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It's true. Lifestyle is a huge factor behind astronomical modern depression rates.


Yep, humans evolved to live in close knit communities where the villages / tribes ate together, farmed / hunted together, built things together, etc. For all the wonders of modern technology, the hyper-individualist consumerist lifestyle is truly awful: living alone, eating alone, driving to work in a soundproof metal box alone, then working your ass off with zero time to socialize at work, then driving home to watch tv alone... Hyper-individualism betrays 200,000 years of biological and social evolution.


I've been crazy isolated, taking meds, doing therapy, reading books. I have been feeling better but you have to actively fight intrusive thoughts and force yourself to do things.


> Hyper-individualism betrays 200,000 years of biological and social evolution. A lot of stuff does.


once again, uncle ted was right




I read his manifesto 12 times, people today lack community yes but also the ability to create opportunity for themselves in attaining real goals. We're basically caged zoo animals, with food and other needs given to us without much effort. He calls it the power process, and modern humans lack the ability to go through it, so instead sublimate their drive for power in struggling for and attaining shit they dont actually need, things that dont actually bring them fulfillment (expensive cars, phones, clothes, ect)




i didnt downvote u dawg that was someone else 😭


We must either overthrow the system or will eventually be conformed to it...


this guy got it


Would make more sense if the majority of people weren't so unpleasant to be around at this point. My semi isolation is a choice. And not one made from individualism. I just can't stand to be around the general public too much these days. Not good for mental health. Also, the world is more socially connected than ever before. We just do it through screens instead of in person. The effect is generally the same.


The effect isn't even close to the same. It's arguably worse than not. We aren't meant to be beholden and accountable to 8 billion people every time we open our mouths. This method of "socializing" has destroyed any potential for forgiveness and growth. Said something regrettable? Just whither and die I guess. Disagree with reddit on any single topic? Why are you even alive. No one is motivated to forgive, tolerate, or even politely ignore others, because there's no actual proximity.


I can agree with that. It doesn't really negate what I said, either. The effect is generally the same. I don't think humans are supposed to exist together in such large numbers. Social media problems are akin to big city problems before the internet existed.


A take I can agree with


Seriously. In person, when someone says something stupid we usually just awkwardly stare at him and at best try to kindly tell them that that doesn't make any sense. Because normally you have bonds with people you talk that you want to preserve and you care about their feelings. In social media there is no relationship between you and the person you are discussing, other than the disagreement. Which means no positive feelings and only negatives. I guess this is also why even minor discussions end up with people kindly wishing each other to kill themselves


Yep. Born in 93. Facebook became big while I was in highschool. The change was palpable.


On God if I'm driving I feel this on a personal level


The cope and mental gymnastics that depressed coomers will exercise just to excuse their behavior and relieve themselves of any personal responsibility for their respective moods is incredible. Keep using that “chemical imbalance” as a shield.


Depression isn't always just a temporary state of mental wellbeing that simply goes away with with excercise, good diet or being very social. I'd be jealous of the lives of anyone who's going to tell me otherwise who's lives are good enough that they don't have to experience that kind of depression that you don't simply just crawl out of with a little effort. Life is more complicated than just choosing to be happy out of sheer willpower. You can't fake your feelings to yourself.


Getting a diagnosis means you are no longer responsible for how you feel or what happens to you.


I agree however I don't think suggesting that they should choose religion is a good idea. You should allow them to find their own way to religion, not force it down their throat


I dont think that was the point here its just that all of these factors can help you be in a better environment doesnt mean that they will help everybody but there is a good chance your life will be better with them Also i think they meant religion in general because there is no correct religion its all just what you would rather believe in


It is kind of sad that hyper-individualism and car dependency have destroyed our sense of community so thoroughly that religion is often the only free option people have to join an active local community


It’s not bad to have a belief system. Whether it’s organized religion or some kind of philosophy of life. I think the panel is trying kind of to convey it’s good to have some kind of spirituality


Honestly? I think most religions do more to help people with community than they do with belief. Beliefs help some sure, but guarantee you someone with no strong beliefs but with with a solid tight nit local community is going to be happier than a devout believer living as an outcast. on average atleast


Until it becomes a problem. The problem I have with religion is the fact that, just like everything else, it's susceptible to human emotions like greed. However, we have nothing that stops this. Meanwhile, even if you live by certain philosophies, you still have to follow the rules. Like, you can create a pyramid scheme business, but you can only get so far without breaking the law with that stuff. But the fact that we have mega churches and pastors having mansions, etc is wild to me. Not to mention they've started "suggesting" people on who to vote pretty brazenly now as well. They're also tax exempt. Like come on... At some point, we all have to admit that this a problem and does more harm than good the more this goes unchecked.


You can have a belief system without being spiritual. In fact, the better belief systems aren't spiritual at all. I would recommend anyone to read Marcus Aurelius over reading any spiritual text. Meditations is the healthiest book I've ever read.


No one said anything about force. Everything's a choice not black and white. It's more a suggestion, look this may help...


In what way is this forcing it down their throat?


lol you think people want to hear their “ culture “ peddled by people they say should be in jail is bad for them ? ROFL ! That amazing people want to be justified in their actions!


Thanks! I'm cured... it was lifestyle all along!! Soooo helpful.


I mean if you dislike your life theres a good chance the way you live it is a factor. Would you be mire comfortable with someone saying “Theres something fundamentally wrong with your brain and theres no cure” ?


Yup. I feel bad for the people who post these memes thinking they're untrue.


Do you think porn and social media is a lifestyle? It's not like religious people and gym rats never watch porn or social media. The argument is just shitty to begin with. Hopefully there is more to your lifestyle than religion and weights, even if you don't feel depressed.


Lifestyle specifically lacking in financial and social well being. More time off with more disposable income would greatly improve QoL of most American men, but we live in the only country with no federally mandated paid parental leave and 1 of 3 countries with no federally mandated paid time off, yet the same bros that push that lifestyle tell you to be a workaholic to the point you're no longer yourself.


True, some of the stuff on the right can help in some circumstances. The problem is more the presumption that if someone is depressed it's because they must be doing all the stuff on the left. People in general don't like having their lifelong problems minimized as "It must be because you're doing too much social media. Delete your Facebook account and your porn account and you'll feel much better." "But I haven't been on Facebook in months and I don't have a porn account." "Well, you must be doing something wrong. You wouldn't be feeling bad for no reason."


Nailed it, the meme is patronising and that is why the original sun took the Michael out of it. It’s not that some of those things can’t be positives. However they certainly aren’t cures for something as serious as depression. I also think a lot of harm is done by the confusion between low mood and depression. It’s like when people have a bad headache and go round saying they have a migraine, then someone actually calls in sick for a migraine and bosses don’t understand why someone couldn’t just take pain killers and work through it.


Damn are you my parents cause that's literally what they did. It wasn't the tremendous amounts of psychological abuse they put me through, it was clearly the means of escapism that were causing me to be depressed! The reason I had no friends wasn't because they felt uncomfortable being in my house, it's because I stopped trying to invite them over! Clearly everything was my fault and my fault alone. But I don't dare say I'm a failure for not living up to all their expectations cause then I have to hear the lecture about how my grades are good and I'm so talented despite them trashing both my grades and my talents whenever I mention them. Anyways, turns out moving out and getting on antidepressants helped kickstart the healing process much faster than giving up everything that made me happy.


That's typical for how men are treated. If they have problems, it's their fault. But if women have problems, there are obviously external factors at play. They're oppressed, people are unfair to them, it's bad luck etc, etc. It's never their fault. That's why telling a woman who is struggling with dating to get in better shape, get some interesting hobbies, and be a better person is so insulting to them.


Converting to Islam is not exactly a stepup.


Ah, yes, exercise and Islam. Famous cures for psychological conditions.


Honestly social media and stuff does rot your brain. You will feel mentally better after a week without any of it. Based meme tbh


Stopped using all social media save for two or three if only for retaining contact with friends and family but even then, I’m not actively posting and doomscrolling. It has helped tremendously. Better than any bloody therapist I could’ve paid for. Social media has become a cancer and people would do well to remember that we lived for millennia without it and got on just fine.


Reddit especially


I can wholeheartedly agree with this.


Me, scrolling through Reddit: “Yeah, social media has been disastrous” *continues scrolling*


You do understand that Reddit is social media right?


I find the negativity and bull shit on reddit to be just as bad as the main social medias. Different, but still shit. I’ve naturally got off Facebook and instagram, it was actually quite easy. I use them now just to message people and rarely look at it otherwise. But reddit, damn this is an addiction I can’t kick


They didn't say it wasn't. Everything in moderation is the key, including reading things without thinking.


And a glass of alcohol a night doesn't make you an alcoholic, so long as that's all you drink.


I ended up muting most political subreddits and started just following memes, youtubers, and video games. It was an excellent choice, removing the sources of news trying to tell me the world will end was nice. Especially since 90% of news doesn't really matter to me anyway. I really recommend doing the same, more memes, less crap.


If I didn't have to kill time at work I would never look at reddit again.


So does religion.


Which is why I love going off grid camping a few times a year, having no cell service and just enjoying nature is fantastic for mental and physical health.


WinRar has played an excellent part of my life


I think there are two sides to this, like most things. All I ever hear is that one side or the other is 100% right, and it's just not true. Modern society involves a lot of sitting in dimly lit rooms and focusing on one's self, all sources of depression. Exercise, charity, and sunlight would go a long way towards fixing that. Mental positivity leads to more mental positivity. On the other hand, we are learning a lot more about how each brain is different. Autism, ADHD... these are very real setbacks for people. Exercise might sound easy to you, but it can be very difficult for a person who is already barely managing to juggle a job and a family life and self-care and househould cleaning and vehicle maintenance, especially if they have some kind of personality disorder that already makes 'normal' living more challenging. And that's not even getting into the wold of other issues, like just being a little dumber than average, or being very young and inexperienced, or having actual trauma like death of loved ones, or being abused physically or sexually, or having arthritis, or anything at all outside of 'normal'.


This, it’s the trivialising of a serious mental illness and a problem that comes with a wider context that is being taken the piss out of here.


What a great post. I just want to say - exercise is difficult for everyone. Even me as someone who was going to to gym sometimes twice a day and walking 20-30kms consistently -- went on vacation for a month, and sheesh it was nearly impossible to start going back in. It feels "easy" once it becomes a routine, but to build that routine is really hard for almost everyone, and it's still not so much "easy" as it is "feels worse if I miss it".


Ugh everyone's a psychologist.


Spending too much time on those sites is a symptom of a deeper problem, not the cause. It’s like saying someone has a cold *because* their nose is running


You cant just change lifestyle. It takes a lot of Willpower. Which depressed people dont have.


Honestly, these people act like they're a hopeless cause, which causes them to become hopeless. They're doing this shit to themselves and it's awful.


I always remember older folks around telling me “It’s hard to deal with an alcoholic when he doesn’t know the root of his issues is quite literally in his hands”


I like that quote can I coin that?


Sure man


Should’ve said no just to be an asshole


Sure, but the easiest way to get people to quit drinking permanently is to find out why they're drinking in the first place, and not just taking away the drink. Tendency for dependency is a huge factor, but most alcoholics are alcoholics as a form of self medication. If you can unlock that connection, dependency often goes away.


The issue is the cycle is very hard to break,especially for those that suffer from full on mental disorders (that seems to be separate from what you are saying though, as it’s usually seen as an abnormality by most). The human brain , whether unconsciously or not, is quite stubborn in its cycles, and hard to make changes to routines, especially when it comes to addictions. It’s important to not outright belittling people’s feelings when it comes to a mental illness like depression. It’s important to encourage and emotionally support people that suffer from it, but that can have different effects from person to person and it seems that why oop disagreed with the meme, as they probably felt it was patronising. It’s a very complex topic, personally I think the attitude of encouraging a change from bad addictive behaviours is only a good thing in helping those with depression, it’s also important to understand people’s emotional limits with it, which can extremely vary, and to not pressure too much, it’s a balancing act in a way.


Nah. Even with a healthier lifestyle your life can still suck and be depressing but this is reddit, home of gaslighting.


Well...isn't that what depression does?


Victim of addiction mentality, it's what it's


The sentiment is partly true but at the same time, being preached to about religion doesn't help at all. I imagine that's probably why this is on here Also gym is actually the problem for me but I'm aware I'm anomalous there


I don’t think you are an anomaly. Any of those things on the right could be harmful in extreme. In fact a major characteristic of depression is distorted or negative self image. Many of the people going to the gym addicted to the endorphins that it produces and wondering why they are never satisfied by how they look could be battling mental illness and. It realise it. It’s more likely to be a different flavour of mental illness but there are lots of co-morbidities around depression.


I feel the same about y'all. I just hope one day y'all stop being edgy kids and empathize with people. However, until then, thank you for the best schadenfreude I could ask for.


Plot twist, first they do all the stuff on the left, then all the stuff on the right, and then still feel hopeless


Well possible that is rather uncommon. The one on the right isn't necessarily those things specific. It's more about finding purpose and drive in life which has been proven many times to have a positive effect on depression


You don’t think that people who already spend their life struggling against their disability/mental health problems have drive? That they are without purpose? I can tell you how someone without purpose and drive that has depression ends and it’s not a porn addiction. It’s significantly more final. The point of this sub is that memes like this are clearly created by someone that hasn’t a clue what the reality of depression/disability etc is like. The same person can be encompassed by both sides of the meme. Everyone with these issues is constantly struggling. Sometimes they kick its arse and sometimes it kicks theirs. When their arse is being kicked it’s sometimes nice to have a little release valve like finding humour in a stupid meme.


I feel bad for a lot of the people who post here, too


Modern life is pretty difficult for a lot of us. Eating well, exercising regularly, some mediative or mindfulness practice, maintaining healthy relationships would do a lot of good for a lot of people. The problem is people find those things in something specific then attribute all the benefits to that specific thing (aka become dogmatic).


I’ll take the weights and books… no thanks on the church or Islam things


I always dislike how religion is supposed to be a universal solution in these memes. It works for some and doesn’t for others. The rest is true enough, lifestyle change can help.


Not to mention that religion will often make things actively worse


It depends on the problem


It depends mostly on the religion. No matter the problem, there's some that are just always bad. Like, I don't see in what kind of situation does believing that you're inherently evil and sinful, and need to strictly abide by the rules of an omnipotent tyrant or else you'll be tortured for eternity is a good thing


Pretending that you have some incurable affliction that nobody understands is a way to feel special and spiritually strong without actually doing anything.


Being the victim is enticing as it allows you to avoid responsibility, but this over time makes you weak, someone who blames the world


You just described half of Reddit. Bravo good sir, I am stealing this.


So is making comments like this.


Religion ain't gonna do F all for my clinical depression, but congrats on feeling superior, I guess


The resolution is so low I can’t tell what half those things are


The truth is in the middle. All the stuff in the first category will hurt your mental health if not used in moderation and some of the stuff in the second category will help improve certain aspects of your life but none of that is going to completely fix the really bad shit like C-PTSD or Schizophrenia.


See the thing is that there's a difference between being depressed and having depression also this heavy generalization that people who are depressed do the stuff on the left or ppl do the stuff on the left that's why they're depressed. You could be depressed either way. It's not always a lifestyle issue, it could be mental health issues and/or a bit of both. Also obv the stuff on the right except for the religion part is better but there's no guarantee that a clinically "depressed" individual will feel better after doing the stuff on the right. Some times the situation can be entirely different and people fall into this rigid routine of self help so much that they forget what it's actually for.


I honestly feel little to no difference in mood now that I've been exercising for a few years. I'm a bit more confident in the hour after my workout, but I still wanna kill myself so...it's not exactly a cure for depression.


I have seasonal depression and live in England, lemme tell ya WORST COMBO EVER actually contemplated suicide around 2020-2022, 2023 I hit the gym, started eating right, lost weight (from 125kg to currently around 85kg) I sort of have a routine, spend more time with my family, go on long walks regularly i just wish there was more to do at my work. I still feel like shit every time summer ends and that feeling of despair and hopelessness still haunts me at night sometimes but i learnt how to cope with it. TLDR: it doesn't get better, you get stronger


I've done a lot of what both images say, and they over emphasize what Chad does. I would still feel depressed despite working out. And religion isn't the answer either.


Are you serious? Very very rarely is it the lifestyle that causes the depression, it's the depression that causes the lifestyle. As someone who has depression and a lost of people i know who has depression, we were all fine before that one uncontrollable factor happened that caused the depression which caused us to spiral. Besides, many medical professionals have done actual research proving that despression is literally caused by something going wrong inside of your brain.


It’s like 99% true though. Most depressed fuckers need to get physically healthy, stop their social media addiction and leave the house every day.


Generally that subreddit has been pretty okay for me, though you have to admit it's not as easy as this meme makes it out to be.


Again, I’m confused. Is that sub meant to be sarcastic towards the Facebook post?


Yes. r/thanksimcured is making fun of advice that suggests simple "solutions" to cure depression etc., like "just go outside more" or in this case "just pray"


Are they really saying an oppressive religion helps against depression?!


you dont have to say "oppressive religion" its implied by the word "religion"


If porn, text messages, and what ever the hell shows are still on Netflix are getting in the way of you living your life, your life might have sucked to begin with.


That's the point. People want to live like that and not do anything to change it and scream that they're depressed.


I don’t think people with significant agency over their situation are as likely to fall into a hole like that as people who have nothing better to do. I think these problems are often a symptom of hopelessness rather than the original cause.


Acting like everybody has a clean slate. Not everyone grew up with cereal in the morning and goodnight kisses. Some are more fragile, we should help more. I dig the photo, it insinuates that bro wants to help. I was fucked once, doing much better. Let’s be better cause these apps are rotting our brains.


Lifting gloves? 🤨


just leave those subs, okay you find some memes ass what's the point of looking at them then


Ppl making fun of that message are ppl that won't resign themself to addictions. I try my best and in contrast of before now I feel better, I used a few years ago to stay at the computer from morning to bed time and felt like a piece of shit


I use some of those websites. I don’t feel depressed. Am I doing it wrong? Is the requirement to use them all at once to get depression?


I don't know how is this still not a fact that p addiction and social media addiction is bad


Well, in all fairness, and I’m not saying you should completely trust me on this, but motivation is an extremely strong factor in life improvement. Yes, working out, getting a better diet, reading more, going outside, etc, can give you a great life, it means nothing if a person can’t mentally do those things. It takes a lot of energy to change your lifestyle, and many people don’t have that energy due to poor mental health, poor motivation, or even negative environments. So, yes, the person on the left in this image is right. For him, therapy might just not work as well, or he might have a bad therapist, but either way, the things he does to try to improve his life don’t work, and so he resorts to things that give him temporary happiness, like video games, porn, and social media. The man on the left is both right and wrong. He seems to claim that improving your life is as simple as doing these things, which it isn’t. In that respect, he is extremely wrong. He is right though, in the way that doing those things can lead to a better life. Just given the right motivation, energy, and mental health. In conclusion, I wasted my time writing this.


I don't believe that was really on Facebook... But it is not wrong. Social media is made to addict you delress you, and keep you in that state for as long as possible. Without you on their platform, they don't make money off you. Now do I agree that praying will fix it? No. But the other things, yeah sure. Will most surly help you figure out why you are depressed and in constant pain


thanksimcured people when you poll them on whether they actually try the cures: ...


I’m female and going to the gym has helped my depression and anxiety. I’m not cured by all means and I often have bad days but the gym makes me feel more in control. People on that sub don’t want help.


A lot of these people are completely convinced that every single personality trait or issue you have is a medical diagnosis so they reject the idea of working on yourself. They have medicalized every human trait and so anything outside of the “established” medicalism is basically heresy.


and then OP spent the rest of the day refreshing to see if people liked his facebook meme about disconnecting from social media


It’s not a cure-all, but exercise does certainly help one’s holistic health.


Ironically, this meme was originally posted on a social media site, implying Chad uses these sites.


wait so your telling me gooning 14 hours a day is bad for my mental health?


Try and find a depressed person who eats well, works out and isn’t addicted to their phone or porn. You’d have a tough time with that.


It's not entirely wrong though, lift some weights for starters, get stronger and you'll feel better about not being physically weak


They hate it because they don't want it to be true.


My interpretation of the post is that the people who are suffering know very well that those lifestyle changes are very important to being healthy, the problem is having the energy/support to actually implement them. So when someone tells them duh just go to the gym and read books, they entirely miss the point, which is that it can be really fucking hard and confusing to make those changes in the first place


I think someone who is depressed and watches too much Netflix and Porn got triggered on this one. I’m not saying be a religious asshole either, but there is some truth to this.


I got blasted on that sub for telling someone to go outside for at least an hour or so a day. They had said they were depressed due to a vitamin D deficiency. Sometimes the solution is LITERALLY that simple, but they rejected it because wallowing in misery makes for more updoots on the internet.


"working out and religion is better than therapy and will cure your depression"


Some people don't want to take any accountability whatsoever. The idea that some of their problems could be self-induced is an affront to their need for pity.


I will be honest. I started going to the gym, and I sleep, feel, and even breathe better. Yes, it will help. (Anecdotal but I know a lot share this opinion)


Islam won't help you with shit


If the religion part was replaced by community, then this meme would be pretty true. A sense of belonging (could be from religion or something else) and a healthy body can do wonders for the mind.


Here is why OOP is right: Essentially, this is an anti-hedonist , pro-asceticism meme. It’s a crude interpretation of a genuine philosophical discussion into purpose and life meaning. Its simplification is insulting and impressively ironic. It fails to effectively and appropriately convey its argument and presents as obnoxious and self-righteous. “Thanks im cured” is actually the perfect way to describe how poorly translated this meme is.


That's how I feel about a lot of the shit on this sub. That and 'owning the libs' memes seems to be what this sub is now


Yeah. r/opwasrightfuckthis


Frankly, I'd rather be depressed than only become happy because I started believing in pleasant lies.


Ew. I’m not wasting my life worshiping a fake sky man. Gym and reading is nice tho


Why does it look like they added religion to the side that ‘helps’? Since when has religion ever helped anything in the history of ever?


Yall are really that shallow lol


Wow that is a cringey meme. Say what you will about the merits of religion and exercise, but the whole “I drew me as ripped and you as a skinny nerd” thing in memes has GOT TO GO. It’s so juvenile and silly. Like… really? Giving yourself an 8 pack in a drawing where it expresses your political ideas? So cringe.


"Bro just go to the gym bro it will solve all your problems bro" -someone who is secretly miserable but too proud to admit it


The solution the "chad" is giving is pretty stupid


I mean…. Of course you shouldn’t expect that these hobbies are gonna cure you overnight. But do you want to stay miserable? I don’t. And despite being built like a twig, I find accomplishment in lifting at home.


People are taking the Michael out of them being presented as a cure. It’s speaks to knowing nothing about depression. There is no one size fits all cute for depression but clinically backed methods of therapy and medication are your best bet. Sure get a hobby it might help, but don’t present one hobby as superior to another, anything can be ruinous if taken to excess. In fact religion can be a cause for depression.


"Are you sad? Try joining a cult" This sub apparently 


So the meme is bollocks, both sides represent potentially unhealthy coping mechanisms and neither cure depression. I mean religion and body building? Really? That aside, (and I know that you aren’t going to like this because it doesn’t fit your narrative,) this subs modus operandi is the same as theirs. You are both looking for things you see as stupid and having a laugh at them. Neither of you is superior to the other. There is also a lot of assumption that everyone there has a victim mentality. The reality is living with mental health struggles and disability is an ongoing struggle. Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you. It’s just a little venting about he stupidity of often incredibly patronising memes, that are seldom made by someone with any real knowledge of what living with disability is like.


Religion gives purpose and the gym releases stress, so yes, really


Religion also tells you you’re a sinner, instils shame and guilt over mundane things etc, really not helpful if you’re already depressed. It’s a net negative. 


Neither of those are a guarantee and both can backfire


Only if you believe in that religion shit


So can having a wank but anything can be unhealthy if you lean into it too much. Also religion can give purpose but requires faith. If you don’t believe in the myth you don’t believe and it won’t help. You can’t gain purpose from make believe.


What if you are depressed because of religion?


Religion bad, community good.


Pretending to be a Chad but self-censoring the word "porn" in the meme. Says enough about whoever made it.


The meme fits the sub. While I believe the original meme was good in intent, it gets its point across in an entirely wrong way. Everyone is different, and have different problems, needs, and solutions. There’s no universal end-all be-all Instead of saying “these things *will* cure you” it should be “these things helped me personally, *maybe* they **can** help you too”


Usually memes like this are shit like “hah you’re a cringe loser and I’m the based chad” so seeing the meme be “lemme give you some tips on how to improve yourself” is nice :)


exactly helpful chad should support the soyjaks who have lost their way


The “Chad” things existed before the internet and people were still depressed




These people will never improve their lives unless they realise that they have to actually make some steps themselves. Other people can advise, but tips and advice isn't supposed to just magically make their problems dissappear like they seem to expect


The flip side of this is that these people are often not doing anything on the left and their life long battle with depression is being trivialised by the idea they are depressed just because they lack purpose and don’t exercise enough. It speaks to a lack of understanding about what depression actually is.




Depression can exist independent of lifestyle. However, if you live a crappy life it’s hard to narrow the problem down to depression. Earlier in life I had some problems and went to the doctor. I was only getting 4hrs of sleep each night. Dr told me he can’t help me with anything until I got enough sleep, because that could be the root of all of my problems. Sleep could be the difference between the two in this meme, because we make healthier choices when we are rested. BTW: I now sleep 8hrs a night, happy as can be, and religion has no place in my life. I need people, just not that kind of people, in my life.


I go to therapy and it’s the only thing that works for me, besides drinking myself to death.


Jokes aside are there any motivational subs to remind me to get off social media & do push ups instead? Ik it sounds funny but ADHD is a disorder for a reason.


Is interesting he turn into islam


Just live in the fucking Taj Mahal.


Man I wish I was skinny


Why is being Muslim so trendy?


Im a huge promoter of weight lifting as a combatant to depression. It actually decreases the symptoms of depression and along with other life style choices, including either getting lots of sun or taking lots of Vitamin D, u can practically cure urself of depression.


Those things won't get you out of depression. Working out improves your mood and self image but I was still suicidal doing all the things on the left. And therapists also tell you to exercise. Getting a creative hobby and building a local community around it was more than a sufficient substitute for religion.


It's been a long time since I last saw Wojak and Chad on Reddit




The meme = stop bad behaviours -> do good behaviours Why is therapy being dismissed here? It's literally talking to an expert who can help you learn skills to be able to do the above, not just magically like the meme proports, but actually through hard work and deep self reflection and insight. If the therapy ain't working, go to a different therapist. Same for your GP, dentist, physio, etc. It's only effective if it's a good fit. "Just do it" is often effective enough, and if it works for you great. But if it doesn't, why live in suffering? Bottling things up or not dealing with your feelings is miserable and uncessary. It's much braver to face your issues and do the work. It's harder as well, but worth it.


Out of curiosity, is the original pic from an Islamic sub or something?


probably, or just someone who is Muslim and using his own religion as an example for religion in general


Say whatever you want but I feel like honestly even if their isn’t a God I have found myself happier since finding religion


Ew is that a mosque. Disgusting I only go to church.


What's the book in the upper right? Spent way too long looking at the blurry image trying to figure it out


They are im an echochamber of saying nothing will ever help or get better


If I may throw my hat into the ring with a bit of a controversial opinion I understand what y’all are saying, changes in lifestyle can at times help mental well being. Therapists at times do suggest changes in life style to help mental health issues. The problem is that it’s not a cure as the original meme is describing. Will going to the gym, going outside, and reading more help? Sure, more than likely. But let’s say you’re struggling because a family member dies, or you got laid off and now have financial stress, or something else out of your control. The gym won’t fix that, going outside won’t fix that. These things help they’re not cures as the original meme suggests. The original meme also suggests that it’s fully a person’s fault that they suffer from mental health issues which is not always or even most of the time the case. Mental health can be a very complex problem that can be difficult to unpack. Rather than just saying “go to the gym lol” and assuming a person is sad cuz they stay inside all day. Let’s listen to what people are going through and find what support or help works for them. Maybe for some the gym is exactly what they need, in that case I would encourage them to go. Maybe for others it’s unpacking trauma from childhood, in which case I would encourage that for you. Find what works for you, there is no one size fits all cure, and try different things until you find something that works. Hope this different perspective helps


I mean, the left side isn't wrong in many cases. The right side is wrong though lol Things that help my mental health: nature, meds, good diet, sleep, limited social media, actually talking to people Things that dont: woo woo sky man


Therapy can help, but what’s best is twking care of yourself, and finding purpose, and a place to find peace. I speak from experience that if you have a lot of internal issues, looking in the mirror at external ones makes it feel worse, not putting the right stuff into you also exacerbates the issues. Working out helped a lot just like ditching soda and drinking only water, tea, and occasionally juices. Focusing on protein and healthy fats works wonders as does proper vitamins and supplements. As for finding peace, I’m a Christian and getting back into listening to the bible has been wonderful, as with cutting out phone usage before bed and journaling. Another thing is getting outside. Going to a local park or hiking trail is free and helps you get in touch with you. Yeah you must learn to think about the hard questions and the way you look at things but it’s the best environment I’ve found for this. After that it’s just trying to live your best life. Help others and be kind. I can’t say It’s gonna solve all your problems, I sure as hell can’t say this will be easy, and I can’t say I know if it’s good for what ails YOU… but I can say it will at minimum bring you something to start with. Therapy helped me out a bit but between the cost and timing it didn’t really fit my life well. This helped me More than therapy and it fit my life better. Pray this helps someone out. TL;DR shut the hell up and take care of yourself kids. In the end it’s you and God above that determine your fate. And if you’re doing all you can to fix it then you got one of the two sorted.


Nah, fuck religion too. I was depressed as hell when I was religious and now I'm only slightly depressed.


Those things will help though when feeling down and lost. They may not cure, but they definitely help.


I don't see what's wrong with this meme. It's true. Too many people are too stupid or lazy to give up things that only feel good in the moment. Speaking of which, I gotta go out for a run




This is a stupid simplification of therapy even though the message is right. Therapy is designed to give you the tools to solve your problems, so yes, obviously lifestyle changes matter. However saying that you need to go to the gym instead of going on bad apps or websites isn't helpful because it's kinda obvious. What matters is your approach with them and finding a healthy way to manage it all.


Replacing addictions with other addictions goes hard


The lack of sunlight and social isolation alone is what's screwing a lot of people. That being said, a good therapist is going to point out that your lifestyle isn't good for you mentally and work with you to ingraine healthy habits.


Porn and Islam compliment one another tho




You don’t need the bottom two.


why are they all so angry