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So they don’t want us to respect their beliefs and leave them alone?


Sounds like what they are trying to say


This meme was made by anti antinatalists.


So mostly mentally stable people who don’t want the human race to go extinct. Good to know


Eh the sub is full of people who just seem to hate kids. I got down voted hard for saying you shouldn't euthanize disabled children, no joke.


WTF, alright then I guess. Some kid must have pissed in their collective cheerio bowl.


I did


Can confirm. It was this guy.


>Eh the sub is full of people who just seem to hate kids Of course, anti-natalism is one of the most obviously reverse-engineered 'philosophies' going. The starting point is not ethical issues about inflicting suffering on someone who didn't volunteer for it, the starting point is "I hate kids", and everything else is just trying to put a sheen of superiority on top


It’s cool. They don’t reproduce so their misanthropy is not passed on.


I fall into that hole once (anti-natalism) but It is hard not to appreciate the beauty of life, take a walk in park, gaze night sky, get a dog, etc, hell even something [like this](https://youtu.be/JCvqyFd6uxk) makes me appreciate life more


I considered it briefly. Then watched a few minutes of CosmicSkeptic and David Benatar talk about it and felt deeply repulsed by the optics of two imperial core citizens casually debating the morality of poor people breeding.


I would think that i don’t need to have children for the 8 billion humans to not go extinct; others can have their own children


Anti natalism isn't just not wanting kids, it's the idea that having kids is immoral. The subreddit frequently shames women for giving birth.


Really makes you wonder why hasn't that stuff been nuked from orbit yet?


Left wing extremism is A-OK on reddit


Right wing too if you know where to go.


So essentially it was made by Chads and Bridgettes.


bridgettes? am I missing a piece of lore here?


Something I came up with. Just what I feel the female equivalent to Chad would be.


ohhh so like stacys


Stacy is another good equivalent.


idk why but bridgette sounds like the uk equivalent of a stacy


They want attention, so yes.


Did they try slitting their wrists?/s


please antinatalists remember to cut along


Is it bad that I know short way for attention, long way for results?


No, you can distinguish why someone did it. And be a cutting advisor. Here's your permit: \--------------------------------------- | cutting advisor permit | |.................for................| |............froz_troll...........| \---------------------------------------


Oh, thanks


Down the street, not across the street.


No shit if we leave them alone then they’ll just be alone


I mean logically speaking they don’t reproduce so they’ll never have kids they can indoctrinate and shall always be a small but annoying minority opinion that might even shrink over the years because they don’t reproduce.


They reproduce asexually through the internet


That sub is honestly like mentally ill they hate the idea of children even existing from the shit they say


Antinatalism is different than child free. Antinatalists think that it’s immoral for anyone to have children. So no, they don’t want to be left alone, they want people to stop having children.


You’re thinking of r/childfree which is a community of people who don’t want to have kids of their own and find frustration with the societal expectation that everyone either wants or has kids, r/antinatalism believes that no one anywhere should ever have kids for morality reasons


Honestly, no. They want their hate to feel justified. Otherwise they'll have to confront their own flaws. And I'm not talking about people that don't want kids, I'm talking about the people in that sub




Ye I don't want kids, but to sink so low as to call normal parents "breeders" is just wild.


Same thing here - for multiple reasons, I don’t know if/think I will have children. However, I don’t think I’m better than anyone else for it. Both sides have benefits and downsides for sure, but it’s ultimately a personal choice (mostly)


As an adult with no children, people who have children are absolutely better. For one they spend so much time and effort selflessly taking care of tiny humans who will grow up to carry the slack when we're too old to do much.


People almost never have kids for the intention of selflessly taking care of them. Almost all people have children because they want the child to love them, be like them, or make them happy in some way. Some people even have kids because they just think it'd be cool to create another human that is similar to them. Very very rarely do people have children for the child's sake. I'm not an antinatalist. But I am anti-most-people-having-kids. There's way too many dead beat dads out there who just mindlessly created a child and then ditched out when stuff got tough. What a total waste! Having children should NOT be the default setting for humans.


Having children is the default setting for all life forms.


I know a lot of parents and none of them had kids for the reasons you listed. I think the choice to have children or not is personal and the “why” is going to vary from individual to individual.


I laugh when I see that word because the only people using it are the same people who scream that people shouldn't be labeled by their body parts. They're also the same people who whine that people won't let others live their lives but are also the ones screaming about how evil and selfish it is to have children in this day and age. They refuse to see that they're doing exactly what they claim others are doing.


What on earth is the argument for having children being selfish?


Because "the world sucks right now. They're going to die from climate change. They are going to be abused or SAd or etc. They'll have to pay a lot for college and work in a capitalist society." Those are only a couple I've heard. I see this shit EVERYWHERE.


From a philosophical standpoint creating a life to mold and grow in whatever way you want, that you have full and complete legal, financial, and emotional control over can be spun as selfish. Wanting to create a mirror to your own dreams and failures. But the same people make the argument charity is selfish cause you only do it to make yourself feel better not to actually help others. It's why I fuckin hate philosophy people.


Anyone who unironically uses the term “crotch goblins” is just on a whole separate plane of reality to begin with


I'll admit I'll use that term to describe bad children but I wouldn't call some a "breeder" for having children, it's your own choice and some people just gotta understand that.


It feels like something only a cartoon caricature of a child free person on something like family guy or American dad would say. Like how long would you have been souring in your echo chamber to think that’s an appropriate thing to say about someone, same thing with Reddit vegans and calling meat eaters murderers and corpse eaters. I plan to be child free but I could never fault someone who’s just obliging their instinctual and societal programming by having kids. Most people who have lots of kids are impoverish and financially illiterate but the latter is the fault of the education system for valuing test scores and parents’ feelings over real world skills and comprehension.


They stole that from gay people




I mean they do have one point, that people who think like them should never even consider being a parent. Other than that I wish they’d shut the hell up.


This is what I'm telling people what reeddit is.


Not everyone else just kids and the people that have them


You can almost feel bad for them if it wasn't they were so douchy


Their existence is easier to swallow when you realize the whole thing is just the projection of people that are depressed enough to [redacted] themselves, but can't go through with it. It's just a projection of shitty people that happen to also be extremely depressed.


There’s a subreddit where the ppl are anti-sex idk the name tho. It’s not anti-sexers or something lol. I think it’s r/antierotism or something like that. Those ppl want to ban ppl from having sex, say masterbation and sex are immoral even after marriage, and think that fantasizing abt someone makes u a rapist practically. Edit: ah found it, r/antisex I think it is…? Idk


Turns out these guys have their own "derogatory" term for people who take part in the most basic instinct of any living being: "sexuals" I mean, you're all welcome to have your own preference, wants and needs, but when you're so desperate to feel a part of a group you have to attack and delegitimise anyone not part of it, I'm not really convinced your beliefs are as strong as you claim


They got offended off a page called “Shitposting.” Of course they’re sad


Yeah it's low hanging fruit for this sub. I've never seen a group I so vehemently disagree with on everything, than what I see come out of that cesspool of sadness.


You haven't seen the doomer subreddits. Looking at the posts there literally drain your will to live. That subreddit is FUCKING EVIL. If there's a genuinely evil subreddit, it's that one. Last time I visited this subreddit, it had a list of recommended subs in the side bar. I went t9 check each community out, and it was just fucking evil. Someone could find themselves knee deep in this rabbit hole of actual evil in the span of like minutes. Those subs literally exist to make the number of suicides go up. That's the ONLY purpose those subs serve.


I just went over there to see and yeah you’re right


Not just that, Antinatalism's subreddit seriously endorses eugenics. There was a picture of a man with dwarfism who started a family, and it seems like his kids have it too. (Though not all of them). They were shunning and condemning the man for having a family, saying it's inhumane that he's allowed to pass on his very serious condition.


I don’t have a problem with those people not reproducing. Ugly people who hate kids probably shouldn’t have any. Seems like natural selection is working.


Its incels that are so far gone they've turned to convincing themselves that they never wanted to have a family in the first place.




This dude doesn't let his wife peg him lol.


Breeders are what those freaks call normal people


It sounds like a derogatory term from an alien movie. Did they make a slur for people who want kids????




Sure, I'll take it. What's up, my breeda


Gotta use the soft r on that one


What’s good breeda


Breeder is our word you can say breeda


Why the angst against “Breeders”? Isn’t that how THEY got here?


They don't want to be here. That's the point.


That's an easy fix, then.


One that all parties would agree to, I’m guessing.




They aren't suicidal


They are, they just aren't able to go through with it so they project their misery on others


Exactly, they're so miserable with their own pathetic existence that they assume everyone else *must* be just as miserable, they literally can't fathom that most people are actually pretty content and happy with living. Anti-natalists are only a few steps away from being a suicide cult.


I can think of one way he can fix that.


Wich is weird, considering how they consider existence to be the worst thing possibile


They didn't ask to be born... and yet most don't complain.


For the record, there has never been a consensual birth. Ever.


No living thing has ever asked for it to come into existence. So? Should we make it our life ambition to destroy all living things like some Judge Death farce?


Kinda a requisite to a consensual anything is to be born though.


Fair enough. But full disclosure here, he is a coward, and a fraud. If he truly believes he shouldn’t be here, he should end it. That would be the end result of his argument. Instead, he goes around insulting and disparaging others, pretending that his is the “enlightened” mind, or assuming he occupies some moral high ground above those that not only are fine with existing, but making more people that are likely fine with being here (presumably). If he truly believes he shouldn’t be here, he is a coward for not leaving.


Well, they complain. They've made their own sub just to complain. They just don't do anything about it. They consider themselves to be too important. The whole movement is based on hubris and narcissism.


My favorite is crotch goblins, like how insane do you have to be to degrade literal babies like that. The baby is born, so now it’s critical the baby is cared for, get over it, don’t degrade and harass new mothers and their babies. These people are unhinged.


I thought crotch goblin was a derogatory term for very mean/entitled kids.


I think that was the general use of the term. Some brats running around a restaurant wreaking havoc while their parents sit and ignore the issue? Crotch goblins. But the anti-kid people use the term for any and all children now.


They ruined it, my sister even used to refer to her son as a crotch goblin (before he could comprehend the meaning of words like that). But now you can't even say it jokingly without feeling like you're a part of *that* crowd of people.


They stole “breeders” from gay people too


Some use it that way, but the anti-Natalist seem to use the term for all children.


That’s just their stupidity.


There’s a good chance these people not only hate themselves, but hate that time is passing them by as quickly as it is. Infancy isn’t a very long stage at all. The “crotch goblin” insult is only able to be used in such a brief time window, but the stranger part is the assumption that as time passes and these babies grow up to have babies of their own, these sad people will either die or continue to age and wither into the background. Youth in general is a brief flash in a comparatively darker state of existence once the innocence is gone. I think all of us to some degree stumble through this existence because life is hard. But it’s so odd to me that someone would be morally opposed to procreation, as it is literally the sole reason any of us even exist.


Hurt people hurt, it’s very true. These people wish they were never born, so they wish no one was ever born. It’s such a dark view on the human condition. I think most of them are legitimately mentally ill.


It does make sense in some aspects. I personally see no point in why I would have a child due to all the mental health issues I have and the lack of any financial support or familial support. I’d pretty much be on my own trying to find a way for us. But I can’t get mad if some wealthy couple who can actually afford to have kids has them


Absolutely, there’s no “right” or “wrong” when it comes to that decision. My comment above was written specifically thinking of the mindset one would have to call babies “crotch goblins” and people with children “breeders”. To me, that’s entirely different from just not wanting to have kids (a position that makes a hell of a lot of sense given the state of things*) *I’m in America so my perspective is definitely skewed. I still struggle with understanding how I’m supposed to live knowing I could lose my children in a school shooting and nothing would change or be done.


I’m a black American living in the south so I can definitely relate to how you feel


Some kids are crotch goblins though, and mostly because of poor parenting


Nah, all kids have crotch-goblin moments, because they’re kids and they’re little fucking crotch goblins at times. Though my term of endearment I use for my own kids in such moments is either “turds” or “turkeys”.


I seriously thought this was a Pokémon post for second from that terminology


if you don't want to have kids that's fine, but how stupid do you have to be to bash the concept of anyone having kids? Is mass species suicide a kink or something?


It's a philosophy rooted in Pessimism and nihilism, you need to be both of these to have a chance to understand them


The virgin pessimistic nihilism vs the chad optimistic nihilism


One must imagine Sisyphus happy 🤷‍♂️


"Nothing matters, so what's the point of living?" VS "Well, nothing matters, so what's the point in being sad?"


It is definitely pessimistic, but it is in stark disagreement with nihilism. Nihilism claims that morality is meaningless, so no moral claim can be nihilistic.


Hey hey. I won't stand for this blatant nihilism slander! (/joking) Jokes aside, that shit really ain't nihilism. It's just weird bs. And I'm saying that as someone who really, really hates kids.


I don’t think it starts there. I think it starts with some people not wanting to have kids. But societal pressure, generally speaking, is to settle down and have kids. So some people rebel against that and say they don’t want kids and advocate against the pressure to have children. And that’s all well and fine for most people. But some of these people respond to the societal pressure to have kids with not just advocacy for being childfree for themselves, but wander beyond a childfree mentality and into an anti-children mentality.


There’s also the whole doomer side of things, with stuff like “Why would I have kids when we’re all going to die from global warming anyways?”. Like, keep your nihilism somewhere else, please.


That's the consensus I got from that sub. They are against anyone having children because you're bringing a person into this world and it's inevitable that there will be suffering an everything that goes along with that


It can happen in stellaris hahaha


Antinatalism mfers when they realise they also were babies at some point : 😁🔫


Antinatalism mfers when they are 85 years old and they have no family to help take care of them : 😁🔫


Antinatalism mfers when the human race wants to keep existing : 😁🔫


Antinatalism mfers when they meet someone who actually doesn’t unironically despise existence: 😁🔫


Antinatalism mfers when their wife leaves them since they actually want to have children: 😁🔫


Antinatalism mfers when their parents say they want grandchildren: 😁🔫


Have you seen a nursing home?


Have you seen how expensive they are? I certainly wouldn't want to be that my fixed income in the far future would exceed the rate of inflation.


That’s actually the stupidest reason I’ve ever heard for having kids. That’s actually really pathetic if you think that.


Isn't that like, **the biggest** reason most people had kids for almost all of history? Single-generational households becoming common is a relatively new phenomenon.


Yeah, it's becoming needed more and more with how much more expensive things are and how little we make to take care of ourselves when we can't work anymore. Have you ever noticed that the super rich elderly don't need their super rich children to take care of them? They have an entire wing of the hospital dedicated to them or convert their homes into hospitals.


The amount of patients I have seen without family, on their deathbed, we call their closest relative (usually can’t give a rat’s ass about them), harsh lights, they look like they have been dead for years inside, and gone…


That’s often because they are shitty people ore their family members were shitty people. You know this, right?


It just shows that these people don’t have friends so they want to have kids so they’ll have an obligation to care for them.


Yeah, I had an emergency surgery earlier in the year and I had over 20 people show up during my recovery day, only 3 were family. They wanted to limit my visitors but my brothers and my friend group would have burned the hospital down. Haha. Sadly though, I know there are a lot who don't even have a single close friend... I feel really bad for those people and I'd totally try to be their friend if I knew them.


The people in that sub are unbelievably toxic. Saw someone from there saying they took pleasure in seeing a parent lose their child. Sickos


Correction : That was r/childfree , which is just a clone of that sub lmao


Oh, my bad


Close enough


Eh, r/childfree is freeing themselves from any sort of philosophical reason to not have kids, they simply don't like them With antinatalist, the idea is atleast to spare this hypothetical child from existence It's the thought that counts, I guess


Those are the type of people that deserve the misery that they live in. They’ll then die alone because nobody will be around. Not because they don’t have kids but because they have no good redeeming qualities.


I refuse to believe a person like that is real. The internet is full of trolls, saying outlandish things to get a rise out of others. If that person was real, it would be an indication of a psychopath.


Not even r/nahopwasrightfuckthis can disagree with this one.


If they find a way im blocking this sub cuz wtf


https://reddit.com/r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis/s/N42rKVTOeM Someone made a post but they agree with you? That defeats the whole purpose of r/nahopwasrightfuckthis ?


Hés 100% just karma farming at this point


Maybe Ultron was right


r/antinatalism is the most unhinged sub, even more than r/TheDeprogram


God the deprogram sucks


I swear these people look at society and say “some things are wrong. That means EVERYTHING’S wrong!” And then just do the exact opposite of everything


And do jack squat to make it better. They see suffering and want to leave instead of being the change they wish to see


It's so well memed it even pissed off one of them lmao.


There is nothing wrong with not wanting to have kids. There is something wrong though with announcing it in a way to try and piss people off who do have kids.


I hate that word “breeders”. It sounds like an enemy in a game about aliens.


I could not have put it in better words


Antinatalism is full of hypocrites anyway


Thank the LORD r/memesopdidnotlike found that shithole sub r/antinatalism instead of constantly beefing with it's sister sub r/nahfuckthisopwasright.


Again these guys are depressed incels


Breeder is our word you can say breeda


Wassup my breeda


You got a mario confused.


It's like this one abridged cut scene from sonic with Jet when he says "later sex haver" kind of vibes


Yo Mama's a breeder


Happiest r/antinatalism user


as an antinatalist i fucking hate that sub




"active in r\tf2"


>Damn, imagine having getting no bitches as your ideology To be fair, sometimes its just being so narcissistic you can't risk not being the sole focus of attention.




Are people really saying that? Breeders? What brain dead group is saying that.


I saw this on r/ anti-natalism. Whoever made the meme did it right. Some folks offer their opinions where they aren’t needed, see also vegans &/or CrossFit. I’m not an anti-natalist, but I do think we need to seriously consider the ethics of bringing people into the world at random, with no real plans for how to take care of them beyond “hope your parents aren’t insane, or stupid”. Honestly, seeing how some people treat their children, I’m ok with “breeders” as a derogatory term.


Yo ALL your ancestors had to be "breeders" to create your sad ass


Pic from an r/antinatalism gettogether https://www.gateworld.net/wp-content/uploads/theotherside-580x300.jpg


Antinatalism should instead be filled with people hating on their mothers since it's more fitting


They want to dehumanize their perceived enemies.


If nah op was right posts about this I will die.


There is but they were agreeing with me which is not the point of the sub


The childfree don't just want to not have kids. They want to be patted on the back and praised for it. They want people to debate them on it so they can claim victimhood.


Breeders is an insult/label used by homosexuals and anti-natalists against heterosexuals who want kids (since our form of sexual intercourse leads to reproduction or "breeding".) Also, the name of a really good band from the 90's lead by Kim Deal, the bassist from The Pixies. IMO, if you want to forgo the beauty of parenthood, that's whatevs but insulting those who want kids is pretty pathetic.


I have no intention of ever having children, but I also dgaf if others want to. Antinatalism folks are batshit. I prefer to call parents creampiers instead of breedsrs.


There are some stages to being a lonely miserable MF: Being lonely and... 1. ...not liking it 2. ...being resentful about it 3. ... blaming others for it 4. ... hating others that aren't (incel stuff?) 5. ... trying to make other people be lonely 6. ...make a huge community about hating people who start families & trying to coerce them to not start families Did I miss something? I'm miserable and lonely, I just think I smell their bitterness through all this bullshit but idk for sure.


The meme is executed just fine.


Seriously. It’s kind of perfect.


Wtf is "antinatalism" god I'm probably never gonna have kids but to be against other people having kids is the dumbest shit and just so fucking sad


You know. "Sexers"


Being without a child is okay. And its true people who keep harping to get a child are annoying. But making "not having a child" part of your personality is cringy and reaks of insecurity.


Reddit has been trying to push that sub on me lately and it is fucking cancerous.


Guys this is not a sub we want to start a screenshot war with. They’re nothing but hateful and vile. Don’t interact.


Yeah, I went into that sub once. It’s toxic as toxic can get, nothing but misery.


that sub is literally just dudes who couldnt get women so they're like "ughhh well having children is awful anyways!! i nevre wanted any" :(


i’m an antinatalist, i believe this world isn’t fit to support children, and the world is already too overpopulated for them. but i love children — hell, i’m a teacher! i respect others’ opinions and families if they decide they want children. i know that children are the future of our world and it wouldn’t be the same without them. people don’t understand what antinatalism actually is. > edit: fully believe the downvotes didn’t read the whole comment


I fear, sadly, that that goes for a lot of the people on r/antinatalism itself. A lot of them just feel like childfree people who have found a philosophy to justify their decision with more than "don't want them"


Which is likely because "don't want them" often is accepted as a reason and randos keep pushing onto you that you should have children and you'll change your mind. Many people who had children because "that's just what you do" shouldn't have had kids, honestly.


So how do we make it better for them? You have to create them first.


Biggest white pill is the fact these weirdos don't breed.


You’re expecting intelligence from antinatalists?


Livin the meme


"Breeders" When political bias seeps deep enough into your brain you start saying retarded shit like this


Other than the religious pro-birth tards taking away woman’s right to choose, no one cares if you want a family or not tbh. Seems like a dumb meme, dumb group and overall dumb discussion lol


Imagine calling slurs the people that literally hold the future of the human race. Trully a Reddit moment.


That’s exactly the thing that makes them bad in their eyes. Some of these people literally don’t want the human race to continue. I don’t think it was antinatalism it might have been child free sub which is basically the same thing atp, but someone did a poll and the prompt was if you could press a button to end the human race would you and the majority said yes. A lot of these people are literally just misanthropic nihilistic haters.