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Can't really blame the reagent guy. Probably wanted to science the hell out of that project but couldn't.


Are you even doing science if you aren't on a watch list.


Isn’t science a watchlist by itself?


Fun fact! I can buy ten grams of dimethyl mercury from a local chemical supplier. It only takes one month to ship.


Just wear gloves /s for anyone else, don’t be within 100 yards of this shit


I almost want to buy it just to have, but it’s just a bit too dangerous. I’d sooner lick a high voltage transformer.


Tastes like amperage!


The spicy force.


an amazing (and ultimate) lesson in glove/ppe compatibility


Styropyro be like


Krieger, is that you?


Seems more like a scientist than a Krieger!


Only similarities are the numbers assigned to them and the breathing ppe.


That’s how we roll in this lab.


Not making corrections from reviewer 1 because they are a fucking idiot is peak drama in academia. Shit is just like high school sometimes.


A friend of mine had a paper go through 3 rounds of reviews because of one reviewer. By the third round, the other two reviewers were calling the first one an idiot.


My advisor had to ask a reviewer to be changed by the journal as the results obtained contradict the reviewers opinions and wouldn't let it get published.


It's also entirely possible that reviewer 1 *is* a fucking idiot too.


Absolutely been there when they write a edit and you can tell they have no clue what they are talking about


Just write in the referee response that you made changes to address their concern.


Even funnier, you can have academics put on a "do not review" list for your papers if they are consistently over critical, even if you deserve it.


Idiots wants you to write their pow, while adding nothing to the argument. IIRC though, the meme was around reviewer 2.


I had an expert committee as a test group for a prototype and some of them had no idea about what they were doing but where teaching computer science in a university.


The funniest is when they say you don't engage with the existing research enough and then cite your own work at you. Hasn't happened to me (yet) but has happened to old professors of mine


I basically have had this response to several code PRs in my career, I've just had to phrase it more politely.


The centrifuge one got me. "It made a scary noise" I too avoid machines making scary noises.


Also shout out to all the protocols that specify 1500rpm but not rotor diameter


This guy centrifuges


RCF gang rise up!


Having worked with capillary tube centrifuges before, just thinking about the sound of a thrown tube gives me chills…like someone threw glass in a wood chipper.


You REALLY don't want a centrifuge to become a Chemical weapons launcher


As an academic, I can confirm that all of these are true. But there's really no way on earth to make it better. Human factor and the current system where the governments and universities not willing to pay the academics only for their research without giving them other obligations and turning their work hours into prison sentence by doing so will always be there. An academic always does so much fucking work and the only way to get some free time to spend with your family is to create that time.


Even outside of academic and into the private sector it stays like that. I worked for a company that tried to make a better cheaper white paint. The process should theoretically work, but they have only managed to make it work once. And it turns out the guy who made this perfect batch of white paint left and didn’t take detailed notes. I am convinced the dude accidentally measured a standard and labeled it as sample.


Yes, as an evolutionary biologist, I must travel to Hawaii to do my field work. Simply nowhere else would suffice!


Field work in Hawaii? Outrageous. Conference in Hawaii? Nowhere else would have really worked if you think about it.


And the conference has to be in the first week of January right after the holidays.


That only coveres a portion of the disclosures


I always wanted to become an academic, but after engineering school I got a job and I didn’t want to leave the higher pay that came with it. For a few years I believed that academia would have been easier, that I’d have more freedom compared to my corporate gig and I might have been happier being an academic. Then I met a few of my friends from college who ended up as professors in some of the best engineering schools in the world and seeing their workload made me change my opinion and made me realise that I might not have had the patience for this.


You could just me like me. I got my engineering degree, ended up in a shitty field that demands both the high workload and rewards dismal pay! Pro tip for new engineers, never work in a manufacturing or industrial engineering job. The working conditions are rough, management often just throws you at everything to fix it regardless of how possible it is, and the CNC operators makes more than you if you count the overtime your not paid for.


D-d-did you work for PCC Airfoils? Sounds exactly like them. Although, I do know it’s a trend in those roles. Glad I experienced it in an internship so I knew not to apply for those types of jobs when I graduated. I appreciate all you crazy fucks that do manufacturing/industrial so I can do the other stuff.


No. It sounds like the entire industry is like this. I was dumb enough to intern at one of these places and think it would be better and pay well enough to stick around. That's one of my biggest regrets in life.


"Scientists have found a way to create time!"


Having been forced to do experiments well after hours and on weekends during undergrad due to busy scheduling constraints, I never want to do lab work outside 9-5 again


>where the governments and universities not willing to pay the academics only for their research Governments and universities often fund academic research but typically do not pay researchers solely for their findings. Instead, much of this publicly funded research is freely available, allowing private corporations to use these discoveries for profit.


They fund your research, but they don't just keep you as a researcher but you to teach classes and also attend to some administrative business in most countries. And that's a problem because teaching and doing paper work for the university is one job and doing your research is another. That makes us end up practically working in two jobs.




Ragebait used to be believable


Username checks out


Thanks, you helped me stop edging


All hail Sci-hub cause there's no fucking way I'll pay 40 bucks for 10 copy-pasted, but slightly changed pages of the same experiment done for like the past 30 years.


Back before I knew Sci-hub was a thing, I just base my citations of paywalled articles on the provided abstract lol


This is so relatable lmao


Same 😂😂😂


Idk, but articles are mostly the same quoted stuff over and over again, bloated with words only to make it longer. Most articles can be cut to half and lose noth8ng of importance cause it's usually saide like 50 times across the whole article. Tbh, it feels like what we did as kids when we had to make a report.


Asking the sients also often help, atleast my exsperience from biology is that they will give you the paper pdf for free, aslong as they see the email you sennt that ask for it witch is like a 50% they will do. 


Sci-hub lives? I thought the links were all pruned and no new stuff is being uploaded.


The last time i used it was a few weeks ago and worked, but idk


Honesty is essential. Imagine trying to reproduce the results without knowing to incubate the sample at 18C for 5 months because that's the temperature Mary from Leeds keeps the thermostat at since she started menopause.


LOL you guys are so funny


Fron the creators of "i went on a vacation and left fungus in my desk, so when i came back i discovered penicillin"


Unironically this is how things should be done. Shit happens during the scientific process. Rather than assuming things are always done perfectly (they never are), it’s much more useful when things like this are pointed out and explained so future researchers using the discovered results are able to better determine how the results came to be under the actual conditions rather than having to assume one way or another


Exactly. Repeatability is often the most important factor in a scientific discovery. If you describe what you did honestly, this helps the next guy coming along trying to replicate your results.


Precisely. There’s a damn good reason why stem students have note taking and describing what they did drilled into them. An experiment needs to be repeatable to be considered valid


Exactly. Unfortunately though for those scientists who have to interact with the general public, there’s a constant battle between talking about doing things the right way, and creating an image of consensus and unity within the scientific community. The reason for this is because the general public tends to have this idea that if scientists disagree with each other, then you can’t trust them. For example, the team that discovered Homo neladi is having their research heavily criticized for jumping to conclusions without doing the proper experimentation. Science deniers who are aware of this use this as an example to say “see! Scientists can’t even agree on evolution, so it must be fake!” It’s very frustrating lol


Unfortunately we see a insane amount of romanticization around scientists, making us believe they are perfect human beings who have dedicated their entire life to a science research. Completely forgetting they are also humans and have other needs than just research and science.


It's not how it should be done. It's how it is done. Not to say we will one day reach perfection or that human errors arent part of life but that is very different from saying people shouldnt get paid decently or have proper work conditions and career plans. So much of the research done today is irreproducible because we don't have the info required to do so.


Another problem is that you may get punished for honesty, either by rewjuers claiming paper to be to long or by them getting worked up over details like the ones memtioned in the meme. 


We were just reviewing a paper in my lab and one of the doctoral students asked "why did they take a data point every 3 hours up until 15 hours and then skip 9 hours?" The PI said "they wanted to sleep, obviously".


So often when I read "it was left to reflux for 72h" I just assume it was Friday and they left it over the weekend.


I can relate so much to the centrifuge one 😭


It's way too real 😂


10 years? In my place they will try anything they can to force you to graduate before year 6-7


If someone's a masters student for 3 years and then a PhD student at the same place for 7 years, that's a total of 10 years.


Fr the fucking centrifuge at high speeds is nightmare fuel "It's making way too much sound, if it explodes I'm dead"


When you realize you forgot to balance it properly and you're in a different part of the room and it starts rocking like a 70's shag van.


The ones in my lab just stop if they are too imbalanced lol.


The unrelated science images and the proper wording of things is killing me 🤣


I can confirm all of these lol Would also add "We purposely only cite once or twice the papers that we got from sci-hub" / "Results actually took a few rounds of experimentation because nobody knows what *clean* means at the lab"


I want to know how that postdoc’s bakery is doing. I genuinely hope they are happy.


Did a short summer in a condensed matter physics lab, and seeing tin foil from Kroger hanging off $100K+ equipment kinda makes it seem less intense.


I did my internship at a zoology department of a university ( lab technician) What a fucking fuckfest... The doc i was working to provide data for didn't even know what the data was for. Half of them were half morons . Freezers full of unlabelled samples and shit , contaminated reagents and so on. I was always all alone in a deserted basement lab. I waited my samples for WEEKS. Unreal.


Knew a PHD left responsible for a fieldsite of the 6 other phds and 4 prods involved in the projeckt only one proff showed up to help for the field period. The rest dident hawe time but still wamted their parts of the projekt maintained and the samples sent to them…




How are all of them so relatable? Almost makes me believe that maybe scientists are normal people too.


Scientists aren't some abstract people that look like Einstein or Marie curie, with books overflowing on their desks and them spending weeks in the labs without going home. Its mostly Masters students, PhDs and Post Docs who do work they're interested in so they can graduate. Most people treat it as a 9-5 job where they come work and then go home to their families. You don't have to be a super genius you just have to be a hard worker with dedication and even then scientists aren't different from your average Joe. Just the work they do is very specialized and seems highly advanced to someone not in the feild. A skilled plumber, scientist or doctor are all probably on a similar plane where they know their craft well but to someone outside their fields the work they do seems unfathomable and in a different world.


As a grad student, I can confirm that I have done half of these


this is a whole comic of meme i appreciate the effort


What if reviewer 1 is a f$&@ing idiot?


We must test, for science!


Increasing the size by a factor of 10 is way too expensive! It would mean all the Budget goes into the rotation spinners and no more field trips for 3 years.


As a recently graduated molecular biologist, these are all too true


That's humans for you.


Funny i was telling my student i put the centrifuge at this speed because above make bad noise ...


Turns out scientists are also humans


Cvs receipt of a meme


By the same token, why do we pay certain professionals well (knowing that they’ll invest some of their earnings back into staying at the top of their field), but others we think they should have to make do with the bare minimum to stay alive? A soldier and a president might be making similar decisions about similar circumstances, but we understand that the president deserves to stay in a nice hotel, have plenty of food and water, and get lots of rest and relaxation. To the soldier, we say fuck you, you’re replaceable. Make do with the shittiest of circumstances (no air conditioning for you!) even though we know lives depend on you making the right decisions.


“Goddamnit this guy didn’t crop his me-“ *opens meme* “Hooooly shit!”




Bad crop? Bro we're gonna starve


It's not cropped, just very long if you click into it.


Fucking true and based




Brought to you by Pfizer


Via 9GAG?


Reposting from 9gag? Son, I am disappoint.


I wanna be this kind of student


I read that as Laravel and was super confused


To solve the citing issue, you can use a shadow library, like sci-hub.se


Wouldnt the last one completely change the results and make the research irrelevant?


via 9gag


9 gag watermark, I question your validity


The third on is so reasonable because my friends were suspected to be an online arsonist group because of a school project they were talking about.


Amy Winehouse cake




That last one 😂.


Trust the science /s


I felt the reviewer one in my soul :D


I felt the 1500 rpm thing...


I’m a machinist and my girlfriend is a scientist in Pharmaco-kinetics. I just sit there and regularly listen to her complain about work. I always found it difficult to understand and relate to most of her stories, but reading the comments here has given me a better understanding. I just sent her a copy of the memes and I’ll have her read some of the comments as well.


My first tl:dr meme


Yeah, Science!


I aint Reading all that


1 - I had a viticulture professor put on a list because of his frequent communications about “pressure bombs” which is a tool used to measure water status in grapevines. 2 - I feel like VWR is the Walmart of scientific supplies or maybe it’s the dollar store. 3 - I’ve absolutely lowered the parameters for centrifuge speed because I was afraid of the sounds…




Testing model was selected because I slept on this and science fair project was due next day.


Bro I’m not reading all that, (mostly since it’s so small) also if I see this on r/unsubbed I’ll be pissed


Am scientist can confirm the fisher sci one is accurate as fuck. Avantor/vwr is their competitor and is a slightly different Walmart.


Thermofisher is like the walmart of science tho (I've worked at numerous of their different divisions lol)


TRuSt tHe ScieNcE 🥴🥴🥴


I am a scientist and I 100% can identify with any and all of these.


My best one from an archaeological study would be - "Inconclusive data; excavation had to be abandoned after the lead researcher was captured by local guerillas and held for ransom... For the third time."


Huh, I thought I was alone in making rat sacrifices to Tom Petty


You and me both!


I love when it's all in one panel like this, it's so much easier


This means there's alot more for us to discover and learn 😀


I aint readin allat


“Advisor wanted me to graduate” yeah fucking right.


I never saw anything like this in the labs either I or my wife worked in. In my experience people get ripped apart during presentations even for fairly reasonable omissions. So I can't imagine any PI letting someone get away with so much laziness and lack of rigor.


Damn I wasn't expecting it to be a mile long image holy shit


This is anti-intellectual bullshit.


why tf did you format it like this?




Sounds like the response to reviewer 1’s shitty notes.


Rip Trevor 😢


A great comedian and local sexpot


Forever in our hearts


Are.. are we gonna just not talk about rat sacrifices to Tom Petty? Like i understand, the man is a fucking rock god, but like are we just gonna slide past that? Are we really gonna just discuss the noisy centerfuge while ignoring the totally justifiable panhandle rockabilly cult evolving among researchers and lab techs?


I ain’t reading all that bro


I am NOT reading all that, sorry...


I ain’t reading allat


I ain't reading allat


I aint reading allat


This is why we shouldn't trust any scientists bc of these grad students and only get info from people doing ZERO science


Not ZERO science, it's just that the things doesn't work in the same way you plan. Years pass you by, your friends getting married, buying houses, cars, they get children, or they stay single and party the shit out while you're stuck in a loop working on your research. You don't get paid enough, you don't get enough time for yourself and you always have to do other things that your university asks you to do. So people tend to lose motivation and what they planned at the beginning doesn't turn out as perfect as intended. But at the end, it still turns out way better than what some random idiot with no education and enough qualification does. You should trust scientists. You just have to know that they're people too.


Speak for yourself. I partied while researching. “Subjects were administered cocaine because they need to party too”


I'm not a scientist in any way (I only took some extra courses in biology), but even I know that research can get fucked up so easily. For example on one of our courses we were supposed to study "something" (can't for the life of me remember the word) and I chose to study the effects of wetness and temperature on the speed of mold growing on bread. All great, I have a bunch of bread (25 pieces) and almost the full 4 weeks of time until the deadline, only one problem, no fucking mold grew in any of the samples. The mold did start growing eventually, but that was too late for the project


I don't know why people don't see that you're being sarcastic.


I don’t have the patience to look at all these. Take my upvote


I'm not reading that 😎😎


I ain't read all that but it must be funny so haha


I ain't readin' allat!


I Ain't Reading allat 🥶☠️😭


Ain’t readin allat




That's okay. Judging by your comment, the content would gone over your head anyway.




Sure they do... it just stops at [ow my balls](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1hj_7U40z5I) from Idiocracy