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Somebody not using indicators...


This. Hahaha so much this. I was sitting here wondering why someone would even be bothered by how rarely you get the buzz through steering wheel. Then I read your comment and it made sense.


Tbh it’s your fault if it almost made you crash. The lane assist gives you just a nudge, not even close to overpowering you. No reason to call it stupid.


I can totally understand OP. Modern MB lane assist brakes so hard when you drop out of lane. Scared me couple times for sure. I'd like it to only to a noise or a beep or something and not brake like a maniac. Sometimes you have to emergency swerve because of a door opening from a parked car or whatever. It's faster to turn the wheel then to use the indicator in that moment.


Lane keep assist doesn't use brakes. It uses steering inputs which are easy to override with a firm grasp of the steering wheel.


lane-keep assist uses the vehicle's antilock brake system. By applying brake pressure to a particular wheel, it pulls the car back toward the center of the lane.


Nearly caused you to crash? I'd love to know how.


Well buckle up buddy because you should be with your lane assist on. Here’s a good example. Let’s say you’re driving at dark and all of a sudden you see a tree has fallen on the road. Oh no! You instinctively decide to slide over a bit into the lane to your left. But wait! Lane assist says you’re a bad driver and nudges you back to the right. Now you hit the tree, car flips, and little Jimmy in the back seat starts crying and begging for his life. There’s other examples, most common being in construction zones where the lanes and paint don’t make sense where the car gets a mind of its own and becomes extremely dangerous. I’ve always thought this technology would lead to huge legal claims some day


Read the manual. That is not how it works in those situations . It turns off if you force it.


Turns off if you force it? I think you mean if you aggressively (oversteer) through the lane enforcement technology. I don’t disagree with that, until you’re dealing with feet between yourself and the collision. Traveling at interstate speeds of 70+ that lane adjustment feature will cost you how many feet?


Oh man. You've never actually tried to "force" it have you. It's not forcing it at all


I Call BS


Lane keep tried to steer me into the curb more than once on narrow and poorly maintained city streets. I turned it off and never looked back. I don't want to fight the car to keep it where I want it. If it works for some people, great, but not all roads are equal and Lane keep tech is far from perfect.


I bet when you lose a game of Fifa, you claim it's because the controller has force feedback 😁


I totally agree. I turn mine off everytime. I live in an area with alot of small backroads. You have to drive in the middle of the road alot of the time because the roads suck.


You appear to be one of the few on here that get it. I am UK based and alot of the single carriage roads near me are in terrible condition, I try and swerve to miss pot holes and craters and the thing pulls me back towards them whilst usually applying the brake to the front right wheel to pull me back in harder. I can understand a benefit if you spend your life on multilane roads, otherwise the thing is a safety feature I can do without. Obviously something changed mercedes minds in it being turned on by default every time you get in the car.


The only problem is the unexpected reaction when it happens the first time. It slams the brakes on one or 2 wheels and may surprise you. However it is a great safety net as this sudden brake slamming may well be what wakes you up in the event you fall asleep whilst driving and are passing the center line, unconsciously. With the premium plus package, it would drive you back smoothly to the center of your lane.


I rather like the lane assist feature. I do not like the auto lane change and do keep that turned off. I will say, having a few days in a simulator prior to taking a new MB, or many new cars, on the road might be a safe idea.


”I hate this thing because reddit hates this thing”