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Not sure if this is unpopular but I found Solidus to be more entertaining and left more of an impression on me than Liquid. His introduction scene being one of my all time favorite scenes from the franchise. The harrier fight being fun and his battle lines like "I'LL LET YOU GO OUT IN STYLE". He balances being such a goofy (in concept) yet somehow badass character that I can't help but love him.


Now im imagining a MGS2 demake into MGS1 graphics and gameplay


What a refreshing concept. Demake


I would happily play that.




fighting liquid on top of Rex while the bomb is about to go off is honestly one of the best and definitely the most satisfying thing you get to do in the first solid game. It’s like when you fight ocelot at the end of mgs4 you just wanna put that whooping on him so bad and then you finally get to 😂😂


Until that fucker goes “HYUHHH” and spears you like Goldberg.


All you can do at that point is go into first person and watch his pixelated fist hit your face 😂


Yeah that’s some bullshit not gonna lie 😂🤷


Always liked Solidus more than Liquid.


Me too, liquid may have a nicer back story and all that happens in MGS V with venom and liquid aka Eli but in the game mgs 1 vs 2 I like solidus more. After all he’s the most superior clone to 🙂


We will become...THE SONS OF LIBERTY!


ILL LET YOU GO OUT IN STYLE-STYLE-style- ^style The Harrier fight was one of my favorite boss fights in the series, the Solidus intro and lead-up into the fight, and the fight itself are burned into my head


Pretty much yes


I like portable ops. And mgs4 didn't disappoint me at all Edit: my first experience with the series was the demo disc on ps1. Even though it was just to the darpa chief I played that probably dozens of times. I totally understand the criticism of PO now but I think I was just happy to have more metal gear. Not sure how I'd feel if I replayed it. Waited in line to get the ps3 bundle for 4 and beat it in a day. I was just happy to play as snake again and even though the answers to everything came down to nano machines my 16 year old self was just happy to have answers at all. I feel lucky to have experienced these games by each release. No game release matches the excitement young me had when anticipating a new mgs release.


people were disappointed with mgs4? i’m fairly new to the series , had no idea


I've heard the big "complaint" is: *Spoilers since you're new to the series* >! The face/heel turn of your support team from MGS3. Sigint, Paramedic and Zero are all revealed to be some of the primary villains of the overall story. Zero is revealed to have developed the Patriots AI, Sigint becomes the Darpa Chief from MGS1, and Paramedic grafted the exoskeleton onto Grey Fox. !< A lot of people were upset with that decision. Frankly, I had no problem with it and enjoyed every moment of MGS4.


ah that makes sense i suppose. i’ve played through all the games and definitely didn’t have any issue with mgs4. i’d have thought people would expect a kojima story to have lots of weird twists and turns


Get him!!!


was never a fan of the overhead camera and using square to shoot/hold and release to shoot. and holding square and x to move and shoot. When you hold someone up, you press square to aim your gun at them. as soon as you release square you shoot. So, you have to change weapon to ensure it doesnt go off. One reason i prefer 4 and 5 cause you use L1/L2 to aim then R1/R2 to shoot. So glad 4 revamped the whole gameplay/movement/controls. Edit - for clarification Played mostly on ps2. Haven't played ps2 versions in a long time. Back then, I was able to lower the gun releasing square but I'm quite impatient and dont always like doing that. I have HD collection on 360 and PS3. I haven't played it much and from what I remember, it's hard as fuck/impossible to do a hold up with something like a socom or m4. People may've implied/reminded me of this in comments. How is the button sensitivity on the Master Collection? PS4, PS5 and Switch?


Kojima has always been a reigning champ at designing the most convoluted and awkward control schemes possible. All the pressure sensitive controls have always been clunky and annoying and everything about the cover mechanic in 2 and 3 was just a mess.


i liked the cover and using the analog stick to move camera. that never bothered me. think , in the early 2000s, Splinter Cell did some stuff better like crouching and slowly walking. But in MGS, you could crawl which Sam couldnt. And in Conviction/Blacklist, I liked the cover system in that too.


Sticking against a wall in MGS2 or 3, only to start shifting to the side, and no matter what way you move the analog stick, it won’t stop.


True, I'm glad death stranding controls were good


On PS2 and 3 you had to let go of the button gently to lower your pistol without firing. On Xbox 360 and Master Collection you press the left analog stick.


That accidental sholting did not happen on ps2 with pressure sensitive controls


Actually it’s pressure sensitive in OG so releasing square = shoot only if you’re pressing by too hard. A concept cool in theory but difficult to execute


Not sure if the controls you're referencing are for the og PS2 games or the rereleases. The og PS2 version is way more intuitive with pressure sensitive controls and then the ports made it a lot more cumbersome. It felt made for that console originally and then they had to find a way to work around the lack of analog buttons on other consoles.


If you were playing a port of 2 or 3 you could press on the left stick to point your gun without risk of it firing. 2 and 3 honestly have very intuitive controls once you master them.


I don't mind the whole Ocelot brainwashing himself into believing he is Liquid reveal in 4.


Yeah, I think it’s in character. He always went above and beyond for all his triple agent plans and escapades, so it tracks. It’s also kinda cool to be honest.


As much as I didn’t like having the old-fashioned Ocelot gone, Liquid Ocelot was so iconic I honestly didn’t mind


It made a lot more sense than "he grafted on liquids arm so for some reason was possessed by him" I was so confused in two when they did that, and there's barely any explanation for it.


It's weird because in 3 they seemed to be going for the angle that Ocelot's dad was a medium and that's how Liquid possessed him


Raiden being the main playable character in MGS2 is perfectly fine


People still bitch about this?


I stopped bitching my second play through. 14 year old me kept waiting for the switch back to Snake mid game.


yeah I thought MGS2 Raiden got appreciated more as the years went on this would've been a hot take in like 2006 but definitely not anymore


I actually like Raiden more than Snake because of MGS2


I agree, the thing was, people were just not expecting him to become the main character in mgs 2. If Kojima said that at the very beginning, I don't think so many people would be raging about it


right but that was the point, he wanted to see the world in flames.


The genius strikes again


the man loves fiddling, what can I say?


I hate every grimey, creepy-Hollywood-fanboy aspect of how Kojima went about it (both in MGSV and when he tried with MGS3) but having a different voice actor for Naked Snake wasnt a bad call. Even having John Cygan or a sound a like would've made more sense since Solidus was a perfect clone. Doesn't remotely excuse how Hayter was done dirty. But younger Big Boss and Solid Snake having the exact same voice was always a smidge distracting.


Solid Snake’s story ended with MGS4. Let the man rest, he deserves it. Don’t bring him back as a cyborg or an AI, or another clone.


Thats a popular opinion im pretty sure


I agree, all those three things have been almost overdone in the series already. I wouldn't mind a game in which they explore his legacy after his death, though. A new playable character but the story of solid snake is still important to the plot.


Laughing octopus is best girl and you will not change my mind




MGS2 is more deserving of a remake than 3


Yeah but konami decided to remake mgs3 because it's objectively the most popular metal gear even among non-fans of the series and the same goes to silent hill 2. If mgs delta sells well we'll most likely have mgs2 remake just after mgs1 remake.


All I want is a remake of the MSX games


Me too... especially mg2:ss, it's in my top 5 favorite metal gear games


It is also probably one of the easiest games to remake given the Subsistence camera option is a lot closer to modern games. Whereas MGS1 it would be a lot harder to add that in without screwing up the balance (that didn't stop them with Twin Snakes though! haha)


Kiefer's turn as Venom worked great with the aesthetics of the rest of the game, especially with Troy Baker giving a completely vanilla Ocelot. That game is about nothing being what it seems, nobody being who they say or think they are. It works.


I never minded Raiden even in MGS2. He was meant to be a rookie so it makes sense he'd be more inexperienced. His days as a child soldier were blocked from his mind and Rose wasn't that annoying. She was a concerned girlfriend and that's a good thing.


Big boss sucks. Snake is a far superior soldier in every way.


Big Boss surpassed his mentor the Boss, it only makes sense that Snake was able to surpass his mentor.


But DID he really surpass her, or did she play her part as the scapegoat and just let Big Boss kill her? It always bothered me how so much of MGS1 and 2 was, the antagonist has to allow Snake/Raiden to advance according to "the plan" between FOXDIE and the false S3 plan. In MGS3, it makes sense that Snake can handle the Cobra Unit since he was trained by The Boss, but I always felt like the Boss could have killed me if she wanted to.


He literally becomes strong as you play through the game its big boss’ hero’s journey


The final battle never impressed upon me that Snake became better than The Boss. While a beautiful battle, both of them knew the battle could only go one way. Also, there was no way out for her. Once Volgin fired US missiles at Russia that she gave him, The Boss knew she had to die. Either she allows Snake to kill her and her unit by order of the US, or she actually betrays her country and sides with Russia. She could have allowed Snake's death a number of times, but she knew she had to die by his hand.


You’re choosing to ignore how Jack at the start of the game was unable to properly fight The Boss on the bridge and got his arm broken yet at the end of the game Jack can actually keep up with The Boss and best her in CQC.


I'm not ignoring it. It's just part of the plan. She broke his arm and threw him off the bridge but never went after him. She was aware he returned to Russia but decided to have the Cobra Unit handle him instead of her. When Ocelot accidentally shoots Snake, she disarms him. The Boss even tells EVA that she has to be killed and die a traitor to prevent nuclear war and has her tell Snake afterward. That badass was determined to die to protect her country, and it pissed Snake off how it all happened. It's a hero's journey, but a sad one.


You can clearly see how he gets better at fighting her as the game goes on. In every encounter he improves. On the bridge, he pauses. He doesn't have it in him to attack her. In the last scripted encounter, in the Shagohod hangar, he's countering some of her moves, and gets her in a compromised position for a little bit. The narrative is quite clear. They state explicitly that he has to overcome his mental block if he wants to succeed. Why do you think she sent the MiGs to blow the place up before the final battle? It was in case she killed him. She needed a plan B so the mission wasn't a failure.


Well yeah but…..mgs3


You're not wrong but still


Metal gear 1 and 2 will never get remakes. Nobody at Konami is going to put in the work to remake from the ground up into 3D a couple of 2D games the vast majority of people know nothing about or have any type of nostalgia towards


Pretty sad reality considering how peak they could be remade in any of the other games styles


Or how bad they could be because of the gaps they would have to fill out because of the nature of the games. It can go both ways


Old Snake is only somewhat hot


It's hard to find a Metal Gear character that isn't


i wish we had a game set between mgs2 and 4, so we could see snake aging but still in his peak, like a graying hot dad instead of the boomer from mgs4


Portable Ops is ironically more relevant to the rest of the series than MGSV. Peace Walker was sacrificed so V could exist and do the same story worse.


mgs2 is better than 3


Something something "too young for MGS1, too stupid for MGS2, MGS3 is right for me" something...


This seems to be the more popular opinion as of late.


It was also a popular opinion at the time of 3's release. 3 went through a period of it not being as popular, to becoming the fan favourite and incredibly well received.


The overhead fixed camera for the original release of 3 probably didn’t help either if I’ll be honest.


I thought people were pissed off they played as Raiden instead of Snake?


Some players didn't like that, but overall it was a very well praised game.


Kojima constantly trying to explain his own lore was annoying. So, we got supernatural elements in a spy-thriller video-game, that's fine! All that, "because nano-machines/parasites" took away from the series instead of adding to it.


It was annoying and it still didn't explain everything (Psycho Mantis and Vulcan Raven are still paranormal stuff), so it was completely unnecessary. It just fucked up Vamp and Ocelot.


Right?! I was fine with Liquid possessing Ocelot in MGS2 because we already established in MGS that weird, supernatural things could go down in this universe. So, yeah! Ocelot suddenly speaking with Liquid's voice? Liquid Ocelot in MGS4? Bet, because, again, it's already established that weird things happen in this universe. Then 4 rolls around and it's nanomachines this, hypnotherapy that, replaced arm in between games so technically the possession did happen, but now it's just Ocelot masquerading as Liquid in order to fool the Patriot AIs, and so forth. The explanations, instead of simplifying things, just makes them even more convoluted. Plus, it's not like the explanations cover everyone either. We still have The Sorrow. We still have The Man On Fire/Volgin. We still have Fortune. So, what was the point?! One last example of what I mean: Solid Snake not using CQC. We all know it was a hardware limitation thing/it wasn't a concept thought about yet. That's fine. Snake did do some CQB in the previous games before CQC was introduced in 3. They weren't as refined, sure, but they're there. Why over explain things? Snake being all, "Oh, I took a personal vow to never use it again. But, these guys are using it and my body just sort of reacts automatically to it." was an explanation we did not need. There, rant over.


A good amount of MGSV problems are not just Konami's fault but also Kojima's. The last thing I would ever do is defend Konami, they have been an awful company for almost a decade, not only because of MGS but Silent Hill, Castlevania PES, Yu-Gi-Oh and pretty much every IP they have... But MGSV was an "experiment" made by Kojima that didn't have a good result. Yes, as an action game / stealth game is a 11/10, but as a Metal Gear game is just a mess, again, because Kojima made an experiment and fucked it up. It would still have been disappointing even if Konami doubled its budget, even if they doubled the time they gave him to finish it. We would have ended up with a game with a true ending, with 200 new gadgets and 400 new easter eggs, but the same problems MGSV has. But among the fandom there is this idea that Konami is plain evil and Kojima is some kind of innocent victim.


i dont like mgs3's piss filter


Shit now I can’t unsee it lol


Kojima is a bad writer. He badly needs a quality “writing partner” / main writer and editor again. The quality of the story has steadily declined into borderline nonsense since Kojima pushed out Tomokazu Fukushima (this is true across all of Kojima’s games)


Kojima is the George Lucas of video games. He has good ideas but desperately needs someone to act as a filter and people to tell him no to bad ideas. The dialogue declined without Fukushima, and his original idea for the end of 4 it’s one of the worst ideas I’ve ever head.. I’m glad the staff overwhelmingly communicated how terrible and ending that would be.


The more I hear about some of his ideas, the less I like the man. The games would've been so much weirder (in a *bad* way) without a team constantly telling him no. The recent videos from Did You Know Gaming where they translate some of Kojima's development texts for the first time (with David Hayter narrating them) have some real weird shit in them that just makes me roll my eyes. Granted, I'm not actually the biggest MGS fanboy, but to me all this stuff moves Kojima from the "weird (quirky)" guy to just "really fucking weird."


rising is canon, rising is good


Amen brother 🫡


*MOST* of PO is cannon and PO was a great metal gear limited by hardware and funding (aside from null ofc but no game is perfect lol)


I will also die on this hill. PO is canon where it matters. Also, if you consider Peace Walker canon, you have to consider at least part of PO being canon.


I will forever love PO for the Kojimification of Gray Fox's name. He was always Frank Jaeger, but Portable Ops made it so he was named by guerilla groups. He had the "Frankness of a young boy, but the ruthlessness of a hunter" with Jaeger meaning hunter. He was literally named after 2 character traits. It is so unbelievably goofy and Kojima that it goes from being stupid to being hilarious.


Sam Porter Bridges…


Yeah, PO is canon. It's acknowledged almost first thing in Peace Walker too, so to deny PO is canon is to deny Peace Walker, where Miller immediately talks about San Hieronymo, is canon. I also loved the game, and think it gave a good explanation for the founding of the Patriots and Outer Heaven. It is a little janky, but it doesn't overstay it's welcome, so I can forgive some awkward gameplay that doesn't get over-long.


Honestly, PO had some neat design ideas which if given proper time and development could of helped make one of the best Metal Gear games (Squad based, recruits mattered outside of number goes up, other main characters are playable, hub based levels etc...) Plus the game's expansion having a roguelike mode for more replayabilty which other games haven't quite matched.


MGS5 is the weakest game from 5 main titles Blame Konami whatever you want but having a Silent protagonist, most of the plot exploration through some tape, shitty guns, empty map, and copy-paste missions are major problems with this so-called Masterpiece It's not a bad game it's a disappointing


Hard agree. The gameplay itself is a joy. Everything else is just purely disappointing.


Agree except for Quiet. Her and Snake were quite awesome together and ironically their lack of speaking accentuated this and made their duo stronger. It’s also what brought some emotion out when Venom listened to her tape. Plus her escape scene is not only one of the best in the series but also in all of gaming imo. 


this isnt a hot take


It's the best game in the series and also the worst game in the series IMO


Great gameplay, mid story, yeah.


I never finished mgsv because of everything you mentioned. Gameplay and controls are amazing and thats it. The actual missions, not so much. I personally hate mission style games where you choose a mission or area to go to. I would have preferred a more open style like mgs1, 2, and 3.


It's definitely not a hot take to say that it's the weakest of the mainline titles. One of my personal Metal Gear hot takes is that the gameplay of MGSV makes it a better game (at least to replay) than Peace Walker. I still love Peace Walker but I always find myself kind of dreading another playthrough of it when I replay the series but that doesn't happen with MGSV. In fact, I've beaten MGSV more times than I've beaten MGS2 or MGS4.


I like the twin snakes just as much as the original


I avoided The Twin Snakes for so long because it was so hated. And then I played it to completion a couple of years ago. Turns out I enjoyed it way more than 4 or 5.


Metal Gear Solid is a puzzle game all about timing.


And all you do is press buttons!


Kojima unfairly gets all the credit for these games. Any praise towards the games is solely credited to Kojima. With no acknowledgement to the other designers and writers or the people behind the localization.


MGS2 is the best game in the series


solid snake is a way cooler character than big boss mgs2 is better than every other game in the series raiden was ruined in every appearance he had after mgs2, and his mgs4 ending is the worst thing ever done to the character they made too many prequel games after the success of mgs3 the series should get a real chance to live on without kojima, as kojima isnt solely responsible for what made it great no game after mgs3 was as good as the first three


We dont need hideo kojima to continue the series.


I’m not saying your wrong, but that still needs to be proved.


>but that still needs to be proved. Portable ops, mgr:r, acid 1/2 (their plot totally fits the writing style of metal gear) and most importantly **ghost babel**.


Actually, Kojima had a pretty big role in Risings creation. In fact, without him the game never would’ve gotten out of the concept stage.


Those games are all awesome and I'm not disagreeing. However, Kojima has a very specific way with cutscene direction and action set pieces that make the mainline MGS games stand apart from other video games. I think the series can continue without his direction, but these aspects will be missed. I don't think they will be able to capture the same kind of magic, but that's okay. As long as the series' history is treated with respect, and they are able to make a fun stealth game with unique gameplay elements, with a good character story that mixes real-world and fictional events, then the series will live on. In my opinion, it's also important that they keep the strong themes of genetics, fate, as well as the anti-nuke and the occasional (questionably) supernatural elements. And the games should end on a somber note but still positive about the future. They don't need Kojima for all that, but as long as they retain those elements which make MGS unique, then we're in good hands.


We could really benefit from some of his quality control though. Especially with the recent Master Collection disaster.


Only if we could get reasonable and controlled doses of his wackiness.


This is 100% accurate and an actual hot take. I'm not confident Konami will do good with the series without him, but they definitely can. There are plenty of good writers and philosphers who can comprehend and expand on the series in meaningful and complex ways. It doesn't belong to Kojima anymore, and it doesn't need to in order to be good.


While I don’t disagree entirely, I also don’t think there are people who would really push for “outside the box” kind if thinking in gameplay. Stuff like psycho mantis fight in mgs1, 4th wall breaking codecs in mgs2, the End in mgs3 are all very kojima coded to me, and they likely wouldn’t be the same without his touch


100% this. While I do believe that none of the games would have been the same without his creativity and vision, there are so many others other there who also have these qualities. I really love Kojima, but without the right supporting staff, all of these games would have been a disaster. I think what fans really want is another director who shares creative and detail-oriented qualities with Kojima. People WANT spin-offs, and remakes, but don’t want cash-grabs. People want complex, unique stealth action games centered on deep philosophical concepts that aren’t rushed. People want story continuity. What people love about Kojima is that if he’s in the driver’s seat, they know that’s what they’ll be getting.


MGSV was Peace Walker. Had that been released with the same graphics and gameplay of V on the PS4/XBOne, it would have been far better received.


Yeah I only dont really like it because of the spongy bosses and how much had too be dumbed down to make it work for the PSP. I think what they should've done for a portable game is just make it top down 2.5D. The PSP couldn't handle a actual 3rd person MGS game


Hideo Kojima might be the problem. It’s more likely if you think everyone is an asshole that you’re the asshole. David Hayter and Konami both had issues with him. He makes sure to absolutely plaster his name and image everywhere he can, which would indicate some egotistical issues.


Dead Cell is way more interesting than MGS1's Foxhound unit except for maybe Gray Fox


Ironic considering he isn’t one of them, meaning they’re all lame.


How is Fatman more interesting than Psycho Mantis, Revolver Ocelot, Liquid Snake. In what world is Fortune more interesting than Sniper Wolf.


Raiden becoming a cyborg is straight up badass and one of my favourite parts of the series.


I prefer MGS1, 2 and 4 over 3. Not saying its a bad game, in fact I loved it, but not as much as the other 3 games. Also, I know they remake 3 first because it's the safest choice, but I don't like that this popularizes the chronological order of the games.


Driving/riding between bases across MGSV's open world in a car/horse/helicopter is an excruciatingly boring waste of time. I'd rather just have load screens.


I think the Beauty and the Beast corps is pretty neat




I like mgs2 way more than mgs3


All the big boss game after 3 is not really necessary, although they are good and my favs but still not necessary to understand the story, I think 3 is the best explanation for big boss's defection


It doesn't really explain why he is such a bastard though. It explains his disillusionment with soldiers fighting for their nation, but it doesn't explain why he is willing to use child soldiers, wants to create a war without end, builds his own metal gears, tries to murder Solid after Outer Heaven is destroyed, or even founds Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land. At the end of MGS3 it seems like Big Boss should just give up on soldiering, not found a nationless army to plunge the world into endless war. His naivety and trust for his nation is gone, but he isn't cruel, callous, or manipulative by the end of MGS3 the way he is in MG and MG2. He is more sorrowful than hard-hearted. I think one more game to explain why he is so heartless was necessary. Now we got 3 of those games, which I agree is excessive, but one more was appropriate to finish his arc into villainy imo.


I think Peace Walker is a great resolution to Big Boss's arc into villainy. We see his complete change of view of the Boss, which perfectly explains how he became so sour and a real bastard. I feel like MGSV was more like icing on the cake that ended up overdoing it.


Solid Snake writing >>>> Big Boss writing


2 was a better game than 3


"Metal gear survive is a good game"


Upvote for the hottest possible take


It's fine, but it literally could *not* have come out at a worse time. The game is okay, it suffered from simultaneously having too much and not enough to do, and definitely would have benefited from some more interesting characters. Also, locking a bunch of upgrades behind multiplayer was a bad idea for a game that not many people play.


Solidus is the best snake and better than any other snake especially venom


Solidus had good intentions of wanting to stop restriction of information and censorship. Just a shame he brought up child soldiers and was planning to set off a hydrogen bomb in NYC.


Im playing the game for the first time right now, and im like I kind of want this guy to win against the patriots


That was definitely Kojima’s intention, the whole reason he made the Patriots was so Solidus wouldn’t be the ultimate big bad.


MGS2 is the GOAT even though you barely play as Snake


Venom Snake is overrated


Peace Walker is the best game in the series. And an MGS1 remake should simplify the gameplay rather than adding more modern stuff to it, playing to the strength of the very solid '2d' design of the game.


I would play a new MGS made without Kojima (as long as it looked good and not like Survive, no offence Survive fans).


Solid Snake era is the peak of Kojima, mgs3 has a good writing but far from the peak reached with mg2:ss, mgs1, mgs2 and mgs4. While peace walker and mgsV aren't that great plot wise, on the other hand **portable ops is the best game plot wise of the Big Boss era** and unironically Kojima wasn't the main director.


Eh, I loved MGS3 for it's simplicity. Personally my favorite storywise. No nanomachines or weird tech or deus ex machina, and explains Big Boss's descent into madness in the last 5 minutes better than the entirety of MGSV. Other than the 3rd game I do agree the writing falls off.


Mgsv is finished and a complete story


I think it's a matter of if you're looking at it from a story standpoint or just what Kojima set out to do. The Kingdom of the Flies mission is the only resolution to Liquid's character in the game, and Kojima was intending to release it as DLC. The game is "technically" complete, but KOTF clearly should've been in the base game to begin with, not DLC. Odd move for Kojima to leave those plot threads hanging, include the events in the timeline scroll, then insist nothing that was left out was important. I get that he felt the Venom Snake thing was the "real" story, but Liquid being infected with a world-ending virus + stealing technology that the world "shouldn't know exists" is a heck of a lot to leave unresolved.


Peace walker ground zeroes and the phantom pain are far better written then og trilogy. Big boss is the most complex character.


Certainly a hot take considering the other comments here. Also a PP defender but I wouldn’t say far better written


Snake was a bottom


Volgin is my favorite main antagonist


he is the bitchiest of them all you just want to kill him and torture him as soon as posible


I never “truly” finished MGS5 and I have no intention of doing so. It’s just another round of the same map/missions. I beat the metal gear. Killed the bad guy. That should be the end.


I enjoy Twin Snakes on an emulator better than the ps1 original


I actually liked Raiden as character from the beginning. Was a little gutted he got a bad reception early on. However understood why he did.


MGSV Is actually the best game in the series (gameplay wise).


i don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion


MGS3 is not the best game and it also does not need a Remake.


Raiden is straight


The Emma escort during the Tanker chapter was the best mission in the series.


You’re just evil good sir 😂


MGS1 is the least fun to play out of the mainline games.


even over metal gear?


I should have clarified I meant the “Solid” series. 


Try twin snakes


Actually you got a point


MGS 3 is overpraised as hell. Storywise PO>PW.


Metal Gear Solid 3 is not as good as everyone says it is, it introduced supressors wearing out which isn't realistic, the and the survival viewer for fixing wounds and havibg to eat only slows things down.


Sometimes less is more when it comes to storytelling. Kojima is a maximalist and tends to over-explain stuff when writing himself into a corner (see: identity of the Patriots, Paz, most of the scenario of MGS5).


Nobody cares about Solidus, especially Kojima


Well I mean, people legitimately hated me for saying Peacewalker was far below average from an entertainment and gameplay perspective, FOR ME lmao


4 and 5 are good


I hate 4 and accelerating aging and making vamp some big nanomachine and MerylxJohnny and microwave hall and 2 old dudes kissing, 2’s Snake was the coolest look for solid and we played as him for like 10 minutes and next game he’s in he’s an old fart and NOW they finally bring back Meryl


Kojima is not the be all end all to the series. He spent a lot of time saying that he wanted to pass the series off and maybe take a producer role for years. So it wasnt very fair of him to make jabs towards PO because he was told to do something else rather than work on the game. From what Ive seen fans loved the game until Kojima complained about it and now there is this divide where there are people who hate the game because muh Kojima. Besides Kojima has had some dog shit ideas that he came up with and Im glad his team pushed back on them. I would have more to say but its going to be a long ramble, I feel like this gives the idea. My only worry is that CURRENT Konami doesnt know what they are doing with their IPs and I dont want them fucking any of them up with brand new entries until they fix their company internally. You can really tell that decision to focus on pachinkos and yugioh fucked them up when it comes to an actual game.


We're not as based as we think we are, guys.


Base building and recruiting is one of the worst things to happen to franchise. MGS is at its best when it's focused on telling its story and not giving you extra chores.


Twin snakes > og


PW is better than any game in the series


Peace Walker is the worst game in the series by far


Quiet isn't attractive.


I would rather have a Metal Gear that lets us create our own unique character, and play from beginning to end with them, I’ve played with Snake a million times already from my childhood all the way now to my early 30s. Let us have that especially with these consoles. Remaking a game us Metal Gear lovers have played already seems a bit lazy and uninspired. I’m playing TPP right now, obviously I’ve beaten it and playing as my created character rather than Snake, but I would love to have our own personal experience with our own character, TPP doesn’t count cause once you play as yourself you’ve already beaten the game and had the experience. But I’m still buying the new game without a doubt lol.


The MGS2 Marines are so underdesigned i thought they were Germans


MGSV is a finished game.


I liked the twin snakes more than the original. If I could, I'd play it more the original of it was more easily available. (I still love the original, btw)


The model for Snake's face in Delta isn't as good as it was in MGS3, and I wish they'd refined the original model rather than giving him a face transplant.


solid snake is a better character than big boss serie can continue without kojima Raiden in MGS4 is a big mistake Raiden is a good protoganist


I liked peace walker more than portable ops


What's with the screenshot here? Looks like MGS2 but the soldiers faces look like PS1. Was it really like this?


In my headcanon, Metal Gear Solid 4 is just a dream caused by David's nanomachines acting up.


Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes is superior to the PS1 original is every single way.


I would be perfectly fine with them coming up with a way to reduce the age of Solid Snake


Ocelot never fell in love with snake it was just a part of his plan all along 


MGS3, Peace Walker and MGS5 are all really good games and I love them… but, I actually prefer the mgs games that take place in modern day. I personally prefer Solid Snake to Big Boss since I don’t know if it’s just me but it felt like BB had a few more goofier moments than solid. Admittedly it’s mostly in codec calls but it feels like BB had a a bit more of a silly light hearted side to him than Solid who was a bit more serious (well excluding any locker poster make out sessions) Also while I did enjoy the younger Josh Keaton and Troy Baker’s ocelot, Patric Zimmerman’s ocelot might be my favourite character in the entire series.