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Tipping culture has gotten so bad in canada that it's expected at liquor stores even when you go get the product yourself and bring it to a till. That's like tipping at a grocery store. It makes no sense.


in the us we have self checkouts ask for tip :)


Haha you are joking, right?


No. I'm in the US, I've seen it quite a bit, leaves a bad taste in my mouth every single time. But hey man these multi billion dollar companies gotta make record profits somehow, everything getting more expensive by several dollars isn't enough, throw them a bone.


My brain is struggling to accept this as real. Who gets the money? Who even tips the self-serve machine? Do cashiers get tips?


Pretty sure self checkout tips just get pocketed by the company. Not 100% sure but I can't imagine it goes to anyone actually on the floor. Grocery cashiers are not tipped which is actually really weird considering if you go to a bakery and they put cookies in a bag for you there's a decent chance they'll ask for a tip lol I've also experienced this in fast food kiosk form as well. Basically you walk up to the kiosk, choose what you want to eat, and as you go to pay it offers you different tip options $5, $10, $15 and a custom amount option you have to select and type $0.00 into to avoid leaving a tip to literally nobody.


It's like tipping the Starbucks kid for pressing the right button on the machine.


Damn bro, and here I am being stingy with restaurant tips. That’s gotta be some kind of legal loophole, right? You’re not usually allowed to mess with tips if it isn’t explicitly yours, so you’d think companies aren’t allowed to collect tips at all.


This is sad 😅😅


Certain screens actually ask you. (At least in the memes idk I'm not from 'Murica)


'Murican here, the ones I've used only ask for donations to charity groups. Though I wouldn't be surprised if our robots start asking for tips.


No sir, I was at the Las vegas Airport and went and bought a Gatorade from this store that was completely self service. Basically just a fancy vending machine. I scanned my Gatorade and asked if I wanted to leave a tip. I thought for who myself? If I leave a 100% tip is the Gatorade free and when should I expect to be tipped out?


It's really funny , I am Dutch and my sister is dating a Canadian and he lets her pay in restaurants to not tip because here there's no tipping culture.


Can't they just go... Dutch... I'll see myself out


Same in the US. I only tip waitresses though.




In Japan is actually rude to give tips \*moves to Japan


Its a shame for the owners because it makes them look like they either cant or dont want to pay their staff a living wage.


Here in America they all don’t and everyone knows that and the businesses don’t care 😂


It makes them look like that in both places, but it's only shameful in one of those places


It's shameful in both places, really, but the US and most of the west is elbow-deep in late-stage capitalism, so shame on you and your business is a small price to pay for a $3.50 tip.


Shame is just not an effective motivator in general in the US. Pretty much all of the most putrid degenerate brainrot infesting media originates here. For a more literal realtime example, visit any given Walmart at noon on a saturday if you need more evidence that it's just the public in generals attitude and not a conspiracy against them. The late stage capitalism thing is here, but that is not why this happens like that.


I'd say that those things you're seeing *are* the result of late-stage capitalism, albeit in an indirect way.


I don't think so. You can pretty much sum up US culture as a whole as "FU Imma do what I want", which isn't really conducive to shame. Every region of the country has their own take on this but they all have it, and I have been to almost every state in the union at this point.


America is a very powerful country, but it also has terrible flaws like the medicine system, the tipping culture or all the absurd EULA that you have to agree to when using a new software. Half of that wouldn't be allowed in europe


THOSE, you think, are the US's biggest issues? Maaaaaan i think we need to have a talk.


I don't tip guilt-free. It's great.


And this is exactly my way of thinking.


It's shameful in the US too, but nobody has a sense of shame.


We went to this self serve type restaurant the other day and they turned the screen around to ask for a tip. I asked if they split the tips and the young man working behind the counter said oh no, we don’t get the tips. The money from tips goes to the owner since it is a fairly new restaurant. Yikes! I. didn’t leave anything and said that’s truly awful that the owner is doing that to y’all. Just imagine how many people just tip out of guilt because the screen gets turned around and the money doesn’t even go to the workers.


Good!! It is fucking shameful and people should be willing to recognize that


Moving the shame from the business and onto the customer is the American way


It's not a shame to tip, it's rude to Hand out "naked" money. If you go to Japan and you want to tip but it in a cart or something with a text thanking for the meal.


When i tried to tip a guy in Japan he made me buy drinks for myself instead


Do not move to Japan. No one needs to move to Japan. If y'all think America is xenophobic y'all ain't seen shit. Japan is incredibly xenophobic and has a lot of right-wing Nationals. Couple that with the fact that The country has an awful work ethic expectation where oftentimes you're just about expected to sleep at your job. Just don't


As an European, I think America is quite progressive in terms of acceptance of different people.


Don’t forget the rampant racism against non Asians in Japan


Yeah. They are racist against literally anyone who isn't Japanese. Like at least American racists show solidarity with other white people or people of their race. But Japanese people are like nah man You're from an island that's like 50 miles off the mainland? Pshhhhhhhhh


Yeah it’s not a very alluring place to wanna go, I don’t understand people’s want to go there if they aren’t from there


I mean it definitely is an alluring place to visit. The landscape is beautiful, there's a lot of historical markers and places to visit. If you're a huge history, nerd like me. Just don't live there


Oh that’s what I mean. The people that are like *Im gunna live in Japan* if your aren’t from Japan I don’t know why you’d wanna live there, I guess I should have worded my first response better that’s on me. I do agree as a tourist destination it’s got hella the shit to see and experience


Most of the people saying that in the past were weebs who didn't know anything about it.


That would kind of fall under xenophobia, no? Since anyone that isn’t asian inherently also isn’t of Japanese descent.


Whole of asia here in pakistan some take it happily but majority still reject it


People tip in Pakistan? Wow.


I know from where you are talking from that is unexpected hope you get financially stable soon so your don't feel longing about others getting tips


Just pay your fkn employees


Yeah who is tiping me for building cars?Nobody I get my good salary and im happy


I’m saying this all the time to people too, I’m at an asphalt plant loading rail and tanker trucks. Where’s my tip for not over flowing a car? Or when I make a blend and don’t fuck it up, where’s my tip? I’ve never understood tipping. You carried some plates, you were nice; you did your job and were pleasant, how does that constitute me give *You* “my” money I had to work twice a fucking hard for (and to those who are going to say *if you haven’t worked service you don’t know what it’s like… blah fucking blah.* I know what it’s like, held down a lotta jobs. Believe me a service worker on an absolute slammed day still doesn’t know a stressful hard day at “work” is like. Companies just need to pay their mother fucking employees. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Yep. I remember working in day care for years, there were days I changed 40 diapers in a day. Diapers chocked full of a variety of poops, each kid pooping whenever and however they felt. Their safety and life was in my hands. Did fucking heimlich on a 3 year old once! I made minimum wage and that's it. Not a single extra dime or nickel, no jar or screen to flip around and ask the parents for extra. My friends were working restaurants and coming home with $300/night in tips. Nobody serving food deserves a tip unless I recieve exceptional service. Should be reserved for that only.


Exactly if yall get tips we should all get tips or nobody getting tips how about that equality for all. I package all yall orders on Amazon and still haven't received . I'm aware and realize the main problem I'd corporate America. can't believe mfs asleep out here stay asleep cause reality gonna smack yall regardless. They really got yall settling


Are you mad? Paying them!? That costs money!!!!!


Here in Sweden, there is no such thing as tipping. The resturant pay the staff, the custumer pays the for the food and drinks. End of story.


It’s robbery at this point


You must experience some very peaceful, optional robberies.


"Hey, can you give me 20% of your wallet? I think I was pretty polite about this whole encounter..."


“$10-20 please. No? Okay.”


\*Fucks up his food and spits on it for not tipping\*


No is not an option


I tip bc I want to tip, if I’m forced to tip I’m not going to eat out or order in.


We visited NYC recently. Auto gratuity was added to just about EVERY place we went out to eat. It was infuriating.


Fuck auto gratuity


European whose main language isn't English here, what is that?


Fellow European here. Auto gratuity is when businesses automatically charge you an additional percentage of your total bill. So this can be an extra $10 for a $50 restaurant meal. As you can imagine, not many people are very happy when stuff like that happens.


Honestly if this happens to me I will subtract the tip, leave the clean money of the food and leave the place


I wish restaurants paid a living wage.


the stupid thing is if you live in certain places, ex: california, there's no tipped minimum so servers make 20$+/hr. is that a lot for California? no not really. but there's a ton of other people, some working in the same establishment, that don't get 200-400$ a night in tips and make the same base wage making over 100k as a server in California, with the majority of your wages being untaxed, (which again, not a ton in some places) isn't that uncommon


It is damaging to business overall such that teachers, mechanics and technicians does not get tips and earn less than waiters. At a later stage it will be hard to hire people on important jobs that pay less than being a waiter.


You guys are forced to tip?


As far as i know America is the only country where tips are necessary other country's pay living wage to all


Yeah but no matter where I am in this world I'm not going to pay you extra for writing down my order, giving the paper to the chef 10 meters away, then handing me the plates when they're done cooking. If anyone should be tipped, it's the chef. But even then, I hear America has like, a requirement for tipping? The fuck? I'm not gonna pay 20% of 100 bux to anyone You get one fucking dollar, take it or leave it. If anything, it's rude to ask for a tip. IT'S CALLED A TIP, NOT EXTRA TAX I could go on about this for hours. Honestly I cannot stress enough how mentally ill this idea is.


Actually a bigger problem is the tipping is in percentage, like if I ordered something for 100$ I should tip more? Like imagine I ordered 1 plate of something for 50$, or 3 plates of something for 20$, then I need to tip more for the 50$ even tho the worker did less work...




I do a job like this, and yes we split those tips with the hardworking chef and cooks. this isn't the case for all restaurants, but in general the sales and tips at least somewhat go toward kitchen staff including expo, hosts, etc. we agree with you 😅kitchen staff is highly underrated and underpaid.


they need to ban tipping


Germany does it pretty well imo. Tips here mostly consist of a few coins, mostly just people rounding up their pay to not be left with change. Like, getting anything over a buck is a big deal in service here. My personal all time record was 60 bucks, after serving a group of 30 celebrating someones birthday at the café I worked at. You only really do it as a form of feedback when you really enjoyed the service. The only big problem we still have in regards to tipping is some scummy business owners taking in the tipps of their staff.


Hey, im not American, but like, how do someone "force" you to tip??? As far as i know, you just need to pay for what you asked and consumed (like, if you go to a restaurant and you didnt ask bread but they give you bread, they cannot force you to pay, as it would be like the restaurant gifted you the bread as you didnt ask).


It's more social pressure and the fact that if I don't tip then the server might not have enough money for food this week


That sounds like a them problem tbh


It is.


It's an everyone problem because the impact of tipping culture ripples throughout the fabric of society


Some restaurants add automatic gratuity onto the bill.


Tipping is like saying "thank you" in money. Employees get paid by the company.


"thank you" in money is called "bribery" and is usually illegal.


???????? in what fucking universe does bribery mean thank you LMAO


at that point it would just be an extra fee.


Everyone knows that insisting or even relying on Tipping reflects badly on the owners


Nah just raise minimum wage in that shithole called usa


The minimum wage was raised. but i dont know if it was for everywhere in america, like restaurants. I know the minimum wage was increased in places like retail and fast food


They have two salary codes (one for tipped employees and one for non tipped). They need to raise them all and make them equal.


Look at idiots downvoting you. I absolutely agree.


Here in poland we don't really do tips so when I recieved 5PLN (around 2 dollars) tip yesterday that made my day. Also tips in polish literally mean "for beer"


In Russia it is sometimes referred to as "for vodka"


I wish paying people for their work became the standard in all countries


I wish the exact opposite (of the meme). I agree tipping is stupid and it's history is ubber classiest and racist.


It's not a tip if it's required lol.


Tips should be for excellent service. Not to pay the waiters wages


Technically, it originated as a bribe during the great depression. To get better service, and over all treatment. Before then servers were paid a proper wage. During the great depression they often didn't get paid enough, like many industries. So bribes started happening. And evolved into "tips". So now we all tip but don't receive the benefits as if we bribed them.


In Australia, the price is the price.


I don't understand tipping at all, why should I pay you more when the place/company you work for already pays you? "am doing you a service" yeah you are just doing your job why don't they pay you more?


If it's like in Germany, it's pretty good. You don't have to tip, it's just something you do if you feel like the service was worth more than you paid for already and even then you just round up a bit. Like from 48,50€ to 50€, so that it's a nice round number and you don't have random coins if you pay in cash. There is no pressure, so it's fine. Basically just a little feedback that there service was more than the expectation and not just "write down order, bring order".


I have an idea,stop tipping and force the things to change? You are not responsible nor should you feel guilty for waiters or waitresses life,the business should pay them more and that's between the server and the employer nit the customers.


I always think back to Reservoir Dogs where one guy doesn't believe in tipping and points out you tip the girl pouring your coffee but not the one in McDonald's


if i dont get good service then i barely tip, if i get great service then i tip p well. I too worked in restaurants for tips and eeaarrned those tips


What is truely rediculous tho is when they take the tips straight outta your change before giving it back lmao happened to me a few times


What if I wish for a house in a remote area with no one around and then wish a meteor to fall on my new house next Wednesday at 3:37pm? Does that break the first rule?


In France the Law force to pay the restaurant personnal decently (their are not pay a lot but it's enough to live). You leave a few euros tip but it's not necessary. And the total of the tips are share between all employees (kitchen ones too). Édit: damn phone autocorect


What a fool. You only need one wish. Just wish for a real life functioning infinity gauntlet with all the stones. That way you can literally do whatever you want


Lol I’ve worked in restaurants and waitresses can easily bring in 5 times what cooks make through tips on a good night. Downside to that is if it’s a slow night they’re screwed.


Hard nope. Tipping culture is about a thanks for good service. Having people reply on tips is just lunacy


Tipping culture shouldn’t be necessary… pay your workers fairly.


I love paying extra to the guy that moved my food and not the actual cook because it gives companies an excuse to underpay their workers!!!


I really feel like tips lost their meaning, its supposed to be a kind gesture to give a little bonus because you thought the service was very good, now its just an extra fucking tax and your seen as rude if you dont leave atleast 10%, its stupid really i mean bruh my local grocery stores self checkouts asks for tips, atleast they dont criticise you for not giving a tip, but I think my point still stands


Tipping culture making no fckin sense


I remember seeing a photo of one of the machines having the no tip button taped over like as if nobody’s gonna rip it off & still hit the option


\*wishes for America to abandon tipping culture and switch to metric\* Genie: You have unlimited wishes


Tipping is the biggest scam pulled by businesses. You gotta give it to restaurant owners, they convinced customers and employees that it wasn't for them to pay their employees, and everyone's ok with that.


Just pay your employees with a fine wage like in every other country. If someone specifically asks for a tip, they won't get one.


I’m about to surgically get a couple epicanthus, become fluent in japanese, and move the FUCK to japan


maaaaybe if u add glitter?


In Argentina some places charge you a "cubierto" (silverware) or "servicio de mesa" (table service) and you're still expected to tip at least 10%. I refuse to tip in those places


in morocco we just give whatever we want depending on the service. 10 dirhams (around a dollar) is considered as a massive tip and is a sign of good service/good


I mean, you don’t have to tip. You can usually leave before they even look and most places are not going to remember you.


ngl I think it would actually be cool if this mf got rid of the tipping standard


easy, wish for 500 trillion and now they allll love you


What is “Paychecks keeps up with inflation” for $1,000, Alex?


He didn’t say you couldn’t wish for more wishes


Many times have I almost tipped my debit card code when paying for a drink at the pub or bar..


I concur!


i thought it said no tripping fall and do mushrooms and acid


im germany it's usually to round up or give one or 2 euros if you were happy with the service and i think thats a fair sum, but the beauty is the employe dont need the tips for survival it's just a nice gesture and i think thats fine


They really need to try self serve or fast food style dining at sit down restaurants.  Like either use a waiter or opt in to grab your own food and drinks from the kitchen spot.  Because 100% someone refilling my drink, bringing the food, and making fake conversation is not worth the extra $2-$3


Tipping is absolutely out of control. You want a tip because you poured me a black coffee? No. I have stopped tipping outside of regular interactions i.e. delivery drivers and wait staff.


I live in Poland. I usually tip unless I see that the servant is rude or looks like they are serving me as a punishment. If someone is very nice and does their job better than it is usually required I would show my appreciation. In here no one forces you to tip. It's usually a really small tip - you pay for coffee 18 so you just leave 20.


We dont need any more countries to be as fucked up as usa.


If it wasn’t the standard in America I would only tip if I actually got amazing service


In my country, tipping is rewarding a good service. If the service is bad, I love the part when the waiter asks for the tip and I just say "nope". Nobody has ever asked me for an explanation when I say no (it just has been a couple of times), because maybe they know when they don't get tip is because of the crappy service.


I’m not tipping this genie if they refuse to serve the customer.


Maybe I'm the odd man out here, but since when have we been forced to tip? I only tip at sit-down restaurants and the barber.


It should be the employer's job to give their employees money to live, not the customers.


Yes make every country worse that isn't America


When to a restaurant the other day, they had this we add 18% tip automatically on all bills to pay for staff...I was like cool a no-tip place, a higher tip than I normally pay but whatever. Get the bill asks for an additional tip at the bottom


I hate tipping. The restaurant industry has done a great job of creating the tension between customers & waitresses/waiters. Meanwhile the Industry is the problem. How is it legal to pay a human being in 2024 $2-$3 an hr (from what I’ve heard)? That should be a damn war crime.


Am I too young to find this funny? I feel like I am, but it’s not like, inappropriate level. It’s good, it’s hilarious and that’s all I care about


The rich are laughing at us. '' the poors are arguing about tipping each other again ha ha'' Raise the min wage if you don't like tipping. No raising the min wage does not cause inflation. The rich have ticked you on that too. The fed printing money for Tax breaks for the rich causes inflation.


Shut the fuck up about tipping alreadyyyyyyyyy. Reddit feels like a fucking broken record that repeats the same three exhausted talking points over, and over, and over again.


100% agree


That's like one of the biggest things that i want to keep away from the rest of the world. It's still in like the top 20 tho


Yup, another strange American thing…


Person: gives no service Me: I won't tip Person: How dare you!


Americans can be so funny some times.


turns out, most countrys tip, and have no problem with it. its only if you use tipping as a excuse to pay your workers below minimum wage, that it becomes problematic,




To be fair, nobody is FORCED to tip.


It's still a standard in the US, at least from what I've heard.




Wish: I wish people could all earn a good fair living wage. Genie: that is a good wish. I wish that too. Any other suggestions?


Everything in America is so cheap! (I’m a European who will never tip anyone for anything ever)


tipping should be for someone who exceeds expectations or for convenience, it should not be so you can donate to someone underpaid assuming the money won’t be divided between everyone working even though only one person earned it


This. Nothing wrong with tipping, but it should be something you do because you feel like the service actually was worth more than you already paid.


I'm with Mr. Pink on this one. (3rd time I say this regarding tipping culture, people should be getting this reference FFS!. And I won't stop using it)


You're not FORCED to tip in the US, unless it's an auto-gratuity that's based on your ticket's price, or how many were in the party. If you're talking about the social pressure to tip, that's all imagined. You don't have to do it.


Im sorry what? What's auto-gratuity?? From what i can gather from your comment is that you have to pay more because you spent more? That doesn't make sense


It happens at some high end restaurants. So I've heard. I can't afford to eat at any of them.


So it's a forced tip for rich people?


Yes but alot of times you get treated like the worst person ever if you dont tip. I see people post online how somebody didnt tip them and they are a cheap dickhead and shouldnt go out to eat...


Where the hell do you go that forces an auto-gratuity based on price?


Just came back from Myrtle beach and there were multiple places that included 18% gratuity.


Like I've heard of party of 6 or higher gets auto tip, but wtf. I hope your trip went well though


Thanks, stranger! It was great, I hope you get to go, too. :)


Thanks for the tip


I think that waiters and people that get tips should get mandatory reviews from the customers and based of how well they do they get bonus for the employer. But no America is a money hungry corrupt country which causes big monopolies to act the same then small businesses then there employees and customers and we wonder why our society is fucked when it’s built of making an extra buck by fucking over the next guy


I say the same thing to everyone that complains about tipping: If you don’t feel like tipping, you’re free to cook your own food, do your own nails/haircut, or move your own stuff from your old place to your new place. Most of these people are getting a decent wage, but tipping for excellent service is really a gimme when it comes to the grand scheme of things if you have any morals. As someone that receives tips as well as a great wage, I am always greatly appreciative, and especially so when it’s a cash tip. The wife and I save up from October through December and can easily pay for all of Xmas on cash tips alone. Now, if we’re talking about adding a tip during just ordering food at a register, get that shit the fuck out of here. The balls that these businesses have to do that….especially when the tip 1000% will not go to the cashier that was logged in at that station. That is 100% all going to the business.


You apply none of that logic to other service positions.


The businesses should pay more, we, the customers, shouldn't have to pay their wages, in "tips"


Having to decide o a tip BEFORE serving e is rendered is fucking wild to me. Doordash/ubereats did way too many drugs


I mean, when the service is good, tipping should be standard. However, it should still remain optional for the customer.


it isn’t?


Tipping is not forced


tipping culture can only get out of control, stop tipping, never tip


No one is forced to tip


So are posts about it


Why should tipping be standard in all countries. Isn't it mostly America where they don't pay their wait staff a living wage? I tip here in the UK if the service has been amazing and they deserve it. NOT because I feel I have to otherwise they'll starve. America is weird


Fucking facts. If I got the tip, I'll tip 20 bucks, if I don't, 5 is all I can do 🤷‍♂️ Full time single father, job doesn't give much, and my kid and I deserve to eat out sometimes. Its super rare tho


Why don’t you work as a server then? Get paid less than minimum and no other way to get money. Work as a busser, someone in the industry. People like that are the reason servers have no money to fill fridges


Instead of wishing for tips, wish for adequate pay so tips aren't required


there are places where you are forced to tip?!?!


you can tip in all countries but its only america where people depend on it for their whole income.


Who would wish for that?