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I’ve seen a clip of this girl pushing and slapping a guy and nobody did anything. The moment he punched her **once** everybody was on the dude holding him back and then trying to comfort the lady who’s crying because she fucked around and found out.


Is it the “HOW CAN SHE SLAP” clip?


Dude I know that video was turned into a meme and everything, but I feel really bad for the guy. As soon as he retailed, he got jumped and they started threatening him.


Kind of a good thing in the end she was fired and he won a settlement over it.


And he went on to have a decent career.


Yeah, I’m glad it worked out for him in the end


Yeah that clip is annoying and any amount of humor that could have been taken away from it is ruined by the fact that the man was nearly beaten to death for defending himself after being assaulted on a TV show where he didn’t sign up to be hit in the face.


holy fuck


Sorry that was quite the run on sentence.


LOL thats not what caused my holy fucking




No but she actually got nailed for that, she has no career now and those that are aware of her reputation avoid her. The guys that rushed him put him in the hospital actually because they beat him so badly. He was compensated and actually is successful in media now. This is what i remember reading in an article so if i'm wrong, be kind.


That's not justice, that's compensation and does nothing to stop it happening to the next guy. Every person that laid a hand on him that day apart from security should've been sent to prison.


pretty sure outside her getting fired, the crew who beat him was also arrested.


Or the video of the NFL player a while back. His wife/gf was beating on him relentlessly in the video. He was just taking it for a long time before he laid her out with one hit and backed away. Then people got mad at him because "A man should never hit a woman." Crazy enough on "The view" it was Whoopie who said "You cannot, hit *anybody* man or woman, and not expect them to *hit you back*." While the other women just berated the man for defending himself. And the public opinion through the news cycle seemed to be against the poor guy, I'm not sure how the court case went but he was the one sitting in a jail cell.


Whoopie having the least insane view is something I never thought I would hear happening.


[Just dropping here for another case of extreme audacity for a woman thinking she can do whatever she wants.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmnp4Qbbjcg&ab_channel=judgejp)


And she was smirking the whole time.


Simple rule in life. If ur willing to hit someone, u have to be prepared to take a hit too.


You better be tough if your gonna be dumb.


My best friend from high school dates women his age and the past 3 in 4 years have broken his jaw twice and 3 broken ribs all the while he doesn’t lay a finger on them… absolutely disgusting, I’d rather be alone than get hurt by an American women feigning her love for me.


It's not just American women


I'd rather be alone with a bear than a woman who is slapping me to try and bait me into physically retaliating.


Yup. I got a domestic violence charge once (was completely dropped), because my ex girlfriend was destroying things of mine in my apartment and when I had enough I calmly and politely asked for her hand and then led her out of my apartment… when she realized what I was doing she started attacking me so she could get back into my apartment **so I called the cops** and **I** was arrested. It wasn’t until later she admitted to lying about whatever it was she lied about and my neighbors vouching for me that they dropped the charge all together, I’m never relying on our failed judicial system for anything ever again.


It’s insane the way men are supposed to just take it when it comes to physical abuse. I had a girl straight up punch me in my jaw and nose and no one really seemed to care but if I would have just stopped her after the jaw hit I would’ve been attacked by other people on top of it. Only one person (ironically her friend) told her it was fucked up


There was a 2020 episode back in the early 2000's where they staged an argument between a guy and his assumed girlfriend. Then they reversed the roles, both scenarios they used the same script and had the actors convey similar body language. They did this in central park in NY city. Both scenarios were done at similar times of day, with similar activity levels, but on different days. The version with the male aggressor saw several people intervene, both men and women and several people called the cops. When the woman was the aggressor no one intervened and they only got one call to the police. I don't think it's fair to say women have it easy, but you have to acknowledge that you're on your own as a guy and in many cases you'll never know a fair fight.


Simple solution is to use a firearm that way they can’t say you hit a woman.


Pepper spray to cancel out the salty abuisve women.


I’ve always had an explosive temper, I’m not sure if it’s a personal thing or if it’s because of autism but either way it’s an issue. I’ve gotten better at reining it in as I’ve gotten older. However theirs moments where rage just overrides every fiber of my being. The last time I got angry I was almost literally choking down my anger at work, I was struggling to breath, I fell on my knees and I needed to break something. I started punching the ground in rage until my knuckles bled. My boss said it looked like I was having a seizure. I’m not sure how well I’d handle myself in an abusive situation like that.


The acceptance of casual violence towards men (by women) is the biggest double standard that exists. Of course are absolutly double standards which exist for women too, but society seems to take them more seriously than the issue which affect men


Yeah, my mom beat me for hitting a girl in first grade. I don't remember why, but I'm not very violent. I play fight, but I don't throw punches without cause I still rember how if feels to be on thr ground gasping for air cuz the sir was knocked out my lungs


“Equal Rights, Equal Lefts”😂😂😂


I'm all for the "you shouldn't hit women" thing but I also believe you have the right to defend yourself no matter who it is, outside a proper authority with valid reason to do so.


Video out there of a social experiment where 2 actors are paid to be an abusive couple in public. The woman slaps around the guy and the people are smiling and pointing and laughing. The guy slaps around the woman and the crowd is getting vocal and angry and I believe there was attempts to get between the two.


The last panel was me at practically any job, they liked to hire women who couldn't do the lifting requirement. though one time, I worked for a place that hired this guy as a manager. Morbidly obese asshole. he couldn't do his job either so I had to do his job and mine and wasn't being paid for it. and I resent myself for doing it. "but he can't fit on the ladders or in the aisles" Yeah, so why did you hire him then??


I worked at place where every employee was hired as “team member” and was required to be able to lift at least 50lbs. 100% of the time women were on the register and I was toting horse feed and fence posts


I resent this so much. It's one thing to ask for help, but you're an asshole if you expect me to do all the heavy lifting.




oof, I do not envy you there. I spent one hour in a special needs daycare for adults and it was awful and saying because they respond better to males? That's a load of horse shit. outside of employed settings, people generally show MORE oppositional defiant tendencies towards males.


God you just reminded me of how much I hated substitute teaching as a male.


My first job was with the city’s recreation department. We all had the same job title, but girls were usually tapped for coaching or refereeing while boys often were loading chairs and setting up events. I even remember working one even where at like 9:55 PM, they called everyone over and asked for us to separate in groups; girls, boys over 18, and boys under 18. All the girls were sent home, the boys over 18 were told to go to the trucks and the boys under 18 had to load furniture. I get the idea—it was a dodgy part of town that’s not very well lit outside the event area—but why did the minor boys still stay behind? The under 18’s were all legally supposed to leave too since work permits don’t let you work past 10 PM.


Tractor Supply Company?




I relate to this so deeply. Living it everyday


I work at an arcade fixing the machines. The managers are all women and her opinion is that "women do the tills and the cleaning and the men fix the machines". There's 12 women on staff and 4 men. We have 313 arcade machines and about 8 or 9 that are broken down at any one time. (My gf also holds the opinion that men do the handy work and the heavy lifting)


All just excuses not to learn how those machines work, Im sure.


Genuinely, funny part is recently the lassies have been on the floor maintaining the machines too. The reason for this is A lassie who just so happens to be gay and enjoys doing handiwork etc started and she had a massive argument with the managers about not being allowed go fix the machines. It's still touch and go, she's been taking the other lassies giving them keys and showing them how to fix the machines. Much to the disapproval of the managers.


Brains? No, tits.


The lowes I worked at loved to do this because they said it was a good look to have lots of female employees but a bad look to have them doing much manual labor. Felt stupid, as there was really no shortage of women who would’ve done the full job


Was in the USAF and got a decent amount of flack for being a small guy who couldn't lift stuff. (usually things were weren't technically supposed to lift alone.) But when someone needed a tiny person to go head first into a jet and find a lost tool they were happy I was around... That said, I also had an interaction with a female coworker where she asked me to lift something "because you're a guy." I told her point blank "You and I both know you're stronger than me. But I'll *help* you lift it." And we did.


I think what people fail to understand from these kind of comparisons is that it’s not meant to undermine the other sex, it’s just meant to show how prejudiced our society is


How dare you bring common sense and logic into this? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


If you have an iq higher than room temperature in Celsius, you are not welcome here. Leave before you become as stupid as the rest of us


Where's Celsius and how am I supposed to know what the temperature is there?




Plug me back in. I don't want to remember nothin. Nothin! And I wanna be someone important... like an actor. Ignorance is bliss.


Whatever you want, Mr Reagan


How dare you suggest that men are anything but evil perverts.


And murderers don’t forget they are all murderers too


Yeah I don't know how I get through each day without going' a killin'.


Sigh there I go killing people again, just another Monday am I right guys?


Excuse me, you guys forgot to emphasize White when talking about men.


Crap! Knew I forgot something.


Hey... Your r/TwoXChromosomes is showing 


That emoji made me laugh. Thanks.


YOOO, I love that. How did you make it flip a table🤣


*sigh* zg_mulac we’ve talked about this it’s not healthy to take your anger out on our poor table , you already broke one! ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)


both sexes face adversity, only one side's adversity is taken seriously.


People want to be victims. They want to find any reason to make others the bad guy and blame them for their problems so they get off easy.


Exactly But when people have their eye’s opened to prejudice they partake in, 9 times out of 10 they will get defensive and blame the other side.


It’s because society as a whole can’t look beyond sex (or any other physical traits really) and simply see a person.


We live in a society




That shade of green is permanently ruined for me.


Why is that?




I was going to guess PCM.


I thought it was rule 34


I didn't realize this shade was so popular.


Joker x 4chan r34


You’re opening Pandora’s box with that one, Rina.


The left two are 100% true though And before the inevitable moron sees this, I mean they should be wrong for both genders


The right two are also true.




My ball snip


Fuck Mindy Kaling


No thanks


You couldn't pay me enough for that


I think the idea is that you're supposed to be progressive, and acknowledge that this double standard exists and seek to end it. The stereotype exists, and the idea is to end it.


Modern "progressives" don't believe in double standards. They believe in oppressed vs oppressor narratives, which conflict with awareness of hypocrisy.


oppressed vs oppressor is literally marxism


Yup. Most of the modern left is Marxist class conflict applied to race and sex and disability and basically everything else


>basically everything else It's a lot quicker to say that they single out straight white males as the oppressor, the enemy and seek to elevate everyone else above him, while preaching the narriative that he owes a debt to society for existing. That is easier than trying to name off every demographic that modern progressives try to create institutional advantages for.




yes precisely, they saw that applying to economics didnt work out and shifted goals


Modern Progressives (read: Reggressives) believe: The only Truth is Power. They're evil beyond reproach.


I have noticed that trend


I guess the issue here is what to believe; random fake situations that circulate on the internet, or random people responding to fake situations that circulate on the internet.


Yeah the work one is pretty relatable as a male in a female dominated Healthcare job. It's hilarious in a way


I have seen a story about a guy who had a crazy women as his lover, she apparently stabbed him in the shoulder and he still had the knife in his shoulder when he ran out to call for help, and he’s the one who got imprisoned


Yep. Cause that’s how the laws are written. Even when men are the victim they are removed first from the scene as that’s standard procedure. It’s pretty dumb but it does make for a faster response time to the problem.


Errm I'm gonna need a source for that


Source: trust me bro


Women do have it way easier. [Norah Vincent](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/18/obituaries/norah-vincent-dead.html) could tell you, if she hadn't killed herself.


I say that conventionally attractive white women that grew up in a middle class family or better live life on easy mode.


Any woman who lives in a stable nation, has it on easy mode. Middle-class or better white women are living on narrative mode


That was an interesting read.


Never thought I’d find this!


Women don't necessarily have it easier, but we should acknowledge these double standards


Women have literally attacked men then screamed rape and assault when hit back. Hell, there was a story were a man was getting beaten by his wife, she'd call the cops, scream rape, say HE attacked her and HE'D get cuffed! Male abuse is a thing, double standards are a thing, and there's women out there who are sadly very, very much aware of what they can get away with.


Or that story when dad tried to chase his kid's kidnapper, she screamed rape and he got almost beaten to death. His wife showed up, thankfully, and kidnapper dropped the kid(literally). No one chased her btw.


Can we just stop giving everyone a hard time?


Guys I found the bisexual in the room /j


Everyone despises a fence sitter, but you can see the farthest when you stand on the fence. Then you can make a fair decision after.




I was once sitting the toilet in the men's room, when I found a phone on the floor. The phone had a picture of a kitten taped to it and a phone number. I thought it seemed a bit too cute for the average guy, but I love my cat, too. Naturally, I took it to the corporate receptionist immediately. A chatty woman wearing farmer-type overalls was standing there. I told the receptionist that I had found the phone in the restroom. She instantly and suspiciously said, "In the men's room?" I snapped back, "Yes, of course, the men's room! What are you trying to say?" No answer. I walked away slowly as the receptionist called the number on the phone, and the farmer lady said, "Oh, that's phone. I have that ringer." So farmer lady was in the men's room by accident, dropped her phone and couldn't find it in the women's room when she looked for it. But, I was the one who was in the wrong room?


Women: I only get pretty for myself Also women: I pay x amount for my make up so you must pay for the date


r/justneckbeardthings is a simp subreddit.


No mention of women having it easier. Its to show that it isnt easy being a man. We all have our issues. Mens vunrable emotions are treated with a 10 foot pole. We are after all not that different. We are more humans than men and women. A lot of the issues we have are created by our society and has nothing to do with biology. On another note I have a friend. Well he is more a friends friend. But he is a trans guy. And he said when he started taking T how difficult it became to control his anger. Not like angry for no reason but any little thing made him angrier easier.


>Its to show that it isnt easy being a man Which shakes up the status quo. How can you yap about women's struggles when men have struggles too? Suffering monopoly, that's these people's ideology, only x can suffer, the rest's suffering is invalid. Men have easy lives, whites have easy lives, cisgenders have easy lives, and dare you touch any of those subjects, your words will be twisted and spun around like on a fucking doner kebab machine and fed to simpleminded people under the sauce of racism, sexism, x-phobia and whatever.


I don't understand gender wars. You find a way to hate nearly 50% of the population through flawed moral reasoning. That 50% is also who you desire for lifetime companionship. Do the ends justify the means of alienating yourself just because the media tells you that you should fight?


We're seeing the ramifications of this now. You have men feeling like they're "owed" a partner & you have women in their 30's & 40's now wondering why they're alone; when just 5 years prior they were too busy telling everyone how much they didn't "need" or "want" anyone. I'll tell you the simple answer: Demonizing & ostracizing the opposite gender is the cause of both of these issues & the people consistently falling for this are too fucking stupid to understand how they got to where they are.


Early 20’s “Im a strong independent woman that dont need a man because im ME, but if they do want to date me they better pay for my food entirely, my bills, get my car ride for me and everything since im a QUEEN” 30’s “These are my 4 cats because I can never find a good man” 40’s “How did they find a man and I never could, what’s wrong with men that they don’t want me” This is exactly one of the reasons I’m happy my wife is from another country, she never got this bs shoved down her throat to believe, she’s strong willed and not dependent on me at all, she chooses to be with me same as I choose to be with her, she’s not some girl boss but that doesn’t make her some subservient house wife on the process, she’s just equal to me


It's biological, not cultural. Women have a much stronger ingroup bias. As such, they'll fight a (mostly one sided) battle literally forever. Long after they've won, they'll still be shitting on men for existing.


It is cultural. Biology can be overcome by awareness. It is not an excuse for their behavior or a justification for men to get on their case over everything.


In that case, please instruct me how to be gay and enjoy eating feces.


Well, first off... If dude, suck a dick. Then drink some Kopi Luwak coffee. if girl, lick a clit, then once again drink some kopi luwak.


The population collapse will be the final nail in the coffin for our "democratic governments" and the boomers are to blame. Moon, Jake Tran, Redacted, and Whatifalthist have touched on subjects that show society falling apart.


The solution is to simply be sexist and also gay. It's way funnier.


Feminism and "feminism" are different on a fundamental level, genuine feminism is about equality, while "feminism" just wants to replace the patriarchy with a matriarchy (do not be confused by the names, both hurt both genders)


Technically, this meme for example isn't men Vs women. It's men Vs society that treats them different just because they're men


I feel like when these double standards are actually acknowledged the next thing said is “who set the system up?” Which is so counter-productive and a stupid ”gotcha” point.


Probably the comeback I hate the most. Like, bro I wasn't alive for 99.99% of human history. If I set this system up, do you think I would've made myself this poor?


"Who set the system up?" Bro not me, I wasn't even here 💀


How about we just blow up the world and make fallout a reality to see how both genders are useful


In that scenario, both genders are only useful for one thing: reproduction. Culture war shit like this only occurs in very comfortable societies. Sociopolitical bullshit goes right out the window when you're focused on survival. That's how you know fallout is pure fantasy.


Well, in that case, then. We all just die


... or start reproducing at an accelerated rate, which is what would actually happen.


Another option is to have everyone kill themselves. Then you erase gendernorms all together


Jim Jones would be proud. He was very progressive and all about diversity and inclusivity, after all.




As a trans man, most of these are true


That sub is just losers trying to disprove the “both sides have it hard” argument by belittling men at every step of the way. It’s sad really.


The 'ah, yes' is the embodiement of toxic reddit. Dumb people expressing in a smart manner.


Dumb people use smart words and smart people use dumb words


Why use more word when less word better


To add to this; When a woman needs help and a guy offers to help she would call him sexist and misogynistic because she thinks that means he believes a woman can't do anything by herself. But when she needs help and the man doesn't offer to help (probably because he's afraid she will assume that he's being sexist) she would say he's lazy I'm a woman myself, just putting that out there.


Some people just assume their minds can be read and will get mad at others for not doing "the obvious". sometimes all you have to do is communicate but instead they jump to aggression, like they need to make everything a problem. I know men and women like this and it makes everyone around them miserable


I like to think of it as this: Misogyny is Misandry. In these ridged gender roles, you put either one into a box and assign things to them. While one has a better position in the dynamic than the other, that doesn’t mean they are happier because of it.


Yeah, misogyny and misandry mainly refer to the focus, but both hurt both men and women


This is who controls those standards https://preview.redd.it/y8z7o05s6x7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf98a42857f23b0745e32e5b81fa1b52d897bcf


i think you're trying to imply that it's only men that impose gender roles, but it's a horrible take. that's not how society works at all.


No I was joking it was pepe, like he was the all seeing one haha,


Pepe ruined society Billions must Soyjack


That wasn't what the guy was doing, but I agree. "You built society" or "you benefit from the patriarchy" are so fucking braindead.




Society at large which is mostly women and most men are raised primarily by women, stay at home moms, single mothers, mothers with primary custody, or simply mothers who do more child rearing than the fathers. If women didn't support these standards they wouldn't exist because they would raise their sons and daughters to not have these standards.


Men have always had it worse, that's why they commit suicide more often.


Both get double standards, but one time i went into the girls bathroom by mistake. I was in like 5th grade, after i came out there was a whole group of teachers and students staring me down, some teachers asked why I was in there and I answered honestly, that i didnt realize. They clearly didnt believe me and they told me to go back to class When I got back into the class which was right outside, the teacher was all “..just sit down” and giving me a look Definitely did not feel good that day


Both Men and Women face different challenges and societal issues it’s not a fucking competition. I hate it when men or women wanna bitch about “you have it so much easier” no we just have different issues. Some people are just so blind to the struggles of others because those struggles don’t directly impact them.




Speaking of, I literally just saw some person on tiktok say that the word misandry and the idea of it was made by red pill men like Andrew Tate as propaganda against women and feminism. Wtf.


This. We all suffer and struggle, just in different areas and ways. Though this shouldn't inhibit us from pointing out behaviors that perpetrate certain suffering.


The first post on this god awful sub that I agree with


Why are you offended. Because you’re too stupid to understand the issue, or because it’s being called out before you could take advantage of it. I’m sure you’re a hard core *Modern Feminist*. Equal Right, Equal Pay, Equal Opportunity, ^^^with ^^^extensive ^^^preferential ^^^treatment ^^^and ^^^protections


In some instances women have it easier, in others men have it easier. If you’re a very attractive person regardless of gender you tend to have it easier regardless.


Or rich. Money helps too.


I work construction and I asked one of our temp workers to carry a ladder and they really told me “you’re a man, you carry it”. You’re the one working construction don’t bring gender rolls to the table now 😂


For one nobody should just swing on somebody without a very good reason but if ur gonna swing first you better make sure you at least stand a chance. Even if morally they deserve it I doubt they'll decide to be moral then and just let you hit them.


These examples don't justify it, but yes, women have it way, way easier than men.


JustNeckBeardThings users when they look into a mirror


The hitting a woman one, I get the violent part but perverted? how would it be considered perverted?


I was kicked of hinge and tinder and banned for life for putting “I’m not romantically interested in trans or plus sized women” exactly like that the reason for my ban “hate speech” shit has me livid man because if we are truly equal hear me out.. wouldn’t I be able to swipe on girls who have preferences set to only see women? Since I have mine to only see women? Also pretty sure last I checked body weight can be controlled and height can’t. So how many of us seen women with don’t talk to me unless your 6 foot which is understandable if they are 6 foot. The whole I have to be taller than my man when I wear heels is fucking dumb as fucking fuck. No girl who is 5’6” should be demanding that her man be 6 foot tall. That being said it would a double standard if I was short, fat or trans but I’m not. I’m 30 year old man who is 5’9” and weigh 140lbs and am not built like a pencil either so me only being interested in dating not plus sized or trans women is reasonable I thought. Never said I wouldn’t be their friends, I just don’t want to bang them.


There’s nothing wrong with wanting tall men tbh. As a trans woman, I personally wouldn’t date other trans women.


Yeah you’re right to be fair I mean I really don’t think it matters in the sense me a man would have zero problem dating a woman that is disproportionately taller than me. In my head I just don’t understand why it matters so much to some people because I’m sure there are some men who would be emasculated by having an Amazonian wife who could kick their ass. I think where I fucked up and got banned is saying “plus sized” bc it refers to weight. What I should have done is maybe worded it as “exercise is important to me so I want it to be the same for you” bc I do actually go the gym near everyday and was in the military so it’s not unreasonable for me to ask. And also I’m not going to force girls on a scale and weigh them at any point😂


Women do have it easier tho, and it’s a hill i’m willing to die on


I don't really think so, but I feel like some women/progressives definitely over exaggerate the amount of oppression women face and then under estimate or even deny the amount of men being oppressed.


Also I think it depends on location. Women in the middle east probably have it harder there. Men probably have it harder in countries like Russia due to military drafts and stuff.


Attractive women (head-turning attractive, not just “attractive enough to get laid”) do. Unattractive women do not.


Yeah pretty much… we need to bring the world back to the laws of ‘fuck around and find out’, it’s the only way that narcissists learm they’re not god’s gift to the rest of us peasants


As a woman it makes me incredibly angry with the amount of double standards that guys have to deal with.


As a woman who does what is traditionally a man's job I agree, while also disagreeing. In a fight, a man my age and body weight is gonna kick my ass. Muscle mass is distributed differently. Women should not hit or assault men, but men shouldn't assault women either. Really, this should be about how we shouldn't hurt each other, no gender war.


Not entirely related but my dad once told me to never pick a fight with kids, women or elderly. No matter what the outcome, you lose.


Besides the hitting, if you’re attractive you can get away with basically all the other things….


can wait to see how r/nahfuckthisopwasright finds some way to twist this into the worst thing ever.


*Hitting*: both are assault, or self defence, we really don’t know the reasoning here. Men are statistically more likely to be charged as the assaulteR and women the assulteD. But I also know a woman friend-of-a-friend that got charged (wrongly) with domestic assault when she used self-defence against her partner, so both can happen. *Wrong bathroom*: if it’s a genuine mistake and the person walks straight back out then (at least in my country) there shouldn’t be that much of an issue. Women are also more likely to feel unsafe in a men’s bathroom so why would they willingly go in there? And a man being in a woman’s bathroom (because they apparently ‘didn’t realise’) is /usually/ because they’re creepy, the lack of urinals is often a pretty big hint you’re in the wrong bathroom. *Kiss*: that’s sexual assault or something, gender is not a factor and that is illegal. If they are dating then I’m pretty sure it’s personal opinion and boundaries how that is interpreted because in movies the guy doing it is very romantic. *Work*: assuming they are talking about physical labour are people not aware that men are (generally) stronger than women? If she needs help lifting a box it’s probably because it’s heavy and she legitimately needs help. If a man asks a woman the same thing it should be because 1, he has a physical disability or some other reason she is stronger and more suitable for the task, or 2, they need multiple people to lift it and they will work together.


If a women in a marriage sits around the house and never does any chores or puts any effort into anything including the relationship it’s because there is something wrong with the relationship due to the man not talking enough, working too much, or not being there emotionally enough. If a guy sits around the house and never does any chores or puts any effort into anything including the relationship it’s all his fault because he’s a bum who plays games all day. I’ve seen this double standard many times on Reddit.


Context matters


It's sad that reddit is such an unbelievable echo chamber creator that we have to have two different subs to have differing opinions on memes. Cause I promise you that if you said something like "Well yeah, double standards are a thing," in the comments of that post, you're probably gonna get banned off the sub.


I did, and got upvoted 14 times


Well color me shocked, every time I try uploading anything even slightly offensive I get flagged and the post is taken down almost immediately. Maybe I'm just too extreme


Tbh, the whole “sudden kiss” thing is from Romcoms. Nobody actually wants to be suddenly kissed out of nowhere. It’s cute if your in a relationship but if your not it’s weird as hell


Equality in a nutshell.


It’s not even saying men have it harder than women, it just points out some double standards. Nice Strawman


Double standards only if you’re creepy or ugly


I don’t know what your talking about, women are treated awful and they have no rights they need more rights (sarcasm) in all honestly I became trans because of many reasons, a big one was how bad men are being seen. I just don’t understand why we all can’t be nice, or at least just don’t care about this shit, just treat everyone the same, why put more effort than needed?