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Skull Snipers on the other arm?


Left arm is my "nerdy arm" (by no means is finished yet) Right arm is my "family" arm. Aka tats I have for my child wifey etc etc etc. Am a weirdo with how I do things lol


I’m the exact same way. My left arm/left side is for nerd tattoos. The right side of my body is for things that are sentimental.


Left is closer to your heart? 🤣


Hell ya... I'm the same way Next tattoo I'ma get is going to be on my right hand for bestfriend that passed away.. I feel this dramatically


Which arm do you crank it with?


LMFAO this joke again Got it on the right arm just in case worst happens, can crank one out easily


This is your left arm. Or do you mean right as in correct? 😃


Right as on correct lol. Tis on thy left arm


The Beauty and the Beast squad from MGS4, each girl uses an exosuit that symbolizes and animal from the Foxhound codenames, hence the animals.


There is nothing like 4 mentally unstable and emotionally tortured women on your arm in cute chibi form :)


Hits my childhood Just...... RIGHT


I love it! I have a soft spot for them gals.🥹🥹


As opposed to the Hard spot most others get


That is honestly such an appropriate response to my comment 😂


Thank you, and likewise They hit very close to home for I. Absolutely love them


Omg i love b&b so much




Wow, someone cares about them?


Of course! u/blackmadness98 does!


Sad cringe




Hell has nothing to do with this lol even then My guys


Very happy for you. You put some good thought into it and they turned out pretty dope. Saw you commenting on the ‘Nerdy’ arm and am going for something similar myself. As a left arm game dedicated. And right music. Please share when you update it!


Got you I have another nerdy tat that was first Got the Hellsing insignia blasted on my left hand




Love you too


I like the idea, but couldn’t help but feel it would be better in the tattoo artists usual style, but I’m also not a fan of “chibi” style art. Also maybe in a more random order facing more of an upright position (head up, legs down towards your legs). As is just kinda looks out of place and awkward. Do you plan on putting more tattoos on the same arm?


The "OG" IDEA I had I know simply cannot be done in reality just like my hand tats


This is just silly Artist did it in his style with a single needle overall throughout the entire tattoo doing it in his own DOT style. Even then "UPRIGHT POSITION" you do realize without judging it's already positioned in the right angle to match "legs" etc Even then I do plan on getting more tats on this arm yet Did you even slightly think about your comment before posting, don't think you did. Not a fan of chibi then why comment, facing upright they already are, even then on top of all of that even if I didnt plan on getting more what's the issue.... Go onto the tattoo forum and see all those "mistakes,x, and "horrible fuck ups" Even then this/that entire arm is going to be some gamer anime shenanigans to extremes.


I like the derpy lil animal companions they're cute


Thank you, it was a last minute thought I had to add on and love them


Some randomly bikini ladies to the eyes of those who haven't finished mgs4. you could've chosen Quiet atleast


Quiet.. one that's more lewd, from the lesser game in the series. Or the girls whom are all based on previous bosses from other games, that have amazing back stories. Naaaah, I did what I wanted to and Beauty and Beast Unit hits harder than quiet does. Sniper wolf, the end, the fury, psycho mantis etc. This tattoo is by no means finished yet, it's just the start of something "BIGGER" Edit: also I don't really care what anyone else thinks whom hasn't finished nor played these games, if someone wants to take it as lewd waifus by all means go for it, I'm cool with it lmao


“Lesser game in the series” my ass, V was a masterpiece.


V was ight at most since "he" had to leave and had the game half assed MGS4 IS The last true project that was completed MGS4 entire story/cutscenes or Phantom pains half assedness


As an almost life long MG fan I gotta agree that mgs 4 is far superior to 5, but with that said the quality of life features and freedom of 5 were fantastic editions. My main reasoning behind that opinion is what I personally consider a metal gear. It was the last metal gear to actually feel like a linear stealth infiltration game with new environments as your progress through the game. There was an entire war going on around you that you had to navigate. I absolutely loved the 1:1 scale throw back to shadow Moses and the boss fights were a lot more fun imo. That’s not even getting started multiplayer, MGO2 is FAR superior to MGO3


“One thats more lewd” my brother, you got four of these characters tattooed wearing lingerie. You made a distinct choice not to have them in their actual costumes.


These are their "actual costumes" soooo no idea what you're on about. B&B unit legit can't live without their suits for more then the minutes soooooooooooooooooooooooo Come again


You got me there, I am wrong.


I know lol, even then no hate. Love these broken gals


Should've been naked snake with underwear. Not very kojima-like of you


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Now I'm just ashamed at myself Other side of arm is now debatable going to be lewd "Boss, big boss, snake etc" Oh that was a good laugh that was needed thank you


You should do one arm with all the “heroes” and one arm with all the “villains”!! There may be some crossover though…


I wanna get "the bosses" done on the other side Aka The Boss, Big boss, and Snake Yet the style I want that in, finding the right artist alone is going to be tough


Cool 😎


*drebin wants to know your location*


Drebin already knows it How could he not


This is amazing :o


Thank you