• By -


*Unimog enters chat


This is the way!


Apart from being extremely slow, and losing about 500ml oil every 2000 - 3000 kilometres, mine runs like a charm. I am considering installing a turbo, but not sure if I will see any major benefits.


It’ll help empty the tank faster.


And the oil!


Do a OM606 swap. Direct drop in.


606 the world !! Bigger fuel pump elements are a good option also.


https://preview.redd.it/evygz34h863d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=293553ac4ab41700dabfc9940bd3814abd416deb RG-33 MRAP, based off the UNIMOG.


Unimog 😎 https://images.app.goo.gl/U4poTZjDzZYjPpr78


No. It's one of the toughest and most reliable vehicles on planet Earth.


Well, there is still the Land Cruiser which is not to underestimate


TBF, I don't think anyone would underestimate Land Cruisers considering the reputation and universal praise they've gotten for being the ideal vehicle. Even then, considering the choices between both a OM617-powered G and a Land Cruiser, they both are awesome for what they bring forth. So, it's neck-to-neck in my personal opinion...


In an apocalyptic situation there’d be no gas anywhere, but any oil can be used to run a tough diesel engine like OM617. Since Land Cruiser has a gas engine it’d run out of fuel quickly and become useless.


Most landcruisers are diesel, like 60-70% of them I'd say are diesel, they have been diesel only since like 2011 and almost every tray back model is diesel


gas goes bad over time. gas powered cars would be very useless very quickly


Toyota hilux easily.


The answer is always Toyota, and parts are approximately one million times easier to get in most of the world.


Yup - the diesel version that can run on almost anything (with a bit of work). And an older one, before all the electronics. That'd be the problem with almost any modern car in an "apocalypse" - if the wrong sensor dies, you're gonna be screwed.


Would take a Land Cruiser 99/100 days


Yep, with a diesel engine, or an LC70.


If I’m the leader of my local fiefdom, though? Gelandewagon.


https://preview.redd.it/yp9n2o6pj63d1.jpeg?width=1680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0365dac6f279005a36ddc3449cc4d59bb3c92cd9 Mercedes Unimog U4000/5000


To much electronics on the newer ones. A U406 is much more reliable


Not really


Need them airless tyres for pre and post apocalypse situations IMO! Inflatable tyres can be too easily destroyed.


maybe a Land Cruiser


Oshkosh 8x8 enters the chat https://preview.redd.it/uvjbjh5w463d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b68f060e398f923acca8fdf778954b7d1625ddfd


Sorry guys, I asked ChatGPT4o abut how long tires would last in a post-apocalyptic world - says you won't have tires in 3 to 5 years. Better to learn to ride a horse now In a post-apocalyptic scenario where logistics and manufactured products are no longer supplied, the availability and usability of tires for automobiles would be influenced by several factors. Here's a comprehensive analysis of the situation: ChatGPT--- ### 1. \*\*Initial Availability of Tires\*\* Initially, the available tires would be those already on vehicles, in stores, warehouses, and other storage facilities. The quantity of these tires would depend on the pre-existing stock levels in the given area. ### 2. \*\*Decline in Quality of Roads\*\* As infrastructure maintenance ceases, road conditions would deteriorate rapidly. Potholes, debris, and general wear and tear would cause more frequent damage to tires. This would lead to a higher rate of tire consumption and failure, accelerating the depletion of available stocks. ### 3. \*\*Tire Decay in Storage\*\* Tires degrade over time even when not in use. Factors contributing to tire decay include: - \*\*Ozone and UV Exposure\*\*: Even stored indoors, ozone exposure can cause dry rot and cracks in tires. - \*\*Temperature Fluctuations\*\*: Extreme temperatures can accelerate the aging process of rubber. - \*\*Humidity\*\*: High humidity can promote mold and mildew growth on tires, leading to degradation. Stored tires might last several years if kept in optimal conditions (cool, dry, and dark environments). However, as time passes, even these conditions will be harder to maintain, accelerating decay. ### 4. \*\*Tire Repair and Recycling\*\* - \*\*Patching and Retreading\*\*: While some tires can be repaired through patching and retreading, these solutions are temporary and depend on the severity of the damage. Retreading involves adding new tread to a worn tire carcass but requires specialized equipment and materials. - \*\*Recycling into New Tires\*\*: It's true that recycling old tires into new ones is challenging. The process is energy-intensive and requires advanced technology to break down the rubber and remove impurities. In a post-apocalyptic scenario, this technology would be unavailable, making it almost impossible to create new tires from old ones. ### 5. \*\*Other Considerations\*\* - \*\*Cannibalization\*\*: People might cannibalize tires from unused or abandoned vehicles, extending the supply for a while. - \*\*Reduced Use\*\*: As tires become scarce, people might use vehicles less frequently, conserving the remaining tire supply. This would slow down the depletion rate but also limit mobility. - \*\*Alternative Transportation\*\*: With the scarcity of tires, alternative modes of transportation (bicycles, horses, walking) would become more common. Bicycles, in particular, might be favored due to their lower tire usage and easier maintenance. ### Estimating Tire Longevity Considering these factors, here's a rough estimate of tire availability: 1. \*\*First 6-12 Months\*\*: There will be a rapid consumption of tires due to initial panic, increased usage, and road deterioration. Most easily accessible tires will be used up during this period. 2. \*\*1-3 Years\*\*: As road conditions worsen and stored tires degrade, the supply will dwindle. Cannibalization and reduced use might extend availability slightly, but quality will suffer. 3. \*\*3-5 Years\*\*: Usable tires will become extremely scarce. Most remaining tires will be severely degraded, leading to frequent failures and making vehicles largely impractical for daily use. ### Conclusion In a post-apocalyptic world, the availability of tires for automobiles would be limited to a few years, with quality and quantity rapidly declining due to deteriorating road conditions, tire decay, and the impracticality of recycling old tires into new ones. Alternative transportation methods would become essential as tire supplies dwindle.


Forget about tire longevity, gasoline lasts about 6 months without stabilizer, 1-2 years with it. You're out of gasoline long before you run out of tires. That's assuming you have an easy-to-access source for gasoline in the first place - otherwise, your 10mpg SUV isn't going to last long, even with 200gal. An EV you can charge with solar panels is going to last longer. Regardless, by the 5-year mark we're back to horses and wooden wheels, one way or the other.


evidently, biofuel is not crazy hard to make


I mean, I guess it depends on the apocalypse level event, but thinking long term, how much energy are you planning to devote to growing a feed stock for oil to convert to biodiesel to move an extremely heavy truck around?


true, not much, probably want to eat it instead really, in order to make fuel, you would need a large population with division of labor


Draft animals and infrastructure would do a great deal to help offset that.


Biofuel lasts forever and can be readily made from just about any crop which can be processed into oil. Also just about any kind of waste oil can be used in compression ignition engines. Anything with a diesel engine will last forever after apocalypse.


Where are you getting fuel from? Better to buy a golf diesel. The spares are plentiful and they can run on chip fat. During the Yugoslav conflict VW diesels were very popular.


Toyota hilux, toyota land cruiser, toyota 4runner


Dacia duster 4x4


Possibly…. https://preview.redd.it/rkxe3jqvy43d1.jpeg?width=1049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f3f265fd80d9a78e8f92181678c554503717d9e The Ener-G-Force, sporting a name that sounds like a futuristic zombie fighting organization, smoothes out the boxy angles of the current G-wagon, lowers the center of gravity, and replaces its internal combustion engine with an electric power train. That latter feature comes in handy for quietly prowling the deserted urban landscape in search of canned food supplies, and not attracting zombie attention.


The question is, is there more fuel or electricity in a zombie apocalypse?


Considering the industrial infrastructure required to drill for oil, refine it, store it, then distribute it, an electric vehicle starts to make a lot more sense in an apocalypse. Making a windmill power station is relatively simple. I can make an electric generator by hand if I have some copper wire, basic tools, and a week. I’d need a lot of them, though, to charge a car.


I’m hoping that using solar panels to charge the batteries will be a less painful experience than visiting zombie infested fuel stations 🙏🏻


Just too ugly. Probably was designed by 4 year old taking references from one of his toy cars.


Hopefully there aren’t too many 4 Year olds designing cars for an apocalypse type situation 😳


A horse.


Or a bike


Non-supercharged G55 for me. I can't stand working on diesels.


where you gonna get gas that isn't expired if you survive a few months in?


Lol..g wagons are the least of your worries if all the gas is expired.


Gas only lasts a couple of months


better hope the oil refineries are still running in the apocalypse


A hilux would be the absolute best i think


Land Cruiser 70 Series with the 1HZ… zero computers or emissions equipment and you can probably run it on all kind of alternate fuels


a unimog


So you can mildly flex on zombies or whatever? Just need something with easily replaceable parts. Don't need to be trying to find the Benz dealer for the monthly electronic gremlin or oil leak lol


Good thing M-B dealers will remain open!


Land Cruiser 70 series over this. Pretty much indestructible.


This and an MG-3 🙏


Anything whistling diesel drives 😎👍🏻


A land cruiser


Hilux/Land Cruiser


Yeah, you'll be able to run over anything for about 2 blocks. Then you'll run out of fuel.


Any Toyota with a 1HZ…


Yes any Toyota. You can't kill those cars as long as you don't drive like a Toyota owner.


Yes, Toyota Land Cruiser


The older ones are great, as long as they’ve been maintained. Or any well-maintained Toyota Land Cruiser. I’d avoid the new G Wagons - and wouldn’t own one past the extended warranty period.


Toyota Prius


As silly as it sounds the best choice would prob be something electric considering all fuel would go bad eventually. Figuring out how to charge an electric car without power would be difficult, also considering most generators run on fuel. Maybe someone could figure out something with solar, but yeah like after a year or two, only electric cars would be viable.


Toyota Land Cruiser enters the chat Toyota Hilux enters the chat Mercedes Benz Unimog enters the chat It would do well, but it has better competition in the area


Toyota Camrys and Corollas are going to be the last cars left working in an apocalypse.


During an apocalypse we may need to get off road.


Yes a Dacia Duster, better fuel economy, your not going to go far in that G Wagen, you will go fast but not far as i assume the fuel/gas station will be closed ![gif](giphy|8CMmJ6F8hTxqX7Ts5k|downsized)


Ineos grenadier