretty much everybody has the chance either by sheer luck and/or success.


Something about trade negotiations in the Senate.


The Boys


Turning into r/Funnymemes Part 2


Stop putting politics into good, unmotivated movies like full metal jacket


Me when I don't understand the movies I'm watching:


Everything is political my dude.


Define ā€œpoliticalā€. That can tell you a lot about a person


A lot of media is political. One Piece is a great work about freedom, that also HEAVILY relate to current world events, it's inevitable to make the comparison. This "I'm not into politics" mentally is also political, by the way.


It's okay, Adam Sandler and his friends need someone to make money out of.


Hey buddy Guess what almost if not all movies are at least slightly political which means any discussion about them has to be at least slightly political. That's just the way the cookie crumbles my guy


Is there *anything* that doesnā€™t turn political lately? I kinda hope responses to this comment are an exception butā€¦


There's this saying that if you don't fuck with politics, eventually politics will fuck you. Also, politics is almost all encompassing, you can't really escape it, just ignore it.


I've always been a little suspicious of people that make this statement.


I kind of agree, if the movie is political itself thatā€™s fine, but if weā€™re having a pleasant discussion about a fictional story and then people start arguing about real life issues, then Iā€™m checking out. Movies are escapism to me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø (And no, I donā€™t just watch marvel movies or whatever)


'Oh my God there's a gay person in this film! That makes me wonder if I am gay! Oh no I'm so strong and stable that I cannot cope and must complain on the internet! That'll show the gays!' So cool. Wow.


Who said anything about gay people? I just donā€™t enjoy debating politics. Itā€™s pretty simple


Which politics?


Um any kind? I donā€™t care who or what is in my movies, I just donā€™t like to debate people, itā€™s not that deep.


But we can't discuss Oliver Stones JFK without talking politics?


Art IS political


Bro the people making movies are the ones putting politics in them. Star Wars rn prime example


Everything is politics


Politics is a religion change my mind. Mother fuckers calling me and coming to my door sending me letters asking if Iā€™ve ever heard of their great candidate. Signs plastered all along the road in support of some mother fucker thatā€™s just going to take bribes under the table. Rallyā€™s like itā€™s a mega church revival. Fuck off with that shit.


Right? I saw this guy giving their political analysis of Zootopia vs the Bad Guys which sounds like it should be hilarious but they were dead serious about how they believed Zootopia to be racist propaganda. I think political discourse has its place in the discussion of media. But I donā€™t think that every facet of every movie is meant to be a political statement and should not be treated as such.


Bro for real. Tired of it. Things donā€™t stay in their lane. When I watch sports, thatā€™s all I want to watch and hear. When I see movies, thatā€™s all I want to see or hear. Tired of the onslaught.


Itā€™s a sad day when we canā€™t talk about the political dimensions of art


Movies are typically social commentary. Social commentary is inherently political.


You mean when politics you dont like being mentioned


Everything is political, especially art. Maybe escapism is apolitical but that's not what movies are supposed to be about.


Sadly, that's a lot of reddit posts. Something totally unrelated and... well, you know the rest.


"Politics often punish those who belittle it." -Julian Minci, Legend of the Galactic Heroes


Bit hard if the movies are political.


I must go...


That's because most things, if not all, are political. Society and its contents is a consequence of politics.


I mean like movies have always been political


Don't put politics in movies and people ain't gunna talk about it.


Almost all art is political. At least nearly all the art worth experiencing is political.




This is how I felt about Falcon and the winter soldier. Iā€™m not against it, itā€™s just that it wasnā€™t what I thought a core part of the story would be


Chancellor valorum was weak!!!


Movies are political, so there's no way to separate them.


Oh I'm not brave enough for politics.


What do i see, people without opinion isn't


This is why I would vote Godzilla for president


But I want to hear more about the war on Cybertron!


I mean it really depends on the movie. If the movie is about social commentary then it is inherently political. But most movies are just movies.


Tbf, everything is political. There is no escaping that, and art always makes statements on current society. It's inevitable. What you really wish is you didn't understand the politics and could go back to being a clueless child.


Unless you are watching a kids movie 90% of the movies are political.


*the boys enter the chat:*


A story about politics and inserting certain political views in a story isn't the same.


Politics will dead ruin a relationship.




What if it's a political movie.


the empire did nothing wrong


Star Wars is about the viet nam war. Short version bunch of rebels in the jungle fight a technological monstrosity and win. There's way more to it.


Thereā€™s a difference of ā€œin-universeā€ politics and random politics shoved into the movie just for political sake


Fictional politics kinda slap tho.


"Keep your politics out of my prefered art" - chud statement of the day.


I, uhhh, don't know how to tell you this, but everything is political. The same way everything is sociological, psychological, etc.. We have learned behaviors, ideas, and perceptions of the world that color how we see things, and it varies from generation to generation and across the world. No one is free of bias, not even Grade 9 Psychology professors. Also, how do you talk about movies like Dune or Top Gun without bringing politics? Like, I get it, there are some movies that don't require that politics be involved, but the majority of ***ALL MEDIA*** is made from the point of view or with the intention of someone who may or may not have the same political views as you, and it's up to you to spot that. You can turn your brain off and just enjoy all media and let it wash over your brain with zero introspection or analyzing, but if you're going to actively talk about media in any form, then politics inevitably gets brought into the picture. That's just a fact of life.


i'm done heereeee


Considering most movies have political messaging of some kind or another it's unavoidable if you want to go any deeper than the surface.


Yeah, be less political like Top Gun: Maverick! You complained about that one too, right?


Alot of things are political, more than one may think.


Lmao itā€™s faxs


Depends if it actually adds something to the film, and is an important part of the art. Politics as a theme doesn't have to be crappy. Heck, even if I don't agree with the sentiment, if it's well put together and furthers the plot, I could still enjoy it. But if it comes across as derailing the viewing experience just to shoehorn in some politics that doesn't add anything to the story, then yeah that is bad film-making.


Hmm. No. Fuck you.


If I canā€™t complain about Orange Man I donā€™t even want to discuss movies!


Lil bro takes movies at face value


When political messaging is shoehorned into almost every movieā€¦ canā€™t complain when people talk about it.


literally r/hazbin


All art is political. The absence of politics is a political choice.


Was this removed for being political?


One of the strangest things I've ever seen! How is it that a discussion on a badly written Disney star wars show can turn in to an argument about race & sexuality is beyond me... It's almost as if crazy has evolved into a new form.


Why doesnā€™t the whole world want to ran by old trust fund baby New York Yankees I will never understand


Yeah there are always those that go into movies with the intent to find out the movie's political agenda, even if it doesn't have one or even barely there at all. They will internalize and magnify whatever agenda they percive the movie to contain and so they'll of course deem the movie as a shit movie. "Go woke get broke" nonsense.


This post really brought out the cesspool front of this sub


It only works if the movie itself doesn't contain anything political, which is normally only the case on children's movies or horror movies


Saying horror movies arenā€™t political is funny because of what a person higher up pointed out. Take a guess why 80s horror movies had the promiscuous person die horribly first


Horror movies are some of the most political what are you on about


A lot of these comments seem to misunderstand the meme and are projecting the fact that they make their entire lives political onto others


Why sir!!?? Don't you you know that (insert ethnicity) was under represented in Dune!!??? This must be discussed!!


Yeah, dune has no politics, good example.


Please donā€™t popularize these milquetoast centrist views on this subreddit. Even memes are political, so deal with it.