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Edey’s game will compliment JJJ very well


Yeah, I think this makes a ton of sense in terms of fit with JJJ




I don’t know how he’ll fit in with the grizzlies, but please take care of him. He’s precious cargo. He got invited to the green room, but he wanted to enjoy the moment with family and friends at Purdue instead. You’ll love him. -a lifetime Purdue fan


We just got enough Dawgs and Panther to cover for him on D. He can set screens for Ja, crush the board, and we probably force feed him for 4-6 minutes stretches and see how some 6'9 back up centers do against the right hook. He will crush so much.


He fits like a glove, not the OJ glove either ✅


Why do people say corny crap like this? Who tf cares if you’re a Purdue fan.


Perhaps he's highlighting how closely he's been watching the Edey over the last couple of years? How much growth and professionalism he has shown in that time? Just to toss you a few possible answers to your shit tier comment.


“Take care of him”


Stealing this from a YouTube comment: The only college players to be 7'1" and score over 750 points in a college season are Wilt, Kareem, David Robinson, Shaq, and Zach Edey. The only players to win multiple unanimous NPOYs are Bill Walton, Ralph Sampson, and Zach Edey. Big men who came to basketball in their teens and became college stars after playing another sport in their youth include Tim Duncan, Hakeem Olajuwon, and Zach Edey. There are no serious Edey comps who've come into the league in the past 20 years. Boban only had one year in Europe in which he played more than 20 mpg, so he's never really had the stamina to play big minutes. We might not know exactly if a player like Edey will work in today's NBA, but we also don't know if it won't work either, and the scenarios in which it does work are pretty appealing.


Best take I've read. Played every single minute in the Final Four and Natty.


*cries in Rocky Top*


We champs tho and Purdue ain’t


Congrats on your achievements


Thank you, it actually feels amazing


In baseball. Who cares about college baseball tbh?


As a Purdue fan in Tennessee 😈


Right? Im a Pacers fan in Nashville, and by extension I follow and root for Purdue and Notre Dame (I'm an Arkansas fan and alumni first and foremost though). I grew up around Memphis so seeing the Grizz get one of the greatest centers from Purdue is so cool. Can't wait to hear Chris Vernon's reaction with KOC on the Ringer.


If he hits FTs he’s going to be a problem for defenses. End of story, lol.


I'm seeing this a lot but Purdue/college ball is wayyy slower pace than the NBA and he's way bigger than most college players. He has to drastically improve his feet and conditioning if he can be effective against NBA talent and athletes imo


He's got better movement than you think. He's gonna dominate you'll see


I really hope he does. I'm nervous asl though


He was the best player available at #9 by far. He would have been #1 overall in any prior era. His floor is a 7' 4" Zeebo. His ceiling is the next Shaq. You'll be fine


His ceiling isn't shaq, stop that. Shaq was way more athletic and freakish


Zhaq is more of a Shaq Yao hybrid. With some Hakeem in there


Yao maybe. Shaq and Keem is crazy comp work


Not really. Edey outscored both in college, and not by a little bit. Heck, he outscored Steph.


Runs a 5:51 mile


Holy shit are you serious. I guess the long legs help but I’m surprised his heart can pump blood up to his dome for that long! Way better conditioned than I thought that’s great! I guess mile time isn’t indicative of how agile he is or even how fast he is, but he damn sure can play a full game load.


Holy shit are you serious?


Okay and he couldn't keep up against transition in the natty vs uconn. All I'm saying is there's reason for pause and worry. Not calling him a bust or trash.


He was guarding Clingan not Castle or Newton in transition. That was the guards' failure.


And neither could Adams and we were fine.


Adams was an elite screener and rebounder and can move his feet. Edey can maybe do that too but acting like it's a guarantee is foolish


No one guaranteed anything. He’s shown the ability to do the things we need a center to do, and his combine measurables were better than expected. There’s nothing wrong with being optimistic until he proves otherwise.


Edey will be an all-time great screener and rebounder. I believe


UConn didn’t even get into transition in that game. They played at a snail pace all year, 330/362. Edey completely abused a slower, smaller Clingan who still got picked at 7 for being a pure defender without any offensive skill set outside of open putbacks and P&R lobs/layups created by his guards. Purdue lost due to not having an entire 3-man backcourt of draft picks. And Karaban would’ve been another pick any year prior to NIL. I’d still take Clingan over Edey a a NBA pick for his defensive instincts and fluidity when guarding, but Edey is better at running the floor than Clingan based on what I’ve seen. Clingan played 22 minutes a game for a slow team. Edey could go 40 for a higher paced team.


He played 32 min a game his last two seasons and played all 40 in the final four and natty. He didn’t play more in his senior year cuz they blew out a few teams. His conditioning is insane for someone 7 foot plus and close to 300 lbs. The nba game is faster paced for even NBA bigs already in the league. It will take a little bit of an adjustment but trust me, he will be good to go.


That was my comment :D Glad to see it making the rounds lol


Great take. The video it was on was really encouraging as well.


I smell what you’re stepping in


he’s a unicorn. the conditioning is CRAZY


Talk to em!


I think hes gonna do well, he moves suprisingly well and he honestly has good touch


Embiid also didn’t start playing basketball until 16 I think. Played soccer and volleyball


his stamina is honestly so freaking underrated. you know how tired guys get after banging with a big 7 foot beast all game? this dude will be crushing teams in the 4th


I’m excited. All we needed was a big dude who isn’t inept and can rebound.


It’s hard to only want that out of a top 10 pick, but sometimes fit is just as important as upside or star potential. If he’s a 18-20 min contributor that can score close to the basket and get boards on both ends and be a defensive asset, he’s exactly what we need. We didn’t need another wing with upside or a guard in a crowded backcourt.


And we need it on a cost controlled contract for our window. I was really down on Edey in the early days leading up to the draft but came around to the idea in the last couple weeks. I like the pick.


at the very least, he will force teams to play big against you guys can’t teach size. a 7 footer will have his way if he gets close to that bucket


Less so for a 27 win team though naturally, I think it's a much better pick if the team was at 47 wins trying to move into contention, filling the last needed gaps I still think it's a good pick Just not as big on fit while drafting in general


He is literally a cheat code on the offensive glass, I can promise you that. All time rebound leader at Purdue.


I think he will be better than people expect




As a Purdue fan, so many called "experts" and fans say stuff but I can tell you Edey is a dawg and will put in work.


If he likes to work and hustles on the court, he will be appreciated here. He has big shoes to fill and a small timeline to fill them, but I am hopeful!


The best part of him his work ethic is insane and comes from a good family. His Mom is an engineer.


He's got a chip on his shoulder from being discounted. Despite winning two in a row NCAA MVP.


sengun is going to drop 30+ on him


I mean bro almost had 50 on Wemby, so sure


Sengun dropped 30+ on 10 different guys last season and is only 21 Make it make some sense Edey has more situational usage and that's okay from a 9th overall pick in a historically weak draft




I wish I wasn't


Bro that was the 2nd pick in a stacked draft. This was 9 in what’s being labeled as a weak draft. Not the same thing at all.


Yeah people comparing this to a Thabeet pick legitimately don’t know ball.


Yeah. Pretty annoyed at home dumb our fan base is acting on here. I thought we were smarter than that. But that’s the internet and a lot of fans I guess.


We needed a center bad lol I don't know any other centers available


Ware should go in the late teens or early 20s


Edey ate Ware alive in the 2 games they played


And oscar tshiebwe put up crazy numbers in college against guys drafted higher than him


Edey will be whatever he ends up being, but I am not high on Ware


I'm not a big fan but I trust Kleimnan. I don't really like anyone in this class though so it's not like there was an obvious miss on someone else. Ware has no motor and Holmes might end up being a another tweener like X or BC or JJK or Santi. We have too many of that archetype


This is my take as well. No glaringly better option we missed on. Let's see if this guy can continue his trend if improving every year.


Kleiman wasted three first round picks on 3 and D wings who either can’t shoot 3s, can’t play D, or can’t do either.


He also has hit on several surprises...Bane, Vince, GG, among others...there's a reason he got Exec of the Year.


Bane wasn’t *that much* of a surprise, the biggest surprise was he fell so far in the draft we got him at 30. And I’d hold off on calling Vince and, especially, GG definite “hits” at this point. Not crazy to think that one or both of them just could have had outlier years last year and end up regressing to whatever their mean is, especially since both will probably have significantly reduced roles on a healthy (knock on wood) Grizzlies roster.


I know it was a little while ago...but, he did get Exec of the Year voted by people that know a little about basketball...or, you can just stay unhappy. Sam Presti, thought of by most as one of the best. has had some misses as well...and you've only mentioned three misses...I think he hit more than missed. and you can make those outlier comments about the misses you mentioned as well.




At the very least he makes up for the reaches with value picks later. Which is a lot better than most GMs


I say it’s 50/50 on if Edey will work out. Either he is going to be too slow… or he will be unstoppable. But with Clingan gone. He was the obvious pick.


The west only has AD, KAT and Gobert, Jokic, Chet and Wemby. Now’s a good time to have an extra 7 footer if you hope to contend. He doesn’t even have to be that good, just not completely terrible and he has value. Without any obvious better picks, i think this was the perfect spot for Memphis to take the risk.


I think he’s the better player of the 2. The only thing is his age, NBA drafts don’t like older players but they can’t outright say that as the sole reason so most just nitpick players with unnecessary questions. You can’t look at Clingan as a good prospect and then crap on Zach Edey.


This. I'm not saying Kleiman needs to be fired or anything like that, but this sub practically worships him and I don't think he is on that level as an executive.


Do you not remember Chris Wallace, or were you not here for that. I would've sucked cock for baseline average competence in a GM after that man, and Kleiman is far above average. Not infallible, but no GM is.


The young bucks don't remember Ivan Rabb, Deyonte Davis and Wade Baldwyn. Those guys make the 3 trash wings look like starters on a championship team


Lol Davis was a mood


Dawg I was watching this team when Conley got drafted. I fully understand he's a lot better than Wallace was (Parsons contract might be the worst contract of all time). But that doesn't mean Kleiman is above criticism.


I don’t care, I love this pick. Low risk, high reward. Everyone keeps talking about this being a weak draft, and we take a big swing. What more do you want?


Low risk??? This is the riskiest pick yet!


It’s worth the risk if JJJ doesn’t have to start at center anymore.


That was the 9th pick in a weak draft. Did you watch us at all last season? Center was clearly our greatest need, and we got a player who has only played basketball for 6 years and gotten better every year. And one that all players and coaches around him say they love playing with. But go off.


Doesn't change the fact that Edey is an immensely risky pick. Every bonus you listed had better alternatives for the grizzlies to draft that bring the same upside. Those are the most general attributes of most prospects ffs. But go off. I'm glad you love the pick so much, I hope you stand by it forever.


Name the better alternative at center at the 9th pick. At the 9th pick, it’s project players or gambles. You’re talking like we had a top five pick.


I’m kinda meh on the pick but it’s not exactly a risky pick. What the previous poster was saying is that risk is defined by what you are missing out on if you opted not to make that choice and, in a weak class, the risk is equally weakened. And it’s further weakened by the fact that we cannot justify taking a project player with our build. Given all that, I’d tend to agree that it’s not a risky pick even if I don’t love it at 9.


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There weren't a lot of high upside alternatives to draft.


Ziaire was just as risky if not riskier. But that didn’t work out so idk what point I’m making lol. At least we picked the biggest fucker in the draft when we needed a big body


Z was much riskier imho. That year he had at Stanford before the draft was questionable. At least Edey has shown clear upward trajectory consistently


Low risk = this team is in win now mode, 90% chance no player they would have realistically taken there contributes in the next 3 years


Low risk? lol he was projected to go in the 20s in multiple mock draft boards


Tbh, if we’re gambling on clingan or edey. I prefer edey. Clingan injury history is scary.


Plus we didn’t have to give up assets to trade up and hack-an-Edey won’t work as well in late game situations as hack-a-Clingan


Yup, he’s worth it. Now its time to trade for Cam johnson or DFS!


Facts! I kinda trust the front office. I think they saw maybe some 🚩with Clingan and were apprehensive about trading up for him. Grizzlies don’t need any injuries this season like last season, last season all the injuries was a problem and it was terrifying.


/r/NBA hates the pick so you know he's probably a future HoFer


I'm all for giving the guy a chance. Whatever happened with [Hasheem Thabeet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasheem_Thabeet) is irrelevant. I hope people are mature enough to understand that.


If Edey has a motor, that alone distinguishes him from Thabust.


Edey is far in the other direction from Thabeet as motor it's crazy. Edey was diving for loose balls and is smart about using his fouls too


He will have a great environment to enter in to. The team is already working out on their own, Bane, Clarke, JJJ, Ja, GG, most of the main rotation guys have stuck around in the summer, so he will be around some dogs in the gym. They're gonna get on his ass to work hard off the court. I think he will love it. Bane's game has improved leaps and bounds, and a lot of it has been off court and off season workouts. He has been notorious for getting the coach at a private school near him to open up at all hours of the day in the summer.


Thabeet couldn’t even play basketball without tripping over his own feet. Dude had no coordination and I knew that was going to be one of the all time busts. When I watched the Tigers play UConn once(or twice?) while thabeet was there it was obvious. Dude crossed himself over at least twice just in those games. Edey is not that.


Let’s go Big Boi. I officially crown him as the Great Wall. This is all I ever wanted this offseason! THANK YOU FRONT OFFICE!


I called for this like three mo this ago and got downvoted into oblivion He’s only played six years and improved tremendously every one. He’s addressed his flaws each time. He beat Clingan in agility drills. He’s a great screener. His floor is Steven Adams who can score some


Don't think he has the playmaking of Adams, but he's a much better FT shooter.


Which we need more. How often did Adams playmake? Edey can actually shoot a little. Adams couldn’t.


Let's go!!! From Zach Randolph to Zach Edey!!! Let's get it 


Older Spurs fan here. Since the last March Madness I have been so high on Edey, just tonight said we should take him at 8. Was laughed at so many times in our sub, made several threads about grabbing him, with people saying "eh maybe if he's there by the 20's we can trade some of our plethora of second round picks and put him on our G-League team for a year as a backup. Those people clearly did not watch the March Madness games this year. That dude just has **IT**. Such a ferocity to win in his eyes, you can't unsee it. And people are like "well, he has no outside game, he's just a brute in the paint". And he has been. And he had almost no 3-point attempts throughout his entire college career. But Google about how accurate he suddenly was in his combine when shooting from 3. When there is an article about redrafting this 2024 class, I have little doubt Edey will be top 3. Just saying, if any of you are doubting this draft pick, just wait. Y'all got a good one I wish the Spurs would have grabbed.


I wanted him to go the spurs to be mentored by Duncan and have pop as his coach. And also to be paired next to Wemby. That would have been something. As a Purdue fan, I agree with your assessment. He didn’t need to shoot 3s in college as it would have been dumb for him to do that when he was basically automatic from 6 feet in. He shoots FTs very well for a big and has been practicing 3s in practice for at least 2 years and we saw how he actually has a decent shot at the combine last year and this year. He is going to keep getting better and I hope he is able to stick around. Great kid, with a great work ethic and Memphis is gonna love him.


ROTY. DPOY. MVP. FMVP. 6MOTY. 3 point % leader. Rebound leader. Wemby eater. Breaker of chains. Mother of dragons.


I need to see him son AD and porzingis and then we'll, talk


I was a huge Clingan guy but at 9 in this weak of a class and with a massive need at center I will take Edey. He is a question mark sure but he is a high risk high reward pick I mean just having him on the court makes us a defensive juggernaut and he'll help with rebounding issues as well.


I didn’t expect to see as much hate, we really needed a center and he seems to have a high ceiling


They wanted us to give future first rounders for Clingan. I'm happy keeping the picks and getting this mammoth


Edey and Ja pick and roll is gonna win at least one chip


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8s2tmvtrXG/?igsh=OGZ1bmR0MnEyYWlu insta story of him watching his pick


Just for some more context, he declined a green room invite to stay with family and teammates at Purdue (I think Painter’s house) and everyone was there to support him, including Lance Jones who graduated and Mason Gillis who transferred to Duke. That should tell yall everything you need to know about who he is as a teammate and person.


Also two guys who transferred from Purdue came back to be there with him (wheeler and Hunter jr). The big maple is a legend at Purdue and a great guy. It made sense he would decline the green room and be surrounded by people who got him to where he is.


LETSSSS GOOOOOOOOO. he’s gonna be our favorite player.


I hated him beating my Vols but I now hope he becomes the best Center ever.


Agreed. Let’s remember, the Zion and Ja Morant situation. It was widely rumored that even if Memphis received the 1st round pick Kleiman still would have picked Ja Morant. Similar to Ja Morant, Zach Edey also wasn’t ranked coming out of high school. Let’s have hope people. Kleiman really has done a spectacular job with draft picks so I trust him. Obviously, they saw something really special in Zach Edey otherwise Kleiman would have traded up and got Clingan. Kleiman isn’t afraid to trade up and will do what it takes to get a player if he feels strongly that a certain player is the missing piece. I think it’ll be easier to develop Edey unlike some past draft picks, he’s in great shape, he has the confidence already (which was the initial issue with Jaren), and he’s a hard worker. Personality wise, he reminds me a lot of Marc Gasol and Edey has very laid back personality which is great because we need someone like that. I’m excited because he has a lot of potential to be super dangerous on the court especially if he develops his 3s which he has been working on.


He is Memphis AF!😂 [Winner](https://x.com/EdeyMuse/status/1806142118139670766?t=e8YA8BOCbmuvX9VKgF2f5g&s=07)


Great risk for the pick. We have no path to a true big without mortgaging the future. If the Grizz can get positive +/- and 10 rebs for 20-22 mins this season and let JJJ close out at the 5, it’s a win given the situation.


We winning it all steal of the draft


I'm not a college basketball guy and a fairly casual NBA fan, can someone explain to me why everyone is hating on this pick? Seems he scored well, won awards, has measurables, so I'm kinda lost.


they don’t know ball. this guy is one of a kind. he was my number one option for us in this draft. he’s strong where Jaren is weak 


100% cus they don’t understand matchups Yes Edey will not be able to guard athletic bigs in space consistently. But the flip side is…who’s gonna guard him consistently in the post? He’s gonna get fouled by skinny bigs who are just trying to knock him off his spot. And he shoots 70% from the line. Right from the jump…I think he’s gonna play a lot with the second unit. And he’ll score in bunches cus they’re aren’t a lot of bigs in the league, especially second unit guys, who will be able to guard him consistently And if he develops a pick and roll game with some of the players…they’ll be feasting on second unit guys The people comparing him to Thabeet never actually watched Thabeet play. He was always hot garbage. But the chucklefucks running the Griz at the time were stuck in the “you can’t teach height” old school way of thinking


Heat fan here. I was really hoping Edey would drop to 15 as I think he will be better than Ware, but glad to have gotten a big. I think this will be a perfect fit for him and the Grizzlies. His touch is so nice and he’s bigger than basically everyone in the NBA. He’s much more athletic than Boban and dominated Clingan in the championship. I just don’t see why anyone would compare him to much less talented bigs in Thabeet and Bobi. Additionally, Thabeet came in when the center position was basically dead and now we’ve snapped back from when Hibbert was getting played off the floor. It isn’t really Steph Curry’s small ball NBA any longer. Teams like the Celtics could play Edey off the floor, but if you are playing the Celtics in meaningful games, you’ve done pretty well for yourself.


Thabeetle had no energy and wasn’t coordinated at all, it only negative haters saying that


Will be cheering him on from Canada. Please take good care of him!


I'm hopeing he can develop as a Brook Lopez type


As long as he's professional with the org, the 901 will love him, probably.


Big if true


I am unironically excited with this pick. I think this was a good pick. Even if he somehow turns out to be a dud, he'd have to be boban levels of bad, but boban is like borderline physical no capable to be in the NBA whereas Zach is.


As an outsider Pacers/Purdue fan. It seems most people enjoy the pick, but the few that don’t are disgruntled Tennessee fans. I hope you can separate the college career from what he will do with you. He is a winner. People are underestimating his stamina. He played 40 minute games at 7’4. He is a freak athlete.


Welcome, Edey! Let’s get to work! Go Grizz!


Canadian hoop fan here. What are the chances of the Memphis FO letting Edey play for Canada this summer?


Welp none now. Not sure if it was them or him making the decision.


😆 shite


Anything that won’t injure easily is 🔑 since the team is filled with injury prone players.. we need the 14-15’ grizz back


Remember Hashim Thabeet? (Sp)


Yeah edey is 1000000x better


BS your office won’t let him play for team Canada, I get it tho


I don’t know how his game is going to translate in the NBA. At Purdue, the entire offense pretty much went through Edey down low in the paint because he camps and officials wouldn’t call him for 3 seconds. He’s not going to get away with that now.


He doesn’t need to score one point all season. He needs to get rebounds, set screens and commit fouls to keep JJJ on the court. 


He’ll shoot 8-10 freethrows a game minimum. Skinny bigs will foul him just trying to move him


True but he will have to be able to play in transition and at a much faster pace. Especially if we don't drastically improve at shooting from deep


The way I see it is we have the guys who can try to push the tempo/quickly transition in ja and bane, along with others and if they get jammed up, once jaren and edey make it down the court we can have set offense with them featured


Jaren has no trouble playing in transition though, he's an athletic freak. I'm worried about Edey consistently keeping up in the NBA. I think he'll be a great half court player, especially if he keeps developing his shot. However, since outside shooting is so prevalent and increasingly so, you've gotta have bigs that can play in transition, shoot, and/or step out and defend the wing.


I think we can play the chess game and focus on him for 4 minutes sprints. Which 6'9 backup center can deal with him? The rest of the time, just screen and roll to the hoop, and nothing else. Jaren and BC will be kept foul free and fresh to close games.


3 second rule is different in college, so that’s why it was never called. He was coached to abuse that rule, you can reset easier by lifting your foot up while having one foot in the lane (as an example of how it differs). Of course the offense would run through him as he was the best player in college the last two years that no one could stop. He will play his role well for the grizz. Screen, rebound, be a mismatch down low and play hard. He knows he won’t be the number 1 scoring option, more like 4th or 5th. He is playing with an athletic m scoring PG, so that PnR game is going to be pretty damn good like it was with Braden Smith at Purdue.


Yall should trade him to the raptors for Jakub Poeltl, dudes nice and would act like a Steven Adam’s for you guys


Might still happen tonight 🤷🏻‍♀️


Memphis is now home to the Great Pyramid and the Great Wall of China


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^oneoftheguysdownhere: *Memphis is now home* *To the Great Pyramid and* *The Great Wall of China* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Your bot is messed up The last line of your haiku Has six syllables


Gz Grizzlies, best center in the draft will be a goated player. Wish he hadn’t smoked the combine and his stock stayed low enough for the heat to pick him up


I'm scared for what's going to happen to this dude in the playoffs


By God he’s tall. I’ll give him that much


No thank you




Foul Ming on my team ruined my night. Can't even sleep.


absolute awful pick. i would rather have knecht. edey is going to be the next hasheem thabeet


How on earth would another guard help us when we’re already so deep at guard? That’s some Tennessee homer mentality shit.


There's been rumors other teams want luke. Draft DK for the luke role. He's cheaper and we trade luke for more assets. Have our cake and eat it too moment


We need a center though. It’s a glaring need, and we’ve known it for years at this point.


I still think we need 1 because I don't think Edey will be able to handle small ball lineups at all. He was the 4th best center in this class to me


Brandon Clarke


There's 25 Brandon Clark's in the NBA and every single one can catch seven lobs a game being guarded by edey.


I think the point is that Brandon Clarke will play if Edey is getting owned


My point is we now have two backup centers and we still don't have a starter.


In the natty he put up 37 points, 10 rebounds and drew 4 fouls on Clingan. He basically played the entire UConn team to a draw in the first half. I’m not sure that jives with 4th best center.


He's a great college player. And so was oscar tshiebwe. So was Luka Garza. I think he improved about 10% last season based on the season prior and I think the season prior he would have went like 25th or 26th had he declared.


How disappointing






I mean, he may have not been my favorite pick either but dang.


agreed 🔥🔥


Why do I feel we just drafted Thabeet 2.0


Because you never actually watched Thabeet play in college or you wouldn’t think Edey was anything alike.


Not the pick I was hoping for, but he's on the squad now so I'mma wish dude the best.


I'm not high on this pick but I hope he proves me wrong and learns how to play NBA ball.


It’s funny all the folks hating on this pick. It’s fitting for Grizzlies fans. A trash fan base for a trash city. I said what I said.


Just pack it up man