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Ori could be a great palette cleanser if you want a quick beautiful experience before going into a hardcore game like Hollow Knight.


Although I couldn't get into it at all but a lot of people here love it, so definitely worth a try. Personally I prefer games like Ori and Prince of Persia the lost crown.


Personally I'd recommend one or both of the Ori games or possibly Bloodstained ROTN before Hollow Knight. Then again I'm also in the minority of people who didn't really care for hollow Knight


It's the best in the genre imo


Can confirm. A flawless game.


Tis a thing of beauty


Yep it’s one of the best in the genre


I'm a little jealous. I wish I could play hollow knight for the first time again. I was so fucking into it


If you like blasphemous then chances are you will like Hollow Knight. Especially if you preferred Blasphemous 2. HK is my favorite game of all time but it’s not always for everyone.


Hollow Knight raised the bar forever on not just Metroidvanias, but all indie games that came after it. It’s a must-play. 🎮😎👍


well said. and great point about it raising the bar for ALL indie games. it really did. it was sort of was the harbinger of this amazing time we're in right now.


Oh so true!


I didn’t like it, but I’m in the minority.


You haven't played any others? Super Metroid is a must play, for obvious reasoms. Yes, the original SNES game.


HK is the gold standard and I know some people think it’s overrated but it’s just the truth and I’m not even a diehard fanboy I just really loved my time with it


Maybe. Some hail it as one of the best games in the genre and while I'm not in that group, I definitely think the game is good but not perfect at worst so it's always worth trying.


HK is a masterpiece but with two caveats in my opinion: 1) There is a ALOT of backtracking, even by genre standards. Fast travel points are very few and far between. 2) The difficulty. I understand that for some this is a plus, but for me it just grew unbearable. As I have a stressful day job I just couldn’t. Wound up cheating my way to the end and I’m not ashamed to admit it! If neither of those points turn you off, then in truth you OWE it to yourself to play HK


"i have a stressful day job" as a reason that you couldn't complete a hard game is pretty stupid sounding. it's totally okay that it was too difficult. there's no shame in that. but we're all adults and we all have stressful jobs. that isn't what prevented you from tackling the difficulty. you're implying that people who have completed the game did so because their jobs were less stressful than yours. which is just mind-numbingly stupid. i'm sorry to pick this apart and i probably now sound like a douchebag myself. but i really couldn't let that slide. don't say shit like that to other adults. it's a bad look.


I found it hilarious that they said that lol. But I think he meant that, for him, after a stressful day job his way to decompress isn't running the Path of Pain, but something more relaxing. While for some people, the PoP is the most relaxing thing there is after a stressful day. Just my two cents.


you're probably right. but doesn't that just mean he didn't enjoy the game? just say that. how can he call it a masterpiece at the same time? i don't know. i got annoyed reading that comment. that could be a me problem, however. i think i'm a bitch this morning.


It’s a great game but I would go with Symphony of the Night next


there's no reason to do it first, but symphony of the night must be played by everyone. that is true.


Definitely a good match in art style


Symphony is great, but it's not on every modern platform, unlike HK.


It’s easy enough to find a way to play


I'm a huge blasphemous fan but I've only ever been able to get a 5-6 hours into hk before getting bored and dropping it. If you're coming from blasphemous, the combat will feel incredibly shallow and the world design will look just pathetic. Not to mention the bloated map size


I was the same way, playing and completing both B1 and B2… Hollow Knight has left me feeling empty. I’m having a hard time getting into it, it’s real cartoony and kind of a bore IMO, but the game seems real popular amongst this sub. The mechanics are nice, however the animation and actual story/lore is where it falls off for me. I’m about 5hrs in… 😔


Ya know, I've seen a lot of people play this game and then have the genre ruined for them. Many around here, myself included, consider it the best in the genre. If you do play it, know that very few other games stack up to it. Not saying there isn't a lot of great MVs, but Hollow Knight is one of those perfect storm type of games.


I guess this kinda applies to me. I’m so bummed about my time with Hollow Knight. I played for maybe a few hours and was loving it and then I got completely lost and had no idea where to go or what to do and I just went in circles for hours and then called it quits. This genre intrigues me but maybe this wasn’t the best game to start with. I do want to revisit it eventually but not until I get a better grasp on the genre overall. I’ve heard the Ori games are great intro to the genre.


Yeah navigation is really tough, but much easier if you have exp with other mv games' exploration patterns. Ori would be a great way to learn that!


Yeah, the first one in particular does a good job introducing people I felt.


A good metroidvania but plagged by souls-like gameplay, map system is akward but work, not too much hand holding but game hint about what to do next a subtle way so you don't get lost, there's some possibilities for sequence breaking and speedrunning, abilities are both what you should expect but include less common ones and hidden from the start mechanics to exploit, plenty of lore and a world that you should enjoy exploring since not repeatitive and clearly defined even hinting when you're close to another zone but always offering few routes, wide variety of foes with various attack paterns that aren't hp sponges with plenty of mini-bosses/bosses, however the story telling a bit passive might take a while to get you into the game, upgrades doesn't feel not needed, true end and dlcs are akwarding fitting in the game but still decent, ...


Some of my friends gave up playing through the game because they thought the exploring is too dull or couldn't defeat some bosses. But if you reach to a certain progress, this game is worth of your time. Top notch even among all the genres I've played.


It’s one of the best games of all time, definitely worth it


Hollow knight is one of the best games ive played overall, I play pretty much every genre


It's arguably the best time to play Hollow Knight because of all the extra content that wasn't there on release. The base game is already great, but the DLC quests/activities are what really push it toward the top for me. The movement, platforming and environment (this one is hit or miss as far as I've seen) are all a treat. Combat is fun too and there's a couple of different ways to play once you get some abilities and collectibles. There's some cool characters you meet along the way and some excellent boss fights. There's also some pretty challenging achievements if that's your thing.


It’s the best one


Yes, I would think so. I think you won't be disappointed.


It's the best of genre ever. You can see anywhere about it. Always on the top of the lists. Salute for all martyrs of Pantheon 5 😂


Yeah play that game. It’s awesome.


Hollow knight is probably the best metroidvania game ever made


Yes it's the best metroidvania on the market


I played Blasphemous after HK. I love them both so much. I think there is no better option than HK.


I prefer Ori and Haak style of game, but still, I do recognize is the GOAT (maybe even over Metroid series)


HK will humiliate you and hurt you deeply, but you will love all the pain in the end


it is widely regarded as one of the best metroidvanias ever made. so yeah. you should also play super metroid and symphony of the night at some point in your life. those two games defined the genre. they are classics that deserve every bit of praise they receive.


Yes it would and go for the true ending. Other metriodveinas and indie games I suggest are Shovel Knight and all the DLC, Cyber Shadow,, A Robot named Fight, Grime, Have a Nice Death, cookie cutter, The last Faith, The Last hero of Nostalgia, Batboy, Deaths Gambit Afterlife, Ghostsong and Bloodstained Ritual of the night


Hollow Knight and Animal Well are both Metroidvania bangers. I would get the other after you finish the first one!


Hk is my favorite metroidvania of all time. It’s a masterpiece


Hollow Knight is incredible. The biggest bummer for me is that it's the first metroidvania I've played, and now I've come to learn that it's the pinnacle; everything from here will be a little disappointing.


Hollow Knight is the best game I ever played.. and my favorite game from childhood was Super Metroid. Also it's way underpriced, specially considering the free DLCs


It's not only one if the best in genre it's simply one of the best games you'll ever play.


It's the GOAT


Hollow Knight is top of the line for this genre. I recommend Super Metroid next


Hard yes, Hollow Knight is amazing


Hollow knight then Aeterna Noctis would be my recco




I wouldn’t even say the haters HATE it. I’ve met many people who don’t love the game, but at worst it’s a dislike or people just not enjoying the experience or finding it tedious. I’m yet to run into somebody who hates it in the way people hate games like Rabi Ribi, La Mulana or Aeterna Noctis.


Calling it polarizing is incredibly disingenuous. Hollow Knight is the most popular metroidvania of all time and has 97% positive reviews on steam. There is a vocal minority who express their dislike for the game on this sub (nothing wrong with that) but the vast majority of people enjoyed it.


If you look on the PS trophy list, not that many people who bought it played very far through it.


I appreciate you proving my point in real time.


All he proved is that you don't know what polarizing means.


Who hates Hollow Knight? And why? I’ve never heard of that. My only complaint would be the lack of save points before boss fights, though it is a pretty big complaint I guess…


I kinda hate it unfortunately. Keep trying to get into it but the map system, going back for my souls, feature lockout, and samey hallways all make it a rough play. But I can see why people do like it, it has a lot of great in that onion.


There's a lot of people who hate anything popular because they never grew out of that middle school mentality.


In what way is Hollow Knight similar to Blasphemous 1 & 2? Blasphemous 1 isn’t even a Metroidvania! LOL


Hollow knight is light years better than blast phem ass


didn't ask


Yes you did Willy


I asked if HK will be a good 3rd game for me, I didn't ask if it was better than blasphemous smh


Logical deduction would lead you to conclude that based on my comment the answer is yes.


but did I ask which one was better tho?




Super Metroid and Castlevania Symphony of the Night are what birthed the name Metroidvania. For a reason. All that being said... Hollow Knight is one of the few that stands besides them. An absolute masterpiece of the genre that truly carries on the legacy. Um... I also hate overhyping people. So... just know the opening bit can be a little weird for some folks. Some quality of life stuff like your location on the map... must be obtained. You don't get it right away. This had some people feel a little directionless. After that though... god tier.


Since it's considered one of the best in the genre, maybe leave it til later. Otherwise it's all downhill from there 😜




I also play blasphemous prior to HK, so believe me when I say HK is much more complex and frustrating than blasphemous. The map is enormous, the boss fight is insane and the backtracking is so tiring. But believe me, this game is super worth it, just enjoy your playthrough


The problem with playing HK first is that it raises the bar so much that your expectations of other games becomes so high that it is often hard to meet. I’ve tried lots of highly recommended games on here that I’ve thought were just kind of so-so.. I think the issue is that intro into modern MVs was HK (and Ori..)




Why would you even name drop spoilers for somebody who has obviously not started?