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I’m 20 hrs into it. I picked it up on Xbox while it’s on sale (it may still be) I feel like I’m just at the half way point. So far, it’s pretty good. It’s more on the Castlevania side with its rpg systems. I also feel that Hollow Knight provided a lot of inspiration too. I was not aware that hard mode was the games original mode until after I started the game. An update added a “normal” mode, which is technically the easy mode. I picked normal thinking that was the OG difficult. As a result the game hasn’t really been that hard. That may change though since I hear the end boss is a bitch. It’s a good game to play if you enjoy exploration, big maps, and a game that’s more about atmosphere than difficulty. Despite the anime characters, the world design is really beautiful. My only major gripes are the plot (serviceable, but the English translation is really jacked up) and the floaty combat. If you can find it on sale, I’d say totally get it.


Oh I had no idea about the difficulty. I thought normal was the intended difficulty so the combat was incredibly easy and boring. I’ll have to go back and try on hard difficulty 


I played that game not to long ago for my first time. I since beat it 3 more times total. And now u mentioned it have a burning desire to play it again


The story makes no sense, but it's a really fun game. My only issue is I wish you could dodge past enemies without taking damage. I've got used to that from other games.


I love it, one of my favorite metroidvanias.


Go for it, absolute gem of a metroidvania, even with all its flaws


I enjoyed it. Tried to follow the story... And gave up. Ended up just enjoying the gameplay and art. I purchased the PS4 disc and got the platinum trophy, so I think it was worth playing.


It's kind of a mess, and the story won't really make sense until you unlock a second character, complete their side-stories, then return to the main game. But the mechanics are a lot of fun, and it's very pretty. Weapon variety is expansive enough that I enjoyed constantly switching around. I think I paid around twelve for a physical copy and really enjoyed a lot of it.


On a sale id say yes. Its fun for what it is. My only gripe for it is the map feels almost too big at times and in some cases feels kinda unnecessary. But overall id say worth having but on sale price. You might not get all u want out of it.


i bought it on switch and Google play store. Great game!


Yeah. I mean can't say for sure as I don't know the price in qiestion, but it's a good - albeit imperfect - game.


I think it was 15e.


Yes, definitely. The gameplay is fantastic. It’s a little bloated, and the story is incomprehensible, but overall it’s absolutely worth it, imho


I hate the upgrade tree. I have no idea how to use it. Maybe i’m stupid but that’s the only thing stopping me from going further than 2 hours in this game.


You get used to it. Basically they’ve condensed the large skill trees of most mv’s by having nodes be upgradable twice (2nd being at a much higher level). It’s clumsy and confusing in practice though.




I had a good time. The story is hard to follow, and it's definitely on the Vania side of the genre.  It really needs map pins with notes, though. I found an area with level 50 enemies, forgot about it, did not come back at level 50, and had to grind a bunch to get to the level 60 areas.  The fact that the map is absurdly large doesn't help with that.  But otherwise it was good. 


I played and finished it, yes very good game, decent gameplay length, very balanced, late bosses can be challenging. I recommend it on every MV thread I come across, it is worth it.


Yes. Just keep in mind it's one of less "dense" metroidvanias, like Hollow Knight. I mean by that is that you don't get significant upgrades that often, they are spaced out between huge areas.


Finished it but can't recall a thing about the game other than good gameplay, not quickly bored, good gfx design but not so good storytelling and sometimes too much walking. The personal msgs of the devs throughout the game are nice.


I didn’t care for it myself. The map was really big with not much interesting in it. The boss fights were all forgettable. And I found exploration disappointing because mostly I’d just find weapons that were on par with what I had equipped already. I enjoyed it for a while but I got something like 30 hours into it with no end in sight and I wasn’t having fun anymore


I found it pretty meh. A lot of the gameplay just feels like someone pulled out a metroidvania check list, and went down it implementing every system in the shallowest way possible. The map is HUGE, but mostly devoid of any secret areas or hidden treasure, so it just feels like big empty spaces you have to traverse regularly. The localization is horrible, and it's really hard to follow the story.


I agree with all of these points.


I enjoyed it. Most of the story seemed a bit overly convoluted but it didnt spoil my enjoyment


On sale.


The story is nonsensical, but the gameplay is pretty fun if you like games that lean more towards the vania end of the spectrum. You'll probably need a guide to see all endings as it's not at all obvious what you need to do for them all, none of them make the story make much more sense, but if you're a completionist you'll want to see them all anyway (they can all be done on one play through) The enormous map can be seen as good or bad depending on how much you enjoy the gameplay, it's either awesome for how much content you get, or it can drag on a bit


It's good with a guide, otherwise skip it. Too big and no direction. It also has a lot of "Souls" types of quests and progression where you have a bunch of key items that have no obvious purpose.


I picked it up on the Switch but could not stand the frame drops. Beware


Never grabbed me..


A lot of people like it. I stopped playing after 10+ hours. Overall good game, with a large map, but I would say too large. Felt like I’d play for hours without anything happening.


100% this. The game is big for bigness sake with zero hints to help direct where you need to go. Dropped the game after 20ish hours due to poor pacing, lackluster upgrades and a huge map with zero hints. Combat is fun but it wasnt good enough for me to keep playing


Yes I enjoyed it very much on Switch.


Definitely worth it. But seek out a guide, you’ll likely be lost without one. There’s also a some YouTube videos that explain the story/lore pretty well, but beware they contain spoilers — after watching them you’ll see how convoluted the story is…


I didn't like it that much. Maybe it was too linear for my taste. It was definitely too repetitive. Enemy variety was ok, but everyone felt the same to kill. Also dodges and enemy encounters are just too quick so the bosses feel like enemies that you need flasks to beat.


Too linear???????? Uh.... No it was not. That's one of the true strengths of it.


Ya, not to stomp on OOP (new to reddit acronyms, referring to original commenter), but calling this game linear does it a monumental disservice, and makes me wonder if they’re even talking about the correct game. To me, linear means an obvious intended path with limited “get lost exploring” options (e.g. Metroid Dread). This games intended path is not obvious in the slightest, and I’ve spent more time trying to find the main path than actually following it. Honestly, this games exploration is S tier, second only to Hollow Knight for me.


Not for me. I rarely went back to an area I was in before.


It was for me. I never went back to an area I've been to before. I opened doors to earlier areas although I didn't have too. Also the story was just bad. We don't like the same games, but my experience was obviously not the same as yours.


The critical path is locked behind backtracking so you saying it’s linear is objectively untrue.


Backtracking a couple of times in 50h isn't backtracking. There wasn't a single time where I remember I went back to a prior area and felt wow I got an upgrade. It was often shitty rewards and therefor I stopped doing it. It may be objectively untrue, but we obviously have different standards of backtracking and sorry, this wasn't it. I had the same problem with the first blasphemous game and many barely consider this an metroidvania.


Wrong. You backtrack plenty.


Wrong. You do not.


Then you didn't explore the whole game. There are keys you need to get for some doors and I highly doubt unless you were following a guide that you just happened to go to each area exactly when you had all the right abilities/items.


The story was bad... Absolutely. Linear it was not. Because you made it linear does not mean it was. Shoot, you would almost need to try to make it linear. Ugh... The story... Sorry... How do they put out such a great game but then fall on their face with a trash heap story.


It's huge - so that's a selling point on its own. The combat is fluid and fun, though not a big challenge. The bosses are mostly face-tankable. The story is apparently borderline incomprehensible, but i'd never know cause i fast forward through every single shred of dialog that i can. So i have zero idea of what was happening - still had fun. Art and music are competent. I think it took 30 hours to beat for me, as someone who plays almost every single metroidvania out there. If you don't skip the dialog, probably 40 hours.


It's really an open world Metroidvania. You will hear many complain about the lack of direction and quest tracking. Though I believe it's one of the all time great Metroidvanias, I totally understand that gripe. Myself, I loooooved that it's huge and open without much direction. Kids today need everything handed to them....in my day we explored and didn't get our butts led around like nowadays (I'm kidding...but we are spoiled with how much most always need to get told what to do next).


I think it's pretty good. A breath of fresh air. The protagonist and the sidekick are sort of too family friendly at the beginning but they grew on me, a lot! The weapon section and the combos you can create are just insane!


I love the game, one of my fav metroidvania. However research the Switch port it might not run well.


It’s a solid 7.5 out of 10. If you get it on sale it’s easily 30+ hours entertainment as the map is HUGE. Few small QoL issues and story knock it down a few points.




When I started it I would describe it to friends as "mostly boring" but after playing it a while longer I've come to appreciate that it's more of a "slow burn" kind of metroidvania (I've played a lot). One thing that could be a good or bad thing depending on your tastes: the map is huge. Like I'm 30 hrs in and I'm still not convinced I've uncovered every area. There's a pretty large skill tree. The combat is.. ok. I do like that some of the bosses will kick my ass and I'll just return to it later when I'm stronger. You can equip a primary and secondary weapon and there's some items you can equip that will enhance some of the moves in different ways. The map is very open and you can even find yourself in areas with super strong enemies. Overall I'd probably put it on the level of Aeterna Noctis. I wouldn't play it for the story alone, but it still has its merits. Edit: oh and there's a LOT of typos in the text which can sometimes spoil the illusion of disbelief.


If it's less than $15 on sale sure but otherwise no


Are you kidding?????? Afterimage is one of greatest Metroidvanias of all-time. The combat is sensational. Every level is meticulously created with stunning graphics and perfect audio that suits each biome. If this game would have pulled off a better story and had even a little bit off quest tracking for the player it would have been heralded as one of the greats. I still believe it is, regardless. It pounds Hollow Knight into the ground IMO.


I played a few hours of it and just kind of got bored and stopped playing. Usually if I play a game for that many hours, I see it through and finish it... but not this time.


Related question: everything about this game looks right up my alley, except for one thing. With such beautiful pixel art, the main character appearing to just be a blob is kind of a turn off. Does the main get a different shape at all, like does it evolve for lack of a better word, or just stay a small round blob?


I don’t think you’re talking about Afterimage, are you? Renee is never blob-shaped.


No..? No, I am not.... I am totally thinking about Animal Well. It looks like I have gone and made a fool of myself again, as is tradition lol.