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I just now auto mute voice chats that aren't like pre made parties when I play stuff. I don't get why it's hard for people to just ignore others on games. šŸ«¤


Iā€™m not going in only because Iā€™m not talking to fucking Nazeem againā€¦ fuck your cloud district


God that made me realize, would people have to forgive me the same amount of times as I killed them? God.. so many Nazeems..


Ooooof lmfao didnā€™t even think about multiple kills on the same target


I dunno, voice chat with rando's can get pretty damn funny sometimes, worth dealing with the occasional toxic lobby and you can always just mute them after you find out if they're toxic or not. Rust is an especially good game for humorous encounters... šŸ’€


SCP laboratories was the game I enjoyed the random encounters of. I managed to get the NTF to escort me out once because I was "sent" there as a prisoner for ripping music as a wannabe SoundCloud rapper... good times...


I've always done that lol. The vast majority of people who play pub matches are like me I feel like: just mute everybody and don't use a mic. Maybe this is just some shit only really competitive people are dealing with since they wanna be on mic? But all the more reason for them to know to just mute people if they're being annoying.


Yeah, but also if u canā€™t take it, donā€™t dish it. I mute cause, as an over competitive asshat, I know the trash talk will get to me. So I mute my mic, and I mute the talk. Iā€™ll still be pissed for forgetting to look at the corners for campers, but at least ion have to listen to the trash talk afterwards


I donā€™t get why so hard not to be toxic on a game thatā€™s what a game is again. Meant to be fun for everyone. I get people can be competitive but seriously itā€™s ridiculous


Then mute em. I donā€™t understand why itā€™s so hard to ignore it. Ranked exists for the over competitive, and if u donā€™t like the trash talk on ranked, mute them


The thing is, I donā€™t play ranked Iā€™m talking about not in ranked.


Well, then u have a fair point. Actual competitors should stay on ranked. But to level up weapons, like in certain COD games, I understand y they might come to unranked, but they shouldnā€™t be as competitive


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying


As a league player, I'll tell you this. It feels wholesome and empowering when you carry a game and your team starts typing compliments or spam pinging you because you're popping off and making plays. But I'm a very inconsistent player so my average game I'm coping a lot of blame that usually has nothing to do with me / isn't justified. But I chase that dopamine high of praise when I do play well and don't want to miss it. Also, I just forget to /mute all in those average games. And humans being emotional creatures, when I see that first chat message telling me to kms my initial response isn't to mute all, it's to react. I'm considering putting a sticky note under my monitor to remind me of what you said though. Even if other people see it and thinks it's dumb, I overall do enjoy games more when I don't have to listen to shit people's shit opinions.


How does trash talk kill people? šŸ’€


suffocation from teabagging


suffocate deez nuts


Muh hate speech


OP must be fun at parties


I can't really make out who is in that pic, but I think the baby penguin from Mario 64 should be the deciding factor.


If you let trash talk get to you youā€™re a.) a loser and b.) the reason people continue to trash talk


Seriously, trash talk has existed since competition itself.


What, you egg? *He stabs him*


He has killed me mother! Run I pray you! *Dies* Or as I imagine Shakespeare intended: *Literally just fucking dies lmao*


There's a chinese insult which essentially translates to "Like trying to smash a rock with an egg" which is used when you're just completely out of your opponents league, not entirely sure how ancient that insult is but I bet it has some pretty deep roots in the past... China has some really creative trash talking instead of the average 12 y/o raging on the mic by just repeatedly screaming the same cuss words at the top of their lungs. It'd probably be a lot more enjoyable if people actually used clever/funny insults instead but if you've heard one rager you've pretty much heard them all already.


Absolutely agree. I still think the meme isn't great, but it's far from terrible and I've already seen it reposted for years. It's not comedy cemetery material if enough people liked it to repost it so many times.


Well, there is trash talk and there is getting personal.


Heā€™s saying the people who you trash talked and then killed in the game have to forgive you


if you trash talk your teammates you are a loser And since most games only have team chat thats usually what they are doing


If you have 3 kills at round 12/13 youā€™re getting shit and rightfully so. Thatā€™s not trash talk thatā€™s just paying dues. You know most games have an all text chat right?


yeah and the only game I play that a see people use the all text chat in is rocket league anyways no one wants to hear your shitty complaints about your teammate. Not them, not your opponent, not your other teammates


Bottom frag take ngl


Nah, fr. I hate when my teammates r camping, too, unless theyā€™re a sniper, and even so, they should move buildings after 3 kills. Iā€™m gonna give my teammates a lil shit for it, but theyā€™d do the same to me. Builds trust, and it makes us understand each otherā€™s games. Also allows us to understand how to motivate the other. Cause in reality, all video games are are just team building activities


bro if people spoke to me irl in my rec league, or on a golf course like they do in video games, theyd be banned immediately (and possibly get the shit kicked out of them) its annoying and unacceptable behavior people get away with because they are anonymous and behind a screen


And u have the ability to mute them in a video game. Ok, itā€™s annoying. If ur so bothered by it, mute them like any reasonable adult would. I already do it bc I donā€™t wanna get shit talked when Iā€™m trying to relax. Maybe u should try doing the same. Only time Iā€™m unmuted on mic and headset is when Iā€™m playing with friends.


yeah, I do mute people. thats not fun though, puts us at a huge disadvantage in any team based game.


Well, sucks then, but if ur playing ranked, thatā€™s how it is. Itā€™s mind games. If ur not playing ranked, then ur opponents r assholes


youre probably one of the insufferable teammates I gotta mute in overwatch then


Bottom frag mentality. I would absolutely shit on someone who decide to not play a game without a headphone when audio is important or someone who keep uses a weapon they know damn well they canā€™t use and are getting no kills with. Like if someone only runs the r8 pistol in a comp match in Csgo you have every right to get shitted on by your teammates.


>when audio is important It is important, but im still gonna mute you as soon as you start annoying me not worth my time or energy to deal with toxic teammates


Donā€™t care i m still going to shit on you and vote kick you if you donā€™t put a headset on in comp.


where is this headset shit coming from? I never said I dont use one I said audio is usually team only. The next guy pointed out most games have a text chat in an ā€œallā€ channel. I said rocket league is the only game i see people use the ā€œallā€ text channel in.


It seem you didnā€™t read my full response from before if you donā€™t realize why I m mentioning the headset shot. But even then most if not all game have an all text chat that people end up using. Csgo, rainbow six siege, league of legends, grand theft auto, tf2, and etc.


It's hard to tell, but aren't the game characters hostile? Like the creeper, for example. They actively seek out and try to kill the player. Bowzer is a kidnapping dictator


The true question is why is Bowser in heaven despite the many immoral things he has done throughout the years?


He accepted Jesus in the last 2 seconds /s


hes an actor, all the mario games are just movies he plays golf with mario regularly


Personally I see it as God yeeting the poor fellow to his own personalized slice of Hell, and that's the punishment


As long as you've never played...wow that's a long list of games... If you didn't play those, you're safe.


Honestly I thought about this like the guy is video game dev lol


that meme is like 20 years old


I'm so lost on this one. I think the OP in this post LIKES video games? He's saying what he's saying as a means of "Oh shit... I'm so fucked", he also thinks it's funny? Or maybe I'm just misreading this horrifically.


You misreading it since comedycentral is a subreddit for shit memes it name is satire


Is that vaas?


pov: on your knees begging bowser for forgiveness


Implying I wasn't already on my knees for him https://preview.redd.it/befoshy48g7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7d132311da178dd13c5091fb6c1e918f7a4e55c


That one time I spawned 500 sysyphus primes and used the kill all enemies bind is gonna haunt me




I'm getting jumped hard I kept shooting that training instructor In mirrors edge


Bro prob got boo'ed offstage in that one roblox got talent game šŸ’€


That's crazy if you can kill someone's life on a video game.. lmao


I donā€™t know if 108 flies, 337 mosquitoes, and 1881 fishes would allow my grandma to heaven at that point


oh no im going to be punished by the npcs


yeah no this is really funny I have 5K+ kills in online games so it's hell for me


This meme is brutally unfunny. ā€œA yes, in this imaginary scenario anyone who plays video games would be fuckedā€. It doesnā€™t say anything beyond that or reflect anything about the hobby. Iā€™d also be screwed if taking a piss at 3:30 sent me the hell, but it wouldnā€™t make a funny comic.


Imagine if you played Serious Sam


*Glances at armored core for answer* Oh No


Alright... lets see some of the guys i'm dealing with... 1-Sun Dove/That one gay owl/Bleached Thin Bug 2-Fat Beast/Cum Mental Monster/Satan/Rotten Woman 3-Fucking Olympus 4-Ashes, Literally Ashes inside an armor 5-A Corpse with a flaming sword, Black Guy with a Stick 6-Ktulu, Purple Giant Serpent, Pissed off Witch, Sprite Amalgam Let's see who get's these


Stellaris players: I am gonna be here awhile.


I just played in a private chat Also I feel bad for all those who make farms that kill thousands of enemies


WELP I have a date with the familyā€™s of all the people I killed in GTA. GOT TO GO


I mean, some of them were fallout raiders. And I still felt bad hearing one say, "You killed him," even knowing what those evil fucks did.


There is a veritable army of Skyrim bandits and thieves I'm gonna have to scrap and bow to...


So many imps and goblins... https://preview.redd.it/96aj318p5v6d1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=d64c8cecad835e7e99ec5e8b8cd2283b1819b239


Any other stellaris players, we in purgatory, ainā€™t no way we ever gonna get to the end of the line


I would be so dead beyond dead at this situation: I killed perhaps a few hundred millions in RTS and strategy games


"Oh come on, even the Cyber Hitler from Wolfenstein?" "ESPECIALLY the Cyber Hitler!"


If I was heaven/hell judge for someone who shit talked me in game in the most vile possible way. Iā€™d say ā€œI forgive ya bro. Go to heavenā€ Do you really think someone should burn in hell eternally for some pvp bannts even if the most toxic?


Of course. Winning wasn't enough, they want to hurt you personally, and they would continue to hunt your sanity down if the mechanics didn't force a post-game separation.


I had GTA3 as a 10 year old.... I killed many innocents... "I gotta get my bangs plucked!"


Idk if the icon of sin is gonna let me get into heaven I might be finished


Sorry Malcom, I warned you, though.


Civ player, it's over for me.


Yo for real though this meme has Warframe players quaking in their shoes


Im confused


Someone is salty or took some immature child or man child comments too seriously most likely. Iā€™m over here remembering frost punk trying to figure out how to explain to the kids why they had to work in the mines while I unlocked schools. Gods I hope they donā€™t include grand strategy cause then thatā€™s a lot of genocide and utter annihilation.


Lol the trash talking part. When I was a 10 year old girl Iā€™d cry about getting bullied on bo2 but now I kinda hope people call my camping ass out. I absolutely live for the lobbies full of mics and only engage if Iā€™m being directly spoken to. If you get upset at voice chat just mute them.


This is gonna be awkward for HoI4 players..


as a MOBA player, haha this is so beta.


Oh. Well, off to hell I go then!


That.. might take a whilešŸ˜


Do we count strategy games casualties? Cuz then billions of soldiers are after me


Yep, some people just enjoy shitting on something no matter what.


I've do.e a lot of horde games. I might be introuble


I play Carmageddon.


Op probably plays Plague Inc.




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noo, my pixel ]: good bot anyway :3


i dont even play video games yallšŸ˜


the afterlife is crazy


Welp, Iā€™m fuckedā€¦ Iā€™ve played A LOT of Dynasty Warriorsā€¦.


it was self defense they were trying to kill me, and I died multiple times, there were some innocents that were killed by me but only by mistake ![gif](giphy|ardMfW1w53UvC|downsized)


I play rdr2 so im fuckdd


no the post just isn't funny


Nervously goes back through old saves!


Sorry but I'm with OP. it's a silly meme that's not funny. Like how would you be forgiven by evil people? Or psychopaths? It's not likely they'd forgive the main character/protagonist.


I'm fucked. Whimsalots, please spare me.