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Im pretty sure it eill be mgs 1, because it is in most dire need of a remake out of well fleshed out games. mg1 and 2 are in more dire, but they also require significant amount of content to be generated to match todays standards. I hope they train abit before touching those. Also mgs 1 and mgs 3 are afaik somewhat rivals in popularity, it has biggest chance to succeed too. BUT what i really hooe is that they do the classic mode thing for mgs1 too


Yeah MGS1 ticks the same boxes as Snake Eater. It has the existing framework for gameplay that just needs modern updates, while the voice acting/music and story can be essentially preserved without any creative alterations. It’s also known as one of the highest-regarded games of all time and would bring in gaming fans who have wanted to play it. After MGS3 it has the highest probability of success IMO. I’d love to see MG1/2 someday but those are going to require a tremendous amount of creative decisions that go beyond the scope of remaking an existing game for modern generations.


Hearing how praised MGS1 is makes me so happy. Just left my parents house and I found my PS1 and PS2 case it woth all my disc's in it. First page is the dual discs for MGS1 and it was so wild to look at them again. Followed by all the Syphon Filter games


Thank your parents for not throwing your stuff away. I've heard of so many parents throwing away or selling their kids' old stuff once they move out.


My mom kept everything. My son picked out a bunch of ninja turtles and beetleborgs to bring home too


That is nice to hear. Happy Father's Day!


You have a great mom


Fully agree with you. Imo mg1 & 2 would require the team to first make a spinoff or 2 so community can get behind a new creative director leading the team, or if the spinoffs tank a new director can be acquired. After that mg1&2 could be on the line. They hold a bit too much significance to be remade off the bat.


Hah yeah I’d be too worried about something like what Disney did to Star Wars by messing with the legacy characters and ultimately fucking up pretty badly. I like everything I’m hearing from Konami and their recent investment in the series but personally would love to see games set in the Metal Gear universe that stand apart from the Kojima saga.


Oh no, can’t have them messing up SHOOT GUNNER.


Yeah same here. Im pretty confident that good entirely new metal gear titles can exist outside Kojimas influence.


yeah MG1 and 2 you'd have to greatly expand the stories, do entirely new Voice work, essentially create 100% new maps. It'd basically be creating an entirely new game just within the basic framework of the old MSX games (I wonder how they'd handle the English VO too lol would you have Keither brought back for Venom!Big Boss and Hayter playing Solid and.. I dunno who for actual Big Boss).


Hayter for Solid duh For BB didn’t someone else voice him in MGS4? I’ve never played but I thought that was the case


Richard Doyle yeah but he's really getting up there in the years.


If they do it, PLEASE keep the original MGS1 PlayStation voice acting. They butchered the Twin Snakes recording, I don’t care if it has slightly worse recording or if you hear cars in the back sometimes or whatever. Those things can probably be fixed with AI now anyway.


After playing Unmetal, I think it'd be cool to see a remake of MG1 and 2 in pixel art style. Remaking them with better gameplay, some voice acting and adding more detail to the story feels the right thing to do.


I think you underestimate MGS2. This game practically had all the standards, mechanics, and technologies that the 3 had, really the leap between 1 and 2 was the biggest, not so much from 2 to 3. Besides, the story is the most interesting and contains the most current themes. But I also think that 1 will be next, then 2.


I agree. This is coming from someone who thinks MGS 3 is the best in the franchise. MGS is a technical leap compared to part 1 and I love all three of them in this order : MGS3, MGS2, MGS1. But I will always praise the tech in 2


Isnt mgs1 also the one getting the remake? The People who also leaked delta and the master collection also said that a team has been working on a ps5 exclusive mgs1 remake. Might just be rumors though


I feel like we’ve heard “rumours” about a MGS1 remake for the last 10 years. I personally won’t believe it until it’s in my hands lol


It'll entirely depend on if Delta does well. So if you want to see a MGS Alpha(?), best had hope Delta succeeds commercially and critically.


Yeah but in the last few months these rumors have been pretty on point


The MGS1 remake rumor had been around a lot longer than anything about MGS3. The most people had to go off of was the fact Kojima himself wanted MGS1 to get the remake treatment the most out of any of the Solid entries and that he would outsource it to another developer kind of like what they already did for Twin Snakes. People were under the assumption that because Konami was presumably going the outsourcing route on everything they did on consoles, that they'd do the same for anything Metal Gear, and Bluepoint Games was the recurring studio attached to those rumors given they had made a tweet during Halloween 2020 that was like a little soliloquy about various PlayStation games that HEAVILY implied MGS, especially given their prior involvement with the HD collection. The assumption was it'd be PS5 only because even back then Bluepoint was basically only doing stuff with Sony and now they are a full on Sony studio This was like a year before things picked up regarding Snake Eater, and even by then nobody actually expected it to be an in-house Konami thing because they had already given Silent Hill 2 to Bloober Team


Whatever happened to oilix? 😅


I want mgs so bad. I'll immediately fail NNN


For me no game has beaten MGS 1 yet, it is truly my favorite game and seeing it with just a engine graphic update would make me so happy, anything else is a bonus.


Metal gear 1 + 2 would be amazing


This isn’t being said enough. There is so much opportunity to bring these games to a new audience since many, many people skip them for mgs1. Having a story that will connect mgsv and mgs1 with a modern twist is what will make this series complete in my eyes.


So many people have said MG 1+2 needs remakes, especially in this subreddit. Although I agree, it's a lot more work than people seem to believe. It would pretty much be a totally new game since the originals are 2D sprite based, with only adapting the story, characters and weapons. They will probably follow the core MGS series first (1, 2, 4, PW) and then tackle MG 1+2 once confident enough to follow their own cinematic direction and writing.


yeah we need a MG1 and 2 remake, i wonder how would venom look like in MG1


This. It’ll be 30 years since Operation Intrude next year.


Most likely mgs1 but I’d love to see a PW remake with co op


I would wager portable ops, but considering how Kaz says, "Let's put that san hieronymo stuff behind us," at the start of peace walker, I would be fairly surprised if it actually is the next remake. I mean, it's imo an important step in big boss' disillusionment with having loyalty to a single country.


But Gene is a horrible villain, replace him with anyone else and the portable ops story is much better


I haven't played it recently enough to remember many details about him.


He’s just liquid snake again but less interesting


Other than being a Caucasian male.. how else is he like liquid?


Snake codename Meant to succeed The Boss against her murderer just like how Liquid wanted to succeed Big Boss against his murderer. Stole an American Metal Gear Took over a military base Wanted to establish his own nation Hypnotized soldiers to follow him Employed a psychic, a spy, and Ocelot Changed his nuke target to break global treaties Killed in a 1-on-1 fight with his nemesis after losing his Metal Gear and army Much of the PoOps plot is lifted from MGS1 and Gene is a clear parallel to Liquid.


Well now I NEED a remake to see if you're actually correct in this claim.


Please elaborate if you can.


I still think it's possible, considering Okamura is the new producer of Metal Gear, and he's brought up in 2 instances that he was the producer of Portable Ops during the Delta interviews


The main reason I wouldn't want PW next is because it spoils the plot of MGS4 (with the falling out of Zero and Big Boss). A newcomer is supposed to learn that through the lens of MGS4.


I will fucking buy your copy of a Portable Ops remake if they ever make it. Not a remaster, not a port, a fucking REMAKE. That's how sure I am that they won't.


I'm REALLY hoping for the MSX games. It's a key part of the story that's so often overlooked.


I keep seeing "MGS1 needs to be remade" in this thread and it truly, honestly doesn't. I won't complain at all if it is, but the game still plays fine (especially on very easily accessible emulators and in official re-releases), and Twin Snakes is just as canon as MGS1 (and also very easy to emulate). The MSX games REALLY need a remake.


My dream? It would be 4, it doesn’t really need it but I’d love for it to be out of PS3 jail. A straight up 1 or 2 or MG remake would be awesome too.


The hopes for MGS4 are that it will appear in the Master Collection Vol. 2. I highly doubt that they will dare to remake so many hours of cinematics but I don't know, anything can happen


My exact thoughts


MGS1, the one that needs it the most


The ones that need it the most are the MSX games or perhaps Portable Ops because it has quite a clunky gameplay and is a game locked in exclusivity although its canonicity is disputed.


Yeah I know alot of people who try to play it but can't because of the controls. It's so different to modern games it takes some persistence and time.


While peacewalker was a great game and in need of a remake, I don't see it happening. Peacewalker just didn't have the same amount of adoring fans that snake eater does.


I think they are going to go in chronological order for just the mainline series, and if everything goes perfectly, finish with Peace Walker as a send off 3 --> 1 --> 2 --> 4 -- > PW I think the last two could swap easily also, but the first 3 and maybe they will stop at just 3 mainline games, I think will be just chronological order Just my personal guess, and I would have no problem with this release order, even just to get the first 3 mainline games would be a total blessing itself, anything even past Delta Snake Eater will be a massive bonus to me too I feel like 4 is the most easily directly adaptable to what Delta is doing for Snake Eater, besides Snake Eater of course I think the hardest one to adapt is PW and then 1, because PW is a PSP base game with much smaller game environments ofc and the whole management side


>I think the hardest one to adapt is PW and then 1, because PW is a PSP base game with much smaller game environments ofc and the whole management side True, but they do have V as a framework for what Kojima was going for on a larger scale.


PW is mainline


It’ll probably be 1 or 2 but I hope mgs4 gets remade someday


I wouldnt be surprised if they just start doing remakes chronologically, but skip V at the least. I dont think 4 needs a remake either, but who knows if they remake that one.


I hope the OG metal gear games get a remake where they can have a bit more creative freedom over story pacing and level design etc


I can’t really imagine it but if they remade PW to the point where the action didn’t feel minimized or bite-sized compared to the other Solid games then I’d be very excited. I can’t really get into PW bc of the gameplay but it’s a direct sequel to my favorite game. 


My hopes if they remake MGS1, keep the story the same, but tone down the over the top acting from Twin Snakes. Hayters tone in the original MGS1 was perfect, but when he rerecorded for Twin Snakes I felt like his tone was way over exaggerated. Also, expand some of the areas of Shadow Moses. Keep the style and some of the key areas, but greatly expand upon some of the locations, and even introduce new points of entry. The opening Heliport alone could be greatly expanded while maintaining the style we know and love.


I really want MGS1 though a few things would need to be changed/updated which would require brining voice actors in. Meryl’s codec frequency maybe found on a website? Psycho Mantis maybe disconnects a wireless controller or something and can comment about modern games.


No, can we just remake mgs1?


Either Metal Gear 1 and 2 or MGS 1. They may do PW if they keep the chronological order, but PW I don't care too much about PW.


Probably MGS, they'll remake based on popularity and probably will feel more confident with a few games under their belt. Unfortunately this means metal gear 1 and 2 are the least likely to get remade since like a lot of people don't even know they exist


Just realized Snake's headband frowns


I wager Konami will do remakes in chronological order if this is successful. But it is possible they will do whatever they think is most popular. I would love to see Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake remade in modern engines with full voice acting, and they are short so it can really be a somewhat tame project with low risk if they want it to be. Lots of people miss all the horrible things Big Boss did and find him heroic because they skip these games, and it kind of undermines the entire point of the series to see Big Boss as a hero.


I honestly hope they remake 4, just so it can leave PlayStation limbo and have more gameplay. Fuckin octo camo was way too much fun!


I'm hoping for Portable Ops.


I don’t really want them to remake more, they risk fucking them up. MG1/2 would make the most sense for a remake but without Kojima involved, they can really screw that up (because there is the most to fuck up there). Remaking MGS1 and 2 seem a little silly, they hold up just fine (aside from graphics). A remake of MGS1 would be pretty short. Remaking MGS2 seems a little redundant. If they are going to remake, do Peace Walker. It’s the one they could use a majority of assets from MGSV for. And then we’d have a clear cut Big Boss trilogy that’s all fancy looking


I want 4 so bad just so I have a reliable way to play it these days.


Metal Gear Solid 1 in today's tech.. omg .


3, 1, 2, 4 makes sense chronologically


Oppurtunjty to do them in order


My hopes if they remake MGS1, keep the story the same, but tone down the over the top acting from Twin Snakes. Hayters tone in the original MGS1 was perfect, but when he rerecorded for Twin Snakes I felt like his tone was way over exaggerated. Also, expand some of the areas of Shadow Moses. Keep the style and some of the key areas, but greatly expand upon some of the locations, and even introduce new points of entry. The opening Heliport alone could be greatly expanded while maintaining the style we know and love.


They could reuse shadowmoses from mgs 4 as a blueprint!


Definitely get some ideas from there. I just think they have to expand upon it because by today's standards the game isn't long enough.


MGS3 -> MGS2 -> MGS1. MGS4 will be left out because it's too new, and will be included in Master Collection Vol 2.


Too new? That game is 16 years old. By the time the next remakes are out MGS4 is gonna be over 20 years old


Realistically I'd expect it to be MGS2, it's probably the next most popular in the franchise. I'd prefer it to be 1 or Peace Walkers personally but something tells me it'll probably be 2.


The correct choice is Metal Gear 1. PW is too new for remakes.


Is it even feasible to see Twin Snakes release again?


If they went hard on the chronological order, I'd be impressed with the commitment.




If they go by what's more popular: MGS1. If they go by what needs it the most: MG1. If they go by timeline: Peace Walker. Personal preference is MG1, expectation is MGS1.


It depends whether theyre going by timeline or not. If they are going by timeline the next would be portable ops or peace walker, but if not id say probably metal gear solid 1.


My assumption is that it’ll be Solid 1 and 2 giving them modern ports. Probably done the same way as it’s being done for Delta. I do suspect they’re going to do Peace Walker but I don’t know if it’d be an expansion to 3 or its own title. Peace Walker especially seeing as it doesn’t have a modern port yet.


Wouldn't it be a real whammy if instead of directly porting 4 first, they made a remake of it? Of course in my wild fantasy it would have extended playable segments, but nothing can stop these dreams of mine until it is done.


Portable Ops Please let it be Portable Ops


MGS1 makes the most sense, not only is it incredibly popular and iconic. But, assuming that MGS3 Remake was done first because it's the first game chronologically, than MGS1 is the logical next step. Highly doubt they will remake Portable Ops, Phantom Pain, or the MSX games, so MGS1 is next in the timeline.


IMO I think we'll get either get MGS1 or Peace Walker...heck I'd even wager MGS4 may be on the interest list. I personally want a remake of MG1 and MG2, but other voices have already stated my thoughts that it would require a lot of additional work to modernize the game. I'm just excited to think of the MG2 part where you have to follow the green beret through the jungle....the opportunity to really expand that with modern gameplay mechanics is something I want to see.


I for one hope they don't do anything with Peace Walker ever again. MGS1 is the most likely one, although the MSX games are also important for Snake as a character, and could really benefit from a remake, so who knows


Peace walker, portable ops and mgs 4 would be nice


I hope it's MGS2. It's my favorite in the series and I'd love to see what they could do with it.


This all depends on whether delta performs well


Should be MG 1 or 2 MGS has gotten so many iterations those two just need to be brought into the 3d world anyways to breathe new life into the series


MGS1 or the Original Metal Gear.


Well they got the Raiden model from Raikov. Could do 2. But, I’m guessing 1 is next.


Hopefully they go chronological order. I know the games are meant to be played in release order but it just makes sense for what they're trying to do


It made sense to play them that way in numerical order in the past but now it won’t have number it’s mgs delta. Not 3 Maybe Konami will make it that playing chronological order or the new order makes better sense




Peace Walker or MGS1 I hope




Kinda off topic, but when Peace Walker came out I was hoping the devs behind it would do remakes of MG1 and 2 in the same style. I felt like the PSP was the perfect medium for remakes of the MSX games.


Portable ops? I could see them skipping to the original MG though


Prob 1 since it needs it the most


Sons of Liberty will be remade next.


Unpopular opinion somehow… but mgs4 because i wanna see that game maybe Also get back at online! Damn i remember Being mad that i finally Got 50000dp for ret beret for Them Then closing online 😭😂


It's already been confirmed they're remaking MGS 1 at this very moment.


My source, is that I made it the fuck up


[My Source](https://gamerant.com/metal-gear-solid-1-remake-rumor/)


MGS2, I need to see the Colonel tweak in the new engine


Jesus christ are we already speculating about this? Let’s not get overhyped with Konami here, we know their reputation


Peacewalker is the most likely choice. The thing is that the gameplay is very similar to MGS3 and they will have all these new assets used for 3 to recycle. So I think they will go for the chronological order.


They should do it in chronological order. Portable ops next


Lets get through this one first. Hopefully it's good (looks like it will be) and sells well enough that Konami decides to keep the Metal Gear train rolling.


It's MGS1 and I don't really get why anyone would think otherwise. Metal Gear 1/2 are not going to get it and neither is something like Peace Walker. Konimi want return on their game and MGS1 will sell double maybe treble the others after MGS3.


It seems to me that they will cut Kojima from everywhere. Even when it comes to upgrading the MGSV.


MGS1 or PW MGS1 because it needs it. PW could probably reuse a lot of the same assets and just need some cut scene’s made.


My gut tells me Peacewalker will be next since it'll be easier.


Are they not remaking them chronologically?


MGS1 is gonna be it. Gonna be crazy seeing that game in 3rd person camera


I expect they’ll do mgs1. However, in a perfect world. They do Peace Walker next, because then they could put it on par with Phantom Pain with all 3D cutscenes and expand the levels. Making it a full on remake and a good stepping stone for them to then do the original Metal Gears remakes.


Metal Gear Survive


I cannot convey to you how much I want a Peace Walker remake. Despite the fact that it might be one of my least favorite Metal Gears, it is THE game I think of when it comes to remakes. I NEED them to take it and expand on it in a major way. Because a lot of the game is intended to be played on a handheld console sometimes for only a few minutes at a time, there is a massive potential to change things for a major console release. I would love to see a lot of the tapes you get turned into actual viewable cut scenes at a physical Mother Base you can visit like MGSV. Update a lot of the main story missions to be more of a continuous map, expand on side ops, maybe even create a new system to bring a small team of soldiers with you to replicate the coop experience. I have spent an unhealthy amount of time thinking of how to change and expand on the gameplay and story to bring it to another level.


The next remake in the series depends on if MGS Delta does well in terms of both sales and reception. Others have said they want a remake of Metal Gear 1 which I understand, it’s the first Metal Gear game and is severely outdated when compared to games such as MGS1, however I was thinking of a remake for MGS Peace Walker. You could argue that it doesn’t need a remake but I personally hope they remake it and improve upon it, especially the boss fights. The game was made with the intentions of people playing co-op. I want the remake to be tailored made for people that play solo. I know you can complete Peace Walker solo but I really want improvements made to the game. I completed Peace Walker months ago and I really, really hated my time with the game, but it was needed in order to play Ground Zeroes and TPP.


Portable Ops, because its the events after Snake Eater


If Peacewalker is next I will not be buying it. That's my least favorite Metal Gear and I'm tired of the Big Boss over saturation.


I really hope they remake MGS1. At first I would have preferred MGS2 as I was thinking that the team would be too likely to screw MGS1 up because it is "too old" and give it the "Twin Snakes 2.0 treatment". But given Delta seems to be made with lots of respect for the original game, I really would like to see a MGS1 remake and then MGS2 by the same team. I think for MGS1 they should keep the original gameplay, but add the CQC-mechanics. The areas were not designed for shooting in 1st person which is why Twin Snakes was so easy.


MGS1 or Portable Ops make the most sense to me. I'd honestly love to see Portable Ops remade with this new gameplay and camera. The Python and Null fights would be great. 


I think most people want a fully updated version of MGS1


If they do another one it will be 1. Theyre already doing the bare minimum regardless of how good this one looks, it literally is just fresh paint. Konami has no real desire to make games, they just want money. They wil do 1 and i think thats it to be honest.


Metal Gear Solid 1, pretty sure they’ve already started they entertained remaking MGS1 first but decided MGS3 in the end.


Best use of a remake would be metal gear or psp games but Konami will probably chase sales first so it’ll be MGS1 and 2 before anything


Probably Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater Pachislot


Mgs 1 and then mgs 2. Peace Walker's psp origins makes it a bit too simple for a major release, they would have to flesh it out quite a bit.


If they remake Peace Walker I hope they really remake it from the ground up. As good as that game was, the gameplay is subpar on a modern controller. Those maps would need a serious overhaul too, if they add new gameplay or at least MGS3 - 4 gameplay. I don’t know if they’re remaking the story, which I don’t think they will, but they remake each game my guess would be Portable Ops, Peace Walker or Metal Gear I. In that order. If they’re just going to recreate the most famous games, it should be MGS.


I feel like it should be a pattern with having remakes and then spinoff/next installments much like the Resident Evil games. - Maybe after MGS3 we get a sequel like MG1&2 Remake as in a way you could treat it like a whole new game, or a spinoff like a WWII MG game as you play as The Boss forming the Cobra Unit. - After MGS1 you get a spinoff set between 1 and 2 about Snake and Otacon forming Philanthropy or a spinoff set between V and MGS1 about Liquid forming the Foxhound Unit seen in MGS1. - Lastly for MGS2 you get a spinoff based on the original MGR story (Raiden saving Sunny), or Platinum Games returning to make MGR2 (I think MGR should at least get a remaster). Although MGS1 is most likely to be next, as much as I want them to be remaking chronologically I don’t think they should mess with PW and V (probably just a remaster although idk if they would wanna revisit the Fox Engine) until maybe after remaking MGS2. PW would be next, MGS4 and then V, I think it would kinda fit with those games that happened to conclude the series.


I think they will go in chronological order. Would be really great to see the old 2D games in a new look.


I'm guessing MGS1, the Snake Eater remake will probably end with the same line of the original, "1972 - The "Les Enfant Terrible" project." Which will serve as a tease to the MGS1 remake. It's the remake that worries me the most since the original is obviously dated and doesn't have the same choreographed cutscenes from later games but at the same time I really hope they don't use Twin Snakes as reference.


I hope they go chronological with the remakes. Phantom Pain doesn't really need a remake, just make GZ and TPP a single game


Metal gear 1 and 2 need remakes so bad


i hope they just leave MGS2 alone. The graphics, gameplay, and aesthetics of that game are perfect. No reason to "update" it.


Idk, I never felt that the fact that you can’t crouch in a stealth game was good. I liked the game but I hated that mechanic. Splinter cell did stealth better in that


MGS1. Because i just got into the series (played MGS2 and MGS3) and the only thing that i can't get into is MGS1 cuz of that control and camera.


Peacewalker could be dope. My fav in the franchise is a toss up between MGS2 and MGS1 and I honestly don’t see Konami getting getting that right


I really want MGS1. I’m ngl, I don’t really know why people want a Peace Walker remake atm. To remake it for next gen the way people want, you would need to change so much it would practically be a new game (same goes for MG1 and 2). And seeing how people get upset at the most minor of changes for MGS Delta….I don’t think we’re ready for that yet. Plus I’ve never been a huge PW fan anyway. You can downvote me now


Honestly, I hope it's a remake of Portable Ops or Peace Walker. Or I hope they manage to combine the two games because their implications are very important and they have very similar mechanics like the mother base and recuiting soldiers it would be perfect to make a Remake and kill 2 birds with 1 stone. But they will probably end up making an MGS Remake, a shame because if it's not PO or PW then my next option would be Metal Gear, the MSX game.


It would have to be either MGS1 or MGS2 for me. I’d slightly prefer 2 because it’s my all-time favorite game in the series, but a remake of 1 would also be great because it’s ironically the one Metal Gear game I have the least experience playing.


You make it sound like they can just “remake” a game through like NINE generations of consoles. It wouldn’t be the same game in any sense of the word.


That’s precisely why I want a remake, I want the same story but a different game. I never liked peace walker or mg1 and 2 because they’re not from my generation of games


I kinda hope they go chronological but skip V (for obvious reasons) I just wanna see an mg1 + 2 remake really badly


I don’t see why anyone wants a Peace Walker remake. I really dislike that game and MGSV following it was a mistake.


If peace walker comes but the coop doesn't, Konami will have made a serious mistake.


If it’s another 1:1 faithful remake, Metal Gear Solid If it’s a reimagining using the UE5 engine, Metal Gear If it’s something between the two, either Peace Walker or Portable Ops depending on how they’re currently treating the canon timeline.


Metal gear and metal gear 2 plz. They're stuck in the bit era


I'd love for them to remake Portable Ops and Peace Walker in one game (Tanker/Plant style).


I really wish we'd get a REAL remake of Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2.


Hopefully MG1


I think it depends on the success of Delta Snake Eater, but what it should be, is MGS1. 2 and 4 are direct sequels to 1 and don't make sense at all without it, and the others are either too recent or too divergent from the core franchise.


If they were to remake peace Walker, I think they should go straight to lore and forget about side missions, and attach it to Ground Zeroes, Phantom Pain doesn't need a remake so from this they could go right into Metal Gear 1 and 2 , and then MGS, MGS2 and the best of all, MGS4. Damn I love this saga so much


MGS for the PlayStation needs the business, and twin snakes didn’t count


I just want to play mgs 4 again on my ps5! 🤧


I'm praying for MG1 + 2, but I'm gonna say MGS4 needs it the most as it's seemingly importable for whatever reason


I’m not hoping for a peace walker because if really fits it’s medium the way it’s presented. Giving that game High end graphics would require updating the gameplay. Then you have to ask , what was MGSV then? Removed from its theme of vengeance it was essentially a grown up peace walker. I’d like to see a remake for the first PS one MGS as updating that would suit well with modern graphical power same as MGS3


I was about to say MGS but Peacewalker is a way better suggestion, and it opens the door to release more remakes chronologically


I pray portable ops/peace walker combo or hybrid!


Is there a possibility that they remake peace walker? Since it's a game in lesser scope I think it could be easier and they could reuse the assets in some way. But honestly the biggest possibility is MGS


I think mgs1 would be the cheapest with the biggest return


I would say logically Is peace walker because it’s the next in the story line and considering snake eater is no long MGS 3 but rather delta which is a new beginning. But I would be mos interested in a remake of MG 1 and 2 from the 80s. Definitely the most challenging to pull it off.


I’m guess the original MSX games. Delta is a trial. Build some internal and external confidence. 3 is the easiest to adapt in terms of needing to change things. Due to it already having a 3rd person camera etc. If Delta succeeds, I’m sure they’ll go for them. Reason being is demand but also both have some wriggle room to add their own spin on things. Outer Heaven was a real barebones game so they’d need to add some depth. Zanzibar would be easy to update however so many story beats match up with Shadow Moses, so they’d probably want to adjust to make it so 3 games don’t have the same (MG2 MGS MGS2) That’ll be the real test to see if Konami are able to handle MG going forward


I want a Metal Gear Solid 6 with a female snake.


I want a remake of mgs acid


I feel like they might stick to Chronological orde


I would love them to go Peace Walker, MG1, MG2, MGS1, MGS2. I know it's unlikely but it'd be really cool


They're remaking them in chronological order.


I want metal gear and metal gear 2. The og from msx. Fox engine. Being solid snake and attacking outer heaven and venom snake would be so cool. Even if they're short i still want it




Realistically it will be MGS1. Personally, I would like MG1+2, and then a new series of games in the Metal Gear universe, following new characters with some cameos/appearances of old ones (Raiden as your combat/stealth advisor, Sunny as data analyst, etc). I’d love to see the series live on as Resident Evil has. Set these games in a stabilised post-Patriot world. Give us cyborgs, political intrigue, weirdness and STEALTH.


Msx games please. Then mgs1. Then ghost babel please and reboot the franchise with a ghost babel 2 following that alt timeline universe for something fresh


I'd prefer it be Metal Gear 1 and 2, but it's probably going to be whatever mainline console title comes next in the timeline again and again. They're probably adopting the same strategy that Master Chief Collection had, which is porting/remaking games in chronological order.


Considering its not called 3, im guessing they’re releasing remakes in chronological order. Though i do expect them to skip over V, and the peace walker stuff




Peace Walker would be next chronologically, and as much as I'd love to see that game finally in a playable state for more people, I'm almost certain they'd remake MGS1 before that. In a head-to-head, I'd pick MGS1 and then MGS2 any day of the week before Peace Walker. Then, maybe one day I'll FINALLY be able to play MGS4.


Hot take, I don't think they'll ever remake the mg1 + 2 games unless it's just like a pixel remaster or something.


Watching the [Konami interview](https://youtu.be/s7wg6_HDT1c?si=H6nr-XNktU1EykgE), where they keep saying they want to start at the beginning, so it's easier to introduce it to new players, makes me think the next remake will follow chronological order. On the other hand, a "remake" of the 1980's MG1 & MG2 is basically making a new game from scratch. But who knows, if Delta is profitable enough, maybe Konami might just greenlight everything. Also, since MGSV is a "parallel" story, the MGS would still make sense even if Konami skip it. So I'm thinking 1. Metal Gear Delta 2. Peacewalker + whatever BB was doing during MGSV 2. MG 1 & 2 (Solid Snake early days) 3. MGS 1 & 2


I believe the games are going to be remade in the historical order. Perhaps the peace walker and MGSV will be skipped(I really hope note, but I'm sure they will). We're left with 1,2 and 4 then


I suppose MGS1. I hope they make it better than Twin Snakes this time.


all i want in PW is a properly working co-op cause with my friends, PW will be the most awesome game ever for us.


If it does well, I’d actually adore if they went back and remade the MSX titles. Because it’s long past time to do that


Peace walker Then metal gear, and the franchise will be in full circle.


MGS1 I sincerely hope. I know a lot of people hope for MG1/2 but I don’t wanna be 60 years old by the time I see Shadow Moses in next gen graphics.


Peace walker has enough material that it can be remade into an open world setting or at least a graphical overhaul with motherbase being able to be explored.


Gotta be MGS1 I still say 2 onwards still look great but 1 needs some love. Mgs4 return to shadow moses gave me a taste now I need the meal.


Intrude N313


I hope it‘s gonna be MGR lmao


I think they could go the chronological way, which means the next one would be PO and/or PW, followed by GZ, TPP, MG1, MG2, MGS1, MGS2 and MGS4 (and maybe MGR:R)


They should get their practice in with peace walker. It's the next in the series canonically and it wouldn't make a lot of sense to skip it. Also I would love to see the co-op mgs gameplay fully realized.


Mgs 1 Definitely


It would be nice if we got the remake lineup in chronological order. Also it would be epic if they completely remade MG1.