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Wish It had more analog into it like Bentley and RR interior. Still beautiful tho, but I just like it more analog


Yeah feel ya. I came from analog to this but I can see why there is an appeal to analog interiors for some people


That's my bad - I read 124 and got confused


It sure is stunning, but the 213 has it beat easily.


Sorry I sold it.


Maybe this isn’t my favorite Merc interior of all time, but it’s definitely gorgeous, and this sub won’t admit it cuz it’s a bunch of boomers ._.


Hate is very popular, it's not manly or cool enough to say you like something,


Yes, because I see mostly old or used cars being posted here, and I wonder why no one posts about new models.


I'm not a boomer or "too poor" like EQS guy is suggesting. I've had newer models and they just sat till I sold them off. I always found myself going back to drive the older ones. Glad I didn't trade them in. I work in tech, and I am ass deep in screens all day long, when I get in my car, I want it to be a mechanical experience. I like how it feels, I like how it sounds. People are gonna like what they like, I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's why there are different flavors of stuff. See, now for me, I hate diet Pepsi, I think it's nasty. Some people love it, and that's fine for them. For what it's worth, I like your car. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Not enough people left in the world who even give a damn about vehicles in general really, let alone cars. Let alone people who notice enough to pay extra for a MB. Not gonna get any hate from me for your strip club. Hell, I like strip clubs 👍


I wonder if you use a tape player to listen to music or a music player, and if your phone is also one with a keyboard? After all, they also have a good mechanical feel. Technological advancements in modern cars make driving more convenient and comfortable. Features like adaptive cruise control, automatic emergency braking, and lane-keeping assist not only enhance the driving experience but also greatly reduce the risk of accidents. For those who are busy working all day, advanced in-car entertainment and information systems provide more convenience and entertainment. Of course, taste is very personal, but I believe that while pursuing driving pleasure, we should also consider safety, environmental, and convenience factors. The advancements in modern cars should not be overlooked. Last but not the least, no one could prevent the progress of the history.


Yep, you got me. I actually pulled out the head unit to replace it with an 8 track player. Plus, what is this keyboard stuff you are talking about? My phone has a rotary dial on it. I should have known better than to get tangled up in this thread. I was just trying to be polite and show some support for the newer models, since usually they get dumped on all the time. My bad.


You've been a gentleman, and you know it! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. ;)


You're quite humorous, haha. No worries at all! It's great to see your support for newer models, even if you prefer the classic vibe. Your perspective adds depth to the conversation, so don't hesitate to share your thoughts. Thanks for being part of the discussion!


No hard feelings bro, I just dipped in where I didn't belong. Sorry you are taking such a beating in here.


Thank you for your concern. I'm feeling okay, no need to worry too much.


I'm into my tech, but I like my cars to be simple. It makes for more driving pleasure for me at least. I find all the nanny systems to be distracting, and even dangerous in some cases. I'm happy if a car has airbags, abs, power steering, and android auto. Anything else for me is unnecessary.


The features you mentioned don't enhance the driving experience. They enhance the sofa experience for commuting.


I think this is where the divide is. Some people like the mechanics and they want torque and speed and how well it handles and feels when you're driving whereas some people don't care about any of that and they just want a nice comfortable car which is just a pleasure to be in. I bought my first Merc last year and I was faced with the choice between power and comfort, I couldn't afford both. It was either a C43 or an E220d (w213) with all the tech extras, I chose the E for a few reasons, firstly, the interior is beautiful, possibly the best I'll ever own as it is better than the W214 imo, secondly, whilst having more power is nice to play with, the majority of motorways in the UK have speed cameras or hidden police waiting to catch you and if you get caught doing over 100mph, you gotta go to court and maybe lose your license, I don't like the C class screens that just look like someone has stuck a tablet to the dash, sadly by the looks of OP's pic, they've gone backwards in that regard as the W213 dash was more built-in, it still seems like a tablet but it's buried in the dash and finally is the running costs, a C43 will chew through petrol which is on the rise. So I played it safe (kind of, I like the w213 interior too much to pass it up), my car has the big wide screens, android auto, distronic+ w/steering, Burmester audio, intelligent multibeam headlights and a myriad of other features I would've had to sacrifice for a car that admittedly would've drove a lot better at speed but at the same time, could've cost me a bunch of fines or even my licence, seemed like a no-brainer when I laid it all out like that. If I somehow become considerably richer, i'd love to own a pure mechanical car that I can just take out as more of a toy rather than a daily driver, not just for speed but so I can feel every gear change I make and I can feel the steering and the grip on the road, I get none of that with the e220d but I guess that's the point of that model - to seclude you from the world.


I don’t know if people will admit it but it’s because of money haha, people can’t often afford the newest model so they like to bash anyone who can


I'm no boomer. Just like muh buttons. They could keep the screens and have buttons buttons and dials and switches :D


no its just a lazy interior. screens are cool but how they’re implemented is terrible. audi is doing it best


The way Audi did it, Mercedes has done in the previous generation, so they had to try something different with the new gen. Don’t forget that current Audi interiors correspond to the outgoing gen Mercedes/BMW interiors, AKA their design is older. Only god knows what will Audi come up with fore their next gen.


That’s exactly what I say all the damn time


So... Some screens and a steering wheel. I see why people like it, but I find it horrible


https://preview.redd.it/22wkfku3972d1.png?width=1092&format=png&auto=webp&s=404ab0f6c5687bad4addb436844c7859936819a9 looks similar.


This will age well…




Screens aren't beautiful. Creaking noisy plastic trim isn't beautiful. Finely made wood and screwed together rattle less interiors (like a 140) is beautiful.


My w213 never creaks. On 65k miles now. Can't speak to other models, but I literally never had that issue with mine.


My W213 had a lot of creaks. My EQE does not have any. So it is also based a little on luck too.


What do you mean it creaks? like when you're driving down the road, you can hear the dash creaking? I own a 213 and I have never heard creaking whilst driving. Also, I have the Burmester audio which packs quite a punch, surely that shit would rattle if the dash is creaking, especially on bassy music.


Some creaks when going over bumps, few resonances from rougher asphalt. All of them were fixed by the dealer.


Did you buy the car from new or used? Maybe someone had the dash off at some point and either didn't put it back on properly or didn't use felt tape around the plasticy bits (I know all the technical terms 👍) The 1 problem I have with mine is a squeaky window, mine was used and at some point, a window was smashed because I found glass shards in hard to reach places, now, ive fitted car windows myself and know how much of a bastard it is to fit without it squeaking as it goes up. given that I'm still in warrenty, maybe I should take it back and get it sorted. As for creaking whilst driving, never had any of that, I just hope it's not one of those things that once you hear it, you can unhear it.


It was new, started getting rattles few months after delivery.


My w212 doesn’t have a single creak or rattle and it’s almost 11 years old.


Have you driven a new 214? Because Mercedes stepped up their game on this one. I think they've been listening to the build quality complaints because its screwed together quite well. But of course, can't stop the old 140 circlejerk. Great cars but they 30 fuckin years old at this point.


Mine doesn’t creak at all, but my Benz c43 from 5 years ago drove me crazy from all the creaking and shit. Live me new one though, e class, and don’t have any issues with it at all. Being able to cool down the car ahead of time is amazing in the heat


Sorry, but your wood trim is also plastic.


Sorry but this is just uninformed. Even my old w208 had real wood trim. The lacquer is polyurethane yes, but underneath there is real stained wood. Maple in my case. My current w212 I don’t know about but it’s so dark it almost looks like piano black.


You're simply incorrect.


The "if it ain't a w140 I'm not buying it" crowd


Too many big screens. I think the Chinese market is what is driving this change. They love all the add-ons and integrations they can get.


American market. Tesla started the big screens and Americans loved it.


Chinese EVs are doubling down on it, and the buyers love it.


Guess everyone loves it. All brands are going big screen. Even those not sold in china.


Agreed, all for the bling. MB is losing the discreet factor as the decades go by.


Yeah,the EV cars have already more than 50% market share in China. Not only the screens, but also TVs, games, fridges and sofa chairs. They are leading the trend indeed. Hope all you guys who driving grandpa's cars would see the day auto driving come true. But the only thing you can do is staring at the beautiful wood trim.


All I get is a headache.. not for me mate.


Uh… Maybe you're too old to drive a new car.


You do yours mate, as long as we are happy with our own rides :)


You are right😊


Time to see your geriatrician, pal


It peaked with the W213 and W222 and really fell down afterwards




Wow. I think it’s stunning!


I am not confident now, bro😂


Ha well it’s just this sub. A lot of them hate the new Mercs’ interior. Seeing it more and more lately. In real life I get a ton of compliments on it 🤷🏻‍♀️


In our car enthusiast group, everyone loves it too.


It's because they look like the inside of a gaming PC or strip club, just not classy at all. Looks like you'll get an STD just touching the steering wheel.


Lol. It’s just eye candy to me. Shiny pretty colors 🤩


Creeek lol looks good tho


Looks more like the control centre at NASA than a car interior, not a fan.


I usually don’t like big tablets in cars and i also hate the look of the interior of the new c and s class but on the e class i kinda like it. I think they did a good job in the w214




That interior is amazing. I know modern Mercedes interiors are not well loved in this sub, but I think it’s gorgeous. Also let’s be real, Mercedes has to move forward with the times even if it pisses off the nostalgic folks who struggle with change.


I have no issues with screens but the presentation seems obnoxious. It's like you're sitting inside a massive RGB gaming PC. It's a great car to be a passenger in I guess in but as a daily driver I would turn down all the lights. I like how Porsche handles interiors much better.


So tacky


Nice but low key looks like a tesla interior with ambient lighting


In China, the simplest interior is Tesla's.


This space is great


I actually prefer the base interior in the W214 cause you get the same large main screen, but removes the useless passenger screen.


Genuinely love this interior design the more that I see it. The screens look better integrated than my dad’s W223. Got any exterior shots?




Gorgeous. Maybe the taillight is the only thing I’m not that fond of on the W214 but everything else I prefer over my W213. Congrats!


I had a W213, and ever since the W214 was released, I wanted to replace it. As soon as I found the right price, I did it without hesitation.


I don’t blame you, Merc interiors still feel the most premium of all the cars I’ve tried. Did you consider going electric btw? The Xiaomi SU7 looks sick


I believe electric cars are the trend, but I don't think it's the right time to buy one now. It seems like you know a lot about Chinese electric cars, considering you know about the Xiaomi SU7. From your ID, it looks like you might be Chinese too? The Xiaomi SU7 is very popular now, and if someone is driving it, everyone will take a second look. I think the W214 is the best choice, perfectly combining the luxury and comfort of gasoline cars with the technology and intelligence of electric cars.


I’m an ABC lol but I just got back from a trip in China and the SU7 and Li SUVs were some of the best looking cars on the road imo


High 5 bro~ Nio, Xpeng, Zeekr, BYD etc. there are so many can choose.






it’s a literal strip club


You genuinely like it, right?


well I like what Mercedes had done to E class, much more then what BMW has done to 5 series, however I disagree with direction of putting so many lights and screens in interior


Yeah, BMW's design team should be kicked out.


The thing with the lights is that you can customise them however you like. Or turn them off completely.




Boomer here. Looks pretty cool at night, like a spaceship!


Nice pics! Do you mind dropping the name of the camera in question?


An old camera ten years ago🥲. Nikon D7000 with 50mm f1.8G lens.


I'm so poor lmao


I just love physical dials… I love the old sans-serif font Mercedes stuff. Something more raw about it. I’m a 32yr old boomer I guess.


How come it’s so popular when everyone on Reddit hates it lol.


Even if you say you don't like it, who can resist a strip club after all?


Looks so much better without the super screen imo, even in daytime then it can look nice aswell


I LOVE the interior aesthetics. https://preview.redd.it/ewww137k8a2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6d6490c7a3694e5e3f538c0d831a76682990754


What an eye sore


All it needs is a chrome stripper pole and a hot tub where the trunk is.




Seems appropriate for someone with dolls on their dashboard.




Love that interior.. and that hyper screen


The dashboard kills it for me. One long screen looks so much better.


Luxury comfort and also technical intelligence. Not only classic cars. Kneel down to the technical.


Beautiful. If you’re into the noughties stripclub ambiance