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Guys after watching one episode of jojo


Fist of the North Star, Baki, Hajime no Ippo comes to mind as well.


Dragon ball


Personally, it's not my piece of cake, but yeah. Great body figures there that motivated many people over the years. Here's to all the kamehameha's that were attempted over the years.


Also… there’s Riki-Oh ![gif](giphy|9MslKYd004MVnf6b0R|downsized)


Gisele Bundchen


Hajime no Ippo unironically. I’m actually so much more motivated to hit the gym after reading it and it’s great.


Definitely a classic!


Hey boss, i need some suggestions about animes about the gym or like men with big muscles. I have seen most main stream ones (bcs of covid i was weeb) i appreciate it, god bless you today friend🙏❤️


I mean given your description you probably saw it already but the lowest hanging fruit is probably "Baki"


I watched an episode of ippo and started looking at boxing gyms before I realized I'm too old for that


And Kengan Ashura and Record Of Ragnarok


It was baki for me




Specifically parts 1-3


After watching part 5 I feel my inner gay has woken






Literally Strongest Disciple Kenichi for me


Men get body dysphoria too


And the guy in the picture is dehydrated and on a bunch of PEDs/extreme diets to look like that. And though it comes down to individual preference, that’s generally not considered an attractive physique outside of bodybuilding.


also I think, because I don't really have any data or anything, that having those hard to achieve expectations makes a lot of ppl give up eventually or not enjoy the process etc. setting realistic goals is an important part of the entire process. posting memes meant to put down other people won't make anyone ripped.


yea he is not natty and that bodyweight and dehydration are miserable. Henry Cavill's comment about 'smelling water' (i think he said it) is on point for the level of misery you go through to look like that on stage for a competetion or in his case, film. Gyllenhall in Road House is attainable naturally. And before anyone comes in with 'hes not natty', he's been consistently working out for a long, long time and his physique is not over the top in size like you would get with roids


I don’t think Gyllenhall is natty. That said, I agree a physique resembling his is possible to do naturally. But hey, we’re both here making assumptions about what the guy has done, who knows.


Everyone's on steroids -Nate


Gyllenhall is not natty, his delts are disproportional to rest of his upper body.


Beyond all the extreme hard work he puts in and the extreme conditions he puts his body through that is also a picture of literally the best physique in the world right now. Like he is literally Mr. Olympia reigning 5 years in a row. So anyone else doing the same still won’t reach those levels.


We don't train for the female gaze


That’s the thing, the media brainwashes men and women into thinking unhealthy, unnatural body types are attractive. Women who get huge fake lips and bbls generally do it “for themselves” as well


It's just to show off the muscles in the best condition visually, alongside with the oil to make them more easy to distinguish and judge






Erectile dysfunction*




And eating disorders too. It's a shame that they get ignored/dismissed


Eating disorders in men often present as “gym bro” behavior. Excessive exercise, obsession over quantity and calories, cutting out entire food groups or subsisting on the same exact food for long periods. That’s not to say being a gym bro is an eating disorder, but men with eating disorders go underdiagnosed because they can present their disorder as part of a body building hobby or whatever.


They get dismissed because men post dumb memes like the OP.


What is not often recognised is that a lot of men in gyms suffer from a form of muscular dysmorphia. Basically believing that their muscle build or tone isn't enough and that they constantly have to get bigger. Sometimes seeing themselves as much smaller than they actually are. Just imagine muscular Steve Rogers looking in the mirror and still thinking he is skinny Steve.


"the day you started lifting is the day you will be forever small because no matter how big you get you'll never be as big as you want to be" - Dom Mazetti


Never heard of it


I spelled it wrong I meant “disco fever”


YES Robert Pattinson had an INSANE physic for The Batman, and because everyone is used to dudes on steroids, they were calling him skinny


Like height and dick size shaming?


That too


And expecting to look like Gisele is unrealistic


I think largely the argument is that Botox, plastic surgery, and boob-jobs are not a realistic beauty goal. The same applies for using steroids and other drugs to grow muscle mass. Striving for realistic fitness goals should be unisex, do not compare yourself who look great because of the money they spent for surgery.


Also, when it comes to fitness, you may not be as genetically gifted as your role model, and that's ok. Just strive to become the best version of yourself.


Right people really buy into this idea that “because I can’t be something unrealistic and idealized I shouldn’t try to improve at all and that anyone who tries to promote change is pushing unrealistic beauty standards”




She's a completely healthy bodyweight and the reason people such as yourself think it's unattainable and unhealthy is because 75% of the US is overweight or obese and thus people's perspective is massively skewed due to fat being the norm.


Unrealistic? Most women worldwide are closer to her size than the average American


This isn't a "men good, women bad" thing... Both men and women can experience body dysmorphia, body image issues, eating disorders, and more. Men can work out and diet excessively and damage their health.


Which is why these silly "girls vs boys" memes were supposed to be funny, until some redditor dorks decided to interpret them as genuine arguments/points to say "men good, women bad" or "women good men bad", because these dorks just love dividing into 2 teams of dorks and just dorking out at each other.


You're telling me dorks spark gender wars? I thought dorks delivered babies :(


Though it's a meme, it's kinda true, you are right when men also experience body dysmorphia but I see a lot of men work towards that and some even achieve it, rather than complain and say "unrealistic body standards" etc. I see more men complain about their penis sizes because it's not in their control But what people need to understand is both of them are "unrealistic" meaning unless your job is a body builder, a model or an actor etc whose sole job is to achieve that kind of body it will be difficult to achieve. Plus you need a lot of money to sustain the type of body




Nah 3'' is small by every definition of the word. Better not to lie to yourself


He said workable, he didn’t say it wasn’t small.


Very true. Also just letting you all know that let people just breath and do themselves. If you see someone who has put the effort on themselves, they shouldn’t be put down because you are jealous. ![gif](giphy|zW78SIwUo1NZkPMXsG)


True that, I'm sick of people putting down models and body builders because they don't look like the majority of the people.


I'm just here for the comments


I'm here to say mean things to the fat redditors who engage in this subject a lot. Because they're fat.


I went to college with a female body builder. When she had a competition coming up and started to cut water her brain barely functioned.


What supps do I need to take to get that mustache?


Testosterone which your body can transform into Dihydrotestosterone, which can also be injected. DHT is mainly responsible for hair growth.


Get a mustache tattoo on your finger that way it’s easily removed.


Hell no I don’t wanna look like that in a million years


They rubbed baby oil on him, That's why he's so present


And how do u want to look like


Like a human ideally


Bit self destructive since that body isn't really possible without actual steroids.


Yeah nah most men knows he's on steroids, they don't expect to look like him.


Just in the context of the meme really i meant.




Realistically, effort isn’t all it takes to look like that. Bumstead isn’t natural, and the way you have to dehydrate yourself for these competitions is really not good for you.


>Everyone can look like cbum if they work hard enough! Back to playing LOL with you kid you don't know what you're talking about here so you?


Or, just acknowledge “yeah, that’s a super attractive person, I can’t compete with that, or at least I don’t want to. Oh well.” It’s just insane arrogance to think that as an a weave shmoe, you should be as attractive as the insanely attractive.


Putting in the effort *and the anabolic steroids.* Which can cause permanent harm. There are bodybuilders today suffering side effects from steroids that they took in the eighties and nineties. Also growth hormone, which enlarges the heart leading to death. And then there’s the contest prep regime that flushes electrolytes out of the body which causes the heart to misbehave; bodybuilders who look like that guy have literally dropped dead backstage at a competition because their heart crapped out.


As a male I don’t look up to PED junkies. If a guy has a great physique and natty thats extremely impressive and I respect them. I don’t respect people using performance enhancers they don’t really need trying to get bigger and more muscular. It’s narcissistic


They still need to try. You don't look like someone who uses steroids without putting in a lot of effort, natty or not


>they don’t really need trying to get bigger and more muscular Yeah you dumb


That mustache tho


sometimes i forget reddit is full of incels


And femcels lmao.


What does this have to do with incels? Feel free to reply AND downvote instead of just downvoting so I know you're not just talking out of your ass


funny thing is this meme speaks truth. muscles can be trained to grow them, boobs and hips can't be naturally made bigger. so yeah female beauty standards are generally more unrealistic (and yes i know this guys body isn't ''natural'' either as he takes steroids but if we're talking actual beauty standards, because this is not a beauty standard for men)


There's limits for men too, You can't naturally grow your skeleton no matter how hard you train, Skeleton influence, Things like Height, Shoulder width, Arm Length, Among others, This heavy influences your body type, men and women both have clear biological limits influenced by genetics.


Of course, I wasn't trying to deny that. Both men and women can suffer under the beauty standards in our society. But the only point of this post is once again ''men good, women stupid hihi'' and I'm just tired of seeing stuff like that when it's clear that the beauty standards put on girls is much more unrealistic, and has been for a long time. Of course if you look at this meme you would think that the picture of the man is more unrealistic, because it was picked on purpose as a comparison to make the picture of the woman look more realistic. But nobody actually expects a guy to look like this.


Umm no. Creating this false simplicity of muscles grow, hips don't, only contributes to the toxic gender dynamics the meme criticizes. It's not just possible but very likely that even after a chronically fatal dose of steroids most men will look like a runner up in a regional bodybuilding competition. Genetics don't just control the binary of big muscles or not but also how your muscles respond to extraneous intervention. Tl;dr : steroids might just do nothing / very little and you're stuck with yourself so start loving it.


That would only make sense if muscles were the only beauty standard for men. You can't really train your jawline to be more chiseled, or your height to grow an extra 5 inches (or your dick for that matter).


Sexism = funny


Second example is of people who is on hella of different muscle boosting drugs. Also it now loooks really ugly, not like bodybuilders in 20th century, especially Schwarzenegger.


Surgery vs steroids


Damm gotta dehydrate myself, shrink my nuts, and get skin cancer.


Damn I gotta hit the anabolic steroids


Mf looks like a dried up sting ray, what in the goddam fuck is that muscle grouping


The image is stretched, that’s not what he actually looks like.


The abs are 100%, but that’s not the part I’m talking about, his traps hang like a cape and his pecs look like biceps


Mf is 5x consecutive mr Olympia 


Barbie doll: Caused a tonne of eating disorders and anxiety over body image in a generation of girls. He-Man doll: A toy boys played with had fun with.


![gif](giphy|UV5U21gJdrTud2RUlm) Gotta hit the gym to look like him.


Do people actually want to look like that…?


Both are unrealistic, neither is natural


I don't see how that girl couldn't be natural. Yesterday I saw a girl who had a dar more impressive physique than her and she was clearly natural. It's called going to the gym people, you can look how you want for the most part if you put the effort in. You aren't going change certain features, but you can definitely enhance the onse you have.


Guts from breaserk is 68 and weighs 267 poumds at 10 15 percent body fat My 58 ass yea i can get there


I could never have mustache so glorious


The top body type is completely realistic to obtain. Just because something requires actual dedication and discipline to get to and maintain doesn’t make it “impossible” or “unrealistic”.


The gym is a great way to look good and at the same time develop physically and psychologically.


Anything is possible with a pre-workout steroid injection


Tbh no put a lean healthy individual instead of some steroid ass “bodybuilder”, put Steve Reeves or something instead man


You can train to have bigger biceps, you can't train to have bigger boobs or a more symmetric face.


Whats your point? Ignoring the corny joke in the post is about how realistic body expectations are. For better boobs or face you know you can only pay for it, leading to unrealistic expectations and unhappiness with your body. Training your muscles will only get the results you see online with bizarre diet, training and steroids. Again leading to unhappiness with your body. Also women can still make progress with training, making your argument not track.


I better hit the boob gym and do boob exercises


Unrealistic, and yet both are real people.


It’s different when you’re held to that standard.


Men aren’t? Based solely on media saturation alone, it’s the same. Except women have gotten more attention and now we get to see confident fat girls in lingerie, modeling. But the narrative is still the same. Especially among other men (no homo)


No, men aren’t. Talk with women and see if your looks are under the same degree of scrutiny. You seem to be suffering from a common misconception: “If it doesn’t happen to me, it doesn’t happen,” and if you acknowledge that it happens, you have to use your imagination to suss it out which is often not reflective of reality. Women absolutely have more pressure on them to be attractive than men.


What's so unrealistic about that woman tho? As a Dude like any woman at a healthy weight look similarly to that


Women seeing literal real actual women: "Too unrealistic, this must not be shown in public, we can't set unrealistic standards for little girls!" Men looking at comic book super heroes: "This is what I strive to achieve."


the lady looks pretty normal (obviously on the slimmer side but it is also a model you know). The dude looks sick (not in a positive way)


Bunch of tub of lards in here.




All I do is look down and sigh heavily before eating another donut


Looks like a butterfly


Except only one of them looks good.




Bro is Makin me actin up with that muscle-mustache combo


That’s it I’m killing myself tonight, I refuse to breath the same oxygen as you people do, goodnight


Yeh I’m gonna eat this doughnut and not do ether.


You can be healthy and have muscles if you exercise as a hobby. Maintaining and keeping the body of a model or Mr. Galaxy is a fulltime job, especially once you're out of your twenties.


Idk. I feel like dudes who emulate body builders are getting the male version of body dysmorphia


man's built like a Joestar ![gif](giphy|731iFlLiqaRk4)


"It's unrealistic" I don't know, Giselle looks pretty realistic to me, I mean she's real.


Whats crazy too is, it's require years in the gym to get half of this result for men, naturally or not. Women can get in a pretty decent esthetic shape in months, usually.




Honestly I think thats just hideous and scary.


Me hitting the gym to make my Marisa (SF6) Cosplay better.


Ah yes Chris Bumstead a famously realistic and achievable body goal for young men. Or is he a world renowned body builder who openly uses massive quantities of steroids?


Logs onto grindr lol Logs onto bumble bee


Gotta hit the Nutella jar


If the image was of a tall guy you'd have people crying about how women only go for tall guys wah wah


Literally my go to the gym moment Wherever in the universe Zyzz is right now, i'll always be thankful




Brah, any person that actually works out knows that's not realistic, Not even for body builders, they only look like that for competition and isn't really healthy (or possible) to maintain for prolonged periods of tome.


Sure, sometimes it just comes down to genetics, but there’s always something you can do to improve yourself within reason.


I think "Realistic beauty standards" are more about accepting that 90% of models are heavily photoshopped or irl edited with botox and other surgeries. The body dysmorphia for men kicks in once they start working out and realize their inspiration as well as 90% of people around them are using heavy steroids and that their dream physique was impossible from the get-go unless they start going on gear as well.


Muh got wings


is that skyler white


Honestly this can go the other way too. It IS unrealistic on both counts and men and women will still end up going ridiculous lengths to try and achieve it


Gotta hit the steroids and keep yourself dehydrated


I mean body building fucking destroys you. These guys seem to all die at 50 with massive heart-attacks. Models kinda do the same shit with starving themselves ditto athletes. We idolize these people, but it destroys them. I don’t know man, both these reactions seem valid 😅.


Me after seeing yujirou, "gotta work out them bones"


Cbum looks so much more unrealistic than that random woman


Yeah, not like there's an entire political movement based around the unrealistic expectations of men going on... OH FUCKING WAIT.




I don’t know a single woman that wants a dude who looks like that


Me after seeing a beefed up dude who's been abusing performance enhancing drugs for decades and is the size of a semi-truck:




I think most people don’t realize what actually goes into getting a physique like that.  


Who the hell sees the guy on the bottom and things "ah yes, I want to look like that gross looking man-thing"??


"As of 2024, Chris Bumstead has a net worth of $5-6 million" Chris bumstead Instagram followers 23.9 million Alot, apparently.


People also went to circus freakshows. Those people don't want to look like him, only the mentally ill would want that.


Chris Bumstead (the bodybuilder show below) is my inspiration during my workouts. He gives good advice on his Youtube channel!


I think that most male depictions in media are more unrealistic. It doesn't mean that depictions of women aren't unrealistic but men often are depicted a lot more extremely. That's also one of the long list of reason why people are so depressed in 21 century.


Women: Being skinny is unrealistic!!!!! Men: Ooohh, look at those muscles! I need a gym membership..NOW!!!


Okay who's that guy I like his face


Chris bumstead


The woman's view on this is a lot healthier tho


Is it me or have this meme been on the internet for 10 years ?


9.9965 actually


My bad, you can go free, sir.






Lotta ugly people getting defensive in here


His muscles make him look like he has taken steroids. His face makes him look like he has taken crack


Idk CBUM seems like a pretty good dude


That woman is not unrealistic at all